HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-01-30, Page 4Good Values .111 High,Mediurn
and Low- price Clothing,...,;
Our 20th Century
is made by the Lowndes
Co,, of Toronto ; and
Our Sovereign Brand
is made by the W. E.
Sanford Manufacturing
Co., of Hamilton.
20 per cent, discount allowed
off the regular prices of these
lines, bringing them below the
selling price of inferior grades.
Man's Furnishings. Hats and Gaps. Boots and Shoos.
McGee .& Campbell'
What 121ridoawake %%Mee Correspondents Coxmm,l ,oats -.- Other
Items Clipped From Our .Exchanges.
Among the delegates who attended
the Liberal convention on Friday at
Goderioh from this township were John
Gillespie, Cleo. M. Robertson, John
Reid, Elishe Walker, Wm, Dobie, Alex.
Porterfield, Wm. Robinson and Mae.
To Cure Toothache,
not find thrch e eqer ual of Ner he whole globe lne a Ad n ash-
ing tooth it relieves' at once. Fill the
cavity with batting dipped in Nerviiine
lend rub the
If theface is awol1er�t a de sore,1ebathe
with Nerviiine and then bind on a hot
flannel. ine trills the pain outright because Just as good
for earache, neuralgia or stiff neok. A
25o. bottle of Nerviiine oures the aches
of the whole family. Try it.
A marriage was celebrated Wednes-
day, Jan, 29th, at the home of Mrs. Mo-
Lennan, Kinloss, when her daughter
Mise Lizzie became the bride of Mr.
MoBeath Malcolm.. Rev, Mr, Duncan
Officiated. The young couple left
Teeswater by the afternoon train for
Brantford, Mr. Maleolm's former home.
Their future home will be at Hanley,
Sask. Miss MoLenrean has been in the
west for the past two yearn, and it was
there she met Mr. Malcolm. They both
mane east about Christmas, Miss Mo,
Lennan was well known in and about
Teeswater, having taught in the 8th
line school a few years since.
-----ten --
You Feel Blue As Indigo,
You axe sleepless—no energy—bad
digestion—irritable nerves—everything
seems wrong. You're getting worse,
Stop it today, end your misery by build,
ing up with Ferrozone. It's a food tomo
--supplies nutriment and building
material—gives weak organs and ex -
haunted nerves the strength they require,
With Ferrozone yon eat more, digest
more, get fatter, Vitality courses
through your veins, the feeling of youth
predominates, vine, strength and health
return tor good. Nothing rejuvenates
fand restores so quickly and permanently
as Ferrozone. You'll try it today, 50o,
at all dealers,
Wednesday of last week David and
Mrs. Addie commemorated the very
interesting event that very few have the
opportunity of celebrating, viz, the 50th
anniversary of their marriage. 50 years
ago on Jan. 29th the late Rev, Dr.
Cavan tied the matrimonial knot, at
St. Mary's, between David Addie and
Mies Grace, daughter of John Roddick,
now of Brussels. The happy young
couple resided at St. Marys for some
tiara then took up residence at Stratford
and recently came to the 13th con,
Grey township where they purchased
Mrs. Addie's father's fine 100 acre
farm which is being managed by their
son, Lorne. Mr. and Mrs. Addie en-
joy a fair share of health and many
good wishes are extended to them ou
their golden anniversary which Was
celebrated in a quiet way owing to the
poor health of Mr. Roddick, The 6
children are James, of Toronto; John,
of Texas; Archie, of Battle Creek,
Mob; Mrs. D. Anderson and Mra.
Lamb, of Stratford; and Lorne of Grey,
Mr. Addie was born in Dauifermline,
Scotland and was a gardener in the Old
Land coming to Canada In young man-
hood, That the highly esteemed couple
may be spared tp see their diamond
wedding is the hope ,of many old
The Ailments or women, If
nx xTa
The annual loaliriq of tie direr
tors of 1317th Fall Fair was held .last
week in Industry Ball, The following
ellipsis were eleoted..,..1lon. President,
Robt, Ferris; President, '1;'. W. Sloan;
1st Vice, Geo. Taylor; 2nd Viet), JAB
Coming; Directors-- R. B. McGowan,
Adam Elliott, A. 13. parr, J 13. Tierney,
John Barr, Duncan L:,i•alaw, James
Denholm, Wm, Jacl;epn, Wm Pollcck;
Auditors, Dr Long and J. M smitten,
The 6.0%4 -cut reports were put ht and
accepted. Tho directors adjourned to
meet cn Monday of th's wook when
they appoiuted Collectors to canvas the
town for subscriptions for the Spring
The spirit of Robert D,tvns, er , took
its flight on Monday morning, Jan, 27th
at the home of his sen, Mohave. Mr.
Dawns came to Blyth before Xmas
from Clinton, t ut was never able to get
ap town and for the past four weeks
had been in bed. lie was born in York-
shire, England, 75 years ago and settled
in Anbnra where lee worked at his trade
of blaoksmith and onrriage ruaker for
over 20 years. He was married twice,
his second wife predeoeased him four
years ago. Mrs. Lawson, of Auburn, is
the only living daughter of the first
marriage; while three sons survive from
the second anion, Wm., Robert and
Richard, For the past five years he has
resided in Otinton whore he maaufao•
tured boiler cleaners, sawmill fistnres,
etc. A year ago Iast fall he contracted
a heavy cold which turned to bronchitis,
and in the spring be had a etroke of
paralysis from whioh he never regained
his strength. Be never sought atter
public life; he was a Mason in fraternal
circlet; and a Liberal in politics,
Proved Beyond Doubt.
The disappointed victims of poor Oa-
rrh remedies should read the statement
J. R. Smith, of Leko Stream, N. 13
an absolute
r o r and says; found "Lastwinter my little
rl of eight naught oold which lodged
her ears in the form of Catarrh. She
came sick and deaf and nothing helped.
d g adu l yCatarrhozone the discharge wenttawlay.
She was oared perfectly of Catarrh.
Personally I can recommend Casarrho-
4one for conglis and throat irritation ;its a
wonderful medicine." Sold everywhere,
25c. and $1.00.
There will be" no service at Brick
Church and Sntiehine an account of
Sacramental service at Belgrave.
Belgrave circuit, a which service
Methodistilbe 1
church next
Sunday, February 9Gh, at 10 30 a m.
Official Board meeting on Monday,
February IOth, at 2 p. in. -
If who suffer
wgth thegirlsthsyd think womeHis. Few 1e
Troublewha" would look to their kidneys,
they'll soon find the source of their i11 -
health. The kidneys are closely allied
ityh ofhe female the kidneys is and
t rfered with,
great suffering coeurs. There is uo
better medicine than Dr Hamilton's
Pills.—they stimulate and strengthen
the kidneys,
Nature's work, assist other
the organs tem and
thereby maintain perfect.health. Great
benefit and cot taro cure is guaranteed
for all women who use Dr, Hamilton's
The quarterly meeting of the White-
church orrenit wilt be held in the
Methodist Ohuroh, Whitecharoh, on
Sunday Feb, 9th at U a. in,
It's a heavy strain on mother.
Her system is called upon to supply
nourishment for twos
Some form of nourishment that will
be easily taken up by mother's systems
is needed.
Scots,„c Ematy on contains the
greatest possible amount of nourish,
ment in easily digested form.
Mother and baby are wonderfully
helped by its use.
ALL DRUCX4STst 50c. AND $1.O0
ST. IIEr EN1y, , of Christ. She is survived by her bus -
We are sorry to report that Mr, Ches, band end the following children:—
Taylor is ill with pneumonia and hope Benjamin and Thos Ii., of Wf st>d01d>n'
ho may have a speedy recovery. David and ;litre, Stalker, 13Iyth; airs.
The remains of the late Mrs, Robt. 'Lockhart, of Auburn; Charles, William.
MoMarray were interred in Dangannon and Robert, of Wed W3etbel sh. Herr
cemetery on Monday afternoon of last romaine were carried to cemetery
olyrood by her six sons arida wreath of f3oworr
A sleigh load ofwas a token by the ohildren, The Dome
young People from mnnity extends its sincerest sympathy
spent a very pleasant time at to those berefit in this the most intense
the home of Mr, Jas. Barbour on Friday affliction. the lose of a faithfel and
evening last, loving wife and a fond ana loving
The citation from Maitland Presby-
tery to Calvin Church here was read on
Sunday last to the effeot that Rov, lair.
Crow had received a call to Fergns, and
the same would be heard before Presby-
tery which meets in Wingham on Feb-
ruary 11th,
Death has again visited our comtnen•
its and taken away Mrs John a Taylor,
at the age of 73. Mrs Taylor was born
in the township of N tssagaweva and
with her husband Ideated here fi'ty.four
years ago. Seven years ago they cele-
brated their golden wedding. Mrs.
Taylor has always been highly respect-
ed and greatly esteemed 85 a kind avid
obliging neighbor and ever willing to
extend the synrpat'2t0 hand in tirne3 of
sorrow and affliction and though her
health during the past two years has been
very poor, she has ever borne her afflic-
tion with chriatain fortitude and pati
owe. She was an careens and eortsist•
ent member of Bethel Methodist church
and by her exemplary life was iustrn•
mental in bring many into the kingdom
Established 17879-
879Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics
Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than to take the remedy into th.'stomach?
It cures because the air tendered strongly anti.
septic is carried over the diseased surface wait
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat-
ment. It is invaluable to mothers With small
Tkose of a consumptivetendency find immediate
relief from ron-
flamed aondiuo:isughs ofor tihe
Sold by l3ruggkis,
Send postal for booklet,
Limited, Agents, Mont-
real, Canada. goy
raare :Sty:
Twenty Thousand Dollar St c o Be Slau tered
Stupendous Hones-1Raising Sale wherein we must 1 F
will soli �e all former in Fifteen Departments ! Never mind
us realize Five Thousand Dollars in ten days' time ! Great money saving chances
how much we lose—it will be your gain ! We've. held some very successful Ten Days' Sales ! This
the saving of a dollar is equivalent to a dollar earned ,r No excuse to offer for this P that
and wantwill appeal to the economical buyer, to whom
It will prove the most profitable reading you have done for some time + + Olean -Sweep Sale than that we move +
S�I�?P THE DAY Fla' POSSI:SRead LE! prices
Grocery Department.
Great money -saving chances for 10 days only,
1 lb. Art Baking Powder, with graniteware premium,
worth 60o to 75o each, 10 days sale price. 43o
2 oans Red Salmon for - 25o
Royal Yeast Cakes, per box03o
25o Strong Booms .tdo
Cooking Figs, per lb 05e
12 Bars Laundry Soap for 25o
Pot Barley, per ]b., only . 03o
10o bottles Extract, sale price 080
Best Tomatoes, per tin....... 10o
Canada Laundry Starch, per lb 060
Japan and Ceylon Teas, 255 quality, • 20o
2 large boxes matohes for .. ”" 250
4 large packages Gold Dust for 250,
4ths Ginger Snaps -for,,,,,,,,,,,,, 250
Corn Starch, per package .
«. Oso
Big Saving on Clothing
Men's strong well-made•Overalls, blue or black, sale
price .... 59
10 Men's Black Kersey Overooats,� well -made, latest
style, Worth $8 50, sale $6.50
18 Men's plain and fanoy Tweed Seiter worth
$7 00 to 7 50, sale pride $5.90
BOys' heavy °Oerooats, worth $5.00 to $6 00 for $3 95
Men's heavy grey Tweed Pants, reg. $2 00 for$1 50
BOya' Strong ;tweed Kukker Pants, , .....60
Men's Heavy .Pante, Worth $1.50 to $1.75, sale,. $1.25
Two thousand dollars worth of clothing on emend
floor must be sold out to make room for spring stook.
]Boots and Shoes
A large stook to ohboso from, every pair to bo sold
at cut price, coins and see hove made yen can save
braying footwear here.
Remember the date --Saturday, Feb. Ist.
Dress G
cods. Table Linens.
20l .Per Cent. discount off all lines of Dress Goode, 54 inch Blenched Linen, regular 400 for.., 28Gents'
•Silks and Velvets. Buy your spring dress now and
save money. 50o half Bleached Linen, sale price 5 d_z, Men's Seamless Cashmere S tx, good value at
�--.. GOc Bleached Linen, wide, 8510 price, ,46 25o, they go at.. 19
750 extra wide. Bleached Linen, sale prion .60 A lot of four in -band Ties, regular value 25o clearing
ns. $1 05 fine qua ftp, 10 days price 80 price. . . . .• .19
d�rr!!Men's Heavy Wool Underwear, good value at 75c,
Regular $1.00 Curtains Siyards long, on sale 75 Ladies' Wrappers, well -made, linen waist and sleeve&, Men's Heavy 0 days saFle
eLinod Shirts and Drawers, 60
25 pairs worth $1.25 per pair, on -sale fast colors. regular value $3 00, sale.,...,.. $1 10 508 unlit
.98 Ladies' Kid Gloves, black cr colored q F . to
15 pairs regular $2,00 vette, 10 dues pride,,,, , , $1.50
, guaranteed, Men's heavy Wool Sox, 255 and 300 linea, sate
12 pairs worth $2,50, sale priceregular price $1 20, 10 day fate price, , , 99
$1 90 10 pieces wrapparette, nice patterns 105 quality for .8—
50c heavy Lined Leather Mitts fora, ,, 20
()rum's Bestrints, worth to -day 1] ;o wholesale, 25 doz. Ladies' Heavy Siesta, regular seine 258 to •30
36o each, they go &*, 20 Everything in this department at greatly reduced
Olean sweep eels ,.., 10 Extra Heavy Ribbed Wool Hose, good value .At 325 prices.
on sale at 25
Heavy Black Sateen Underskirts, worth $1.25, price
Bargains at the Ribbon tm clear.
44 inch Pillow action, (circular) fine quality, good
value at 20o, sale price „ • 15 ` ' Ladies' Black Kersey Coats, worth $7 50 for.. , , $4 05
,,,, ., Ladies' Black Beaver Coats, worth $8 00 for..., $5.50
Ladies' Dark Tweed Coats, worth $12.00 for.., $7 05
Our big stook mast be reduced, Table Napkins. Lediea' Gray Cloth Coats, worth $10 00 for.— . , $7.00
23o plain wide Ribbon, all calors, Bale prise.. 20 6 doz `gable Napkins, good Val at 1.00 per dozes miildrea s Coats at half price. All oar coats must be
20o fancy Wide Silk Ribbon, sale price e ,15 10 nage sale prise eo]d reg;ardleas of toss prise,
lbo plain Ribbon, all colors, sale prioe .. leiLargo Size Table Napkins. worth $t 50 for $1,25 *""""
205 plain Ribbon, soft taffeta, sale price .1G
Extra Large Irish Linen Napkins, special value at
12}o plain Ribbon , all colors, Hale price ...,. •,,,, 10 $2 GO they ygoas „ $1 95
"'° . — ,_....,,.„__ Ladies' Ret Lined Coats, with beat sable collar,
Top I irts 1 $65 00 Value, for,.,. , a' In
$GO 00
.1L Skirts. Persian Latch Jacket, worth $75,00, 10 daysaale $50.00
5 pieces Fancy Tweed Dress Goods, wide, regular 500 A line of dark Tweed Skirts, all now styles, teenier $36.00 Seal Cuat, on sale at 52b
value 85 00 for Ladies Coon Coate, good value at $30 00, Sale
value, sale prieo IS3 75 price .. ,...... 539 00
88 Fine All -Woo/ Black or Blue Venetian Skirts, 00
AsErpat?cQ Jackets,
$35 00 valve, 10 days sale
••-*ivalue, for ......... r.
A Tat of plain and farms, Tweed Skirts, value OD to Big rednotiona ol1 fat Caps,�Mn e,yRuiie, Gauntlets, s
$3 50, for 51.95 Stoles, etc.
bar Corsets to clear, worth $1,00 and $1.25 on '�'��
gain tables fdr Thdueab.ds of yards of LOCO and li;inbroideries, Dress
A lot of» • , „. • t>0 Trimmings, eto., to be sold at a great sacrifiop. Best English Lonsdale Cambric, regular 150 Value
I sale price
educed. �r"p goods charged at sale price. Cash or prpdude In excllangtl
Ladies' Coats.
Dress goods.
rot goods,
l+:verythfng will be r
t+ s. Nu ettTes .punched on tickets during this dig• Sate. SALESPi'.OI'M WAN i'Li311. E. ISARD CO.0
uSr✓]t.± rl )ci u cam. c S'•'Zi:,v,ss tC],i. 'r✓5v$