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The Sentinel, 1882-12-01, Page 4
i • .V • e nano K t .` i n LT FRT'V TO OTTERLi 10 1tiE -1 €"'ittEleY 4ace ly ax Tt 'ri a,°rot` Dies oiC�>Nsct 1-1r-CIWB st+tte ,f e liverA � r k \ nilltart• thz . Y..... ,.'al.�£t,,:;$t_: gtur id. puisunous wxrulc result. .Burdock Blond. Bitters ttOctu- - airy regulates these organs and corrects - the abs.rbent and secretory system as.well, 1 eafiless that is: caused by colds, inffoma saris ..91 A I_x aTEtL'lt &IBLR rI> i - don: (.1. the ruetnl ane of the ear.. and Earache, • is oftetr curet by liagyard's Yellow :Oil, the- gt eat external and internal --remedy for all 'Yvan. Soreness ax d,i.ufL rn.„ti©n, Rheumatism,: Burns, Scalcts,Frust Bites= Sore`'t'hraat; (21-ou' Goutraetecl a t-0es, etc. Never be LtlE-tt.ur. without .it. • unknow, t oc t.1 Irs Win.. Allan, of Acdou, soya she has never be Nita=out a battle af• Hagya<rd's Yet- lo* Oil the house for -the last twenty years, and would not be for ten -times the e.ost ; ado-, i:ng =hat she has °never known it to fail for. (.okra:; and Croup, Sore Throat; Stiff Neck,. Bur rs,Fcalas, etc. She concludes by saying, if anyone doubts its efficacy, refer them to "now oar ore/0;T Corr • - It is: our sad duty -to- announce, the death of Miss Martha_ Kerr lath 'con. -:. shiield, after a short illness,; w-hieh• terminated fatally -.ott ' 'eduesday ev Errllr� k "th . t The reiira ins - • to iYle;r were ittterred in .liinear i~ttekcemetez y --_ on the icitlowi ng Friday., iday The sympa- thy of axe community is With the Jami ^vrn \.Yrn Pito. T lv of the deceased ixithe foss • of a • h'I I4fbert n1,ct:as {laughter and sister:: . . • SAE \` i) ES =° AY. A+:Tr. LL :Poteher'Snew house is abo eo.ruppleted It is a harudsc ue strict-. trFe, -which- -e eets credit . on the de-. g ner S and -builders-,; azid- i an of a>' - irnent to lar. Potcher's, farm. - There is a: m arkA improvement in' the general appea:ranee :of the -.farms and buildings along this line, of Ite years. Fine residettees and tains ':fid - stables are -sT in €zig up every season. 'Fences are much improved; and the general e test i that the fat ins took ouch neaterand better kept- than -f orin:erly. Ne notice . .arsothat many farmersare:. planting r.`r . ? ' s_al )Il the front - or tail z . .shade tree ( .� 'This in thhe right di- . laces. �s a step ,� rection .bti<t should •n!ot be eonf,rod'to. fronts only , all. stationary fences _and spare plots: should have their .:shade trees,.and.were or o or two farmers to try the experiment it would soon be • followed; y of b `; others.and Would. well re' h pay any little labor -or expense -incur- :rod, by ad€ling to thi beauty of the Leta mild) allot-clirzg``, shelter in u e . - Veal.♦. when. the forest that.Mow per- • • forms that •. .fiteo, will be almost a. thing of the past.: PREMISES OF d, Luc.ku w, On or t ixou.-t the first of October, three white sheep, (cropslied-Inboth ears), and five white -lambs. Aviv person giving •iviiig siieh- iuferrutatiai s will le- d t o_ their�recoyery will be suitably I e - w as del. - It, Mct'A'IE R OL, : 3 in -461 a ' t E UNDGNE»• WISH TO Inform the public generally that they will kelp for service this season at- west L l_lalf of ot 20,.oau. 14, Township of West \Vawa-nosh-, a first Glass Berkshire • Boar.- Texnis,_ t,c)0. cash.. P. & w.• Mop AHEM”- EsT1 -. RA.VETT.- PR(l~1t1- THEfi PREMIS-S_. • 4f; the, subscriber,- lot 8 Lou; 1 ,; Ashfield do or about the 25th of October fait, five • eves arrd five.e�ve lambs, all white Seven .uf thaxi tna1s have e lo ng -tai ls a n _three with it h oils cut, Any peson1v3r.suet' informa- tion as will .least to• "their recovery will 'be riitably rewarded 2iit-402 John Webster, Lnelbnow P. 0. • -J. I .. Seymour, Drag ist. Sty ather- it rs, writes that Ile finds an ever-indrea&ing; sate for Burdock Blood:Bitters, and addsthat be can, without hesitancy recommend.' it, Burdock Blood Bitters- ie the Oland specific , far all dialeasea--of the. Blood, Liver and .iC tkeys . - - 'er. is only a fact all people should 1: ‘erybody high, everboty lour -- l'll whq..desiring Teeth to look white, - z. night, o and t ch nr rn - �a � 3 rush with _ eabEiik 3: t E ach speck of T'.,rtayr will yield ro:its power, emo-ves instantly till substances sour ;; . ". Y owil.l .prove by ith uso--try, it at tai:ire. -L-We want your trade and if you Want our goods there will be nothing to prevent our doing business, because we alp iiys. make prices, satisfactory. eel our, advertisement next week of t e:t goods. Christmas cards abnd.Holl- day- goods rn ge n.et al::1 tt_ "i`1 N54. Y T's l edical }{all, Luekno:w. - Ir they keep on we shall 1ZaiN'e kid giov_es't'eac iurt. to the shoulder.-- IJ'- ec Frt,e I'r r: < • . Let 'era keeps on, dear bey r till the kid „Oyes with a dainty pair ©f,• handsan them to your siiouivte -- and rest there,,. and then bend dow t and . br-ush. a Ionely.. little nose with your znotistache you'll think you • were an alc: goat iii to have had a. pair o KIds reaching to your shoulder before. --Sure= etre-- for 'corns ---)`alae one- fourth cup of strati vinegar, crumb finely into, some br-cad''.: Let: sloe d half an hour or until it:.softens into : a good poultice. Then apply on retiring at night... Lithe morning the- soreness be' -gone, and the corn_can be pick- ed, out. I>f the corn'is a• veryobstinate ons zt may require two: ' or: more applications to effect a cure. —About three: o'clock Sunday Morning the, tannery ()Wiled by Robert- Douglas- was burned tri~ - the _ground, . ana a large quantity of finished leather: and- three vats unfinished; -were des trayed, Loss -estimated at. about. $2 000. insured -i`n the Gore District Tutual for e6:O0 Cause of fire- unknown, - -Tle price we ask for every article infour store is exactly what it: is worth and -no one can produce and sell first class drugs and medicines cheaper than - we. do., . llx. Ti NKAN-sa )Medical Hall. -1---Most any mfccan: grab a• gun ` by.nl i h rz lie and. pull. `t over a fence or out of a boat,. but 014 "second or third. -time seldom fails: to leave the gun wit. hoot an. owner.. - al --:h is eal-th Having deci gats andSho� gid to d.ispose: iIl se1� 3 �sTs*P�rae,�•# IWO= PI os_ 1tiI$Lis Booms & .Sag MOR ---MENS FELT BOOTS: EATHAN -- -- Mi s OVERSHOES. • MENS RUBBERS AKE H DR. E: C. \Vis' 's NERVE AND. fEAt:•s Treatment ,t1 guaranteed specific for flystrria, Dizzirie;s, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous eu-- - rakfia,. {eaclacl e;NTe-rtr Its Prostration et ttscrrl : by the use of alcohol or tobacco,Wakefi lness, %ental Depresstoll:,'Softer,ing'of the. Brain, t•suiting in: insanity and leading to mirter-y, decay and death, Premature old age, Barren- }Iess .Loss. of Power in: eirher•sex,Inrolunfary l.,oss'-s- and Spermato r`hcea, caused by, aver- ekertiou of the brain:self-al use or .over iiiduP grace. One boo will cure recen.tcases. Each. hox c- ntains one month's -treatment. - One dollar a. box or six boxes for five dollars ;sent . � price. Weguar- antee `r of t. xt kir mail prepaid an�recc 1 six boxes to •cure any case:-' With each - o ' � m >tan- trcier receiver. by us for sit base. ,, ace F ied with five glollara,we w ill.sendthe-purchas--' er oiir written guarantee to refund the money .if the treatment does not effecta cure_ C. t{EP'AR I). Sole- A gent for Luckttnw. JOHN C. WEST cf." Co. Sole Proikriet' rga. `.l r- f-' . Ont. TN' - - —The death is announced from the -. Western coast of Africa of King Omeru. of He leaves 700 widows :.Of his - 95 Children, 77 are still alive Mit eldest - - son has 4O0;: • wives. ' • ---Sleigh riding and skating are t healthy acid' enjoyable pastimes, boys, arc , see .that they do not pass time along so rapidly' that mother has to .ingin her own,woo t Maclntyre• has a large lute of .511sses and : a e s:: outt�oned overshoes. it and rubbers. - 4,r _ FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant totk©e. __ Contain their ow 'Purgatvo. Is a -Sacz.!, cure, aitd of ectua'il itestroyer of:worms in Criidren or ..4uitb. �. GO KID. KIP, CALF, �AT � XISSES ES DT KIP CALF : BUFF, GOAT. 01107 LADIES LADIES LADIES S Children's= all; FETA. Gyll,'sli..s -��jj�7�3 •�` �' : £.. tfirr'7', ShOeS On- Roal Estate, alt reasonable - �r: rates, on- terms cif payment to suit Borrowers ELLIOT. RAVER .. N' Xt: to P -os: OL Yco OFFICE- Lucl;,o«#, •lIaa ch 11• coraanwriclaermeasamaaaaerimi A.T. =--- T•• LAAV ENGE'S , OLD STAND, . public. = 2:t will -not'...-a.:- tlie f�rrmers:��tnd-the general _ pay To ., at the h ��ou ca _Hardware Lne.ti'h. anything in the I3 3 you�to:`buy _ Campbell ;. u ---� re et L c .�`of T L�wrence . st , New Hardware Store . , enow out. New ':: a . great variety of goods is opened • •o�v. where 'n Builders Hardware, designsd Yiare, -Paints,OiI,Gass Pully,Shote1s _Cu�l��:, dated � Manureand Pitek Forks, Hoes, Rakes, and everything found =S1 O1asa araware will ati11 continue to usual a fine -lot of 1l ,'.wewi11 iia�f &lre-alyeve,rewarrl for any. case aernt. re• sells 5 lbs. of H: sen 1? . IIs tge.r 1 Ill. ' c lr `�� ,. "o We cannot 'cure with West's �`ete�t.ible Liver of Liver Com. _� [ _ 1 .4 D . s e Sia Slick Read h I i` t't G y Kir ti n orCostiveness best and cheapest orin us with• y p g g J the money:. Did s workmen are •eon- loyod, parties. fav for l:♦.. you but ; �t � The As nonebut first cIa s _ �Y Tea aD Y ; rill nav u tf oou vu . a est:. ire t >� Domini on for their work, ranee ares, alio Bag, Par l of which `are -marked =down D ARE' FodND OH: AND RAZING. LA Northern..Pacific R R IN MINNESOTA i AKDTA, N. AND :MONY . �l. . BIG_iCROP AGAIN IN 1.881 Low PRICES; LONG TME;:REBATE FOR IMPROVE- *VENT; 'REDUCED. FARE AND FREIGHT TO SETTLERS:., FOR: FULL *FORMATION. ADDRESS HERMANN TR IOTT, :GEN LAND_ACM illptrON Val PAPER. Si—. PAUL. MINN, Wishes to inforru: the public thathe has cionsta-ntl `on Jail' a: . V QRST -CLASS --STCCI(:OAF Men's Wom ns .. fi - i e and : Ms,�s C,hldrens Boos. Go- and,examine •his reallysu . .aE i . . stock`in each el Si especially his• Buff PebbIC Whole-St`ock_BdWl - Beforepur lasing. elsewhere. 1Vlan ifactur ung : a Sp ei ia. . y List year's etorrk sold at and : caner cost. ' 'Eggs and. Bubter taken it each e for goods. _ t trou hin .and:.Re airing Promptly � Attended Palls when the direr titims=ar strictly coot lr- ed with. They are inkrely Vegetable, . acid never fail to give satisfaction. Sin&arfftat.-d ar a Boxes, corttainin ; 30 Pills 2 delfts. Icor gale by dru gititcs. >E eware ir£ cnunterfeit:s- E aria flirt a nils._ a genuine tavitt `sic urs _Macln : e's is the- spot, for gents' _L g , drawers . Ladies,:u aiderware � � d - � tic �1)CMtarp-hestcv�� ed• ��i� - t�, a -xi. .b �� ���t a : ho �e for .._ d > t The the ltbrers l pa = • �.. l ; knitted and' ;�a11nRl �hll'�S . z& •�,�® .s >: , ' t - t+ _ �. me/i's kn : z only by JOHN- (� �t>� Irl dt CC) 'The Y 1 `� t,d•Il 1 �l � `Lt � a ,," . ;as ca-. be•done in any #lr4t7el "ss shop, dune,�.»cd �t'as-1_ow �pi ice R .. -- 1• - -to thepublic for - in the: c,���ikt>ty. While returning ><ny t;l�tnl s p n -Alma ss ,- r ; « . cents , 3 m Areet East ownt�,, tile continuance -of the carne l'i� the futi>`rey t 1�acln� �� 141ma tear: �t _fi5� or 7�rlsk�.-d, 81 �n�3 ,i� g rs � C :- = y Out. Free: trial package. sent: by nisch pr '_ 1 ' levo €or �I h cheaper$; in the Do- �, ,2� -the _. i a stamp. `' i•wn receipt �f a emit. np♦ .1.: A. i3�rearw, •�� ow _. ' S.` . gole-A. put for Lacks c►w,. ciutr T O r ti ti ..F more. • cif i