HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-01-23, Page 8THE WINGHAM TIME VOL XXXVIL—NO. 1.877. 1 'INGNA : ONTARIO, TEUNSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1908. Toilet Soaps. " From 5c to 75c per Gake. TRY OUR Honey Soap lOc Gake, 3 for 25c. regular 160 value Sox D BY Walton . McKibben THE DRUGGIST Metodonald Block, Wingham, .: -..,, - 011/18lON COURT CASES. His Honor Judge Solt held Division Court in Wingham on Friday last and the following cases were disposed of:— Irving ve. Ashton --An action to w- eaver $95.75 was tried with jury. The jury brought in a verdict for plaintiff of $60 25 and costs. Dempsey vs. Anderson—An action for $100.25 on note. Adjourned till 12th of March. Hanna ve. McGuire—Action to recov- er $25.25 on note. Judgment, with costs in favor of plaintiff. Pocock vs. Cellar—Garnishee of wages for $50 note. Judgment for plaintiff. Garnishee not effective till 12th of Marob, Bugg & Son vs. Berger—Garnishee of wages on account. Judgment for plaintiffs. Art Metal (M., Galt, ve, 'Tung--•Ao. tion to recover $39.50 on account. judg- ement for defendant with costs to be plaid in feurteen days. Four judgment amnions oases were on the docket. One was settled and others adjourned till the 12th of March. Dr. Ovens. Oculist, London; Surgeon Rye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at MoKfbbon's drag store, Monday,'Feb. 24. Hoare: 12 a.m. to 8p. m. Glasses properly fitted. 1> 1 Enter Any Day Our Management trains more Bookkeepers, Stenographers and Telegraiib ra than any other in western Ontario. No extra charge for two courses. Moat eminently qunlined instruct- ors. Graduates assisted to good positions;. Uther e: ,alleges engage our graduates as tea,;hers. Individual instruction. MAIL t O1IRS.ES in Matriaula tion, Civil Service, Penmanship, Shorthand, Bookkeepin etc. Send a postai for information about Canada's Greatest Chain of 2ligh-;rade Business Colleges. WINGHAM DU§INESS COLLEGE a. A. grn:rEn, M.A., Ph.D., Principal.GEO. SroTTON, Vice r *Variety is the epic° of lire, and we all treed a chanineessnieciantx IN Prez', FRESH FISH Will tempt the mot delioate ap- petite. Whitt is sold here cofnei from the very beet sources. Send along your order for FI h and OroeerIes, ssiossiorissosiressowis J. Henry Christi GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. ;Wear Greer's Shaes and Rubbers A Return En Mr. W. Redpath, o a return engagemen piotures on Tuesda Feb. 11th and 1211t, of the Br(therhoo The proceeds will go went fund or the prices 15, 10 and 5 exellent entertainnee a good pause. agement. Toronto, will fill with his moving and Wednesday, neer the auspices of St. ,A.ntrew. (Mattis the equip - eve hall. Popular ants. This is an and in aupport of }lighten price paid for Iiides and • poul- try at T. Feils' butcher shop. Ten Days Cleal $. E. Isard & CO, their half -yearly ole sale.,Bargains will teen epartments of general dry goods, d wear olothipg, eto, read the large advt. then visit H. E. Ise secure some of the Sweep Sate. his week announce n sweep ten days' be given in the fit. thie store, including ese goods, ready -to - It will pay you to n another page and d Co's, store and Jany bargains, WANTED. --1000 Fat skins, and all other kinds raw furs, QED. E. KING. Teachers and St dents Entertained. On Monday eve students of the W and Bneinees Coll by the members Guild of St. A Church. Au exo rendered and refre were served. AIL pleasant evening' ng the teachers and ngham High School e were entertained f the Westminster row's Presbyterian !lent program was hznents in abundance present report a very entertainment. YOun MoNny will bay more shoes now than later. Fall and Winter Foot- wear at Cost. W. J. GREE$. NOTICE. —All a000 nts due me must be settled at once as am leaving town. H. BISHOP, County O. L. The annual meet County L. O. L. Orange ball, Win February 4th, at,11 representatives wil different lodges There will be sone to be transacted, members of the to specially requeste numbers. ng of North Hnron i11 be held in the ham, on Tuesday, o'clock a. m., when be present from the it the jurisdiction. important business and the officers and al primary Iodges are to be present in large NOTICE.—As 1 : m giving np business in Wingham, I • ill expect all accounts due me to be set led by oaeh or note at once. jive. KBBR, Extending is Business, Mr. Geo. Spatt. •, Principal of the Wingham Business t ollege was in Peter- boro last week and • nrohased the busi• nese college in that •Iace. The Peter- boro College has beeone of the most successful in Eastern Ontario and was for many years undo • the management .of Mr, Wm. Pringl:, who died quite suddenly a few wee. ago, This new college will give Mr. potton one of the best Drain of college_ in Ontario as he already has good so • •ole in Wingham, Olinton, Walkerton Orangeville and t*oderieli. Mr. Joh . A. MoKone, who was for some tim ; with Mr. Spotton here and, has latterI been in charge of the Orangeville coli - e, will go to Peter- boro as chief comm:roial master. This new school will m : e no difference in the management o the Wingham col- lege and we are p eased to report that Wingham will con •iota to be headquar- ters and Mr. Spott n has no Intention of removing /rota to • n, Farmers and S •ckmen, Attention! If yon are feeding stook it will pay you to feed beet meal, recommended by all agrioultnral oolleges in Canada and the United States. Get a seek and give it a lair trial. Sold by T. A. Meets, Wingham, St, Andrew's resbyterian Church. The anneal rep rt for St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chu oh of this town for the year 1007 has been issued and the congregation hae •ad a very anooessfnl tear. The totel re eits for 1907 amount o $4495.07, wraps ed with $3644.07 for 1006. 'The envelop:, plate and anniver- sary contributions were 42605.11, win - pared with $2502.:8 for the previous year. There is ale• an increase of $34 76 in the oontribntio to the schemes Of the church, the a..onntfor 1907 being $500.96 And for 190. $466.20. The year was closed with t . e email deficit of $142 26. Had it n• been for the extra expenditures drain the past year, a considerable Waite would have been on the other eide of he ledger. During the pest year 44 new members were add- ed to the Oommnni n roll--twenty-dive by certifioate and ni • eteen by profession of .faith. Thirtyt o have left the bounds of the oongr . gallon and live have been tailed away b death, leaving the membership at the •lose of the year at 426. The lve mem . ers who were Oiled by death were Mrs Sohn Ward, James Coltrane, Wm. H. Campbell, Mrs. A. J. Little and Mrs. " m. Orowston. The annual congregati • . al meeting will be held in the Letter Room of the ohuroh On ,Priddy of this week when offioers, elders and ni • > • s 'wilt be elected for the ensuing yaar as well as for the transaotion of . coral brteiriesa. All members of the • • ngregation are invited to thla meeting. Delegation t The Wingham Uo the County Connell. at Gaderieb tide we to the hospital. A to Goderioh yesterd of the hospital w Dr P Maedonal J. A. Taylor and R Goderich. pital is applying to which is in session„„ for a farther grant ong those who went y to prose the claims re Mayor Holmes, A. I3. Musgrove, h CIegg, OI enact SAzn of all WINTER DRESS GOODS, FURS, SUzTiNpe, MEN'S OVER- COATS, ETC. Quo. E. Kum. Died in Nor jh Dakota. Mr. Wm. Mitchell of Turnberry passed in Weible, North D 80th last. Decease Scotland and in 185 10th aonceseion of there until seventee years ago when he moved to North D kota. Mr, Mitchell was stricken with paralysis, last July and never reoovere from the effects of the stroke. He w a staanoh Presby- terian and a Liber in politics and his love for bis home 1 d and Canada was with him to the 1 st. The older reef. dents of this dietri t will remember Mr, Mitobell and will egret to hear of hie. death. a former resident away at his home kota an December was a native of he settled on the Turnberry, living WE nun teaming the greatest bar- gains in Fall and Winter Footwear we have ever offered. W. J. GRREER. The Men The only men of community are tho own selfish ends 1 liberal enough in courage every publ' prise, who are w' puree to push ev to build np the importance. The of a town or oom tion of its perman may as well prep to become indifl'e in its midst. M to make it their fu see far enough be money placed .jn enterprise of their hundred fold in their property, ar f Worth. Orth to a town or e who forget their ng enough and are their ideas to en - and private enter - ling with braid and project celoulated wn and enhance its enterprise and push unity is the founda- nt success, A town re for Its funeral as nt to the enterprise CHURCH NO The Rev. B. Olemen wilt occupy the pulpit o Church, next Sunday, p ing and evening. The Rev. W. G. Ho paster of the Aspin Church, London, has b the Trnetee Board, to p Sunday, on the occasion of their doe new Sunda ing, just erected at a $15,000, ES. of Goderioh, the Methodist oohing morn - son, who was t. Methodist en invited by oh there next •t the opening School build. cost of a out FOLLOW' THE CROWD ten days' sale, Isard's big Pied in Wi Mr. P. G, Sperling Friday last, of the Winnipeg on 'Mural Mrs, Tbomaa Waddel resided for many y befote going West. 0 have the sympathy of his bereavement. nipeg. eceived word on ndden death at y of his sister, Mre. Waddell ars in Seaforth r townsman will many friends in Died at St Mrs. C. Gillespie Wednesday of the an hill of her uncle, Deceased was a broth Paul, wbose death w last issue and, Mr, Ste week attending the been i11 for only a fe mania. He had for one of the prominent hill. athroy, eoeived word on en death at Park - Peter Stewart, r of the late Mrs, s reamed, in our art was here last nneral. He had days with pen - any years been esidents of Park - West Huron A convention of th Huron will be held i Hall, at Goderioh, on January 31st, for th candidate for the oom Legislature. The ti •. e Liberals. Liberals of West the Temperance Friday afternoon, nomination of a g contest for the being so short ay of the oonven. re will be a very e think it very rtant convention rt notice. between now and the who come to town tion it is doubtful it t are home,who cannot "+�arge attendance and re them to see that unwise to pall an im (lonely An a public of this kind on such s wn town will be a the appreciation of tobe pitied. Noreop.—As I am giving up business in Wingham, I • ill expect all aoconnts due -me to be set ed by cash or note at once. - .J17it2,.;REItl2. With The Wingha on Monday eve their annual b Wednesday, Fe being arranged that a large nu Wingham for t rinks of the lo Harriston to -da Ontario Tanker Two Wingha on Tuesday of games with ri rink composed Hepburn, A. M. son, as skip wo to 8 and 14 to 13. posed of Geo. Holmes, 0. N. son went down t acorea 10 to 8 and t • e Curlers. curlers held a meeting ing and decided to hold nspiel, commencing on rnary 12th. Prizes are or and it is ekpeoted bar of ourlere wl11 be in is popular event. Two al curlers will go to to take part in the competition, rinks went to Gorrie ernoon and played two ks in that plane. One t H. Broadfoot, D. T. rawford and F, Pater. both games, snores 14 The other rink, oom- C. Manners, Dudley riffin and A. J. ,Alder. Gorrze in both gamed, 3 to 12, The Bank •f Hamilton. The Bank of statement which increase in profits, of last year, bein per cent. on the consequence, the forveard to credit very handsome b compared with $1 general statemen from last year. nosily the same a d zn this respect the Bank of Hamilton bas fared better than the majority of intitutione, there has'. amilton presents a bows a satisfactory even over the record at the rate of 15.57 pard up capital. In ank is able to carry f profit and foes the lance of $217,949, as 0,270 last year. The shows little change e deposits are prate ing been a dooreas in most oases.. reserve continue t Cali Ioans have b 000, while commer slightly inoreased. ditiona prevailing ' Bank of Hamilton in holding its own 7 of this inane will statement, togethe oord of ten year's in the deposit items e capital stock and equalize eaoh other, n reduced by $316, - al loans have been In view of the win recent months the e to be congratulated 0 capably: Ott page e found the annual with an annual re. rowth. Death of - obert Reilly. The Neepawa, (Man,) Register of January 23rd, repo to the death on Jan. 20th of Robert Reil y a former resident of Wingham. Rob . Reilly was born in Lanark Oonnty, On aria, in 1833, where his nephew James • eilly still lives on the homestead near Almonte. He was of good family and connections and re - Calved a good school' . g, his brother being a Well-known teaohe in those days. .As a young lean he mo ed to the ''Queen's Bush" as part of estern Ontario was then galled, finally ettling near Wing- ham, and marrying Misfir Mary Wilson of Orangeville, He ettled in the Eden district in Manitoba • : venteon years ago; in September 1006, : o wet bereaved of his wife, singe whih time he took no active part in the eo ducting of private .or publie bushiest!, i both 0f which he always had been pro essive and reliable. He was a staanoh oneervative and a temperanoe advooat • and was oonsldered a leader amongst hi Mende and neigh- bors in these lines. He is survived b bis eon Richard Rei i y, of Eden and pig daughters Mrs, Geo Kelt, of Franklin, Mrs. M. B. H•alIpe ' y, of Neepawa ford Urs. Anita!! Ramse , of Eden. Ilia son iKtillit►m. it boy d great proxolte, died tome thirteen years Igo. w 0 Wingham 4, rriston 3, One of the fastest games of hockey ever played on local i,e took place on Wednesday evening I et, the teams of Harriston and Wingha .• being the con- testants. It wasa f rip clean game, and a','3rntnmee",fro'• start to -finish.. With but a few min • tee to play before the time was up, the score was 8 all, but the locals landed a oal and broke the tie. There was a go >d attendance. Oddfeliows ' At Home" The Wingham 0., fellows gave an "At Home" on Thur; • ay -evening last, in connection with th opening of their new hall in the W , son block. The members and their fri; , ds assembled in the Opera House, wh•• e. a varied and interesting progromme was given, with Rev. T. S. Boyle as hairman, Mr, Harvey Lloyd, of To onto, in comic songs and selections, d -lighted the audi- ence, while Mies W. A 'a Chisholm and Mies Olive Mason rend red solar in their usual good voice. Qn:rtettes by Misses. Mason and Farquhar on and Messrs. Cline and Hill were w 1 given, ai were also tenets by Messrs. *line and Hill. Miss Houghton and a Ise Kirtie Roes ably presided at the pia ' o. The musical pars of the programme was intesperaed with addreeses on the ' ork of the Order by Mr. R. R. Brett, o Essex, Grand Master of the jurfsdio 100 of Ontario, and Past Ohief Patriar • • J. Powley, of the Enoampment Bra • oh. After the programme, the oompa y adjourned to the council chamber, where refresh- ments were served, T e new hall was open daring the eveni • g, and many took the opportunity of visiting the plane; the handsome furnieh ngs and the oom- modio*.ts arrangemene were freely com- mented upon. Alto ether the -evening was a very pleasant nd enjoyable one, Huron Coun • Y. M. C. A.' The first oonventi•n looking towards the organization t any county in Canada along Y. •.. C. A. lines was held in Clinton on T faraday and Friday' last. Mr. Henry Ye h of Brantford, a prominent business •. an and association worker, was chosen bairman and call. ed on Mr. C. M. C. .eland, Provincial Secretary, to lead in be devotional ex- ereisee in the regre ed absence of Mr. O. B. Keenleyside o London. Huron county and its needs was presented in a splendid address by • r. A. Cullen, who has been working u interest through. Out the county, an Mr. J R Board- man, international C tatty Secretary of New York,spoke o the county work plan. On Thursday evening the dela- gates and business ni n of Clinton were entertained at a ban et by the ladfee, of the Clinton W. . T. U. A very pleasant evening was pent and address. es were given by a nu ber of prominent mon. On Friday i watt deoided to organize a county Y M, O. A., And it depends on the eft rte of the l0oal leaders and liberalit of the betiineee Men as to whether t e money necessary to carry On the wor will be raised And a Secretary pieced i the field. As Won as pledgee to the a cunt of $1,800 or over are seonred Secretary will be employed, who wil give his whole time to the work of the fluty. The follow. ing are the me ere of the County Committee: --Mesut..' O. F. Blair, IL E. Hodgene, Goderrie ; Geo. Spotton, . W. J. Greer,'Vvingba ; W. S. MoKeroher, Wroxeter; Jae. tt, II'. J. Hill, Clint ton; J. C. Stonern n, Heneall; T. H. McCallum, Exeter; eo, Chesaey, Sea. forth; J. H. OAtn n, Brntirels; Bender, Blyth; J. H Holtstu n, Credit- on. Si A YEAR IN ADVANCE `HIGH SCHO L NOTES. items of Interest fr on the m the Acropolis Last week was one and exoiteinent at the Friday evening, cella ated for the differen Literary Sooiety. Tue candidate outlined his Voters The elections were eld on Wedu day from 12 00 to 2 p. M the alp of oohed the retnrni . of icer, Mr. Wiley, read the ream s which are follows:--lron, Pres. Dr. A. J. Irwi President, Robt. MoB• nay; lat Vic Pres„ Miss G Dobson 2nd Vzoe-Pre R Stackhouse; Beare ,try, W. A, Iii gine; Treasurer, J. Mitobell; Pre Reportere, Miss M. L Ross, Har Green; Representativ: to Exeontire Form iv, Mies B An. moon, G. Gobi Form itz, N Higgins, s. McKee; Fo n, W.Jaokson, Har y Dore; Form D five O'Toole, E. Linkl: er. the fTheoliorvi Exeo and appoint: d etndents to take obarg of the jonrna Editor-in-ohief..A,. Ieb star; Sob -editor Form Iv, E. Wiley ; orm in, Mies Walsh; Form iz, T. G • twills; Form. met Miss L. Ross. The fir t meeting and the new management • ill be held Fr day next at 8 80. The boys have been raotieing hockey for some time and the • hope to be more successful this season hen they were last. The first neatah will be played. with Kincardine Hig• Sohool, nest Friday evening, on the Wingham rink. The game will start ea ly in order to have skating afterwa de. Admission 10 and 15 cents, Quite a number of et dents are ili this term. Even our wort. caretaker, Mr. Bradshaw Kerr, is nn er the weather. We hope to see them a 1 out before long. The Guild of St. An : rew's Presbyter- ian Church gave en ". t Home" to a large number of youn people on Mon- day evening. Among .hose present were the staff and pupils o the High Sobool, A very pleasant evens • g was spent, atter which refreshments • ere served. i tense infuses& chool. A week atee were nomin- cidoes on the day evening each platform to the e8 80 E a8 D; e., g• 88 ry e; rm I. O- ng 1. e,i E. x, er Death of Mrs. m, Geddes. Another of the pi townehip passed awa in the person of Mary the late William Ged Morrie, in her 82nd had been inve.y go few weeks ago wh seriously ill. Deoea SOdtlend and in err/ to Canada, settling in Lanark County. to Mr Geddes, the up to the then new lots 7 and 8 in th Morris in the sprin sided her husband i of the forest, pass trials and hardsbip life. When she section we had no and the nearest Clinton or Goderio woman who bad e large circle of fri residence in the to Presbyterian in yell taken herart i church. Be par away in April, 1806 thirteen ohildren, viz : —Mrs. Mary Mrs. J, C. Johns Robert Sterling, Tena, at home; D Lncknow; Willie of Morrie. The f Monday afternoon her son, Mr. Wm. don cemetery. neers of Morrie on Saturday last McLean, relict of es, of 3rd Iine of ear. Mrs. 'Geddes d health np to a n she was taken d was a native of life had emigrated ith her parents in fter her marriage onng couple came entry, settling on 4th concession of of 1854, and she as - hewing a home out g through all the incident to pioneer rat settled in this Ingham or Belgrave arket plane was at Deceased was a eared herself to a de during her long nabip. She was a ion and had always the work of the ner in life passed Out of a family of. even are still living oLean, Winnipeg; n, Bltevale; Mrs. elite, Man; Miss niel Geddes. V. S., and John Geddes, neral took Dlaoe on rom the residence of eddee, to the Bran - Dr. Nelson Tait, .of 498 Spadi ave., Toronto, will be at the Qae a hotel, Wingham; on Thureda 18th, for consultation in disease of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses fitted. LOST. --Between Wingham, and the Cniroes, on Tuesda galloway robe. Fin TletEs office, or lot 22 be grist mill in 2nd conoetsion of 21st inst., a black er please leave at con, 2, Cnlroes, Death of R. W. McKenzie, Goderich lost a wo thv and much esteemed citizen on Sat relay, Jan. 18th, in the person of Robert ". McKenzie, a resident of over half century and a business man and ohn oh worker,who was widely known throughout the county. For some tenths Mr. Mo. Kenzie had been in f iling health, and though of late it waseen that the end must soon come, his departure is none the lege regretted by a I. Mr. McKenzie, who was in hie 69 h year, moved to foderieh in 1855, f om London. Ont., and had resided the ever since. For many ytetrs he was leading hardware merchant, end in all his over 50 years here he was a prom neat worker and official in the Metho• st church, and a staunch and unwrap •'Mains advocate' of the 'tem nerance ea • se. Hie active part and bold stand in the Ontario eleotions of 1902, when :e broke his life long alreglac:ce t0 the L beral party, and with all his energy adv r • ated the eleotton of the Coneervat,ve can, idate on temper. mice principles, was a noble testimony to hie faithfulness and integrity where principle was at ate , and it Warr oharecteristio of hie whole life. In Methodist ohnrah circle be was beloved and trusted, and the pr sent foutlehing condition 0! Methodlani in this county is due much to the labor of its now de- parted leader, who in to early days of the 60'e• was one of the most aeoeptable local preaohera and • .. ever since been a generous and nnwea • ed upholder of its oause.•—Goderich :tar, eoeaeed trbs a brother of our • was lit Me. Geo. MoKenaie, and w well•k own to many of oar reader*, Cup presented to Mr , Port Huron urivia lin E. Swarts by the Park Association. LOVING CUP F MR SWARTS. Owner Ofstiarkey Strat An interesting !e of the Canadian Ra tion held at Stratfo presentation of a sil the Port Huron Driv to Mr. John E, 8 owner of "Darkey owered the Miopi record to 2 09, Pon been awarded as foll 1895—Captain Ilan 1900—Sherman Cta 1904—Capt. Sphinx 1907--Darkey Hal, In making the pr Kneill, jr , of the P ion, referred to the eating that had ion lie Miohigan and ooiatione and hoped carinae, It, thereto pleasure to present t an, In apologizing f is address, he bum hat as a apeech•m 1 ra 11 na Hal Honored At ing Circuit Assooia er lo• ving QUO from al," who last year of these cups have Imitation, Mr. H. ne international existed between e Canadian As. at it would long , gave him ranch r the shortness of rowdy remerked er he generally ✓ pole, but gave manner that his ill were whole - e Loving Cup is by Port Huron ion to John E. rimy Hal, 2 09; ok record, 1907." of Listowel Aliment paid to uite plain that the sed by Mr. Knell! by the company ally a horseman come oVer here f picking up easy ode, but he gener- ed, and good feel - d. This friendly in sport, had not had led to a better en the people of other matters. filled op an order the meeting sus - a short time to FOR SALE —Navin p•rocery and crockery my residence for sale • and Carling Terrace. story, ten rooms. 0 e locality, C. N One disposed of my stock, I now offer corner John street Solid brick, two - lot of two. Fine LOCAL OPT N NOTES. ( By Rev. H. Edgar Allen for the Local Option Commit co ) (We wish it to be dis inotly understood that the editor of th' paper is not the author ot the article appearing undee the heading of "Loo 1 Option Notes," lett that the same ' inserted at Our regular advertising tee. Nor do we necessarily endorse t e opinions express. ed in this colurateenE .1 It is cheimed be- those opposed to Local Option, among hem being Roots - ed hotel men, tbat ore liquor JO sold after the law has bee passed than he. fore. Why are they o auricles to pay high license if they oan eell more liquor without it? 1 Local Option had een adopted thee A repeal of Local Op ion was posible at the late eleatioes in grey -three places in Ontario, through the expiration of the three year term, yet in only six was it ettempted, and. the repeal sustained in but one. If after ffte three -y ar trial of Looal municipalities are sat lied with it, is it not convincing (widen that the meas. no is a good one. hat is good for other planes, efter tho,Otigh tend, would =rely be good fo Wingham. Mt John Campbell'e h tel, at White. ohurch. in the Lo Opti n WI:tenable of eial Constable Phloem A ten gallon -keg, partly full ot whis y,twas found, together with ether cony ting evidence of the agile of liquor. he liquor Wee Oot found in the houte but in tho pig pen,in the stable. Mr. Campbell very wisely came to town, a nOWledged the end settled at a of some thirty odd dtglart. It seems bed that the law mama be obeerved, en it is the Wish Of the Majority of tb petiole. and we have that lotto Ociaip 11 will la Were live up to, its require entar TOE PAPER 111k1VG-Elt Who is honest with you will tell you that the wall papers weseli are the most satiefaCtOry in every way. We hove the ow/wave ode of many beautiful designs, go when retz buy here you, will be enured that your walls will not look Heuer see the new styles. HIGHEST CASH PRICE pttitl for tunes, skins, tallow nod wont, at the Wiegliene Tannery. W. Paneaea, Houses for Sale North St—Frame cottage; beautifol Victoria St-elg story frame ;. price right. Scott Ss—lee story frame; a bargain. Edward St-1ee story frame; eight rooms; new. location Frances St—Frame cottage ; in good Josephine St—Briok oottege; nearly Victoria St -2 story brick; owner must sell. Victotia St—le‘ story brick; 2 lots, Viotoria St -9 story brick house ;new. Minnie St -2 story frame; good Minnie 55-2 story frame; all raodern Alice St—iee story frame; en good order. HOUSES TO RENT—Tenants secured. INSURANCE—Al/ kinds, MONEY LOANED—Investments secured. Kindly call at office if you want a farm, a house a building lot, or anything in our line. Proi erty it. changing hands quite freely since the New Year, and pdces ere somewhat ea.sier than a few months ago. illiatiggleMaIS I Ritchie 86 Cosensl WINGHA 31 REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Phone r2.3 THE LEADING SIIDE STORE 1 25 per cent. ON Your Money BIG INTEREST, ISN'T IT ? Well, it's jtist exactly what you can make right here by investing in shoes During OUP groat Glearing Sale of rail and Winter Footwear This is the time of the year for vat prices, When we cut, we cut deep. nelmember evAry pair of FALL AND WINTER FOOT. WEAR GOES—MEIPS WO- MEN'S AND CIIILDREN'S. We do repairing and do it tight—bring along your shoes. TIM SRO=