HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-01-26, Page 1,e! ,iw or • a r OL XX17IT-50 ° K ottIAMILTON LUCICNOW. A /. ead,.Offica Himiliot. 0aita1 paid - - 1,6QQ000 403orve Fuad: 1,000,000: Tot/4h 9 - �� Alecto 14460,067 i `! ;Boardot Directors •. Piesiden i t -' - 'rice-1'�•eei •'' ASN STUART.dgnt �. . , ,TORN PaocreR . , ' ; • Gfso. •RpAca , T. Woo; M.P. ." A. B. LEA, (Toronto) t, WIS, GinsoN; M.P. • Voskim, Ar ed :. J. 'I7riNHULI. . easAier, no -vector, , 'H. AI .WarioN.. erliii •.' War,nan, Dian;•• Luw okng ;Ohealey Manitou, I Ian. Deii ,9imco' e'^ h ' � Milton . , � I"rrim b y ,Southam to 'Geoi+tetonni lti lila''; Toronto• Niagara 'Winghatifmilton-(atteh•ettge°ills • nipeg.Man. Haailton East nd ' JOHN SPROAT,.' INT-Aaltrrr. • .,,Agenoiss„;•• Listowel Owen Sound MEDICAI. • 1141' ENNAIV'T,•..., P }1,,X§ r :LAN `. Surae and; , �ccouo% S, r e ,over J; EIIIo t's,:grocery store Office hours froth 9. to 12 a T;._fr•Ani..2.;to fi p m„and from - 9 -.7T0 rim Mel) GO :DON .:M D ,C.Df , •:I'.T. .M. •PS.O r Physician- :Sur eon + and :Ace Annan e zr.. ' Upstairs. Alien's new block_ R oiden;em Rosen Streett, iiehmdJ't., Murdoc$ Co's store. '•;LSO ARROW Et' PRO tors, etc. • GOoTd.e,rBicAh,R- ROInG4uaow,'Q.a: UST . A: mAI:Cett'SoN ARRISTEli s' Solicitor; Conveyancer, tc.; (late •of 4ameron; Iiu1C .h Cameron Gude ' •h), ,OiBce y upstairs is Airm'e'n, Bleck.. MOIR;I4ISON,, BAIL ISTER 1.4 i Soliortor,,-Commiesioner ;Not - etc. Money to loan, Office over 3M'oody'e Arher, C:IETIE C. O. F. r +, (`1OU,II.T. SflK1 WDQ , NO 50 LUI)K- .. - V• now; . Meets every r t and third f `Jlion- day of every..month in '•'the Orange Hall,. Visitmg;brethren are cordially •invited. Jens IVIACINTYRP,� (J R D. YULE,`Sec LOX;Al..O;R OE LODGE li : O 428, HO1.DS ITS REGULAR” Monthly meetings in, the Orange Hall Campbell''street, ;Lucknow, on the. second r Tuesday evening of each: and every 'month. • Degree night on the second.. Tuesday evening''. .following,.: All visiting brethren cordially ;•vited, to •the meetings ,DAVI•gARCizi:n, W. •MCQUILLAN ••Secretary W M.. �. 0.O. tiurlpy, a Pairo, Ont, b dift, died fromthe:effecte of.,di; ) U a K -NOW. inn ':.'His father said the LTICIKNO Jianxers; .. r y E574I3LJsJI,ED X888, ,;" We do, a general banitin' g ';asiness• 'mane drafts tbrott o n ' ited ' 'States., gh, ut (.;nada and the United: 'S es.• Wer ,ake collections on all ppoints,, including :-Weateru States, 'Ianitoba and. .the North=west Provinces, :thins; who h'� r:' a . , l and all l 'iia, conic-, te note or. ac.ount, will, havice prom .attention. ,. • „• Notes diecou . 4ted and .farmer e gale Horse. e loan.to farmers on donble'or sin le • g _ noted •,at from. one to twelve'"months9tiiue, and ac' reasonable rate of intermit. - : c • We loan small .or ,large,pmoants on's const mortgage oa farms or Other .real.eetate sec_ •uricy and on first chattel mortgagee ,on. live • st�dekand implemepte•and crops -,•-• •\ We have a large,amount of funds to :advance ...Mt Bret •mortgages from'•ii' percent, to•6:per Cent• The, rate Is graded accordin • to the quallty`and'Size of,the loan: required.,; " We represent the leading English,' and Canal ••dfan Trite Insurance ,Companies -and' cam: - effect .neurance.on all classes of,property,-i n Stock or 11Tutual. Companies as'deairod.. " Our office' hours ero' from10 a nu, 'to 4 p m 1�ANAgDk 11111411g ani. , V' est dtg ¢w Howie and '.Our ner�Lot For'Siale •--:-Immediately opposite -rho Paesbyter,, . Ian:ohurch, cn Station Street. :Fruit;' ornamental and shade `frees A very;,. desirable :';ease 'for spine one, /For. particulars app1Y';to J W Ar`mstroiig; Jeweler. Pouth .Juries • Remeruber the Canadian cozntiiigent.. Fund concert on. Thursday, evening; ^ eh.'8th; ''tinder, 'the .,inanagenient • of the, Y .W :0;, 'J' i,T'.�. Iteiiietnber'the' date and . attend "the' conc3rt for the 'benefit' of our soldierly; -. Elected ,. Warden At the''s County Council meting at .Walkerton' on .Tuesday, evening, Mr P Clint -pings, of Saugeen, was. elected' 'Warden of: the County of 1'3ruce, and at 'r odericli on the "larva evening, Pr 11,ollans, .of' Exeter, wag -elected: War den. of $urozr, by accla eation.F A 'aye Easter, easter comes this yee'r April 15tH,•;+' and nt omnaierices Feb., •LS. The=1 11110,FliI gF, JANG, ; was 0 $,4'58 OZ°, and thea ;lnodme .about;, x$740 u ci d �' Dea,th 'Trio • whi5le co'nniunity was ;;�?ea l.: ''shocked :t' rear''"of:t '` " he•srtdd"e.'n''. death' :of the Rei. Father Dixon, the Popular pastor .of Kin g abrid e: 'and . uck eon r ' »� � ,,. � r ,l.,ucknow ., gregations , of ,the :Roman, Catholic ebureh,. . Father' D son''tliio ulh, ,only� forty one years' of age,; •had be led ` 'age, en troub with heart affection for some;time, 'past; and hia death occured i►i,g h le walk- froni his 'residence >to the ,bridge church.. on S` -nda';'in ' He was: very p - y orngg lamb, ery 'popular with- all, classes of the cotnniunity, and'his•funer'l' at •Kingsbridge on'Tiuosda was thea' . sestdver:,witnessed' in the tow .. nmhip.. A.. inure .extended ;report "wilt ,a ear: ourne*t'issue. ,pp' p in Elkatln Race: The' e' ,two mile skating 'race rn.'Lorne Rink an Taesday •evening was :''Very,. excit.�, -and v4e,_ ,atpessed..by alarge number 'of:-spectatoi,-despite the short notice which was-.: given. The. race started at 8.4,0•with 4 competrtore,,vi Marley Devideon, Toronto ;• " John. Campbell, ,I?arry•Sound ; Leslie Jones Waikerton ;;: arid- McNa:ughton;': o Brussels . .'in the ...first :Seat , the race' wii$,��v i(Ct.��_each_slcator_st-raised=:every- nerve-to•get• the4ead and -It -80a very, cu d btful'>rp to the 2nd mrle_wvhen Naugliton dropped put, -leaving the: heat -to be 'fought out by .'the remaining' three;;and it.ende l with Campbell lead= Inc ; Jones; 2nd ; . and .Davidson,: 3ri1. The' second heat was equally' as swift if dot More so than the.first; and was :finished with'Davidson; 1st; Campbell, .2nd ; Jones; '3r'd. In rhe' first tliree laps of�'the• 3rd heat everybody"thought.. that the two Julies were'.;going; to' bo dene:un in shouter tine tha, the • ether. ,two aril they. were not c isappoiited,' as faster time Was made' 'in tile.;;,ls.tt than:in the 'first two heats, end ,the• =race :finished un-withDavidson 1st Cam bell, ,2iii,, -and' Jones,' 3rd' Honey,: • lri•Memoriarit, ;• It hi, with sorrow that We record the: death :Of, Dl.ra. ` largaret B. Srnart,` a rci•,nv of tiie lafe ..31r. '.Chas. S'ixlare. P. .26th, a11,. • SOUTItREDA Canadian Contingorin F 'nti OQnoort,. Zhe,.y •iV 0. T; f3, -`will give a grand:conceit in th'e, Tow' "Hall' 'on Thursday ; Y ' �;. February ther8th, programme fill y_.., . --- �' . be �firet;class' 'azid Will I`,eonstituto :the.r." beet talent ---."1 that Lucknovv with ite varied: number: ,of ,per.forniere Can supply,'. This Will give a grand :optortunity for all : t e, ,y. t0 ehOW . heir patrietisrd to, the cause: of Briti arnns' and the. suffer in so sn entire 'i!' n � , F g ldiery, as ,the u ds: will be..•devoted to :Can- "ardian Contingent 'Fund. •;The Com- miftee is 'making' elaborate prepara. tions, and the progiamme will include ":The. Gipsy Festival,'" "Swinging.- -Cinderella," Swirl in _ Choruses," 'Psntomime, -Cinderella,'"'' ',`Baby Show''" and [ Patriotic. Tableaus, besides many'other• varied,' forms. •of entertainment ,Up :to :the• )resent Lucknow has done:..nothin -orrr Ci7>Ttitenuns, and this `w.l1 give a, grand ,opportunity fa'r:' .one -and-' 'till to contribute their Mite; and at the sarne time enjoy one', of' 'the -best' pro= grammes ever presented,t' ' Lucknow' audienc©•A Intsslo.n ',Yieservedm seats 3 y _. .5cis , General: admission, 25 ts3, Plan of hall and reserVi d --eat tickets' oiI-srt�t , W: Ai mstrongs Jetveter' Store: Remember ,'the' date;-, Thursday evening, Feb'. Sth,:` ; , • feeding;, Would neve force . by high' ;feeding; ' would"not, wean until six �.. . ..... II .*P ks.1a-rther. :leave, them until eight weeks uld';: and:°can, mise. a better" • 'hog as: cheaply at 'seven and ,one-half m, nths old .as at Gve and one-half months' old. '-C'atsho. e pped fine, with miff for young! pigs; then rpx, oats,, barley:and-p"cas, and finishwith a; few, weeks of• oo' .K d bsavy;;feeding�;,: X10 •ex-, hibited; plate's showing` ood-',.end in=k ferior .sides' of: WiltshWe • re bacgn, , also (elates of hogs that',hal, been:. pro rl. and irn ro erl .fed. r'' 'e p P 9 The . r;ud Once- , , ovinced by many' questions Cha was:a'subjeet ofgreat practical i terebt,. and Mt. Elliot dear the, right `rii b. in .the •right: place,' as he- hag carried into sueeess£ul pr�actisea'the ideas he brouht. out.- Mr. Glendenning then v :g S qa e. an.. interesting'. talk . on "wee s the:. ,. d , gi rug; life histo'ry.of many of them, ,silo i - ing how..t) era-dicato'thonr; and "giving O NO,1356. or sr ICI iv: Poallti e Stoi;k44'.01;3761. -liar' Was c.ilbwded to the door. liVliss At the'evening-sessicrt Mr. 0._ • e. Itvy Daisy 'McIntosh gave •two Splendidly drese," Mr: Elliot spoke ..„1,irieflyj on laringing out., forcibly um" clearl,y ° "Ilea,VY serge 41,1 , ,Iyis,Clonf of making. the fOrriis heat ,•a:nd tilly and 'attractii,e, and„ having an Suecesafid. nieetin0 ,at., Roil/rood .on ideal. le, view:. ancV.persiat*ntly Onrsue" ;read .up., in. their prJession,, so, tbskjiy, '''.11,913-d'' °....'*.tiie:•.T.'411iP'•'''''''44;' .....9!: :'.13/62trilltille;'Is''t..6f;f15ii• ttet E•iwlin-Cric141;P::6T4ot,i'c'ti21.4:::;'...,,ttde•!:; .eesiiim, ',the ' being. taught., ViStany and Entomology. by, 'the •eliairMatr,, Mr. Henry, Glendenning: age ypq,ra, and 846 .ProdeCte:', py the 'Use of petted thia life al,,the.'ho,rtiO of her tion.';',1- charts', ‘4ad able .to'jnlake e,h,,,od•040.04, of feedbag 'S mixed 'ration year,,n itr.4c:t ivIchfo ' :She: and: her htisband With herYo-iiiig. tv.re. the °(-)(1. avail; the.'Iateg , Possible :date for :the ',feast, faRIV,.17.1f1. f(51, dr..nada .. in'. p4et" :t9L144-4i Th„ .gettio n3edils .(-)f 1844 'and. settled ',first in. Voglis. *here' it imposSib for '"ity., co:tie , eerie ' eet.een1 'and, respect Of all. ''who knew • oighrett :'• • ,•••••,1 where they spent 20 years' of a. iisefi4 15 worth: of cigateties a wee If • meets every rriday evening, at 8 o'clock hi rt h f ,•3 pi, in t 0, ormation of.' whrit' is • new I now the spientrfic. facts that ' belong their halli• Campbell street.' .411 brethren, hOd Up.,,until he. I 'liti.e, kenW-P 'Kno-Ft c hitro'h,--Paliperstozi, :cif to -that' -fir-anili Of ''agriCulturii:•....because g- a Ivo 1 , balanced ration ln this- t:of the, proyinee, so, that by 'fernier ,:coOld..conibirtel..,hie" grain and,, roots' in euch.prePertion ie4 duce the . best. qcsolts. v.,' This' is. a Very, iropertant•-enbject,, an* :every ;fanner • ' cordially ' • • • an ,olci tuari. 1:fts -loop weie 14 • 4.,lact '‘vbich lIe *A's .narnest and active t,b''fnedir; of 1 Grind " Recor -shape 'and ,his blood, Very The eider. ',laving Mint°, in • 1879 , LIGHT tODIDE;• feerl that the main ti,rt•efy did ept e...•.)2.1 died in 1861; , leaving ''''-a\widolv . - tain „a drop of filobd.: Ielnid ,dripA mourn -hie lciss, They:are .new. air, mid .serve Re a warning to Othq,bny.s...'i 1,''. '1 .yord Mis. ofnart•-e l'inf,X,1 ;Dentivor Alexander Purvis ' ' fat reeignation She,: .was. 'a i faitl waneSli, en :Saturday last, ..Aft: ...Alex.' cieVoted .follower„,ok ieene tO,,tlie. I ,andeifPurViii, in.the ?1st year . f'if '111P :-‘,Vhe,i' asked ja 'b f r iith wai ood did knotv !that farmers hive gained by ob-. Of:the value of, *Mixing 'their fO -yery few feeders clepen4 cin One kink • tit grain when fattenitio, stout Of thowa Whecilay: wish to ,iceepuit for - . nOtIr A811 tom Tel. Ifru fat '11,1pets1 et' and! 3rd -.74,1,ifeilowii .:.kiall:; liY. ell ,Wheilrad-' the pleasure 'tif his:. coMfort unit coimolution of. :tile.... gOoper, • Skint foilk•1196.0.• .1.; 5 0 '-' 7 1 . orot ren cordially invited. -.: ,„ „, the -Ocoee House of Refuge,,liave 'been. ' Chief Ranier. Recording Secretary, f 'Ancient °filer' United. 'WU/kitten, Meets iii`-litie:::!,0c1d- • ' barged, G By townships the, cupied 'the ;pulpit in Calvin church -Miss Wood's,. Of Itineardiiie;' is visit- ''Cluditig-thiiltSperVfarnily, i,,,a,,,,S Id 6,1 0; ' ,i11.}19114611(4,t11°..r,e 6*.ilig:;t6 th, i3 .!11"68?. °I'hi4 The wholiqiumber of (lit '''s . beard i''';,: * eluding. keeper0. faailly, ,.was 143,1 0.Ol. r '' ..,•=410...nd sleighs. arid sleds'. avi- 404 44 • . ;...:266:.;f:' •,..,.!.1:---.4,840:-:-. eat value to .them aS fa e s Poultry forAlie,„Eicpert Trader'?.. giving" being done in., England Onthat,litie.and d,reasof.great*pritatieid. value ..9rat. "The descriptions. :-of. many: Of ont-.:Inseet' made of'"Coal-oil- siisp` emulsion frit., those:that suck their living out of Ihe-fruit,., ,or tree..ench as the.TT: les '6. five'.nailliens' twentyAlir .,'hy 'the chinch ‘at:Ipitidnitic(:)tir,giOrncla'Aft and, chery itrees. , tie mit 'out' all: the knots on,soine infeeted trees in January equally 'go9d values. War and weather ars themain.,tniiiee which wag organized' herb at.• the be... • giiitijag of' Winter- Continues . in a Little; Jr:, drove down to Tngorsoll week ago, th...‹sii relatives in that 'Mies Barbara Farrish and Miss ther.'s sister ' in Stratford vicinity "at ---107-411rsi----Peterc,dtts-vieited-for one Lane's, •Mr: Treleaven aceount ill ,health has. given ..up bunzieini; Langside and le -.going to t.ktanitoba 2 pounds yitrol to 40 gallons'. 4. Water t en .spidye .with a eo ution -of t,Qetiollteeda,..t.h•n;uinr iaenb,ipeneusairroanice,oetth4einsog voi cf ih7ti i6hthye a,c,, knot has appeared- sitice in., those, concinctors' ori. buildings? anc14.1"t was 'mr,..-Gleaderfning told how he made's .pver been, ihd /wire the -required. length, faIten eard and then, attach in the sPokfis be . waggfirr heel that min be, revelyed • re per forated...-beard along ',as the.so. m▪ s. e;, after eoffipieting you'r .wire rope,„ ereet • eight feet; Of it in the Centre of There Wits nO serviee in the Ohurch Whaley had. been 'called, ,nitity tep illnesa of his tnother.--. The annual • meeting, which: was „Announced., for Monday 22nd, is: postponed until Tu day; 30th; on that%accounte• lion just now, ' The.. 'saw ' logs. and ,fire WoOd are • ..slibwed by stattstiOS that theAlsh, and your barn roof, ,ileciirle-g it iliereijiy"ti. .are•*sOrry to, lea,rn ',that Mrs. 14.‘ • .'„tonnish Baden ,wOte .6t,:it ih,the British Wooden 'stay ' fastenedby ,WIros;:tlien,'I Knati,e ,lias had'a severe tittackOf sick,. •Matkoti. tied why, 0 ia afie. ii`A: oriel:a& )ay yen r obriductOr ' fiteng,.tli e . ridge end' 1..11'08'1: . .; A-V,L., , hcip6., °.f,cir .., 'her:: ISpee 4,4 . quality if care arid. at ntien iver',0' given a 1.-pertdet-condticeer.. fIellso Made a' • TlIO:, Oltnisl *,repOrt Of;the",Omaritt,.. to :beeeding „and- f ding, Re 't4i,miln" iitaaller,piecetn„extend to the.ctlier end' , LtcenSe`;DeparinfeatesheOW4..'.8.irisleilia'ridiati ''. r,peeinmend the ir ' of sireenf the bacon •,fif,:th-e'bfiril roof 'With an upright.pidce .1, iii.e. '1.1- 't vet, 'it ype . vstiecially,,„ 1.116- "o'Ocshir's .'.and' .nbour-•tive nr;siX feet.high and Splicoa ' dee64il.' LI 11)-ic' e).11184451;;v,cis'iri, sti`e* rwi.qc‘4 . hast,".:.,.. : 'letter of th right tyPe.Would then foo . short Piece above-"t.he rilga at the end, ; "Yenie,- I'lil '104 ' ,,,t1:.)0: :vinte. 06,1S5 . , with .the eatest!' care, .kei,,Pitig.the hog where' the: main vonduotor oropiped to . licensee ;', in .1 Sb f ''there.,,,,' .v.;erc, kl 60 ; , 1 n 'i:i. tn i•tt,ble Iquarter's • at all tiini,s. " the, grouno: ,°. The iiii616 cost including'.,' Ili'. '18i)8,.. .i.,,j...23,_;..6:ihttiteprc:,,2t:zij.it8.4hot:L:re.Aor:; \ :,.: ..., 7,61Wtotidliil'-ha'fititt'affalicitt4. ,'"i-.0111ii, .kneW th'cile Shhjopts well .end ',01•11C1 balk• 24 Wiit'il'oiali",,' The: revenue': froth :We in •Wipt.gr, and.:81164titOto gi4,ain tor :11us' Who:Vis there' Must have Nen - very- " ;,„4 ' .that forth ter 'scVerat: he:this-1)66re 11, in .the prefeasioni„; ' 'and .$2,6 l,6 'te thO' • rr