HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-11-17, Page 4b •itrksot. *onset IiE LITHE i'L_`7' TO UTTER AND TO :9QRG4.*JE`s- FREELY • i1;OOc EDVID to `rITE.DiWTATER or coNSOi NCE \h I€ r f7;ly` A.no F AI.L a`i`r R.14nER't.IEs... rt...... _:aim s:y praeQale t ct� 7 e Nov. 'Stii, the wife of ct =' J. Elliott, teacher, of a - daughters A IUE.1h Sr E1 ==B pEoi'i. By the ,Rev. J. Caswell, of Dunganlinn, at the residence of the bride's father, Mir: -George Snell, of Lucknow, 'to Miss :+lane Bradford,.: of Belfast.. =ori t •Stii `nit_:. a,LTox� Ashfield parsonage,; Lueknow; by • Rev. R. C. Henders, Mr. Daniel Alton,- to Miss Elizabeth White., All of Wawanosh.. • `BARB1R, SurTx..-=-On 8th inst.,at the residence of the bride's father,, by Rev. R. 0. Headers, Mr. Wm. Barbel.. to Miss Mary Smith. All -of • Wawanosl . WEEK1 Y HEALTH `RULL.E`1'Tl • "The Weekly bulletin of the Provincial �Y l� Beard of Health for: the Week- ending overoober 4th was issued on Friday : :last: highest teMpera,ture, 70.bO lowest,; F S;p.QO, " The - Week: -` has Veen remarkably fine• Snow has .fallen. in District1..:(& .I . Prescott to. Brock. Ville , the lowest temperature reared bel l 12o- of frost The IXIean-off. the, ti week was 1;C9°¢ abeave the average:: : The pi prominence of thosedoceaseS peen - liar to cold weather`_ seems but slightly %More ata 6 eked while rliarrohe is. quite �. idespread as: ILst Week,. tliouglr its degree of pr=evalence has lessened. '� Scarlatina hasvekaparedrn this � e PP another district (8,`orfolk and Simcoe Counties), .ties. while it has • been . reported. �, very prevalent val`ent b one correspondent - re y in district 9 Trude and Huron Conn ties:} Diptheria. has also. appeared in district: '9,, taking the third ,position, thus displacing the membranous croup of last ,week.; The point, is interesting, Inasmuch as, it Would seen that - the iitie c r&Wn - etween. the: t'w'o diseases is often. so distinct as -practically to ° be• � .er= ee= : tible.: • The f evers_intern it- 14h_p p tent, enteric,acid` typho-malarial have Dyspepsia & Fiver 4lolmplaint.. L it net worth the .small price of 75 cents -to tree yourself of every symptom , of, theae dirtressir+ complaints, if you_thinkso call at ant stare and get a bottle of:Shiloh s . Vitalii- er,, twery bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use it accordingly-and:if it does you no gond it will east you nothing, . Sold . uy O. A. Sinai - Ai€ ). Lilekilow. ell' receded slightly. Goitre .has been recorded by ane cc}rrespo ncdent,as many aseleven cases being teeorded by -him. has been noted by • interesting fact h.. _ r' •the correspondent frail, district 6(in eluding Perth, Huron,. ' i:aterloo,: O- ' • ford_ count s etc , stating that since the ergnnIzation there of an active - - - local .board of health fever -enteric has deceased 5-4 per Ont. This is but an c)ther proof added. to- Bettenkofer's _ dr, s_tatiitic.s..� severagq ah£d t3o1 :less, Loss of Power in either sex,Ini oluutar ' Losses -and- Spermatorrhoea, caused by , over- avin .. refused r e .:tion of• the_brain.self-abuse or over indul-. MRS d�sr�oE K��x� h g � r - °-eels' .fi!eDO•. - One boc will cure r'ecentbaseg. Bachtliacalon to hake `the app ` box ' containa..one n o� tii"s. treatment,.-One- decay Ona Shiloh's Consniliption Clue. This is beyond question the most-sttccessf t' Cough. Medicine we have ever. gold, n few . (i ses invariably care the worst. cases of Ctmgh Croup, and Bronchitis, while its :wonderful success: in the cure of Consumption is.: with- out a .parallel .in the history- of medicine.' Since its first discovery it has been sold of ti guarantee, a test which no.other. medicine can stand, If you have .a col gh We earnestly ask vett to try it. Price 10 ctS, 5(} ctit. = and $1..00 If yourLungs are sore, Chest,-orBack, t.aine- use Shiloh'ss Patens': Plaster:. `Sold by C. A. SHEPARD,. Lucknosv. . A Freuc6..71Tewspup'e r Anuonnces that irit>a+liat—GU1' Y.. Iteovvn Dledium.' I K• • Some Kemarkable 'MritIGICEN--Turning • GreY.in Snit nn [tour Faith Fright. Probably the uouierimest :of sill getting JWST••IiE�E V L >TL+IOTI�Y,13ON'i3 nI!<iW 'L tY• Promised ised Trent,1or the .Eetbetee. Concerning lthe forthcoming_ drama of ' Landon Truth publishes the poet..la�ureate� The - Salsa. lbw these further aetaila- t mscns+ma_. evidentl -ea notat� L- ARGE 1 aSORTNiE�' '+ eLL-AN{ tis `ellea: I reduce y goods at;coi Which 'I am selli .1g off at very low prices, aswhea p E. r -for centsper void, :w.o1 tl :1.5 cents... ly.to meet.the Farmers. Dress Goods y 1 AEI! � E`LLIN THEMOFF FOR TW` N " • to. see them.. So .as -tU .give every one- a chance and ��Z ,OCKER:$- VERY 401111 GROCERIES, BOUTS •and SUOE , RE'tDY-M U)E C OTfili1 G, i n g premises. Call and see m: fine assortment. Tweeds a special Dress and Mantle Makin, on the prem see � _ -1 KEN Ji ,.ns7sr Asa ts� • :e art i --1.t: �a:. Da. E. G ' VEsr's NERVE. ANT BRAIN: Treatinetlt,a guaranteed specific for HRsteria, Dizziness, Convulsions,' Fits, Nervous u iad�r,Heaciache,Nervous Prostratinncaused by the use of alcohol or tobacco,W-akefuinPs$, lecrur;I;•L1eoressiun,,Softening of the Brain, resultil in-insanityand_ -leading to mi3exy, k as -you will find in anyHouse West.of Toronto: Fa�r.�e and as well ,Elssorted a Stec � - - . ' . s, CI ETS:O `ULSTE1 .T ARTIC CURL FOR LADES: The newest thing in: the Market ilk Ties Satin O era Ooltars',C-hristm s Collars Folka�dot Silk H�andkerchlefs, _ �'an cp-=�o., S p . great variety. Jackets, Mantles, Under Clothing, all Wool Shawls,- I�id Gloves, Kid Mits, Fur .Cops, Silk Gloves; in. Y - , for -Dresses, Brocaded Silk and:Velvets, Black and Colored Velviteens, Laces, ` French Cloth, in all-Coloxs,.-, Embroidery,- `de._ aces Linen Laces, .Embr ry, Real Lacca, Spanish Laces, ., decay` a&-1 death, Premature old age, Barren- _,ERRING IN BARREL AND HALF BARREL • - from judge Cat eron's decision in the I dollar y, nail baidorsix .= five dollars' sent -tip rth t`ork and West .Huron `election beard during the present term of oases he g . ; - Court the : matter° must. the ;�upxetae , ° ,. e - mem- - `d th `. Eehrllary . an ray over till ,, A bets recently elected will holed-. their seats. during the intervening session of Parliament., . So far _as returns • have come in the American* Congressional and State • elections have : resulted in a complete victory for the I}emoorats, who carried even such a stronghold of Republican- ism as Massachusetts. The elections make it -more than probable that a Democrat administration and a: Demo- crat President will be in power as. soon as time andcirc`omstapces will permit and .the eve* is. at least a challenge` to the comment of Herbert: • Spencer that, while retaining the f orms,. the American people were losing the spirit of public independence and .free- dom. • 1prep-1. receipt of price. ' e guar- _antee six boxes to -cure any case. ' AK each order received by us for six .boxes, accompan ied with five, doll'ars,weWill send the purchas-. er our written guarantee to refund the moneit, • if the- treatment does not effect -a cure. C.. A. SHEPARD:, Sole Agent for Lucknow. JOHN C. VESTt6Cu..S Sole Proprietors, et0 r e , Toront o Ont. FREEMAN'S WORM POW•DERS. . -,Are pleasant to take. Contain their own -P-nrgative...Xs-.a. safe,- sure,--anc1- effectual ddgtroyer vtworms in. Children or Adult& .11 Ta; majority of Canadians of all shades of polities- naw agree that Will- iam Lyon. Mackenzie possessed a spirit imbued with truepatriotism for Cana da .f however much- 'Ike may ,have been I at fault ia. soin of his method methode, The 'Country would Minor itself by `erecting his reemor-yr'the monument which is proposed.. 1 It is worth recalling per- -- haps, that Mackenzie was the first mayor'of Toronto. G P. M. pool- ' leads.for hinuc in last week's Grip ca11y p • 'In fact, orf`. freedom; as I Paid, hi . « dl andhis . �►ld rebel b 'h e grand _, ;t •:we 0 we- Few thanked: them: living. --Hear his story's close.:: • Ui effort foiled-,: he -fed; in better days. 'Returned more experienced man; a.wiser_ , at,� ; worked for- 'Canada ;With pen . aced- Iltt .- ..4. F -• otce .: - - Stitt -by a, fear who ]irisin his worth, be- ' .T,a'ed s anao6 sad; apFivht to tba _end,.— di > - ` n On' "Real Estate,: at reasonable rates; on terms of payment to suit }BtarrowerS.• -. E LL I OT ,`RAV R OFFICE --N t to;Post Oi—c - Lucki,ow., March:11 T' LAWR.ENCE'S OLD STANI) AT. ST iD BRAZING LANDS ARE itouND ON - THE Northern :Pacific _R. fir . M NESgTA, DAKOTA, AND MONTANA. IG CROP AGAIN IN 188f LOW PRIOE$, LONG TIME; REBATE FOR_ IMPROVE MENT; REDUCED] FARE AND -FREIGHT TO SETTLERS FOR FULL INFORMATION, ADDRESS - HERMANI11_-TR•OTT; GEN; LANDAtrr,' • JR[�i- tom PAa�fC ST. PAUL. WPM l • - .. .. _ :. it will not ublic. `.and the general the f�tirmers h ...p _ _ . Hardware call `at thea Line till you. buy -: thin _. in the . Haw .. ,. n you to ay . g - .-.. r, - Lawrence,Campbell bell .strFet-uck- `HardwarE Store of T. p New .a great variety of goods is now opened. out. New nu�V, where g ' ilders Hardware; designs� in Bu .. . - . Pt-ated Ware - Paints Oil! GI .Cullety k.Forks, foes Rakes :atid:very bingfonnd Manure and` Pitt } • Pullj, Shov:eI First ; * :Class 02 w I will still continue ti usual a fine lot of $500:REWL .D.1. W e will pay the above reward for any case 1 of `Liver. Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick_` Head- ache, IndiRestion:(onstipation ei Costiveness: we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the dire tioua are strictly compli- ed -with. They are purely Vegetable, and -- .never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated., .Large Boxes containing 30 `Pill, 25 -cents. ]or sale by druggists. Beware of c•.unterfeits and imitations. The genuine . m-iuuf ictured oillp•�byy JOHN C. WEST & CO:. "• The Pill Mayers," 81 and 83,King, i}treet L+'ast,Torouto Out, Free trial package pent by mail .Prepaid on receipt of a 3 epilt`rtamp: C. A. S rNPsaD, Sok-A/pint for..uwkrtow; tint.' • • Wishes i o infester the pnb1ie tb l' e hes Don antly, t!Q•, land a G`aanti e stock ill e ST ,CK. F (b.ildre fes- 1111t';e _ his' rex y Sip k ch :018.1381 e►ipe oia1bb-': - - Suffre pie & Whole4tock Boob Bef of a P. pre: elanvhere. Marl Lfacturing ; a - Specialty. pet ye:tr'a steak eel* at and ui4er' • tout; E and Butter taken it azehaalge or goods. ranite :Wares: also Box,'' All of which are marked down low. • and .? Re�airin Prom tl.: Atteu e Eavetroughing .a - p F .:- � �. �` *workmen are employed, arth fav t .lass firs c .As none but -first-class. , . -ir wor.k. can rely u �-:on having a good,job -orng us .with: their. ..- . - inany first-class st o-�. - , t aglow prices' as ca,n�be,done �, y � p dune,alld a ,. the country. While returningmy thanks to the public for i era,: ` at •ova; e: bestowed on ni a in t} �; apt, .1 hope a for .the 1 b . p g:f e ein the. future. continuance of the -game - s am the L .. _ ►RENT yrts a 1 1 tics HEART 01#,Aa :trig• -!.$1:01c, from ® 'COMA►®�Y