HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-01-23, Page 7T IE WiNGSAM TIME6, JANUARY W7Mr WAWA)1010 . flIM aoocndi g to statute . lltdttt. The newly eleoted mem- ber* seirieribed to the necessary de- itetritNion hard qualification papers and than took their seats at the board. lama( of last meeting confirmed arierben of Anderson and Thompson. >wCltxre►y--Medd-That the salary Clerk. be $140. Carried. Aladereon-Medd--That the treasurer's salary be $80, Tkaoapson-Anclersou-_hot oolleo- rtori sectary be $05: amendment Medd- Murray-That salary be 00. Amend= *eat parried. Andsmon-•Thompson-"That aseessor's salary ba $65; amendment Medd-Mur. ray -That salary be $GO. Amendment Druried. Murray -Medd -That the Wary be $7 each. Carried. Andersen -Medd -=That the reeve's Waxy be $65 and the councillors $45 each. Carried. Ooni Gaynor was appointed member or Board of Health for 3 years Medd-Thgmpeon-That W. S. Mo- Vrostle be clerk. Carried. Thompson -- Anderson - That Wm. Thoampeon be treasurer. Carried. Murray -Medd -That O. Taylor be eyollectcr; amendment Bailie -Th p- eon that J. Boyle be collector. Motion married. Nierray_Thompson-That G. Webb las assessor. Carried. Anderson - Murray - That W. A. 'Wilson and J. Mailongh be auditors. Cradled. The collector') roll was received from 'W. Thompson and an order drawn for .amount of salary, The collector was given $5 for postage. arnd two trips to Lnoknow. The clerk was instructed to send for aleyen oopies of Municipal World and Ave copies of Municipal Act for the use of Council. Public Libraries grants. The reeve and councillor Thompson were appointed to meet Ashfield council and Dungannon driving park association re court room accommodation. J. Cameron was appointed caretaker of hall at $12 a year. The Luoknow Sentinel was granted $5 for extra printing on motion of Ander- son and Thompson. Cheques were issued to the amount of about $275 for payment of accounts. Council adjourned to meet on Monday Jeb. Bad et 10 o'clock.. W. S. iLcCRosrin, Clerk. SLEEPLESS BABIES ARE SICKLY BABIES. on of auditors Wlet;T Dano U. A respected, resident of this village Waned away on Saturday last in: the person of Margaret Mitchell, relict of the late George Tumoth, in her 72n4 year, Deceased had for years been a resident of tills section. Iter ba)band passed away two year, ago. The tuner al took place Tuesday afte►noon to Wingh ►m cemetery. (Intended for last week ) Two of our apple packersplaced no'iee in barrels of apples and replies have been received from, Liverpool saying the ap- ples were 0, S. just now we are hiding our heads ► under our wings because of the foolish - nese of some of our young men. They are not bad lads in their normal state and we were very sorry to hear of the trouble. Mr. Cottle's mill yard presents a busy appearance. Loge are coming in rapid- ly. The swamps are in very good condit ion for getting out timber, and we hope the cold weather may con- tinue. Miss Gillespie, missionary from Brit- ish Colombia, preached in the Presby- terian Church on Sunday evening, 12th inst. Their was a good attendance and Miss Gillespie is a splendid speaker and interested her audienne with stories of Indian life and manners and aroused the missionary spirit. Mr. Daniel Henderson, of Chicago, formerly of Lnoknow and Miss Myrtle Sharpe were married e.t the home of the bride on Saturday evening, January 11th. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Duncan. The bride and groom have been residing in Chicago for some time. Miss Sharpe was a highly popular young lady and her friends wish the newly wedded couple every happiness. They left on the 13th inst. for their home in Chicago. received the usual 'Well babies sleep soundly and wake rip brightly. When Iittle ones are restless, sleepless and cross it is the net sign that they are not well rob - ably the stomach or bowels it out of order, or it may be teethin troubles. Give Babies Own Tablets d see how quickly the child gr s w ll and happy .and sleeps soundly d naturally. Not the drugged Bleep o "Soothing" medi- oinee, but the nate sleep of healtb. 'Yon have the guarantee of a government analyst that this medicine contains no poisonous opiate or narcotic, and you can give the Tablets to a new born babe as to a well grown child. Sold by all medioine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Tight clothes and indigestion cause Ted noses. Coughs. colds, hoarseness, and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets, ten cents per box. All druggists. A liltle soda put into the water in which dried beans are soaked will make them cook faster and will not hurt the flavor. 11 +++++++++++++. 4 ROYAL 4. 4. k1ROC1ERY I 4.++++++++++44 it is reported that 30 per cent. of the patients in the Detroit Maternity hos- pitals are from Canada, and are hence- forth to be classed as pauper aliens likely to become a public charge. Four patients are now technically under ar- rest, and their deportation has been ordered. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLE1, •i• 4. 4. 4. 4. A simple and effective remedy for SORB THROATS AND COUGHS They combing the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico. rias. Your druggist or irons us, 10c in stamps. Y,ase[ixo, disuse Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4ot !3• ,3• Having purchased the Grocery a n d Crockery Business from Mr. C. N. + Griffin, we will be plea"sed allt welcome.1• t t� a -the old .i, store. 4.4.4-3.3.43.+44.1. .1. s YOUR PATRONAGE. 4' WE �iOLICIT A SHARE OF •1• /1/1MV AA 3. H- + A. J. Malcolm I 44.4++++++++++++.1.++++++ +4.4.4 New Telephone Directory EndAf.--In Rowick, on Jnnuary 16th, to Mr. and Mrfi. J. W. Edgar; a son. Mills*„v--TnTurnberry on January 10th, to 3fr. and Mrs, Jetties Merkley: n daughter. wit rt i[tix... do Morris, 011.14111111%17 Pith to ;Dir. and Mrs. John Wightman; a son. MAARRIEII' MCIIAB,e--llnmvre.--'At the residence of the vary16 r father. .1 D. Bet. A. Dobson, Arroin R be , Man. to bile.) Jennie Brown, daughter of Mr. Stephen Brown, 0th con. /lowick. IlAr0rOtit-f.Alftn.--At the reidence of the 'bride's parentti by next. Er. Musser, on Ann. art b,, ¥r. b„;.;ixvu Bricker to Miss Flossie Laird.'both of Solviek. MED last at in hid nth ca on 1fhuaryr Yitli, Adorn staff+, -'-In Tordwich on January 11th. Sarah .7, 'Iffy gnlre, beloved wife of Calvin Rogers, aged 61 years, 4i modths and `? darts, wp .,ntMArr. -In Morris on January 1 'th, bert rt iathtfmaa, infant son of Mr. anti Mrs, nra+rrr -In Whiteoh/itch, on Januar. bit1;, 1oraet 1t e, at[+d' IIn years Stine id th aridt'0 days ee q > rnrl roifct of the late Gey orge Peel, THE LITTLE (EATON Extended. Now Will You Be Good ? TWO LARGE STOCKS ADDED The Bell Telephone Com- pany of Canada is about to publish a new issue Of . the OFFICIAL TELRONltDIRECTORY for the district of 'Western Ontario including the TOWN OF WINCHAM. Changes of firm names, changes of street addresses, or orders for duplicate entries should be handed in at once to L. F. BINKLEY Local Manager. GAND TRUNK SYS EM Cohait NOW' IS THE TIME TO GET INTERESTED but before doing 50 it is advisable to personally visit this the greatest Silver Mining camp ever discovered that is so accessible. Nall information as to tli8 best Gray to reach Cobelt Grand "Prank Ticket of toe or addre*i J. D. McDonald I). 1', A., Toronto, Ont. Hanna . & Co.'s General Stock �- AND -- Miss tittle's Millinery Stock LINES WE SELL : DRY GOODS of all kinds Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Up-to-date MILLINERY Smart, and to the taste CLOTHING Nothing but the best GENTS' FURNISHINGS Well, the boys all know We solicit your trade -farmers especially. FURS Largest stock in town; prices 'way down Carpet, Curtains etc. Spring goods just arrived GROCERIES Fresh and new Premium Sale Now On Linoleum and Oilcloth Good variety in pattern and quality .11 1 IC 11 ,CC 1311 1µNHi1:5 1991 1 11 111 11 rwn1.11 1 sono CyINI CI.91�r .illi I: C9'111: 1N' 9r TRADE WANTED. /latter 25o. Eggs 25o. Potatoes 600, Dried Apples BEING IN ANYTIinNu 1 1 1 91111 �IIICI� C'u9i' 0130. C. HANNA. D "(titbit 3 IDDI!!l!!1DRIIl IRRIVIll!!l1t111lIUDIUR MIRBIw!lli MING IPAMPHIMED !!! The Biggest Bargains of 25% OFF ALL OUR -- Men's Furnishings, Tweeds, Worsteds Srnlrngs, Overcoatlngsa Every- thiog in our store. tiar EVERY $20.00 WORTH YOU BUY WE GIVE YOU $5.00 BACK And the same reduction all down the line. Our stock is all new and up to - date, and comprises all lines of Men's Wear,. with the exception of Shoes and Rubbers. . nu C9�IIIC nluir : nor A Few Examples i $2.25 Striped Pants, ready to wear.. 2.00 Pants, tweed 1.50 Pants, tweed 1,00 Boys' Pants 3.00 Fancy Wool Vests with satin or wool knitted backs 2.25 Fancy Wool Vests with knitted backs 1.00 Fancy White Vests, in check and stripe.. 91191 W. G. & R. Shirts, soft or hard front, lrwp ranging from $1 to $2, at 75c to iia American makes Neglige Shirts,cuffs I IIIR attached or detached, reg. 50c to 1.25, at from 371-e to 19 119: y�ll. II 11 I;II1 I 9611 MINI: '1C 81.69 1.50 1.13 .75 2.25 1.69 .75 1.50 .94 11 1 11 INNC nx p1NC •N69i" • 11u 1.15 11114 .IIN. rnulu 11.! 11115 rll:lll rI NII 11 1191 M INNY Irr 1915 CNNN1 .996. Cfl'L11 :IWIII� C 1 1999 Cma' :6911 Ell Collars, regular 20e at .15 h �'I {f " 15c at .11 1l Li few left, at 4 for .25 House Coats, regular 7.00, for 5,25 " " 5.50, for 4.13 Fancy Eiderdown Lounging Robes. regular 5.00, for 3.75 Underwear, Sweaters, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mitts, Suspenders,' Ties, Umbrellas, Scarfs, Hose, etc., etc. ' MERCHANT 11111111 TAILORS UNTIL THE END OF JANUARY EVERYTHING GOLS AT j OFF. Maxwell �® MNURNI52iERS 1911, .._ ..c :nom^c ••_v�c..____ro�acc�-____ 1111_.. 1111 111. _ .._ - _ c_aE � xF5�2 �a=_.'_---�saa��E-- irfu �. MINI 5111 CI 111 _ o,ss re Miu..uu, Col. Goethals, Chairman of the Isth- I mien Canal Commission, estimates the actual total cost of the Panama Canal at $300,000,000. r0••••••^ MEETING OF THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of t, e Corporation of the County of Huro will meet in the Council Chambe , in the Town of Goderioh, on Tne;day the 28th day of January, at 3 o'cl ok p. m. All parties hay ng accounts against the county are egnired to place the same with the ► erk on or before the 27th. W. LANE, Clerk, Dated Jan. 13th, 1908. LEARN DRESSMAKING. IN A WEEK. To enable all to learn we are placing teachers in every six towns in Ontario. These lessons teach how to cut, fit, and put' together, any gar- ment from the plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elaborate dress, you don't pay until you are through and perfectly satisfied. This is the aniy course in Canada that the whole family can learn, by one member taking it up. We have been in business for ten years and have taught over 7,000, and guarantee to give $500 to anyone between the ages of 14 and 40, who cannot learn. Beware of imitations as more than one has been known to copy our advs. and even claimed, where they were not known, to be the inventor of this course. No adv, is genuine without our $500.00 guarantee. Head Office -Sanders' Dresacullin6 School, Stratford, Ontario, Can. Mrs. Wm. Sanders Inventor and Prop. Our teacher, Miss Keith, will be at Exchange hotel, Wingham,on Saturday, January 25th from 10 a. m. untityeth p. in. showing how this course is taught and enrolling pupils. Anyone wishing to learn, be sere to see her at above date. Glass commencing in Wingham follow' ing Monday. 11 NOW OPEN ENTER ANY DAY tri Winter Term in all departments of r the Central Business College, To- ronto, offers splendid chances for spending a few months pleasantly and profitably. Twenty-five teachers. Catalogue free. Write for it. W. all. Shaw, Principal; E, R. Shaw, Secretary, Tonga and Gerrard Sts., Toronto, i��.c 'xS r z rC L i v5v�'vSv; b/SIS7S v5 v$YSS u rO5 When wanting a Stove, call at Young's Bio; Hardware and see what he can show you at very low prices. a Oak Heaters, coal or Cast Ranges, t' Steel Ranges, Base Burners, Wood Cook Stoves, wood, from ,. U ri $ 8.00 to $18.00 20.00 to 45.00 25,00 to 45.00 15.00 to 45.00 7.00 to 29.00 Call and see for yourself that we have the right goods at right prices, DOHERTY'S Stoves and Ranges Are Unexceiled CASE CARVERS PIE KNIVES IN CASE BERRY SPOONS IN CASE BUTTER KNIVES IN CASE PICKLE KNIVES IN CASE CUTLERY OF ALL KINDS YOUNG'S BIG HARDWARE ll ..l C/lL f� t, ,.]( 5[;�°`Y i'.�'1P�:7 C'i1L'✓ t1. (�' f1., L. t!1 Com. 1r) L/1 i�C.7C:�1�[��a�� .•itn�(:rl nr�ir.��[;nC�tr �,:�Crn i i rf,tx7[ lr 1t�lri�txl;:r.]c `r�.,t� 1e r�r�]c�vy �lt�'^a;ci 1