HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-12-08, Page 3mare:world -wool& be thia eatth
Tbe Roman Catholic's of Edinhurgh and
district are arranging to 'celebrate the
•jubilee of Archbishop Strain. .
Vete Rev. Dr. Milligan and Rev. Archie
bald Campbell had the honor of dining with
• the Queen and Roe al Family On October
An important and novel condition' in
agricultural leases has been introduced by
Sir Patrick Keithlferra,y, on his Ochter-
tyre estate. it providee for a • re-adjust-
znent of rent by arbitration at every period
of five years. .
essness fired off his, pistol. The
, A Seleationist -marriage' has been (*le-
' firmed in Durofries. A charge of sixpence
. . .
miesion to witnees the ceremony was- h
1abcnit 70 years of ege.
HIP • •
MATEllidMINAE4 4,111a1'IjI� wepopea.
Rertiaric9bie DisclOSUreS. THE P00111.1110178E EIRE.
The Inquiry into the Lois at- the
In the Jeannette Inquiry Melville said
the island on. whieh the witness and
party were :detained at Jamavaloch
was • 200 miles froni • where •DeLong
landed • and 130 miles from where he
perished, With -a range of mountains and a
bay of running.- ice,. intervening. :On the
day the witness .first heard that DeLong
hadianded it would have been imposeible,
even if witnese eoulci have seen :himfrom
where - he was, to • • have Treaohed him
before he died, as DeLong's last entry in.
hie diary was -made October • 301i an
waUe• e ridegroone and the bride are
• It is 'understood' that the British Govern-
ment has resolved to censtract an extensive
breakwater or harbor of refuge at Peter.
head, the nee'essary works being Chiefly
executed by Scotch convict labor.
A memoir of the Rev. John Skinnerethe
authored " Tulloohgotum " and " The Ewie
• wi' the Crooke Horn," is soon to be putt-
• tished. fie author is the Rev. William
Walker. of • illonyrnusk. It witt contaln
many poeces hitherto unpublished. . •
• A. demonstration of the Liberals Wok
place in Elgin recentlye in celebration of
the foundation of the Liberal associations
for the..Couuties of- Moray and Nairn, and
- of the city- of Elgin._ The Earl of Fife pee -
sided. * *
The London Scottith volunteers contem-
plate discarding_ the grey dress it has worn
. during the 'past twenty years in favor of
tartish. A majority Of the men haie ex-
pressed_ a desire to wear a black
and a kilt With green as the prevailing
• ceder.
The Queen is not a Seotchwoman,
though efie certainly_ lute the blood of --the
" old Scottish kinge iu -her velem, and maybe
t said to reign by right of her Soottish
itnese fitst -fieied. on Ootober 29th i . that
h an e itnees had no fatilt to
find with the cendnot of any officer or
man upon the 'expeditien •;or ditlet‘the
arrangements and general conduct of the
expedition, or the preparations for and
genekal conduct of the retreat -over the ice.
lifeIville praised the • efficiency of Dr.
Ambler, and -said in hie story of the Angie
research that there has only been one ship
free froth scurvy IL nd that was the Jean-
nette. Melville said that while he and
-.Collins were bantering each other, Cellins
took offence at Melvillees retort; hilt the
•affair west.- afterwardstennoethed. Collins
subsequently compiaieed to DeLozig that
Melville bad hurt his feeliegs by singing
Irish songs and making Irish -jekes. At
DeLong s suggestion witness desistedthere•-
after from. the -Irish songs and jokes in
Collins' presence. Witness told Collins there
was no occasion to complain to the captain,
and his course was Unmanly. Witness
'afterweids had no intercourse with Collins
save • as the °facie' relations required:.
Witnees remembered no reason -for giving
any-orderto bring Danenhower back to
• canip dead or alive, or would not have
hesitated to give such an order if he believed
it to be necessary. Witness- said be had
given up all the lettere found on Collins.
The crucifix fouud has was bitn
h the body, as Witneee thought it mig
pert of Collins' religion. Witue
°scent. Tlie,Queen's fether watethe *son be-
ofGeorge 111 greet,grandscai of George L stet
Nciw, George L acceded to the British bod
. Crown liegrandseeed James Stuart games ,Nin
• I feE
•Whot They Loolt ' Like and' Whin Th'Y
' 'Connie; itt. r: Ii. 8 -Craige, Manager and Treenut
(From we Pilot Mound Signal.) - . , . • ,
4e of e -'_the Alvin- loslin .Come.dy Compan
-, - -Struck Cheyenne the other day upon hu
At this season Of the year, when -the ; nesaconneoted with the appearance of th
Mosquitoes have disappeared; a quiet walk •,splendid company in :this city at an ear
in the woode is exceedingly interesting to r. day. - A. reporter Called ninon Dir. Crane
any One :Who loved , a 'etroll. in the great his rooms at .the Inter- Ocean -.and spent
forests Of Oatario, and aclose observation few Odes*/ neinuteein ciOnvereationiabo
as to the difference which exists . between t the doming attraction, Mr, Crane iseiture
the trees of this. country and these of the ) the -writer' that ithe personnel' cit the con
great timbet belt Of the Eastern Ptovinceetpany is all that could be desired; and th
must ever afford matter for agreeable- oon- ; the public' may look for . even 'better pe
temptation. :i In Ontario the woods . are Lformances this season - than last.. Notioin
usually composed of maples, elms, beeches, i that the- Manager looked ii_ little pale th
'bassWoods,witb a proportion of evergreens, ?writer remarked upon the fact, bat re
`.the thernlook and -. balsant, beteg the Most ceiVed the reply that he was an good health
coninion, except -where the pine lluurishes:i " But,"`coetinued Mr Crane, "I4id.hav
The underbrush 18 mostly of the same - a pretty serious time of it las/ min:Zino i
species as the larger trees, :Unless on lot.' . New York.", • - , ' • •
ground, where blue beech may- he dis- "What was the trouble?"
'covered. In thie eountry, aii Much of the "I had a veil sharp attack of rheuma
land is Wholly destitute of timber, nature tient. The disease attacked any left leg
tweets to take deligbrin crowding together and left aim, and for a.' time I could
along the rivets and lakes -an infinite variety neither walk upon the, one Lair raiSe th
of trees, bushes and vines.. we.ter •
[Leeward- (Nob.) -Reporter] -
I- Verdict .01. -the- CrilrOnervit•Airmer-Al@re.
er •cenisnistioits liteconattendett. -
83;: invTettei-e-'attaikeinng-in-to-4:ththeeAvirtilsycruna-atditia,iti
at ter was COncludett.thifi afternoon: 71
13' =
Jury retired to eel:milt together at -3-1
at o'clock, ana- at 8.30-inethe evening returne
• and -gave - the fcillOWing as their verdict
tit re" That there no evidence to sbovi tha
d. :the origin of the fire -was, other tlian-ae4
-dental; thepropriety of Makiiig an imine
at diateproviiiioniot the safety of the ankle
r- tnnate inmates. Of the hospital warctwa
g• confessedly not considered • necessary:bj
e the.superintendent Or lints assistants, Whc
-once e devoted, eheir attention t<
'efthe 'extinguishing of the - fire; tha
the building . was - •sitiguiarly -unstated
for the purpose for which it wa
ereoted, • it havieg been too -high* said
•1 means of eseape frem. the..upper floor Of 'the
- central building used 'its au beepital was
: quite inadequate in the .event of lire; that
. .
the institution has heereoinialtotecl 'by- the
ps to protect them from the great fires Die you ever have the rheumatism. sir? out any effective code of realise ; there was
o er to my head: I suffered horriblee" economy, without ,ptopee systeni said with.,
cottimissioners upon principles of false
• whialt periodically sWeep the plains, and addressing the .reporter:- ,4 If ever you no Watchmen ein- -the- building -or -on t
and bughes to eye each other shelter froth' .which I can recommend as a pretty sure with 'the system Of city fire alartn ; that lb
. . .
the cold winds and intenie frosts of winter. cure, and 'one which * 11 probably give. serious want of judgment was shown •nt
As the traveller advartoes towards th . you quicker relief than anything else yeti ,tee omission_to consult an expert . hef4413
. .
woods be will notice the wide fringe Of oar. employ. I refer to.the,Great German znakiug sOunpoitsalt an alteration as *
hazel,- wild cherry, small poplar, buffalo _Remedy, St Jacobe "Oil. I am aware of extension of the elevator from the -third 00
berry and scrub oak which encircle the the prejudice Which many eutertain the first floor and lu tenting holes tined&
trees that compose the larger forest In against advertised - medicines. .I felt thus the vaults, thns. destroying whatever fie.
this season of the year the hazel busbea about- the St Jacobs -Oil and thought my. proof.qualities said Vaults ever posseseeiL
are loaded with nuts of good size and fine eversion was too deeply, rooted to be dissi- This jury -feel it their duty to recemmend
flaior, and in many spots a two bushel iaLLed. But -a man will sometimes cake]; the appointnient of a_ special - liouitzussien.
bag -could be - filled- in . a very short at a hope as it flies. 'I purchased a bottle by the Provincial Gevernment to inquire -
time. When the Wanderer :enters' the of it when I found mithing else I applied into the general Management and efficiency-
-thicker shade . amotigst the larger -Would ghee relief, and conemenced apply.: of our public chaHties."
trees he wilt everywhere- observe the ing it. It proved a 'map effectual_remedy, . -
heavy, fich red. 'Austen' ef the , high and the use of three bottles cured mite' - . Not lpireseribing.tor, Ilifillieu
the thickness of the grove enables the trees • are stricken with it there is one thing grounds, nor was /here any connection
bush cranberry, the kni• t being iii such
profusion that a large &mallet can be filled El
in an hour. A peeuliartty of th• ese-berries
ed theft. readiness to hang in bunches on the I
ht bushes long after the winter sets in, the r
jaide and flevor beiug improved by the frost. tz
d is the
• ed that he was not present ,when t
ies were searched by Bartlett an
A' And, you are now quits adevotee of
t. Jacobs Oil?" • t
'That is, perhapadrawing it too strongly.
certainly do believe it a fine specifies for
heumatism, add as my belief is based'
pon personal experience, ` I don't mind
hamending i
he The principal tree in the Manitoba woods co
man poplar, the next in importance is the In the office of the hotel, the reporter
. o ugland and yI. of Scotland), son of . • oak, and near tbe rivers Will be noticed met Mr. Geo. A. Dunlap, who is the popular
its use to others."
Diary -Queen of SCOW. • large elnes. A very beautiful tree is the and efficient representative in Cheyenne of
Sir G-Ternet Wolseley arrived -at Balmoral ash leaf maitle. Its fresh, green leaves the Chicago tren,of Wood Bros., live stock
on the 30th ult. on a vise/ to the $;4ueen. In open out early in the spring. It is a most commission merehants. Happening. to
-vigorous grower, aa bears transplanting mention the interview with the manager
The Tone et the Press. •
• ' (From the Canada Presbyterian.)
passiug through Aberdeen he coliverlied a
g few initiates with the Earl of Aberde
and the Provost, after which the form
• • +called_ for three hearty cheers for General
• Wolseley. Theee wtire heartily accorcle
• another beteg given for the Highland Br
gade com.eiimezit. which general Wele
ify aekno_wledgeti..
_James' Gineepie„ Eincierdii3
shire, a• prodigy. James wail born o
Gentian ReMedy. was &good Medicine and
5- "Are
dould also col:mend its virtues.
. you struck On Oil, 'too, lfr.
e -
Dunlap ?" f
The tone of the entire press of Outariois
considerably' in advance of that of the Peo-
vinoe. Ites a rare thing to and an Ontario
newspaper of -any grade speaking even dia.
respecefully of religion, and when -s
remarkably. - Were its qualities of the Alvin Joslin Company abil What he
known it would -be valued • 9.8
an otna- said.about St. Jacobs Oil, Mr. Dunlap re -
mental tree in any northern plied that he Was not surprised at the
ration of the circumstances, for the
In the spring -the ash -leaf maple -yields
thing does- occur, you cawnafiiknao- fathsonfoore sugar can
a sweet sap,.. from which excellent
men Within ten minute's' be -made, the obief trmible
f br •
A German paper has EL rather gotta stmg
liked, went to consult a physician..." Well,'"
about a lady who, not -Jeering as well as elle
said the doctoieafter looking at her iongue,
feeling her pulse and asking her sundry
questions, "1 should advise you, yes, -I
should advise you -ahem 1 tteget married:"
"4- you single, doctor? " inquired the
fair patient, with a significant yet modesmile d
"1 am mein Freaulein, but it is
not etiquette, you know, for physician to
take the physic they prescribe."
Novel Contest.
. A novel feature of the Baste Fair at Aset-
Great thirteen • herdsmen for a ptize saddle valuelit
liar' tin, Texas, was a . roping contest heeweeal
a ion t at are morally worse that'
the paper. As a rule, the Ontario press is
written fot the best part of the community.'
Moral and religious rn,oventents generally
eeceive a helping hand. Church matters,
get more free notices than any other mat -
'Ufa iri the community, and ministers of all
kinds are usually treated with. marked re-.
spect. Let those few men who bewail the
degeneracy of the press, end make special
supplications for newspaper men, remember
that the tone of the press is generally better
than that of the- community in which it its
eing a at the time the sip floWs the
flooding of the -river Makes it difficult to
reach the trees. On the shores cif_ the
streame which enter the Red River,' and
especially near their mouths, hasswocid-
groses in great abundance, and ironwood
of it . large gee Can be .met with. In.thie
district theie trees are not found, although
sontetirnes-goed ash can tit discavered ;
few White Occupy a place in . the
svoods and oitcasionally grOw to a good BiZe;'
but -the tree Isnot common. Partridges,
tabbits, blite-jaye, ohic-a-dees, ohip-monks
aud red squirrels are plentiful in the bush;
and exciepting the chip -monks, are t� be
noticed even in the winter months. Bleck
squirrels are not found 'in Manitoba.
at 5300. T. 5. Morrie, of Caldwell ()entity,
was the victor; haying roped, thrown dote*
and tied a• Texaii steer in one minute and
orty-five-seconds while some of his coin-
etitors required five minutes for the feat.
In old days LOrdi Mayors were .not per.
mitted to go more than five miles lone
Jatinery lett, 1878„ and is conseqUently
years mud 9 months Old. His height is
• feet • 16 zuches-ebout the average height 0
child of 7 -and he weighs lio less tba
• 120 lbe. 1 oz. ` (8' stone, a lbs. 1 oz.) Hi
bead theasures 23euehest in circumference
. his chest . Sett laches, his arm aboVe th
elbow 121- iteones, and below the 'elbow 11
• inebee, Z•4 thigh 28t inches, and the 4fil
of theeleg 14i niches,
The Sheriff's officer of Inverness, wit
- -other officers an eight of the Skye police
nnder the Down:Lend cif Superintenaen
Aitchison aed Inspector McDonald; drove
to the Braes to. serv,e 11063efil of suspension
and iuterlin- iaterclict• front the Court. of
Sessioie They were met by number it
oroftere. at- Gedentailor, and from thence th
Dalineiseach the road was lined with angry
crowds, who finally blocked. the roads in so
e threitervng "a. meaner that the force, 'being
Hy experience with it iS somewhat limited,
but of sufficiently recent date to make me
vividly remember what it has done for nie.
hurt my left knee. I believe a blood vessel
• -but I believe it a, good remedy all the same.
• " Well, I don't. exactly put it that way p
Itadn't Got the Hang .1 the Sehoo.
'A Democrat who heard something awful
• good in the City Hall yesterday morning
started for Woodward avenue with his hat
in has hand. Meeting a stranger at the
gate, he, swung bis tile and called out :
We've met' 'ern!"
While s
uperititending the loading of cattle '
'was ruptured and the muscles severely
and do not know -that I would be capable of
strained. I could not walk for several days,
'this autumn, I fell from a car and seriously
active locomotion now were it not .for the
kindly offices of St. thumbs Oil. Its power
ful healing and stimulating properties put
me right on my feet. It did, for a fact, and
you can use the information i you so
• '4 Almost everybody " remarked- Mr. A.
"C. Stayart, representing Weber, Howland
at Co., wholesale dealer in hat and cape.
at Denver,, " uses St. Jacobe Oil *here I
cuitimerom. I oncehad a very; soreefeot
A Working -Empress:
1811U111, retired, atter vainly eetnoestrating.
German Remedy. It cured my foot in
This is the third time 01/n1/30118_ eerving
a very short time. I also " can recom.
and very naturally_ empleyed the Great
"And won a, glorious victory I "
The Empress of Austria, even putting
aside the fakt that ehe is a:grandmother, is
amost niarvellous woman,and has recently
been through a, niore than initially severe
course of training for /he huntingteeason,
whicheby .the ivay; ehe wilt, in all proba-
bility, s.pend in Hungary. -Dating the
time that Her Majesty, was at her summer
reeidence at 180111; in, Utiper Austria, She
:generally rose -at 6. o'cleck .in 'the inorning,
and devoted a couple of hours to gyinnastics
and fencieg : tifter 'Which the niorbiog bath.
and a plain but hearty breakfait- Were
supplemented by a walk Or ride fOr eonie
hours. .Lately • the .Einprese has actually
been running- for twe hours a day ; aed to
encourage her in the exertion, a pack of
beautiful -foot beagles have recently been
sent to Godolo, whicih Her Majesty intends
hunting herself.' The Walkhig costnine Wet
or cold weather is a Mug waterproof New-
market.coat, brown straw hatethick navvy
boots ; in hot Weather the long coat is
changed for a hunting slip of thin etuff.
At Godolo 'the Enipress has a OirouSi in
which she trains her own horses, and rides
them a la :Renz.-Front the Something:to-
" Yea"
" It is the biggest tidal wa,ve.ever heard
hae been prevented. .
Few euceessful general's have enjoyed the
- penetrating /pleasure which was given to
-Sir- Garnee WoNeley • the othet day at
: `'.Balraoral, where Her Majesty did hey
assumed -the importance of a public ques-
general the honor of proposing his health;
tion,rinteud- to write it up for the
' at her oveo diiiner utile, in kind sea warm
- benefit of others who may need the (Zees
Bad cb*rnaingiy abosen wOrcls. Sir Garnet's
of this m"edicine." •
repliedWm. EL Dunlap,
" just so." - :
" And it will sweep the Repulitlicazi party
off ite, feet 1"
" It will."
Anti give UR a DernOcratio President 1"
"I believe it" •
'4 Then let's give three cheers.'"
ur-l-e-that's a, little too much 1"
" RUIN -why ? she glorious ?"
• " Yes, but you see I was a Republican up
13 midnight last night and ip might not be
in good taste for me to .uuter. any Demo-
eratie yells before to -morrow. • I'm with
yout-I'm all riglit--but give Me a little
moretime to get used* to the new.:party."-
Detroit Free Press.
"Are there any other. gentlemen -present
who would liken) endorse this wonderfal
speoifici ?" the reporter. '‘ It hita
return _for the queenly cornplinien-t wa,s tb
Oottple With. him thanks the proposel of the
Duke of Counaught-'8 health. :This added
Jewett. *Sherqi an & Co:, Milwaukee, " put
to the delight of the Qaeen, Who has- the
me clowzi as another believer ih - St. Jacobs
name of her soldier -son very near liter heart
Oa. I- had rheumatisni ana.St. Jateobs Oil
• representing the gre•
at coffee house of
A ioyal trip to 13almoral and back by
mired me. . You time just bet on it every
special trains, pilot engines, etc.-, included,
eosts 2600'. Ophtr members of the roya,1
"Gentlenten,"-: temerked the 'reporter,-
. . ._ .
lamil_,y have sai un.i. corrioges provided- and
" this is a remalkable coincidence. To
travel -by an ol elivary traih at first-olase
Mr. Dunlapii, each of whom never met the
other,- botli endorsing- -St Jacobs Oil,- fol-
fares. From Aberdeein to Balloter there is
a: special' tilde. known as "the 'Queen's
traiii," during Her BLiesty's residence at
It is a regularexperience meeting., -It will.
lowed by another gentleman in the room
. -
Balmoral, Queen's messetigers and- Gehl-
uot be paralleled Soon in Cheyenne."
The reporter was subsequently informed
Americo/I Courtship.
• They don't adore you over here," writes
the Areeriean girl" returned from Europe to
ber European. friend-, in Henry James,
" Point of View," in the. December
" Ceritury,." " they only make you think
they are going to, Do you. remember the
two gentlemen who were on the ship, and
who, after we arrived here, came to see me
a tourde role? At fir8b I never dreamed
they were :making love to rue, though*
mamma was enre it must be that ; then 1141
it went. on a good ;while I thought perhaps
it waifihat: and I ended h g at it
.wasn't auYthing1 It was simply conversa-
iscuseion, thee:not-mu was; a reed to I ton • the
. net Minietere on duty travel. by this. train. •
Tine interveuing- distance from Belittler to
by one of the prominent druggistS- in the
Ralunotel is poste& as the tail, by special
coy that Father Hayes had i also used the
desire, goes no_ further. .
Great German Remedy for rheumatism,
A meeting of the Glasgbw Liberal, "Six
and-, having been :cured, cominended its
Hundred " Was held recently, Mr. W.-Mite-
eMployment to hie people. •
farlsaut, the Preeldent, in the chair. Mr..
_The above is a true bill, and may be
Colquhohn Moved a reshlution approving relied upon:
. generaIly of the Procedureerales, and pro;
Worh. and Help in Winnipeg.
Regulations Mho .10 T0111100.
• The Department of Inland' Reveiaue has
decided that leaf tobacoceethall be plaoed
under look andliey in custody of an officer
of the department, who will issue It lig it
may be required for inanutacturing pur-.
poses. A minimum standard of production
will be fixed, on Which duty wig _have to be
paid whether the qnatitity is turned out or
not. Liquorice, molasses and sugar enter
largely into the 2 manufacture of tieback*,
and as niaeufacturers. have to pay a 0118 There duty 911 them and an excise duty on -
tobacco, it has been decided that in filtute
those _ articles -stored with the leaf and
issued for Manufacture shall be free from
cutitom duty. The order has been issued
trim the fact of a targe difference being
noticed in -the returns of the amount of
tobacco leaf from the faittories and the
amount of manufactured tobacco. The
new regulation May give a little More
trouble, but it is believed Will go smoothly.
posing to memorialize the House of Cora -
mons' for their adoption.' , After a brief
A Winnipeg • certespondent writes :
. .
'There iS plenty of Work to be had and
the following are the wages paid, as fur.-
nished by a leading -employment bureau::
Bricklayers, 56 to 57 per day ; .machinists, -
moulders.. fa:ay; blaiiksmilles, $3 to
43.50*; •-stonecutters, 04 to 05 ;• shoe.
makers, 02 50 to, 83 ; laborers (in
employment of city), 02.75 to 83 ; team-
sters. With -board, per month, $80 to 540.;
lutribermen; do., 830 to . 535-; - wood
choppers 85 cents per cord:; farm- hands,
per month,- $20 to 440 -while the festive'
hired girl is quoted at from 512 t�25 per
• In :the inarketeAk_aef quoted at 15 to
20o.-; pork, 16 to 20c.: .mutton, 16e to 250. ;-
Iamb, 20 - to: 25o. ; verdson, 60. 'to :40e.;
-chickens (per lb ), 20 to 25�. • geese- and
turkeys(per- ; dieekit-.4er
to 60o. ; prairie chickens -(Per pair), 500 to
75o. ; rabbits, 25c.,each. Butter: -is 30t�
82o. per lb. ; eggs, 30 to65o._pet dozen; and
potatoes .85c. to 51 per bueliel. Whea:'' is -
_quoted at _85c., and oats:50-to 55o. NOOai
sure in rates at 88 to 010 per cord, and 124-litt,
iled-at 55- tin 75o. per bein.---the-lettier held
r New- York Counts: -
• was. also resolved to. urge. Upon the Govern-
. natant the desirability of . appointing a
Oabin.et MinistOt-for- Spetiand on tbeeiret
opportunity that offered. • IL was reported
that the total rhemberf,hip of theraisocia-
tion was. now 3,755-296 enrolled. in 1881
and still mertibers, and 789 being enrolled
since thertims '
.Speakingett the soiree of the Princess
Street Congregational Church, -Dundee,
the .other week -the • Rev. - David
Macrae • took occasion to refer. to
the. contrast bAween the liberal collec-
tioriegtven le inany of the °hunches now
.eoinpered With the microscopic amounts
given forty or fifty years ago, espe'cially in
the Established Cinirch. . The late i».
Cook, of Haddiugton, had /old him that on
one °cos...slime after preaching_in an adjoin:-
ingparish, the mithster said his. eloquence
had Produced a great impression, the '01.
lectionhaving been the- largest for years.
Gt Glad tehear ie," said the doctor ; -"what
did the collectiou amount to?" "
&Mounted to ninepiencie,"* replied the other
Neuepence," eatid,the doctor; '1 do you
count that jerga ?" "Large- t it's- three
• times the usual amount, Our ordinary
collection meter Over threepence." , Ah
• then," said the doctor, " my eloquenoe
didn't go for much ; put in sixpence
veryy are fond ef conversation
'aver here. Mr. Leverett and Dir. Coceterel
disappeared one fine day, without the
smallest pretension to having broken My
heart, I am sure, though.' it only depended
on me to think they had All, the gentle-
men are like that; you can't tell what they
mean; everything is very confused ; society
appears- to coneist of a sort of innocent
Brevity in gpeeeh-tiveeetnetia in Miele.
Some one has -said that short tPeedlea
are moit impressive, and simple, sweet
music. the most touching. • If there he any;
thing in the idea, certainly the following
from C. c. pe zoeohe .ct co., Piano and
Oman Dealers, 233 St. James street, Mon-
treal, is -to the point and dorteincing "St
Jacobs Oil has proved -Of incalcaable value
to me in a -case of -rheumatism, having
given me almost instant relief." In the
same strain of expressive 'brevity writes
lir. John- C. Fleming, editor in chief of the
Diontreal_POst: I have
The Ceiniet. -
The comet, which now rises not long after
-midnight, is at t ann. visible in the south,
about one-third of the distance up between. -
the horizon. and the zenith. It is now,
however, but'a dim object, shorn of 'nearly
all the glory it had in the beginning of..
Ootober. To the naked eye it will sopn.
bedome undiscernible, and by the '13th of
January. it will be Scarcely vieibleeven with
the largest •telescopes. Se, Of pouree, the
expectations �f astronomers,: founded- oil
rough caleulations made of its Orbit in
September, -that - the comet would_return
to the sun by Christmas Will not be fulfilled,.
arid the violent atmospheric convulsions
and other direful.: consequences, reel or
itnaginary, cannot take place before sOme-
time -next year at any rate.
• statiag tifat, from,the use of St Jacobs Oil, -fr
I find ta
it excellent and I think it a good
• The temperene speaker, Francis- Diur-
play,. is hard at work in Scotland and ob-
taining litany felloweri.
Acters who have travelled through the
oni 012- toper -ton. Oysters*er.*
-country agree that the moat perfeetly built
Minister of Marine and Fisheries- will be
It is expected that aon. A. W.,N0
and decorated theatre of the United States appointed Lieutenant- Governor- of ,NOIret,
Arupriee/ waft. eu.rprised to receive -1;o :iv dieinfecting a railway car which bgd been School, Elora, has resigne posi ion
'Turing iny trip, down the River Tagus fix
• Spain." said Captani'Boyten to a representative
of this journal In• a recent Conversation -by the
sea shore, "I had to 'shoot' 105 waterfalls the
largest being abouteighty-five feet, and innumer-
able! rapids. Crossing the Straits of Iiiessina,1
had three ribs broken in a fight with sharks an
corning down the somane, a river- in France,/
received a charge- of shot from an excited mid
startled huntsman: Although this wasnot very
pleasant and might be termed eitineeroes, I fear
nothing more 9j1 ray trip than intense cold; for,
as long as mylitnbs are free and easy and .n.dt
cramped or benumbed I am all right. Of late 1
elite"' a stock of8e.Taeoes 011,in ray litt/e-bott-- -
[The-eepta.i'a calls it "Baby3fine," and has stordd
Ake -rein signal rockets, thermonieter, compass,- .
provi-sions, ete.)=-and I have but little trouble. •
Before starting out I rub. myself tnotoughly with
the article, and its action upon the muscles le
"wonderful. From constant _exppsnrel am -some- .
what subject to 'rheumatic pains, and -nothiiss
would eVer-benefit me until I got held of this
Great. German Remedy.: Why, on my travelii
have met people tvho had been-steferine -with.
rhenmatism-for years; by any advice they used .
theOilandit cured them. I would 03 _
sooner -
without food for days than be without thitivra-,. -
edy -for one hour. In - ct I would not 'attenipta,
trip without it." -The 'aptain -became very ei.e.--
thusiastidon the subjec of Sr. JAcons Om, aini
Whenme left himhe was still citing in.stances of
• the curative qualities of the Great GermanE.
. .
-veer to .a party around him. •
BRACE Up -your system for wo
ZOPESA, the 118V7 Dyspepsia and Liver, mil:l-
eder, attends strictly to business in correst.
ing the Ston2ach, Liver and Kidneys.
Sample bottles, 10 cents ; large bottles 76
int,Denver. - '
Smallpox has been introduced into gmtia when Mr. Ar'illibal" term'exPires.
A few_ days a•go Bev. L. J01118, of I Beenellsville, N. T., through retabisness in Mr- BA', head lilloteT nf Eigh
one of his parishioners a ene-tfyith -of his glued in conveying small
•barley crop as a thank off
pox patient, the accept the prinoipalship of the New C01- ThenanyoCialfgh meY be quite reerrY;
' °rail; t° eimpeny's employee whoeleasedoutthssar legiste Ieetilute_ et Portage le Prairie• Fragrant Breath stall pass ycigr lips
• d h' 'AO Old d un should thin "TAAIllitilY1"-
being the frit vishisa.
• ,
And Your Teeth -shall pearls eelipse
- •(""'