HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-11-10, Page 136.11.111r II I It
au* he 1 Prairie fireseare_reported. very prevalent
Six-Gutt Slattery at Tei-ei-KAttlie. by the t in the viciniey of_lefeeiee -
42" linghlea-lark4: *Dhow Decay -The Irnidentifieti Pop
VIctiiU of the Sioovr Storm.
eteetetet otitetat is,ho nave a Preiabyterian dear," exelaireed Spoopendy-ke,
vellous Recovery, . The -great rirtiteetet;
A, Strait!
Stc1rY: of Suffering and- Mar- . •
arc . - .dropping his razor and examininghis thin
Rev. Geo. O. 'Troop late.of Ilanelto Lint :toaurr,tlinpleeetYeerte"Iliel sdear,blortiegdmoffe
aathes' Zpiscopalrhurch, St, jolbin-'1gc}"B half' raY Cbili 1" • •
has been indueted intofthe recster hiplf
Mr..Bray of 'M ntr 1 h.- h '" Let Tile Sear" atitaititaed ILtriEL SP°°riell-
A. French riewkittr egUKCHES
Ein JillU -L ' •
- There -sre 'few, lueintutsteeeeerge-
Leo,a lEffileav. ors., .to. Ile7itnite tho'
A._ Boston* tel
Traveller to express his -views- of - t . .
&eine ot his- 'recent . withdrawal _made: by
verious minister:* Of .New England, says :
. .
.- BROOELIN, N.Y., Oct, 26, .1682. - -
- BIT Veen S,-1 thank eon. for tlieletter
and papers. • I liii.“3 read- the aornewhat
large- expressiOns ot-these inany and excel
lent Men in regard to reY 4,orthodoXY, Ceti,
sistency, inthience ' and • general- merit
without '1:evishing: _ for a inottient to
.reply, ',aei you kindly requeSt me.
:When -it dead ;men is _lying • on the . die-
Sectingtable, Under the hands of -expertseit
winild be.unbecoming in_him to rise up sad -
Only .and discaes. with his surgeons .tlie„
. propmeteeof theit methods: and the truth
oftreeults. • .. . .. , : ." - . - •
. It is not often that one catteeehimaelf as :
others see him, and .especielly as Beaten
eees • bite; and r.oeire' -than%) all . as • Beaten:
:clergyneen see hita., I em rediaced te eulp;
but; thank heavini,.ndt to • agleere. When you
Suggest th, reply tothesel eni.eure .you eau
have -i- no: conception. Of .the aubdued7.. and
tmlightetied state Of, my mind. i_ara- bent
.one improvement. Teareg Beide all nay old,
- notions _ of myteliefs end ef My standing;
I are careftilly, puttingetogether the real
- Man that I note ane taiight that.I Sin. N'tlen
.1. get ray iievy personal ideneity. together _
.and -in a Working shape -I *tend, to etnay
theology epreetebere, eliongh-. iterny present
coninsien I canna- yet see Whether I -shall.
StUdy at Andover or Boston. Iii317 USIVenis,
nearer, lout_ Die •Srayth laa•a been_ • settled
theeta and I fearlaxity Of doctrine in his
. neighborhood. - Princeton -isnot far to the
-south of ine,. bat -Dr: IllcOosili is a Christian
evolutionnat, and it would be -:folly after:
w,bae., Ib ave- aufftlred to opine +under tlie
Melarial.hilitierde of that philesophy. .0n
the --whole, I -incliee'. to e study: at Petle
street... But et- herevet I May:- go' I am
detetreined before I die to-fincl a - thaelegy,
which will ;pass-. ninster at Bangor, at
Andover, at bridgeat IsTeW Haven, at,
• - lihany, ett - :Oberlin', et
b. 11
Ward Beeche
V ° 1118t. re- dyke, bobbing up arid flutteringarotind her
of his Bev:am:ten SinidaV 6" The Efoptian, .
subieet hushand.. " Great' gcamous, -what a cutl
Wait a xi:dente I." wed elle shot:into the
. rne , - :rem Englan.d,.. took for the
Question," Atsbi-Paeleetwee extolled. aE'-k it, closet and °lit again- • '
' Peri° -t. fiOting'14 free'1010.. Tita.disootiree . e- Qeicle I " eoa,red Mr. Spoopendyke,
. 174taa V7011134 nti. Viritt‘ a, eielegitine of the late bleeding te deeth I ' fetchetbee
- Ott_ Pusey.• •-•--, - ' • - - -. - - ' cour.t plaster I"
. .
' At the last meiteieg of the. Barrie presby- - - " Oh, deer I " moaned Ilts. przeip,,endyke,
teryelleve E, W.TPenton, of. Bradford.; weeite,ela, where did
et_ callea: to :. the Saperintendentship- of . the 66 NeVer Mind- the. putty t". yelled Mx.
' lduskoke 'Mission fteld,,. which poeition-lao SpooPendyke., . who_ had _ heard his wife
.:- has since declined, 'The congegetioe of imperfectly, .6,' lhate Wye' 'think this.,
-.S.t. AalarOW'S ChnT0h, S.trattordemoderated crack in the' wall?. - Got sbrne isort. of a
In,. a, .call en the 2erdinste which coolie, out: .n6tio,ri that there is •-a, draught. -through
• • unenimensly in la,Vor ofethe Bey; R. VT..05:art plaster, I tell ytei.1 - Bring
: 17.'auton,liOth in Lel prolexhilitywillcourt plaater before, I pull out -tbe
M..: save; :Bev. }leery' * Ideally- peo.ple beye doubted the .eceuracy .
who Was itiyited by the Of the :tee* •of Jerseee_whiele..beve- beee
i- IteteetiMeeto :time . reteleeaud,• „the. ele-tinSe
put forth by theig-eieners as teeheir extra.
.9XdillarY vOeitly yields of batter.'„- A Mem.,
ber' of' the Trisixs eta.ff (his beee: ehown
_letter -.from a .yeey-reliiible-Sohree in New
IiarlL stating- that. on the .17 th Of' October
an. 'oiler' a $10,000. etas Made by 'Mr; G.:.
'W. 'Feriae, of Trenten, N. j., for the_6•Yeart
old jersey heifer- Borehole and:yeas .declieed;
This one:Mier Boinba -Made 21 leis: 1 oe, of_
.beittee in, e.week,.,and.- 89. -11ete'rlee pitin .,31.
dayet. ' Thieetial excited.- ineeedniity,:being
so far in-...eXeesasif any. other yield ;.for eo
young an iteimal,-andher °tenet requested
:the 'directors' : of . the . teinerician-, Jersey,
Cattle eClieb to apppint - a cOniniittee-
to. . • witness -..- . and- . .-. verify ' _another
Weiik's:. test - of- . thie _ heifer. --- They
appointed Ur,: EdWara Beirmatt, a.. well-.
rkaown. expert iii:dairy;.: Matters., and -one Of
their direetore;rwho witioseed andgaarded,
eaeli• 'connoted detail,- and
• the Milk.
tinder. lock -and-ley, ..- The . Yield:: fo.r ' the
seven deri.Was., 21 lbs.: 11-i qz.; and are
Burnett, who wee. sceptiettl .-..is. tO. these ..
reported vields„-eipressed ..his :faith in•the-
nossibility- and probability, Of ether yields
not nearly so great. it .the ti'ttine -age. being
-aceurate, • There ...eVere -- certain diattaVaii7-;.
-tegeti _connected "with" the • teeteite the 'cow,
Waetneaely•four months :gone in -Milk. The
-above test Would. :eeeni to "iedioate, carried
On as it was inid.er. vereestriet annereitaien,
the .extraerdinary powers Of -.Jerseye to
perform the rweik,"-claiteed :ler theta_ as..
' butter "Makets. Boitiba is a the 6.Itietee
;bandy,. - the blood .of .Whiela • is -fei 'Many
herds in. -Canada, there-,..beiajmany inbred
Itioters in. ehe .• different:J-00,0 -heras -lie
this country
' AL Blatt Virithoitt Fear,
irlY-alig ilftide„.qiel -AllegtO '1:9 ,te
. • a .1)rtig C.Icrk.
- Neeis ...01 it Strange: :caee :of poiaoning
comes 'from. TOtente. - It eeepe.sies: tb.st a
girl,eeliose Married sister Iseeps *boarding;
"notiee tin Bay -.Street, *as: Belica. 140•Iibilit-'
ipg -fitS . last: night-. - A- dreg clerk; virhO -
hoarded in :the liaise., and -*Ito. wham she
had been teepine ..Cottipeny i- 1)0 ug. present
stated - that he. cold bring het t:Oo,-ana„ took -
bee to aliedtioorn-iu the house.: _She _did
imt.redever -quickly; Ihottever, and•Dr4 Zin.i..-
-reerMin - was Rent_ for: .'Oe .srriving he--
-eicamined the giiL and -subeeeuentlyecOnt
snitsa with Dr..-Wagrier: - yigagy .it..w04.3
coacluded that -the girl had been poisoned".
.Theitrl'is. two broth.era thereeporeclaarged •
the -drug clerk -with -having pi -yen ber medi-
cine for illegitithaie :ende; tteet fOrthwith _
set upon biro and eptinished tete . severely," .
leaving him With. a blaCk eye. :. le took-e'en:le:
time to revive the. girl,: tale:. lieeing becenie
Very sick and helpless: froM-11-40- effects, of -
.some -drag. • AL polieeman alrrivoa. On the. -
'Beene , alter the .,dietiirbanee had 'abated.-
eemewhat, but 110 ar.re,ste wete illaidti
- . Oar • cotiespondent. - teleetephing. •• thie- ,.
afternoop 713.0,343 : ....The y °nue. -_ wenfan Who '
camel nearly:being fatally .peisoned . leat -. -
iligh:t liveswithher eiiter, Moe VICSay.; On •
-Bay street:. !.Tbe •mett Who .ia iharged -,witla
giving her the voi,oii.:is one)rout, a porter
in a wholesale -druggist's.- ...The girl refuses •
to. give litre- _away.. . The peteon. utaed wae .
Oil of -tansy.
•• de 2,4,1 ion -Nicell'• ,
li: o. Bhcs:eenX.Ce:tlity41.1.vie,°011ailt-beldeibriya?. in' _hilietw°111Yb.ra.6aittraitnel
. .
.eohpie: • - : . . . : : _ _ ' . • -
-.Nett. Wife. - (visiting former .landlady)
"Oh, it's* just peelectleeepleendid., this...keep- :
iaglitenaer . - _ .. „.. . --.
PtoeSic landla,dye- eJo.OW are yotegetting
along?: , Are you fully Settled?" '. -
''.. New' ,eitfeee", We're getting on . '•iiieele
jelifilias got the stove all up--eXeept the.
pipe.: And:What do yOu.think?.": • - , ••
- Landiady"..Really I don't iiilOW. Wliat •
:- NeW wifee1,neVer thertighi-A -61.anYthi11g .
to eat, and. we got :lie S-undey morning- ,
withaixte, mouthful in the:1101146e, so VEEI had
to_gb to aereetaueent." •• - . . - .
1.4andledy--"'Welle tetu. . are oetting 011
. 0 -
. ,. .
nieely, indeed.”-
- accept. = - • side of. this house and 'get.' dome trope the
-Siendeer Bete eir. Connolly aisa Art' :fleighborsl "
ataravi,: to the superintendeney of which • Just. then it; oceurred, to Spoopen.;
cireeit he: was apPointed. at the. last' general dyke tlaat she bad put the piaster in - the
1857 ha entered the 'ministry a the Wes "Bete it is,- dear . • and she snapped off
meeting of the MontrealeConfeeence. In Clook6 • * •
leyan, litetbeditate ehureh, arta in 1861 Was piece- and. handeditto-Iiire.‘ • .
ordaited. - .11e liad labored et."-Idorrie, . , .
ar. Spoopendy4e put it on.theend of bis
Mery.10* Aowieli,StratterdePaisley, Kiticar•-• tougueettPiduig 11126 thw:111) cryer the 'w-elihd*-
, L'O.rignef,Riehown- shatbrot;we Iola When it was thoronglaly wettede it stuek
Newburg. • • • faet toleis finger . ythile-car.nage. ran dewn
•, • ..-
- s- chili. . Ile jabbed saw. ay at his- cut, -but
. _ - queetion- of organ or no.. organ, yibieh-- the plaster : hung to his digtt. mita filially
)100 Ilean agitating -.t.. Amareves:PrefibY-7 . his petierice wag:thoroughly- eXhansted. :
-Weise; Church, lionaone for- gon.cle time. past • 44 what's the matter „with the Moldy
Was.hrought to a. decisions laet eight.. The beg/leiterwill yer 'and as he
'. matter has been voted. on during the past plucked , it cat his fin -ger ....it grew ' to ids
two. Sebtathe, and last e-Yeedeg! the session themb. e Stiek, Will ,yeT' .b.e..° squealed,
met to emit. thebajlots„ withithe following tuot;Lug et the out 111bis Chin,. " LeraV8. go
result : Yease---Cheeeh membership, .168. ; that thutaband lie whirled around on
. adherents, la t....„ tetal, Z32, Nays-- hie 1161 and pegged at it 944,9413.. " WhY
Church membership, 208, adherents', -68. ; don't -you bring me SPEWS, Court plaster?'_. .
total, 276. Iflaj6rity in favor of. the organ he shrieked, turningen his trerebling wife,,
'. ee The Vote is smaIl„ as -the membership ..,,, who asked ye. for a leech.? Bring me..
of•St, AreireW's ie about -7'CO-,.etd ihe .- that' knows a thnnab from a
lotieg Would. indicate.
adherents anniber_ far more thanthe hal=
In le Theilitee rreeknime:u:t.
s: " Theadnger you live ttie,- raore -you feed
out," remarked Mr. J o Weston, the steeple-
_climbee, to a- ,co_uple of : newspeper men
lately. "1. had an---treadent recently which
tanglt tee something." .„ -
inquiry: . .-
sweet g
chin l'" and he:planted_ t
• ed- it around vindictively.
Princeton a
a • :;Tet, then _
_wound and so
Vithat. Was it?" was the sitaultan.eous
This time. the plaster let go and s ipp
Chicago a,n .
4 6' Now it's au -right, dear," smiled 1VIrs.
te the Corner of. his
- " It- was a marious. one. You: Seel Wason
:top of Se„Pants. Spite on Spring Street.. We
had riaged-ropes to remove.. the. planks et
the sicafoldieg. The way we ad that is to:
fasten si bloc4-to a post or tree( on the other
side of the street and- anOther le the• steeple
-and:splice: the ends. ot the- rope tegether to
an endless rope of it. If you. !eaten
- to- it. anytbineayou Want' :t0 Send -belew the
weight of- the. loed takes it �o1. : I had
tied the last ,plaule to. the rope. Teed it was--
. going. down. I *ore a bandkeretief tied
' loosely areupdy threat. - The wind blew
oue an end, of. it and it caught on the rernoe-
_ ingropeand-weepredaroned I Was imme-
diately esifeht, ute:-.fitse the handkerchief
° ' 'and. then My hand passing into the, block.
Now,,if. I had had an. assistant in the •street
-14eIovt, he wouldhaverio4oed the plank stop
: When •I; was eaught that way,- and,: as he
•-.. could not see anything wrong above,. he
_ would -have pulled on :the:rope •Then .1.
- .
-. itheuld.lieve been- choke& to : death by• :toy
Spoopeedyke, •auxieus to -secure peece in
family. ' " it's al' right nOVI t"
1 -It Think it iS, do ye..?" raved Mr. Spoop-
endyke, with a, - fearful grin. -"Maybe'
you'ye got the- genie idea thet the court
p a t x lase I re'ape you think:that Mouth
the impreseion thet this hole in toy yisaget dee :Bays -: Four -weeks,. ag .
wae eat With's razor ...: ybe ou're wider .
was meant.- to sliccinnla .to theenersuaeion ' Ellis, Who hatelieen tralelling theengh the
of a 'bit • of platter 1. •Opine - off --1 •Let go State %eine its 'an evangelist, and lire .
that mouth I". and •as he :gave it a Wipe -;it jno. B. ,Rose, of Thomaston, Vie., arrived
atnek to the Palm of hie hana as tholig.i. it: here and registered it . a :hotel wider.
Ilaa been- born:there- " , . *ssumpa names as plan.. s,na. _wits: •*113:.
a Let me try," -sugested .are. SpooP.eu Bese'e husbandiraeked the- -eiopingpair as
dyke ; 66 I know low to a& it." . . z. Jar west as Chicago:- and :then back:to the
" Then why' ' didn't,- yes,. do it., fi.ret 14' 'eest, aud flintily tfaeed theaa to• this"bity
howledIlr. Spoop,eadyke. " Vslhatdid -ye aria proctited..T.IlliW .. arrest hors -.unae.
ant to wait until. Di lost three gallons- of an..old .law on a Charge' of adulterY.: Ellis
gore for ?. On, yeul know how te sao.it was charged tozay in the -County. Co:urt
You onlv Want a: linen: heck and a bottle of bead etas: found- guilty and fined 1109 or.
reucilage up Your eide to- be a contity-hOS6-. :two years' imprisourdeat
pitel. Stick 1" ana Ale dapped his wrong *penaltythe _lawe Mre. Bese rotureed
hand.. vet hie there. to her parents -at Theniaston. • She hies dn,e-
till ye iolkeif I lid& ye tilliny etile eitre-B -child:. -Ellis - desetted his Wile, •Whe . rives-
eorne,th tig-I'' exel-tdr. Spoopendykepreneed: in Nepousett,'tdass. and has three_ chil--
tive of steradeterreinaticia.
. VOW to 'Trouble. .
IteElopea with Anothir Man/a4 NVite-Itut
John (Ii:B.) despatch dated Satur-
• Edwi11,11.
-"Bravery r " . An - old Btitish offieer
Marines said .lately, When talking Over tle
neWsPaper..repertaabOut thedatieed.sonee
of .A7#31T :soldiers :: in Egypt, "very. -often
beavety tmlYeneane the 'devil -getting - into
you lot the time. ::•Yot. lose your ..head and
ypur fears: .Iiew-, the. breiveet, rean Iever
knew :waste bonvictedthief.. Hehad enaut
. gled himeelf into_ telie eciairinee . setae -110e,
Without letting. it he ' known thatle Wats et
tickee7of-leave. man.. : llly lienteeent had
once to take ineemen On shore to garrisoet:'
temporarily, a 'braall fort neat Ga,rgenti, yin
„Sicily, -and among -taista was i the: ex -thief.
Hardly•were -our mon lapded and in ,eom;
niatel a the.guns thantwo of the,.enetey'S
shipe .: hove .iii. eight, ...etid.-.fieen _they Were'
latuiching a landing -party' Under -cover Of i
the .ships' wine. .7iVe Yieee tint a handfuland,
no. Metal for tlaelioatfals attaekieg as. Out
'fire was =kept' :up stea,dily , but so Was the
fire frOrdthe ships.': .The .I.DO12. ! in the or
were drcipping fast. - The thief -.had: a leg
.steaslied. At.leeit---1 ean .fereedto ponfess,
it --the t..WO•or three marines viii -6 bad etill
' Whole Mkiiati. teek tO - their laeela into , the .
iiortibweied behind... Poo; chaps,:there.wae,
sOme excuse. Certain., death was brialing -
'un the WA _ uPon theta. is- :that landitig
party, Which- near.ed ,.., the -rampart- :with
reu.nds Of ,clieers, -6 Shame I '... Cried the
thief after -hie- running .cOMrades, and. ..up
he get, leaded a- guia,- end fired it right into
the enemy's face, just two: B000n4S.befere e
wotd theuet One him for ever out Of pa*,
. Tho Man -had:always'
'What 0: r_flitee.--COu Samp : :Will Do. -
It will. do lnore than -spy other piece of paper
of its size -and Valtie in: the werld. It: accom-
plislieS what woula few- years ago, 1110e been I .
deemed impossible. Thatlalistaanic plaeard on.
the coiner of ari envelope or package comniands .
the- use of -Capacious and beautiful buildings ,
to redeivO yciur letters; orders trains of . •
cars to e arry them, a-od starts itn. artny of Tao. to --
deli -v.0 th?In... it brings information. from every -
section; of the -country and -tidings of pleasure as
welh Butthe crowning consideration is the fact
that a three -Cent stamp ,sent to A. 'VOGEL-Ea &CO...,
Baltimpre;11d., witia the -applieants name and
address, will prOcure a; copy of ST. JAC0i3S calen- . .
- der,rereeteevith. interesting reading Matter, and,:,
. better than.; ali, containing. specilic'iristruetioup
. for thetreatment and eure Of rb:euntatisin, nen:-
nil& and all painful diSeasea- by the use of ST
tardketehief end nay ---
- atia part of
y f ace.would have been. tote off.-Persone
in the,L street *beloW Would have noticed-,
_perhaps, that 1. was .verv quiet,' but they -
would.not h.eve suspected that I was hang
Mg by the- neck.- - 0 • . .
4 - .
- e• Thet, pull stretehed Me eiglateeninebee.•
. As ecen, WS I T.9abiZed tba tiO.i.lblO I reached
lieleve„ and, taking_ bola- ot a rope,:, pulled
- hack On 'it Until nay liindkerehlet oaine out
• the' Sheave and 1 dropped On tO: the, hooka
.beittwe - I soim barely touch therd• Wi9i.
My feet."
' nothing but hooks to Stand on ?". -
• " les„. the hooks of the' scaffold; . Iciii sea
• . weilad sent 'all the: planksbeiow. - I Was
saved- by theskie at -my. teetle,"-,C---tecientati
- Div -4w, • * - • • . '
- .
. A Eingeton despatch says ; On Seta:ratty
night the- propeller Celtic, of gainailton,
• 'laden With dynamite-- and.- gunpowder,
'' broke_ alteanapip.,e. ori the way up the river,
. and ran into the dity slip for repairs. -: ger.
• Carp Was; detected*, and the captain ordered,
b.er _off. He did, but 1194. only
' reached Nine: Mile Point when the,:seerity
Of the- gele-"Coneed him to: return.; She lay
up an down'the room with. a face iudicue • ked last, week of giving
" Let 'Me see, . dear," said his wife
approaching hirhwitha staler- and gently
drevving away hie band. elle deftly edjtisted
another piece of- plaster.. - - A
‘-‘ That was my piece after all," growleu
Ilir. Speepeadyke, eyeing the job and
iglaneing at the. palm of Iiiki hand to find
his piece of - plaster :One: " You always
. conae iii .a.fter the ftineral.' • -
"1:gust you'll fuad your piece • stieking
in the pthet hand, dear," -seid. "Urs.
Spoopendyke pleasantly-. -__. ' . ..R.
"-GI ,course -you._ cam tell," snorted. Mr.
Spoopendykee verifying biewife'essaertion
witlka glanee. . " If I hadyour insight and
_ave.& ot cards, rd. hire a shot tower and
set up for an' astronomer." . Mx. Spoopen;
dyke,. who evidently Meant astrologer, wore -
that piece of blood stamp -el court. plaster
, on, his hand -all day long rather than ad --
:mit; by taking -it oft that his Wife hadever
aren. , e .
lecteires here, p.
91. 'frem his broken leg. and we
been, a sitekl-eg llow board,
were sarrirised eneugh-. at the heroism I
his end. _ When hie lest wes . reported
home, it came. out through., Beale relative
that he *as a Convict. poor wretch, e be
made a plucky eadiiig-at any rate I. ".
ebeaP to be released, but, a postponement t . .
a, 0ouree of
in order. , As Mrs. Itose-seends bY_hiria his'
fine maybe pa,id. ' Ellis, became celebrated
by his evaugelieticlabors among the Baptiste
. :
- -.
In a reeent 'conversation with ar.
Cenner, Bgyal Opera, Howie (Toronto), lie
spoke as follow$ to's eepreeentative .ot. at.
protninent joignal in TOPly to a queition
concerning his health i • " Dining the eaxli
part of last October I haa.a severe attack
in my right knee_ of What my Physiciiania
pronoienced &elite elaeumatisna. I used
many se -called rhenneatic remedies,: -with-
' oeiving any apparent benefit. Obeetv-.
b ing constantly
Do.' you_ Mean id slily 'that- you haa
.• in the Royal. OpetvL IllOuse.
The- Ditingeirous; Cargo.. ..
been. right iII anything. ,
'What Young Blot ShOttia lilo:
'./.1: _Eveiti youtg man _should make the
Mast of himself, intelleetually, morally and:
physi. 2::ge fihQ14d. depend oh hiebwn' .effo.rte
cally. • ' - ' - '
to acaoriipliSh these results:
3.. Ile should be willing to take advice
frem those .coMpetent to -.give it, end to
follow such advice, Unless his own -judg-
ment- -or Poneiction, : properly ',founded,
bers- of our profession, I decided to, give it a 4. -If he .-is unfortunate enough
-recorainended by Many of the leading mem- sheuld otherw
-ingthat St. Sacebs_Oilwa
A.ccordiaglytpurohased a bottle of the &rich and,indulgent latherdie must do -the
Al variety of trimming with a, dull
surfa,ce is in demand. •
-70*phi:dere turbans to rdatcla the dresi
are warn- by childrea. . • • • •
Flowered satines aie employed se.
linings for dressy cloaks:
deal of .red-thieseason. •
Opposite 3-iitigstoti, at Garden' Island, all
yeaterday; but when the wind shifted and
darkness set in. ehe. got in. shelter of the
'harbor until art early -hour this morning,
when she proceeded west. The. explosives
. .
- are &full cargo eansigned to Duluth. The
mate, second engineer and deck. hands
. resigned before the boat left Montreal.
lier freight bill is - e4,000.'• T.Ami.-The
Celtic left port without a crewflaiit expects
to get one at the canal. The Dominion
baa aisc aguatuite-. -
d as directed."Frone beat he can under the cirounastanceS,
• -*Web' Will - be to cenduet 'Wiesen very
much sia thciugli he .hal not thoie obiatecles
toerieroome. : -
should never be- discourage:a -by
small begiimings,_ lant reMerribei -that: all
great results have been -wrought alit !iota
the first application 1- commenced.. o
arttele. and app
proYe, and before used two-thirds of a
bottle I was entirely ecured, and ha**
experienced no return ormy ailraent."
-The little people Will display's g,reet
ee-Novenaber BOth has been proclaimed
Tliablogiving Day inthe United. States.
week pf prayer,' beginning' JeallIfity.
1011, itiaa loe.ett ordered by the Eveegelical
Albanae. - _ ••
i was found
Ada, Joiner, a yonag g r ,
lyingin' a field on her fa,ther's farm in
Eouthweld on Sunday With her skull frac-
tured. It is supposed she wa-S kickekby a
horse-. . ,
, IlenrY--:-_artori, Of Toro'; has suc-
cumbed to an injury received at,tlie. hands
of. olie-Baeta4a J oaes, near Uxbridge. The
- circumstances. of the case are -euspicioui.
It. ie said, the couple quarrelled.. • • '
Extraoitlinary Scene
Coal: Ieland Chattal, in the- County Tyrone,
a menrianeed Hamilton, who islaoycptted
forhaviiigtakena boycottedfarm, attended
Mass On Suaday,_ accompanied by. two
;Policemen. . 'tes SOOn :as -he entered :the
_congregation left,.. and one ol..; the Police ,
eseert had to - help -the. priest to " Celebrate:.
-MASS. ' - Three men..haye • been sent to
prison -tinder the Criraes 'Act for intiroi-
dating .11ardiltoti" on a fernier 6008;0i:hie
fleewas -hoeted from- another ,chaPpl the
. .
ptevions Sunday; - - '
A Dungannon telegram states. that at
.- ' .
- reader„Thomas L. sJailleS, . Festraaster- :
General of the:United-State% when PoStratiSter a
,theCity-Of Ne*-York„coneurred. in the:following
tetemonial fromVareing„
General superintendent Third Division Mailing : •
and pistributing DepartMent‘ lqew _York Pest-
dfacel- I. take pleasure iii--ad:vis'ing that the.sain-
.. pies of ST._JA.cons Oil. left for dist;ributiOn among _
.* the clerks of this office laave as far 9,S they have
, , , . ,
-. been tried, proved etpial to aii that is claimea.
for the OIL.- The reports from -the several super- -
intendents tuid .clerks who have used. the Orb
-.Agee Ili in.aising it highly.. It has beenJohnd .
- efficacious* ctitS, buens, soreness ,and -stiffness -
.Ofthejoints and. muscles, and affords a ready re- •
lief'for rheinnatic complaints." Cel. Samuel .II.
Taylor,-Wa.shingtonf Ind., and. ost/neater of-
Curn.berland-, Md.,. was _cured of riaeliraatisra -
Jeceesseie. _Ceneerning the eteacy ofthiswOri-' .
derful substaaiCe, the following. muSt impress the
When youlret and fume at the. petty
illP of life. remeneber that the wheels which
go round without .creak.ing last'longest.
alight causes. -
. 6. lie should never, 'under any circum-
stances, be idle. If he cannot find the
empleyment he prefers. let him corcie 'as
near his desires as possible -:--he will thus
reach the °object othis ambition.
. 7. All young- men ha-ve " inalienable
rights," among which none is greater or
moil; sacreathan the pr.ivilege tobe " setae -
A. wire 6,000 feet. long over the river
lEstneh, in India, is the longest in the.:
world. It is , stretched between two hills
each 1,200 feet high: , % .... . .
'Is- singular and. probably fatal accident
occurred at St. Thomas ion Thuteday. A
young lady liamedUcKenkey fell against a
Waggon, which atriking her lernple, she
fell= senseless; and has eel:dein-ea so ever
. • •
A. political econoneist Says tb,e best
wives,,,exe cheapest." Yet every raan who
haw a.good- Wife looks upon her as a " &little
aear." , , • , .
. C. 11,-. 'Gardiner, • manager of " Onlyea
Farraeirs Daughter,". has jiist purchased a
$30,000 conntry . seat at Staraford, Conn,
-He vvill notoccupy it until spring. -,
bod1" • .
. Ocean Steamer ItevOnettiodtitionte
aince. , . .
Itfrs Maxwell the novelist better known
as NUBS M. E. Braddon, is just paSSirig the
,f- . 1 I
prime of life and enjoys the most vigorous;
robust *health: She lives, in a fine lions°
near London and is fond of driving a tearo.
of spirited chestnntheries. ,- . - -
Sheriff Glass. and Mr. R.Bayley, barria--
ter, London,- were passing on Saturday
.nrider the sea,ffolding in fiont of. Tingerailrs
new carpet warehbase ou Carling street,
when & pet cif:paint_fell down and. the Con-
'. tents Were bespattered over their clothing.
• They preSelated aDelly :i7 toilet( appearance
In eoriforniity With the traditional Otis
tom tef tbe hereditary Princees ot Prussia
Prince Wtllia,m, the Emperor's • eldest
grandson, - is about .to enter ilia Civil
Servide,- in order- to obtain a sprictical
knoWledge of the Working of the various
- branches el the executive and &dial:a-Ara-
- ti-Ve OrgaIliZatiadOf the country. --
- At liingeiton, yesterday it rat gnawed _a
_hole in the gas pipe ia 'the 'Whitley/ a
. _
Wade's, drug etore. The plumber struck a-
toll to see wherethe leak waSand caused
' heard" blocks away,
Mr. :F. W.- -Fineman, a taticcessful and
adive pork packer of Efa,milton, Ca,nada,
was among the nOtable' visitora at the
yards. Bir. F. was under the guidance -of
Air:. 112. • Foster, - and made a- tlaoroug,h
inspection of the various. externs,' - and
iateraalpacking-house improvements Which
have been raa4e here since_ his visit four
years ago. It is needlees to eaylie Was
surprised at tile grow,th made here in that
hicago Stock Journat. . : . -
JAcons .
• •
FOR TO -4 S.' Nof
Frequent compleint las- Of . late Alta
Made by retained: piesengers 'from Europe
-..as to .-t.he poOt ,accotemodatiOns- _on the
vessels: asity-Oldand.-aperietioed travel
'JOB 184 thel -peter before baa sucii.uuccra-
.Ortp.ble treatnient ;:that -the atito-reorata
,were unsatisfaitory, 'that the t.ablie serVice.
was iiiideqinite,- and:that -.orrery thing haa..
beenthe Opposite of optwenient tat seteetiblee
The 'objelations inide-`are net :applicableto,
,any p.ertne.ilite line,laut to ell..of ihe dezetiOr
more lines tin:Ming.: The. co-n*1010s have
continued for Weeltiii," . and are wo .nitiforiii.
and . coneurrent _as to leave - no doubt _ of
their • jUstifitation.- .• In.", -sorae. itittanceS;
sedorkdolites. rootia.. were given •to 'first-.clasa',
passengers:- at :firtit-clatis rates, aua. fret.
-citiently the biadding was .M.sueli. Condition
ata.-: tO be Poeitively aitagusting. - .A -large
pertiqn of the pasSengerti Who have ,returned •
When they. go -to -Tarts So 1,1r IleedY eaia..si.n.e-
John Laishey and Louis Pee= sentenced
at 1Kingston last spring to ten yea;rs each
in the geniteatary for an outrage com-
mitted on Addie Virheeler at Cr auspoque
Were released On -Thursday, 'having been
.pardoned by the ; Minister .0t _Justice.
- Sticsh 'circumstance :it in accotdance With
M his first- eernion • in . that. .aity, _Their: nation at the nuerep=esen. p.. .. ,
vy..11 never. -agakn patronize tlee.iiiies that
thinks,: Cheis_tians shotild'aveid.: ' have. vitt11y e svtindled -them:et-London
_ -: --e- • -.--- .
It -is -the sure badge Of a elown not- to Free -press , _, ,
. ---, .
reinde what- pleases or :displeases those he: . .. ..t.--- . .
is withe-e. jeLocke. .
1 - • . •
- Ititas: nat till 1866 that the ' modern
. .The taanY friends- of -Hon. John IY.L0! .eyelteiti of •fortitioations was. applied to the-
Iduirloh will- he P lepsed to learn that --.he toWn ' tit 16134:J When the- aonstruetion :ol
to* &-: change for the - 1?etter yesterday the four aoaAhed: forts of . et. Querttiu,
_afternoon, and last night was -gettitig on. Plappeville,1 T4tieleti- arta .st. 'Julien was
Tory favorably: rp.s attcuoug piiyaiciaus begum. ' in 1870 only:the first two•ot- these
hula cut . good hopes of ',:hite ultiMate re- Were . Completed. , T .he ethers. hay& been_
popnlar °rpm. •
. .
American; leave their goodness be in
lie close of August are full et
ns naide and
treatment received, and ,ave, that they
desire is to Bee all the sighte, end that% he
Beadle tto aged -parishioner) : 46 'What
think ye o wit mew minister, Jeems ?"
Seems "Keel, Sohn, I reckon he's a
eneuch preacher, buthehas dreedlti'
tdpit." Jehn:
IT IS so rixesexe.,-,eSo certain
and easy in its action It invig-
orates IlerVe;' brain and muscle.
ZOPESA does these things simply
by giving active .Digestion, and
regulatingthestordachand liver.
finished' undirethe German
Nvho have likelisue:ilatilian,oilliteineYe
• -a that le
tbe " Toots; man, that's no criteerian • e min ov
Whit Rope says,. The mind's the ;stYandard At Eldorado Kan., a W1 Ile
u a to tell where_he
poor appearanCe
the man? " Seeros Minna gie dite he viotild lie -comp° e
e bira with him and be did not
botight the whiskey, for two or three ot
ury were
and =which demolished. the Plate glass ap .
caused all.the raiechief was feund. dying of authority on Kirk matters yell .no be a
lang beadle o' this pazisli I" ' dare to lie -about it-
cantents of the window. The rat which- what th.e, Pope sAys, an
an -explosion which V7 ,
,tssirrrxros -001Eviamat p
'NERVOUS DEBIT. IVY. Itheranation,
13,3,0u Neariggis-„yaraiysis and alliiiver and Chew
Own ipints initiediately relieved and. pering,
d by ming these' BELTS, -BAND
A.ugust vonWurtereberg, and Za,strow. 'rhe nent y 0
one the powerful fOr S
last of the series
derSilla Oironlexe and Consultatien FBES,
is the little fort of Sin- OD INSOLES