The Wingham Times, 1908-02-06, Page 3TO ADVERTISERS , Mr, Monk has given notice of a rests - „_.*1 pintion in the House of Commons wising loan of ehapgea must be left at this that in cage of cilias where a free mail o le alit la Fiat 11+An Saturday noon, delivery is established such free delivery Th$ copy los oliangea must be left R should be extended to all coutiguona districts, which, though situated outside the municipal limits proper, call easily be reached by the city delivery system, Mt latex than 'Monday evening. Mama al advertSsementa accepted up to ma* Wednesday of each week. SISTA.BUXIMIrD 1Bmm THE VOA I `MMES. Efeet.11117,0ntOTT, Paitrasaaitearn raortazeoe THURSD.a`y, JAN 3i), IaeS. NOTES AND COMMENTS Claes Lovell Literal, was elected to the Ooramona for Stanstead, Blue., last week by a majerity of 21.10 over s H Moore, Couservetiv'e Signor hlarooni has intimated that he will take advantage of the Cenadion subsidy of $50,000, and open a wireless *service between Loudou and Montreal instead of New York. This system will be open to the public early in February at twelve Bents per word. TUE WINGUAM TIMES, JANUARY aO, 1908 GROWING GIRLS NEED PINK PILtSe KERR'S This Tonic Is Necessary for Their Proper Development and to Insure Health and Strength. W. Stewart. the Dominion Iaimigra- Lien ()Meer at the truism. Statton, To- ronto, has applications from nearly' Sixty farmers for men, but these are net being filled very rapidly, "There are any number of fellows," says hir. Stow• art, "'who will go for a few weeks, just to tide themselves over the cold weather, but they will net sign for nine menthe, or a year, and that is just what most of the farmers are itgniring for. There are throughout Cauada thou - sends and thousands ot young girls who are in a condition approachiug a decline. `1: ie complexion is pate or sallow. Appetite fi.kle. A short walk or going upstairs, leaves them breathless and kith a violently palpitating heart Headaches and dizziness often add to their misery. Doctora call this anaemia -which, in common Euglieh, means' poor blood. There is just ouo sure and certain enre for this trouble -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Theee pine make new, rich, red blood, strengthen every nerve a d bring a glow of health to pale faces. Do not waste time and money experimenting with other medioines. Do not delay treatment until yon are in a hopeless decline. Get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at once and see how speedily they will restore your health and strength. Here is the proof: Mrs, Jos. E. Lepage, St. Jerome, Que., say.: "My daughter Emilia began to lose : er health at the age of thirteen years. She suffer- ed from headaches and di zinese. Her he The J:snnary issue oil the Labor Ga- zette iu dealing with the industrial con- ditions in Canada for the calendar year 1907 says that during the first nine mouths of 1907 the general prosperity of trade and industry and the very active conditions of employment that were more pronounced in 1906 than in any previous year in the history of the Do- minion were continued without abate- ment. Prices and wages, which went steadily upward in 1906, reached still higher levels iu the spring and summer of 1907. Dnring the list three months, however, the finan.ial strangency began to be felt in the way of checking the rapid increase in production and epaip- meat. The yield of wheat and grain in the Northwest Provinces olid in Ontario also, show a falling off as compared with 1906, and the output of manufactured articles and of the various metals was less in the closing months of the year than in the .corresponding season of 1906. The lumbering industry both in British Columbia and,in Ontario and the eastern provinces was also quiet through- out the autumn, with preparations under way for a smaller cut than last year. On the other hand the volume of traffic and the earning of the railway companies were the lsrgest ever record- ed. Thoughont the year there were 149 trade disputes, affecting 34,691 work - people, and causing a lose of 613,986 working days, compared witn 138 dis- putes affecting 26,014 workpeople and causing a loss of 459,375 working days in 1906. South Huron and Stanstead went Lib oral in the bye•eleetinn on Wedneseay. Although the result in the former con- stituency is a gain for the Government, 'we observe that the London Free Press claims it as a "moral victory" for the Tories, Really, the Government ought to be invited to feel ashamed of its im- moral victory. -Hamilton Herald. It is expeeted that an announcement' will be made to Parliament in a day or two ot the measures proposed by the Gov- ernment for the provision of seed wheat in the portions of the western provinces where last year's harvest proved an al- most oamplete failure. It is expected that between two and three millions dollars will be required for this purpose. The money will probably 1 e loaned to the farmers through the provincial authorities at a moderate rate of interest, most likely G per cent. In the year 1835 there was not one mile of railroad in Canada. In 1907 there were 24,452 miles, of which Ont- ario possesses 7,628. 32,137,3I9 passeng- ers were carried last year, and 63,566,135 tons of freight, and the amount of money thus earned was $146,+38,224 The C. P. R. is the longest road in Can- ada, eperating 10,7S1 miles; the G.T.R. second, with 5,315 miles. The Canadian Northern is third, with 2 SO3, then the Iuiereolonial, with 1,793. The shortest 'railroad in Canada not belonging to a eriivateefirm is the Thousand Islands R. R., which conveys passengers from tiie G. T. R. stations to the town of Gananoque, a distance of three miles. Mr. D. D. 'Wilson returning cfticer for South Huron, delivered his official. declaration Monday. The Liberal maj- ority is 117. This is less than at first given out, as a mistake had been made in one polling snbdivisiou in Hay. There was a very large vote polled. The Conservative candidate in this appetite was poor. apparently bloodle strength and could as pale and She bad no ither study nor work. Doctors' med nine failed to cure her and I thought she was going into a decline. She was in this condition for several months when a neighbor advised the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I decided to give them a trial, It was not long until au improvement was noticed and the continued use of the pills for a month or more completely cured her and she has since enjoyed the best of health. I feel sure that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will cure any case of this kind." • Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will cure all troubles due to poor and watery blood, such BB rheumatism, sciatica, indiges- tion, partial paralysis, St, Vitus dance, and the ailments that make the lives of so many women miserable. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 500 a box or six boxes for $3 50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. GREY.The contract for a new bank barn, 42x60 feet has been let by Councillor Jas. McFadzen, 16th con. Thomas Newsome. of B: ussels, will attend to the framing and carpenter work and John Stewart of Blyth, will build the cement. Hugh McDonald. who resides at Mel. bourne, Manitoba, is here ona visit with his brothers, Donald and Alex., of Grey, and P. J. of Brussels. It is 18 years since Mr. McDonald went West where he has been engaged in farming. He has done well. Mrs. McDonald died about 2 years ago. She was a Miss Smith, of the 4th con. of this township. e About 11 o'clock Saturday, Jan. 18th, tion polled 3a more votes than the the spirit of Maggie E , youngest daugh- successful Conservative candidate in the ter of John and Ellen Crerar, Oth con.. general election of 1904, and at tbis took its fiigbt. Deceased had been ill e.ection the Liberal candidate polled 1 for two months following a severe attack 265 mare votes than were recorded for last March from heart trouble. She the Liberal candidate at that election, suffered considerably for some time and and 147 mare than were polled for the was unable to lie down owing to the successful Conservative candidate. It difficulty to get breath. Miss Orerar is very unusual thing that a harger vote was beau in Grey and was 29 years and is polled at a bye -election than at a wen- ti 4 mouths old. eral election. Bat such was the case on k Saturday, Jan. 18th, Mrs. Wm. Bray this occasion. 1 passed away from the earthly home to The election in South. Huron for the the Home Beyond after an extended ill - seat in the House of Commons reneered Hess, m her 48th year, Her demise was vacant by the death of Mr. B. B. Gunn not an unexpected event. Mrs. Bray's took place Wednesday of last week, u maiden name was Eliza J. Shiels and she was an old and highly esteemed and resulted in the returns of Mr. , Yresident of Grey township, and deep, McLean, the Liberal candidate, overr P sincere sympathy go to Mr. Bray and ranILL Henry ofHorton,CHorton oy a G the other members of his family in the majority 134. Mr. Horton scored hoar of their sorrow, more particularly a majorities in six divisions of the riding a.ive Stock Markets. Toronto, Jany 28. -As was expected, the heavy snowstorms of this week have Checked receipts of live stock at the City Cattle Market. There were only 43 loads all told in the market to day. It is expected receipts wilt be heavier the next two days unless the roads become badly blooked with snow, With the light run to day tipsiness was necessary biisk, and the market firm. There was nothing offering of extra quality, though a load of good export steers sold at $5 Butcher prices were steady to firm, though some of the regular buyers pre- ferred taking chances on what the week- end markets may bring them rather than force prices up on the light run of today. The sheep market is firmer this week, grain -fed lambs quoting 15e higher. The hog market continues on the down grade, and prices are again quoted 20c lower. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. Choice $4 50 $5 00 4 35 4 25 3 50 4 65 'in the oft repeated calls that have come against foci wlssch pronounced in favor of Mr. McLean, but in the Townships to their home in the past few years. of McKillop, Tnckersmith, and Hay the --� Liberal candidate secured a combined About Health, majority of over six hundred, which the favorable vote in other divisions was We propose to have a voice ia this° not able to overcome. The Thies ex- a discussion of health and outdoor ex- tends hearty congratnlatmns to aur er..iss. Take oar words seriously friend, Mr. McLean, and we are pleased LI, please. Mnoh that is foolish is being to see South Huron again represented in written and spoken about health. the Commons by a Liberal. ? That sage, William M. Everts, who „_„_„�, died of old age, said he kept himself in good health because he never exercised. Mr. Everts denied himself nothing. He ate and drank what he pleased, lived fairly regniariy and never was ill • in eighty years. Walking until yon are ready to fall from exhaustion is not good for you, even if some cranks tell vyoa that it is. A stroll of two miles with deep breathing is beneficial, but u eight miles in two hours is harmful. Medium Bulls. Light Cows Feeders - best 1000 pounds and up- wards 4 25 Stockers choice2 75 balls 1 50 Butehers'- Picked Medium Cows..., Bulls Hogs - Best ................... 5 30 Lights15 Sheep - Export ewes .......... • 3 75 Bucks 3 50 Culla .250 Spring Lambs each.. 5 75 Calves, each ..... 600 4 25 3 50 300 3 50 4 75 3 G0 3 25 200 For that Dandruff There is one thing that will cure it--Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is a regular scalp -medicine. It quietly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dtndruff disap- pears, had to disappear. A. healthy scalp tueatlsa great deal to you --healthy hair, ISO dan- d,rmff,no pimples, to eruptions. b tleafsieat Ss1- "trV.irc ,sir rrT$' asactir fl4Z5'-"' ihax eeS a+�nrkr tris 4 50 3 GO 2 00 5 00 350 4 00 2 25 4 25 3755 3 25 6 40 7 00 WINGS -AM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Jan. 29th, 1908. Flier per 100 lbs 2 65 to 3 15 ���• . Fall Wheat ........ 0 94 to 0 95 Oats, - 0 40 to 0 45 Barley .... ..... ..... 0 55 to 060Buttey "g Peasio 0 28 to 0 24 E p E N Eggs per ,o ...-.0 24 to 0 24 Eggs per dos ........ 0 23 to 0 23 F � Now Wood per cord Hay , per ton Potatoes, per bushel .... Lard .. , - Live Hogs, per cwt, Dried Apples 05� to 0 05 Turkeys, per lb ..... 12 to 0 13 Geese, per Ib . OS to 0 09 Decks, per lb. 08 to 0 09 Chickens, per Ib .......... OS to 0 10 TAKE NOTICE. Stay Right With TheBig Store KERR'S YOU'LL NEVER REGRET J/OING `" O ANOTHER DEEP CUT /Al PR/CES 1 The further the S .1e goes, the hotter the pace grows ; and there's only fifteen days to the end of this Gigantic Sale ! And about $12,000.00 worth of goods to sell yet ! But the goods must be sold, and in order to rush them out before the night of February i5th, we have made a deeper lbut in prices. The last two weeks of this Sale will be the greatest selling time this town has ever had. Come right to this store -it's all yours, at about half real values. A DEEPER CUT IN DRESS GOODS PRICES. 23 pieces of Dress Goode et one third off. Regular $1.25 for 83o yd I Regular $1.00 tor G7o yd " 85c " 570 " " 750 " 500 " 60o " 400 " " 50o " 33a " 140 pieces New Dress Goods at one quarter off. Regular $1 25 for 94c yd I Regular $1 00 for 75c yd „ 85o " 64o " " 75o " 56c " 60o " 45c " 1 " 50e " 380 " SHIRT WAISTS, WHITE BLACK & COLORED. Reg. $2 50 now $1. 88 Reg, $2 00 now $1 50 $1.75 " $1 30 "' $150 " $1.13 " $1.25 " 94a 1 " $1.00 " 753 WOMEN'S FLANNELETTE NIGHT GOWNS. Regular $1 50 now $1.13 I Regular $I.23 now 940 75o " A DEEPER CUT IN DRY GOODS Ladies' Kid Gloves, tan, reg $1.25 for 750 1 piece fancy Flannel, reg. 45c for ,. ,...26o 1 „ ,. „ " 45c for 30c 1 ,t " „ " 40c for.. 24c Curl Cloth for Coats reg, $1.75 for.... $l 00 Fancy Colored Venetian, reg. 85o for. ..640 44 +' �' " G5o for 49e Men's Shirts. stripe front, reg. 750 now. 320 Men's $1 25 Sweaters ... . - .94o Men's $1.00 Sweaters 750 Men's 750 Mufflers .66o Men's 50o Mufflers 380 40/106. 44••••11411•41114•14:•41111.41. A DEEPER CUT IN FANCY CHINA $1200.00 worth of Fancy Chinaware must go. We'll make the prices right, yon do the rest. LOOK HERE -Bring your oash or trade with you, and you can bay all the new, up-to-date Fanny China that yon wish at Ono Third less than Regular Prices. Gat 33ija back on every dollar's worth of Fanoy China that yon buy for the next 15 days. Three lines of staple goods, all, new, plain white, Maple Leaf and Majestic Litho, gold traced, are offered at 20 per cent. less than regu- lar prices. RICH CUT GLASS -Every piece in stock is offered at ore THIRD less than regular prices. BARGAINS IN GROCERY DEPT. Tomatoes. per tin 10o 3 tine Corn 25o 3 tine Peas 250 3 tins Beans ..... 250 3 tins Fresh Herring 25o 3 tins Kip. Herring ,... •••• •260 25o tin Cream Maple 20c Pare Maple Sugar, 5o cake, now, only Oio 10o " " 08o 13o " " " 100 Best Granulated Sugar 211bs ..$1.025 Best Cleaned Currants, 31bs Best Selected Raisins, 31,; lbs ....25 Richard's Pare Soap 7 bars for........25 Eclipse and Morsee bust Soap 7 bar for.25 Best Mixed Candy, 4 lbs 25 Best Mixed Nuts, 2 lbs. 25 Old Dutch Cleanser. 3 pkgs Icing Powder, 3 lbs New Dates, 4 lbs 15c 20c bottle Pickles, for.......... Best American and Canadian Coal Oil. per gallon ..,18o and 150 Best California and Mexican Oranges, large sweet, juicy, fruit, reg. 400 doz. now 30c doz. ........• 25 25 Flannelette Sheeting, white or grey, reg. 350 270 ' for per yard.. Flannelette Blankets, white or grey, reg, 161.351.00 for per pair $ Woman's Heavy Doable Shawls, re¢. $4 00 for $3 00, reg. $2 50 for $1.8S, reg. $1.50 for$1.33 Women's, $3 50 Boots for $2.63 1 $2 00 " $1.50 SOOT AND SHOE PRICES GONE ALL TO S1!IASH. Misses', Children's, Men's and Boys' Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at big reductio $3 00 Boots for $2.25` $1,50 " $1.12 FI $2 50 Boots for $1,00 ` n in pilose. $1.88 .75 HOUSE,FURNISHING DEPARTMENT 50e Window Shades, plain, sale price......... 38a G0c „ " " 45c <, lace 57o 90o .f lace and insertion68e 90o $1.00 `° deep lace and insertion... 750 CnrtainPoles braokete, oak for mahoganyete with nish. and 4 ft. tole reg. 25c for 20c-5 ft. pole reg. 30o for 23o Brass Extension Rods, complete, reg. 1500 for ilc• .. „ ,l 60c for 45c Chenille and Damask.C5 for $3 reg, 37 50 for $6.63 3 50 for S2 63 reg. $5.75 for $4 31, - 3.00 " $2.25, - 2.50 " Si 88 ., $3.25 " $2.4#, - Chenille & Damask Table Covers, $3.50 for $2.63 reg. $2 50 for $1.88, - 1 50 for $1.13, - 1.25 for 950 Reversible Smyrna Rags, reg. $3.00 for $2 25 Small Ruga, Tapestry, Smyrna, &o. 50o for 38o SENSATIONAL VALUES IN CARPETS. e.1.10 Carpet for 83c I $1.00 Carpet for 75c 80o " 600 7ic " 56c 60c " 45o I 60o " 380 403 " 30c 35c 26e BARGAINS IN FURS Ladies Jackets, Caps, Scarfs, Stoles, Muffs, &c. $18.00 Fars for $12,00 $10 00 Fars for $6.67 $15.00 " $10 00 $9.00 -' $6 00 $13,00 " $8 67 $8 00 " $5.31 $12.00 " $3 00 $5 00 " $3 34 $25 00 set. Seaff and Muff, now only $16.67 $55 00 Jacket for $37.00 $28 00 Cape for $19 00 $38 00 " $26.00 $27.00 " $12 00 $32 00 " $21 00 $12.00 " $8.00 Tams, Hoods, Toques, Caps at ee off. Men's and Boys' Winter Caps at i off, Men's Wool Sox, Mitts, Gloves, Shirts, Collars, Ties at clearing sale prices. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COTS. $12.00 Coate $8.00 - $9.00 Coat $6.00 $7.50 " $5.00 - $6 00 " $4.00 $5.00 " $3 34 - $4.25 " $2 83 $4 00 " $2 67 - $3.00 " $2.00 These are all new goods. Tremendous Cutting in Men's and Boys' Clothing $I 00 Pants .67 - $1.85 Pants $1 25 $1.50 " $1.00 - $3.00 " $2.00 $2.00 " $1.33 - $5.00 " $3.33 $12 Snit for $8.00 - $12 Overcoat $8.00 $10 " $6 67 - $10 $6 67 $9 " $6.00 - $9 " $6.00 $7 $4 67 - $7 " $4 67 $5 " $3 33 - $5 " S3.33 $1.00 Caps for .67 - .85 Cape for .57 .75 " .60 - .60 " .34 Men's hard and soft felt hats at half price. CASH IS KING! 1400to1500s tt' _ 0 60 to 0 60 1 ENTER ANY DAY , 2Od 5 to 5 23 t. "6 to 5 25 u ,_ winter Term in all departments of the Central Business College, To- ronto, offers splendid chances for spending a few months pleasantly 0 and profitably. -01 Twenty-five teachers. Catalogue ?r free. write for it. W. B. Shavew, Principal; E. R. Shaw, Secretary, longe and Gerrard Sta., Toronto. That J. S. Jerome, Dentist, is making beautiful seta of teeth for eight dollars, and Den t sleep _ y insert the Patent with your windows wide i - Aire am .All open. Freezing cold air is no better work +` -not so good, In fact -than pare warm Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham. Ii air. Warm air is not in, arious; cold sir in a room frequently is nnoomfort- ---- I able. A cold bash is net good for you ; EAST HURON FARMS IS' -it is a ahock to the system; it weakens ` your heart and deranges the blood Cir- , A LITTLE BUYS A LOT ! nrantee�i. LEARN DRESSMAKING INA WEEK. INSTITUTE. 'r a a't<_e a' t, lean Re Sre Deng teachers 1n ev r six „occas in Ontario. These terse,^.s teas.. v .s c t fit, and 7. -at teget'"e . any gar- r..- r P • fie 1'v -a. !•s . rt 'mast snit to the c,a3,ra a dre3s, z s dsn t pay tthtti y.',s ' a col cn. A man fella yon that he takes a .- t 3 :h ani pe c.. ,..• .a-cse3 'This u v. -4e 6 Cbld bath every day« and its the beetseen-t se se t:a .a ester the atti ' :a"^ S call trb c _. c�nta ^ ta.z:.g et v,. WC nave Thing in the world for him. Look Ilia 5 to las z u f'.r ley years a-+.1 1 ave i man over: is h in any better health Meed of the to z er VII). a-� guarantee t gree, Sale i t , a e t_ wren theages of 14 and 40, WIK3 than Von are, who bathe in warm enemata war be h d foil ca -3rn Beware ef.aeons as _:..vee than 1 avatar? Don't tike anyone's word for 1 ra bee -s ic -,rm t- c . G ce,,r advs, a-:1 ec n aaything when health is congaed. i F"n; • n`,'n--Monday, February 3rd ; e.a. s Where '1 -es.„ were r,, t x -a lv _t be cue 'These health faddists are nzosttiY Bieitly' BLCEvisza--Toesdai, February 4th.. ' e: cit _s r-.s-st ^F' self- u gensine creaks. Is lire vegetarian in as good +s:"'__ ,ett- S..:a3+0,1 g a -a ee. "IAV.1C1'0%1C-aWadueeday, `ebreary5th. NextOfiita-=-&ostaera Drestesrtia* Scli the man who sotto meat a°f ,.3, Ontario Can. c rn*t tilde** as day ? He his not hair the itiol saw(RTIS •Thlzreday�,Febrnary 6th. M. Wim- sen ors In.�tar ani P,0a, Urn* tlmera a .��1 strength. ,int, de to pl keep clean, sleep tlsir tree, r. �[i5 K' .tit, silt, be xt 1Cxehiu e IOU. emit whet yotl plea.* attd as munch i Speaker* will be: --Gavin Barbour, of ileottl, ease:staia, iia t eh, wet aannary + at y'o'u lease, don't bother with doctors, . Croashill; A, Cf, lVaie$britiie, of I�'sirvieer; trete lea, m, nnN1 act p, lir, abrearititf leave t68 t4nt2 Mien BUS% tlrmpbett Of BrrttraptOan• tottrae.ie taught sad rnilrsi Mt. Anto+te nes• boce Huron Farmers' as follows: ,tad f th t rale, said yo°tt will ' tiriehtn to ieara, be amre tw tea live lest lit the kind of ytlaair fathers. 1>�[eet3.,s begirt rat 1,$Q Sad 7 -VI p, tea. ate,, tb,a� caaateetlrfaeg alvetegbarei letkre -New Yoe* ' 'a egreata. Bvbbndy We looter, lig Xauday. BRING YOUR CASH WITH YOU ! STOVES When wanting a Stove, call at Young's Big Hardware see what°he can show you at very low prices. Oak Heaters, coal or wood, Cast Ranges, Steel Ranges, Base Burners, Wood Cook Stoves, (1 11 from it 44 1( $ 8.00 to $18.00 20.00 to 45.00 25.00 to 45.00 15.00 to 45.00 7.00 to 29.00 and Call and see for yourself that we have the right goods at right prices. DOHERTY'S Stovos and Ranges Are Unexcelled CASE CARVERS PIE KNIVES IN CASE BERRY SPOONS IN CASE BUTTER KNIVES IN CASE PICKLE KNIVES IN CAStE CUTLERY OF ALL KINDS Young's Bid hardware. SIHN 5 .115 RSMFri',N1,<l¢"L3':C12-er54:; 1i`.