The Sentinel, 1882-12-01, Page 1• ' - • Ix— TifjLiOr TRAVER, A.1.4 kte ,rtley-at-Law, Solicitor in Chan- rAnivevancer &c.. Office next door to e Post Offioe. Lucknow, Ont. 318 T A. MokoE if RRSON-, Arrottifx-T. tar, (ite., QuveriStreet, Kincardine. 1 *.OW4-.*4- !PRO UPFOOT, • "4 X aarristers„-Si)licitors, Godericli, 1, Qat. - .- T erardiow WK. PRQUD.FOOT. rr SO -M VT LIE, • • 63-WEY AIMEE.; kct xue.-2,r 1.)an. e4syterniq on Real 1;1state. Valuator- for 'Trust -and. ,Lcrair 00. . lti i. TO' . SrOonveyanter: Ij p\viner B etc: Money to t)-7, st,- 6 f)e,r. straiert interest. Valua- iiif-o,r ICINLOTTIGI-1 0._ • GAMER() (or OAVIEROT et: pi T A F? 0 hitru16s,ioner in B.. Etc., I .; CAMPBELL) PUBLIC , Convyancer, - ;tc. ! • • 08TALUS. Conveyancing. in all its Branches. ' Nlortgagey, Bnih Argeentents, prarnyitly and c*refully prepar -,g1, and o rrectitess cruararteed. 1•?,-c-irki and prompt attention paid to the 14-earching of. 'Titles, and to all matters eon, • naketea-Nrith the transfer •o - Real Estate. • . ClIARs- REA NABI.14.4 & DI BARRISTERS • Aneknow -Office one door from- Comeron •• Campbell's- Bank, C1-0-LICITOR for -Bank of Elsnalton„ and C--immiaiioner for taking affidavits for Zifaikitot7. 'Farni„°P.IWn, and Village property bought. Ad: "-- kstonzly (private funds) loaned on ifortgaee e4nrity at 6 and 6i per cent:. 4Stoney- inveSted_ for private persona -upon. Wit best Nfortgage-secnrities without any ex - *Ise to Lender. :Lands for sa:e in Manitoba and . the North N-Ve-st. MEDMAL. DR. ACK1125 . eitItAD-13 ATE_ of tne-LiniverSityofToronto, .1-X. Physician, :S'ar.geon,, kn., Office Camp- ci-pptIsitethe bank. In case the •Dr. is net in the- offiCe. call -4 the- t.noknow 'Bank_ • C, GENERAL. 'O'NEY TO LEND on easy . termsuf - payment. Apply to _ .1 :PAIN COOKE, Agent, Dungannon, • Rrovincial Land Surveyor, Valuator ne Lid :eat affize.aver Eadie's Drug Stec r14'- n. Ont. All orders by mail will re- ceive promipt attention'. 1 JaberI1 Cunningham, insurance Alent,, Guelfih 1)ENTXE -ROME Lbentiate of ISTAY. J. S. !Dental Surgery, has re- tro:Yr ed to Wiagham; *here- be will carry on CA* dentistry !mildness ; but he would beg to .1*.form his patrons that he will visit Lucknow oda. the -first YfOnclay. and Tuesday, and also on Alas- thircriktonday and Tuesday of each month _Vice at Whitely's Hotel. • 15, , . 18t, G -.RM. A. F.& A. M., mt*s the 'ilaursday on before fullmoon f each -month at 8, p.so, Visiting breth- ren cordialIviorited. GE`O. A-- SI ODA LL, L WREN GE, vr.--K. StvIretarY. IstICKNOW LODGE, l'io„ 112 r -a 6PBELLI E3-ANICE.R.; IA -LT Q 1\17 0 Money to Loan at Reducer! 4ates. -7t) Suit tile Time, Loans on Mortgages as low ae.6 per cent., NOTES AND .M04-T,PACES, BOUGHT Drat's, and Chectues alt,p6ints. cashed. Special and Prompt -Attention paitto the- C011ectionsf Notes, AccenintsiRents_, irt RAFT& PAYABLE AT PAR issued 1..." on the principaIcities arid towusof Cana- da. and • on .the 'United -States and Great Britaini Pitirties Remitting - Will fill this the elleapest-safest, antintost eonvenielit Tuetkal ! • tNTE.RtST: Five per cont. allowed On Deno:sits. in th IC Savings- Bank Department. IF UM'S IM.v,estea for Priyate Parties. We are pi•epared offer to customers every fa.cility afforded by a, Oltartered Bank. and on equally. favorable terms 'ConveYancing in n -H its Branches. Fire and Life insupance. ' BEST. GO -Air AN -TIES REPRES-EN-TED: • OFFICE EFOUR8mFRO1I-9 A. IL TO CP. 0Als/l.c.RON. & CAIVIPB-ELL, • LUCANOW. .ti,..011111111111•11,1•1•311E r all11111161•17111111,M1111111 • A . O. IT. W. ITCKNOW LODGF, OF THE ANCT.- ent Order of United -Workmen, meet in the Oddfellows Hall, on the second and last &ton day.evenings of eacIrmonth, at 8! O'clock. Visiting Bretlartn are cordiallY invited to at- tend. ' GEti KER.R, . W. ARMSTRONG, Master Workman. Recorder. • Lucknow, !Tilly 14th,- 1882. AND FEE WALTER TRELEAVEN As in the.past,atirlt keeps on. handfirgeand - erioristook of - • . . -0-EN -E-11A CNC EltiE S IncludingererythingfoUnd in the. lard-erof a good housekeeper, He would also inform the anblic ,more particularly the farming commun - ity, that he has engaged the services of -a • THOROUGH MILLER a;std will carry on the.Milling business with renewed vigor, and by turning outgoOd grist* , in quick time. gaio increased patronage from the public.. ..4.11 kinds Of ' GRAIN ANI) SEED8 _constantly on hand. ociccis Delivered to any Part of the Town. - JNO• TRELEAVEN , LICENSED AlUCTIONIE I R. Partieshaving sales -Will do well to give him calL ingbest Cask Price• Paid Ratter. R earden es=-Willo Street, o ppoil te • the MethodilePhurch. JJ TILEiEAVEN• Lucknow, August 25th, 1881. 89- 011EY TO LOAti o Or laet week j:AmE8 lacifli-es!srel. to 'tilt' 41k iI15.4.4,0:(44teietrw,nr:ra.F2rhtlada_sieotTibersenvIebgts.abrter:e4gooterfieotneehkeo:12...e..igi joi.11,..:khoe...NrticLi2ipyytto;Tu:2e°0::.:1;46°"k"-"tivt:eoxior:t72:itaahestit.ito _ f , cou.gregation in ths pews makes dis- man who bad before beat couragent pzei:eiher in the s „:11 called Churches. at ar The Christian -The hintee of the Presbyterian ki.hurch k 'thinks a listless 8,1) the •' doing he bur" anadis°1°B beeuVY)ib1e, and by 'aeastP"a tea runicil. '‘visivie even` ei begui*singiof Octoo- sbew that it as ARIO, Ribs Broken. Mrs. Hardy while -going down the stepsinto the garden on „Thursday last slipped and 'fell, 'breaking four'. of her ribs. -Drunk and Disorderly. JimmyAiley got on one of his peri- odical sprees on Monday evening last, and made things' borlieod ',Allis dwelling by ,abusing his. , -wife and family. Important to J. P's, - According to a late decision of jus- - tice Cameron; a J-astice of the Peace cannot try a case for , non-payment of wages. It is a civil case and must be sued for same as any other debt New Stores. The two brick stores recently erected by Mr. W. :Walker,. on -Campbell street, are now • completed and _ they together with the new bank present a handsome appearance to that part of the street . One of the stores is now being use's' as a barber shop. Squirrel Hunt. On - Thursday, November 3rd, a squirrel hunt took place in the woods in the neighborhood of Kinlough be- tween sides. chosen from the "sports" in that section. , Messrs. .Nathaniel Pennell and James Young were chosen ca,ptains, the former winning by .520 points. In the evening the company retii.ed- to Blakeslie's Hotel where a grand supper was provided, the losing side having to foot the bill. Important :to the Sick. 11:1:/r. McCullough; the great Euro- _ _ . peen andAmerican Physician, so famed for his unrivalled success in the treat- ment and cure of all chronic and linger- , ing.disease, will visit Lucknow profess- ionally, and . raay be consulted at the Whitely_ Hotel from 'Friday, Dec. lit,* till Tuesday, Dec. 5th. Therefore all AQ-aligt-Pat-v01144..-40,1v4-44.--,RODAult- the doctor at once and, be, restored .. to: -health -and happiness. N. B.—See posted ; also ,hand,bills. For Baggagemen. . The days of baggage sniashers are numbered. A passenger on the Union Pacific railway has secured a verdict of tfr. 23 against the company. for daniag7 `ng trunks and goods. :The court ruled that a railm..-ay company assumes . charge of a passengers trunk by giving him a check for it, it becomes respon- sible for its return in good condition. That is a decision that will eoinmend itself to the long-mffering- travelling public in this country, Handsome RetidenCe. Among the Many improvements noticeable on the 12th e mcession 9f Ashfield, is the 'handsome stone resi- . clence recently erected on Mr. John Andrew's farm, about two miles south of the village, Ve had the -pleasure a few days ago; .ofibpink shown through it -from cellar td attic, and in our humble opinion,. has few, if any, rivals in this locality, either for neat ness of design an&finish, or conven- ience and 'durability. To. Mr. Wm. .Murdock, we belie -4..1s due. the credit of the stone work .sinCI Mr. Shackleton has -charge of the work inside, SOni0 parts of which tire not., qiiite finished. _Mr. Andrew -haa not yet moved into the "-new 11°14," but -intends doing so shortly. We holm, that he and his family may loit continuetoenjoy the • coinforts of _thine* herae which -they se-wq.1 deserv'„, • s The- Como. d Tract Society 81 t astors- was Dot &dam, but-StifttSingfe, wrty curl. The Jape qj ..tts orbit* in. September- fomideit, on rough caloulatiQus raade-of ; ot clay and bakedel! *ife 'n Cairo held a niuu of money, 9/D101:112t111 five or sii thous= who stood by, t " Whatshall I a money now, and l'Anow 'rises not long 4' a: in. visible in gregaliVti bart-,fhird of the Sabbathe horizon and was a htiv€ b -Leg-.13roken.. Mr. John Kehoe, one of the. Sectien, Men, While int:Ting -off laurie-at,the station house on Thiiisclay:. -of last . week, 'fell and broke his kg. Big Threshing, Messrs. E. & IlicKenzie threshed. on Thursday, . the 16th et,' NeveMberi on the farm of Mr.' :Neil McKenzie; Of the -4 2th-. ,o_nOessidir, bushels , of Wheat Used was a" lVfinitesota 'Chief." This is good Work, VVOod I' Wood I I The parties who promised to bring wood for their .subscription to the Sgx- TII4EL are requested to do so at mice, as we are badly in need•of the. same. The roads are now in good- condition and no better opportunity can be af- , forded this winter. Arm Hurt. On Thursday afternoon of last week Master Willie Hornell, . son of Mr. D.. Hornell, met with. a - serious and pain- ful accident. while playing inthe school yard. It appears he .caught hold of door leading to the ,cellar under the school buildings, to have a " swing," but letting go his hold fell * to the bot- tom and his arm striking :against one of the steps was seriously injured. At first it was thought the arm was broken, but on -examination it was found to be badly Sprained at the el - 1: -.3w, - Grip's Comic Almanac for 1883. We have be --favored advance sheets of this popular annual, and have no . hesitation in saying , that if the rest of the book is equal to the sample , submitted in literary, artistic and typographical merit, it will be .the best comic annual yet issued,. -even from 6:rip office. Every line is teem - fun, and the pictures are equal. to theletter press. The Almon -this, Ale:2.1sA‘lie-•:Hicontigteraly-- r -though no %nee ie to be littsfourt a , a& maae in the -price. Every One - of onr readers. should lay by atquarter in a bit of paper, libelled "for C4 -rip's . Almanac. only." Anniversary Eleryices* The. anniversary sermons - of the -Canada- Methodist Church Were preach- ed on Sunday laat by the Rev. W. Donagh.,, of Clinton, who delivered two very able and appropriate discourses. On Monday_ evening a " Fariners Sup- per" was held in :the 'Caledonian Hall which was largely attended:- the_au, dience being bomposed.'of members and adherents. of the dilferent demainina- tions in the village and country. The spread" which' -was, prepared by the ladies of .the *congregation was the. fiaest of the kind_ ()lief kiven under the auspices - of the church. • .-After ample 'COIRIRENICATION.' NOTE.-.---. We •itto- be •distineVy-tinsferstovii - tAnt, Ato-not.fiold our8olves • regpoitsibe jothe vicwe r .41'.7e-iiCt 4 correapoAdentit---A;th -; • _ To thoEdi.tof Of 'lie AS'Ontivet pia i9Ortait. through• your. columns, to point out that -prev-ails to large extent-, in idine of our se-hooli in this county, notoriously so iii.stuneef them...,- The. niay,-- to a. greater or less degreei he dile to _systein. tO": Whiell: the ; ine?iperie,nb6,4 :and -1688' independent teacher = - gives allegiance,hut whit: , we believe, :was never -intended by. our ediMational authorities to be the era "..p , ut - ed. up, .eirciiiiiscribing ‘,:inachine that it a.ppeari: to. be in the handsofSome of these so-called. teadiOs.' The - _ . Wilich. we :eciinplaip. arises -'.from 4. iktfi0 idea that prevails :with regard:to; the-classificatien of aware . that seine ..pUblic school inipeet--. -Ori are largely respensible for its. . .spread existence, especially is this the - ease in Counties where they .havo _ .acl- =opted -Uniform systeni,oftwomotioits, giving it. absolutely into the hands of - the1118-pea-or. to decide Who Shall. 4_4 promoted,. by its:. (level ving Up -011 that functionary. to prepare -the •queStionsen which -- the .are follow nature" in.:this as in. other things we think would e wise. _ -application of the systeni begins far. tail__ soon:: According the opritiorL: of the .system iome inspeotoral .ons no child -is allowed to pass -into realdin, g book of a. higher grade until 1t liaf arrived at a' certain stage of Pia; eieneY in some ;other _subjects, as foi (3' Xillinplef- Arit-hmetic. is j not ar, lowed to take iup the, 'second Oart. - the first book, no matter hoiv. he is for the advance, the depart --of -:reaiifng, ,and .an,4:-- With spelling we include -Writing, . ias spellingis.net, -taught to any great _00,9-,1P,V,5*-(148;--eV011 IR the first part -07thec.Arift..hoole schools,except by means of writing, !unt, Ilier-fiiiiii.***-:.,aniform advanct- heiS - iminediately turned back to:0141: i - 'lie tin Several 4itilei 'subieets.4,_ or if .the child --happens; T iii- he mn.:. import* tion firom sonie other school, where tile ..swaddlingbands hadnotbeep. retained -: so- long' iu the Matter of . reading, 4e..,, familiar grounds, according to this ., distorted ' view . 'of the ystem: - lite! rigid: appliOation of thii -principle ite..- . . , carried out through the whole sehool...' -course,' in fact,. if it be -relaied at any f!sta0Sef the course; it it in :.paiSir*i.. 'throOkh the.'adviiiiced one. ' We havo • closely watched tile system in this.. . par- ticular,- and must prenOunce th ba e I - _ em 4 ' ful indeed. '-: -It -would" - seent to he the ),-6iiq t•Vai a child -cannot -Ile taii_ghtth; eleineitts.:of 'Arithmetic- while reading: „in. the secontpart-of the 'first took; a justice was done to the inner' inan the' It when reading 1-n tii- -firs'. t intellectual part of the programme as ' It is both a waste of theteacher'stii* iliti.g.d4cect. The etia-ir .ve..a-s . occupied and �f !ttolfilebhijeleAt'shimenetrogise4s,oaht,41.thn_iiisiezl by Mr: John' MbOarclY while -short and appreciative addresses were given xitr:tat;e:10,..041.7:ileken7or :in:144.67c- whota,.i, ,:5- - - -AblYeisTRaebv'b,311R.es,A7:-Ati. diva wir:1:10cirN4';'T„:„hrn_ -44is:.ifialso 'ideo-of -class ea, dine, and camerQn. - buring the ag-S-8--? I - evening se.veral selectione . - vocal and instrumental music were giverf-by MiSSes K. . C. 'Strong, H. Hornell, S.. Bowers, Emma Smith, Ida Aooklid.ge, Mr. I). E. Cameron and the Members ofthe choir. The proceedsamountirig to over fifty dollars are in aid of of the Trust...Fund. - TORONTO ?rat/ '-comes tO--ut -:- this .. .. „ ._ -week - in tin, .enlarged- -and-- improv .lonit with several new featu. . - • lii ..:-T--4; buoreli, _.-:- gv-e- '-e-s.-c-1.0.13-.0.'erf of -iPi ,prOSpet7tsi.;7_,•-:Aelars.- . e -a. iii, 6:°. ''-Li1P-13. sides pui7lisiiing...-cUts of , --,the, eurrei..-_. .- -_ fashions ,with letter : press' descriptio?' - to -1-41"!--.., IT, i- ,....-* of thp noW, styles,, ' if issiies each we siv7iii.ebtii4I.;:tgoiti_6ft:.,:,,7,,,,..44'.''.1:nit-, , - - have',Ii'idt--faktenint thitt --.. Our -cliir iclioels, . '1 Ate* 41:44 tit-ot,-;' v79,s o the dark were You- ldia't 1113d 1 sibly ad ation last th *revs as, servise hicopee ale' :ops eid- (Maas.) Iteribionn,- that- Mr. •Aibert . Guenther,- under Wild'alletel, hail tise4- that remar1030 nieremedy, ST. JACOBSOIt;f049,SeTer0 case otrlacumatisin-, and it curddlibm, s if .14-zaegi*I.' - w obaTe-• di take ogis ionkpotatiiidoe-iva.a, ut a - a piece of MUSIC in ftill size sheet, form tilske .sotba°t.a"-40a7Yvear'll. the beitii able to re -print popul f 10460 teleSeepes. So, of . States th,t 1r t the first matt nsse believe- the ho made his :c-ounef theexpectatiensofastronoiners,r ar pieces o A.merica9. e.epyright which U. ,erdi4- a,t:ily at 30 ,to cents. Tvuth has also stiirtedill 4t'llealth and Ifedical PepearfdAinent." following the. ,ea sora nr.rican and El.olish literary :journals, aniftRese features, with its , stories and,,,,well, veritten notes, o current events, will afford. good ground for the claitn that it is now the:leading domestic_ joiiinal it. Canada. Taesub- .. , scription price of :truth remains EA 8.1.50 -per -year 'ai '1-)efore„ liotwiths tan el- ingit is ancreaSe4,10,:site duriu ail- the ex-, e The us.tive Christians come Nvlie.ri does a youqouldortbstu.rnfutifioutehde _ a. e sun by, Christmas Treit g7:11r. mPeeertili:g4 rtheg l at e 111.11._ aowivm the mouth n 1E00. B ashram his first motistaoty.,4‘ atinospherie 2_ an tviolent amineetiou Ti,rth - • a trier to ex.eubsw_ 4172n,e neeaxnrye-%::nakte place .lief9S. some' 31 tadia. any rate, rive men who wer formerly.. r ti_es,ars . convulsions and other pri now engsgea in °brills= wer.. serizi(e, direfulconsequences; real or irnagin esla are tbe 13 alba Illission m an& ee In a. recent ais coarse oil Naorr.ii a NeW - telling , ‘. - P,gea, • .--.-.Iflitts Nam: fpUn. _ I that-- a': Crevice under a. o , -, . .... . . . _ , 0,t. ouguto.I.Fuska--„,p5.4.1.1z-- throut 1 iet onoUgh. et.i1c1air ii4.0a; roOni_ -Ad !4-- 44tire, .. extra,---Ppro.da- (4„,:oclal.- - _, _ 94 experim_ent .- ar