HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-02-13, Page 4Winter Underwear
at Quick SeIIiug Prices
Our Underwear has pleased many a customer this seaso n,
it will please you too.
Men's All -Wool Unshrinkable Underwear, elastic knit, reg-
ular $1.25 a garment, clearing price 87?; cents.
Men's Fleece lined and Union Underwear, 75 cent lines • for
60 cents and 50 cent lines for 40 cents.
Boys' Wool and Fleece•Lined Underwear, in sizes up to 30,
regular 30c to 50c a garment, to clear at 25c.
McGee & ampbell +w
LeaallnaaMialMalana====5125123 e wee t
The snow storm of the past week
piled some of the roads fence high and
public travel was nearly at a standstill
for several days.
We are pleased to notice that Walter
H. Broadfoot, 5th line, was awarded 3rd
prize by the Farmer's Advocate for an
essay in "The Horsemen's Experience
Competition," There were 20 oompeti-
and hopethie example will ba tfollo we d
by many other young men of the town-
ship. The essays are being published
in the Advocate.
The Manitoba AttornsyGeneral has
authorized prosecutions in 233 oases of
alleged violation of the Lard's Day act
at Winnipeg.
The 0. P. R, has declared the naval
tors in all. The awards were $15, $10 dividends for the half-year, and planed
large orders for steel rails with the Sao
and $5. We congratulate Mr. Broadfoot and D.lminioa Steel C0mpeuies
Great SiSALE
Nov on at D. M. Gordon's
The following lines are all to be cleared out at a reduction of twenty-
five conte off every dollar. Think what this means where goods are
now marked very close:—You get a dollar's worth for 750 and so
on up to $100.00 for $75.00. Namely:—
Men's and Women's Fur Coats,
All sizes and descriptions of Furs from the most
expensive to the cheapest.
Women's Cloth Coats, all this season's
Men's, Youths and Boys Overcoats.
All lines and sizes of Ready -to -Wear Clothing for
Men, Youths and Boys.
For other very tempting lines and prices see oar windows and
bargain counters.
1, 11
II lit
.... ..f.
AKA .Nu.u..u•.
This is something that will interest you: Having bought
Mr. Hill's interest in the Maxwell & Hill Me ant Tail-
oring and Men's Furnishings Business, I wi continue the
business ander the old name of Robt. Ma ell.
The business is much larger than former , having great.
ly extended the Merchant Tailorin Department and
added a large and select stook of
In Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Underwear, Neckwear,
Gloves, Sweaters, Hose, Mufflers, Scarfs, Fancy Vests,
Pants, Overalls, etc., eto.
11That having a large stook of these goods on hand, I will
sell these lines, and espeoially winter goods, at prices that
will make you wonder how and where we got them. Bat G1
yon may rest assured they are
In all the bargain sales of the past year in this town,
there were none like unto these. But remember, there is
a limited time
1.11 THE THE 13 UNTIL. ! HE 29 OF FEB
Co =•'1,1
N1. tN�
Do not put off until the 1st of March ooming for these
bargains—you will be too )ate, they will be all_ gone.
Come early to make sere of getting what you want.
If I should tell you that if you would pall at my store T
would give you $1.00 I believe you would make haste to
get here.
I may mean that or much more, according to your
Yours very truly
� �
Merchant Tailor and Men's Furnishings.
9 4
M1 ,i
f 1',
- p g IIIp�6.t.. illli���lt,.�ll� 3i
s.faia vt..1�..�.
01A311ESTo WN,
Mrs, Alex,, Forrest is away to Moore-
field on a visit with Mrs, Walter Innes.
David Breckenridge, sr,, has been on
the sick list but is oonsiderably imrsrov
An Oyster Supper will be held on
Tuesday, 18th inst., in Victoria Hall the
proceeds to go to the Hall (node, A
musical and literary program will be
supplied after the palate has been tickled
by the !argot and best bivalves proonr-
able. Rev., L. Perrin will preside as
Some day the C. P. R. branch that is
to run to Listowel from Linwood may
be continued to Wroxeter via Moles-
Wes Armstrong, of Peterboro', is here.
on a visit at his parental home, 10th
con. He is a son of James and Mre.
Arch. Hislop, M,P,P., is away to Tor-
onto attending to his duties in conneo -
tion with the Legislature whin i opened
on Wednesday.
Dog two will be reverted to once
more in this township and the Assessor
will take stook of your oanines when he
makes his annual rounds this time.
Oliver Turnbull is back from the
Agricultural College, Gaalph, where
he took the Sh9rt Course in stook
judging, &o. He says there was a
great crowd and an inetrnotive time.
Is Your Back Weak?
When the back drags and aches, feels
lame over the spine,—when there is in-
digestion, headache and constant oaIl to
make water, beware of sick kidneys. If
neglected, this condition develops weak -
nese and soon you'll be unable to work.
The one remedy yon can rely on is Dr,
Hamilton's Pills. Every symptom of
disordered kidneys they cure by remov-
ing the oanse,'' You improve immediate-
ly, day by day you will experience
benefit from Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Beat
for the kidneys, livor and stomaoh.
Sold by all dealers.
rs- --
At a meeting of Brussels Public
Library Board, J. H. Cameron was re-
elected chairman for 1908 and W. J,
Fawcett, Secretary -Treasurer. Ways
and means were considered for finano-
ing.the institution for the year.
A canvas of the town was made by
B, Garry and M. H. Moore in `the in-
terests of the proposed sate, ration of th e
next 12th of July in Brussels. The re -
spouse was very favorable and other
names will likely be added so as to pat
the Coinmittee on Easy street if it is de-
cided to celebrate here•
Philip Ament's employees have shifted
there scene of bush labor from Morris
township to the 17th of Grey where the
proprietor has several hundred aures act-
jacent to McNaught station. A cook pro-
vides the necessary hill of fare as it is
too far to return each night to Brussels.
Don't neglect your cough.
Statistics show that in New York City
alone over 200 people die every week from
And most of these consumptives might.
be living now if they had not neglected the
warning cough.
You know how quickly Scott's
Emulator: enables you to throw off a 0
cough or cold.
ES Lywa
Dr. G. E. Long left on Monday after-
noon to drive to Wingbam hut had to
return after getting peat Belgrave on
account of the roads. He was trying to
leo to his home at Listowel to attend
the golden wedding anniversary of his
mother and father.
John Denholm ehipped his show team
of beavy draught horses weighing 3600
pounds to London, for Mr. Strachan, of
British Colorable, who will take them
went. Mr. Denholm reoeived a fanny
price for them. At six fairs last fall
they took 4 first prizes, 1. second and
1 third,
The directors oft the public library
met and elected the following officers
for the year:—President, Dr. Long;
Treasurer, D. B McKinnon; Secretary,
A. W. Robinson; book committee, Dr.
Charlesworth, J. Stalker, G. M. Cham-
bers, Rev. J. L. Small, President and
This Combination Always Wins.
How often we hear of people who have
had an aching joint or musole for yeara.
No more -speedy remedy can be adopted
than to rub on Nerviline and then apply
a Nerviline Porous Plaster. At once
the muscles begin to resume their wont-
ed vigor and flexibility, Inflammatory
symptoms and pain disappear. Nerviline
Plasters can be worn by the most delicate
ohild or aged person. They are invalu-
able as thousands have proved. Used
along with Nerviline they are guaran-
teed to permanently drive out any mus-
cular ache, pain or stiffness. Try.theae
remedies, and judge for yourself. 25o
at all dealers, or N. C. Polson & Co.,
Kingston, Ont.
Mrs. J. Pattison, of the 15th con. has
boon seriously ill for some days. Her
friends hope to hear of her early re-
Mr. and Mrs. Will Thorn, of Auburn
are visiting with friends on the boun-
Miss Clara Graham of Lambton is
visiting her cousin, Harry McKee of the
16th con,
Geo. T. Robertson has recovered and
is able to be around again.
Next Sunday the Communion will be
held in Galvin Church at the close of
the afternoon service.
P. cellar SVeatness In Wotneu.
Many vromcu suffer untold torture
from nervous debility anoints from dis-
orders of the feminine organs. Day by
day they grow worse. A false souse of
modesty prevents them axing a good
remedy like Ft-rrozlne,—and it would
cure there. Last nerve forma is brau,;ht
baok—new vital energy is supplied—ir-
regularities disappear. Fetrozone does
restore weak pale women. For those
who suffer and find work hard to bear
nothing supplies the health and vitality
t'aat Ferroznne so surely brings. Guar-
anteed free from alcohol and sure to
cure, 50a. at all dealers.
wxr rrECHur o rl.
The home of Mrs. Tempe Mt.Clene-
ghau was the rcene of au EXtromely
joyous and pleasant event on Wednes-
day evening of last week, when her
daughter, Miss Addie, became the wife
of Mr. John R358, eon of the late John
Rose, of Kinloss. Shortly after six
o'clock the charming couple, the bride
leaning on the arm of her brother
Robert, took t lair place before a bank
of flowers, to the strains of Mendel-
sohn's • wedding march, rendered by
Mies Anna Barbour. Tho ceremony
was performed by Rev. W. A. Finlay.
After congratulations, the company
prooeeded to the dining hall, which was
magnificently decorated with evergreens
and streamers, where a sumptuous wed-
ding dinner was served. The bride was
beautifully attired in white silk and
wore the customary tulle veil and car-
ried a baguet of roses, while lillies of the
valley adorned her hair, The many
magnificent and costly presents testify
to the esteem in whish the bride ie held
The groom m is a prosperous Kos areae
farmer near
a e
Carivaie, Sask., and there the happy
couple will make their home about the
let of March. We jain with hosts of
friends in wishing them bon voyage on
the journey of life.
Mr. Herbert Woods of Toronto is
spending a few days at his home itt this
Miss Mary Rutherford is visiting
friends on the 9th, con.
Mr. Belot. Smith lost a valuable horse
last week. -
Calvin Ohnroh here hold a congrega-
tional meeting and appointed four dele-
gates to attend the Presbytery at Wing.
ham on Tnesday.
Mr. Thos. Salkeld of Goderioh is visit-
ing at the home of Mre. R. K. Miller.
Owing to the stormy weather and bad
route there was ne school here last
It would be a good thing if a debating
society could be started here. It would
be an indnoement for e one or the people
y B p
to study' and in taking part they would
haste praotioe in expreabing themselves.
On a platform which would certainly be
metal to many, if not all, in after lifer
Minutes of council meeting held in the
Clerk's Office, Blnevale, Monday. Feb.
Members of oottncil all present, tae
Reeve in the chair. Miuutts cf lett
meeting were read and adopted on mo-
tion of Messrs. Moffatt and Kelly.
The Auditors' Rrportin printed form
was laid before the council for final
Moved by Mr. Moffatt, eecoaded by
Established rS79
Whooping Cough, Croup, t Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Qlphtheria
Crtsolcne is a boon to Acthenatico
Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the breathing; arses
than to take the remedy into the stomach?
It cures because the air rendered strongly an'i-
septic is carried over, the diseased snrm ee tvtih
every breath, visa prolonged nod constant treat-
mens. It is tnvalunble to mothers ut.h small
children. ^r.
Those ofaconsumptive
tendencyfind immediate •.�d Od „w
relief frm toughs or in -
fl tined
n-Iltmed conditions of the
Sold by druggists.
Send pstal
for booklet.
let �+
LNEbt1N/:, Mitre
Limited, Agents, iiont-
real Canada. Seo
Mr. Kelly, that the auditors' report be
adopted as printed.—Uarried.
The Clerk was instructed to ask for
tenders for Township printing from the
Wing'bam Times and Advance, tenders
to frame slump eum for the year's print-
All parties wishing changes in Path -
masters should send notice to sense
member of council before next meeting.
The following acoennts were pacified
and orders on Treasurer lashed: —Robt.
Black, audit, $10; Alex. McEwen, audit,
$10; Wingleam Times, printing, $6; John
Musgrove, attending audit, $3,
Unveil by Mr. golly, seconded by Car.
Rutherford, that this meeting do now
adjourn to meet in the Clerk's cfllce,
Blnevale, Monday, April 6th, at 10
o'clock a. m.
Sir Harry MacLean, Commander of
the Body Guard of the Sultan of
Morocco, who had been prisoner in
the hands of - the bandit Raisnli for
seven m' nths, was released lest wei k
on payment of $100,000 by the Br.t sh
Government. MacLean is a soldier of
fortune. }Lewes at one time an officer
fa the British army stationed at Gibral-
tar, but afterwards tock service 'n
Morocco and became practically the
Commander -in Chief of the forces of
the Sultan.
Alen and Women of Ontario
is for......
The Great Provincial Charity, The
Hospital for Sick Children,
Calls On You For Aid.
'Remember that this Hospital is not a
local institution, but Provincial.
It cares for every
sick child in the
Province of Ont-
ario whose parents
cannot afford to
pay for treatment.
Busy dollars are
better that, idle
tears. The sym-
pathy that Weeps
is good, but the
the sympathy that
Last year there were 1093 patients ad-
mitted. Of these 378 came from 2.51 places
outside of Toronto—all were children of
poor people who could not afford to pay for
treatment of their little ones.
Each child was in the Hospital 471 days
at a cost of
$1.31 each
per day, or
$92.2.3 f o r
the 471 days
If your
dollar ct.ul.cl
the feet of
a little boy MASSAGE:
or girl with club feet, you would gladly
give it, and your dollar will do that.
There aero 79 eases of club feet treated
ntwoiw. AFTER.
/ist year. Cent of the 79, about 50 were
from tho country.
If yon knew of any child in your cottuty
who is sick or has club feet, and whose
parents can not ai)'imd to -
pay, send the name to the
Hospital Secretory.
The stock books are
open. Won't you let
the Hospital errite your
name rlown for e few
'•'-- s in heaven's own
1. ...rk of healing little
A great mine of Mercy
—the mining stool: that
always pays dividends --
is bought with the money
that helps The Hospital
for Sick Children to ex-
tract the Gold of Life
froth the Quartz of
Please send contributions to J. foss
Robertson, Chairman; or to Douglas David-
Street, Torof the onto. ital for Sick
Idren, Co
yard=s Dig Clean Sweep
Sale Goes on Another
Ten Days, }riding
Monday, Feb. 24
Owing to unfavorable weather and impassable roads,
our country customers and. friends have
not been able to attend this r . t 3Qney-
Saving Sale. We are • ding another
N 1 N
so that those living in the country may take advantage
of this Big Sale and share in the Bargainsas well as our townspeople.
The I Ig
traain List
advertised during the last two weeks, will be carried out
to the letter. It will pay you to make a
trip to this store from any distance.
Our January Shoe -Fay Sale cleared our shelves of a
lot of gond Footwear, and our customers were wall
pleased with the values. We still have a Targe stock
of winter wear for men, woolen, boys and girls,
which positively mnst go, and we'll make the price
so low that it's bound to move 'em.
R. JOHNSTON - Shoe Dealer
• vn�+ n-ske!4�n::�s• � . r..... rJ:C'•, gin^I. "'A *-I 4,kot, K . n . ........� .
A fire destroying the Ogilvie elevator
at Winklow, Man., caused a loss in grain
and building, of nearly $15,000. I tsar -
mice fully covered the amount.
The main building of the wool stook
mills of B. Leckie and Co , Stratford,
was totally destroyed by fire. The
loss is $2,500, with insurance of $300.
The Allan liner Siberian arrived at
Halifax on Wednesday, being four days
late. They report the trip of fourteen
days across the Atlantic ata terriuo o.ee.
Lost Fl:s Voice Entirely.
Mr. J H. Woods, of Paint Rook,
Oneida N. Y., had a hard ex eerience.
"A bad Attack of Catarrh settled in my
forehead and the pain over my eyes was
so ireense I thought my head would
burst " My voids grew very hoarse and
I coughed every night, and through the
winter could scarcely speak. My voice
was gone. Two doctors didn't help me
at all. The next doctor ordered Ca-
tarrhozono." It ollred me and how
many others here use it also. My doctor
says he doesn't know anything eo good
for Catarrh and Throat Trouble as "Oa•
terrhozone," Use it to dev, you're
better to -morrow, 25c. and $[ 00 at all
dealers. Try Oatarrbozme.
John Lee, a seventeen-year•old boy 1
from Chatham, is at the Emergency
Hospital, Buffalo, with his feat so badly
frozen that it is feared amputation will
be nennssary. He left his home in
Chatham with another boy, and the two
bane been trying to reach R3ohester
riding on freight trains.
Clarence W. Mattie, an eighteen -
year old lad of St. Thomas, owes hie
collie de The bb driv-
ingto a g. y was dri
ing when his hands became frozen
and he lost control of the horee, fall -
lug from the cutter. The bar
the dog attracted attention to the spot
in time to save hire from freezing to
Joseph Lehmann of Prtston was froz-
en to death while walking from Guelph
tc visit his wife, a distance of nine
f OPEl
Winter Term in alt departments of
the Central Business College, To-
ronto, otters ,plendtd chances for
spending a few months pleasantly
and profitably.
Twenty-five teachers. Catalogue
free. WVrite for it. W. H. Shaw.
Principal; 1•;. R. Shaw, Secretary,
Yonge and Gerrard Ste., Toronto.
/idige 111
Into the merits of tho
It is the most sueceeeful business
t alpine school in Western Ontario.
Our Clommercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphic Departments are in the
charge of able inetruotors of tomer.
lanae. All our courses are therongh,
op -to date and praetioal. Wo have -
beeomd one of the largest business
training' echoola in the province bier
our free catalogue and leatn what we
are doing. Camtnerctal schools an
well ns business men employ sax•
graduates. Students are entering
each week. Enter now.