The Wingham Times, 1908-02-06, Page 5TEM WINGUAR TIMES, JANU.&RT 8O, MS.
Kernels from the $anctuoe Mill
interesting paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Tram* now realizes $80,000,000 from
bet t0000 crop.
Tomorrow never comes unless you
have* Rote to greet.
•"M Woman, Is it the KidneysT'
--Investigation to half tn,+ disorders pe-
c *]lar to 'woman would prove faulty
kidneys the seat of the trouble. If
dyou're troubled with that tired,
ragging feeling, have an almost
tcnstsnt h aviees, maybe sh r
"eine in the head. pat South American
Kidney Cure to the tsar. You'll find it
elm long Bought friend, and it never
led e. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -15
The victims of sleepinging sickness i
Uganda now number a quarter of a
A 5-months' old calf bred in Keppel
township,, dressed 302 lbs. and was the
prize exhibit of its class at Wiarton
Christmas market.
A 'tickling Dough, from any cantle, is
quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough
Care. And it is so thoroughly harmless
And safe, that Dr. Shoop tads mothers
everywhere to give it without hesitation
even tee very young babes. The whole -
Wane green leaves and tender stems of a
lung healing mountainous shrub, turn -
the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's
Gough Clare. It calms the cough, and
heals the sore and sensitive bronohial.
inembranes. No opium, no chloroform,
nothing harsh used to injure or suppress.
Simply a resinous plant extract, that
helps toheal aching lungs. The Span-
iards oall this shrub which the Doctor
veep, "The Saored Herb" Always de-
mand Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure.
.L hot bath up to the neck may save
ithe life of a child in convulsions if given.
aft once. It you have no thermometer
set hand, test the heat of the water with
the elbow.
After washing a skirt hang it on the
line to dry, 'folded in the middle of the
front and it will hang straight; other-
wise it will not; this is especially true
of woollen skirts.
For "Run•Down" People there's
aiothing known m medical treatment
to -day so effective and certain of a cure
And to magical in its building up power
as South American Nervine, because it
utrikes at the root of all nervous ail-
ments. the digestive organs, makes rich
;red blood, drives away emanoiation,
puts on flash and makes over physical
wrecks generally. Sold by A, L. Ham.
Narcisse Cantin, the promotor of
the city of St. Joseph, was arrested on
charge of perjury, and fraud at Goder-
ich. Two thousand dollars is the a-
mount involved.
No Self Control..
Start at "Trifles,"
No control of Your, Nerves -
The wedding was solemnized in Ont-
ario Street Chortle, Clinton, on Satur-
day,, Jan. 18th, of Miss Aorta, daughter
of Mr Jauies Howe, et Clinton, to W.
S. McConnell. Rev. Mr. W. I. Kerr
performed the ceremony.
There passed away in Hallett, on the
4th Concession. on Thursday, January
16th, Rosa Dorcas, daughter of Mr, ,Ed-
ward East. A young lady, et ell known
and highly respected by all who knew
her. She was 20 years of age.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been anoce stally
separated and refined into
cough medicine—Dr Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all defilers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. "Price 25
Save waste tea leaves to sprinkle over
the floor before sweeping. Bat to preys
vent your carpet being stained before
using them put them into the colander
and let the water from a tap ran through
them. Squeeze dry with the hands and
they will be ready for use.
Certain kinds of toothache can be re-
lieved by painting the gums with a solu-
tion of equal parts of glycerine and
cloves. It there is a cavity in the tooth,
saturate a small piece of absorbent cot-
ton in oil of cloves, tincture ot myrrh
or laudanum and place in, the cavity.
General Manager Jemmett, of the
Sovereign Bank, has given the employee
of the bank one, month's notice. There
*re 391 employed in that bank who will
be out of positions.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, es
Lucas County.
Frank 3. Cheney makes oath that he
le senior partner of the firm of F. 3.
Cheney & Oo , doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that paid firm will pay the sum of
ore hundred dollars for each and every
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Care.
FIaAteR J. OuiruuY.
Sworn to before me and sabsaribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
.A. D. 1886.
A. W. Gleason,
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
and acts directly on the blood and mu-
cous surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, 75o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for coned•
The fish population of the Nile is said
to present a greater variety than that of
any other body of water. An expedi-
tion sent from the British Museum not
long ago secured 0,000 specimens.
ts.9.n3TCie NIL Zant. . •
Una the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Si/paters T+ tt
Matting which has frequently been
Witched And has lost its haslet oati be
made fresh -looking by painting with a
mixture of shellac thinned with turpen-
tine to the consistence of varnish. Paint
one breadth at a time. It dries rapidly,
though it darkens mattings.
Nature's Remedy
La grippe, pneumonia and influ-
enza often leave a nasty cough when
they're gone. It is a dangerous
thing to neglect,
Cure it with
trrriarr ►. _ ,
"Nature's feet Blood Purifier
B s ly'er
Curies Ail Germ Diseases"
414 lIurhor`d Street T•r•nto, Ont.
'or Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The tailored girl is buying one -button
yellow chamois gloves. Their Dolor
would not be praotical for general wear
were it not for the fact that the gloves
are easily washed with soap and water
and can be quickly cleaned and made to
look fresh again.
J. R. McNab, Dungannon, this year
did a large business in the buying and
shipping of poultry. This season he has•
handled thirty-seven tons, mostly tut -
keys and has paid out $7,400. • The
Mistiness was done .principally at Dun-
gannon and Luoknow, and the shipments
were made to a Winnipeg firm.
The nerves are the great controlling
force ot the body.
They govern every action, every fano-
dor. Upon, their vitality hinge your
energy, yo `r power to think and act.
But alas, your nerves are weak!
Yon have burnt up your nerve force,
need up that reserve you. so badly need
Justday. ono way to win it back.
Budd up. with Ferrozone.
It restores worn out nerves, because
it supplies them with nutriment and
building material,
Ferrozone gives yon "grip" and
towage—makes the blood tingle through
your veins—fills you with the feeling
that a powerful and strengthening
medicine is winning yon bask to health
Mr. 0. R. Zink, a prominent oitizen
of Lunenburg, N. S.. proved Ferrozone
was a marvelous tonio and Bays. "Noth-
ing I ever need gave such prompt,
strengthening effect as Ferrozone. I
was run down, quite nervous, no appe-
tite and in a generally need -up condition.
Ferrozone gave me a wonderful amount
of new strength, quite restored my
nerves and made me well. I can reeom•
mend Ferrozone to every man who
works hard and needs a tonin."
By supplying nourishment and vital
forge to the nerves, by enriching the
blood, strengthening the heart,—Fer-
rezone is sure to help any mau, woman
or child in ill -health; try it -50i. per
box at all druggists.
The lack of employment during the
past month seems to have hada deterr
ink effeaton pnerriageo in. Tomato.
There were only 231, which is fifty less
than in December' of 1906• The berths
show a large increase, being 510, while
one year ago they were only 4011.
Walkerton nierobante are upp in arms
against the. Electric Light Co. It ap-
pears that the oormpeny after giving
light for some time at loo per kilowat
and 25o per month for meter rent
oonoluded that the business dM not pay
at that. They accordingly proposed an
inorease to 13o, per kilowat. This the
merohants say they will not pay but
have offered to oompromise at leo.
A genial little man entered one of
Toronto's always crowded street oars.
He was too abort to reaoh a strap and
was obliged to stand in the aisle an-
ohored to nothing. The oar, in stoppiug
at a street gave a larch which threw
the little man into the lap of a lady sit-
ting near. With profuse apologies he
sorambled to his feet, only as the oar
gave another larch in atartiug, to land in
the lap of another lady at the other end
of the oar. The latter lady felt ag-
grieved. "What kiad of a man are you,
anyway, that yon can't stand up?" she
exo#aimed irritably, t`Faith, Madam,"
said the little man as he again regained
his balance, and raieed his hat politely,
"I've always passed for an Iriehinan,
but I think I must be a Laplander by
the way I'm noting."
To cheek a oold quickly, get from your
druggist some little Candy told Tablets
called Preventios, Druggists every-
where are now dispensing Preventios,
for they are not only safe, but decidedly
effective and prompt. Preventios con-
tain no quinine, no laxative, nothing
harsh nor sickening. Taken at the
"sneeze stage" Preventics will prevent
Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La- Grippe, etc,
Hence the name. Good for feverish
ohildren. 48 Preventios 25 vents. Trial
Boxes 5 ots, Sold by all dealers.
A new oil gusher, flowing at the rate
of 120,000 barrels a day, has been dis-
oovered in the Baku region.
A fifteen foot sewer oaved in on a
gang of workmen at Dunkirk, N. Y.,
and when they wore dug ont two of
them were dead.
For fainting lay the patient down,
even If on the floor, and let the blood
get bank to the brain, which restores
consciousness immediately.
Salt Rheum Cured Quiek.—Dr. Ag-
new's Ointment cures Salt Rheum and
all itching, or burning skin diseases in a
day. One application gives almost in-
stant relief. For Itching, Blind, or
Bleeding Piles it stands without peer.
Cures in three to six nights. 35 cents.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -151
Geo. Laframboise of Medicine Hat has
been arrested after a ohase of over five
hundred miles. He is charged with
atealing eighteen head of horses from
the °roe settlement.
Apoplexy.—Dr. Agnew's care for the
Heart is effeotive in apepleotio symp-
toms. If yon have unpleasant dizziness,
lightness, or sudden rash of blood to
the head, take precautions against a
recurrence. This great remedy will
remove the cause. The press of the
land has daily a list of sudden deaths
whioh world not be chronicled if Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the Heart were need.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -147
Where the trouble is physical, such
as failure of an organ, indigestion,
congestian of the liver and so on,
strong, firm, martial music will give
beet results, according to Dr. Latson,
editor of Health Culture. For this
class of treatment the key of C major
is particularly recommended.
Prelat velvet in a rich purple tone is
suit able for making a handsome after-
noon suit. The directoire coat is a good
model to employ for this garment. There
is no need of bands or heavy ornaments,
though outlines of sontaohe in the same
color given desirable finish. The velvet
skirt is happiest when plainly made
with Wide flaring gores.
When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney
nerves get weak, then these organs al-
ways fail. Don't drug the Stomach,
nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys.
This is simply a makeshift. Get a pres-
cription known to druggists everywhere
as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The Re-
storative is prepared expressly for these
weak inside nerves. Strengthen these
nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop's
Restorative—tablets or liquid—and see
how quickly help will oome. Free sam-
ple test sent on request by Dr. Shoop,
Racine Wis. Your health is enrely
worth this simple test.
A brush with heavy, toft Russian
bristles is excellent for dusting purposes.
These brushes are somewhat expensive,
though they are splendid for taking up
the dust, which ii easily shaken out the
same as a cloth. One often 'sees these
brushes in flour mills, where they are
used for brushing the fine floor.
Trial Catarrh treatments are being mail-
ed ont free, on request, by Dr. Shoop,
Raohine, Wis. These testa are proving
to the people—without a penny's cost—
the great value of this scientific prescrip-
tion known to druggists everywhere as
Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by
all dealers,
There will be 32 members of Bruce
County Council this year, the Tp. of
Bruce having the required 1000 munici-
pal electors entitling that municipality
to a Deputy Reeve.
Petitions are being oironlated in Brant
township asking the government to pass
legislation confining automobiles to cit-
ies, towns and villages. The petitions
are being largely signed.
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Bar
ber's Itch and every form of contagions
Itch on human or animals oared in 30
minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion.
It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
The International Harvester Com-
pany have been assessed a fine of $12,-
600, having been found guilty of 42
counts of violating the Kansas Anti-
trust law.
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
The average weight of the :British sal,
mon is eight pounds,
Forty minert employed in the Oats -
burg Mine of the Monongahela River
Consolidated Coal and Coke Company
made their ythron h the dark head.
Ings of the mine for a distanee of seven
miles after an explosion, and finally
reached the open ait4 Without lights to
guide there, and given up as dead, the
men battled for five hours wltth fire, and
when they reeohed the eurfaoe their
tenet were blackened, clothes torn, and
aril Were severely broiled frena stumbling
CAS's'®R. Z.A..
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
The Japanese budget for the year
1908 shows a deficit of nearly 0,-
Last week's Bruce Herald had the
following:—Jailor McKechnie has been
requested by the Department of Justice
to report how the three Lancasters have
conducted themselves since confined in
Bruce County jail. Mr. McKechnie
says the boys have been model prisoners
and he gave a good report to the Ottawa
authorities, It is expected a pardon will
arrive in a few days, Our readers will
remember the Lancasters as the boys
convicted of rioting at Wiarton.
There died in Kingston last week
Patrick Conroy, the oldest oitizen of
that city, at the age of one hundred and
five yews. He name to Kingston eighty.
five years ago from Ireland, and drove a
cab there until well advanced in years.
Preacher's Op an
Bev. P. K. Meltao, forks Bail:leck,
C. B.: "I always count it a pleasure to
recommend the Dr. Slocum Remedies
to my parishioners. I believe here
is nothing better for throat and lung
troubles or weakness or run-down sys-
tem. For speaker's sore throat .i have
found Psychine very beneficial,"
Rev. W. II. Stevens," Paisley, Ont.:
"Psychlno seemed. just the stimulant my
systent needed. I shall add my testimony
as to its eiricaey at ovo'•y opportunity."
• Rev. P. M. Browne, Amherst Bead,
N.S., 4 '1 have often reeotuntended
Psychine since taking it myself, for it
is,a cure for the troubles you specify,"
Chas; Sti '!ng, Batli, N.B.: "I
have used Psyelto in my family; the
results were marvelous. I have visited
people who state that they never used
its equal. I strongly recommend it.
Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Markdalo, Ont.;
r'I have taken two bottles of Psychine
and am pleased to say that 1 am greatly
improved in health. I was troubled
`with my throat, but now I find it
restored to its normal condition. I
find my work very. malt less taxing.
I believe Psychine is all claimed for it."
Those are earnest preachers of the
gospel of Psychine. They know where-
of they speak. Psychine euros all
throat, lung and stomach troubles. It
Ire a great voice strengthener, acting
directly on the vocal, respiratory and
digestive organs, thus adapted
to public anoakees. At all druggists,
50e and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd.,
vvv 'rrrvvvvrant rxrrfv.v r nt 111111M1
Home may be a world of love shut in
and a world of strife shut out—or vice
Carl Ray of „Zanesville, Ohio, swal-
lowed six teaspoonfuls of oarbolio acid
in a London, Ont. hotel after being
repulsed by a young woman whom he
o'aims is Ms wife, and 'Avho, he says,
deserted him.
C3AS. £i'PM Ox
Bears the ,. The Kind You Have Always Bought
Four men were killed in a dynamite
explosion at Senora. Three others suf.
fered serious injuries. The station gang
of which the dead men were a section,
were all Russians, and in the excitement
and terror of the moment the survivors
were not able to give the names of those
Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong aotion of the
kidneys and bladder
If a man agrees with a woman she
thinks he is a fool; if he doesn't she
thinks him stubborn.
Twelve ohildren lost -their lives by
breaking through thin ice in different
eastern States on Saturday.
Miserable Folks could tiaoe both
state of mind and body to some -one or
other form of stomach disorder. Dr.
Von Stan's Pineapple Tablet is a "vest
pocket remedy that nature provides and
that medical science has proved a won-
der in preventing and During stomach
ailments. If you've a symptom of die -
tress in your stomach test the Pine-
apple cure. 35 cents, Sold by A. L.
Hamilton. -152
Between two and three thousand men
are wanted on Grand Trunk Pacifico
contracts west of Edmonton.
The Japanese Government will in-
vestigate. the standing of all pentane pro-
fessing to emigrate to Amerios, as
stu dents.
Man and Wife in Distress,—Rov.
Dr. Bochror, of Buffalo, says: "My
wife and I were both troubled with dis-
tressing Catarrh, bat we have enjoyed
freedom from this aggravating malady
since the day we first used Dr. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder. Its action was in-
stantaneous, giving the most grateful
relief in ten minutes after first applica-
tion." 50 cents. Sold by A L, Hamil-
ton. -153
Is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower,
the ulcers the
Heals clears air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and petmanantly cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever, Blower
free. Ail dealers or Dr. A, W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo,
A Staynor'merchant bought 8 lbs. of
butter from a strange lady who had dri-
ven a long way to market. The better
was done up 111 one -pound prints, the
centre of eaoh print filled with lard.
Wise is the infant that looks before
it creeps.
• Of six persons who formed a skating
party at the Jimtown reservoir, near
Connellsville, Pa., five were drowned.
Four formed a human chain to assist
two others, and three of the four were
drowned. .
Redness of the face is often caused by
an unwise diet. Spioy, rich or greasy
foods cannot be assirililated by all and
are more frequent Canes, of bad com-
plexions and appetites like to think.
The Court of Appeal gave an important
judgment which decides the fate of
several by laws passed by Ontario
municipalities. In the case of the Local
Option by law carried at Midland in Jan,
1906 the Council gave it the third read-
ing before two weeks had expired after
polling day and Chief Justice Mulook
quashed it on that ground the case Was
then taken to the Divisional Court, and
iwas reversed and the
1 ek s decisionve
tClu o
by law upheld, it was 'then taken to the
Court of Appeal which consists of five
judges, and the by law is again upheld.
There are several by laws being contested
on this point, among the number being
Hensall Local Option by law and the
Clinton Waterworks by lair, and in
r „ both oases the by law is held to be valid
In their flight for safety. y tiniadoddd "1'3100 Burdock Blood X3itto *. , as far AO the objeetion is oonoerned.
Feel As Though It Was Being
As Though It Would Oracle Open?
As Though a Million Spark; Were
Flying Out of Your Eyes?
Horrible Sickness orYour our Stomach?
Then You Have Sick Headache
Miff afford relief from headaches so matter
whether sick, nervous, s asmod1C.
periodical or
bilious. It cures by removing the cause.
Ur. Samuel 3. llibhard. Belleville, Ont.,
writes: "Last spr',ng T was very poorly. my
appetite failed ate, 1 felt weak and nervous, had
tick headaches, was tired en the time and net
Able to work, l saw Burdock Blood Hitters
recommended for just such a ease as mine and
1 got two bottles of it, and found it to be AD
excellent blood medicine. You may use my
as I think that others should lam* of tete
Stomach trouble is but a symptom of, and not
in itself a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia.
Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet
they aro symptoms only of a certain specific
Nerve sickness—nothing else.
It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop
in the creation of that now very Populyr Stomach
Remedy—Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Going direct
to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success
and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With.
out that original and highly vital principle, no
such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had.
For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad
breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop's
Restorative—Tablets or Liquid—and see for your.
self what it can and will do. We sell and cheer.
fully recommend
Dr Shoo w ='s
Before Stock -Taking, we offer the following goods at
remarkably low prices in order to reduce our stock.
Be sure to see them before purchasing : i
Men's and Ladies'Fur Coats, Caps and Gauntlets—at less
Ghan cost. `' .
, 27 only Fur Muffs, regular 5.00 to 12.00, for $3,00.
> 30 Ladies' Cloth Short Jackie, beautiful material, $2,00 cash.
32 pieces Dress Goods, ranging from 20c to 1.00, positively to 'o
1, be cleared out at 50 cents on the dollar.
w A splendid chance to secure girls' school dresses. A;
s A large assortment of Flannellettes fromi5c to 17cper yard— Y
At division court in Walkerton, a jury
was called on one of the oases. Oppos-
ing counsel objeoted to various names
until the jury stood, when completed,
all members of the Lamb family.
moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
oto. Save $50 by nee of one bottle.
Warranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known. Sold by A. L. Hamil-
The Japanese will never sleep with
their heads to the north, but their dead
are always buried that way.
et Heavy Canadian Table Linen, 66•in., regular 60e, for 50c ;
i 70 in. wide, regular 90e for 75c—all pure linen. a
s• ;tr
All•Wool and Union Sheeting. double and single fold. 4
Se 1
let •4
Yarns—single, 2 ply and 3.ply—best home made. 4
Re 4
Mens' and Boys' Ready-made Clothing, Underwear, Boots r.
and Shoes—must get out.
—less than wholesale price to day. t
Also a nice line of Fancy Wrapperettes. 4
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure constipation, Sick
Headaphe, Biilionsness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
The New Brunswick Legislature has
been dissolved and the general election
will be held on March 3,
a Although generally described as
o a disease, can never exist unless
s some of the organs are deranged,
• which is generally found to be the
• liver. It consists of an inability to
• regularly evacuate the bowels, and
e as a regular action of the bowels is
• absolutely essential to. gen
• health, the least irregularityshould
a never be neglected. •
• have no equal for relieving and
• curing Constipation, Biliousness, •
Water Brash, heartburn, and all :
• Liver
Troubles. •
• Mr. A. B. Bettes, Vancouver, B.C., •
i writes :--For some years past I was
ironic constipation
e nth c
• troubled w
• and bilious headaches. I tried •
r nearly everything, but only got i
• tehiporaryrelief. A.friend
induced •
• ane to try Lasa -Liver Pills, and •
they cured me completely.,
• .'Price 25 cents per box, or 5 boxes •
• for $1.00, all dealers, or mailed •
• direct on receipt of price. •
I Tam T. Mrrnvxrt Co., LusIvHD
• Toronto, Ont. •
•••to••rirr0•••e6o.••r•Nrtro t1%:i ygpolO •? *:400.
Also Cardigan Jackets. good heavy quality.
Boys' Sweaters.
Our Groceries are fresh and reliable. 3 lbsuc oice Raisins 25e. es
Extra choice Re cleaned Currants, in 1 -lb paei(tages, 10c. Jelly a:
le Powder, 5e or 6 for 25c. Tomatoes, 10e can ; and all other lines at 4
r• equally low prices.
• 4
•••••••• ••••••••i
If a man oan write it better book, preach a better sermon
or snake a better moose•trap than his neighbor, though he
build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
Hath to his door.—Emerson.
Get on .the path to the door of the
Times Printing Office
Where mouse traps are not made but •
wherez -
Good Printing
Is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date'
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printing is done cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
or by calling up 'Phone 4.