HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-12-08, Page 2„ essneas fired off - is pistol. T 4Trge---4P athnhddig thfrl:;:;;m4llorirri-rl0134 %troops. 7*'I-J:":1/aijeyjg3g-o;he Logo of she Whet They Look Like sod 114'llai Ther -..... coolds,t ot. 7 - '-' - - Dime -mound lapel) - . • MrSeAleiatidei• • 6 CITARTElt• L • The great currents Of heftiness- and pleas • mire were setting. strongly Up mid down the Strand, .wit _their semi:titan:led even . - liver, -on- a: bri t April morning, sotne gy . twenty years .40. The. season was at its prime. ' Haltpaet eleven had. chimed trout .114artufe; . and the relieved guard Of • _Blues had; turned 'into Waterloo Place on- - their honie.wardwaY to Albany Street. .the est rooms in Mut looking CIA . Trafalgar Squar borate breakfast was- leid, out, i among other acceelioties of ei late - . battle of cognac, while two or three - viaterlay Modestly on their Sid cavity -of the sideboard. - • Thrown back on a sofa near window, with. one heel resting On ' of. 8, ohatT, eat a young Ertan,:of two-or-three•and-twentyint a:Per erreesizig-gown, embroidered slippers Worked seieking-ca.. p., aud all theeap ot i -most Tux_urioue morning - d • - *Qtniof his:small 'white -bands hell 'paper, the other supported his •- ' viary handsoine heed t smell', With ears, curly bleak hair, and bright, - dark.eyes, a trifle too bead-like, p -Deivny entstachee. -darkened his up Veithoucconcealing the red, youthful aided. mouth, slightly. apart, with ap keine, - '.- - .A.-etaid, aciternie, well-dressed ma standing,. soda -Water bottle' in hand, apposite -side -of 'the breakfast table. -" Hold hard,. Simmons.," said the lo "'before you _open- that awaiting bot want to impress upon you that I. d in consequence of- present heat -no • . bicess,you feel convinced, Sinfreene - - "-Yes, Sir Frecleria."- . "And -hold hard againg.et me airet, and remove the brandy out of • ---'-tiot oat -of reach, Mind. yoal that f Neville.- will be here directly,. and sing out 'for it: Any letters for him?' -44 Yes,SirFrederic." • " gaud them over." ' . The: valet. presented a salver„ on which ..lay. halta-dozen notes and three large let- tere; these Sir Frederic picked out - "Get; -me the, claret, Sint ;"--tlie valet - lied, vatiloneck . -----"Hum,"sell the young:exquisite ; "these --two are duns, or. eirealars, and. this -oh! this mast be -from Our sOveteign. lord and brother. 'Gad, how Neville- will swear I I trial- he had a _good old fatherinstead of a Cribbed,- . sanctified half-brother I Neville is a capita. fellow L. he'd be a fitet‘rate. - fellow,. if--. -V:Ve, are not.destined: to know why, at UU 01 & 01t7 niagnate-whose fortune .had propped up the house �f. Neville; He: had inherited his mother'eshare in the &Moos banking touse of Foster et CO., and also the fatheris estates.. He was -a cool, shrewd man of business, and his shrewdness was at tines strengthened and regulated by a certain sombre," putitanioel"-turn of Mind, whipli suited well with.his narrow but.deep ligence. Indeed he ,poseessed More of the traditional "roundhead" characteristics - stern resolve and unyielding-ncinviction- than is often found in this pliant age.. . • Guy, our 'friend, now deep in the Stras- bourg pie, was, as have said, -of a different stamp, though not withbut a family like- ness.. His rnother WaS bri co Morley's. noble and penniless, with warmer blood in et, an alas her veins than that which - flOwed strong noluding, but sip* through ..those of the Cambstland r meal, a Nevilles; so, in addition to acertain tena- °foods', nity Of purpose, Guy -had a strong die* of ea in the passion. and • pervereity-T4ro_ubleimme- -m-atererfor, a soldier of ferturie. an -Open • Now, his weakness was net wine nor the bank Women though he had his love affairs - perhaps mere triftes-he never- cared sentimentally sian. silk for any one,. it was the love of :gaitibling ; whiph Was toe strong for him. And helves pliant:les long &keen and. a saccessfill gamester; at irltabitle; first within tolerable 'bounds; latterly, ettpe a news., cially, since his luck turned eornewhat head -7-a. agaist liethad gone deeper and deeper delteate and now, having put off all 6ther_erediteirs happy as long Si he Could, in order to meet his erhaps. dehtetof honors and his last hope cut off by per lip, his brother's -refttsal. to -assist him, he felt , unde- alniost stunned by the sudden_ pressure leapant with which the _knowledge that he -Owed :nearly three thousand pounds- vreighed n was u at -the • - unger, tle-I rink. it - t past some sight ehlow- he'll = present, for the door was burst °pile, and a all, ni• ere Urs the My: th- sat w, w - de _et re ir magniffeent individual appeared; t broati7ehouldered man, .dark -blue "u .fortnhicing with -.gold,: and -lighted h and therewith: gleams:. of crimson; sp - jangling, sabre: rattling, he strode into - tenor:a like an mapers.onatiOn pf. the "TO andcircemstance, etglotioussear."Wu Out. e word he &Aetna aside hishot Ilus leitheseiwAci shacks:4 disclosing a sue -bur broad-broived. face„ a. seinewhatleavy ja Large, clear, dark -grey :eyes, wall, yell° brown,: hair, and long inustach.es, a gibe more tawny, - • • . - "-How:goes it, Compton?' were his fir worda. "Where's thebrandy?" alas' we , the Second. 4-4 TEY some-atere returttecIS 'rredericc; "it will tool you better -.t a . just -going to:have-scene." . 'NO, not. Brandy steadies -yciti Mor and it is infernally .hot My hand shake • like agirre t Oh, net" aisswer. to a Ico from his friend; "yon: know I'never drink -and it would take a -hogshead . to bowl LC over if 1 1 A But Her Majesty- is etai earl bird, God bless heft and scarce ties . ecf. e we .re_ie-up. for a hath, and to ElerA121'., Ks into unifOrm„ before - were paraded and off at full- trot to the, statiOn-now- *- any fetters?" . "Here you was the ungraitimatical reply of his friend "I have been -spoon - fitting Upon: theta while waiting for you," .and,he tossed over the. threeIerge ones • Neville meantime had . oompbunded - a enixture, of brandy, s.oda-water, and ice in • • - a• huge turn le -errand drained it off thirstily, settingit down with :a deep. sigh of enjoy- -• enent ;. -took. there,: -and selecting one, llociked intently at it, on all 'sides; then glazioing up with a sudden, frank smne, Which brightened his rather - stern face. enarvelleusly;aaid. . "'Gad!: I never -was • in such a, funk:, either at Meerut - or Lacknow;..as at the 1. -it or this confoundedly Clear, accairete I:armada:1p.. 1)on!eiaugh,Cernptoe. I Here filo seal was broken, . • few- minutes'. silence, . while Captain • - Vatt Ilatily over the eVen etkooroont,190 4plosed thatth:e total insinie was now 3,755,--e pon -nim. we: hundred he must • PIT ,nose.-that-Avould be dreadful." T et words throngh her before seven -days were over, and all he had . 44 ContPtim," -said .Neville thoughtfully,. to pay it with was the.'price of his conimis! g; I'll go with you. this - evening, though by sion-of US gay .jacket, his horses, and'a heaveres„.I feel. ashamedo!:MYself. I.feel few -personalties. These °nee gone, "Othele like a common adventurer, by George! and Jo's. occupation- would. lie -Wer ;" the future -no gentlerdan." -- .- - • ' : - - -a " siough_of despond." To what could he - "Don't , talk • like an raiot. You are all turn f , . • ' right. . You try - to get :up the:steam, and - ' Nevertheless he had strong nerve and a. fall in love . with her, Make her very stout heart left; besides; he Weie not yet happy; and nurse the estate,: and all thirty, ea be ate to strengthen hiinself; _sort -of thing. By and by I'll Marty some that he might fight his way out of the tier- pretty blonde, and We will ' be first rate net into which he Was hemmed. neighbor's, fit 'to point a.- moral or adorn a His friend, air Frederic •COniptan, Was tale.' '' . , . . , . • lieatenant in his regintenf-rieh and gay,: zleville rose from the table, : and paced and.gezierous-beloved by alla trifle wild,. the room two,or three tunes, took another • but that was only More sedearing. .- The tumbler of iodafwater--tbis tithe . without . sole . drawback to hie sunny Jot was the brandy.... and ultimately said- • • • - -. fact that his father had decreed by his will • "Thereisno harm in hiving a look I' that the tattle broad Devonshire lands will go with you, Compton" . and Cornwall. mines 'should not be of age " Of . conree you Will- be 'reasonable," tillhe was five and -twenty till .which time returned his feiend. "I dare. say slieis a. he was ander the Severe but loving guar chairming, fresh ()testate; utterly free beta dianehip of a .naitternal grandfather, agrand ktio:wleclge of the world. She has been at old city Crcestie. As if tbis.was nobotherSchool With iieme aWfor. old womait at St enough; the grandfather's heart was set on -John's Wood for the last year and a half I. marrying th.e ypung 'baronet before he was believe, and you are just the sort of 4 Don out of leading strings ; and, kind, busy, Old to want the. first. of -a wontan'itheart. SO roan,- to save the bay trouble, had found a you, are all right, if egme feisoinetieg draW.-- wife_ for hire -4 ward of his own -to .whom , ing master or mu:sie:maeter . has not been no reasonable man could make any 'objec- before Yan;" he added, with a touch of mis- tion: But boys, and girls too; are ever chief.' re.belliots. - "What right have -I to look for the, Neville and Compton had become known cream: of anything?" said Neville; . With to each Other previous to the latterjoining, Florae bitternetil. :." I wiiih;4ut why . talk the -7-th Hussars, through :the businees Of wishes? Where shill tve meet? , . conneotiatrof. old Eft. Festet (Sit Fred- . 4' Oh; here, her.e," returned the 13atonet. great toe; t Which had gained few her the fond but ainiliat appellation of "•ratite - tuns," abbreviated as aboVe, • ." Oh; Ill take care," -ssid Sir Frederic'. Then. after. a • moment's • thOuslit,. - he exclaimed, with sudden energy-" "Neville I hair() the primest idea -help yourself and me t• -Make love. to the heiress -marry her -get the tin --reform yourViaYswind,up in high respectability-brOther's blessing -- virtue rewarded -eh.?" . " Pshatv said Nevilleagain, . "Why riot?" persisted theyodugBaronet. ".You are older than: I am -have gown more wild oats; :You'. are a good fellow ;- got averse to matrimooy-winild Make her. a deuced deal- better husband than :nine tenths of • those mating ivhom- fibs will Oro•-;: bably marry t Now, -do think, my boy / • It is uot every day I ---have So bright an ideal" " COMpton," returned his friend, speak. ing slowly,. "you are ridictilous.r _ That's •right --take your :time; old feF the» Otlier gleefully. "It's Just the thing for you? . Cento .with me to the. tea -fight.: GO in and. win: If she _choosesto prefer you .and of oCtirse she. will it you make: iove to her and I my grandfather cannot hiatus -me:" 4- 8 6 'Gad I if she is a -.darky, all the Cash in Christendom will not nuke: ug for it," cried Neville, half 'carried away * by his friend's entbusiaem. "But if not, if she is a nice girl, by JOve 1 it Might be a grand thrOw. Yet to tivre everything to & wife ze to play rather second fiddle?• Eh, Comp. • - "Pooh.! nonsense 1 Your fine old name and social standing will be a grand feather in the eyes' of . a New Orleans girl. Won- der does she d eritt's grandfa,t.her) and-, Neville's brother, 44 Aod Neville, do hear me. If you want • who constituted the Co. in . the &Mous to play this or any,gatise, shocesifully, establishment of Foster. it Co, arid Guy you =lit have your wits clear: So let me 44 Da you Want One very, very moch?" had been at once the young baronet's 14i fideg lend you the -seven hundred, and you can she asked, playfully, and with suck a win- Achates," and,..notwithstanding- his -own pay we when you sell your cotamission; Or nieg smile that Neville; eurprised- at his' : errors, his Mentor. ..- ' - _ ''' - - . ,--marry:".., own feelings, and fearful- of .sayiog too i By this time the first edge of appetite is 44 Hum ! a pretty *ay to Spend the poor much, contented ,:iiiiiiself with. a glance, - blunted, and the two young men began to girl's money. ' .• . ' but One so expreetiiVe of adiniration, that a talk: . . '---".If .I. know anything of Wenien;" Said sudden revelation flashed actoss his fair • Said Sir Frederic, • *kindly, - "Try the the young -Lieutenant; with a pretty air of -compatittn, who, With a dim, uneasy, yeti flute/to once More, old boy?" '.-- nonce% "she will think it well spent it.yeu delicious sense danger, said, lest frankly "Nottc save my: sod'," returned Neville, loveher, and .show her attention.' - -• than before, 4 'Let us return -- perhaps Miss fiercely, 44 besides, I have no .righte-we "Suppose she is a WOMan who wilt talk- Weston will be looking far me" - - never were friends, and," -a moznentary, of nty house, and -74 horses? Eh-,. Comp-, . Neiille sileUtly -presented his arm, but : petuse--"-I haie no ehoice--I haie been ton ?' - - .chetiked his -companion on the threahold of their leafy retreat. - -, RemarkSbie DiSCIOStieei: THE PO011i.,8011781Ec [if -award Nel).) Reporter] Mr. B. S Crafe,.Manager and Treasurer Vesdic, of the Alvin .3' ' °wetly. Company, The if* k enne th Tak e -00 e- day 41011 usi- epi round and round the room. 'Two or three beys in jackets, and half e dozen prim little girls bristling with flounees, entitled the gathering to the name of a juvenile party. Through these conilioting couples did Mrs. Coleman wind her devious course, -followed by Sir Frederic and Neville, in Indian file. "You're nearlyltoross the Rubicon now," weiepered the former. "Con you dance?" "1• have danced," re -plied Neville, "but not for years. Must I?" hinst I Bloat in2peratively.' •Mrs. Coleman pieused here bef group of three young girls. •On • handsome, with full, light, 'semi eyes, was sitting 111 a window- s slight, timid, quiet hooking whose unobtrusive paleness sca an appellation which always c :id. ea of brilliency at the other ore a pretty ,fair, tall, ishing blue seat, beside brunette, - res justifies oirve the What alone,though Much:" Ab 1 'you must ;have -manY ftiends tc---oofnuntheigiacootrenneeirco9stutfrIrdedAispocia. takipg. ofc. htheepoeovrident m.et .14114.the gatlen into t n riiiiiieluded- this afternoon. The 'tabs. t.lfiigether at Frederic 1"- " You mistake me," said Neville, amused, "My friend Compton is whirling away with your fair friend.' "'Oh -then you are Captain Neville I hoiv strange t" "Why stranger' 'he asked, looking into eyes.- • ber OE ih"ardly tell, only ly. ithought-iOn_ aiust be Sit Frederic Compton;_beeause- because you looked the oldest. How bright and -pleasant: he seems to be." Yon.adinire hint," . said Neville, with stime pique. . • I do,"- she returned candidly; "he is not like what •I expected." tecie.of the. • Then Yon had formed -0001e eXPeota- ."-bel.le blonde," and bending to speak to her, gobs," resuoted Neville smilihg, though still • •While the crimson drippery.'of the window.- piqued: "And you expected to find hiw. a curtain fern:led a very effective backgrOund, . morose old fellow like mYeelf ?" .stood the-thirdtall and.slight, but round. "You," said lIfis8 belvigne, Junking. up -half emiletrembling on her _ rosy, kindly - !tido ti•gnhi i anh 4'9_ olwealtrli.:bitto wsneftfalorltohr eeinkr attildinag tinh.. ottixgihshitsdfi:udfl.alio....,et ‘1,18 youo1 ludn Idasfiearqs.kaiintofoomilifpflirwrzineilit.t!aanyd into ,,,a .`corenet, but zio other ornament lips. Her own glOattY_ dark bat was plaited, b -yetsiiy7titepvei9110eh ebeevfeorre!eltItenitheepriepdlistesvintre.., interfered Witb.. the graceful Outline -of her. a gull between himself and hie friend, Thai -head.- - A inOWy cloud' of white Muslin for a moment he felt a; superior_ being, and . seethed to Neville's rather nervous vision then Wee .Pelviene asked - to : .--flOtit about :her indiatitictly„ save that "But he 18 a great friend of yin*? le - certain easylolds were• gathered from the- he nice ai'id PS and trtid?" ' ' - creamy elepng.shouldere ,by a sash of black " What the deuce does she want to know . . , _ , _ , . . velvet to herWaist, and among them rested a BO much about him fgt.?'" . thought Neville. -bouquet of .fragran,t flowers., Shetureed-ta "How bold all this' would sound from an Kill. ooloonto ,88 she approached, with an English -girl ; yet it Seattle right and natu- indefinable. expression , -of joyous lifean ral. froni her. She evidently knows Old expression which our neighbor's' word roster* soheznee,. and iti not illdigpOSed " spirituel!' can alone convey; and then her toward thein. Oh, yes," he said aloud,.• - eyes Met Neville's,her color deepened; and "Compton is a eepitel. - fellow,- and true aa . her brightglanee involuntarily drooped. steel, - at least to. nien." .-Frederie :Ceropton--Captain NA. ' ':" To men" she said, mueingly, and inter*, ville," said the -hostess...• " Miss Delvigne rogatiVely. -: .. - ' . Miss Weston." - 'And £'o woinen too, probably,"• added The gentlemen bowed.- _. Neville,- "only I have- had no opportunities . "Allow raii the hondr ,-Of the next gal- of judging." lop," said Sir Frederic, with prompt • " Have, you than 144 lady friends?" asked - -decisioe, addreesing the fair beauty. - - 1ffiss Delvigne. - - " Will ypu dance -with me?" said Neville, " you know I told you I have been. but little to his. -bright partichlar Btar,". UnpOnS0i0Us in England of late years" . .. earnestness renderieg 'his deep_ terms lags "Tell we &haat India,'" said she, with a Steady than usual, and -feeling it; arvellouti pretty air of Cam/nand. NeVille Was not a ladies'inait, and new a that surprised himself. , attraction to the fair i. girl he ': ddressed: Neville found it a little clita.oult to begin, "If,": he thought, "fortune is o come to. but'onne- lentil:led- found it easy to con - me in such a guise, I km the bin est fano* tinue, the sweet attentive eyes, SO frankly , on the giohe. - . -. 1 I - raitied to his,Inspiring a degree of eloquence • Thelady at Mice graciously assented. ,many;''. he. rettirned, . nothing at all of gay, innocentyoune girls; "And You - have been in real battlete nem could Miss Redotibt's- ehyest. pupil feel and eeen-alen killed or, worse, lying help- . mare all at clads Under the:awful-inspection lees and euffering ? 1 'never ' talked to a of Maclaine Piroizette,...the treble -x -dancing soldier before. - How - horrible war mast : Mistress, then did this bold Dragoon, as he. be!" ------ - ' thought, "What oho I say ? _Hew_ ean 1 "-Mom horrible and brutal," replied tell her that she 18 .4 bee-OW(11 darling, and Neville- "When the battle: iti °°elis one .I.wish myself an gar', with 450,000._a year, feels half ashamed of the fierce exc1temen1-7- for her sake?" . - - - • itrOnsee." - . - • - . • • Meantime Marie Delvigne Was stealing " Ah 1 I could- listen long to your stotiet, a,' totally new specimen Of Mankind, Hitiv. shy glances at her etalWart admirer, to her tobli.tthiehdago,SetrZe, d .troo. hong, 114,118 gC.) back etto her experience had .been linlited to be missed just yet ?" 44 S? eeon.?" cried Neville, "'on cannot - lengshaird-.Professors, more or less severe- she shook her hee4- stahmewhalewe, Locnieine°1,90,1hife 3, ytmhht: -iptda'tghl eortriliv.:03u; d::spyrfutegh.wteilhmeasee h4ade!f4 :ft a kehl 12. then,cohntrbguicevude. Ea: .11 'al :Irtvg.er; 7rfoerv!enhale - when" the light that .eurretunds. tis all is :�Jifrom within.". - " What IS to be ?"-. said Neville, after an uncertain pause. -44 I ought," -he cell - tinned, pluoking up courage, "to warn you that, having . been little in _civilized life, I shall tnake but an indifferent partner." • . " How ?" asked. Miss Delvignit, looking iv at Iiicn. with ..frank outiosity, "What are. you; then -ii soldier ?" Yea," returned Neville._ . oit- "I am glad r I never met an English oldthieerilb,e,fo. re: B. ut•iWb: u in -these' ." You would not have me.eppear in uni- form ?" • - . "Yes :. it must be _prettier than this coti.. 132 its resting - place, arid was thougntfelly pla,ying With it thinking while I eat. I. must Speak to "By goys! there are few would try that Cox's people about my COMMISSiOn, to -mor. • game with you, I fancy." row, then think of the future afterward.'" " God knows I What's her zinnia all this " D ' ' Miss Delvigne hesitated, blus• hed, and f h f h y. n 1• 11 such a hurry, for God's „, could easily raise you seven Or eight hundred by My nabs°, and that would stave Off matters for awhile and ----". - • . ••. " FloW am. I to repay you.‘f It would eon:let° the 'SUDO ilk' the -end. My commis- sion mustg�. A. thousancl-thaoks to you, Fred, an the earae,. You are a good fellow 1 No; not the sooner I make the wrench and disappear the better, or -P11 be -going deeper' in the mire. I miist -vow against garde, dice, betting, everything, or end by being croupier or. billiardsmarker la some hell,. by &met Talk of something. ehie-- yoUrSelf--What are you going -to do t& night ?" Sur Fred.erie looked. at has friend, and saw he had better- hurette hini, so he grunt - •bled, out, 4.‘, SUCh a sell, but I must do itl- Another : slice of ham, Neville 2 -Grand, papa is in a worse fidget than ever to have. me tied -to that heiress he has been Saving -up for me, and to-niget she is to be trotted out.for my inspection at a deraisemi sort of juvenile party tit St. John's Wood-,-,att awfully slow place. The mien of the house - is a chum of the -revered- grandfather --a, nii ht e sake' Look h n hange. I have 'dined and still Members; &len thete at magnificent spreads; -bat &II- a since_thiit timer h - Speaking at- thp -Street CougregaP11°Ua the, other w?" Macrae_ • took the contrast -hs • , tions given in inait_a.t.°,_ne e9nllobured wtth thi!'"Tr given forty or fifty'rP• y, °waver, beve promised-te go. It will keep the old gentleman quiete while. r wiah you'd genie with me, Neville?" •• "Fahey!" said that gentleman idurte- ouslY. "But who -is this girl„ and why i• s your grandfather so anxioue to marry you to her ? You are rich enough " time ?" • .• . "-Mary Delvigpe." "Freneh ?" • ,‘No, South American." - " Well; I'll -have a look." - " We. meet, then, hate at dinner: Sharp Here they found the pale ' quiet girl, - whom- Neville's partner addressed afiett- sevea. Sage,od mOrning mideuccees," tunse." Well, perhaps's° I Bet shall -we beep? Promise you -Will be lenient .to my errors."' A bright glapce and- smile; and they - started. The music was. well marked. Neville had sufficient - ear to .get on tolera- blY ; and nioVing- rapidly to the inepiriting strains -0 a good band, with a,. little -soft ure in your and pair of bright eyes glanoing up to yours, hi not In Unpleasant mode: of &dimming one's fortunes. - - ' - "But you do ve-ry. well indeed," - saki' partitet; 88 they paueed for breath ater. a long continued turn. - Her easy tone reassured IsleVille,,and he . . replied: -• etaving succeeded so far; I fear to peril the reputation I have_ gainedarid you must be tired. I feel yout hand trembling," --he half inVoluotartly preesed it to his side. " thc. Let us go into the conser- vatory,. or get an fee, -or solisetbing with- a vague - idea that :be mustkeep out of ----Mrs. Coleman's way, :he partner tothe 'conservatory. stilhneeelitbhcielideidateinigthmk rtifradagr-unPcfa'dethIP " And my flower ?" he said, "do not cheat shyly tooka. spray o totrope rom her and led her in silence ga,ok to the ph bosom which Nevilleesaerly appropriated; from :whence they canie. 'Sir Frederic..nodded to his friend, and left the room. .6 No," -said the pale .girl„.siniling with a 'CHAPTER II. pleasant arch expression ; "but I have " Have -you been dancing, dearest ?" been nsuckamused." tionately. - Neville 'was .not punattial, howeiert and it was nine o'clock bdore the friends were en -reale for the festive scene. , : "I wonder what' new vagary my grand- . He lingered a motnent, loath to. leave father was up -to te-day," said Sir Frederic her,. yEit feeling himself disnliAseet l're-- sentry:Mit: Coleman. touched his -arm -- have waited longer, only the had to start =Compton; by itome Etepid. mistake, is dano- for _Pails by the _night' mail, sO there Will ing with Miss Weston instead of Miss Del - be UM impedixiien# the less to. Our. 'sehenne vigne." "Pray do not. inflitst me oil any More "That is well," said Miss Delvigne, and bowing to Neville; sat down. . Compton, as they "began to get clear of the noisier streets. ks Tile old boy Was three tiniesat the hotsik this afternoon ; had not ine get. you a. partrer. inust take better "Come, Captain Nevilte,"Iihe said, " let long left 'When I returned, and said he'd care of my fiends.. I see -Sir Frederic - to -night.' . "Ours $aY Yr ark" 'returned Neville!, th:tlelr:uaplidativiteitiefr-'"i'lli 78"il'aly-Lbilt7t rtdhigtErinerwillahei young ladies," .said Neville; " I bave diti. message, and SiM . . . - danding-_ wit/2120-r' 'cried -Mrs Colenian,,in- " Mimi Delvigne ! Then you have,...been . dom asks leave o 138 43feasaat_fan,0103,,,. lb% ;Cuttin...:.1:1:1?..y.ile.. , I_waitt reeruits dissa,tisfied 'accents. " Ah 1 you niust not said his good lunnere tion had progressed' -the intricate figuree with Sir Frederic, be down heatted! Is( f success- when our who Seenied- to -make- liimeelf uncoMEnonly • love and riohes. 'Not a Lodge'Sk John's agreeable,' and•to . be en the -happiest termit- ; for landed propertki and she has &bent a to."el,mi-ealing-Pe'rit •br:chepatuiozdiveedreinall of the -green. eyed- utenster. Graduall old thou d , . no BO deSPeratelY ing sense of debt. and difficlultY-7--. the eon- withlilepartner., 'Not even hie -memory of • on the lo-wer floor and e : undiseernibie, and -ist.. - some rooms, These fo - -ffirl(741L-dm,wawuhititettt--11:12awitriaa;dite. '.ine.811.1,1111°0** rib; 32/ -Alined to kiss...her when eh, loo!ce,into my tention tietween ins sudden passicin for the the tone in which Elbe had said, 44 You '• quite different," could silence the whispers are: , thoughts crept back to Nev- ille ; the -anYaw- . gusted -Miss Delvignee. anhare, • .antn yourself, h -that -• green leaves." • •- _ "Doi! _What a charming ideal: And where -hive yott been if- `you have not been witch in Civilized life?" go,"- companion. -4 Don't "Some msn c at are cm the road to e- Frotn thence be lied the Satisfaction of comatunioation tliat mement ing venture' nOthg of the .hcihae•' he eseape-d. into. a -eorner, " Then theY tene to watchiOg. the beautiful heiroas ge through T • here Wail an indescribable charm o innooent bolding's, of frank, fearlessf, equality in hezymanner that delighted Neville. Though refined -and gentle, it was so fresh and- untionventional, that he thought within hiniself, " I never dreamed those Southerners could turn out such a WOIXIEW2. • I. could feel more comfortable and at hornet if 1 w as .. . . have!' " -Here clu y yeal Bayou see he has a raania.•Mrs„ Coleman's ream se, substantially the Established Chia.t Cook;of Iladdington,'" mine ocoasion, after prf‘, ing•parigli, the winistei had produced a great ir lection having been thev _ _• . Captaillr.ond Van- erinsliew a chair to -the table Soo • his head, made a deep incision crate de Strasbourg and transferreda year,- almost in a_ ring -fence, lying right beTwien my. Devonshire and „Cornwall estates. Then her father was a sworn ailyof the old governor's; his cor- respondent at New Orleans for centuries. Ultimately, he came over here, bought this property, investedlislittle savings„doubled them (I dare say she has thirty or forty thouiand in the! funds}, brought up his -el -Ay - Child in 'a half savage, half philosophical- n e t her et wa-rd.of My grand- dad' I t of it to his plate, thee_ shook his suPPeee • 'nineteen no.ti. -.--- says she is handsera .gain - and, holding his- knife and fork hl :Mother a derky, probably t Now I admire to thecoMM011 BUM enesZi Year at.ai' a u eighteen or •lve, faint°, deep tilought. a. few- niinutett re.entered, lig-fresher, havin h ci ntrence and hand - conservatory of to'igionu. art,' it will he scarcely vieible besets. e Ana,fer,i0;11 and his shame at seokontntki . the tar t quoted at 85c., and La sm a. vrt e s ortune to pay his debts. Yet • t from 112 to 815 per ton. Oystereir rates at S8 to 1)10 perq'tiOrd; a,'"iikfaix,of Compton to suggeet s h tilyjit- up, mid The entrake sort a sene fat and d' French te heiress! w nerisair of 11, uieiescopes So, of course, the expectations of astronomers, founded on rough calculations made of its orbit in September, that the comet vionld return to the sun by Christmas win not be fulfilled, and the violent atmospheric' arnivulsions . • and otlier direful consequences * aelc eyeee and all that sort of thine mg of his oombptikifnefainary, cannot_ take place before mime °r- It is exvec for New York counts. a ed at 55 to 75o. per can -the latter being-- himself. It was not e of I/glaciation, and then uo ville) would make husband than it 4) blondes; besides," he added, feeling'', "i uel to. take a fellow's freedom from just as he begins to, enjoy it, and be bored with a:Nz other woman now °hong. Totums is such a nice, bright ant little thing. , • at's all very weIl ; but don't you get ny mischief with Miss Totums," said le gravely. - • - e young lady in question was a dis- ed member of a distliguished bal. 12 &meet for a succession of rapid ettelsn the extreme point of her right g_ t ries of is or lus unifortnfor al dressing geree;*et,e., like him those of his,companion„ only raOlee subdtied mete color. - Without exohangiug MEI•UY WOribir*, he pleas commenced a serious onslaught on the g.901 thingsbefore hira,. and While thus engage ee into a an explanatory word or two Neville Was efevii captain in the -tit /losers, theseadet an old but decayed north 'country race, tin au Tbeletter' have seenhirtt readwas from let,: a Lis haltbrother-,..ths rz,r of: his, fathsea pirou 7 rate- zr Fredetio, accordin ' as soon peirfectiy. at h alit* has been introduced inla s, whose soul be sati e; N. Y., thiOngh rentissiiee .'"n en; while Neville listen° a railway oar which -lad been of Kr. kostet's abienoe, Asses bearing5j: Fredelirinccl'avenr-00ii on. a f • • ppressed anile. ' - "Inzia -4*.Pmbpallirsiutz eptotairthi,e'teha: • a *Birth sulOgium 'upon bie oharao merits, Mrs. Ooleiktan lecl.her 00E4 dancing -intim; where the compapy gyrated diadly.for halt an hour -in waltz, werenow completing the perkormati by trailing 41i:topples, With solemn absurdity' - ,.. ted that non. A. W. Mc telan -r er of Marine and Fisheries, will be appointed - Lieutenant.Governor of =Nova Bootie when Mr. A.rithibald's tertn expires, . Philips, B.A., head master of High aohool; Elora, has resigned his pos1tion-4o accept the principalship of the New Col- legiate Institute at Portage la Prahie, Manitoba* oyal Navy, -a bar. Old and R..i,neenged- Then year latigIeth'ity Fragrant Breath shall And ye -our Teet.b. shall- • „.