HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-01-19, Page 1- • • ••• •1•••r • Afei ,4 • • •••• 1» Banker,: . • • r, •"•• We. do a: ."gantirta'hii,elti.ng iasue •cirefts...throtu,tout Canadnanit.the :United Statue, e*note c011ections.on all points,. •-including r-ViTaaterh"States;114anitoba and •tixe•Nortn-13.r.eat 1,'rovinces ahd„ 11 collec- • , . whether ttore or. ,;tio?Ount,, will have . promIst attention.... ' Notes' discOrintecl..and fernier's'. ante '-notas 'cashed. • , „ • • •"--Wu • loan.tO faromrsnn.donble or single .00000 a.t trim one to Wave months tithe and ; :reaftoual)le•raite hfnt. -i6rokit, • , . • ,3 We: loan. 'small. or large amountio..on seeOndl. ••410.hgage on farms or °titer Wel estate.,ec 4 -7.`"uritYand64' firf)t)ehattal nlOrtgagea: Gli.4ve iiieck and implements auri crops. • ,- "Vra have a.largognionnt of funds tO..11.11VO4ca, on .0rtst niortg age S. from. 0 .pe,rceu. to".0 per The•rste'is graded accor4ing' "to the,. 03P•litY;sati`sitePf the loan•required. • • : • ; We raprerQnt the leading' Anglian" .andl'Onne:, diau• :Fire 1:nenrance -Companies and •can. •*. elfect•insuraneen all:glasses of property in "Stbelc (o..• MutualC.JoMpanies as ' • ,On.rollice. hunrs..1%re.from,.10 p. G,E.0,"' $IMP11.4.:4t,a. .„ • ,•• • i, • ItylE1,011041 .1t." TANNA:NV, S CT I N Surgeon and'- A,occoucher. ,Surgery over•-4.-illiott.'t.l_grOcery. 'store: Chloe hour tht.Jip..iri. and from.. 7..t.o.0rs,./n., I, • . „ ''.1' GOPAON.' 1 ._ F.T. T •D .P yselaul•§J ailm4Velosestre, j.-.6f;.-Viiircincb. & Co tote; • • ' , , , fI Aft•AOW 'tern, Solicitors, etc.'WWar, Ont. c J.t4,GAititow;;Q: 0: u; PnotinEboT. , • • tiolicitor;Cony,eyances, eta., (late . • Ouineron, 1L>lt & Cameron, Goderiph).. Office 'upstairs in!Allinie nov block. , • , I'J eMORflTbON, 11113.0,16TEll JLI. Solicitor; CommissiOn'er,,NotarY,:etc.• '• :Money .-te tomb • ' Office diar Iloo'dy'S•Barher bhop .10i0 BET 1 ES ' _ C.O.F. . csj.7A•aliEtt,w,00)),NO O, LuCK • now, Meets everrflWit'luid:tliffd Mow:: : day Of . eveivroonth: in ' theOratige Visiting brethren are Cori:111111y `Inzited.. ' ‘'.1 op n,•/%110.1Frint; CR.• e , . LOYA.. Lop:GE.. u0T,Ds r,rs, , REGOitift, _ . taenth.lY rocatirigs iii the•Oirang041a11-,4 'Campbell . street; Luclniow;. tile second. :.•Tueiday t,iV'enl*,.. of .5 tiah,and every month'. ." Degree night on the second Tuesday,: eN;,,ening. ' oiIowing.AVisitiiig brethren cordially in- vted 0 the -meetings. ' •.:. • ': • , DA:Vim Afonna,• : .' Secretary- • • •, • . , ::.W. Ala• -- - -- 4 • • .•••- 0.0. ri1JCKN.OW • • nel!ts.every,...h rtday. evemr,t; ‘8..o'clest14 iii virtue:flail; 'Clanipholl street. ' All: braihf64'. . , . Jo q ' P::%A.:PdiviotiAtsoN, -•-•••••••••••-^" . oche anh, , • 1tiYrt. r OL'ilt. LICH .1.0Darar t;,81,YrA2 NionT fon. bll I/ %I' • ' Tr•r.i:\ a'IN reroth•;n:l.', rt);A. i)r, • --;Secretnry,• N.711. -1" UcJt • nilfait, Order . of t.lhoseir; FriecdA.. ' Nteets let and,,..3rd Tuesday • eydningi nf eacb month, m •. • Oddfallo . Visitors .cordially.. -"'"' P.VI`TVilSON,, Bf3COrderf.' ' -1 .. b. s l't .EIT.QXON9'.:I44:51/00; . • ,. .... iris; DA PE '1VD•r," .i" i.1 ,_ „Ord''r or Of V -CAN A tSii:...Ite'thpi19'clvr.ikeollvAe:: 2 ):"k . 41, ; •:,';•tt,-;• • . .ffitv-• of ,eadh• • h ' ' or•itlir,:•;), eirrdia#1iy..hi';V'rtt,.:fc°1'..t).1.(1°.k.1 7BITIiltitii‘n4fIt . 'i '00;.• 1.',i:rmoite, , w.; A. ' ' . • Ch lc f tap gnr. ' , lt.;;;I:O'Arc‘lvilutrg'14,Sctr. etriri, . ,,,---.----, , A .0 0„W.i .t7H(1.K‘.-'2----':.N- '6T -72'W, Lodi,l'o, 'of tile ••:-.• Ancient' Order; of• . 7,.2-..tinited • Woripneti,• ifi,f1.6t§ 0,,i'pl tilc tOtal `.1..rist91:v. and . . iff)o.e0"l'ill ' f,olidit;• ir von lugs of 1.• 0', \ ..e9,01, month r,t eight , / 1.1,1:i \ \ » ', .,oloincl;.,. •'Vigiting ' rotiii'dri dor(1 nliv IAN it01. • . . , • ' ' ' p.1), :7? .Y.t.,/,E, ' ,:. . \ : N., ...AIA.A..,L, i,,,,,,,rkIno,u,.. ---, • . 1.scorder * - \'' ' ' • '' . • ' • i •!‘ , ' , . ,. • g 0rs.Fi1t • t..4'.)1,0,1Vilirld1-1,/.iNi. . ' ? ."11413U14.4.1.0i 0E . ' , .. ''''Vrtlr-i'll'i'irl.'ititlitet$14 f-.*', :..g.- --:":":-. , itottime NG t9.1. .. . . • ' ; „,,,•\\,\f,"?•,)j-1,.)?r • • . .\\ .‘" 0." lyssengek traine;, follo‘+:,,•ss • Goin 50.0thi G. a, ' •8 a,m: 12 38p. 14 BLE laYe"rounlmow Station as - • ",;'''• • : • • ' • .. Golpg.North• 11.35 m ,f4.05 „ •• 11.10 p..m. W. PLATES, .4tont, Village.' aal.C, Vietnitm few§ „ . piping In Wily 11011094-. 'fliage• Groff,- of Waterloo,-' will be in •the on. Saturday -next, for the. Purpose of purchasing'd number of tiosivy'Weighing.fcbm 1400 lkis,;-,4wards,, • irom ages 4 -.to 8, for Which, he will pay'the highest 'price. • • Burner Antoyekiery. , The annual ball. in commemoration of the birth.Of 'Robbie Burns, -"will be held: in the ;Town' I-411, LiteknoW, on. Thursciay-evening-nex,t. • Every -thing is 'agdone to'inakelesa SuccesS -- 41. fine 'or,olieStra will . tlscourse sweet music for the evening,and it 19 hoped Aet,there .will- -be -a-gOod attendance: . , , .polleli Anglia • Mr. Jain'ess.tint, of Whitechuinh,. , and ox -warden of the county of Bruce, is going extezisnrelyinto the breeding Of,Polled ;Anglia cattle, and in "a few years, will have an eitensiVe her4,,ot .t4ese ,tuipful. and ,profitsble, -•;animals. Last : we:Or. he purchased a 1704 line 9,9„nigbull from Mr, Vareoe, • near Siniths gill, and as- he his already two extra fin thoroughbred females Of the game :breed, as Weli,as a number of well-bred grddes, he ,has,- nciW .4. the foundation for d first:plies herd. • • eleeted for 1900.'."-- • , . C: C. McIntyre' 1e .• • '• Ouest :Treas. Oraharn 1D. YuIo 117. DaVison • • S. W :Bennet. • S. IVIOPonald J. Ottmeron l't+TOrthcott, ' ', • AirilleultneirlSpcbety - -• ThPhkihntitil Meeting Ofctlie"Kifilcies',. , . , . , . 13radch' A21-Siety.was 'hetct an the ,ToVin, !oat week-, and Pres-.. idetit: P. 11. Mc fenzio and tho,:offieers, :and.:direotOr.s'Were..all re-eloaett.h.y:ae:' only ,Chanke.on the ilear'ed 'Of iiirectOrS.'WeVtlie'addition'Of: Messrs J. ,Webster .r; and Mr.. Gecirge. Oi$eri the,„tOwnstip:ol'West ..WawepoSh..', • The: .treaeurara• vePOrt. Sh'ow:6.cl tbat, after Dying all . • . „cnnnected;,yvitly,the lat, fall show ancl 05 '1•O th9 Phieliase ' of, the.. new .tegrouridd,... . there still ...ro us SU !plus'of $40415: ',to/ the band» of 'thu e treasre.r. . • • ' • , . •.71:41:!ra'ry. Books • The, following boo,lr's liay been tisk., lag of the .PtiblicLibraryliere duling the V.:eitk bf 1`.899„„ 13lograpliy, Saenae 514--,Histork,1653• Liter- 'atUr' :744- Religio987;'"-'Alctior): Poetry; giseelanenits' 1, 40,9r and ,voyags,nd,:. travel, ,1 '490 • ' The. above considet "agood'itatikling �f the ,'Arst. inai4urkt,tih, , under. mutt icipal control. ','*.There hallo been.. S. d f 11 it iig a' v 01 u 6( the ..latest,Wordi,s ,b4pOpular 41411o/rd.. Anyone desiring -good sound literature speaCe or war, love. or: :liaticilc cannOt. devote hid rsTiare,'hoUre .nrOre profitable thao by -reading ale,veof Manbeokacontained in,„•the•-Pitblio Library in the Which,. iS :Open - to, the', .three nftein.50.11s:• and e in •the weal: :TyTiursand3irday • •...,x vireddiria: Brille. • . :- ' : pn,,,t,lie evening:44 tAirecinetclay, the §trelltiiiiii'li'VerWteiijiiiiible'-iitifelViiii -spent at the :residetiCe of Mark'Wilscin, Springhill.Vartei',4shaeld, :when' May Mable, ,the Second daughter,i, was unit,, •:eci in the bonds Of inatriroOny in`.11,h-_ 'IA' .;13-ii`ririn-,7iiiferotiT:7sei'f,i;lifT,,Willittin . 71)tirnin; '.'1711Test'llravraiii-ik'hi,.Re..,11. 1.rairbairii, B. 4., 13:07ratdt ,of 109 guests , were .present) ,te`. witness the •cereinony. -;,Tlie bride: '• was beatitifully,, attired in 1, amitnnie of • cream figured 'rlustresi-,trifinned: with ,cretkna, -silk,. and Irioe.• '''.$4e.,:held in her hind it magniff:, eon t boUgtiet -of Oreani: toOlf. She was ' ' ' ' - : assisted , by...4er ,: sister,%Mies 'Maggie, .w1lc, wad also: bOautifty, attired • in 4\ i'leitt06tUrne, ' Tho groom 'WeikUpport,' ed TV iiis bre:4,4er, ...41.1exatider .,:, Alter A bountiful wedding supper .,liad been partaken of the reinaiiideref :ehe evria." il.W.-.Y.1.1.1. 4ISP11ti Iiiyk voeit 4p oaaftlit ana ,:olijoyablo otougoiod tff.- a , o 'bolo\ v'tkAsk. toitao the recipieni i many valuable• 'and', useful preseritt,' WhiCh 'evinced the Ardat 'eSteeni ' it 'igIiicti the is held, . '1Wro x te Li d -congrtfttil atiOnt* to I' hellos-, '. .rittedded cetip,16,. and 'Wish thein 4 biti$pyi long 'and prosperous tiliioti. . • • 4.4 Watch Lot .• ---W-1ii1&-driviu from ckno w•-tO- .itint"411 dri'labnclaY evening, ;a Young Jatly lost a yaltuible ;gold watch". . The. case is heaVily'', engraved and: On the. front are engrised`the,letters G." The finders willIo Suitably rewarded' by returning it to the Cain 1 -louse; • • weather! Reporst.,Iroki 1899. '"" Bain fell ori 91, days to the '.arnonnt of :29.F31. inches., Gresitest ,imon.thly rein -fall., 6.22 inches in May;:" least monthly rain -fall 0.57 inches in Aug- u0;-11iiik fell On Pleven days;in July and October. Snow fell on 57 days to the aniount pf- 92.51- inchee,- ,Ther- .1m5meter felt: belpi* 'Oro on 111 days Coldest days',were Folaruory. tth'and 1.2th When:the thermometer never retie to -tem , and vent -25' .-belor. • Their was 46days good sleighing, and 33 ciaya poor; . . clPetit Sheep Mr. Edwitt Oatint; West,Wawi noSh; ,poe,of. the best 'known and most iplitensive .. breeder' Of . Leicaiitet :sheep' in ,,this -.part of thepievince,haBd. Oided"Tolibliiif Uie businos andthe whO14.. kloeic oonsiting..of 24 heed of 'the ,choicest ,genia.,of ,lie';bred iri A:Mei.' ioa, will- be, Offered for sale' hy. auction at the farm . lot.17. eon ' 12 -on-W-pdnesday,--.'Tanuatyl4th-Thts- lia._tlift largek4 end beet kale Of Deiees-g, :ter ,.,Shiiek Oyer „held: here a'nd intending.: purchesera', should :attend the sale.- •• John Purvis, Anetioneer,:' • „ • . • . :orange. ,Eno,Essiovns The:residence „Pi Mr; Peter 'Watson, Farin;• was tbe-sceir of a brilliant event on • ,Ikednead ay: eveninglast Jau tiary 10th the :dotiaiion 'ii-eOoladkilatight'er.,.,'Mery...Christens, to Mr. Nieil.:Catenhell; . of .WaivanoSli. :The ',;41,)ride 'entered the -reoni,,..leaning• On ',the, arni • •ot. ',..Lierlat,ber; ulna wan , prettily.: attired .in 04.03 e4t{Ainer,ii tri'mtood'' with satin,tritnniings. 'She . . wall assistf'd :bY-13,,ei• Bieber :Miss was suitably 'attired. in a purple': chStume triminings, while t.he . groom was 9.141.Y POPPorted. by his brether,.:M•r..,'Po'ngelfl eereinpriY, wad Peef.iienled by tlie-Rey.'„ 4. McEay,pastor of.thh,',Prelb,i4eritn. 'Church,.:,Luei.no.v",in the4s"tir:ee.lof aboni,thirty iiteith6:". !nongrntillationS.. and 'hest .Wieheo °kali :had' beSii:7.6Xtend-ed'tO the ,happy 'yOung,- couple,' ilia party eat dPvirrto.dt,shiept...:: nous,'wddi.ng dithier.t .,The tean.tiful andnnnierona, gifts.' testi6edlli: a Meek. ure::',ta•the esteeth in v_rti„..i9,kthe•Yonng.". eonpl& is ,held. • 'ThecappY7'$atherinr. broke up ab Jato•llou'r wihiug 4r. and Mr4...thatipbi4t1 Many.' icing and happy • years toethw ,11,11-.1, 4.14 .'-- Don't. .frioiltrilo,eatgtenIrt:thie4,Eittielit.. , Poll* plot teiled'fillte attePipt to harm Larrner& Ilistitute:Xect.ulg i ti thoge 'fon. WhOm• it was 'meantand a' Town3hip Hal,1;.1161Yrbod; 0,d'fiatur4aY II 4ftweeh600:1,eieisslt.i.." ggpuiroitttytti •O',0Ptupwc, .hpk..."04;. e.ipli,),r;:hAl le:nn:y:Oevir;e e:1:'be2'.'°cat11;r1 e t he. =Wet° suffer4,1'...,•4e-pe!;pepre,to,r'oy the interesting' and tpatrtictivP"-Plograinnie' act'shouid 114 put behindthe ,bars six WonthatWice- a year fon:the .'",neXt".:fivo years. • ' • • • ' The_Leaciin' market . . ' The 'hest t proof that the Lubk now grain inettret, is twin ahead „of all others in tfiis part 'of -.the 040% thefact that' almost daily.farinerificilir t'ke to tWent7 m. tree distancei.Oan.be Oen in the tglagNiiLI, large Odds of' grain. .Our gruin Inlyeit are pay,ing. from one to two tent per buitiel morfi AflERNOON.StfialON.' 1:•4-.9ireed'S .on the and 1,4ileedi and 1,Neding"..11enry,ctlendenninh!,,,. Z-7‘,17bO, bacon :hog hPvi 4.to feed tett an..d feeding?' X-lory. ArJrcrk •' '.1"7fOr9jbev.i)3inrg.iii4.011114;m1:1.147telte"t' iAng,. El; ffir:416': _ inion... • • : : EVENIci SESSION: :Andress, .. 'it; mo than the others. In conversation with' . afthqa,riikviE,oragfreQ:cao.nisiinottdidityt,niea.:t0;747.,6i.,n1proira, .1;2,,, -instrurnental , Miss Vaisy cin „ _ med us that tie liVed three iiiirek.fro.in i'3----f`Changed go'cl(14i°nii 6r- Agricul'"' the. v,iiiage of • ..fie had ice said.,•+„? taro" Arian:* ;. woh.. hhi !L.11 0- b i0 recc.ieesil 1114 nx.ao,t 4 7-7S'QIP °m6r 111'U -4130i*, than itie,'could' get nearer .;5"-L'. g(*.:.9.4449It 'irade'r''1' MO' and it will, Pay 41 others, ;t0.' hrhig their grain_to Luck- . 7.7,-Macel-i'zie, T. , '. . • .' ..: : . ..• ' jr--..‘4Tlie..§piayin4:.. of *ti-uit . tirees":. 11: ' "Olendenning, • ".. , -. ' 6•'--.,,$ero: '. , . f •• '•:111iss AgneS .COrrigan. .-:-Solo .....,...'' ..,. ......,..orner,•Hafria-, „ , ,.. ..• : TI" ' * - -;-,-°::!*1$9.A101',... R -9 -TP --P,`----. --•••'•-•-•:-.--..-k-':generaltatiCt10.1'. leenSSion. err" An :Jitter:gating- event occur - red,. on 1 Pepted•;on: Wedneedayi itan,..liOth, arthe reSiclenCe.i,e1/..s..41.9:,•kaa,liothe,j6, ..;,‘,tr:15.1n"J'ieert,'S,,'.41174,1i:8111;;I-tko!,.. °f''.1V.I.:.1."•'',I,1:9.4,e'ri0..'3"tdX13n4e..; ' 2nd '"'Con.:1 give. Valuable hint to ...to .: all .• availing, Itiiaoss, 71th:o11 Inc yoUng,est daughter, 1 thenci•stivos of 114sorpartkinity.,;,•• ,„ .• -- . 'Be1iel• '''.‘"?4:3` 'intit6d t*,-;•'mairiagt;"' :. 1 '`:' 'A' ' gOod" attendanee :Priarito.rS'',. i :Mr. . David Thotepson;, of,: Lu‘knoW.,,„. At- five O'clock the bridal party enfer-'- sileega810es'iitd!.'• .:81)i,618:;'11Y' a91:i'C''.• 4.f,t.er"'°11' ed :he parlotir :where', the l'inarriage. , ii,. ' • • , ,, • • • ceremony was perforined ..by2thes..4eV.,. ,f.'...4. Md:.Lerinan :Of Kiniods, ,asiisted GELAND Ai.A.sgit.7Efi4i*,i,,. b the Re IC.. McLennan of .Tiverain.• ' • '• . • .,..,.4....„. . las.bride loeked,charMing hi .e kind-. • ',. Nbiii".Lorrie Rink,' r.,rileschifi, 003: some touiri...of OrearOWin brocade Or.i:th iiii., last, .'ivas ;a, beautiful iinci: eOleio. 'a,yolce,of embroidered .chiffon, :a tiillo., scene. attended by her. little 'maid- of'. honor eatnival' of the' e'a•tml` and 'wd .a'3 .qr°w- v,eil.i ,s,nd; Orange bloSioms.. She . velik, it.,3S,i:ng the , event •of . the':firt Miss,. Etta, . sister .of -the ..grOom;.: Who .ed•:.,:itl?. peetalicirs frOM,- 401 :the .-tOWns, 1,00lced. vey, prott-y in a' dress. of :white. .,i8...uouriqi togottii... With' 'ai6.,,Fge .rnirnber "sille,, and carrying a bouquet. of -Niti4e': '.frOxn.,t1Ie1-villao.6: ''• ThO costinnes 't were r0ses.. After the ceremony was over Seriirloes -.Tbs.- anniversary- :services in . the Methodist, church on Sundeelast were 4b6r1• hic Were.' taken on:. "behalf of the Funtt.--Tjlo Rev. Mx MTfx\vortij O Voe-Waterieoeupitid:t.he".-"pulpit at nnth, services, .nna the evening .especially the. church: packed:tO tbe,docits 'With. an' 'interested2. and ;pa.• pp6eiative audievoe,. of. -the •-..iReir" with a, ensiOni" . • op.to. -0y .t,lie.'Poialteriao and Meth- , fOdist iihurches.iti. the .village,, on the. oc, oaaiOn the anniversary services in , either' e,tifirch;ihere,•;,,wcie no seiriees, held in the Presbyterian church On .$.911.04y, eirening, and lop portion of ;those preient it the Methodist church were :members . of Dar.; McKay •s, con- gregation.. • ,my,„ 40,00,0phy is an able. nod irer.Y• Uen t and all preeent were, delighted with his oxoe'itoot.seri,. mons; -.Oil Monday evening 11,:',11obbs,:•of ,Y.Vinghanis, .delivered 'his lipplilar-le:otufoup:thedii.ati-dh, entitled' 11 -The niftdrhe, ,.was greeted . with it'•godd The, 1,1,0y, gentlemen is a forcible .Speaker and, Iiii,,ydisei,nirskvi' :contained.. monk 'fg6cicl" .•pdhitit, arid -F/600 iriterdpersed. 'with ".:StIffitterkt wit And . hurn Or to inalte,. it .both iii,terestWg and: instructive; The choir of ot the;_obnir'Ch-rendered: a • number .of .c 0109 seloctioria of mnsic *ddring 'the `, evening, :"'and the duet by 'the Misses,...1,411a-t. Port was heartily' enchoref," 14•••••••• In every sale; ii.‘what we • i;re (Jiving oiir cust6iners. • .. • - 117.0 iovite you to see °MI CLOTHING in. _wiiI find good , honest goods and prices right. 1:;15,See our Ifeairy Friezo -pOckets and welt , now, -rediiced W t$3.50 ' • heavy .• serge - all *pot • price.li;t,.(); now 'reduced. • to $0/50; • Parhi.ee many other linos a1 equally good l values.' ) • OEN° • ONE PRICE ,-GASA STORE. h xiuxnerous congratulationa.and•good :Wishes; Of ;Ores:ses) and dil'oredi'v to their oWner;:. ii".., . 1.1ie:b4PY dOtiPle 'received.' 'te nlioththecoinio and ,fancy KNIFED present ; when, the company• sat dciwn. Thet':,:felloiVing./•v,ere",• the' :snaceSsful • to, a siimptunna repast,. provided for the : indsqiieraders, ' -.• • the occasion., • Tri6::13a1e.nee onlie.even ing:Wes Spent in, nirieie 7Thi good Wishes.Of..:a. 'gest Of friends' Wii.i.testifiod•b$• :mad . best dredgeti;jedy/, rtha .. :..;e:,c .dressed..11,ata,e d:ay;1i:s;!Oi1:l;:.f,. taken• up 0o::1e1ybet,;d0e. ,.goodooy ve ,4hthe Ea,s3ii6iis0ibci:dcc,;pool* ninch happiness in Sheir u1hci0.sit 1 a( spacei,:fl6.dd boy, di1k4c Ve e public : a'..1 bait* : "The bcnne'Of...-Mr:,..and:. aeo-i;g6lities*.t6 out will thtexio• Middieton,ofa „ 1.2th>Oni.: of Aslificild;... wee.,t be found a fe*..41.1bulliat'pocl4'...,. .cvo»lug. . . \ daughter/Mary 'w4.4.,,unibed 111..the ho ,illfei...OrbodK..- and •Novelties.>, -rt •tz3ipecial:prkeS . Wa.tchesi • and'Sollid Gold Ohains, A. L Knives, ,Forks,.- :.4rid the , best. in themarket. , . ALL COONV:LOOK. ALIKE thid . SO --dOOS.:.all Si1voiwar wliii itiS'new, „but:there. is at • , , .ivide!.- di:gore...nee it 7'.*B4ri0g; ‘. : quality. • 014:1e1ia140'4tiittoii021.-• Jeti.t61101i State. ' • 014=••••••• . have; declared war. oa the balance- :of Colli,-;114iliclat'-:' .(1.904§, '.§a4t. lines as we do. net, Wish • ti?•,,CalTy' through; we have cut the.pricqo dear them out entirely., They were bonds o{ metrimony to Mr. Murdoch: he ..P, ;.4. l, -C .4.,..,.....TrALLSEHatiladr.:1' 13*p4r...4.a.go.,, ititil„,S ,...,...Aramo,,,,Wq,_.:0, f. lft cace.,..±..sv-q7..- It - , rpiinerls";ot Leknow, The pere'rriolik 'tihrniy;Lhe ),Vont,(-,li.w.iit. but .towai,diLt1;e, Whigh, took:014de at. l',;80 'o'clock, -.Was.'1:ciid AlVio' started to, pass. one; after. perfo.One'd by -the Reit; A, -tIVIOIC'ay4 ' • :- the ,,.. . •... . .... . presenCe of ; large :' nuniliep 'of ' in-' 1 ar;to,tnei or tne skaters an . n y e . d. fi all vited., guests.... •Miss. .Dora-.43bes ..ver- ...ed ,qr race in, firep,plae_e: W41. „Corn: ski!). fUJIk-' pleeci"..-:. the ' . Wedding,•1. ga'73., got secundplaco, 0.nd77,i,kr.eliio..4e-.. [march. : The' •101"140.' `viati• • .?...P16#115r 1 i. '0'°r.i c-rOt'-,third...the,__Bras. Rand, attired in:Organdie With'illk.triminiiii,. v•.. b • ' ' " ' --. '.1‘ . and looked .heantifut. 'After the Venal i.' of :tilt? linklic:',!.• .1u,'34.?41. 8°ci.etY„.;•T..0i:9-'' g;3dki h79;9*3.reshg.htsi'I:''°°iis-Q,4i's;: 'n4sie; lt t'!I"111Sd4.ri ng S8:ctwnto aatie.aritreh;itt43eyeii'...,bieivt ::1a5pre. the defiespith:of heseason and to , .: number ' ' of • beautiful, , anI 'costlyeverything \\,./is. carried out, 'and .wiSbes r. which all did . ample'. it.itstice•:': ,The, ....C.lait°d by .all .,prelent. ..111.r.:* pay„,:de-, brtde ;was the recipient p.t. .8„.. lArite series' d.redit. -sfor : the wey,',,in. *hie:11 presents, ,which...testifiies• to the esteem ,• ih, which,shp.toati" hpld bk .6veropay., to:thenit' the..Psoplo 'for' their, „liberal, Aft'er"4i.n-p-.p.etsithtg,os•.'ts,-,Prepar.g.. •f;i patinnage.. ii, ob.th.r,cpeslaVba'n ro,th er ai•eveniog,satioynentinzita.:;,catniviisttlpro,briuitt,aiicnets141ciie•::Mr•' P, 0.16‘Prrin8PP' fltuiV.Boys piotiSfor ti343oPlikt.,00mrete , • for dancing ' moat • - '0ouo-m,,,,, erae. i• . ...-- ' aeceptlift „onz*.:t.lie 'vie in. arts „gu tar, ., .r.. . .to".•:„..tlia* 'sweet strains-Ott:W-hi-tibe----,..----.•-• ..,-------1-' . .3r-01111(3:PPOP111 billpAs3.3b.0__Ilifias-,1 ••• • ''. ' ....k.1,41TAT-d. ..ti13r. tic till thei.".wce :eirca' '). hours /3f •the, ..' ' '...,..• .,, ..: ,.: , • • •; ' . morning. .•The . happy . youn•g ..cOuple: ' • ,..7i:TeddIng bel1a are flOgin.8'.... . .164,1)3' flT. 01.4'1'°90,..Pka:47-o.P..'5----at4t- -.'-',:- -The; weather..;for.the-east-iPw.• ays fOr'tlieir• lut#ehome16 'Rat -1:''9AtE!'ge!' "hiis: been tielightfill in 4iiS sectip.r.:( 08,07in,withwthom the heetyLviiehsS of- , e • • -,' ''''' : • . ,... !f:e 1 •:- t ,,...... ' li.. cisi 01 friends•- who'. iiirs•re .at the . ;11 „ry. Duncan. .Farrisnoo. a mill .. 48 SeritinelJejeSJAL4, .ifibilig°P1.*-144113L station -to '.• sea; therci.'saiel off. The , • 4 iiiiiiiwol-fii-p-prness,, and posperity in : 'their West -ern home. ,:, ...1 .,...,. ". . • • • • -14.: Diabolical Piot • '-15/str70":Cridily, says the Chesloy small boxes.; addressed to.tVio young 1440 of 'chesleY were taken Orit• of the. post -office,: In each hi* was a small colOted handkerchief., eithei•ofthoJaclies opened the botes; but id each 'eaSe it Was Opened by. some 'Orie other than the person' ta>..whoin it was addressed. 4rho'se who Were. • ••", fortunr enoughktoOisttirb hand - chief e rec ca ,,stfdply f . clowder that ma e their • hands 'very, sore•from its elnictd. pin the other date iwd• "of the of the woMan:f6i: ropitation-voa' totorid:. ed received. a liberal dose.. and #ene„ howling room. • • O.' MVO II 01C* :•45rEST. 4.17AINAINIOSEI' , •'hoineet. present 'after being absent for ihepast twO.ymars:-..,T.,k,...,,L ..,..,. ,,,..r...'.;...);.?,-.....,:.:.•: , 1, ,}4,1, . Willie Wolabr Of :',3,,o'uden;,i,:: •spoldiOgt.hie•liPliddys•atridrig Iiii.niany: • 1f401t1 lgitiVI.TOBA. ' ‘frieridif.liere:.‘ • ' t;'; : .1,' I., : • , . '' 'Miss' • Llell - McRae iS' the guest; guest' Of ' baNtrphlin Mail' ''.9.iii'i-iii,:'IN)0. .,.--11t814 Marie\ Prennan.- -.' , ''.,'".• . ' • ir.,.., .. • ,t :-... '''' . ' ' ':' •' ‘.":• . 4l:•a: krs.;'g,irran,.enson of O-akota, I, areMR'-u'°Tcl'/" " 7 - visiting the0 manyfriendeii-thil,* . AK $4xA le ed . ples .no tom , . : , . . , v• .•••-•,,, $1:00 for for th.e7Mtine4' for '1900.7 Ig.,., .•.• .‘; • '. • i :- '-'. s ' gditor, in OM). Of. y.oilr". late iiapars in .. ,.• ..i.,....41tIfigitOr Aiti.li'.$:•• speaking : of :the Manitoba'. elections 1::.. .; ' ' ' ' '' • . ...4', ',..----.`t.• • . ..,.'* ;.4.,.• you .0aid tfilib tho.olootioo.itt, ttio .con- , Robbie 8fqe1;o 1.10d his mother. mai . stittyinny Of. .0imii and ' Dauphin 'Were'. .1'ti.lnifis , Steele,. ... were : out dra!VingieSt'• two weeks later and:that '4.1lit...ariii- was weelt.'Wheci•,tik y,pot,,N,V1,0:#041:iisOd1deri%'. \,rtt:ttled ellie iy,..by \,,,ICiland,0,;'.1., d the'4 A.4 APp6.14'liod. uttp..,,oti bp') iliele Of: the cOtlit by 0.f..'",\i„.q, ‘ Ow Si ;I \ii not trotikecered- ',t lei" 1..liorse., and it i's.fi Say nythin about Gilialli.a I . ' O, heti 0:Wat throwing:0)Stiout:, l' Both''Were know,, but 1. have been,', a good : Whito ,, insensible.„. when' -picked!, nij. • 'in 1)auphin constitueney;'iind to triy-,..•kt,e•ele , waS' briiitItici on he body,....and ..4rue4iodge. t.. have net seen'. 'either. 'tor.; Mt', toele ''''•tis out; on ,titt 640, TilOY , ..1,)13A.4t‘i.a ..'-.,.1"it_t t:;1',T,Ii'•• At the, ills! p,n4.,•, .. • . INTA1M11•1) . , ... # " • .. ‘Tenlancicel.'761-V-Choft:Sr"in ity.,',,-:- .v---"Iira'-'catningr-rii'builll'-iii fight:r-a fga. il ''',',nit1::: 4i:Ifitit,viok,f:ItrfiiiptifiToigturtil;;,'Idni:4%,":',7 f :41:-• tra. ,lrY,;,, 3, .A0.,/, . ri, it....0.,,,ti:i. ,,,ii:14Wlitt,itIcykf,..tWwilat do,h., Ongladly 1." i‘rned by ,thpir: t , . . ,. • ` ., ' ' Thom 4.0"Iliolly.i all of Ashilela, . p , .• Council ,thet According 'to :statute.; „ Tie , new -1*ti]abere.., el ter-. s4iiing-tbea , neee,sAary. Tapers 1,oble.: their. 'tteetS ati . ' the ,116ard...... The officers for the: Oesee*. . year :•....were-:-,appoitited7' :-...Clefir,: ' .' Ski . .AeCrOstiO ; Treasurer, Jos; G,„'::. 4rd; ",•,, Aisessor,, V1r.,A,'W.ilso;n; Auditors, ..a..,., Webster sthd 'Llas„Snhusten..,:: / ; ,'..,.", ':•.Z .,,..;•Minntes.,--014.--the-10.-et-neeting , read./ -and 'fipr4t1VO.d... Treaeurer's staternenp.'::".' ••911o.ived:', 1.141.0430.7.oul,'414„',,of $47.07 . filecT.,".,!:.!:11.,, Robertg Wadanpointed. • .'clIO4spetionbotetS4' anchester it d , iz 'arbitrator .rd tbo.,.tot', tiOn,cif,ane •.01YtIrffeReh,ig',- $4'.:11'0'11;!:,,,iiv,:_,h.56..tii.:8Ohne.4'-,, Treasitref 'and, :t;',Or0,--appOilit0.(1" t a:table for the ' ! Tehreee4kstel:43;einrerr.lis''sn :---:Oolbourtie,.Tp.',, .. Evll. The follOWing.' . bar on Si a 8.0.21., W,,,Ittiliighir gra,: ''' .;vel 43,60; .tronrt.:11,00m140,00; James.. Cool:: 01385.0,:.ilil:4;:. fit ill 1:::::: t h8 vit.\ e: :I:, 0., 0:: $:. Et::: 0: ::: - .. , er Public laibrar'n,8,), ,00; Rogiattatio Feb 14t11, . at' 'l.10.',.O'Cle lr..'7211x.. S }Lions Public Library fk. , rsnnehos . al law, $f).oq. couli. p.: tioji. tp 0 \ A,.... -4‘... • t • ..• ' . 1•"*".." -r" • • • '4.. ' ` • • ••