HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-01-26, Page 4•
in the • morning, and go and get into
"Ptr, *Fair ifq i"1"47`r--
ri tio':anta bekeadV, for theInor
jrrre,4- aaqtta ;be: wilting for theril",
41'inizrAir 4.0OPIPIXO TO TJIE DIcTAT8 Wcl'a....fe having a you,' good • One ; 'we
• -
01',ocniiidum.04 w4, rai44.4Bco, .4u; .do t 41)itte,y57 wa etehminegIda6fedi.oh:at Our
.0,0.X.ft,,•ZIDARTIES' • grub is the. worst;. 1 ;do not know
• *--4 *hat we ' wOuld do if 'twas not fui•
what We buy, is we have to buy near-
uok4,0*,,710,4!,igy.,2001, 1000ly:everything'Woeat,and it costs naA
• lot JO live here,. as eiterything„is7,`:067
dear. ' Twi.p.ild not live in this country
if they gave it to Me. it is nothing 'hat
sand and rocks: We had t frightful.
saritl stOrni at Orange River, you could
notsee two feet -ahead -of Yen, aadthen.
it started, te'-ritini" and a,St••wc had no
tonts up 9.4r..1d1WV.are
,mef3s, There was A terrible, ,thunder
Storm here last night, •the worst 1.00.
I tholgt,i .virotAd oee a fine
country Out here?, but it is's. f.right, het
in the day -time and eold at night".; Jots*
of nights weeinver in our tents ;• I. was:
nearly fresen the flight 1 was ouIon
watch. , We see plenty of ostriches out
' here hilt -they era tame enes.,-.7- „ • .
WAR Ac#0E,
Ilia school -room not -very far 'away
itte,achee. asked a clasi to give a.sen-
tienee'oo4ainintr, a •nbun... A.bright
itthr felloW.`„spolie • up ,and'igid""Tlie
Boers are'fine•animals,” . • •
. ,
Humane peoPle 'will' be, glad to learn
het • thanulitary anthorities, absolutely
:fuse to ' aiicept horses,' hoWeve
fect otherwise, that have been eikhroit-
• .
toad to the 'creel operation of dordri„,
„. '1' , •••
PRESBYTERY op isi,A'ITLA.ltrn--
. . •
13,0lierts,"has : authorized the 70. • ..4••"."' •;•-c• .
Nemeth* of 'a %complete divisionof Met at Whighein`on Jan. Iath.
I3rabant. Mr. iller, Moderator, Ur..1Viao,..en4-•
troops antler General
*41'. aff'lithe mark °f:f4;"'" .to'rd 11°/':)- scilerfiri"k'aiirb°OjoPkns. ,PaArellfd:117.8...aro7:°. rtottd,
'ertii; it iq said intends PI eeileet.:biee*O" reetlY. kept. „BOO:Oa:fee for.. the year
body guard from the'C'oleniate., • ' basis ..,foe."astitissment for,
Preekytei:i thiod• being six .cents per
• Prior to the.battleof Colenzo t,h.e 'pf'are'insi`ein7I;Salthae;fo9011r6rwevilip04.4)tirien' threii bAbpi•Pr!.
Irish ,',Brigad:e•,aLer;_ving, with ther'Ners • Ati,v4p40,4inelitineanOitte:Of•Xiiiiiby,:i'.
•sebt a letter :to the •P-,ithlin •-troOps . tory. of 13ar.rie..,;.:. ,
were glad trey were to ,•Ottawa and,'Ray.• -Beaton,
. tiiem* • pif:•• PresbYtery.• Mac,'
titi•.. face. of the earth. The Dns
were appointed
draft •• 'f • the slate Rev,
ansWeredi*, fliTei•. Will walk • through Duiicaiii
. .
our brigade like ths dev41 walked .31r, kfaxwel4e.d...thinrcrepresentative....
i'oughAthlOne?T-:',77' „, committee to
circular in re'Aged and ,In-
next' meeting.,John Buchannan'
and Rev. J.• P. MacIrola having pre •
'soured, ,Presbyterial Certificates „ had
their names putonroll of
Preellteey. The Bnerebt
'from' •,'WhiteChureli. and hav-
be4i.declinecii ptr,:40r.
oriz!d' to Moderate a eat' in thee°
emgregations,..', When . they aro ready;
."That t.he prineiplt, of the Manual
Aids to 8OCial'''Worshii :be approved."'
"That Abe 'iintnitation of. the Anglican
ifee.ma he disapproved:7.... "That
ual . be "rev1i3e4,to :makTit.•Presbyter-
ian io'form'end omitting
alternate and respcitisitell•eitclingi.:,(6)
By introdicing a: bible reeding' for
each•:'Babbath 'clay dealing'.With.• the
'findiunental -doetrines and tratlit of
the ''•Word :Of .ctoci• the several parts to
be noted ' ancl:the-seriptiire4•paite to be
appended!". Ilhat :psalms : and hymns'
suitable for the Several. services:1300g,
.4eSted:In the Manuel. ::.The repOrt was
received and adopted: • Next ' Meeting
will' 14.- "held at -Vifiingtiatti, On 111iiith
Otli,atIO a ni. • . • ; •
• -'• jefin-MacNe.b1),'
. •Feeling runs
high bn Webeer, war,
Ina:Laing' •town 'in
the Eastern . part, Of Ontario,one day;
. List : week,•••th.elandlOrd•Of 4111..4(461 de-
OlaredAthat be "hopeci'before the war
;Witi''..o•Ver the British would bo up to
their knees iii blood," whereupon tlie
village lawyorsprang upon hirn, trbun
-,eed hinit'andthOW hint out 'Othitf own •
°tel..- We unideratan8.-•that:it Was.' as-.
certitnsed later on..thet hp meant Boer
And his . apology was ',accepted.:
One •Oir,the Himeji BpYra' at t40
The following biteresting--71etter,'
, .
...dated Canin..Belment,;,R,uth 'Attica;
...Dec. 11th,, is Written ;13Y.
Wilson;, of the • Canadian contingent,.
.to his brother, near :
"Wel1,4 heed got 'ear° on land -once
inore.:' We 'lande'd in Cap • Vownon
the729th of November, • :We had nlOng
:trip by water'; • the :trip was Ant, but
I was tired of. it, :end:don't want..an-
'Other *like it it is no_ .nse
me telling you of .ipr.trip•by water; as
:1--toialt-allAti7th.ela8t =letter; 'cv‘re
-,,have had 'Oita a,..tiinefainee We landeg.
'here, -camping -'in Cape • Town --for-- onteday; then ,We .inoVed to Do Aar, which
is 501 miles from the Cape;,P:nd oaMped,
there four dayni,; then to Orange
57,0-.Iiiilea,fronithe•Cape thento.1361::
Monti" 590 'miles, -from• -the Cape we
•then • marched three miles` from., Bel-
mont,'and. camped for one, 1ay, then
tackto Belinont,-.*Iierie we itre•CemP...:,
ing new-,-.7-We -have meved-fiVetiineir
in ten, dais, they are keeping mov-
izig around.
•I do not - know When We
NiM get into, ti,•fight, bet 'we are'n'ot
Mr. Bower is getting: alarge quanti-
ty of Sedar,for•shingles at his inill.On
the 12th con. , 4
:.Mrs, • Jury had '11 er •suetion, sale of
-farm-itock7and--,imPlenients on Friday-
' • 't ;
• Mra4. F: juryis going to Lucknow
to .j.ke, with-hetdaughter, 311rs;'lr:iss.
The recent thaw Ivo made the. reads,'
very ,elP1.114. Thesleighing has been
excollent.•-• •
rip.i4cie,4 for J.:n*1ml after a month's
visitat houte. . „
!Ben.. .Hawkins .came home on
far from' where they• ate' fightiug 'Schaetuiti6Or.a, „eniPg:f1,!7'.,..h
o .
:• as we are camping n the battlefield, ot,
Belmont, 'Where tbo•stlbattIe'.'iVas •te,aght Mr. Pee1; ThOlOvr, of .f.thi.s '!Ootireo,:
On the lOtli Of NOVember ; 1 guesg you : has seld his farrn owing 10 '•continued
kayo' heard about it. Irhefe-are lotof :ill healtli,• •''••• ; ' .
: 'dead:Boees,within fiYe hemdred. Yards' Visa Sarah' Denhar left ori the 23rd'
- ,
- of Us, ling on the ground of :this ; 'month, for a MisSionalhool in.
all arountl,:buk.theY let, Pe 'go Manitoba,- . Where 'she got)e-Ps-AnnAiet;T
'near, there; ' ' I dont know'," hoW.', Ao.e.
. • • .,
We' Will stay here., we a Cannot tell: With
.112. a ;few hour's. of what We are ,going -
to do, and soMetinies .not, ten nannies,
before. ',1We A6, not know Whit is go:.
•, .'' ''ine'oii,• you will get. ;Ixtesii. news than
to *lg.' . We tare,. ekpecting a little• .
.. squabble • here 'every ' day; Yen • will.
'Lear • of us 'jotting re.o•ive, d down one
going on in ' Medder. 'Rivet, • Or ..seme
.,` ' place near, there; yetterdayi and to,day'
',we' have tiot',mughl.neWs. froth' theee;i',
• At is a fright .:to see .the tfoaps. that are
here now ' ' tkere are thousands all.
'alon&the i'ine,•the3.' iire on guardalang
the,..railwaY, and every .bridge is guard,
' ; bd.', to; keep them: treat hlti*ing It np,.
and•they heVe,...otlier outposte cote fen,
' 'niilee back; ' 1 Was!aat one night to an
'outpbst,',five pa '.o.ft"ua go tbgether__
..... arid ettrryon 'aria red retinae of daft-.
• thig.eseite ; I carriedono'hundred and
• :ethirty ph tie, .0ii 'Ciinncit' tellY what
.• Mina e•yon -will be Shot doWn.., It is
... • not eVeii.Aafe, to rigeon the train-.
tett Orange River' for: godder. ItiVer,
,lint V40ii, vv..° got/ to Bel onithe track.
was torn tip , SO Wo..laity. to, its:y• here..
,--I- *ink they 'would -let -AI us-go,to the
front, . and: Mit 'keep' uil 'running ' itroiltid
' 11.14..thil:':VO 'Were digging trenches
..• • ta:day, ti) get ready t� fight if tli,(Botirs
come on.na,". We sleep.Witlil our oh:Abed P ",'Y
, • 1.1 ele: SA 1 l'• (:,'i.i .- ' •'• (4, ip d.,, „, , . 201,!6, Jr rlyltyyrittl,r,)11)• I•letiritaio.:41, sittki,.iiA') ,ilitey,,.'.. . 18 kiii.i piAfia,..4,i) •
,„ , ,liddi•mO - ' ' - ' ' • ' '' '
. • ,..
ant'tsacher2..' .
of a: P. held their ball for Fores-
tera Okily,onTiiesdaY,;of last week:: the benefit •or
towue' arid: toi4Oriter Sheep; aia.ei.
! !at): Hayden hard, a beb of James •Itt;iing our initldt again. - • ' • •
eral :terinis .sione pe a fotintl, 'lute heen associated' with ',George,. 25erktihii,a
•atiori Under his barn. , Collins; w,hose'f#Mily was 'deeply aftliet-; '
: Xi, :agai he,ndling 'ad with ,dipli therieP.6 'inn wed in tiOli Metis,ers.SALK.gLb•BRON:
. that • r, • . • ' :kind/ hearted and .
dtnis 4us work. , Of charity • as for the
Mister.. ' ° •
This - is a. village,".four mileS froru
,diamis on the:dmirt gravel,;,ruad rnan.•
tO LiicknOW
14 Miles abd to Rilicardine '12 miles:
,.there tire tWO, gene rat stdroa, conducted•
by Mr. Ben IVIoultO'n, and, Me. John \G.,
.!Ott7V.7;itrid ,loth are Ildiog a thriving
11 Thompson ta Wiartoit
. ,
- 4 t .
firannia 011",ortce • ,4#4*r*,.....7-0..7,-*-tr'-".', -
yreY' 4, • r..' Oi19,0 has : ft: tti,i9 114 091 provtifint i. it ; . : wo.,7 bo..e. ..4eciar:ea. ..w03,.....6n,
'Oartionlare are gathered e6heerning the the balance. of .'Otir • 1-101idtif
.Huren office.' The total- •aniakerr. of .4000,d8•; „ SUCh' lines as -- we do
husireinenis reginoWrr. tedeirvseaL 40,..7:-A•4111". iinot•iimish. t:otblcarry.--thotokla
, 4X• ,fee teCelVe, .
- Wit .30, . Of Oh?: number' 1 139. *Fro a , have en 9. price ; clear
. , , ., ..., •,- • . .. • • ..,,,,
.00,40, - 1,401 , . were,. ;0:1040404 .1...01Q„ then" out entirely.. • -...,They, w, .ere
- Were ' Mortgagee diicharged;-,6 , lkiee4; Oi%fiel4N:1,110!"0,titict -0141)1,i00:S;'.
and 189 w. ere*i11,4t;IP70,90. viere.feee. 1,511t .•Wti,:*ill'.1iiiiekt.bil:' ',$P,P•Pe;
whish • Imre •eartied,4c, but not.. 'pow.,
and, '•We Al.-,Liak the-,..piAlic. Can
The gros* spicittnt received for 1098: : • .
.i.), 341s, '5, bninv.. 0090 Ie ti than 1897.. always appreciate, a bargain.-
The no accpiiiikreeeivedliY, the.Regif,.., Iii 1,4,0, liov,A.q..; cre-ar., out: vill,
1'3;9449:,.'04"jeri;bir'.- e! kigi Ili s*Ot 0: '11.5aidrOeoZfiloulet Eltoish'eFtilitieetittilirtQ). :.1:46:69: 1)4' toll° a fQW •A•11311*8': IS°e'k''.:
-et 1$iblesi presentation Books,
reglitin'ed' Wail' ql 3$2,1731 or an aver.- Games, Ebony and ,StdiliPg
age :of '81,332 eeelfr' * - . ' ' '. §il•YPi''Pbad;..6,11d--• Novelties. •
,.,. . , -„,-----,,--,-. .•
,..: ,,, TEiN 2;,,r;,/,:g..TnAng..,, -, Special prioes.,ou .Watches
'".",,'• ' ' ''-'" +. 1 ,' , •, '
and 'solid Gold 'Chains; „ A.:1.,
h41s •tr!.dtthe.Ea.",.!ek:oe ilei thre Knives,'1!jkks,' and Spoons,
' prices, poio, by .buptra, ' nti,. reports of ,,. I,'
.. . . COONS-LOok -ALIKE
• ,big rate)); being iiii,11Aefl- in the old irlid • so does . all :Silverware
.000n,tm. it *4 thought hat buYei° 'when itis new, but there is :a
„444,(..To.10 out.A.littli, move than event. yfclit: .dife4efied: in wearing
aocugeowerO aiittio•bgtorttrito.,b,dyers,
If the reperts now
vi: 'in cireulation Are 4•7get'741-'11).011..4 13-10 040'441 .4'
reliae .buyera as a rule lost heavily.'
th.o, joss „being .caused • by, high. Priem 4"1"11°17 St'°116' . ''. . '
Pkidy'a1.4.01w ti.Ot.,r, quality of. Baldwins,
All IctstOltere wail ..keen ",comPetition:-
monwbuyerwmakurg-hrgh pie', Init
fOW: knew that our pihne apPlii-• had'
made L. retrograde step. It seems due -
Jog the jiry'Spelll in:•the'suMnier the
.. .
appkriAtopped growing, bat after the
rain. fin -tbat4.toTiov4a,-otaroci.agditi: '
. and added. largelyao_tha„measnrementr:. 4
00..,t-iiii• tecOnk„growth,,,::._it.,Je.,,,gotti,„
tiPoifeaiii-O, keepingquality of the:fruit-
-ao&roditeed-the-valtie-by-arts' 're-Ti'm
haif. . The Ioa8 ., to 4yfr8 '14 net the
worst feature Of the business,' for since -
the •rujimrd-of the„ lo)menhave spread
•thronghilia,..to,wrishipis,.„fariners have
stopped Ordering .fruit trees olid; ineok,
eo the finit . tree ,•:perllar. rut • of
market, /The :season :wfia 'ap ' exce0.
tional one; it. istrue, but what:happens
,once may happen again, and the farmer
Pi. wis.Who *ea not Stake, hie' all on
.. -
499.4e--.ctop. .. , T.
•SIAli.IGHTE it OF DgEit.
‘1 UV
ii-HE'PLicE TO Bit
Returno'. received, the ifIXtfirie
icanie departnientshOw, that more ,tilan
„0,600. hunters...were in ;it?, ' Woods.
'clini,ng'the fifteen. days open
.4e409*,-,' and ;it 't ?Stec Med :that fully
000 Thier Were' The tW6'
press cempames •bet %icon, them, ,carried
2,032 carcasses,. of which 1,030' car
Oassee, •Weighing-196;q4pounds,. fell
to :the Canadian Express 0\0eropanit...
The reniairig'9,3 carcasses were:handled
by ..,the Deniinion ..'Patoess Company:
The 1,nuniber of carce.iers deer carried
liyfthe,expreiis' companies' don't indicate
lhe actualAnnbee 'many'deer•
were ,:patted; „tiettli*,.. While otheri
again were by, Iniatere from
inland ,,towni and vithigesi--Land_, the
. .
caro?ssei sent•to the place Of ..deetina-:
den' on, teartia.:•V .Perinite isaued. to
hinters,: that took out Homages
A. McKenzie's
Largest:assortment of 0.,ross,
GoodS ia town. Cliocoratea,
Creaths; -ton l'36:1s, Clear toys,.
arained, Toys; Christnaai
stockings, .tio,s; Dat s, Nuts,
etc, • '
Thanking the-people:foe past favors
and wishing you all a prosperous New ,
'Year. • -• • ' • • ' ' •
'Honor .:grtidnate in ..tientitiery, • TorOnto•
"Dental Colliv), 'and ,D7).ctor,. nr Dental Snr•..
rrery,Toronto University, • All modern plans
• ofAheration and' entefulnestitin worltinanshipi.
Office in .Allin's'hiodk,lipiltairs.. .' •
• visit , gipley every'. ThUrsday
• Tit
,Is u p tlie Dry Goods busiiiiiss; and .says
that this is the .time -to Puictiase anything you requixe. .As he-
has now, decided on going w out of. or* :.
. ,
So that on and,:affer NpAY,thiv_25„th
open his. ,Stdre. for . the sale of any ot.the am!" lines la cost
and niany 'other limes below. Yon' Can therefore be, sure*
Of the • greatest bargains- direr placed ,In your -hands, " Any--
articjes .sold out, will be replaced: Now 'TS. "your tinlo-To%
-buy:': This Sale will •continuo ciprieg the wit)* VVintei and
Sprill`g...• All Credit•ttansactiions.zwill c.ease-. 'This- is t1e--.1a.st
chapel:Y*1,cm will have suchen OpportnnityfOffered , you,
kertRa. am4„,G.0.6#03:
taken in exchange or Cash paid
.for Same.. • „
Having .the,I3,e,st ings.
,*iiTuwn for the 1nd1ing
• .ett,
.1Ie will.continue in that branch of trade'
Sfock;of'Dry G000ds.will excfialied-for a $took
• The grep',G. question: ' Wherr,, to get thet,n. -We the • beet
nnalities tebe had; . We don't liketend, sell tbOiii bele*, Cost, but ye 'do
, , . , . , ••
...Boll, them aka Very 'close
Lei S
,-131a6k, Gyeert'and Japan are unequalled in, quality:ancl,p,rices.•,You
will 'Save.' frOM-.5-•te 10 Per 'pound if YOU bUY% from is, instead',
-peddlers Compare 'quality ands,prieb... .• '
;have a fineaespet:oent dinner.',:settai) • 011,!... and toilet
'cheap. • all "examike them :thriller« prices: ' ;
, 1
• All f flour ,and. friel. kept constantlY
delivered to any parl•kif the ,
, .
..x.xxne or .....
-KINGARk' Groceries & Fruits
T.,13,' Webster. is. getting barn
'timber Well under' way. • • '
. Geo Alexander • haaipperchased the
faun known as the donimons. '• • , , ' •
.1.--ii4LsofOrVrs-:- have ' b.ought floe
team' isf greys ,,freni Mr. Jas. -Daniols
near 'Paidey. • ,
Ab Swalwell got homea fine lot -6t
cedar' pests. to:Inv...we his farin in. the
near 'future:. • •
'gospel :Meeting de !held every eve-
‘. ,The_ICingart, G,cispel haltalna
conducted by the Rev. Mr PolloQ
• ..Gorge Biiinger iS quite' at home in
his neW, house. ,
OYSTE RS' ' b the
Pirt, Quail, or dish. .Try one
, ,
ofour -, Ater, Stews
t -
, ,
,.• u ORAN LIE
Irud.other Fruits are .tlie best
z,tucl-..sdld cheap.• • '••
Tcsuches The
W-64,k.a,„ 4,te
- LiV and Kidney- Diseases,
Au01:1,0$ 8.44 -
Buyers., has been, Overseer over's, gang •
. .
of men piitting gravel an the rOad lee sh it../to tt41 ; sh
0 rn a roPgasire
beef, ' etc, at 4irh.i.Ch.he is An expert in kindOefisioZiliageievedistraily:-.711e1r-
PuTIN-Bar,D. ciArits, SDEEr, AND Pros
• AT THEM FA,RM-7 ,..%** • -* • •
t, S017,11 GODMC143111 .
Me.kand Mrs. Alex. theat ,of
PoW---spent-'8titidsIliere with Mi.
Poditirr and do:tight:ore :spent
Monday ati• St.,' Helens,
,taid*MrS:•Rtiniage, ' •.'
, Pres' bueiness.. There is .0/ Catrittelliko;‘
. emir led on,. by' 'James ' Yung, w it li,
blaPkronitb.8hOp in connection Tire
is- one, church, the ..;English" chui•ch,'
liavIrit serViees evory• Suridayahd.r-
nt assisting his father; !to'. drawlega
• •
Roneld Latnnui. .ha.14 • ei).4XgedtVilsoti ',
te.agst,t ,r1rawing his
N'Vnlrify",c,(4 di'V...vy•yri 49, rt9Wri:,.: „
%Vn.witelq811 is: tInOvir.);{
int() t.hr ' 11,1(1.c, frirrn..of
nssitnw . •
• •'-,44,0C.t-, trd;dkiP;..
owit, ; li
,noon` At ••2,0, f; cteld9ost the Rev;
M. :7_4 j• Jrr V 4,', •
0)4. NVII«i«..1.1j•1
••• .' •
ursday, February.'
COmmencink at Wcioelt,'p ,
whic1401t1)01,4olir. without reserVe
.• , • ,
'tuti; ,rfrotn.
monh to .18.)honth8 1,1((rp.,11..good
-i Piir� Bred Slit)rt- Orri Cowi;and treifded:
.PO'Pilre Bred Shropshire;POW ; • • '•-•
fri• rti,re ' .
4. 1.1,116 'Bred .13erltsliire • Soivs,' • 4 iod • II
inonthe old, • ' •' •• "' •••
. '4 Buren Iired-Byarey, •
• kninnbeit pocd-dittill" and,-
"I'Scoit Draft Pelts. ,
•Ti4.1tik.4.1.••-tight':iiviiith:)'..credft 'on fur niAl
..catib; ' Po; cAtarogneli ,and 1,1n5P inforrnati,n •
, ,
On and our rifies,bot4i4e t„i). be ready • ''Nfil)f ,1 i 'vs ill of L.On u r ,41 „
4 _ twit 4 Oei nog, *Iv Wore:1 e Lit KW • ; • • ,
to 3iimp out, • but We do net get ranch few d2is thib: "•teak VOita, Aler
)1, Alt:IN't(•'0I1 • c'y 01:NflitY, ACcTosicw,• '
or": •
, •
• -
•••• •
; •.. .•," •I ,•• .;••
Sold by Barry Dv
wAritior:,poit. :-Sroitv '
' . OF` .,SOUTii,'. Arl(lfi•A''.", •Ily •...4.o1iti.
'Clark 1,11.1patli '• T,,,L.T)„. Edward. S., ItIlis,'M,
'141.:;•,', J.,. A;• '04)61ni.r,;;IVIlitiaiii0 Editvr ': of :the
' illatiltagailiii4":•,,l'arbatiyr-41iall4-141;-
. Ai 1-arief • fl,,fAouxndo,n,.,:ant,,,'_'•
tlint w' • • -f2 yoWr tiiwliiiig ' in. SOuth
Afrka, er 'QS. We Ate .010 ()sty (janadinn;
.1,)•tib1ishere who have hid a braneli ., in South
•Afrieg.;,' fel-, 41.,,lieteaif-tkiarsi'giiing Olt an4.4•ra•
niense ..turft7ittno...in • prOeuritig plietogra,ibs
and. U Lateri al. Ourmit horshi ir, letterpresit and
engravings ',tr.& stiperier . atilt ,Cittrftdian Oonf
tin(4ente bettor illtisgrated; then in '„aiiy rival'
'vs! lc. ' So Outo, are. we Of, this . that ' we will -
DU ; --.`f tee: for koinparison oitr•pree'Dettils,,to•
an .6.ne pnrifirnieinc O. ri.O.al PyoOne_otlui. .041i•bo*
I/in{ and teli118 {NM:, -A.II40.1 Wqrid: Ptib1i8h-
fog ginnpany, Otteli2li, DI,tario„. , • . ' '
• - •
rij Itl.v.i):KilkfcmiTY WILL 4c10.,1,11''
•Jt.„ for 'eo,Hico at .1,1ot l7 colh la, West
, /11)1' thrironOibred. Cla;'ada
ported • Chester %V I i ite Le • t1.1,t,';''.
This .aninual tvan•lired,by 1). .1'er11-e
Ont,, one of/the inogt snecTssiiti nreedetw
' • • . •
' ' - -
For pedigree, 9,13,d neher parti9ujai•s-a9;`ily t�,
„ ,
'St; ifoleng.
10 PATENT -Goad Idiot
rnai be etoured ,
, Banynord, Md, • -
eerviteitt hit 3, m. 4, KiMoile, a -thorough-
bred' •Tatoworth. boar. , Thie, 'le a splertilid.
liftving talon dist; prizi3 'Qiiebeo and,
Senorld prizo at.the..Ottai*ii slit9inkfur:;the best
. •
liog'hol er inotites • '• ' •
:--$J at titan,. of ;i3ert•lee,. wit
,Priv„iUwe of, rt turn lin? if liteceileary; . For xtedi
gree and other particularapply to
.rununtirkIoN'T f
01;01).iit .titne or Hol•vice, " •
,ftlyther,paittetilititi aptilS•, to • -., .
V • rccitif.)7tist; '•
t,twAtni)w •r: •o: •
1\t, 13.,:; -For 8)1.10 s41144;t0.4' White &An.
' • Oeliii*Cift
• •
riteEFAINDE'll.81'6101b ltAS1M«
4.011.,8•t ,
nt tot 20, w Awoheiithi
aboill, 200 •Cortb'of vond, 1)411 d ry aihrgreen, ,
inostly 22'11R:flan 11,110 5botti`25.00410 (ir 4 .foot
X00c1,-.A.1,tplit..to4",,,-------,2-... • •
• TOM),
• St, JItgerta •
l• • *t_f..«;10...
e. 4