HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-01-30, Page 5irrhi
TUE WiN0114A 'Ins, I'a13RUARX E, 1pu8
�171e QapandseCI��ilS fromthe SSanSanctum I I Healthy Blom!,
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
la three feces out of five the eyes etre
eat of alignment.
ror an explanation that doesn't ex-
plain ;Lek the self made man.
The Rinks and Toilets in llheuma•
ties Rugged Road, -For 4 yenta the
vile ui a Nell knowu Toronto physician
-wee on crutches frons Rhenmatie
Socurge, and not until she began using
South Ameeioaa Rheumatic Cure could
Idle get a minute's pwrmauent relief fr +m
eaain. Four betties cured her. Write
for oongrinetlon if you're sceptical
Fold by A L Hamilton. -154,
Remnants ot laundry soap can be
boiled tato a jolly or sof soap for disb-
washiug, orahayed into the wash boiler
on wash day.
The essential bang -healing principal of
the pine tree has .finally been snooessfally
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medioine-Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
Thd. Grand Duke Alexfe, the Czar's
eon, now 3 years and 3 months old, is
one of the handsomest of the royal ohil•
dron in Europe.
No woman is one-half as dangerous as
bet 'threats,
A good taxidermist should be able to
turn out first• class stuff.
Stop that tickling Cough! Dr, Shoop'e
Ofongh Cure will surely stop it, and with
perfect safety, It is so thoroughly
harmless, that Dr, Shoop tells mothers
to use nothing else even with very
e'oung babies. The wholesome green
leaves and tender stens of a lung healing
zinountainone shrub fnrniah the curative
properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough. Care.
It calms the cough, and heals the sensi-
tive bronchial membranes. No opium,
no chloroform, nothing harsh used to
Take no otneeB Shoop's.
Sold by all dealers.
A waterproof wrapping paper is now
being manufactured in Germany.
. cement plant is to be built at Dalny
-which will have a capacity of 1,000,000
tons yearly.
In Heart Disease it works like
snagie.- 'For years my greatest enemy
riga organic Heart Disease. From nn,
easiness and palpitation develoyed into
atboormal action, thnmpine, fi 'ttertng
and choking sensations. Dr. Agnew's
Cure for the Heart gave instant relief,
andthe bad symptoms have entirely
disappeared. It is a wonder -worker." -
Bev L. S. Dana, Pittsburg, Pa. Sold by
.A. L. Hamilton. -155.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Hignature of
Scalding the milk for custard pie
adds greatly to its flavor. An addition
of a teaspoonful of brown sugar or mo-
lasses is also helpful.
As a spring mediciuce Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
All true camphor ris is by Japan
and China, 80 percent. by the former
and 20 per cent. by the latter. In ob-
taining camphor the trees are destroyed.
Ali the larger towns and cities in the
Philippines show the result of American
initiative. -`
'Thomas Nelson Page, the literary Vir-
ginian, always addresses the President
lea "his Excellency."
Grippe is sweeping the country. Stop
it with Preventics. before it gets deeply
seated, To check early coldetwith these
little Candy Cold Cure Tablets is surely
sensible and safe. Preventics contain
Po. Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh
or sickening. Pneumonia would never
appear if early colds were promptly
broken. Also good for feverish children.
Large box, 48 tablets, 25 cents. Vest
pocket boxes 5 yenta. Eold by all
Lake Huron is dotted with over 3,000
islands. This is more than any other
lake has in the world.
A teaspoonful of pulverized alum
mixed with the common stove polish
'stili give a wonderful polish.
Is Yours Rich and Pure ? '
Blood is the soul of life,
Cheek its totmntlon, reduce its qua'.
ity, lessen, its red cell s -you at epee rap.
strength and vitality -you peril life
When you strengthen the blood,
make • t richer in red cells, inordere
Oa solid constituents,. you supply the
materials that rebuild -you furnish
that disease kesistireg element we call
When yon, are weak and ailiuR-
When appetite is poor -w ten mental
efforts seem imposetble, sleep hard
to get, be sure }'our blood has grown
poor and your nervous system in con-
e: gnenoe
on•e:gnenoe is impaired.
Nothing so quiokly stimulates the
formation of rico. red blood as Ferro -
Ferrozone's action upon the diger•
five power is imnaediete-everything
yon eat is converted into nom:element
and building material,
Ferrozon° fortifies the notion of the
kidneys, liver and stomach, increases
circulation, and by these means throws
into the blood a vast store of material
tc build up and to strengthen..
Ferrrzoneby making blood and stim-
ulating vital :onion, trausmite to the
debillitated brain cells, extlausted by
toil, by anxiety, or by sickness, the
strength they need.
The beneficent action of Ferroaane
on the brain is transmitted through the
nervous system, .and all powers of the
body area enormously increased.
Ferrrzone enables the body to per-
form all its functions iu a normal and
natural way, and with au absolute free•
done from reaction, which is the most
positive assurance that the body is
strengthened -not stimulated.
Whether the weakness you suffer is
profound or of long standing, whatever
the conditions are -if the blood Is im-
paired, if Its redness is reduced, if its
activity is lessened-Ferrrzone is :n
absolute and rapid remedy.
For any condition of weakness, de-
bility or ill -health in men, women and
children, you can't find so nourishing
and strengthening a tonic as Ferro•
zone; try it, sold everywhere in 60 cent
If you have Catarrh, rid yourself of this
repulsive disease. Ask Dr, Shoop of
Racine, Wis., to mail you free, a trial
box of his Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy.
A simple, single test, will surely tell you
a Catarrh truth well worth your know-
ing. Write to -day. Don't suffer
The Bruce Old Boys' and Girls' As-
sooiataon of Toronto held its anneal
meeting Wednesday night, with a smok-
ing concert. The officers elected were:
Hon. President, W. A. Skean; Presi-
dent, J'- Stuart Brace; Vice -Presidents,
F. A. 0. Johnston and Dr. J. M. John-
ston; Secretary, J. W. Bandy; Treasur-
er, Neil Sinclair; Chaplain, Rev. Angus
The Great Serpent of all Diseases.
-Kidney disease may well be called the
"boa constricter" disease, unsuspecting
and unrelenting, it gets the victim in
its coils and gradually tightens till life is
crushed out, but the great South Ameri-
can Kidney Care treatment has proved
its power over the monster, and no
matter how firmly emmeshed, it will
release, heal and cure. Sold by A. L.
Hamilton. -158.
Stumbling Wreeks!-Undone and
overdone! Discouraged and desolate!
Emaciated nerve wreaks! Not one of
yon is too deep down in the mire of dis-
ease but the story of such a potent
remedy as South American Nervine can
Teach yon and lift yon back to health.
Its nature's trusted lieutenant, gentle,
but firm and unflinching. Ir• never fails.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -156.
Most women have faith in their hus-
bands as long as they can buy things on
credit at a dry -goods store.
Manufacturers imported in 1907 ag•
gregate in value $650,600,000, against
approximately $770,000,000 value export-
Dr. Chase's Oinb
mentis a certain
and guaranteed
cnreforeach and
every form of
itching, bleeding
„ and protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and ask
yonrneighboraaboutit. You can use it and
getyonrmolter back if not satisfied. 60c, at all
dealers or EDMMANsox, BATES & Co., Toronto.
Very sudden and unexpected was the
death ot. Mr. John Boyd, one of Luck-
now's best known and highly esteemed
residents, on Tuesday morning, 28th
ult., from heart trouble. Deceased was
in his 70th year, and was, up to the
time of his death in the best of health
and was about the village as usual on
Monday evening.
The steel Pa the new C. P. R. line bas.
been Ieid to Hanover, and tllb fits% en-
gine to pass over the new route steamed
into Hanover last week. .A big :pilo
bridge 65 feet high has yet to be erected
before the rails can advance further in
tine direction, It lit estimated that a
month and a half will elapse before this
bridge is cowpleted and the spring will
probably be well advanced beforethe
sound of the whistle is heard in Walker-
A man dropped into one of the drug
stores and asked for something t0 cure
A headache. The druggiet held a bottle
ot hartshorn to Ms nose, and be was
nearly overpowered by its pnngenoy.
As soon as he recovered he began to
rail and threatened to punch the drug•
MHO' head. "But didn't it help your
headache?asked the apothecary
' Help my headache!" gasped the man,
"1 haven't got any beadaohe. It'd my
wife that's got the headache."
ITCH, Maple, Prairie Scratches, Bar
her's Itch and every form of contagious
Iroh on human or animals oured in 30
minntss by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion.
It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Mrs. Robert Johnston of Kincardine
ail not long survive her husband, On
Saturday, Jan. 25th she was not feeling
well and went to her room and when her
son went to see her she was dead. Mrs.
Johnston was 84 years of age and with
her husband bete the vigors and hard
ships of pioneer life in Bruce with all
the courage and fortitude that die;
tingnished those who trade this country
what it is.
Ca atlia er 11=1.
Bears the _ She Kind You Have Always Boat
On Wednesday afternoon of last week,
Neil Campbell, of Loohalsh, lost his
right hand while working aronnd a saw
at John S. McDonald's. The hand was
taken, off at the wrist.
"fay Stomach gave out entirely
and I suffered untold, agonies." Thu'
was the experience of Mr. D G. Whirl -
den, Postmaster, East Wentworth, N.
S., after three attacks of La Grippe.
Doctors and doses gave him no perma-
nent relief, but Dr. Von Stan's Pine-
apple Tablets had the permanent virtue
that won him back to perfect health -
pleasant and harmless but powerful and
quick. 35 cents. Sold by A. L. Hamil-
ton. -160.
A new roller skating record was es-
tablished on Jan. 29th, at a tournament
held in Pittsburg for the world's roller
skating championship, when 011ie Moore,
of Charlevoix, Michigan, the champion
one mile skater, covered the five miles
in 15 07.
Doan's Kidney Pills sot on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, infiamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
If you want a sure cure for
here it is. . - , , . ,
l'he fnueoua membrane being In an
inflamed condition, causes running at
the nose; but, when this membrane ie
healed the discharge ceases.
Every etl'ert• should bo made to euro
Catarrh, for it leads to Catarrh of the
'threat, 8tomaeh or Bladder, Consump-
tion and Bright's Disease.
Oxygenator" islia up in large size
bottles. Price, Slay $i.ue, and 500.
"Oxygenator" is sold by all wholesale
and retail druggists,
The oxygenator Company
oronto, Canada.
A Doc ergs S;t,a emelt
Date St. Paul, ('.f`., t.nte.
March „7th, 1;107.
"Dr. T. A, Slocum, Liimite 1,
Toronto, Ont,
My warty ear ks for Fiychine and
Oxomuieicu. I have used thea. with
very great satisfaction both in my own
case awl in that of my fricmis It at
forte inc much pleasure to reeotinlnend
a remedy whish is really good in eases
for which it is intended. 1 not, yours
very truly,,,
DE. Mille:' !, :i.L1,ARD.
Doctors recognize tlmt P e7 c11;11a 11
one of the very best remedies for all
throat, loam and stomach troubles and
all run down coluUt'ous, from whatever
cause, It is the 1.7. cseriptiou of ono of
the world's grt ateet specialists in Isis•
eases of the throat, lungs, and stomach,
and all wasting diseases. Ask your
druggist for it, at 50e and 1.00, or
T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
The report of Dr. Bruce Smith,Inspeo-
tor of Pnblio Charities, on the House of
Refuge, at Walkerton, based on his last
visit on the 20th of December. It is the
best report yet made upon this institu-
tion. One clause says: "This county of
Brace has a House of Refuge, not excel-
led by any other in Ontario.
manageillont and disoipline are excel
lent." The average attendance for the
year was 49, and the Dost for mainten-
ance, $1.14 per week. The entire net
Dost to the county was $3,275 41.
Walter J. Soott, brakemen on the G.
T. R., was killed by the Ottawa express
at Strathmore after he had, with great
heroism Lesoned Mrs. Leganit from a
perilous position between the tracks on
which the train was speeding to
Montreal. Mrs. Leganit had been a
passenger on Scott's train, but had step-
ped off the wrong side. Seeing her
danger he jumped and had barely time
to push her clear of the track, when the
train struck him, killing him instantly,
Arter a Iong illness with cancer,
which she bore with Christian fortitude
and resignation, Martha Carruthers,
r eliot of the late Robt, Murray, passed
away on Monday, 27th ult., aged 59
years. The funeral was held Thursday
afternoon and interment took place at
Dungannon cemetery.
moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin;
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle.
Warranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known. Sold by A . L. Hamil-
There was a hot contest in the Bruce
County Council for the Wardenship,
Hilker of Port Elgin, Park of Wiarton
and Brink of Teeswater, being in the
race. Hilker, who is about the most
popular member of the council, won.
Here is a selected paragraph worth
remembering: -"Every temptation that
is resisted, every noble aspiration that
is encouraged, every sinful thought
that is repressed, every bitter word that
is with held, adds its little item to the
impetus of that great movement which
is bearing humanity onwards towards
a richer and higher life and higher
Itching, Burning, Creeping, Craw-
ling Skin Diseases relieved In a few
minutes by Dr. Agnew's Ointment. Dr.
Agnew's Ointment relieves inetanaly,
and cores Tetter, Salt Rheum, Sca:.1
Head, Eczema, Ulcers, Blotohes, and all
Eruptions of the Skin. It is soothing
and quieting and acts like magic in all
Baby Hnmore, Irritation of the Scalp or
Rashes during teething time. 35 cents
a box, Sold by A. L. Hamilton. --159,
c� .a. Is � a mit. .�. .
Beare the the Kind You Nave Always Bought
Free electricity travels at the same
rate as light -186.000 miles a second.
Through wire, only 16,000 miles a sec-
C7 A. ISOR=-f3.
Sears the „ The Kind You Have Always Bought
V�"►tritrfrtificirti '+IY9' '►frifi,If rr ' V'v r irirorWY.'91'1!rfro "lfif�t'o
rwe offer the following 1•
,, Before Stock -Taking, �'oods at g
low prices in order to reduce our stock. 4
iw.• remarkably 4
y. Be sure to /see them before purchasing : 4
Gteamine Eyes In the Blackness Give
a Flavor of the Wilds.
The average grownup who visits the
zoo thinks it rather a dull sort of
(chow, for the fact that the auimals are
captive robs them of all the romance
that would attach to them in their na-
tive forests.
But let the blase sightseer obtain
permission to visit 'the zoo at mid-
night, and his impressions will be very
different. Darlmess hides the bars and
the boards, and the eyes of some
wakeful creature gleam maliciously at
you. For the moment you imagine
that you are in the wilds, on equal
terms with the creatures around.
Poised on the swings and platforms
at the top of their cages sleep the
monkeys, instinct surviving their loss
of freedom, for in the forests they
had to sleep thus to avoid the beasts
of prey.
IIere rests a lioness, proue upon her
back, her legs rigid in the air and her
paws hanging limply down. There re-
clines her lord, asleep upon his side,
his paws turned in and his general
pose not unlike that of a 'do;.
The more cunning and more coward-
ly of the animals do not seem to sleep
at all, for as soon as they hear our ap-
proaching footsteps they give us their
greeting with snarls and malevolent
glowerings and watch us suspiciously
till we depart.
than cost,
• 27 only Fur Muffs, regular 5.00 to 12,00, for $3.00,
Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats, Cape and Gauntlets -at less
30 Ladies' Cloth Short Jackets, beautiful material, 62,00 each. 7•
32 pieces Dress Goods, ranging from 20e to 1,00, positively to
be cleared out at 50 cents on the dollar,
A splendid chance to secure girls' school dresses, •o
A large assortment of Flannellettes, from 5e to 17c per yard-.
-less than wholesale price to day.
Also a nice line of Fancy Wrapperettes. ,
Heavy Canadian Table Linen, 66 -in,, regular 603 for 506 ; �,
Our Groceries are fresh and reliable. 3 lbs choice Raisins 25e. -
Extra choice Re cleaned Currants, in 1 -lb packages, 10c. Jelly •�
s Powder, 5c or 6 for 25c. Tomatoes, 10e can ; and all other lines at 4
*equally low prices
70 in. wide, regular 90e for 75c -all pure linen.
i, All -Wool and Union Sheeting, double and single fold.
5100 REWARD 5100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that tblere is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure iu all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care is the
only positive erre now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a' con-
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous sarfacea of
the system. thereby destroying the foun-
dation of the disease. and giving the
patient strength by building up the con-
etitntion and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure. Send for list of
Address F J CHENEY & Oo,, Toledo, 0.
Sofd by all Druggists, 750.
Wire Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
I wish that I might talk with all sink.
ones about the actual causelof Stomach,
Heart and kidney ailments. To explain
in person how weak Stomach and nerves
leads to Stomach weakness, I am sure
would interest all. And it is the same
with weak Hearts or weak kidneys.
This is why my presoription-Dr. Shoop's
Restorative -so promptly reaches ai1-
ments of the Stomach, Heart and Kid-
neys. It is wrong to drug the Stomach
or stimulate the Heart or Kidneys.
These weak inside nerves supply need
more strength. My Restorative is the
only prescription made expressly for
these nerves. Next to seeing you person-
ally, will be to mail you free, my new
booklet entitled, "What To Db". I will
also send sample/3 of my Restorative as
well. Write for the book today. It
will surely interest you. Address Dr.
Shoop, Box 8, Ranine, Wis. Sold by all
14i• •
Often it is impossible to put a lid on
the fruit jar because of some obstruc-
tion on the thread of the glass. A com-
mon coarse filo will easily remove it,
or the points can be broken off by rub-
bing it with a coarse -threaded screw.
CliffordFisher,an Indian,aged sixteen,
set fire to the barn of the Mount Elgin
Inatitnte and burned up a lot of 'tock,
in the hope of escaping during the con-
The days lengthen Out in the morning
during January just 14 minutes while in
the evening they gain 36 minutes or 44
minutes since Deo. 81st. Since January
the 2let they have been gaining 8 min-
utes a week in the morning.
Laas•Liver Pills are the ladi esr favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or alokening.
Another at Gfo 'e citizens des
parted this life on Thursday bf last week,
in the portion of Alexander 'Sorimgeonr,
in his
who Was y
R S"
Though in failing health for perhaps a
Fear, he had been confined to bed for
les than Si week. He *a* a naive of
'erththire, Sbottand,
Yarns -single, 2 ply and 3 -ply -best home made.
Mens' and Boys' Ready-made Clothing, Underwear, Boots "s
and Shoes -must get out.
The recount in the mayoralty contest
in Goderich resulted in the election of
Robert Thompson by the same majority
which the returning officer declared for
Dr. Macklin, namely 5. In No. 1 divi-
sion Mr. Thompson gained two votes
and Dr. Macklin lost two and in No. 7
Mr. Thompson gained 6, In No. 6 five
Votes were deducted from the returning
officer's figures for eaoh of the two
are mild, sure and safe, and are a perfect
regulator of the system.
They gently unloek the secretions, clear
away all effete and waste matter from the
system, end give tone and vitality to the
whole intestinal tract, curing Constipa-
tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dyepep•
iia, Coated Tongue, Poul Breath, Jean.
Isiah, Heartburn, and'6V"ater Brash. Mrs.
R, S. Ogden, Woodstock, I'T.'B., writes:
441Pfy' husband and myself have used Mil.
+burn's Taxa -Liver kills for a neither of
years. We think we cannot do without
there. they are the only pills we ever
Price 26 ovate or floe bottles forM1,00 )
at all dealers or direct oti receipt of p
The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
To Purify The Blood
The blood can only be kept clear of
poisonous impurities by the healthful
action of the liver and kidneys, whose
duty it is to filter the blood. Because
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills aot dir-
ectly and specifically on the liver and
kidneys and restore them to healthful
and vigorous action, they are the great-
est of blood purifiers.
Also Cardigan Jackets, good heavy quality.
Boys` Sweaters.
Soldiers amt Schiller.
The Germans are notoriously a well
educated people, but the popular Eng-
nglash belief that every German knows
everything would appear to be exag-
gerated, judgeGer-
•rated, if we y a
man officer's. account, published iu one
of the German reviews, of an examina-
tion in general knowledge to which he
submitted his company. `Who was
Schiller?' was one of the principal
questions. Ten soldiers replied that,
though they fancied they lad heard
the name, it suggested nothing toathem.
Of those who went into details, one
said that the author of "William Tell"
was the ''inventor of printing" a sec-
ond described hint as "a man who
knew everything," a third put him
down as "a roan of science;" a fourth
as a "poet who wrote Scripture his-
tory," a fifth as "a musician of great
celebrity," and a sixth as "a manu-
facturer of beds." One ;wonders what
Tbomas Atkins would answer if, ins
vited to state -what he knoya of Shakes.,.
Petra. is
Mitchell lost a valued and highly
respected citizen an the death of John
S. Coppin, which occurred on Monday
morning of last week. He was born
near Bodmin, Cornwall, England, 'Feb-
ruary 5th, 1838, and came to Mitchell in•
the year 1863. For a time, like other
early settlers, he worked hard and it
was not long before he produted for
himself and family a comfortable home.
Deceased filled the positions of Division
Court Bailiff, License Inepeotor for
South Perth and County Constable, "and
discharged hie duties fearlessly, faith-
fully and with the greatest satisfaction.
A stranger, says a contemporary,
nddressed the farmer's boy across the
"Young man, your corn looks kind
o' yellow."
"Yes, that's the kind We planted."
"Don't look es if you would get more
than half a crop,"
"We don't expect to. The landlord
gets the other half."
Then after a shoat tinny the man
said: "Boy, there isn't muth differ.
enos between you and a fool."
"Nope," replied the bt+y, "only the
who find life a burden, can have health' and
strength restored by the use of
• uoart, and Nerd®
••••••••• •••000.4111:•••••••••
Times Printing Office
The present generation of women and girls
have morn than their share of misery. With
some it is nervousness and palpitation, with
others weal-, dizzy and fainting spells. 'while with
others there is a general collapse of the system.
Milburn's• heart and Nerve Pills tone up the
nerves. strengthen the heart and make it beat
strong and regular, create now red brood cor-
pu;elos, and impart that sense of buoyancy to
tlto spirits that,ia the result of renewed mental
and physical vigor.
Mrs, D. 0. l)ahoghue, Oritha, Ont., writes:
" Por over a year I was troubled with nervous -
nem and heart trouble. 1 deckled to give Mil -
burn's heart and Nerve Pills a trial, and after
using five boxes 1 found I was completely cured.
I always reconimend them to my fricatds."
Paco JO yenta pet box x or three beiges for $1.25,
all dealers or The T. Milburn Co., limited
Toronto, Ont.
♦fir '
If a man can write abetter book, preach a better sermon
or make a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he
build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
path to his door. -Emerson.
Get on the path to the door of the
Where mouse traps are not made but
Good Printing
Is turned out every day wit* neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; 'where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printing is done 'cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the orld to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
or by calling up 'Phone 4.