The Wingham Times, 1908-02-06, Page 4Good Values in High, Medium and Low- price Clothing,,,,,. EXCLUSIVE Our 20th Century 3rand is made bZy the Lowndes Co„ of Toronto ; and Qur Sovereign Brand is made by the W. E. Sanford Manufacturing Co.,. of Hamilton, 20 per cent. discount allowed off the regular prices of these lines, bringing them below the selling price of inferior grades. IT IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY ! Men's furnishings. Hats and Caps. Boots and shoes. McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS, TH4 WINGUAIK TIM , IJAZITLIART 80, 1908 NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS EVENTS OF INTEREST TO, ALL OUR READERS. What Wideawake TIllees Cor'respondenta Com;munloate -- Other .Meme dipped From Qur di elianires, t7 YL ROSS. In spite of the very severe storm whioh prevailed ou Saturday, Jan. 18, there was a goad turnout to the annual meeting of the members of the Culross Mutual Fire Insurance Company, hold at Teamster on that date. Nearly all farmers take an active interest in the affairs of the institution, and the day of the annual meeting is the day of reck- oning for the directors. There appears to have beel> pretty general satisfaction with the way business was done during 1907, for the proceedings on Saturday passed off quietly. The two directors whose term of ofilee expired this year. were Geo. Moffatt and John Rntherfofd. They were both re-eleoted. Mr, Wm. Reid, the President pf the Company, was unable to attend, being laid tip with neuralgia, The Auditors' Report was read by Dir. John McRae, who with Mr, Thomas Malcolm, had audited the Treasurer's books. The report shows reeeipta for the year amountiug to $9,. 366 31, Losses by fire and lightning amounted to $6,728.20. The Company now have 906 policies with, an assurance aggregating $1,830,922,. The present Board of Direotors are; William Reid, James BalIagh, Jonn Rutherford, Geo. 0 Moffatt, William MoDonald, Arthur Simpson, New Theory About Rheumatism, This disease is conatituttoual—caused by virus in the blood that oiroulates to all parte of the body. Tocure, you must use a constitutional treatment. Nothing so completely dispels the poison from the systen9r as Ferrczone. It purifies and renews the blood, clears it of every taint. The system is vitalized and strengthened and thus enabled to fight off threatened attaoks. Not only does Ferrozone re• Revs at once—it cures rheumatism, gout and lumbago permanently. Results guaranteed, 50c boxes at all dealers, Mr. David Halliday has lately pur- chased a 60 acre farm belonginc to Mr. Fred Taylor, now residing in Wingham. We hear the price was over $2,000. Mr. Thos. Grant, the tenant, will in future reside on his farm, lot 12, con, B, Howiok. Mr, Grant is taking the agency for the Frost and Wood imple• meats. GODkcRICH. While walking to his home in the sixth concession, Goderioh township, Wednesday night, lifr. Goarge gout. gomery slipped and fell on the ioy road, breaking both bones of one leg between the knee and ankle. In this condition he Drawled on hands and knees to the house of a brother in-law, a half toile distant, and awakened the famlly by his shouts, Ddontgomery was then driven in to Goderioh, a dootor aroused and the bones set. About nine o'clockSunday morning a couple of hundred tons of clay became separated from the bank above the 0, P.R. track on the Colborne side of the mainland, and crashed down the hill. The tongue of the great mass fell across the rails fifty yards east of the bridge. The. 000uranoe was first discovered at one o'clock by two young men out for a walk Finding the train crews in the yard were not aware of the accident, they reported to Roadmaater Shipley. The section men were turned out, and as many other men as could be secured on Sunday worked all night to such good effect that the train due to leave at seven o'clock Monday morning was less than an hour late in going out. MORRIS. Percy Russell is home on a holiday visit from Buffalo. He holds a good position as tailor in that otty. Mrs, James Grasby, of Sanehine, has been under the doctor's oare with an attack of the grippe but we hops she will soon be 0. K again. Geo. A. Pipe and wife are home from Toronto' spending a few weeks with friends around Bressels. bir. Pipe was married on Ohristmas Day and his many old friends wish bine and his bride many happy and prosperous yeara. He was a former resident of this township. Mow To Improve Realm, NO bolter way than to improve he blood,—cleanse and enrich it,—give it nourishment and strength. This oan be quiokly done by Dr. Hamilton's Pills which have a vitalizing, purifying effect that is uneq zalled in any other medicine. With lots of pure rich blood cirouiatine to all parte of the body, with snap and vim running through every vein and artery, robust health is inevitable. No cleansing buildiug tonio is as good as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sold by all deal- ers, n'UYiNlf3lg:-blur. home Of liiet r. and Mgtor* Ouse rs, J'oht Willi%i the Wednesday of bast week, when their daughter, Miss 0harlotte, was married to Dir. John, Fitch, of Bowl*. Only the immediate relatives and friends were present. This is the third daughter. of Mr. and lura. Wiliite to marry within She last three months. The bappr couple will have tee very' hest wishes of a large oireie of faends. waterrCUU**CH. The annual report cf Whiteohurch Presbyterian Oheroh fa in the hands of the menabere. It shows total reoeipts of $1703.10, Among the expenditures were---9Qtnister'e stipend. .070, and Sohemee of the °buroh, $86 75. For W. F. Di, S, there was raised $86.08; for Sabbath School, $35.50; for Queen's endowment, $7t; real, caretaking and the new furnace were paid, leaving a balance of $120 63 The session is com- posed of the Moderator, Rev. G P Duncan, and the following elders; H. D, Henderson (Clerk), Wm. Martin; David Kenuedy, John Prlestone. There are on the roll, 132 communicants, and the, membership thews a slight increase over the preceeding year. The deaths recorded are --Jas. Rose, Mrs, J. Clark, W, E Qonn and Geo. Gaunt. Zle Ton peIelt Bras? This is a disagreeable result of food fermentation that Nerviline stops at once, Take ten drops of Nerviline in sweetened water, The stoniaoh is warmed and soothed, digestive troubles corrected, the rising of gas ceases and you are well. When such a simple remedy does so much it's foolish to be Without it. For indigeetion, sour store - soh, heartburn and sink headache you'll find nothing half 80 efficient as Poison's Nerviline. Get a 250. bottle from your dealer to -day, a ST. RELENS. Quite a large number attended the funeral of Mrs. Robert McAllister, whose remains were interred in Den. gannon cemetery on Wednesday, Jan- naty 22nd. Rev. S. M. Whaley, of Hickson, and formerly of this place, spent a few days here last week. Wel are glad to report that Mrs. Hugh Anderson is recovering from an attack of la grippe, Mrs. A. Durnin was called home from Saskatoon on account of her mother's illness, (,4rs, R. Murray.) Mr. Duncan McAllister of Guelph, spent a few days .visiting friends in this vicinity last week. Mr. John Barber is able to be out after his recent illness, Miss Marjory Miller entertained a number of young folks at a birthday party on Saturday and all report an enjoyable time. Coughs, cords, hoarseness, and other throAt ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets, ten cents per box. All druggists. 4044041041.040.410. Grippe or Influenza, whichever you like to cell it, is one of the most weakenb2g diseases known. Erngarion, which is Cod Liver Oil and: flypophosphites in easily di. .seated form, is the greatest strength -builder known to medical science. It is so easily digested that it sinks into the system, making new blood and new fat, and strengthening nerves and muscles. Use .coke Ernu,i'sion after influenza, Invaluable for Coughs and Colds, ALL DRCIGOISTS; 50o, AND ..$$p..1.00. BDYret The citizens of Blyth will be sorry to hear that A. and Mrs. McNally and son, Alvin, expect to move away short- ly to Newbridge, nearFordwioh, where the former will purchase the stare of R. Bowes. Mr. Bowes takes over Mr. Mo• Naily's property in Blyth, Mr. Mc- Nally has served as Councillor and is Treasurer of St. Andrew's church. They will both be missed by the people of Birth. Word was received here last week week that Harry Kelly, formerly of Blyth, had died on Sunday, Jan. 19, in Vaughn, Louisiana. Since that word baa oome stating that he was shot while acting as peacemaker in a quarrel and his murderer was shot and killed. Mr. Belly was married to a daughter of John Brown, and Miss Lizzie Brown only left two weeks ago to spend two months visiting them. Why Catarrh Is Dangerous. Usually it comes with a cold. Bsiog slight it is neglected—but the seed Is sown for a dangerous harvest, perhaps consumption. To care at once, inhale Catarrhozone. It destroys the germ of Catarrh, clears away muconel, cleauses the passage of the nose and throat. The hacking cough and sneezing cold soon disappear, and health is youra again. Nothing known for colds, oatarrh and throat trouble that is so curative as Ca- tarrhozone. It cures by a new method that never yet failed. At all dealers 25o and $1.00 Get Catarrhez.,ne now, to- day. • GOMMIL. At high noon on Wednesday of last week, in the presence of the near rela- tives of the contracting parties, Rev Mr Farr performed the matrimonial cere- mony between .T Oliver Quer u, of Bras - eels, and Miss Minnie. daughter of Jobn and Mrs. Ardell, at their residence, Gerrie. The priucipale were supported by Miss Lottie Ardell. sister of the brides and Fred Orr, of Winghem. A very becoming costume of fawn chiffon baoadw cloth was worn by the bride and a white prayer book was carried in her hand. :L'he wedding gifts were valuable, well assorted and numerous, Mr Querbe presented his bride with a gold watch and chain; gave the bridesmaid a goat br000b and the groomsman a stick pini set with pearls. A well prepared dialler was done ample jnetice to by the com- pany and the bride and groom took the afternoon trainto Toronto for a wedding trip. They will also visit Woodstock. Berlin and other points before returning to Brussels where they purpose snaking their home. dl Estaklished 14'79 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria CresoIene is a boon to Astbenatica Doesit not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than t0 take the remedy into the stomach? It cures because the air rendered strongly anti- septic is carried over the diseased suriate with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat- ment. It is invaluable to mothers with scall chil ben. Those of a consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in- flamed conditions of the throat. Sold by druggi,ts. Send postal for booklet, Leantetto, Muss Co., Limited, Agents, Mont- real, Canada. 307 IV 5 .7! eel: yMXI I/ t.;.S.S SSS atSeggZSigE V.a�t:vC:l�V'� VS ..tass2 ISARD'S HALF - YEARLY CLEAN WA TE citr�'ei1S'"i ,eSePeS COMMENCING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY f, AND ENDING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 121 1908, Twenty Thousand Dollar St.ck To Be SI 1 Stupendous Money - Raising Sale, wherein we must realize Five Thousand Dollars in ten days' how much we lose—it will be your gain ! We've held some very successful Ten Days' Sales ! the saving of a dollar is equivalent to a dollar earned ! No excuse to offer for It will prove the most profitable reading you have done for some time Grocery Department. Great money -saving chanes for 10 days only, 1 lb. Art Baking Powder, with graniteware premium, worth 60o to 75o each, 10 days sale price 43o 2 oans•Red Salmon for 25o ' Royal Yeast Oakes, per box 08o 25o Strong Booms 200 Cooking Figs, per lb .,, 050 12 Bars Laundry Soap for 250 Pot Barley, per lb., only ......,.... 03c IOc bottles Extract, sale prioe 08c Best Tomatoes, per tin. , , .., .. 10c Canada Laundry Starch, per lb,. 06o Japan and Ceylon Teas, 25.3 quality 20o 2 large boxes matohes for 25c 4 large packages Gold Dust for ...... .250 4 M Ginger Snaps for 250 Corn Starch, per package.,,, 08o Big Saving on Clothing Dzen's strong well made Overalls, bine or black, sale price .59 10 Men's Black Kersey Overooats,well-made. latest style, Worth $8 50, sale $6.50 18 Men's plain and fanoy Tweed Snits, worth $7 00 to 7 50, sale price $5 00 Boys' Heavy Overcoats, worth $5.00 to 35 00 for $3 95 Men's heavy grey Tweed Petits, reg, $2 00 for$1 60 goys' Strong Tweed Snicker Pants...,.......... .50 • llfen't Heavy Pants, worth 3150 to 31.75, tale$1.26 Two thousand dollars worth of clothing ou second floor meet be sold out to make room for spring stook, Boots and Shoes A. large stook to choose from, every pair to be Bold at out price, Come and See hoer much you can save baying footwear here. :mow.......`. Dress Goods. 20 Per Cent. discount off all lines of Drees Goods, Silks and Velvets. Buy your spring dress now and save money. Lace Curtains. Regular $1 00 Curtains 3i, yards long, on sale 75 25 pairs worth $1.25 per pair, on dale 98 15 pairs regular $2.00 valve, 10 days price,..- .. $1 60• 12 pairs worth $2.50, sale price ..............•. $1.90 Otnm's Beet Prints, worth to -day llao wholesale, Olean sweep sale 10 Bargains at the Ribbon Counter Our big stook tenet be reduced. 25e plain wide Ribbon, all colors, sale price..... , 20 20o fancy wide Silk Ribber, sale price 15 15c plain Ribbon, all colors, sale pride . 124 20o plain Ribbon, soft taffeta, sale price 15 12eo plain Ribbon, allcolors, sale primo 10........ Dress Goods. 5 pieces Feiner Tweed Dress Goode, wide, regular 50c value; sale price ,, ,,, ,38 Corsets. A lot of Corsets to clear, worth 3100 and 31.25 on bargain tables tor..., ..,. ,0') Remember the date --.Saturday, Feb, let. Everything' will be reduced. szsM.SVPS 10 goods charged at sate price. gter1 i time ! Great money - saving chances in Fifteen Departments ! Never mind This will eclipse all former efforts and will appeal to the economical buyer, to whom this Olean -Sweep Sale than that we want money ! Read these prices l ! ! OP EARLY IN THE DAY IF POSSIBLE t ! r Table Linens. 54 bleb. Bleached Linen, regular 40c for 50o half Bleached Linen, sale prioe 60o Bleached Linen, wide, sale price 28 40 45 750 extra wide. Bleached Linen, sale prioe 60 $1.00 fine tine ity, 10 days price 80 Ladies' Wrappers, well -made, linen waist and sleeves. feet colors. regular value $2 00. sale $1.19 Ladies' Kid Gloves, black or colored, guaranteed, regular price $1 25, 10 day sale price, . , 09 10 pieces Wrapperette, nice patterns 100 gnality for .8 25 doz. Ladies' Heavy Vests and Drawers, regular value 25e, to 350 each, they go at,........ ,. .20 Extra Heavy Ribbed Wool Hose, good value at 850 on sale at.. .25 Heavy Black Sateen Underskirts, worth' $1 25, price to clear.,, 99 44 inch Pillow Cotton, (ciroular) fine quality, good value at 20o, sale price . , . , .. .15 Table Napkins. 6 doz Table Naptins, good value at $1.00 par dozen. 10 daya sale price..,.,.. . .75 Large Size Table Napkins. worth $1 50 for $1.25 Extra Large Trish Linen Napkins, special value at $2 50, they go at , ;,. ,.., $1 95 Top Skirts. A Iino of dark Tweed Skirts, all new styles, regular value 85 00 for $3 75 Fine Ail -Wool .Black or .Blue Venetian Skirts, t5 00 value, for 48.75 A lot of plain and fancy Tweed Skirts, vein° up to $3 50, for. $1,95 Thousands of yards of Lace Embroideries, Dress Trimmings, ate., to be told at a great sacrifice. Cash or produce !n exchange for goods, H. E. ISARD (a2 CO., &SSIJ L 6,STIL:SuS Gents' Furnishings. 5 d: z. Men's Seamless Cashmere Sex, good value at 20o, they go at .19 A lot of four in -hand Ties, regular value 25c clearing price i9 Men's Heavy Wool Underwear, good valve at 75o, 10days sale price 60 Men's Heavy Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, 50c quality......, .... 30 Men'a Heavy Wool Sox, 200 and 80c lines, sate price . , 20 50c Heavy Lined Leather Mitts for ,,,, 39 Everything is this department at greatly reduced prices. Ladies' Coats. Ladies' Black Kers'y Coate, worth $7 50 for.... 34 95 Ladies' Black Beaver Coats, worth $8 00 for.... 35.50 Ladies' Dark Tweed Coats, worth $12.00 for... $7 05 Ladies' Gray Cloth Coate, worth $10 00 for.... $7,00 Children's Coats at half price. All our coats mutt be sold regardless of cost price. Furs. Ladies' Rat Lined Coats, with best sable collar, $65 00 valve, for , .. , ...... , .. 350 CO P.raian Lamb.iaeket, worth 375.00, 10 days sale $50.00 $35 00 Seal °oat. on sale at $25 00 Ladies' Coon Coats, good value at $50 00, sale price......... . $30 00 Astracan Jackets, $35 00 vaine, 10 daya sale pride .... $25 00 Big teduetions on Pat Caps, Multe, Ruffs, Gauntlets, Stoles, ate. Best English Lonsdale Cambrio, regular 15c value, tale price No sates punched on tickets during' this I3ig Sale. SAIAISPI:OPE,10 WANTED l WINGHAM. St RF 7 r y LOW