The Wingham Times, 1908-02-06, Page 2ThE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE =AD On"WE, TORONTO E TAB1.I5ilED 1847' 1t, E, WALKER, president ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. E. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up Capital; $.10,000,000 Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets* - 113,000,000 BANK MONEY ORDERS tSSUED AT THE: FOLLOW/Ng RATES: $5 and under ...,,. 3 cents Ov4 Over $5 and not exceeduzg $10....,. a cents t,. $10 $10...... 10 centa $y $30. " 44 $SO 15 cent$ Tbese Orders are payable at par at any office in Canada of a Chartered Banti (Yukon ertcepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. They are negotiable at $4.90 to the 4 sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. Tbey form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and at email cost, aud,tuay be obtained without delay at any office of the Bank WING13IA3t BRANCH A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED for Wingbam and adjoining country to represent "Canada's Greatest Nurseries" A permanent situation, for the right mean, for whom the territory will be re - nerved. Pay weekly. Free Equipment, Write for particulars. STONE t& WELLINGTON Fontbill Nurseries (over 800 acres) 'iononro, CANADA. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders for the insertion of advertisements each as teachers wanted, business chances, mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or tape Thispwork papers, may prompt the tention and will save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on application. Leave or send your next work of this kind to the TIDIES OFFICE. Winghaltn IJOMINION BANK HEAD OFFI E : TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,848,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,088,000 Total Assets, over 48,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Enrope. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -.Interest allowed on deposits of $1i and upwards, and added to principal quarterly- end of March, June, September and Decem- ber each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R. Vanstone, Solicitor. After stitching down a seam press with a hot iron, and if no seamboard is at hand it is useful to know that a rolling pin, wrapped iu a clean cloth, will answer the purpose equally well, AFTER -HOLIDAY -BARGAINS _ 1 We have bargains in -many lines of goods which purchas- ' ers will do well to look into. We are going out of } certain lines and will sacrifice the goods in order to clear them out. Re KNOX Opposite Queen's Hotel. ° WINGHAM. 40•40+1041140.••••••••••••••••••• 1••0•►040•Or••1`i♦OON1•r141*! 4 Ontario fall wheat supplies What Manitoba spring wheat lacks; What Ontario fall wheat lacks, Manitoba spring wheat supplies. The right blend of the two makes the and t peOct flour for all bread and pastry. Just try it and prove it. "Made in (?1Jt4rio ►s THE WINGI AM TIMES, J'ANITARY 30, 1908 BE AN OPTIMIST. The following from a Canadian contemporary, 18 sage advice for a per- iod of commercial depression: Of what earthly use is.a soldier who drop, his musket and takes to his heels at the drat onslaught of the enemy? Where would a nation end with ' an army of snob soldiers? Where a busi- ness? At present this country stands fa,e to face wittiest most absurd enemy, w ho came lia bolt from a clear sky and wholly without cause. That enemy is Fear,. Are you a good fighter or are you a coward? Are you going to lay down arms before this imaginary fictitious apparition, or are you going to "march. breast forward" and help break down this fear in the minds of your custom, area There is no reason why merchants or anyone else should be alarmed, The backbone and foundation of this nation is its integrity and natural re- sources, whioh are in mast superb con- dition, In fact, the land "Rows with mil k and honey." The only trouble is the pecp;e (some of them) are soared stiff. And . about what? Absolutely troth. ing. It's just like a ory of fire in an opera house where no fire exists. Fear is no person, plane, or thing, It bas no actual cause --no real power; In the presence of confidence it becomes a beolute nothingness and vanishes as darkness before the light. When a snag is blown out of a river by dynamite the noise creates excite- ment, but the stag being removed Ieaves the river oiear. Several snags are being removed from the "financial river," but the explosion should cause no alarm. With the snags removed this country's prosperity will flow on greater and more powerful than ever, Which side are you fighting on -fear or confidence? Every word -you speak every thought you think, has'power for good or evil. Think it over and be an optimist. RECEIPT AS REPEATED BY READER'S REQUEST. Druggists Hear Much Praise for This Simple Home -Made Mixture of Vegetable Ingrerjients. Some remarkable stories are being told about town and among the coun- try people Doming in of tbis simple home-made mixture curing Rheuma• tism and Kidney trouble. Here is the recipe and directions for taking: Mix by shaking well in a bottle one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Take as a dose one teaspoonful afaer meals and at bedtime. No change need be made in your usual diet, but drink plenty of good water. This mixture, writes one authority in a lea.ing Philadelphia newspaper, has a peouliar tonin effect u jn the kidneya: cleansing the clogged up pores of the eliminative themes. forc- ing the kidneys to sift and strain from the blood the uric acid and other pois- onous waste matter, overcoming Rheu- matism, Bladder and Urinary troubles in a short while, A New York draggiat who has had hundreds of Dells for these ingredients since the first annonncextzent in the newspapers last October stated that the people who once try it "swear by it" esi 5Bfally those who have Urinary and Kidney trouble and suffer with Rheumatism. The druggists in this neighborhood say they can supply the ingredients, which are easily mixed at home. There is said to be no .better blood•oleansing agent or system tonic known, and ver• thinly none more harmless or simple to use. Laoe berthas, fiat's and tapelike col- lars are to be abundantly worn, but With the pretty„pddition of a half-inch velvet fold around the neck and down the front edges. ..mss The simnel meeting of the Dungan- non Agricultural Society was held in Elliott's Hall on Jan. 15, when the fol- lowing officers were elected for neat year: President, W. Bailie; 1st vice, James Mallongh; 2nd vibe, James Hay- den; directors for Aahfleld, Thoa, Stoth- ers ' and T. E. Durnin; for Colborne, John Dustow, James Chisholm and Ieaao Hetherington; for Wawanoah, John McLean, Stephen Medd, Jacob Reid and Wm, Watson; auditors, T, G. Allen and T. E. Case; secretary, R. MoItwain; treasurer, J. M. Roberts. The directors' report sho wed the soolety to be in a first class condition and they are determined to make every effort to have their fall fair of 1908 excel all previous exhibitions held by the society. The auditor's report showed the -follow- ing receipts and expenses, Balance on hand from last audit $4005.14, legislative grant $210, county grant $20, 'T'ownship of Ashfield $25, members subscriptions $31, donations, $55, gate receipts $427,75, /tells and grounds $21.50, advertising in prize lists $70, concert $160.95, eohooi children's tickets $13.46, total receipts $1558,79, Expeneee-.-ruoney paid in prizes $628, band $45, concert $89, stent of halls and grounds $128.75, workizig expense*, printing, etc., $172.95, eecre• tary'e salary, postage And expenses $85,. 25, total expettsed $1078.418, leaving balance en hand $479.81. It WAS decided 10 hold the fair on the first Thnreday gold Prlda r in GotQber, Psyebine Missionaries ies. A flitted of Dr, Slocum Remedies writes: "Send a battle of Beychine to Afro. W... They havo a daughter in decline, and 7 believe it would help her. 1 have mentioned your remedies to the family, and also cited some of the miraculous eures accent: pliahed fnside tho last 18 years, of which 1 have knowledge," T, G. IRWIN, Kittle Britain, Ont. Run down conditions from lung, stoni- ach or other constitutional trouble cur- ed by Psychine. At all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr, T. Slocum, Ltd., Tpronto There passed away on Wednesday Jan. 22nd at a ripe old age, Mr. John Sprung, one of the oldest and most high- ly esteemed residents of Hallett. Born in Prince Edward county in 1823, lie spent much of bis younger days in that county; he pine to Huron County a bout 1808 and settled on the ,"lase Line, where he bas resided since, His wife predeceased hint by less than a year. He bad been i11 for some time with dropsy and bis death was not entirely unexpected, though it was very sudden. A man of more than usual ability, he w as very well known and highly respect- ed by all; a member of the Methodist Oh arch, and a Liberal in politics. He has a brother and a sister living in the west and leaves a family of three daughters. ---- PLAN TO FIGHT DISEASE.. • Druggists will Battle Stomach Troubles in Wingham. The increase of stomach troubles in Wingham has led Walton McKibben to take effective measures to combat the disease, He has the local agency for Mi-o•na stomach tablets, and in order to induce people suffering with weak stomach or indigestion to use the remedy, offers to. supply it with the distinct understanding that money will be refunded in every case where it does not cure. Mi'o•na is not a mere digestive, but an absolute strengthener and builder -up of the whole digestive tract, If yon Buffer with headaches, giddiness, palpi- tation, bad taste in the mouth, nervous- ness, coated tongue, distress after eating, use Minna and see how quickly theee symptoms will disappear. The remedy strengthens thetunneler walls of the stomach and increases the flow of gastrio juices so that nourish. went is extracted from the food and the refuse is expelled without the aid of purgative or laxative medicines. Remember that Walton McKibben gives a guarantee to refund the money unless it cures. Wilton McKibben' takes all the risk, and neve is no danger of your losing anything exdept indiges• tion when you buy a 50 cent box of Mi-o•na. } Freight Cars Lying Idle. Railroads of the United States and Canada have 206,800 freight oars in excess of business demands, according to a statement issued by the Car Ser- vice Oomn lesion of the American Railway Association. Shortages exist on only a few roads, the total number of additional oars that could be used on these lines amounting to 774, The figures are compiled from reports made to the committee by 158 railroads. Assuming the average value of a oar to be six hundred dollars, equipment r epresenting $124,084,000 of capital is lying idle on side tracks, The surplus oars aggregate nearly 10 per cent. of all the oars owned in the United States and Canada. ----•moi..---� For very sick people toast water is a nourishing, palatable drink. Put Ser. oral pieces of cold, oriep toast in a thick pitcher, pour boiling hot water over it, cover the pitcher to keep in the steam, and after it has soaked for fifteen min- utes strain off the hot water, which con- tains the nourishing essence of the bread. It may be kept in a cool place until the next tune to reheat it. AB$OLUTE SECURITY.. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must gear Signature of $es Par.8lmite Wrapper Belem Uri .0.2.232 anti as way '1t t+kt as a '.i FOR 11UDAClrl FOR DIMNESS* FOR Of LIOOSNEt FORJORPID LIVER/ FOR�CORSTIPAT1Ort ro s,m.r:Aw;srnrrs, idt ;TirtCOMpttme* CARTERS rIF) O7QiUeruitiMYr,r1UVa WAfUf t. - ,WOE 8tOK H1EAN A H t," THE WOMAN AT HOME. Many sashes are b ling warn, all broad and am;yle in width. Adjustable cufita can be paralleled in desired lengths to wear with short. sleeved lingerie waists, For chilblains rub on witoh-lr.zel. Tills is also exoellent for pain in the aoi+zts, poor circulation or stiffness,' A baby's eyelashes away be clipped to indnoe the growth, but after earliest ohildhood that method is inadvisable, as the lashes may not grow a second time. DANCER OF CATARRH. Unless Properly Treated with Hyomei, Becomes .Serious, Catarrh troubles are far snore dangerr, one than tbey seem at first thought. If you have catarrh, there is an irri, toted state of the mucous membrane and weakened tisanes wbien afford an ideal lode meet and vulture medium for disease germs, especially those of con- sumption. Yon bon d get cured as quickly as possible before any dangerous germs that you may breatbe lodge on the die eased tietnes and work dietruction in throat and lungs The easiest, simplest, gniokest, surest and cheapest way to pure catarrh ie by the direot method, 'breathing Hyomei. This wonderful medicated air treatment does not drug and derange the stomach, but is breathed in, direotly following and destroying all disease germs that may have been inhaled. The unusual way in which Hyomel is Sold by Walton McKibben is the best evidence of hia confidence in the treat - meat and should diepel all doubt as to its curative properties. He agrees to refund the purcbase pride to anyone whom Hyomei fails to benefit, and you v ita irtnes. A complete so outfit al t costsbut $1 00 if it helps you, not a pent if it deer not do all that it is claimed for it. 1140.440.411444..44.044***1141 OAL COAL COAT Wo are sole agents for the celebrated $CiRalll''.i'b.Ztl los which k o noequx1. Alan the best' grades of Rmiithing Gann al Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds. always on hand. We stoocarry a af tnllltLCB (Dressed or Una -teased) sedi� LATH Cedar Posts, Barrels, VW. Hilghea�t Irvine rad for on klimde 0* Lugs. " J. iWoLean- • Reta c•e Please No. 55, Office, No, 64. Mill, No 44, AAAAA0lAAAAAAAAM/►AWAAAAy 1 Lehigh weateseveovvnteeenstenaleteePOWO COALVali%! Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal tha is free from dirt and clinkers IT HAS NO EQUAL. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO.AA VWVVVVVVVVVwYwwawvwvw d O00O0000$S$IlI0000*0000i$0 0000000O0001000000000000091A 0 • a The Beaton of a "swell colored church"► in Richmond was closing the windows 1 one blustery Sunday morning during service, when he was beckoned to the side of a young negrees, the widow of a • certain Thomas. "Why is ye, ahettin' w does winders, Mr. Jones?" she demanded : in a hoarse whisper. "De air in die as church is suffooatin' now !" "It's de Ta minister's orders " 1' d th , rep le a sexton, obstinately. "Its a cold day, Mis' 'Pho- mas, an' we ain't gain, to take no chance on losin' any o' de lambs of dis fold while dere's a big debt overhangin' dis' church." Unable to Digest THE FOOD The digestive system is a wonderful piece of machinery, but power is necessary to make it effective. The power, in this case, is the nerve force and with the nerves exhausted the digestive system becomes hopelessly crippled. There is indigestion, headaches, neuralgic pains and spells of weakness, dizziness and discouragement. Strength cannot be regained from the food you eat, but can be restored by Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food This great prescription of the famous Re. ceipt Book author, A.W. Chase, M. D., instils into the feeble, worn-out nerves energy and strength, enriches the blood, invigorates the nerves which control digestive fluids, sharpens the appetite and builds up the system in Nature's way. 50 cents a box, at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Mr. John McLean, 316 Hunter Street, Hamilton, Ont, states: BAs a result of weak nerves my appetite was poor and I had severe attacks of indigestion. Since using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for some time my digestion is excellent, appetite good, nerves strong, and 1 feel an alt' gether different persue In sewing a piece of material on the bias to a straight piece, the former is apt to become stretched. To avoid this the bias should be planed underneath, and it will then be sewn in evenly. No matter what color your winter frock may be the braiding mast be black and a towel: of some black, flat fur will give it all the chic of an imported gown, THE WINGRAM TIMES FOR $1.80 .'.,.a•4-4,..n1•r.r...aMr..r. G 4-. ' Times and Daily Globe -a Times and Daa'1y Mail and Empire .1. Times and Daily World ,°11, Times and Toronto Daily News.. 4. Times and Toronto Daily Star jTimes and Daily Advertiser Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Weekly GIobe . Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 4„ Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star + Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and * premiums CLUBBING RATES FOR 1907 - 08. The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates for any of the following publications : Times and Weekly Witness 4. Times and London Free Press (weekly) -a Times and 'London Advedtiser (weekly) -a Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and World Wide .p Times and Northern :Messenger..:. -a Times and Farmers' Advocate We specially recommend our readers to subscribe , to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine a 4.50 4.50 3,10 2,30 2 30 2,35 2.60 1.35 1.35 1.75 2.10 1.85 1.80 1,60 1.80 2.20 1.35 2.35 Times and Farming World. 1.35 4,, Times and Presbyterian 2.25 .. \-Timewand Westminster 2.25 -e `Time's and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 4 Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... 2.40 + Times and Youths' Companion 3.25 -a Times, and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90 * Times and Sabbath Reading, New York . 1.95 Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)1 85 Times and Michigan Farmer . . 2.15 + Times and Woman's Home Companion 2.25 * Times and Country Gentleman 2,60 -a Times and Delineator..... ,... .2.95 + Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine 1.95 .1. Times and Green's Fruit Grower 1.55 j Times and Good Housekeeping .. 2.30 Times and McCall's Magazine 1.70 Times and American Illustrated Magazine 2.30 - Times and American Boy Magazine... 1.90 Times and What to Eat 1.90 Times and Business Man's Magazine 2.15 Times and Cosmopoiitan 2.15 . Times and Ladies' Home Journal .. 2.75 Times and Saturday Evening Post... . . .. . . ..... 2.75 Times and Success .... .., ,,. . 225 4. Times and Hoard's Dairyman 2,.40 ,; Times and McCiure's Magazine 2.40 Times and Munsey's Magazine 2.50 + Times and Viek's Magazine ' .. .. , 1.60 Times and Home Herald ,k.... 2,60 .l, Times and Travel Magazine 4,1•00•441, , , ° , , • 2:25 Times and Practical Partner 2.10 Times and Home Journal, Toronto 1.40 .e Times and Designer 1.75 4- Times and Everybody's 00.4* 2 80 Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg...... 1.25 Times and Canadian Pictorial. 1.60 4. 4.The above prices include postage on American publications to anis - ,l, address in Debacle, If the T1ssas is to be sent to an American address, add is 50 cents for postage, and where American publications are 10 be sent 10 IAmerican addresses a redaction will be made in price, We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine yon want is not iti the list, call Br this efllee, or drop a card and We will give you prices on, the paper you want. We club 'with all the leading newspapers and tnagaziues. When premittma are given with any of above papers, eubaeribere will secure such premiums when ordering through ns, tante as ordering direct from publishers. r; STRICTLYe CASH IN ADVANconsiderable remiitttanonit by postta note are oMoe or expressmoney order, addreeaing n414r,sm,amm4r s TIMES OFFICE, 1 ' T GflAM, ONTARIO, ti