HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-01-30, Page 8THE. WINCHAIV1. TIM
VOL XXXVIL--NO. 1.819..
Toilet Soaps
From 5c to 75c per Gake.
Honey Soap
10c Gake, 3 for 25c.
regular 15c value
Walton McKibbon
Macdonald Block, Wingham. •
of wide experience, broad scholarship
and untiring energy, employed by tie
have built up a curriculum unsurpasseri
in Canada for thoroughness, system and
actual business procedure.
THREE COURSES—Telegraphy, Sten-
ography and Commercial.
Enter any time. Individual instruc-
tion. Graduates assisted to positions,
No vacation.
kNa Courses in Languages, Book-
a postal foramorn ationabout
Canada's Greatest Chain et High-
grade Business Colleges.
WINGi11M .
A. A. HIBRER, M,B.., Ph.D.,
Vice Principal.
GEO. S'eoTToN, - Prinoipal.
{ Our Fore t Wealth.
ry _ Three hundred .. Ilion, acres is the
latest estimate of t • : forest area of Can-
ada. This was giv •n reoently by Dr.
B. E. Fernow. dean of the faculty of
forestry in the Uni'orsity of Toronto,
who was for years . -ad of the forestry
work in the United .tates, as one of the
beat authorities on orestry and timber
on this continent. This estimate is said
to be only about o.: -half of the com-
mercial forest area .f the United States,
and if correct is ra i er upsetting to the
boast of inexhanst3l forest wealth of
which we have • :ard so much, Dr.
pknow, however may be somewhat
pessimistic, and a:: 'net his estimate is
• that of Mr. R. .. Campbell, superin-
tendent of forest r for the Dominion
government, who calonlated the forest
area of the Demi . on as about 535,000,-
000 acres, divided as follows:
British Oolnmbi: 182 million acres.
Manitoba, Saskat hewan and Alb erta,
and nnorgan zed territories, 180
million acres,
Ontario, 40 millio • acres.
Qnebeo, 120 milli. • acres.
Quebec, 7etc milli ••• acres.
Nova Scotia, 5 mi lion sores.
Either estimate a sufficiently low to
point to the need .f a vigorous forestry
policy, with a vie to the conservation
of our timber we ; th.
Think It Over
It itn't the cheapest goods that save you
money. They never give satisfaction, and
then there's TEM ItISIC you run by the use
Foods are what we offer, and you will find
fit the end, that BUYING 'FITC BPIST
Is True Economy!
tend along your tiroeery orders.
Houry Christie
Wear Clreer'a Sboee and Rubbers
Important to S
Our mailing list ha
cording to subsoriptio
February 6th. Look
label on this issue. It
Jany. 00, would you
amount due? The sur
a year payable in adv
subscribers $L50. L+
all in arrears,
been eevieed ao-
s received up to
at your address
it does not read,
indly remit the
oription is $1 00
oe. To United
us hear from
WANTED. -1000 rat skies, and all other
kinds raw furs. Gno. E. KING.
Reduced Colo 1st Rates.
Commencing Feb. th and continuing
daily until April 29t inclusive, one way
colonist tickets will be on sale to the
lolkwiugpoints:— anoonver, Victoria,
Seattle, Portland, Booms, Spokane,
San Francisco, Los ngeles, San Diego
and Mexico City. 11 information may
be obtained from ny Grand Trunk
Ticket agent or writ to J.D. MoDonald,
D. P. A., Toronto,
WE'LL MEND 'Ens—If your shoes need
a neatpatoh, half sole, or want repairing
in any way-hring them here.
A meeting of t
Wingham Board o
will be held in t
next Tuesday eve
advisability of es
faotory in Wing
recently sent a le
on this matter is
and .give inform
All citizens are r
e members of the
Trade and citizens
e Council Chamber
ing to oonaider the
Wishing a canning
m. The party who
er to the Town Clerk
quested to be present
tion on the matter.
nested to attend this
GIRLS WANTED—For work•on power
sewing machines in knitting mill or on
day work. Clean, steady work and
good wages. Apply to The Watson
Mfg. Uo Limited, Paris, Out,
Local Op
Returns prepar
licensing departm
recent local option
was carried in 31 p
three-fifths majorii
ities local option re
the total votes ca
oome operative b+
was under therequi
by-law was defeate�
planes, but in the se
the electors voted
to revert to the old
in every case e:
on Figures.
d by the Provincial
nt show that in the
campaign the by-law
`aces by the required
. In 27 mnnicipal-
eived a majority of
1, but failed to be•
ansa the majority
ite three-fifths. The
outright in 27 other
en instances where
n repeal the effort
rder of things failed
Dept one—that of
Dr, Ovens. Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will bettat
Mo$ibbon's drug store, Monday, Feb.
24. Hours: 12 a.m. to8p. m. Glasses
properly fitted.
Change in Ta'
The firm of M
and dealers in
been dissolved an
will continue th
stand. Mr. Hill h
good health for so
to retire from bust
to learn that he
town. Mr. Maxw
nese for a numbe
always given goo
ouetomers. The T
tinned success. M
special bargains u
month, Read h
another column,
oring Business.
well ds Hill, tailors
tits' furnishing has
Mr. Robert Maxwell
business in the old
e not been enjoying
e time and deoided
ese. We are pleased
ntends remaining in
11 has been in bnsi-
of years and has
satisfactson to his
s wishes him con-
. Maxwell is offering
til the end of this
annotinpement in
Fon SALE. -Having disposed of my
grocery and crockery stook, I now offer
my residence for tale; corner John street
and Carling Terrace. Solid brink, two.
story, ten rooms. One lot of two. Fine
locality. C. N. GItIFF1N.
Farmers' Institute Meetings.
Huron Partnere'
at the following p1
eetinga of the West
natitute wilI.• be held
St. Augustine (soh •oi home)—Feb. 17th
Dungannon (Elliot 's hall)-- " 18th
St. Helene (Mochao'e xnatitute)
Feb. 19th
There will be ,wo sessions at each
place, one at 1 o'o . alt in the afternoon
and one at 7.80 in he evening. There
will also be a se • . ate session in the
afternoon at +sash laoe for ladies. In
the evening the lael will join in the
general meeting,
OtitantNci Batt of all '`VV•znran DRitss
Glooba,Fume, Semites, Atnn's Ovint.
0O.&t$, Z'rO, G20, E, Kn e.
Providing for the
missioners ter
Electric Ligh
Mayor Holmes,
Connoillore Gregor
and Spotton wer
jonrned meeting
on Monday even'
explained that on 1
there appeared t
the time of eleoti
for the Waterwor
departments. U
the town solicit
S. C., it was foun
of the by-law at th
be quite regular, an
motion of Reeve I
Nicholson, to have
without naming
nomination and ale
held in the same m
It was decided to
at 'the town pump 1
After some disc
expenditure of the
good roads appro
adjourned until
Election of Com-
aterworks and
Reeve Irwin, and
, Nicholson, Hanna
present at the ad.
the Town Commit
g.l Clerk Ferguson
eking up the Statutes
be some doubt as to
bf Commissioners,
dud Electric Light
it conferring with
, Dudley Holmes,
that the submission
present time would
it was deoided, on
in and Oonnoillor
e by-law prepared
he commissioners.
tion of these to be
nner as munioipal
uroliase the trough
om D, Lougheed,
salon regarding the
wn's proportion of
riation, the council
riday evening at 8
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Felts' butcher shoo.
A Story of
The TIMES will n
the publication of a 1
entitled "The Mara
Burton E. Stevenson
an excellent story f
best authors.
xt week commence
tory of Manhattan,
hon Mystery" by
'ibis is said to be
m one of the very
While walking
Saturday afternc
Howson was at
Oollie dog. The
ooat and left teeth
arms. It is too b
kind are allowed
town dud whore o
the animals are viol
to put them in a pia
roam the streets.
us Dogs.
own John street on
11 last, Rev. W. G.
cited by a vicious
g tore Mr. Howson's
arks in one of his
d that dogs of this
to roam aboutthe
era of dogs `know
e it would be well
e so they could not
Hockey Fr
Arrangements ha
hockey matob on Fr
weak between the
School and the
Game will be called
and skating from 8
The Citizens' Band w
and the entire procee
the Wingham hoc
person ahould attend
hockey olub's balan
of the ledger. Ad
ay Night.
been made for a
day evening of this
eam of the High
Ingham Juniors.
7 30 o'clock sharp
5 to 10 o'clock,
11 be in attendance
s will go in aid of
ey olub. Every
nd help place the
e on the right side
lesion 10e and 15o.
February 23r
Sunday in all t
A representativ
Christian Aeeoo
pulpits of the var
and evening and
the Y. M. 0. A.
mass meeting for
in the Town Hall t
work of this socia
are being held uncle
Provincial Y. M. 0
Quebeo. Failier
given in our next las
en's Sunday.
will be young men's
e Wingham Churches.
of the Young Men's
tion will occupy the
ous churches morning
peak on the work of
In the afternoon a
en only will be held
further explain the
y. These meetings
the auspices of the
A. of Ontario and
articnlars will be
Death of Geor
'Word was reoeive
f the death at La
January 31st, of Mr.
former well. know
am. Deceased w
and had been ill onl
neumonia, Mr.
Wingham a numb
was one of the gent
n establishing the
cry in this tow
interest in the U
menced maintain
he frame part of
the Walker 8o Oleg
imaged in the ret.
f Listowel and so
o New Ontario, s
1 which place he
aster. Ile was
aharaoter and was
and his many old i
orry to' learn of
avish was a oharte
Msitland, Canadian
having joined the
er, 1679 and con
he local Court up
Bath. Deoeaeed
W. H. Green pt the
d by his widow ► .
The bereaved will
fa any old friend'
e McTavish.
dlin town last week
Ilee, Ontario, on
George McTavish,
resident of Wang.
in hie 57th year
a short time with
oTavisli Dame to
✓ of years ago and
emen who etiolated
nion furniture faon
After selling his
on faotory he com-
rieg furniture in
hat is now called
faotory. Later he
furniture business
e years ago moved
ding at La 'Vallee
as appointed post-
e man of sterling
held in high esteem
lends here will be
is death. Mr, Mo•
member of Court
rder of Forestere,
der here in Ai'ovem-
nned a member of
O the time of hie
b brother of Mrs.
town and is inrviv.
family of children.
ve the synspathy of
The Presbytery of 1<faitland met in
Wingbam on. Tuesday) Olerk'e report
of the meeting will a pear in our next
Rev. E. G. Powell ha received a un-
animone invitation to relmazn as pastor
of the Brossele Meahorist Church for
the third year.
The Rev. W. G. Howson preaohes the
annual Missionary Ser P• ons in Exeter,
next Sunday; and b: = been specially
requested to speak o , "Dp missions
' Next Sanctity, the ' :v. A. H. Going,
B. A., of Exeter, is e peoted to preach
in the Methodist Chu .h, morning and
evening. It is the Edu ational Anniver-
eery. Be sure and hea Mr. Going,.
The Sacrament of 1
was administered at
Church last Sunday,
and evening aervioes,
W. G. Howson, oifioi
mons wereappropriate
subject of the eveni
Cross." Sixteen now
received into feilowahi
e. Lord's Supper
the Methodist
t both morning
he pastor, Rev.
ting, The Ber-
nd helpful, the
g being "The
members were
with the chnroh.
rush for Bargains at
SALE that they were a
Saturday. They wi
salespeople nett Sat
customers will be wa
So great as the
or HELP last
e still more
rday so that all
ted on. r,•
Death of M
The death 000arr
last week at the
Leary of Eleoia
late John Kinoai
Deceased lady had
a resident of Wing
high esteem. by
1aneraltook place
to the Wingham c
s. Kincaid.
on Wednesday of
ome of Mr. Benj.
incaid, relict of the
in her 82nd year,
or many years been
am and was held in
many friends. The
n Monday afternoon
SHOE VAl. Un—You get better valve in
shoes at Gil ler's than elsewhere. Be-
sides we sear all ripe free, of charge in
shoes bough, of us, W. J. GREER.
Big Cel ebrati
The Orangemen
deoided to oefeb
Boyne at Gode
pretty county to
Orangemen of G
well in hand.
the event a mons
Orange oelebrati
healthiest town i
the assistance of
With the G. T.
intersections, an
0. P. R. from G
improved boat s
tion of charter
"Greyhound," o
from Detroit, an
passenger list
Bend, where the
feet of water,
thousands of v
being arranged
ments will be
A. M. Todd, t
Ston, aesistant
Thomas E. Bur
at Goderich pr
most snooeseful
town in Wester
n in Goderich.
1 South Huron have
e the Battle of the
li, the famous and
of Huron, and the
erioh have the matter
ey propose to make
r, up-to-date, old-time
, in the prettiest and
Canada, and will have
the citizens generally.
and its convenient
the opening of the
elph, as well as a much
rvice, and the expecte-
ng the steel steamer
the White Star Line,
a guarantee,of a good
water from Grand
e is a dock and fourteen
here should be many
sitore. Every detail is
and further announoe-
ade. The chairman is
e secretary M. 0. John-
orne C. Todd, treasurer
owe. The 13th of July
mises to be one of the
ever held in any city or
Where the
Some apple d
by this year's t
ing to the Can
their losses up
the Dominion
tore. They say
crop shortage w
an average crop,
'led to demand
their fruit beeau
trom Ottawa.
The charges la
1 sundae. There
for the unfortn
One of these lie
9 ion, particular'
and CanadianW
eduction in oon
s found in the
thonnselvee in tr
rohards they bon
ng they could, o
ell any sort of
barrelled a lot o
ave gone either
evaporators. If t
elvet'to the pack
able goose, they
ore money, Wit
aril in freight. an
ntlnest depresato
tit lost. -The W
lame Really Lies.
eters, who stand to lose
reactions, are, accord-
dian Grocer, charging
the Fruit Division of
epartment of Agrionl-
the division reported a
en in reality there was
and that growers were
ore then the valve of
e of the report Gent oat
d by dealers is not well
are two chief causes
ate situation in apples.
in the business depres-
in the United States
at, and the consequent
nmption. The other
otion of the dealers
ing -to over-piok the
ht. Dealers, believ-
ng to tho short crop,
rust at a high pride,
stuff whioh should
for hog feed or to the
ey had Confined them.
g of really merchant.
would bave secured
lest 10 pay for barrels*.
would in spite of the
, have got out with.
ekly Stin,
$en clays' sale.
New Groc'ry Stand.
Mr, Wm. Bone has moved his grooery
stools from the Chis
old post office stand
biook, and opened f
new premises yester
Bone has a good et
pleased to meet all hi
many new ones in
olxn biook to the
in the Maot onald
✓ business ire the
v morning Me,
nd, and w it be
old oueton ars and
is new pl'aoe of
Hockey Games
Wingham hockey t
ri;h on Tuesday and
game with the pro
county town, winnin
six to three. At List
evening in a Norther
Listowel won from L
of 9 to 4, and at Mt. h'
evening, Palmerston 1
by a soore of 16 to 12.
for Week.
in wont to Gode-
layed a friendly
chasers of the
out by a more of
wel on Tuesday
League game,
know by a score
rest on the same
et to Xi Forest
Bush Fires 1
The heat wave in
stilted in a series of
ciatly in Victoria,
said, will be enormo
too soon to arrive at
One of these fires
miles, and has be
days. Many heroi
by the fire fighters.
distriot, 150,000 acr
sheep, and miles
farmers' buildings,
2,700 sheep belongi
Hamilton were bur
uatralia has re -
bush fires, eape-
e total loss it is
e, although it is
correct estimate.
pread over forty
raging for five
rescues were made
In the Dergholm
of grass, 10,000
f fencing; besides
ere destroyed, and
to a farmer at
ed to death.
Many Apples N Keeping Well.
The fruit divisi• n finds from the
reports of the insp:otors, that apples
are not keeping ell in the packing
houses in Nova S' otia. The weather
in the Maritime "rovinooc has been
mild and damp, a the apples have
suffered aocordtngl; . The season has
been very favora'le so far for the
Georgian Bay die iot. Apples are re-
ported there in pri .. a condition. They
are also keeping w 1 in the storehouses
along the north oho e of Lake 0 ;o,
but unfortunately a large quautif
exceedingly low gr:.e apples was stored
last year in antioipaticn of high prices.
These are not ko ping weal, nor will
there be much proin shipping them.
The Lcndon Fr
plaints are egai
London market o
ulent agents pass
ern part of M
stated to the
been "taken in'
men selling butte
be harmless to
goods and sure of
for the oommodit
lays for the sump'
after the parties 1
that the stuff was
cal coloring ma
made and nseles
complaint was m
market olerk, an
taken if the wher
ing agent can beound.
f Agents.
The Canadian aciifio Railway is pre-
paring to mine al at Roemer.
It is reported t Quebec: that the Ross
rifle factory wil be closed for want of
Louis Birk, he Hamilton newsboy,
was fined forty otters for selling papers
on Sunday.
trampled to d nth by a horse she was
trying to feed.
The publishe s of the Daily Tribune,
London, have en forced to discontinue
the publioatio of that paper owing to
lack of funds tt oessary to oarry on the
The first re mg of a Government
bill which pro Wits smoking under the
age of sixteen has passed the Britith
House of Com nit,
The Howie mmittee on Naval Af.
fairs at Wash' ton has approved an
appropriation o $101,000,000 for the
'United States n vy for the next fiscal
A 14 year-old olored nurse girl iti
Rockville Center, L confessed to
feeding the babe, 1 t in her charge with
needles, ping, mato es end anything to
naake it sick, so a to leave her free 10
Alfred Holdswor h, a resident of the
village of Oriel, ar 'Woodstock, shot
his soh through t e arm, and, thinking
he had killed the tter, turned the gun
on hitutelf, oomple ely blowing hie nese
10 burs wig, 'Way« He will p obably die, but the
Railway Traffic
County Roads A
The second. titer
Wednesday raornin
the worst for this se
say the wont we
years. The storm
put the railroads to
than the storm of 1
the tbawing and fre
Last week the plo
good work on Imo
dry and more eas
The storm was ge
tario and nearly
was tied up. It tp
frora some sectio
the wend in for
Wingham was
Wednesday to 8
clearing on Satur
of farmers to to
of butter and eg
commercial traV
in Wingham, bu
°ere of. On Fri
travellers and I
game ot hockey
ing a ball was
Chamber. The
work in opening
Wednesday unt
The morning trai
morning and did
day. The Wedn
London did not
Friday afternoon,
Clinton and. 131
Kincardine bran
Wednesday until
line from Wingh
being opened rani
The Toronto Sat
Wheel= on Sat
o'clock, coining v'
gines and a snow
these branches an
are to be congr
their service in so
severe storm. Th
fared eo well. The
ahead of last W
train and that wa
that real until
coming up from
day morning the
left the track at
aooident delayed
been for the accid
have had a train
ham did not fare a
in Western Outer
to have the dose
plough propelled by
ed the traok near
the engines ploughe
house. If the good
day continues it will
until everything wil
smoothly, but good
are a thing of the p
ost Impassible.
which. set in on
of last week was
son and some people
ave lied ha many
of four yeare ago
ore inconvenience
t week, beouse of
zing, reeking it al -
work the plows
s were able to do
of the snow being
to work through.
eral throughout Oa -
very live of railway
rte to the daily papers
s say the storm was
y years. fluidness in
turday. The weather
ay brought a nnmber
a with a good supply
s. Upwards of thirty
len, were snow.bound
they were well taken
ay evening a team of
cal players played a
nd on Thursdity even -
held in the Council
T. R. did exoellent
their road. The L.,
oh was closed from
Friday afternoon.
left here Wedneeday
ot return until Satur-
eday noon train from
each Wingham until
being stalled between
h. The Palmerston -
h was closed from
riday afternoon, the
m to Kincardine not
Saturday afternoon.
rday papers reached
rday night at 10.30
Clinton. Four an-
ew were used to open
the G. T. It. officials
tulated in resuming
hort a time after the
anew plow came up
nesday afternoon's
the last we had on
onday evening. In
plow and two engines
Kennilworth sad this
he work. Had it not
n on Friday. Wing -
badly as some placee
, but we do not care
repeated, A snow -
three engines jump-
oderioh and one of
down an embank -
w feet of a farm
only be a few days
again be running
ads in the country
t fer this winter.
The firm of Maxwell &
been diseolved, all
firm, are to be paid
at the old stand, on
of March.
11 having
to due the
e undersigned
r before the 2nd
R. Maxey=
HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for lanes,
skins, tallow and wool, at the Wingham
Tannery. W. D. PRINGLE.
( By the Local Optio Literature Committee.)
Clinton N. El
meeting in Roch
things: —Prohibi
periment. It it
claimed to be, th
Worst where t
afflicted, and th
of investigation
Maine, where fo
has not been a 1
or saloon ih the
In the eity
saloons) there
murders as in tl
under prohibiti
In. the dity
licensed saloons
the year '1900,
Portland has 10
In the State
100 families o
in prohibition
fealties own th
In the State
Munroe Count
Wets 95 pert
ward, speaking at a
ter, said, among other
'on is not a new ex -
were the failure it is
n the restate wont
y have beeta gest
mild the State of
fifty-ei t years there
al brewery, distillery
1 Roohester, (with 600
ere 4 tirtes as many
whole State of Maine
of Birmingham, with
they had 24 murders in
and in the oity of Port.
re were none, although
000 more of population.
1 New York, 17 out of
their own homes, 18 in
9 in Connectictit, and
ine 49 out of every 100
1 Maine there were 54
state prison, and in
alone, With lieeniejthere
tentented to penal
Items of Interes
on t
The pupild on
180. We are fa
The sterra of las
epidemio of mead
interfered with
Friday night. Pe
is to compete wit
team in the rink.
A good program
for the Literary ne
of stump speeches,
Clubs, instrument
Mr. Workman,
recovered and ha
Geo. Tees is still
Miss Viola Davide
an absence of one
Form III beld a
WednesdaY Otero
position period. T
was "Resolved, th
of Machinery is
The various fo
generously to the
Fund," Form I
50, The Colle
making a total en
nr roll now number
t reaching the 200
we*, following the
and ranmo4,serions-
tliti number in our
14th, the W Ei.
the Jualor Town
The band Is to be in
e has been arranged
ongs from the Glee
e and vocal solos.
o has been now
reetimed his ditties,
Went feota Form IV,
has returned after
on th
ery animated debate
on, daring the oone-
e theme of discussion
the Increased Use
etrtmental to the
e contributed very
'SUN* Town Relief
ItI fit 00, Varna IV
Relief Fund $2 82,
Will be the best year to ievest in
Real Estate as prices are somewhat
easiernand the recent tiump stooks,
bonds and chattels will turn the at-
tention of people to Real Estate.
A man that has a piece to sell
And goee and whiapers in a well,
Don't get as many golden dollars
As he that climbs a tree and hollers.
bionat.—If you have a good pro-
perty for sale Ina it with us. We
Ireow all the prospecti,ve buyers.
100 aoree—Near whitecharch, fine
100 aores—gte' miles from Wingbam,
prize right.
100 acres -7 miles from Blyth, a
great bargain.
200 aores —Near Wingham; Don't
mies it.
1COaciee-21 miles trona Whiteoburoh,
owner muet sell.
50 acres —Near Wroxeter, choitie lot
50 acres—Near Bluevale, teal' sell
3,1 acres -3 miles from Wingbana, at
Also a tumber of nice pieces in the
Town Plot suitable for retired
Houses and building lots in every
part of Winghara.
All listed at right prices We
want to deal fairly with bot'a buyer
and seller.
Ritchie & Guns
Phone 12A
Iffigi=10- SHOE STORE
Money -Saving
Shoe Sale
Our present stook ninet go, to
make torn for new Spring
Goods now arriviog
25 Vairs Men's Calf and
$3 50 and 54400, sale
price $2.50
Fall and Winter Ittootweite— only
a few pairs left, wineh will
Or Bring sleets your Shoes to
be repaired.