HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-12-08, Page 1•
[Sixty years ago.the Louden' Morn,
i?tg,Chrot?icie FiRbliiitqd -rim entitl-
ed " Ona Skeleton," which ex-
'cited- Much- attention. Every effort,
• even -to the offering of 'fifty. guineas, -
Was "vainly made to discover the anthor.
All that Mr*transpired Was that the
poeni, in a fair ,clerky hand, Ny0-feencl
• near a:skeleton :of refairkable beauty
of form and -colour, iti . the rausettin of
the Royal- „College of Surgeons, Lin-
coln's Inn,- London; .and that- the: cur-
ator of the ninseum had 'sent them: -to
.31:r. Perry; editor And proprietor of :04e
Morrtinfj .61hronicle.]
Behold this ruin 1 'Twas a
Once of ethereal spirit full ;
This narrow cell was -Life's retreat.
This SPacnwas Thought's inysteiions seat,
What dreams of pleasure hong foigot .1 -
Nor -hope nor PleaNure, joY nor few', -
Ilia left one trace of record here.
. .
Beneath this.mouldsring canopy •
Once shone u e• bright and busy ;
But Start u, t;, at the flisMil void,
social love .that eye employed,
1t -with no;lairlees lire gleamed, •
thit thrinikla the dewkof kind-neSsibeained,
That eye 4811 .he forever bright : -
When stars and suns are sunk iu night,
Within this hollow cavern hung
Tke ready, swift anad tuneful tongue;
if faliehood's honei it 4isstiained,
And, where it could not- praise, was Chained--.
If it- in in virtue's Cause it .gpoke,
'Yet Trent]e torfcrd- neier broke.
• This silent tongue shall plead for thee -
When time unveils. eternity.
Say;did thesetugers delve the .mine
•Or ith its envied rubiesrshine t .
• TO -hew the rock, or wear the- gem,
Caniittle nOw avail to them.
.But, if the path of.iroth they Sought,
.Ordomfort to the mourner brought, :
These hands a ticker nie.d:Shalteleim
1.-flin all that wait on litiriAith or Paine,
. .
Avails it whether or idled
These feet the_patikof duty. trod.
• lf from the bowers of Ease thef fled,
To et ..ie l• humble 1.ed ; . -
IfGrandeur's guilty bribe they .spurned,
And home to Virtue's cot -returned,
These feet with. angers wings shall vie
And tread the palace of thb sky.;
1- •
work" thigk earth
mime fired off . his The
Agio„ _-Fsmat,
Virr4r4i0- 13-rtkv-grz,,.. •
V.4- • ktt- u•aey-atlia,:v, Solicitor in Chan-
. 0-zen q-invevancer &c. Office next door to
Ois. Post 0-ffl1/4ie, Luckno* OtiL 318
na,cP altlati 0N. ktiOliNRY, Soltel-
*# tor, Queen itreet, Kinnardine 1
• 41,
S.4rrigters; 3 derich„
4,..t.u:96'.V TvA. zitottRoOT.
Ea St/ KEBRVT141.1;.1„ • „
ttf ea-zv-KrN.10su.
att olt egtsvt- o iteitlilstafe.,
Valuator for Truot witt
1). -311110 "k:X.TONt. Gant-eyance.r, tThimmis
tko.-4 L toner -B 11..ete. Money to
at 6- o i terest. . Value -
•or far The hand.ell Bs-1161-1-gC..
• (er 0,,karer)N .417 ON3frov14
.e:yEami.-oictiker in B. It., Consvancer,
• Eta., Etc.
70-urrev1L1icing in 11• its i5ranottes
fleeda, N.I.,rt.caLces, B'111.
&e-, promptly and carefully limper
e& and correctnespciai s vitaral-tsitd.
and aranapt attention paid to the
st..4crehirrIg of. Titles, ad t, all matters con-
. ihitoted. with the trvisfer n, Beal Estate. "
14,SOCOSIW Otace one_ trio(! -r from. Cameron it
mpbell's Bank.-
..0'91201-TOlt, for .1[3.anIc of' •likrailtent; and
0,,Evaaissiatier for taking iiiiidavito for
14satitoba. _ ,
4' writ, Town, ab,a -Village property bought
it4d. gold,
(private t s) Loaned en Bta.ortgage
gOttrity at 6 and 6..11 oe.rce.it. -
,14105.), invoitedl for private persona upon
tttw tyfst Irt.-4-stge securities without tiny ex -
1St to:lie-N(1er.• •
ands for ae ill Manitoba atta the North
7;m— — •
11. kutu- "yrr, of the University of 'rdrontd,
()aloe Camp
tn--esse, the Dr is
in the office: can at thel.inekitow Bank.
TO- LEND easy terms,
paynient:. Apply ,to - • •
JOhN -UOO1L Ageitt Dungannon -•
T$. F. M •
A/.2 Provincial Loianl SurveYor, Valuator ne
gadi' s Drut Stele
'47- tag tut.. Outs All .irdtzs lay- mail will re-.
c-eive p r apt attention. . 1
c. •
litsktra.tice _Agent,.
gROM.E,, l.i•ientiate of
D -ental .3urgery, has re--
wiAted Wingliatn, wletre „he- will carry- .on
• tits dentistry business. bat he would beg- tn
pa t xon.s that be.wiii Visit Luc -know
oa the first. NI o d and. 'Tuesday, a'A d. also -on
.61,4, third .74,1liclay an Ttlesday of each month
Otace at Whitely's: Hotel. - . 15,
• _
meets the 'Thursday
oibeforeiull moon
each month at •8,
p.m . Visiting- breth-
• reit c
• - GEO.. A.SIPDA.1.i.L.
LA.WIRENCE. W. Secretary,
*sets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock, la
Cilir 11%11, (.21a-,m0.011-st. • Ail bre th.rmi cor-
dially invited.• ••
• W. Alt.lit Secretary.
BRICA-N•' N°11k GraLda t -ad -
. t 1--"fibihat on
a week inyour ar Preaching in an isdjoin-
4nd 85 atitfit •-zmister said his eloquence
sT portlive a great impression, the co•l-
/ing been the largestr-for years.
:CAMO4. oftwout
vp ax...T.:c),--
• MOriey to Loan at Recludee He es io
- •
- Suit tne Timer.: • - -
Loans ou Mortgages as Jaw at 6 per cent.,
NOM. -AB tileRTAAAES Boum:
. Prate and dieques; all pints. cashed.
Speciall and -Prompt Attention "paid to the
Collection of Notes., Xecounts, Rents, &c.
r ABLE AT rAlt maned
the Principal cities and tQW11fi f ("Mt u -
and on theThiitesk States and Great
Britian .
Partles ItOrtitting ; •
Win And •this the cheapest.- safest, and -most'
•, convenient Meth o? •
fir.T' ER EST t.
Five' per. Cant. allowed Depogits in th
- Savings Back Department.. •
Funds- ihivested for private Parties..
We are pliparea to offer to -customerg every
• facility:afforded by a frlhartered:Bank • -
• • .arid ou equally. fa-vorahle -t•erms ' •
Ctelltite-Yaneink In all Its Bratieb.eS.
Fire and Life fitsitrafice.-
OFFICE MOITITS--Prtint 9 A.M. TO 4 P. Xit
ff i • ent -Ordertif troited-Workmen, meet in
the Oddfellows 19;a11,- on the second and Jag
• tinday evenings of each uunth, at 8 -o'clock.
Visiting,B•rethrezi are cordially iv vited to • at-
• tend,
•Master Workman. Recorder.
-twin:Low, July 14th, 1882.
kg fix the ,paist, still keeps on hand/A.4w and
•Superior stock.of •
4kclu4ing everything found in the lerderof a
good. housekeeper. He would also inform the
Pc hi ic,in ore particularly the farraingcommun-
ity, that he has engaged the services °la
Aid' wilt carry_ on the /ffilling business -with
-reultwed vigor,- and by turning out good griotg
iro quick time. :gaiu increased patronage from
the public. 411kinds of • ,
: constantly on hand. -
Goods atelivIred te. any !art of the
- 'Town. - •
l'artieshaving salea will do well to give him a
IlfgheiSt - 47 -Ash. Orfeo raid lei
ireftideace.---WrilloughhyStreet,opposite the
ckedir Angust 26tli. 1881. •89 Our
The- Noiernt
9, is as follows
•POVRTR. -=-1
2nd, . Maggie, .Aier report for S,_
• No:
O-NEY TO LOAN at 7 per cent. ;from Moran 4th, Ir—
v? 1-4741 Lottie g. Johnston ;
in Ontario ait- wellas Idanitolut. Partici -de-
2 tti 20 veark. lists of:Farms for sale [ Q T•
Blake ; .3rd John
• by- inspigiting,the,adVertiaing fa, Vat. f011enving
siro. us. to sell fat:ins.., cons: 1...t th,aeiruiouni'a:-no any. "d
Prom Our Own Correeponde.nt,
• Sleighing is once. more hailed with
-delight by the young Wieland gentle-
men of this vicinityi who appear to be
enjoying themselves -sleigh-riding:
,We understand that the well_at the
school- has -been cleaned out and the
pump. • repaired. This is something
whichIes been very badly needed for
the past two years.
A • team belonging to Mr. 011iver
-JolinstOn, thelOth on., ran away -
the other evening, •-bilt was caught by.
Mr. A. Shoebottom,- before- any daniage
.was done. -
We understand. ital. Mr: Peter ()or-
rigan and 'his estiraafde lady represent-
ed this' locality at th 3. "St. Andrew's
the.Tircrit.a fe-3-,an-I---iplituckalow on the
the Methedisi Oburarh9- f llov6r4Pr.'•-
'_Ncvember 26th. if: LucknoW, preach-
'Irnetive Sermon in
AS "eh here, on Sunday,
••• •11110•101.1111........4.••••••.,
pri.kyr t. smes street, Mon -
• treal, is to the pointiad tonvincing-: St.
Jacobs Oil has proved of incalCulable value
to me- in. a ease of rhettmatism, having
liven mealmost instant relief." . In the
same strain of expressive. brevity writes
Mr. john C. Plerning, editor:in ehief- of the
Montreal Post: • "I have lunch pleasure in
• stating-tgat,Irom the use Of St. Jacobs Oil,
I find if excellent think it .a. geed
4,6 heat it," Said the doctor • "what
'e collection amo• unt to in
ted to ninepenee," replied the other.
pence," said the doctor • "dc you
that---.1arge.?" "Large it's three
the usual amount. Our ordinary
tion is never over threepenee.” " Ah,
en,"- said the doctor, -" my eloquence
, didn't go for much ; I pat• in .sixpence
Jszyself.'t • -•
Ths temperance speaker, Francis Mar-
• PhY, hard at work in Seetland and eh-
teiaing wiany followers.
Actors who have travelled through the
.eonntry- agree -that the meet perfeetly built
g . —
about mime 1L-1 E. FinlaY•
. .
the lioririnIst, Beatrice 17
however, butr-.4,1k,•Kilp• atrick .
all the glory if
Oetober:. To the C4e°. Oran -
become nudism/ming
January it will be solaty- Riddle ;
the, largest telescope'u Luc•inda-
• expectations of astrf
rough calculgiai•-' - Kilpatrick/
• Eleptember, 3 •
to the sunl)katie -Moran; 2nd,
and thd-Wcd, Catnerine E. Blake.
and oil; ,
jeil°227I-Zra.nn-L-a1114, Joseph Moran
and•decorated theatre -of the pnitecHtt-Ams,
is 7,./r Denver. Lannan ; 3rd, Matthew
few days ago Be',. X. L. jOat'iw---4Pire 4th Anse" Fin-laY•
prior, WOO
shioners a curprised to receivofis e ftginsT. Wm. Clair
one of his parione-tenth
• ey 3rd Maxwell ; 4th
'barley crop as .4 thank-offetiing to -
Cbarebe• An. Reed., - • ••
e -best spellei. in the
-R- 8, 1882.
•spelling matches were: Fourth, Annie
J..Kickley ;- Senior Third,' Beatrice V.
• Finlay ; Junior Third, Mary Riddle;
-Second, Katie Moran,- Second Part,
"Norman Shackleton, Ma -
well Wilson-. •
The pupils and young people of the
Above Section are preparing for -an en-
tertainment on Thursday -.night, Dec121St -
-Ohlittniai tree will forth one
feature of the entertainment. A small
admission, fee, of le,L cents is to be
charged, the proceeds to be used in
erecting a bell On the schonl-house.:
Rev. R 0. Renders his been hold-
ing revival -meeting for _some- -weeks
now at Blake's appoin.tment.
No. 4,- Kinioss.
The following marks, based on regu-
lar attendance, good conduct and
general proficiency, were obtainedby.
the pupils of this school for the month
'of November, 1882. The !lathes of
the first four in_ each class are given--
;in order of merit
Fopmin -McKeri.-
zie, 114, :Archie Kerr, -108.
.. „
SENIOR - Hall, !..1.31-;
Geo. - V1etoher,130 ;:-Nellie Gray,. 127,
Ones.' Mellish, 118. . • -
_ Stothers,-
143 Ida .:Jones, -142.; Katie Kerr,'
115: ; Ben Baker, 6—
-.SENIOR :-SEc.0,13,----.-.Tain4.
197, Ellen Harris,137 Frank*Igel.-
Anba!• Harper 12-8,
-4itep$EcoND,--4gnea Corrigan
215-; Mary 0.1.111088.4. 171 • Peter Corri-
gan, 162; Mary. :Kerr; 155.
ker 143 ; Mary McKenzie, 122.; Jno.
McLennan, 120;- Jno: Fletcher; 120.
.)-*Nicnt TART- Szoorrn,--Mary- SOW-
art,- 139,; Fred Jones, 123Joseph
•Corrigan, 122 ; Rodger Cain, 104.
e011111i Uhl it "AT /0
Ners.-7-W• wish it to be distinca y .toiderstood
-that wed° lot kart ourselvei- regpoutible. 1w-
_ the rie!eli expressed by cOrreeponiknts—:.ED.
• r .6.6hoOi Teachers
-To- the ,E.ditor of the $entinel!:
question of the selection
of teacher's for our :public :scheol now
ocouping the - attention of the School
Board is one of the -utmost importance
to the ratepayers - generally, but more
espeCially to the parentswho have
children attending the - - We
knew .of no profession entailing :the
same labor and responsibility,: and re-
quiring the same length of time in
acquiring,. that affords " such. Small and
inadequate renuiteration aa ahat of a
School Teacher. -There :is as much
difference between different -lawyers,
doctors, merchants, or even preachers
and to be a•succesSful teacher requires
ability, tactandexperience, as well as my e s
a conscientious regard for the rep -mg- mug vittla
d•uties to their- Constituents. by sque .%tft..,40tIc on theinib'ec f S
mg down; the salaries' of the teacheef" lur"
think -.they are best. fulfilling their
-Ttie jle:menfillsat:Itiottheeieninei:31yremrigale:::
whencw e cee qualitieshillthewoaf
the creittittnGerg Itaallicesuem-
bliities, of the positicin. Some trustees
. is a. bad plan changing teiCh-
hi eheapesi 'dues -pas, jasuts: .the curative •0
a.iad,by securing t edy to a party arouncl him. = '
sihle. to fill theipoSition at their :die- tr.,-
. -
Resat This we consider a great' mis-
ers _frequently if it an be avoided -
but to allow an -old and tried teacher
to go Ancl,fill -their place with- a- new
,and untried one for the sake- of * few
paltry liollars increase of salary, is cer-
tainly'44;ery grave ero.r indeed. We 15 to
are moved to write -this letter by the 200.-4
recent conduct of the board towar- se4ti0ai
one of Our most valned teachers, Ali
. - _ ),
Burgpss. Miss •::Burgess has taught in. 1,1,41
our 0.1b1.itzi school for twelve years, The
during which -lengthened ::•Pariod not a_ start_
sincle, complaint has ever been . made- niles-wes
, ,
:against hr by - either master or 'the most fertile v=W-
mspector.:.: She is a most-conscientiOusF west. 'Their -is 'very -gooilt,
arid .pa4rt.faling teacher, and --enjoya along the.,James-riyer.-- valley
not only tlie.affectien and geed Will of to 30le- few --the, _surface.
the children but also ;the c-onfidence 'Sir; I wil itritg:fAl.-
anct,esteem of the parents and citizens._
generally:, At -a recent Meeting of the, ' -
board it was eonsidered,- and we belieVe -
'preverlrso) that the best teacher should
s�ut signed to the lower .clepartmeisisl the---azilefa9ttuor;bnieiow4pi:Elpeintsin,Toit,iil:rietdic•if:O"
liOwever consulting '-
ess in: the . matter at.all, tyd op9,4trintli d 'States will
ti.juni eP .
'Melt witirOnt an - increase Of, -sal*
while - -Miss Murray who formerly „Ot-
c'upied the position was nia-d:e to change ---
"places' with. Miss - BiirgesSiat arr.increa e
of salary. - Middleteri's".SalAryi-wits
likewite increased and Miss Burges
was -asked to sithmit to the humiliati4
• of-- an Irish 'promotion, -to--underfa,14;
harder work and to take,. -!„.a._ -po§itNit
subordinate to Miss , iV,Eurray whotis
gettibi' she .formerly - withOtt
-increase Of salary. It -should beiber4
in mind that Miss. Biniess'certificate •
. = .
.18 a permanent 2nd class B, while Miss
Murray's. is in expired 3th class We not question the good 'intentions:a
the board but theyshoweda deplorable:
140k of tact a..s well aseourtesy to*ards.
Miss Burgess, ,,and ;their action' bids:
:fair to deprive us of the services of a. -
veined- and efficient teacher who has
served .1w -faithfully for[i - period ..
twelve years.. We hOpe. to see the -
matter yet..arranged and Miss-13urgeset
retained in tile school .
To -the Editor otare Sent#zel. :
DkaR Sts,. -----It is now twenty
Months -since I left . Lucknevy and:44 '
old -homestead, -destined for. :Nike* .
once dubbed- the great American desert,
but which has long since- received -4
•better nate, and to -day _ranks among
the first of the states and territories of
the nation.:; and why? beeauSe of her
pure air,lertile soil, : and thousands _of .
broad: acres of rich -farm and pastes- r
land, that may be had 'for the taking,
take and they are being tn as - homer. ---
, , .
etead's pre-emptions and timber claiMk:,
every day The rapidity. with which jt
is being settled up and tilled-ris sonfie.i
-thing wonderful. -,For instance, thr0- •
Weeks . 'age, four -townshiPS,":- three. 10,,,.
which form' a part of Bre** .cOtint----:
. , •
. Caine Into inarket, :and ingide of fort -
eight hours not . a single timber -61aiu'
•that -had.-..not been filed on and tak•
up for farm_ purpose. - . :Joitnesteii*-,
and: pre-emptions are filed on, by. a*,
score every day, Claims in "iny neighs;
berhood sell readily at 4000 to .$4409):
,accerding, to the .--ainoUnt Of imProi4-:
ments thereon. - The soil here is -ariehi-,
-black- lOara to the depth of -..s,,Yo or thrtiir,
feet, beneath -Which- lies- a s rata of
o ; ti--
yellow clay of a quality uitable "I'V
aking•first class brick. . aine Of t
finest. specimens of 'Wheati- eorn,_ , oat
rye, barley, potatoes, and ther reg -
tables that were raised : in - sodt-ranir.
broke_ this Past -spring, are "sho*n.,,,,bi,
promininent plitees-hevie,---and--eitite t
Wender and admiration of all who
Fl.pect ': them.- , :Wheat yields ' 04:-:, .
bushels per acre ef.-4,rdN.Q. 1, commOisf,
oats, :: yield; 1-80 : bushels freni three .,
bushels -of -seed, corn brings 100 bushelt..
• of- ears, to the .aere and . potatoes weigh-,
ing from. one to two putin., cis-- each. -
*11 these go to prove the -adaptahilil..y
of -Dakota soil to profitable agriculturei.
.and yet with the golden - -o0ortuilit
hoyi ..many young "Bloods," '
rather lounge about town,- loioi#g
tag:stores-au .dry -goods boxek
they expected- to ._hatch• -.11
therefrora.,:tOtbo s?
Blues • Up—Your system for wort.
ZOPESA, the new Dyspepsia and Liver rem- -
edy, attends strictly to business in toned- ,
mg the Stomach. Liver and Kidtiey.e.
Samplebottles, 10 cents, large bottles 15
be, a
= Aberdeen,' Nov. 1