The Wingham Times, 1908-02-06, Page 1Perimanent Results
r,IIowa muttering for over two ha+i
menthe with an obstinate coug;e, ue had
also my little girl. We tried srreral
remedies cemnwa to say drug store
witht,ut obtaining µny srpparcnt relief,
iu fact we were growing worse. 1 got a
bottle of ipolte.00te Expectorant trout
nay druggist and inside of two days the
cough was stemma, and the results so
permanent and rapid that we decided
to keep it in our home continually.
it(Hil'lifl' PALEN,
!'.. A. It. Station, t)ttewa.
Coitsfoote Expectorant is recognized
tine world over ea ten best preterietiou
tsver used by the weasel Force -eon for
Cough*, ('olds, (Croup. iironrl,iti6 and
Tightness of the ('heat. Children lil;u
it. To ;atrrelure it into every home we
will send a free ;sample to every person
sending their name and naldress to Dr.
T. A. Slocum, Limited, 'Toronto. Sold
by all Up-to-date druggists' at
8eud for as'ree bamttto Today.
1 e J14a z e,
r n in 1'1 acct e
Mr. (1 eoltna a
, g
went into the traneaetie 2 of Wall
street, New York, in something like de-
tail, and startled even people who are
not easily disturbed by his revelations.
He round that the Stook Exchange, to
say nothing about the curb and the
bucket shop, was selling more shares of
one kind and another thou were actually
in existence). Of one stook (Reading
railway), the galea totalled fifteen times
more than the whole stook amounted to.
Of another (union Paeifin% the sales
eueCeded by twenty tones the value of
all the stook of the road. These and
other disooveriew led to a revtva4 of what
T. W. L'awsou (of frenzied finance
fame), said, that in ninety•nine cases out
Of a handrail the deals are nothing more
thou bete that the price will go up or
down. The New York World hass.
therefore, gone on a campaign agatnet
the Stook I;s,hange,and declares that
it is the worst gambling hell an earth,
Ghat its boards aro no better than the
gambling tablets of Monte Carlo. The
plau is to so disoredit or expose it that
Governor iiughoe will appoint a eonu-
miesion whose duty it will be to probe
into the evtl and aim at its extirpation.
The World suggests as a means to that
end a heavy state tax on all transactions
on the exchange, which whilst being no
serious burden on legitimate transactions
would make speculation expensive.
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy tor &angea must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertiecmente accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
X. R. ELLIOTT. ruBIdanea Arm PR01'rttflTon
THURSDAY, JAN. 30, 1908,
a o of the ea
Local History >'
Items from the "Times" tyles
Tile total trade of the Dominion . for
the calendar year 1907 was $008,500 974,
as compared with $54:1,819,289 for 1000,
au increase of $04,280,085. Total im-
ports last year were $385,276,800,au
thereto() of $00,438,076; total exports
were $273,834,014, an inoreaee of $3,847,-
010. Total exports of domeetio prodaoe
last year were $888,010,557, a deems()
of $730,76,. The total exports of for-
eign produce anaonnted to $35,809,057,
an increase of $4 5ta,7711,
The Mail and Empire says that the
eommlesion appointed by the Whit.
ney government "will r000mmend the
abolition of the °entreat"system foe-
tered by the late Liberal adminis-
tration." This is hugely rich. When
the Whitney Government name into
power it found the manufacture of
woodenwere in the Cautral prteou
oonduoted ander the "the publio mount
syatem" (1. e., by the government it-
self) and aubetituted .therefor one of
the moat remarkable cheap labor con.
traete ever devised. It also found that
there was a cordage oontraot entered
into by the late government which had
not been ratified, and therefore might
have been abandoned, Instead of tak-
ing this °purse, it made another con•
tract with oue of its own political
friends. --Brantford Expositor,
At last reform of the Senate of Canada
seems to be within measurable dietetic*.
Ouse it becomes a gneation of praottoal
polities it is awe to be carried out, for
enoh is the state of public opinion that
neither side will dare block it. It be-
colues merely a question of time and
method. It is whims too muoh to
hope tor the only really good and effeo-
tivo reform --that of abolition; the Iola
titans are notyet ready for that, though
the people are; it is well enough ream -
razed that while the upper ohamber has
not done muoh harm it has never done
any good, never Nerved any useful pur-
pose for legislation er administration.
Ina main etfeot has been to keep in pub -
lin life politiotans who were no longer
finable to carry a conatitueney, and
who, in the great majority of eases,
wera better retired. The best possible
reform we eon give the Senate would be
its funorai.-Liatowel Banner.
(Front the 'rums of Jan. 14, 1888.)
Mr. Robert Aiken had hie log caught
between logs and badly irjurod at And-
erson's saw hill last weeps.
Indescribable Torture of Plies
Mrs George H, Sinner, Grant, Rua,
eel Co., Out., writes; "For eleven
years I doctored for bleeding, itohing
and protruding pilot without success.
The torture I suffered at times was be-
yond description. A friend told ine
ahont Dr. Chase's Ointment. It brought
relief at ono° and oared me permnnentiy
five yearn ago,"
Hon, A. M. Ross and family of Goder.
Joh left for Toronto this week, Bays the
Signal, and will reside there during the
The Wingham weollen mills, which
have been undergoing some repairs
Lino holidays, reopen oa Monday,
A roan named Robert McOrelght, a
former resident of Turuberry, died in
London Asylum and was buried in
Wingham cemetery last Thursday.
At the meeting of the Oaledouian
society an Friday evening last, ofiloera
were elected thus; -Chief, Peter Fisher;
1st Ohtottain, James Ueudereon; 2nd
do,, Jas. Louttit; 3rd do., John Wilson,
4th do., D. Sutherland; Treasurer, J. A.
Morton; secretary, Alex. Cameron; As-
sistant do,, John MoLasu.
John Moorogan, who is employed in
T. L. Jobb'a blaokemith shop, while en-
gaged in shoeing a horse on Thursday
last, had the misfortune to receive a
kiok on the shoulder.
Those who have telephone connections
in town are: Meyer & Dickinson, the
Lower Wingham mill, the Grand Trunk
Railway oflloe, Gllohriat, Green & Oo.,
Thos. Agnew's livery, 0, N. Griffin,
,Tames MoKolvio, C. P. R. station, E. F.
Gerster, Dr. Chisholm, Dr, Young, J. A.
Morton, W, Mattel' and the Bank.
A team of Winghamite curlers went
over to Ilonsall on Tuesday, and played
a friendly match, with the remelt given
under, The players were: John Inglis,
John Hanna, R. Paulin, S. Kent, on
rink 1, and 0, E. Williams, John Coad,
John Neelanda, John Dinsley, on rink 2.
The result was that Hanson beat by
5 shots.
(Toronto Star.)
Tho House of Commons has tackled
the question of reform or abolition of
the Senate with earnestness, but with-
out coming to any definite conclusion.
There to a general agreement that
Senators ought not to be appointed for
life. But if the term were shortened
without altering the anode of appoint-
ment, the case would be worse than
ever. The volume of patronage in the
hands of the Government would be in,
oreaaed. The individual appointment
would be less valuable, but the number
of appointments would be augmented,
Suppose that the Average duration of a
life appointment is thirty years, and
that the proposed term is ten years,
there would be tiaras appointments in
the Mande of the Government instead of
Therefore, if there is to be real re-
form, the mode of appointment must be
changed, Appointment by the Provin-
cial Legislatures would moan appoint-
ment by tale dominant party in each
L'gielaturo, or by the Provinoial
Government. This would be better than
appointment by the Dominion Govern-
ment, but would b9 by no means free
from objection. Vere would be a lot
of wire•puliing nn intrigue to obtain
the coveted positions, and the party
patronage in the halide of the local
Governments and Legislatures would be
Ducat election by the people is by fax
the best plan, if we tyre to Have a second
chamber at all. It the voice of the peo.
ple is not the voice of God, it comes
nearer to that ideal than anything else
3.0 our system of government. If the
people are not infallible, they aro honest,
and they have no interest in any govern.
mutt but good government. They are
willing to recognize good public service,
Integrity, and capacity. they respond
readily to appeals to conscience, to the
reason, to the spirit of fair play. The
corrupt and corruptible element of the
electorate is very small, and eould be
easily awamped if public men 'would
trust the people more, and would, by
their public condnot, show their sincere
sympathy with the people.
We admit that the argument for an
elective Senate, if carried to its logical
oonclnsion, is an argument for the ab.
olitiau of the Senate. There ie no rem
son why Parliament should consist of
two bodies elected by the people in dif-
ferent ways, There is no reason why
Parliament ehonld be btaected in order
to do its work properly, In foot the
attempt to legislate in this way is sure
to result in waste of time, and waste of
effort and perenesive force. All the
members of Parliament ehonld take
counsel and give +counsel together; all
should hear and take part in all the di.-
euaeions, The elective Senate is not the
best plan, but the second beet plan,
worthy of considety►tien only in ogee
abolition is found to be impoeaible,
Warm lima water used on the
at night will tend to overcome
In making a blouse, too deep a round
Meat not be out for the neck M the out.
set. It is better *0 try it on first and
then ontltne a eemieirole in front with a
xttvtr of pins, patting it evenly on a fiat
ironchial Colds
Hard coushir.X fs the cause of tha vastest
st fining Irani bronchitis, and bemuse Ur. A.
\a. Chive's `.Fran el Linseed end Turpn.
tae besets ails sou,,h a d rriir:es the lead -
lel tie -Mese; in the cheat it is A meet accepts
able treatment.
Net en!y Leto cases tea also the:e of long
otsadiie usually yiele to the pa -Anent use of
Dr. Chase's Syrup of
Linseed and Turpentine
ehi;h seems to act as a *KIR:. in this ail.
wast, yeti the weetes+e populates. of Chiu greet
r niteim+ was Ment sip hugely milts reputation
ata tura foe Inotehitit.
CSP, whooreee tom. enemas, reatthr
,red retch res Iety yield to the teothine heal.
fah ace et this greet ree+clkiee. 25 cents
. M all shawl at Edasateretr, Batty &
Mr. Robert Mosgrove, who has been
aomo five years in the Turtle Mountain
distriot, Manitoba, arrived home on
Wednesday last, having rented his fast
there. Ile has not yet deoided as to his
future movement's,
The yearly congregational meeting
and the W. F. M. S., was held at
Eadie'e on Weduesday.-Rev. A, Y.
Hartley offloiated in his own oharch
on Sunday notwithatauding the un.
gentlemanly onslaught by Mr. Jenkine.
of the Budget.
Tipling Bros, of con. 1 Tarnberry sold
a fine two year old Oanadian stallion to
Mr, Atkinson, formerly of con. 4 Morris,
late of Manitoba, for $300.
Mr. P. W. Scott is making prepara-
tions for ereoting a new house next
summer; Mr. J. Young, of Blyth, has
the contract.
Mies Aunio, daughter of Mr. John
Robertson, who has been visiting
brothers in the Turtle Mountain dia-
triot, Manitoba, returned last week.
111e. and Mrs. Moagrove arrived from
the Province of Manitoba.
Hagh Ross of Tarnberry shipped a
flue, car load of cattle to Montraal last
James Elliot is is the neighborhood
of Galt looking for Holstein oattle to
Sterling -At Belgravia on the 10th
Inst, the wife of Mr. Robert Sterling;
a daughter.
Beasley -At Wingham, on the 6th
inst., the wife of the late Sxmael Bags -
ley; a daughter.
Bailey -al eagrove-Pet the residence
of the bride's father, Tarnberry, on the
lith taste by the Rev. J. S. Cooke, Mr.
John W. Bailie, of Hallett, to Isabella,
third daughter of Mr. John Mosgrove. •
Ramer Onna rn .Sabbath aervieee at
11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday School at
2:80_p nt, general prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. H.
Edgor Allen, pastor. B.Y.P.U. meets
Monday eveniuga 8 p.m. Abner Posen
S.S. Superintendent..
METHODIST ORUaon-Sabbath cervices
at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday Sohool at
2:80 p m, Epworth League every.Mon-
day evening. General prayer meeting
on 'Wednesday evenings. Bev. W.
(I. Howson, pastor, F. Baohanan, S.S.
PRESBYTER/AN 0st1Ro11-Sabbath ser•
vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday
Sohool at 2;80 p m, General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perris, pastor. r. A. J. Irvin, S.S.
$r. Pone's OHl7Rar Er'Isoor,&L-Sab-
bath servioee at 11 a ne and 7 p m. Sun-
day Sohool et 2;80 pin, General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
T, S, iaoylo, M,A., B.A., Reotor ; Ed,
Nash, 8. 8. Superintendent ; Thos, E,
Robinson, assistant Superintendent.
SALVATION Maly -Servide at 7 and 11
a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
0 olook at the barracks.
POST Orria14-Oftloe hours from 8a m
to 6:80 p m. Open to box holders from
7 a m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster.
PtmLla T,rnrteny-Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:80 o'clock, and every evening from 7
to 9:50 o'olook, Anise Ethel Elliott,
TOWN Ootnwzr-W, Holmes, Mayor;
Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve; David Bell,
Thee. Gregory, D, E. McDonald el m.
Nioholaon,Geo. Spottop, Geo. 0. H ata,
Ooanoillors; J. B. Ferguson, Clerk and
Treasurer; Analon Dulmage, Assessor.
Board meets first Monday evening in
eaoh month at 8 o'olook.
Snell -At Wingham, on the 24th inat.,
Mr. John Snell, aged 51 years and 9
visited by this committee in the search
for information was the Mansfield Re-
formatory in Ohio, and it is thought
that this penal institution will serve as
something of a pattern for Ontario.
It has already been announced that in
all probability a prison farm will be
established, ant the oontraot system of
prison labor abolished. Both these.
things have been done at Mansfield, but
there the length of imprisonment de-
pends upon the behavior of the prisoner
himself. Every sentence is a general
one, with no fixed limit or duration.
With this goes a parole system, thongh
this does not take efeeot until after the
prisoner has served one year. At Mans-
field a system of marks is in vogue,
which , are awarded for personal de-
meanor, diligence in labor or study and
the results attained, It a man's record
is good for one year, employment is se-
oured for him and he is restored to full
citizenship. In ton years at Mansfield
2,150 men have been turned out, and
it is said that at least three-quarters of
thie number have been restored to
sooiety. The net cost per capita is
about $160 a year,
The prisoners are employed in erect-
ing new prison buildings, in making
shoes for themselves and other prisoners
and in the manufacture of brooms, har-
ness and tinware to a limited extent.
,The men are a1lob'ed a portion of their
earnings up to 20 per cent. In connec-
tion with, the prison is a farm of 250
acres, from which there was a net profit
of $10,000 in 1906. Men were put to
work this farm without immediate
guards, and out of 100 men employed in
this way in 1900 only five attempted to
escape. 11 is claimed that such free.
dom tends to develop selt restraint and
Oue of the important rnattere which
is to eome before tate Legislature at
the next session is that of prion refarna
end ptieoa labor reform. Last toed=
a oonmaitt e, corrlptielog the followlat
Ca, ' s *1o. ,t al.:abert : 1. P. Downey, the tofr.°
Mor. A. Bavonlo4 Idler Oat., wtitiw !; martin, Georira Pwtti000el, J. R. D'ar8etel
le+eiFurred was to h.el with a bt ache and f thlay 0. hie cid, wait spp0iat•
h* eemill *it $}sink aMre a rrrla+p+e ed to iatiotrs Iola iter queetio*, surd dreier
reewaa LL mil T wit ," moot win be prootot ti aboetly oiler
l 1
• serest' a St twit rtrfe.1 tbw oto tctn apses. Avamorg ether p±aoee
Heart and Nerve Pills.
Are a sn.•�tt,n rot an clues .r and daoe
arl7�r"• tri -tag tram tt rltnsiown, rump•
t,.nt.,t 110r heart tar nerttit,ea(A ^t, such
gotP:.1r,�t:ettoa of the inert, Nervdes
I'ru:treei,tn, Itrrv,+n,nosi Ot.•erl.ksie
t.,• ei Fatntated I1 rtT ti tell, i1r.e3nk,+5,
7'h; r aro Oa;r00.*1ly bem.t.coil to
tto era thtu,3ed eiali irregular mew
Bice SJ cont.' per box. or E foe *1.11.
Aa cleaner*, ;sr
Tari T. ie Cir,, Ltxtu'ati.
t170CP,,ar, 4,111.
Quick ease for the worst cough -quick
relief to the heaviest cold -and ,SAFE,
to take, even for a child.
That is Shiloh's Cure.
Sold under a guarantee COU hs
to cure colds and coughs , Colds
quicker than any other
medicine -or your money back. 34 years
of success commend Shiloh's Cure. 25c.,
50c.,'$l. 318
but before doing so it is advisable
to personally wait this the greatest
Silver Mining camp ever discovered
that is so aooeealble.
Full information as to the best way
to reach Cobalt Grand Trunk Ticket
office or address J. D. MoDonald D.
P. A., Toronto, Ont.
18 Tumoral')
The Times Offleo, Beaver Block
Timms or BUns0aIPTIoN-11.00 per annum in
advance 1.50 it not so paid. No paper discon-
r are paid,exoept atthe
t{ll all arras s r ep
option of the publisher,
Anv11BTIsflG Rama. -- Legal and other
casual adver tisements loo per Nonparielline for
first insertion, 8c peritne for each snbeegnent
Advertisements in local columns are charged
10 cis, per line for first insertion, and 6 oents
per line for eaoh subsequent insertion,
Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Bale
or to Rent and similar, $1.00 for first three
weeks, and 85 orate for snob enbsegnent in-
OONTR4e1T BATaa--The following table eliowe.
our rates for the insertion of advertisements
for specified periods: -
Brame 1 TB, 0 MO. 8 MO. 1240.
OneColumn ..$70.00 140.00 $22.50 $8.00
Half Column ...40.00 25.00 15.00 6.00
QuerterColumn ..... 20.00 12.50 7.50 8.00
One Inch ... 6.00 8.00 2.00 1.25
Advertisements without epooifio direotions
will be inserted till forbid and charged accord-
ingly. Traneient advertisements must be paid
for in advance.
Tuff Jon DEPAR NT is stocked with an
extensive assortment 11 requisites for print.
,ing, affording faoilit a not equalled in the
countyfor turning out first class work. Large
type and appropriate oats for all styles of Post.
ere, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of
choice fanoy type for the finer classes of print
Proprietor and Publisher
HIGH Sermon BOARD.- John Wilson,
(ohairmau) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P.
Maodonald, Dr. R. 0. Redmond, J. A.
Morton, 0. P. Smith, W. F. VanStone.
Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Oosens,
treasurer. Board meets second Monday
evening in each month.
(chairman), B Jenkins; H. E. Isard, T.
Hall, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, Alex. Ross,
0. N. Griffin. Seoretary, John F.
Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday eveningin eaoh
lor, B,A., principal; J. 0, Smith, B.A.,
olaesioal master; J. G. Workman, B.A.,
mathematical master; Miss J. MaoVan-
nel, B. A., teacher of English and
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brook,
MiseReynolds, Miss Farquharson, Misa
Wilson, Miss Oummings, and Miss
(chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg-
ory, John Wilson, P.S., J. B. ICeaya<uson,
Secretary; Dr. Jl R Maattionald,
Medical Health OMaar,
J•P KENNEDY, M. D., M.C.P. S. 0
• Member of the British Medical Associa-
tion. Goold Medallist in Medicine. Special
attention paidto diseases of Women and Child;
ren. Office houre-1 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 0 p. m.
sery Stook and Seed Potatoes should
either write directed to us, or see our
nearest agent,before placing their orders.
We guarantee satisfaction; prices right;
fifty years experience; extra heavy stook
of the beet apples.
Whole or part time; salary or liberal
commission; outfit free; send for teems,
The Bell Telephone Com-
pany of Canada is about to
publish a new issue of the
for the district of Western
Ontario including the TOWN
Chaa'iges of firm names,
changes of street addresses, or
orders for duplicate entries
should be handed in at once to
SON, CO., Ltd.
1J Centre Street
Physician, Surgeon, eto.
Offioe-Macdonald Block, over W.Mollibbon's
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office.
DR, ROBT, 0. REDMOND, M. R.0. S. (Eng)
L. R. 0. P. London.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Office, with Dr. Chisholm.
AN OUD SUPi.w S"TioN..
British Fishermen Balk at the Name
of Graham.
Oue of the mo;,t curious of Britisix
fisberziteu's superstitions, the one which
perhaps to this day has the strongest
hold upon them, is that connected with
the name of Graham. No fisherman
will go to sea if he has heard this
name mentioned, nor will he do au/
manner of work upon that day. Tee
will refuse to Ball in a boat with any
one bearing the wtme, and a house
painter from Newcastle called Gra-
ham, who had been sent to do some
work in one et the large houses, found
his life made so unbearable by the -vil-
lagers that he incontinently returned
to the town, leaving bis work uncom-
pleted. The women who bait the lines
in the winter will unbolt every hook,.
and rebait the whole length -the labor
of hours -if they hear it mentioned. &
local tradesnian bearing this unfortu-
nate patronymic is never referred to!
save as "Puff;" another, an innkeeper,'
is known as "Lucky Bits." No ratio- '
al explanation is to bo found. On one
of the most intelligent fishermen being
questioned on the subject he laughed,
the idea to Scorn, Why, his daughter
was married to a Graham. But, he;
added, a strange thing happened two �.
years ago when he was or at the her-
ring fishing and bad not been horse
for some weeks. Having received a
letter at Shields to say that his sonahoi-
law was ill, he hailed a passing boat
which had come from the north, ask-
ing if they had heard how Jade Glee -
ham was. "And, wad ye beleev't, Ire
sooner had aa syed the words than
theor was a crash, and the mast went
ower the side!" None Of the crew
spoke to him for the rest of the day:
R. •
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. Mortgages, town and farm
property bought and sold.
Office, Beaver Bleak. Wingham
Wingham, Ont.
Omen: Meyer Stook, Viip.tehasm.
-BRTHUR J. IB.WIN, D. D.13., L. D. B.
eater of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania.
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
in Macdonald Block, Winghem.
iv J. PRICE, B. B, A., L. D. S., D. D. S.
Licentiate o5 the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni-
versity of Toronto.
Office ; Beaver Block.
ALES. KELLY, Wingham, Ont.
For the County of Huron. eaten of all kinds
oonduoted at reasonable rates. Orders left at
the TRIES office will reoeive prompt attention.
A NY even numbered suction of Dominion
.tl.. Lands in Manitoba Saskatchewan and,
Alberta excepting 8 and 10, not reserved, may
be homesteaded by any person who is the solo
heed of a family, or any male over 18 years of
age, to the extent of onc•quarter sootion of 100
acres, More or less
A plication for entry must be made in per -
eon by the applicant at is Dominion Lands
Agony or Sub.agonry for the district in which
the land is situate, Entry by pro* may, how.
over, be inane at nu Agency on rortain condi•
Mons by his father, another, son, daughter,
brother or sister of an intending homesteader.
s r r[ th
The hamo. tradoi is squired to perform e
honnstoacl ditties under one ofthe following
p111s At least six menthe' residence upon and
cultivation of the land in each year for three
homewtender mar, it he eo desiresiper oral the reg)tirtKl reatdettre duties by living
on farming land cunei solely by him, not lees
than eighty 180) Kerte in extent, in the vicinity
of his homestead. Joint ownership in land'.
will not meet this requirement.
(8) If the (ether (or mother, it the tither is
deeeestd) of the homesteader hes permanent
resideneonfarming land owned solely by
him, not loss than righty 1801 in acres extent,
itt the virtnity of the homestead, or upon a
homestead mitered for by him in the vieinitr,
antis homesteader ratty perform his own reel•
tmtenre(thcrilntiee.) Ur living with the father or
(4) The tram "vicinity"' In the 'two preced-
ing paragraphs is denial by meaning not more
than nine miles in a diroet line, exclusive of
the width of road allowaneen creased in the
(6) A hameeteader intandlnr t0 perform his
residence dnti in aceordenee with the above
while Brine wiffi. ne boss or on fanning land
awned. by himself rats notify the Agent for
the district of snob intention.
Six months' noticeinwriting mutat ibe given
to the t mtmisatouer of Dotalnion Lands at
Ottawa of intention to appt/ for paste%
Depend[ of the Minis** o twee interior.
1$.8.-1 nentiorixd txibtkv.11es , et tido ad -
Lepel H* ser. - est'eiaarent sin a+rt Its atilt for.
Wingham General Hospital
(Under Government inspection)
Pleasantly situated. Beautiful fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. Remiss FOR PATIENTS -
(which lnolnde board and nursing), $3.50
to $15.00 per week according to location
of room. For further information,
Box 228, Wingham Ont.
"Do These Insects Sleep?" Is Not an
Easy Question to Answer.
The question, "Do spiders sleep at
night?" is not easy to answer. I have
made a careful observation of the sleep
of ants, and that conid readily be done
by watching colonies in their artificial
formicaries. It is almost impossible
to deal with spiders in the same way.
I would answer, however, in general
terms that spiders sleep, as all animals
do, and doubtless parts of the night
are spent in slumber. Many species,
however, prey on the night flying In-
sects, and so must be awake in order
to catch their prey. If you will watch
the porch or outbuildings of your honte
on a summer evening you will .be likely
to see an orb weaving spider drop
slowly down on a single thread in the
gathering dusk of the evening. From
this beginning a round web will soon
be spun, and either banging at the
center thereof or in a little nest above
and at one side is the architect, with
forefeet clasping what we call the
"trap liue" and waiting for some night
flying insect to strike the snare. In.
this position spiders will sometimes
wait for hours, and it is just possible
that they may then take a little nap.
They might easily (10 that and yet not
Iose their game, for the agitation of the
web would rouse the sleeper, and then
it would rundown the trap line and se-
cure its prey. Some species or spiders
do the chief part of their hunting at
night, and there are some who chiefly
hunt during the day; but, as a rule,
these industrious animals work both
day and night.
Tnatsa mays reit
London .. 6.40 a.m-- 8.80p.m.
Toronto &East 1108 a.m.. 0.48 a.m. 2.40p.m.
Kincardine -11.57 a.m2.08 p -m.. 0.15p,m.
AJUZVB erten
ltiecardine ....6.40 a.m..1100 a.m.... 2.40 p.m.
London .1164 a.m..- 7.85 p.m.
Palmerston 10.80 a.m.
Toronto & East 8.08 p.m.... 0.15 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
r aA'v'a soil
Toronto and Eset 7.05 a.m.... 8.24 p.m.
Teeewater...' . 1.07 part... -10.27 p.m.
A1tltiva Srrtow
Teeewater.., '708 a.m.... 8.24 p.m,
Toront t, H. Band EEMER, agent, Winghsm p.m.
Tann MAR,*
Whtto to
Anyone aeedtag taketeband descriptionmels
Quicklyasoertaln nor opinion RMt
Mventl0tt wa prebitblr rap nlda.
tlooqt�� deo patP+�t2'�ta
sasses tit 'g1. k whargf riw 4te
seeetatsweesl. eilttb00055 Cbar s. San.
Suffered For His Chickens. •
In London as far back as 1791 a city
ordinance was passed to suppress the
early morning cries of the street huck-
sters. This law was so severe that a
person arrested twice for the same of-
fense could be imprisoned for ten
years. There is one record of. a man
lingering in prison for ten years..
When his- time was up be was asked
what his crime was.
"For selling chickens that squawk-
ed," was the reply.•
In the confusion of the trial the fact
was not brought out that the chickens
and not the man were responsible
for the din that aroused the wrath of
the disturbed citizens.
Wanted Money Too.
Ned, walking with his father, saw
him give a beggar 5 cents and inquired
into the matter.
"Wbat did you give that man 5 cents
for, papa?" asked Ned.
"So that he might eat bread, my boy,"
said. the father.
That evening at the supper table it
was observed that Ned declined to eat
any bread, in any shape.
"Aren't you eating bread nowadays,
my boy?" his mother asked.
"No, mamma." '`$
"Why not?' ., .Aid
'So papa'll give mo 5 cents.". . a'a',.
Might Start a Forest.
.A lady told a party of friends that
she had quarreled with her husband
and had planted a tree in`memory of
their first falling out.
"What a splendid idea," whispered
another lady in her husband`s ear; 'If
we had adopted that plan we might
Have had by now a fine uvenne of
trees in oar garden."
Blind to Them.
"Never be critical upon the ladles,"
was the maxim of an old Trish peer,
remarkeblo for 018 homage to the set.
''The only *only* that a time gentleman
ever will attempt to look at the Wats
et & pretty women ie to shirt hie eyes."
Aceerding to Rules.
Sentry -:Yon can't lestvh. t o)dier-
But I have the eaptaln's oral pernsla•
sten, Sentry (imporfantlf} et'8 seri
lf:=Ii Motto per Ridere.
Mark wain soya that Illoglaret to dm
honer of wk $xtd A1ntm`l da ilt the brim
tial haslet.