HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-01-23, Page 4•eirSee ,• • 4 A Real Discount 20 Bents off the dollar ! This means that you pay 8o cents for a good honest dollar's worth of goods. Nothing marked up, the original selling price marked in plain figures on every article. WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU Suits Men's 815.00 Suits for " $12.00 „ u $8.Q0 Youths' $10.00 Boys' $7.00 sr. $5.50 $$,75 ti It it " $12.00 89,60 $6.40 $8.00 $5,60 $4.40 $3,00 Overcoats Men's $12.00 Overcoats for . $9,60 " $9.50 " 7,60 Youths' $6,00 ,. . , , , 4,80 Boys' $4.50 ;' 3,60 .r $3.50 t'.... .............. 2,80 SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON FURS Men's $65.00 Coon Coats for " $22,00 Dog Coats' for...., "" $70,00 Fur lined Coats for $50,00 15.00 55.00 20 PER CENT OFF Fur Caps and Collars, Shoes, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Hats and Caps, underwear,, Hose, Mitts, Gloves, Braces, Umbrellas, Overalls and Smoeks, Trunks and Suit Cases. • ......vim McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS ANF) MEN'S FURNISHERS. leallUillengillangilloggagnagagramillar .tA 1 Vr.1_I._Ii 1_1.SI Y '1 ,1lryy.vvy liYIYP1ltISf1 f 9_717V IVVY1 * I.IT SAVES IYLOFORi NAY YOU 1 1 i . IT SAVES TIME FOR US. I 4 Before Stock -Taking, we offer the following goods 00. ,remarkably low prices in order to reduce our stock. Be sure to see them before purchasing : at 3 .y 4 4 4 Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats, Caps and Gauntlets -at less 4 Ethan cost. 27 only Fur Muffs, regular 5.00 to 12.00, for $3.00, 4 30 Ladies' Cloth Short Jackets, beautiful material, $2,00 each. 4 32 .pieces Dress Goods, ranging from 20c to 1.00, positively to I Ebe.oleared out at 50 cents on the dollar. C A splendid chance to seeure girls' school dresses. t A large assortment of FIannellettes, from 5e to 17e per yard- i •-less than wholesale price today. 4 Also a nice line of Fancy. Wrapperettes. 41 Heavy Canadian Table Linen, 66,in,, regular 60e for 50e ; ;70 in. wide, regular 90c for 7.5c -all pure linen. AIL -Wool and Union.$heettng,,double and single fold, i:. n Our Groceries are fresh and reliable: o lbs choice Raisins ,I SSC, Extra choice Re cleaned Currants, in 1.1b packages, 10c. Jelly A .Powder, 5e or 6 for 25e, Tomatoes, 10c can ; and all other lines at 1 equally low prices. Yarns --single, 2 ply and 3 -ply --best home made. Mens' and Boys' Ready-made Clothing, Underwear, and Shoes -must get oat. Also Cardigan Jackets, good heavy quality. Boys' Sweaters. a 44 '4 Boots 111 .4 4 r GROO1RIES I FLOUR, BRAN, OIL CAKE, FLAX SEED AND BEET MEAL I CONSTANTLY STANTLY IN STOOK. 4 WHEAT AND OAfi S TAIGEN IN EXCHANGE FOR FLOUR. I HIIPRICESPAID FOB PRODUCE. AMILLS M utaxacciAwuroficsmizsi WINGr 8T. U tate $. The annual meeting of the public library .Was held, at the home of Peter Clark on Monday evening, Jan, 13th. The following officers were chosen for 1908 President, Peter Clark; vice. president, W. I. Miller; Secretary, T. B. Miller; Treasurer W.E. C ordin; ere. ontivs, Etre, W. E. Gordon, Misses J. C', ¥oDenald, Mary Murray. Miss Jean Clark war appointed librarian. The library is well stocked and we hope the pnblio will take advantage of this opportunity to secure good reading at the very reasonable fee of 50o. per member, $1.00 a family, • saussEL$, Grey District L. 0. L. met in the Orange Hall, Brussels, on January 14th,. There was a good number of delegates from the different lodges and it wag one of the best District meetings that bas been held in Brussels foryears, Offto'ers for 1908 are:-,Bro, Duncan Johnston, Walton, District Master; Bro. W. 3, Smith, Brussels, Deputy Master; Bro.. Rev. H. M. Langford, Brussels, Chap. iaiu; Bro. M. B. Moore, V. S., Brussels, Rea. Secretary; Bro. Jas, Hunter, tarns. eels, Fin. Secretary and Treasurer; Bro, Wm. Holt, Jamestown, Lecturer. The oMoere elect were inetaIled by B. Gerry,. Past County Master. The County Lodge will meet in Wingham on Tues- day, Feb. 4th, At that meeting the 12th of July celebration is fixed. It is Brussels' turn so every vote should be present. Beware or Cocaine Medicines. Thousands of Drug Fiends have been started on their downward course through Catarrh snuffs containing this habit forming drug, If you suffer from a cold, eneezing or Catarrh -don't tee a snuff -use a sensible, treatment like Catarrhozone. It heals and soothes, brines relief at once, ()urea thoroughly. In Bronohitie and throat trouble no doctor oan do better than presoribe Catarrhozone. Try it -see what won- ders it works -what power it possesses. Different from the old way, -you inhale Caiarrhozone. Sold in 25o. and $1.00 sizes by all dealers. ,EAST WAWANOSH. A tJuiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs. J. Bentley on Wed. nesday, Jan. 8th, when her youngest daughter Mary, was united in marriage to Mr. T. H. Herniok, a prosperous farmer of this township. The ceremony was performed by Rev, A, E. Jones, of Auburn. At 5 o'clock the bride entered the parlor accompanied by her brother, George to the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs, Hackney, sister of groom, and took her plane beside the groom, under an evergreen arch, decor. ated with wedding belle. The bride was beautifully attired in a dress of brown silk with white trimmings and a wreath of white flowers in her hair, After partaking of a samptions wedding din- ner the evening was spent with musio and games, Are you pale, Anaemic? Anaemia means colorless blood - means languor, blanched lips, faded cheeks. You grow dyspeptio, nervous, suffer functional irregularity. This condition can't exist if there is plenty of healthy blood. Ferrozone makes good blood, rich nutritious biooi-that's why it cures. In concentrated form Ferrozone contains oertafn rare qualities that render it unfailing in Anaemia, languor, poor dolor and loss of weight. To build up -feel young and vigorous, nothing is better than Ferrozone. At all dealers in 50o. boxes. A. WettIaufer &las disposed of the necessary brick for the new Roman Catholic church at Clinton. The L. 0, L. District of Morris held their annual meeting in Blyth in the Orange hall on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 14th which was largely attended from alt over the district. After the business was attended to the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: -W. M., A. H. Robinson, Blyth; D.M., Win. I4ethery, Belgrave; Chap., Rev. W. Hartley, Blyth; Seoretary, Charles Stewart, Londesboro; F.S., Wm, Mc, Elroy, Blyth; Treasurer, M. Brace, Londesboro; D. of C., A. Sims, Blyth;. Lent., R. McCrea, Belgrave. W. M. Robinson was appointed delegate to attend the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ontario West to be held in Mount Forest in March, noevenR. Dar. A. Furtney, 2nd con., Hawick, has purohased a 100 -acre farm, 4 miles west of Parkhill and will take posses - ion about March let. Ho has also rent. ed a near,b farm of 50 s. ao a Dar y k Ed, Reichard has rented the farm Mr. Portnoy is leaving for a term of five years. The annual h a niee in t g of the L. O. L. Bic riot Lodge of Howick tw off Was held in the Orange Hall, Gerrie, on Tuesday the 14th inst. The Several Lodges though - Out the District were Well represented at the meeting. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: D. W. M., John Gregg; D. D. M. Wm. I Crawford; D. Chap,, Adana Spence; D, R. Secy., Gee. Dane; 1J, F. coy., Jno. moor; D. Tread., Sae. Ea13is; D. 1R of per,, Jno, litontgomery; D. Lent's, W. H. Greg, W. H. Dane, TIMES, ,TANUARY 23, 1908 00140041400401000434•00041,40040+0,4101 Cirihood and $coitf.,s. Emuls(ori. ire linked together, The girl who takes Scott's Ernul« ..r4m has plenty of rich, red blood; she is plump, active and energetic. The reason is that at a period when a girl's digestion is weak, Scott's E rnutsiorl< provides her with powerful nourishment in easily digested form. it is a food that builds and keeps up a girrs strength. ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c, AND 51,00. 1 000000000000000000 Bargasat the Bee Nivel I 0 Sala Laundry Soap, Bee Hive, , per cake •Good Toilet Soap, 3 for . Wonderful Soap, 7 for Quick Naphtha Soap, 6 for Corn Starch, 3 for Japan Tea, Green and Black, Oatmeal, per pound . . Good House Brooms, each Best XXX Vinegar, White Wine, Bee Hive Table Syrup, per pound Canned Peas, 3 for Good Salmon, 2 for Extracts, all flavors, 3 for..., . 4. Smoked Rolled Meat, per pound.' Tooth Picks, per box Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 for Pearline, 6 for Cleaned Currants, 3 fur Princess Parlor Matches, 6 for Red Rose Tea, regular 30e, for per pound per gallon.... ,031- ,05 25 25 ,25 .23 .04 .23 .35 .032 .25 25 .25 ,12x .031 .25 ,25 .25 .25 .25 • Batter and Eggs wanted, and taken same as eash. W o J o L E A R. BLULVALLc We are sorry to learn that our old friend, Mr. John Bgrgess, is not recover - lug frons hie illness as rapidly as his numerous Wrists would like to see. We hope he may soon be fully restored to good health. A public meeting to discuss some of the leading questions of the day from a Liberal standpoint will be held in the Foresters' Hall, Biaevale, on Friday evening, January 24th, oommenoing at 7.30 o'clock. Addresses will be given by Arch. Hislop, M. P. P., and Liberal candidate for the Commons in East Huron; W. H, Fraser, and W. H Kerte of Brussels, Standard Bearer for the Legislature in the riding. Ladies will be made weloome' at the meeting. The annual meeting of the Presbyter. inn congregation held on Monday afternoon was well attended and every- thing passed off very satisfactory. Messrs Wm. Maxwell, Jas. Moffatt and P. S. McEwen were appointed trustees of the new church property, and seats in the new olinroh were satisfactorily al. lotted to the different members. The managers were all re-elected and Messrs R.N. Duff and Robt. Black were appoint- ed auditors. The Building Committee re- ported that they would be able to submit their report in the course of a couple of months. The general report of the church showed that the receipts for the year had been about $900 and after pay. ing the general expenses there is a balance of $114 76. The session report showed that nine new members had been added and two removed by death, leav- ing the present memberehip at 181. The total oontribntione to the schemes of the church amounted to $211,85. The Sabbath school raised $90 95 and $31150 of this was devoted to purchasing chairs for basement of church. The West, minster Guild paid $138 25 for windows of new. oharoh. The Lzdies' Aid Society .Established z879 9 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolcne iS a boon to Asththatics e i1:)06qie not seem store effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach t It cures because the air rendered strongly anti. septic is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat. ment, It is invaluable to mothers with small chit leen. Those of a consumptive tendency find immediate relief from roughs or in, finned conditions of the throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal for booklet, turrtutc, litotes Cs., Limited, Agent:t, Mont. veli, Canadc any paid 8114.90 for pulpit furniture, carpet and matting. The Missionary Societe* raised 8116 80 for missions and the ohoir raised 890.00 for the new organ, The Blaevale Presbyterian congregation has made a splendid showing and pastor and people are to be oongratnlated. As Unexpected as Burgiars. That's the way oramps Dome -strike without warning. Nothing so sure to relieve as Nerviline,-fast a few drops in sweetened water is all that's required to stop the pain. Poleon's Nerviline is n true comfort to every family, for stomach and bowel derangements it is an absolute specifi,. ` Guaranteed to have at least five times the strength of any other pain relieving medioine,-por- fectly safe, pleasant, useful for external pains too. For a reliable household medicine case Nerviline supplies all that's necessary. Largo 25o. bottles sold everywhere. CUL1iOSs. The home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Rit• ohie, Greenock, was the scene of a pretty wedding when at six o'clock on the evening of Jan. 8, their only daugh• ter Janet was married to Mr. David Ritchie of the 4th line, Oulrosa. The bride, who was given away by her fath- er was prettily dressed in cream silk eoline with yoke of ahlffon all over lace. She carried a beanf~lfni boquet of bridal roses _and maiden hair fern, Rev. Mr. Wilson of Walkerton porter. teed the ceremony as the bridal party stood ander an artistioally decorated aroh. Miss Lou Ritchie of Walkerton played the wedding march. Mies Janet G. Robertson of Toronto, a cousin of of the bride was bridesmaid, and Mr. Hugh Allan Ritchie, a brother of the bride accompanied the groom. The bridesmaid wore pale pink marquisette with eorne lace trimming and carried a boquet of pink carnations. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome set of mink Pars and a ores. cent brooch of diamonds, To the bridesmaid he gave a brooch set with amethysts and pearls. The bride was the recieient of many other beautiful and valuable presents. After the cere- mony a splendid repast was served to a largen her of guests, and the even• ing was spent in social amusements. The Couno:1 elect for the Township met on Jan. 13th and after subscribing to the declaration of qualification and of office took their seats at the Cognoil Board tie follows:- Jas. t naldaon, Reeve; Geo. Felboner, Jas. ,Ballagh, Wm. Baptist and E. G 11nntz, Conn eillore. The minutes of December meet ing were read and sustained, Mee Mcllae and Thos. McDonald were lone pointed Auditors. The C/yll eels•' s'sI; whole Were appointed R' • ' donors. The follt" ' ed: --Chad\ Read ! ReaIize SELLING OUT H. E. Isard & Go. have decided to sell aur all goodi on second floor~ at COST PRICE Stupendous money -raising and stock reduction. sale. Eight Thousand Dollars Worth Of merchandise on second Boor to be sold out Kaiak at eost and below. Wd don't want the goods. We want the money This great saerifee sale is certainly a Bargain Feast of --Men's and Boy's Overcoats, -Men's and Boy's Snits -FusaLined Coats, -Ruffs. ' -Girls Coats, -Children's Coats, -Pants, --Overalls, -Far Coats, -Muffs, -Oaperines, -Underskirts, -Reefers -All kinds of Fare, -Fur Claps, -Ganntlets, -Ladies Coate, Waterproof Coate, Carpets and Curtains. Tapestry Carpet, Brussels Carpet, Wool Carpet, Union Carpet, Hemp Carpet, Stair Carpet, Matting, Oilcloth, Linoleum, Stair Oilcloth, Art Squares, Rugs, Mats, Lao, Curtains, Table Covers. Positively everything op second floor going at wholesale prices. All must be Sold out by the end of January. Ground Floor Bargains. • Big bargains in all depertmante on first floor daring stock -taking. now going on Stock must tenet be ;greatly reduced before inventory at the end of the month. In justice to vourself, your family and your pooket book yen can't afford to overlook this great moneysaving opportunity. Don't fail to secure your share of the bargains. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TEaAIS---Spot Cash or Trade. 1 1 Isard H. PHONE 68. W I NGHAM. o. Treasurer; Jesse Johnston, Assessor; Alfred Castiok, Collector. Jas. leallagh was appointed chairman of finance, Robt. Grant was appointed a member of the Board of Health and Dr. Gillies, Medical Health Officer. A grant of $5. was made to the Hospital for sick children, Toronto and 810 to Bruce County Hospital. Bylaws were passed appointing auditors, road commissioners and Board of &Health. At neat meeting of Connell, path mas- ters, poundkeepers and fenceviewars will be appointed. The following accounts were passed and paid: Rebt'. Ballagh, D. R. 0. Poll. Div. Na- 1, $8; T. MoIutyre, D. R. 0, Na. 2, $8; D. McDonald,. D. R 0 . No. 4, $8; T. Johnston, D. R. O , No. 5, $8; John B. Goetz, D. R. 0., No. 6, $8; Municipal World, supplies, oto, $2 60; A D. McKenzie, bal. print- ing. 1907. 810; A, D, McKenzie, printing Local Option by-law, $e7 83; W. H. Elliott, tile, $1; Jas. Donaldson, attend- ing local option, $1; Ohne. Button, delivering billet boxes, $5 The Council then adjourned to meet again on Monday, Feb 10th. CSAS BUTTON, (herb, VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV RsMP1,eAIV0Milr+`AAAA AP.A11/1AA,all IAShoe= FlSalelUPON MY SOL E!! .i; Here, for the January month, are some extra- ordinary bargains in all our respective lines. s 1 1 c 1 I Be up and doing ! NO BLUFF ! NO REAM ! ! NO CATCH ! ! ! THE REAL TEEING ! ! ! ! Look wise at the rnighty good values : 50 Whir* Men's Extra Gera Bash Rubbers, sizes 6 to 10, reenter $2,50 ; Shoe -Fly Sale $1.93 20 mitre Men's Long Felt Boots, odd size, value trom $2,5r1 tn, $3.75; Shoe -Ply Sale $2.11i5 25 paha Alan's Ling Leather Boots, whole stock, sizes G to 8. reg. $3.20 ; Shoe -Fly $2.00 40 phird Men's Felt -lined Shoes, first oiass valve, regular $2,40, Shoe•Fly Sale $1.75 25 pairs Men's Hair -lined Shoes, extra valve, regular $2.75 ; Shoe Fly Sale....... $1.75 15 pairs Boys' Loather Shoes, felt lined, regular 1 75;5ana Fly Sale.... $1,25 100 pairs Ladies' .Fait Slippers, all sites and colors. regular $1 60; Shoe -Fly Sale..., .Tito Everything in Ladies' 'Shoed - patent, ants metal, kid. felt, felt, lined -all to be sold AT COST 1 Everything to go at cost. - Strictly Cash Shoe.Ply Sale. R JOHNSIO4V Shoe Healer .. Winghaml.