HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-01-23, Page 3THE WINGHAM TIMES. JANUARY 23, 1908. TO ADVERTISERS *oefe cif' changell roe* be left at thin ornoe not later than Saturday noon - The oopy for obouges laud be left not later thou Monday evening• Oae'na1 a d.Pertisements accepted up to noon Wocbiesdav of each week. 1184VA•RTrI$UE1 1872 WINUIAlti TIMES, B.111.140'N1~,lernst eruanAMUPRQPRIIDToe r'I URSDAY. JAN. 23 1908. NOTES AND COMMENTS A Great Doctor Speaks of a Great Remedy Mr. E Norman Lewis, M P for West Huron, gives notice in the Com- mons of a bin to amend the provisions of the Orbnival Code respecting assaults as women awe children. It not only provides for more ad•gnete puniahmett of assailants of woman, bat proposes for the senteneiug to death of any man who criminally assaults a girl under fourteen years: of age. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Strongly Endorsed by one of the World's. Greatest Doctors -Hope for the Sick. Dr. Williams' PiukPills fel' Pale People is the only advertised medicine in the world that has lied the publio endoreation of a doot •r of • world wide reputation. Such an endorsation stamps tbie medi• cepa as being worthy of the confidence of every person who is sink or ailing. A great doctor would not risk his reputa- tion unless he was absolutely confident, through a personal knowledge, that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will do what is claimed for them Dr Giuseppe Lap• poni, one of the greatest pbysiciens of modern times, for years the trusted medical adviser of the Pope, writes the following strong letter in favor of Dc. Williams' Pink Pills. • 1 certify that I have tried Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills in four cases of the simple anaemia of development After a few weeks of treatment. the result Dame fully np to my expsotatioue For that reason I shall not tail in the future to extend the use of this laudable pre- paration not only in the treatment of other morbid forms of the category o anaemia or chlorosis, but also in oases Ie has been offioially announced that the final session of the present Provincial Parliament will open on February 5th. The session will be a stormy one, for it is the intention of the Premier to go to the country during the latter part of the summer, and the Opposition, led by the .Hon. A. (. MoKay, will put forth every effort to strengthen their position in the coming campaign. The sessional program will probably include a redis- tribution measure, new legislation re- garding ednoation, the revision of the Mines Aot, and a large amount of private legislation. Some of oar farmers wonder why their sons have a desire to quit the farm, preferring town or city life. The cause is with the farmer himeelf. With a boy on the farm it is perpetual toil in . good weather, all through the busy season, and perpetual leanness in bad weather, and most of the winter season. The time when the farmer has leisure is at the ` very time when they cannot get away from home on account of their isolation and bad roads. The boy hun- gers for company and his heart revolts against this unendurable lonliness, and to free himself from it, walks miles through mod to spend an hour at the country store. We are glad tomote that. in some sections of our country the young people of both sexes have broken through these barriers, and established farmers' clubs and little s3oieties of one sort or another. This should be encour- aged, and will prove a great tonic to keep. young people on the farm and make life to them worth living. -Card- well Sentinel. of neurasthenia and the (Signed) DR GITJS Via dei 74e.., E LAPPONI, raoobi 332, Rome The "simple an mia of development" referred to by Lapponi ie of oourse that tired, let aid condition of yourg girls wh se ovelopment to womanhood is tardy, whose health, at the period of that development, is so often imperil- led. His opinion of the valve of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at shat tune is of the highest scientifio authority, and it confirms the many published oases in which anaemia and other diseases of the blood, as well as nervous diseases, have been cured by these pills, which, it need hardly be mentioned, owe their efficacy to their power of making new blood, a':d and thus eating directly upon the diges- tive and nervous system. In all oases df anaemia, 1deoline, indigestion, and all troubles due to bad blood, and all affec- tions of the nerves. es St. Vitus' dance, paralysis and locomotor ataxia, they are commended to the public) with all the greater confidence because they have f { the strong endorsation of this great 1 physioian. rorromoommorl vantage of the Short Course at the Agricultural College in judging stook, seed, &o. The wonder is that many more do not take advantage of the practicable training available. BELGRAYE The annual congregational meeting of Euox Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday of this week. Rev. J. J. Hastie was called to the ohsir and Peter W. Scott was secretary. The total con- tributions for the year for all purposes amounted to 41152, divided into $792 for stipend and other congregational ex- penses and $360 for missions. The Sabbath school, Women's Foreign Mis- sionary Sooiety and Mission Band gave encouraging reports. The session re- ported 79 families and 160 members. All the retiring officers were re-elected. It was decided to discontinue the old way of having collectors ea ling at each home for subscriptions to minister's salary and in future distribute envelopes which can be returned on the coileotion plate twice a year. It was agreed to celebrate the anniversary this year by bolding an old time tea -meeting in October. A very pleasant event took place at the Ethel Parsonage on Tuesday after- noon Jany 14th, when Mise Hannah J. Mills, one of Ethel's fairest young ladies, was united in marriage to Geo. W. Elliott, a prosperous young farmer of Molesworth. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott are 1 having in u few days for Pilot Mound, Man., where they purpose taking up housekeeping. Tneir many friends here wish them much happiness and great prosperity in their home. Life Will be Shortened. ' Those who fail to observe the funda- mental rules of health, especially those who neglect constipation, --will have short lives. Costiveness ruins health, destroys vitality. weakens the blood, causes dyspepa/a nervousness and in- somnia. Why nit use Dr. Hamilton's Pills and be oared. Take one or two pills -before retiring and you're well next morning. No. gripe or pain. no headache or nausea when you use Dr. Hamilton's Palls, --they cure scientific- ally. Positively the best laxative known, 25 cents at all dealers. ORM Mies Belle McKibben will make; an extended visit with relatives in the West. We wish her an enjoyable time. Rev. Mr. Kerney, of Clinton, a former resident of the 7th con., of Grey town- ship, has accepted a call to the diocese of Chicago and left for the Windy City last week. Last week Oliver Turnbull, 15th con., went to Guelph where he is taking ad - 1 It Quiets the Cough live Stock Markets. Toronto, Jan. 21. -While opinion eon - Rioted somewhat sharply as to the state of business at the City Cattle Market to -day, some affirming that business was good and prices even firmer than last week, and others as positive that trade was bad and prices lower, the fact re- mained that for good butcher there is as good a demand as last week,. and that in some few oases higher prices were pt:id for both export and for butcher cattle. For the ordinary run of medium to good loads of butcher cattle there was to -day a good demand and prides were steady. There was, however, a large proportion of poor common butcher cattle offering in to day's run, and as the same may be said of all reoeet runs, the market is more than well supplied with this class of stuff, and prices are just a little easier for the commonest cattle. In the export market a load of very choice cattle sold at 35.25. In the butcher class the choicest pioked cattle sold at $4 80 bo 35. and good straight loads at 34.15 to $4 40. The hog market has become much weaker again, to -day's quotations show- ing a still further decline of 25o from last week. The total run to -day was 78 care, with 1223 head of cattle, 830 sheep, 200 hogs, and 104 calves. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. 34 50 35 25 4 35 4 25 3 50 3 50 :ROAMS. Richard Proctor, the well known Tax Collector of this township, has returned his roll of 1907 with every cent of the large sum of 36,392 74 collected. This is the largest amount ever oolleoted in Morris for one year and Mr. Proctor's record will be hard to surpass. We aro very sorry to report that Mrs. Gilbert Speir, an old and worthy resi- dent of the 4th line, had the misfortune to fall at the residence of her son, John Speir, and break her right arm at the wrist and also her thigh. As Mrs. Speir is over 88 years of age a shook of this kind is not nearly so easily overcome as in a younger person. We hope she will soon be better. This is one reason why Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so valua- ble In consumption. It stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more -it controls the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor" about this. The best kind tit a testimanlaal-- "sad for over sLttiw yearn " The council elect for the current year, viz: -Geo. Taylor, Reeve, and Messrs, Shaw, Campbell, Taylor and MoCat- oheon, Councillors, met pursuant to statute on Jany 13th and subscribed the necessary declarations of office and qualifications and the council was duly organized, the Reeve occupied the chair. Shaw -Campbell. -That W. Clark be reappointed Clerk at a salary of 3130 00- -Carried. Taylor -O. G. Campbell -R. Johnston and P. McNabb were appointed auditors, salary 38.00 each, Mr. Henry Bone appeared requesting that his property, viz: -S 3,4 lot 20, con, cession 3. be detached from S.'S. No. 8 and annexed S. S. No. 6. MoCutcheon •- Taylor. - That Mr. Bone's request be considered at next council meeting to be held on Feby 17th and the Clerk be instructed to notify the interested parties to that effect. -Cd. Campbell -N. Tay lor,-The tender of W. H. Kerr for the Township printing at 340 00 was accepted. Mcoutcheon - Shaw. --John Watson was appointed Assessor for the current year at a salary of $70 00. Taylor -Campbell -Mr, David Laid- law was appointed member of the Board of Health. Shaw - MoOutcheon.-Dr. Hamilton was appoined Medical Health Officer. By -Law No. 1, for the appointment of Township Officers was duly read and passed. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows, viz: -Fraser and Logan, tile, 322 10; 3. McMillan, gravel, $4 08; Jno. Colclough, gravel, $5 11; Wan. Taylor, gravel, $1,12; R. Procter, Collector's salary, $83.00; R. Yonilt, timber and p'aak on centre sideline, $3 00; D. Davidson, donation to Sick Children's Hospital, $500; W. Clark, nomination expenses • and posting finanoisl state - meat, $6 00; W.H. Kerr, printing de- bentured, 33 00; T, S. Efandon, part salary, $50:00. Shaw * MoOntcheon --- The Murton then adjourned to sheet again en the filth Feb. next at 10 s'oloek a. til. W. MUM, Cilerk, risowvisry tP.WeRie rWelefileir wieri •ss 44, Choice Medium. Bulls Light Cows Feeders - best 1000 pounds and up- 4 25 2 75 1 50 4 25 3.50 3 00 3 25 wards Stockers choice " balls Butchers' - Picked Medium Cows Bulls Hogs - Beet5 50 5 60 Lights ' 5 25 Sheep - Export ewes 3 75 Bucks.... 3 50 Galls 4 60 3 00 2 00 4 75 5 00 3 00 3 75 3 50 3 75 2 00 2 50 Spring Lambs eaoh.. 5 50 Calves. each .... 6 00 ' 4 25 3.75 3 25 6 00 7 00 4PINGHAM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Jan. 22nd, 1908. Flr.or per 100 lbs.... 2 65 to 3 15 Fall Wheat .... 0 94 to 0 95 Oats, 0 40 to 0 42 Barley .... ..... 0 55 to 0 60 Peas0 78 to 0 80 .•.••-•. Butter...... 0 22 to 0 22 Eggs per dos 0 23 to 0 23 Wood per cord 2 50 to 300 Hay , per ton... 14 OO to 16 00 Potatoes, per bushel ...... 0 60 to 0 60 Lard ... - 0 15 to 0 15 Live Hogs, per owt. 5 25 to 5 25 Dried Apples . 05 to 0 05 Turkeys, per lb 12 to 0 13 Geese, per Ib 08 to 0 09 Docks, per lb. 08 to 0 09 Ohtokens, per lb 07 to 0 OE TAKE NOTICE.,, That J. S, Jerome, Dentist, is making beautiful sets of teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airohamber. All work guaranteed. Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham. INVESTIGATE Into the merits of the CENTRAL STRATF ORD. ONT. It is the most successful business Paining school in. Western Ontario. Our Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphto Departments are in the charge of able instructors of exper- ience, All our oonrsee are thorough, up•to•date and practical. We have become one of the largest business training schools in the province. Get our free catalogue and learn what we are doing. Commercial schools as well as business men employ oar graduates. Enter no now. entering ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. KERR'S 1 THE BIG STORE KERR'S WINGRAIK,- ONTARIO Gigantic Sacrifice Sale THIS BIG SALE 18 NOW COINC AT A WILD FIRE PACE -100D, NEW, -- - R CLEAN,. UP-TO-DATE GOODS WONDER BARGAINS EVERYWHERE. i A SALE FOR CASH OR TRADE ONLY No goods charged at cut prices. Butter, .Eggs and Dried Apples taken same as cash. ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD ! Going outof business ! Sale closes February 15, 1908. Don't miss this opportunity for money -saving. NOTICE Money Wanted. A LOT OF SNAP, GINGER, ENTHUSIASM Earnestness, honesty and genuineness about this sale. We mean just what we say. Come early for bargains. All accounts must be paid by, cash or trade or notes at ones. Every account must be balanced, as we expect to leave here as soon as our stock and property is disposed of. YOU KNOW VALUES- You know you never bad a chance at such things as these betore ; you know that the sale is just what we said it would be.- prices gone to smash in every department. HOUSE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT 50o Window Shades, plain, sale price......... 380 60o •1 11 " 45o 75c 'i lace " 57o 90o ,1 lace and insertion68o 31.00 " deep lace and insertion75c Certain Poles complete with rings, ends and brackets, oak or mahogany finish. 4 ft. pole reg. 25o for 20c-5 ft, pole reg. 30o for 23o Brass Extension Rode, complete, reg. 15o for 110 „ 16 11 11 20o for 15o " 11 11, „ 60o for 45o Chenille and Damask Curtains, reg $7.50 for 36.63 reg. 35.75 for $4 31, - 4 50 for $3 38, - 3 50 for 32 63 ' 1 33.25 ' 1 32.44, - 3 00 " 32 25, - 2.50 " 31 88 Chenille & Damask Table Covers, 33.50 for $2 63 reg. $2 60 for $1.88, - 1.50 for 31.13, • 1.25 for 95o Reversible Smyrna Rugs, reg." 33 00 for $2 25 Small Rugs, Tapestry, Sm3rna, &o. 500 for 380 SENSATIONAL LUES IN CA • 41.10 Carpet for 8' . 31,00 80o " .•Oo 75o 60a " 45o SOo 403 " 300 350 Carpet 1r 16 for 75o 56o 38o 26o BIG RIBBON BARGAINS A quantity of Silk Ribbon at about half price, 50 Ribbon for 3c I 10o Ribbon for 7c 7o 11 50 15o 103 20o and 25o Ribbon now 15o BARGAINS IN FURS Ladies Jackets, Caps. Soarfs, Stoles, Muffs, &c. $18,00 Furs for 312.00310 00 Furs for 36 67 $15.00 44310 00 I $9 00 " 36 00 313,00 " 38 07$8 00 " $5.34 312.00 " $8 00 I 35 00 i1' 33 84 325 00 set, Soaff and Muff, now only 316 67 355 00 Jacket for 337.00 $28 00 Cape fqr $19 00 338 00 " $26 00 327.00 " 312 00 332 00 4' $21 00 512.00 1/ 38.00 DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT •31.25 Tweed or Black Drees Goods for 80o to 95c $1.00 " " 69c to 750 75o " " " 57c 60o " " " 3Bo to 45o 500 "• " '" 38o Every piece of Dress Goods at reduced prices. Nigger Head Mautle Oloth,Qarl Cloth and Tweeds at your own price. They mast go. Flannelett Sheeting, ivhite or grey, reg. 35o for 273 Wool " '1 44 76o for 57o Flannelette Blankets, large size, best quality,, white or grey, reg. price 31 35 sale pair 31,00 Bed Comforters, reg. 32.50 - 31.88, reg. 2.25 - $1.70 Women s Heavy Doable Shawls, reg. 34.00 for $3 00, reg. 2.50 for 31.86, reg. 1,50 for 31,13 Ladies Kid Gloves, 911 sizes, tan col. 31.25 for 85c Ladies Fancy Silk Ties, regular 31.00 for 65e All -Wool Fancy Flannels, reg 45c for 32o, 40e - 30e 32.00 " 31.50 BOOT AND SHOE PRICES GONE ALL TO SMASH. Women's, Misses', Childrea'a, Men's and Boys' Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at big reduction in prices. 33 50 Boots for 32 68 32 50 Boots for $1.88 31.00 " .75 I- CAS KING ! A LITTLE BUYS A LOT 1 BRING YOUR CASH' WITH YOU ! • 1 ...k."..."~0~4~Gt460044"."'`'"Ala Great SLAUGHTER SALE Now on at D. M. Gordon's The following lines are all to be cleared out at a reduction of twenty- five cents off every dollar. Think•what this means where goods are now marked very close : Yon get a dollar's worth for 760 and so on up to 3100.00 for 375 00. Namely: Men's and Women's Fur Coats, All sizes and descriptions of Furs from the most expensive to the cheapest. Women's Cloth Coats, all this season's Men's, Youths and Boys Overcoats. All linss and sizes of Ready-to-wear Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. For other very tempting lines and pricer see our windows and bargain oonntere. D. M. GORDON. AFTER -HOLIDAY I BARGAINS c We have bargains in many lines of goods w hich purchas ers will do well to look into. We are goi ng out of certain lines and will sacrifice the goods in order to clear them out. R. KNOX 4 Opposite Queen's Hotel. . WINGHAM. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• +6•N••••A••N•••••••••i♦♦ Have you renewed your sub. eoription to THE TIMES for 1908 ? If not, why not ? FANCY CHINAWARE AND GLASSWARE. UNSHRINKABLE. UNDERWEAR GREAT SLAUGHTER IN PRICES. PRICES GONE TO SMASH, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. $12.00 Coats 38.00' - 39.00 Coat 36.00 $7.60 " $6.00 - $6 00' $4 00 $5 00 " 33 34 - 34 25 32 85 34 00 " $2 67 - 33.00 " 32,00 These are all new goods. Nearly ail New Goods, New Styles, New Shapes. New Colorings. PRICES BADLY SMASHED. Limoges China, . Garman China, Austria China, English China. Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets. No reserve -every article of Chinaware, Glassware, Cat Glass, meet go - and must go soon. COME EARLY. Regular 31 00 Underwear fore.. .....75o ' 760 38c 40000 « I. • • . • 30c " 25c '" 1i 200 Men's All -Wool Shirts, reg. $1.00 for750 ,• " Drs 4 75o 570 11 Fleece -lined Shirts " 60o 450 Tremendous Cutting in Men's and BOys' Clothing Women's Wrappers, reg. 31.25 for83 ,1 11 " $1.00 " 67 $2 50 4 11 Night Robes „ 31.50" .,$1, 11 „ 11 31.00 " 75 (6 „ " 760 " 4,66 1, „ " 500 " 88 " Shirt Waists " $2 00 " 41,50 ' ,1 11 " 31.50 " .41.12 $1 00 Pants .67 - 31.85 Pants 31 25 31.50 i4 3100 - 88.00 " 32.00 32.00 " 31.33 - 35.00 " 33.33 GROCERY BARGAINS. $12 Suit for $8 00 - 312 Overcoat "•: 00 $10 " 36 67 - $10 •' $6 67 $9 " $6.00 - $9 " 36 00 $7 " $4 67 - 37 " 34 67 35 1, $3 83 , $5 " 33.33 Best Granulated Sugar 211bs $1.00 Best Cleaned Currants, 31be 25 Best Seleoted Raisins, 334 lbs ....255 Best Cooking Figs, 5 lbs ........25 Richard's Pare Soap 7,bars for .... ,.for.25..25 Eclipse and Muses best Soap 7 bar Best Mixed Candy, 4 lbs .25 gest Mixed Nuts, 21bs...... ....26 Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 pkge ..... 25 Icing Powder, albs ...25 New Dates, 41bs 26 a Big Sale Farley Bach Combs & Side Combs 7500 Combs for .7565 - .255 Combs .270 11 ,1 38 . .20 " .15 .50Men's 20o unbreakable combs for 130. (a2en's Wool Sweaters, reg. 31.25 for ..95.3 Men's Wool Sweaters, reg. $1.00 for. •750 $1.00 Cape for .60 .85 Caps for .S� •75.50 shard and soft felt hats at half pride. I- CAS KING ! A LITTLE BUYS A LOT 1 BRING YOUR CASH' WITH YOU ! • 1 ...k."..."~0~4~Gt460044"."'`'"Ala Great SLAUGHTER SALE Now on at D. M. Gordon's The following lines are all to be cleared out at a reduction of twenty- five cents off every dollar. Think•what this means where goods are now marked very close : Yon get a dollar's worth for 760 and so on up to 3100.00 for 375 00. Namely: Men's and Women's Fur Coats, All sizes and descriptions of Furs from the most expensive to the cheapest. Women's Cloth Coats, all this season's Men's, Youths and Boys Overcoats. All linss and sizes of Ready-to-wear Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. For other very tempting lines and pricer see our windows and bargain oonntere. D. M. GORDON. AFTER -HOLIDAY I BARGAINS c We have bargains in many lines of goods w hich purchas ers will do well to look into. We are goi ng out of certain lines and will sacrifice the goods in order to clear them out. R. KNOX 4 Opposite Queen's Hotel. . WINGHAM. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• +6•N••••A••N•••••••••i♦♦ Have you renewed your sub. eoription to THE TIMES for 1908 ? If not, why not ?