HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-02-13, Page 54
Kernels from the Sanctum MiII
Interesting Paragraphs from our (Exchanges.
The elephant s span of life is one Cen-
Some finished orators don't seem to
know when to quit.
If you have Catarrh, rid yourself of this
yeenteive disease. Ask Dr Shoop of
Racine, Wis., to mail you free, a trial
box ot his Dr Shocp's Catarrh Remedy.
A simple, single test, will surely tell yon
s Catarrh truth well worth your know-
ing, Write today. Don't suffer
longer. Suld by all dealers,
Never do any worrying today that
can be put off till to morrow.
The more money a man has the lees
he is williug t'a admit he has.
Berra the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
- of
A large proportion of the piumbago
used in making lead pencils comes from
Ceylon, the exports last year reaching
35,t83 tons,
St, Oatharinee householders suffered
severely from cold, their supply of nat-
ural gas failing on the coldest night of
the winter.
C7 O aC A. e
&an tea Re Kind You Hare Always BeagP
A new London library has a room set
Apart for conversation on literary mat•
A. mother never enjoys a visit away
from home unless she can worry about
the children.
"Thought it meant death srra."-
2trs: James McKim, of Dunnville, Ont.,
pays of her almoet miraculous cure from
beast disease by Dr. Agnew's Cure for.
the Heart: Until I began taking this
xemody I despaired of my life. I had
heart failure and extreme prostration
Due dose gave me quick relief and one
bottle cured me. The sufferings of
years were dispelled like maeic." Sold
by A. L. Hamilton. -8
Human nature is something that once
mnderstood, drives a man into operating
The vital statistics for the month of
January for Stratford are: Births 20.
znarriages 8, deaths 15.
C7 °3'OIFIL 7CA..
Bears the Tho Kind You Have Always Roughl
�tg f tars �tc J�7 •
One can claim a thing with festive
gayety, but having to prove it is most
stupid and boresome.
Accident insurance is compulsory
among the workmen of Holland and
sickness insuranoe voluntary.
Do They Bother You ?
You field life a tnieerable affair be-
cause you have headaobos, but you have
neither nausea nor are you weak—you
know it you could Duly prevent head•
aches you would enjoy perfect health
Snob headaches intiicate a general
lowered conditions, because they arise
front the geueral decay of the nervous
This depressed condition of the ner-
vous system has the ongia in the retitle•
tion of the quality and gnauttty of the
The blood is thin, its red coloring is
reduced—at ooateins no nourishment.
The digestive organs are not supply•
tng it with euflii'.ieut nutritive matter.
The result -nerve weakness, nerve de•
bility, itl.•henith.
It you had used Ferrozene you would
know how powerfully all the digestive
and assimilative funotioue of the body
are elitist -dated,
Ferrozone does mere ---it supplies ell
the elements that are essential to the
rebuilding of the body—eupplies the re•
oonetrnotive forties that contribute to the
formation of rich, red blood
You see, Fern anus doesn't treat a
symptom—it remedies a cause—and
chat's why a month's treatment will
absolutely remove every vestige of re-
ourriug nervous headaches.
Nothing like Ferrceone to boild you
up, to gave the reserve of farce, that
happy health that contritutes eq much
to happiness and contentment.
Ferrozoue will make yon feel like new,
try it—sold by all druggists in 500 besea,
William E Perry, going from Toronto
to Buffalo to secure a pair of artificial
legs, was refused admission into the
United States.
In the House of Lords the Marquis of
Londonderry declared the condition of
Ireland at present to be worse than in
the days of the early eighties.
Doau's Kidney Pills aot on the kid•
imps, bladder and urinary organs only.
They enre backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, iuflam.tion,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
Mr. Andrew Campbell, his daughter-
in-law, and two grandchildren were
burned to death in a fire that destroyed
their dwelling at New Richmond, Que.
Returns to the Board of Bealth, To-
ronto are to the effect that smallpox,
scarlet fever, measles and diphtheria are
more prevalent than they were a year
The essential lung healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been suecessfnlly
separated and refined into a perfect
oouzh medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
Two Years Abed.—"For eight years
3 anffeeed as no one ever did with rhen-
=eaten ; for two years I lay in bed;
could not so much as feed myself. A
friend recommended South American
Rheumatic Onre. After three doses
Icould sit up. Today I am as strong
*s ever I was."—Mrs. John Cook, 287
Minton street, Toronto. Sold by A. L.
Hamilton. -2
On orders from Washington, two
Canadian girls were deported from De-
troit in closed carriage,. This is the
beginning ot a eompaigu to rid Detroit
hospitals of Canadian", and it ire estim-
ated that about 30 per cent, of the help
employed comes from this country,
The following figures tie to immigra-
tion into Canada have been issued to the
Press by tho High Oommissiorter, In
1905, 150,000 arrived iu Canada, of whom
18,000 were British; in 1906, 216,000,
164 000 being British; and in 1907, x80,-
000, 210,000 British,
The inquiry into the affairs of the
Stratford Fuel and Ice Co., before
Judge Barron, to ascertain where the
shareholdere' money went to, was com-
pleted on Ddonday. It will now be for
the liquidator to say what action may
be taken to recover the $28 000 that was
divided between four promoters, and es
to other notions.
A man in a neighboring Township,
who took a city paper in preference to a
Kesel paper because he Rot more paper
for the money, was attracted by the ad-
vertisement of a fire escape whioh would
be forwarded on receipt of $2. He sent
the cash and in a few days received a
copy of the New Testament.
Grippe is sweeping the country, Stop
it with Preventics, beRore it gets deeply
seated. To cheek early calds with these
little Candy Cold Care Tablets is surely
sensible and safe. Preventioe oontain
no Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh
or siekening. Pneuruonin would never
appear if early eolde were promptly
broken. Also good for feverish children.
Large box, 48 tablets, 25 cents Vest
pocket boxes 5 cents. bold by all
Children are the best of witnesses be-
cause they give their evidence in a olear
and simple manner, and they do not en-
large, or express an opinion —Coroner
at Marylebone Court.
Faulty Kidneys.—Have you back-
ache? Do you reel drowsy? Do your
limbs feel heavy? Have you frequent
headaches? Have you fautng va-icu?
Have you dizzy feeling? Are yon oe-
pressed? Is your skin dry? Have you
a tired feeling? Any of these signs
prove kidney disease. Experience has
proved that South American Kidney
Cure never fails. Sold by A. L. Ham-
ilton. -6
Ann Lippatt, aged GS, a widow living
When light colored silk stookings be-
come worn cut out the feet and buy a
pretty tassel to match. Tie neatly at,
the bottom end you have a stocking cap
for a baby.
Herb. Mee, traveller for the Strath-
roy Brewing & Malting Co., was arrest-
ed at Petrolea and committed for trial on
the charge of embezzlement from the
Mr. Lewis of West Huron proposes an
amendment to the crimival node to make
the penalty two years' imprisonment for
any hunter shooting a human being in
mistake for a deer.
Mt. Forest tax roll has been returned
with only $236 uncollected and returned
.Against the properties.
A chain two•and a halt miles long and
weighing 25 tons was recently made in
Nngland for use in a colliery.
moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
icnrbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle.
Warranted the most wonderful Blemish
-Jure ever known. Sold by A . L. Hamil-
It is said that the labor union move-
ment iu this country started in 1803
when the shipwrights organized.
The bill to incorporate the Bank of
Winnipeg was approved by the Commit-
tee on Banking and Commerce at Ottawa.
Catarrh for twenty years and
cured in a few days.—Hon George
James, of Scranton, P. A., says: "I
have ` been a martyr to Catarrh for
twenty years, constant hawking, drop-
ping in the throat and pain in the head,
very offensive breath. I tried Dr. Ag-
new's Catarrhal Powder. The first
application gave instant relief. After
teeing a few bottles I was oared. 50
cents. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.. -1
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
alone at Almonsburg Hill, near Bristol
was found dead in a small tank of water
iu the kitchen. Tied around her neck
was a family Bible weighing 8 pounds.
Stop that tickling Cough! Dr. Shoop's
Cough Care will surely stop it, and with
perfect safety. It is so thoroughly
harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers
to use nothing else even with very
young babies. The wholesome green i of over 10,000 and the others from 5,000
leaves and tender stems of a lung healing to 7,000,
mountainous shrub furnish the curative
properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Oure,
It palms the cough, and heals the sense
tive bronchial membranes. No opium,
no chloroform, nothing harsh used to
injure or suppress. Demand Dr. Shoop's.
Take no other. Sold by all dealers.
A Prized Cough Cure
"I have not been without a bottle of
Coltsfoote Expectorant in the houso for
over nine years. - At that time I procur-
ed it for a bad cold I had. It worked
such wanders then that it has been a
household remedy ever since, and wo
will have no other for coughs and colds
—it is so pleasant to take, and all of
my children look for it as soon as they
get a cold at all. Nearly all of them
have been subject to croup, and that's
when I find Coltsfoote Expectorant nsc-
ful. You are welcome to use this testi-
monial as you wish."
Free Sample of Coltsfoote Expectorant
will be sent to nn;- person sending their
name and address and naming this
paper. It has established a wonderful
record as a successful cure for coughs,
colds, sore throat , croup, whooping
cough, bronchitis and all irritated con-
ditions of the throat and chest. It is
the prescription of a great specialist in
medicine. At all good druggists, 25c.
Dr. T. A. Slocum, T,imab.'d, Toronto,.
Send for Free Sample To -day..
A very flue mouth wash is made by
combining an ounce of tincture of or-
ris root, an ounce of essence of white
rose, an ounce of alcohol and twenty
drops of pepptrgaint. Pour a few
drops in a half glass of water and
rinse the month thcronghlr.
There are in Arueric.a to day doing un-
told goad to the needy over X00 fraternal
beuefieiary Orders, with a combined
membership of over 5.000,000 who are
protected to the extent of more than $7,•
500,000,000 and hav'a distributed benefits
to disabled members amounting to more
than $525,000,000. In 1904 alone they
distributed $55,000,000, or at the rate of
$1,250,000 per week, besides paying over
40,000 death claims last year. Sixty-four
of the above Orders have a membership
A two hundred thousand dollar fare
Is r000rdod on the premises of the P, D.
Dods paint factory in Montreal. The
thermometer registered 20 degrees be-
low zero shortly after the outbreak of
the fire and the firemen suffered severe-
ly from the cold. The men handling
the hoes on the extension laddrra had
frequently to be released from their
positions with axes, being frozen to the
Dr. Jameson, Premier of Cape Col-
ony, has resigned owing to the defeat
of the party at the polls. The Dutch
are now in control at the Cape, as
well as in the Transvaal and Orange
Itching, Burning, Creeping, Craw-
ling Skin Diseases relieved an a few
minutes by Agnew's Ointment. Dr. Ag-
new's Ointment relieves instantly, and
cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head,
Eczema, Ulcers, Blotches, and all Ernie
tions of the Skin. It is soothing and
quieting and sots like magic in all Baby
Humors, Irritation of the Scalp or
Rashes during teething time. 35 cents
a box. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -7
It the windows are hard to move,
melt a tablespoon of lard and pour a
little between the window frame and
basing, and also a little on the roller
and rope. It works like magic. This
is a good thing to knee" when the frames
are swollen from being closed during
rainy weather.
A return tabled in the Commons
shows that since 1896 the aggregate
amount paid by the Federal Govern-
ment in bounties to date was $13,019,273.
Of this amount $3,10S,223 was for pig
iron $108,061 for puddled iron bars, $4,-
459,525 for steel ingots, $1,241,473 for
articles maufactueed from steel, $94,601
for manilla fibre, $742,843 for lead and
$1,204,135 for crude petroleum.
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Bar
ber's Itch and every form of contagions
Itch on human or animals cured in 30
minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion.
It never fails. Sold by A, L. Hamilton,
Peterboro' waterworks system during
1907 yielded the oity a surplus of $7,600,
the largest on record. The total receipts
exceeded $34,000. Tho system now has
2,400 consumers, and has netted a sur-
plus every year since purchased by the
city six years ago, while the rates have
been reduced about forty per Dent. from
lowest charge when the plant was under
private ownership.
The buildings of the Ontario Powder
Company near Tweed were destroyed by
an explosion. Glass in Madoc sixteen
miles away was smashed, and not a
whole window was left in Tweed. The
company's loss is placed at $25,000.
The two hundred Ontario agents of
the Dominion Immigration department
have submitted details of the work
done last year to the House of Com-
mons. 3•, S. Waugh of Chatham placed
628 immigrants, and at the rate of $2 for
each one received $1,256,
I. Good brain food.
2. Excites the functions of the liver.
3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep.
4. Disinfects the mouth.
5. Neutralizes the surplus acids of the
6, Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances,
7. Helps the secretion of the kidneys.
8. Prevents calculus concretions,
9. Obviates indigestion
10, A preventative against diseases er
the throat.
11, Restores all nervous energy and rev
vives the neturelfate,
i2 tfarboird Street, Toronto, Ont.
A modern weapon in the battle
for health.—If disease has taken your
citadel of health, the stomach, and is
torturing yon with indigestion, dyspep-
sia and nervous prostration, South Am-
erican Nervine is the weapon to drive
the enemy from his stronghold "at the
point of the bayonet," trench by trench,
but swift and sure. It always wine.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -4
A young man residing in a neighbor-
ing town recently bought a shirt which
was purchased in the east. Rolled up
inside of it found a note from a young
lady who had worked at it, in which
she said she would be pleased to oorres-
dond with the buyer of the shirt, pro-
vided he was matrimonially inclined.
Of course the nice young man answered
it on a perfumed paper and used his
rosiest language. In a short time he
received an answer stating that the
young lady has been married three years
and has two children. Upon investiga-
tion to find ont why he was too late, it
was explained by the fact that the shirt
had lain on the shelves of the local
dealer for several years. He did not
veneer►rrrvvrtl vvvv!rrmv vvvrerrrvrrrrrrvvrmri ora
hT E FOR Y011 S�,�IE� ��
b �T
Before Stock -Taking, we offer the following goods ' at 1
remarkably low prices in order to reduce our stock. i'
Be sure to see them before purchasing : A
Men's and ladies' Fur Coats, Caps and Gauntlets—at less il
a 1 y
$100 REWARD Niton.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to Dura in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care is the
only positive cure now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a con-
stitutionel treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Onre is taken internally, noting directly
upon the blood and muoous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the foun-
dation of the disease, and giving the
patient strength by building up the con-
stitution and assisting nature an doing
its work. The proprieturs have so much
faith in its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure. Send for list of
Address F. J. CH> NEY & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
tion. '
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousnees, and Dyepepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
A. useful time saver for mothers who
have plenty of mending to do for small
boys and girls is gum tissue. It oan be
placed under thin shops in elbows and
knees,used to patch a rent ins hurry and
gives a etiff background to revers or col-
lars made of soft materials that have
little stiffness of their own.
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
A fly so minute as to be almost in-
visible ran three inches in half a second,
and was calculated to make no less than
540 steps in the time a man could
beatho once. A man with a proportion-
ate agility could run 24 miles in a min-
Abuse of soil is the common practice
of all farmers who do not prosper. If an
account were kept with the Boil by eaoh
owner, crediting the land with what is
removed by the anneal plant foods and
oharRing it with what is giving back,
farming processes would be reduced to
maintaing proper soil conditions, and
the books would short what has been
done to destroy or build up.—lion.
James Wiieon,Seeretary for Agriculture,
Dyspepsia, Boils,
Loss of Appetite,
Salt Rheum,
and all troubles
arising from the
Stomach, Liver,
Bowels or Blood.
1 wish that I might talk with all sink
ones about the actual causetof Stomach,
Heart and kidney ailments. To explain
in person how weak Stomach and nerves
leads to Stomach weakness, .I am sure
would interest all. And it is the same
with weak Hearts or weak kidneys.
This is why my prescription—Dr. Shoop's
Restorative—so promptly reaches ail-
ments of the Stomach, Heart and Kid-
neys. It is wrong to drug the Stomach
or stimulate the Heart or Kidneys.
These weak inside nerves simply need
more strength. My Restorative is the
only prescription made expressly for
these nerves. Next to seeing you person-
ally, will be to mail you free, my new
booklet entitled, "What To Do". I will
also send samples of my Restorative as
well. Write for the book to -day. It
will surely interest you. Address Dr.
Shoop, Box 8, Ranine, Wis. Sold by all
than cost,
27 only Fur Muffs, regular 5.00 to 12,00, for $3,00.
5.1 32 pieces Dress Goods, ranging from 20e to 1.00, positively to
be cleared out at 50 cents on the dollar.
} A splendid chance to secure girls' school dresses. 41
largo assortment of Flannellettes, from 5e to 17e per yard— 4
—loss than wholesale price today.
Also a nice line of Fancy Wrapperettes.
30 Ladies' Cloth Short Jackets, beautiful material, $2,00 eaeh. 1,
►� Heavy Canadian Table Linen, 66 -in., regular 603 for
P'' 70•in. wide, regular 90e for 75e—all pure linen.
All -Wool and Union Sheeting. double and single fold.
While L. H Dampier manager of the
Bank of Commerce at Strathroy, was
absent from home, the water in the
pipes which led to the bathroom had
frozen, and on his return he lighted
the coal range in the kitohen to thaw
them out. Mr. Dampier was waiting
for the fire to burn when suddenly there
was • a tremendous explosion, and the
stove was blown to pieces, The plaster
was blown off the walls, and the stove
lids went through the oeiling, but Mr.
Dampier escaped entirely unhurt.
Mrs. A. Lethangue,
of B allydufc,Ont
writes: "I believe I
would have been in
my grave long ago
had it not been for
Burdock Blood Bib
�Y 6
lora. I A run down
to such an extent
that I could searre-
1y move about the
house. I was subject
to revere headache,
b-tekaehes and dizzi-
ness; my appetite
Was gene and I Was
unable to do my
housework. After
using two bottles of
13.11.13. I found my
health fully reetoree..
it'rto en tired . od
Morn oat Iroxace."
Quick ease for the worst cough—quick
relief to the heaviest cold—and SAFE
to take, even for a child. d•'137rf'3i
'That is Shiloh's Cure. `iii;
Sold under a guarantee Coughs
to cure colds and troughs & Colds
quicker than any other
medicine—or your money back. 34years
of success commend Shiloh's Cure. 25c.,
5,0c., $1. 316
Turpentine and soap will remove
ink stains from muslin.
A few drops added to the water in
which clothes are 1 oiled will whiten
It will exterminate, cookroachee if
sprinkled in their haunts.
Moths will leave it it is sprinkled
about as they dislike it.
Pitch, wheel 'grease, and tar stains
can be quickly removed If the spot is first
covered with lard, then soaked with
turpentine. Serape of the looee surface
dirt, sponge clean with turpentine and
rub gently till dry.
Yarns—single, 2 ply and 3-ply—best home
Mena' and Boys' Ready-made Clothing,
and Shoes—must get out.
Underwear, Boots
Also Cardigan Jackets, good heavy quality.
Boys' Sweaters.
50e ;
a. Our Groceries are fresh and reliable. 3 lbs choice Raisins 25e, 4
941, Extra choice Recleaned Currants, in 1 -lb packages, 10e. Jelly 1
t Powder, 5c or 6 for 25c. Tomatoes, 10e can ; and all other lines at 'A.
s 1equally low prices.
t. f
® FOR PRODUCE. `T'. A. �'' jI l••a-�LS• 4
The installing of an eleotrio plant at
the Sarnia tunnel on the G. T. R. begun
about five years ago has been completed
and the first train propelled by elecirio
power passed through the tunnel last
week. It is expected that the instal-
lation of electricit$• will remove all
element of danger from the operation
of the tunnel. The danger of suffocation
from gas fumes from the engines was
always great, with steam locomotives,
and several deaths have oocnred from
this Dense despite every effort to provide
adequate ventilation.
•♦or♦•o♦44**As♦A♦♦•♦•s♦•• ••♦••♦41♦♦••sr••os♦♦rrr•♦♦4
• •;
♦ *
♦ if a man oan write a better book, preach a better sermon •,
♦ or make a better •
moose -trap than his neighbor, though he 44
• build Ms house in the woods, the world will make a beaten of
♦ path to hie door.—Emerton. 0 :;
♦ e
• •
• Get on the path to the door of the '• .
O 47
.• 1
•Tires Printing Office•
• ♦V
2• Where mouse traps are not made but
• --where-4.1
•• 401
♦ z
sGood. Printing i
♦ •
Cured her Cr uo p
The first indication of croup usually comes
about midnight, when the Child is suddenly
awakened by a patoxysm of suffocation and a
dry, harsh, by.
There is no time to call a doctor rind to
prevent suffocation, the spasm must be broken
up at once and the false mucus removed by
use of an emetic, or tickling the throat with
the finger until vomiting is caused.
A few drops of turpentine on a woollen
cloth cleans tan shoes very nicely.
Clean gilt framed with It sponge mois-
tened with turpenline.
Carpets can be cleaned and the
color restored by going over 000asionally
with a broom dipped into warm water
in which hat been added a little tarpon.
Dr. Chase's Syrup of
Linseed and Turpentine
should then he given every hour or two to
prevent the return of the trouble with greater
Chases Syrup of
By Turpentine, theo
Linseed andg
loose the inflammation ss reduced and the
croup is entirety cured.
Mrs. F. W. Bond, 20 Macdonald Street,
Barrie, Ont., says:
"My little" girl had been subject to the
croup for a long time and 1 found nothing to •.
cure it until 1 gave Dr. Chases Syrup of L6..
seed and Turpentine. I cannot speak ioe
6iahly of ii+" ib.•••si _ . :
Is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printing is done cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
or by calling up 'Phone 4.