HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-11-10, Page 11.s
t '
%Mee IVC.rarted.,
147- °I.144wil4 EL translated by' eharle•s
• Webb.) `-`•
1.0eoul1 we meet aeonce We, parted,
•etexei we we thateha•rros again • -
:Which by something Was imparted.:
-Reeet issaslanshine, after raid r
•Ctthe bl, Of but a. vision'
(I Ulu ivee Of but a doubt
• aurely- fate feria anlission
• -Iflife'a.blisaiathust•-stitinped-ont. •
()Lova:name peeping in thy glen:teal
• Smiting,. took in every smile; -
And th_y: tales of Love's romances
Woo'd my heextvith pleasing guile.;
(1, theiteath- of that great Ilwvaent.
Makes me dread another's birth
Surely. th.orewill 00nno atonement
Era thy smile has;left the earth.
o couitl we meet as once. we parted; .
Could those sighs, be fused again,.
Then :the, shaft Which Cup41, darted
• Would ere long:pear golden grain-
• • 'Then that restless incompletenpsa
- Youth displays,: with foolish care
Would pOssess:, thy radiant sWeetnes.‘
- And the, stamp, of manhood: wear- -
101Teria04K LUJ .AS ses,
"acneWhjj. tee tattle .sfiettet Power
.• •
. • E.'41rneelane eecoenteends. meidovedew„
-gath.ered in th,e, amoraing while the, May
moon ie .on the increase; ancl Montaigne-
inquires into the habits cf the- most .weW
fAvored trabee of every country, but eon-
fessee that the problem rather an ease
• SiVe, one, theeeeeetedWellere of•Swedenbeing
• ai.aistitooktAtti fo,r -their ecinaeliness.as the
;-highlanccere, Of Aragon, and the, Normandy
- :oider-drinkere uet lee* than the, Tuscany
"Wineedriaikere. His only general rule, how
ever, :stial laelche. . good, thata out door
• dwellers( ire never Wholly iltsfavored- hoe-
- k-aoor-woTkera sat ethor lovely, and we
.1 -night say that eaene of •aleohol•-drin'kereend
totalabatesieeree theeielanapps-worshipping
natives; of e Tyrolese • highiande
nisike amender by -their active out door life;
• .:as Lowell .f actory gide by their te.etotalisre.
a There is e good- (Wain . tape; though, and. a
- trace -of eugelic- feaauresaiday still be rebogs
• razed ainoue the little ragamuffins. of many
• -&- Schiesivig-Helstein -coast village, where
• Men subsist oxi brendy, '. cheese and Our.
. rye bread a .Tbezr aleighbors., the Pomera-
• rttaz.s.4. are a.i-uI,. if. net e gene:
•ration anclaie epite at their dreary moor-
landsavery feed of out -door Sparta, Bat
. farther east nature elided -lobe to.art, and
the northern Russians, are about as out-
erageoualy unprepoesessingesin-doorlifoand
& coinhination .ef all vices could make- the
irciAge of the-, Creator.. Extremes. Meet
• thongheaild their Emperor Vas the honor
ofecotritaandieg twelve regiments of the
. 4nost Godlik-e. Men of the present world
eethe -itin.ce.cuirassiera of the body-
gitarcla eprtuted-lu the .highlands of Lee-
- 'Oda encl. D-agheetate Neatly all the natives.
tli,e• UilIptfAylliii hevethat fatal glitaif beauty.
-which reside their teed the favorite hunting
ground el thaltarem agents, and this gave
• the Czar •.a pretext for treating it. as
Turkish dependency, But , no social de.-
gradation -could .counteract the combined
• Milateeceof tbeaCaticasiaii climate,. hardy
habits„ temperance: end .frugality, for the
Circassian ateontaineers- are teetotaiersbe
• rehgtatie *lid vegetariana by prefetenee—
engs, honey; barley; cakes and Millebeing
the staples: of their, diet They .aresphysis:
c -ally aeltreede men, • for- their language
provesthat their auc-estors were Turanians
—fist cousins. ofthe. owlsfaced nomads of
:the. Mongolian steppe.—Pepitler - Samoa
Monthly. • .
-Tee Deeetinee Morse Trade. -
A Hudson River farmer Who wanted a
'better horse than he, Possessed drove into
Yonkers oue day with his, nag, and hunting
up a._ eertaie oitizen who . had. the sort of
1 horse he wanted, the- farmer stated his
'desire to exchange,. and added: •
".I underetand. tnet you are a. Christian
" Yes, sire'
Belong to the Church? "
-"-One of the deacons, I believe?"
":1 tithe" ' •
A trade was made„ and the farmer drove
Lemke with the now equine: L But in the
course of three &ye be returned and. began :
"See: here, deaconewhet kind- of a man
are you ? - You never Iced me that that
- horse I got of- you had spavins - and ring-
bones and heaves! -
"No, I believe I didn't..1"... • - '1
" Welt vete are a pretty Christian, you
• •
"21-y. frieed," placidly replied the good
man," if yea can find it enywbere in the
good book thet a deacon. in- the Chutch
• tenet point out the defeets in. his -own. horse.
Where a -sinnet is tooignoranttosee for
himself, ru- admit my ein and trade haok.-
. Come in. and We% Inint for the passage," .
• -
• . The Seaforth•Efighlanders-ontheir retina
aft= Egypt about the eta 'of this:month• ,
ill 'be stationed at Marithill Barracks neat
aa church- Meeting ot -the Parliament
- -Street -Baptist Chureh, Torontoeheld last
evening. Rev- W. T. Tapscott tendered his
resignation as paatet of. the church, for the
purrtose of accepting a call from Aylmer.
The eeeignatioa wee -accepted.- - •
Judge, Williem -Viers Bouie, of Roekville,
was told. by hie phySician that he had
only --a few: hours to. hvea His' daughter's
, wecialidg had been appointed fathe follow-
ing week, but, on bis urgent desire,. the
marriage ceremony was'. performed at his
• bedside. - -11ewas too week to pronounce a
blessing tippe tlie bride, an- a feeble kiss -
was his lizet act. •
A peculiarly heartless_ elopenaent was
that of CherIes Signer a of Amboy, 111. •He
hacl beenmarried only a year, end his wife.
4rought, him a smell fortune. She became
and they: started fat -Colarade, on the
adviee of e phsieiau. Signer carried .the
money realized' Irate the sale of her real
• estate. 04 the 1174o,k,,,_ be fell in with „a
hancliocue7youtig woman—et stranger; but
late acqueietalace advanced se rapidly that
on arriving at Chicsigo he Taft Mr.- Signer
in, the atatien ..anci .cputinued, his journey
• with, eite, ether WOpIna. The•ehaatlioned
weeles,. seitnent a„ 060,, robbed even of her
• • beggegeavesie taken to se hospital,
The RIASSinal Baykal. Cererniesion to. abate
-drditheeneee. remake/4811de 'Is, Liberty to
commutes: to eloee all dreakitig shops.
Permission to cereiniiiies-- tce establisli.
epro muted, Monopolies for the sale of drink.
:L No pablie,heinies- to be established above
,•• 26 per cent in excese of ore per 1,000 of.
. the populastiore 4. Tea end food to be sold
Wherever • drink is conaumed.- on the
premises. 5 Rigerees supervision of
-public houes
-- CJHUCHES AND PetnetaemeRie.
Weekly Budget et News in • Reiezence
The American Tied - Society aids he
circulating religious- • literature in 146
In India and Ceylon, out of _seventy-two:
-missionaries tiventiefour are children Of
The Rev. Granville Moody, knownduring
-the Rebellion as- "the fighting parson,"
was recentIyantperennuated.
A correspondent of the Pall Mall Gazette,
.advonetes the abolition of. celibaey &wag
the Roman Catholic elegy. •
Geneva, the citY a Calvin, ist described
by a- trieveller as " felt Of ungodliness
ietoxicatedwith the pleasures of the world.'
se- • •
• Ne fewer than ei,ghty-six applications for
the *anentcharge of Creigie parish, in
.A.yreihire, have been received by the Kirk• .
seesion. .
'In the Sabbath Schools of Nevt York the
Baptists lead all other denominations in
the percentageof growth during the past
ten years.- - .
The Christian. Intelligeneer thinks that
Beecher' " keeps his theology on tap
and draws a new one.. at every ;impulse- of
his burning soul." - •
Messrs. Moocii and Sankey are holding
daily religious services' in the fashionable
°hutch ofthe popular preacher, M,I..3erster,
near the Arc de Triomphe, Parise •." - '
Ins Madagascat, out'.of - a population of.
2,500,000 there are 70,000 Christians. .The
first missionary visited the island less than.
sixty years ago.
rThe oId Slave market of Zanzibar, where.
30,000 sieves were formerly sold annuelly;
has been transformed into inission premises,
with.aeelturch and school-.
• Aeether noted Roman Catholic in Relne
has becomeaa Protestant-LSignor Catalonia,
Professor of Thyeicel gmence- in the
University at R.orete: He has connected
himself -with the Free Italian • • .
That* letter of Darwin lately _Published
is a terribIe.wasit•of despair. • A-- man . can -
riot be very happy who believes that his
seul is no More, as some one says, '-'than a
teaspoonful ofglue," and that immortality -
is only, as Victor augo has •it, sa the great
perhaps." . .•• • • .
In the 13. S. Episcopal Church the fol-
lowing clergymen havebeen rectors of one
parish over .half • e century: -Rev. Drs:
Shelton, Norton, . „Brown, ; Rodney, of
- (fifty-seven years), and
'Edson, of Lowell (fifty-eight yeare).. • •
Professor Oa E. Day, of Yale Divinity
Schoolain a. late address, gave the. admoe-
idea to his -brethren to study "the Bible -
more for themselvesaandlesethe oriticiems
of Robertson Smith and others- abeut the
- =
An evangelical jOurnal in •GerrcianY hat
recently published statistics.-ef bap -
thong between 18126 in Prussia,
showing.: that in mixed marriages hardly
more. than a 'quarter ett the ehildren are
• baptizedinto the evaugelical church.
Dr. W. Et. Ferris, a "wheel: horse of.
Xethodism," thinkstlie chiircheSare getting
"too respectable," and that "people get- a
notion under modern preaehing that things
are about righanyway,and there is plenty
of time hathenextworld to settle -the affairs
of salvation." •. .
A church in Chicago his an invalid's
-room, in a ,recess near the pulpit and look,
ing down 'upon- it,' theggh Unseen by the
audience. It is entered by a priVatedoare
and is arranged With tables, chairs; lounges
and: other conveniencies: The iiimateeMay
sit or. stead, lie or walk, cough.- Or_ leave
when chsposed.Athout disturbance.. s
Dr. Goodsell • congtatulatedpei elderly
Chtistian-naan, a resident of New Haven,
that bre' race warealmost Over and hie battle
neatly fought. f' les, doctor," was the
sick man's reply," I suppose that ie so, and
I am. gletle-yes., I think rilit glad -411 prose
pect of heaven.But; still,(looter, I fear I
hall Milia New -Haven privileges."
" Our American missionaries,' writes a
United States 'Consul, -"in 'carrying the
Bible into foreign landshave opened- new
avenues for trade, established. our flag in
distant pets, formed treaties' of friendship
and commerce Where none existed before,
given employmentto our merchant Meanie,
taught the Ebglisli languageso as to facilis
tate comnieroial transections,and intree
&aced Ametican books and -newspapers. In
my opinion- theyhave accoinpliehed mere
for our GOverement: in extending 'onr:in.
fluence in the East - than allathe consuls in
the service,: and. the -country could 'afford to
. pay them ahandsonie bouritY-foi their dis-
interested labors." . •
One ef the- secrets -of the fitieceris of the
English Salvation Army is their _singing,
which- is designedly made• to eater tothe
tastes • ot the illiterate and • Uncultivated
masses.: • In London one of,their " hymn!) "
has, for this reason, become as popular -as
any of the songs which are sung ate the
" ftee-and-easies, '. the airbeirtg irresistibly
droll; -One stanze is as follows: •
Elijah was a jolly old Man;
And was carried up to Heaven in a fiery
Chorus.—Let us every One be e..jblly old man,
-And be carried up ta :Heaveri. in a ter,"
2/fr. Holloway, an Englisinnin;.has given
$2,000,000 to - dow an- institution -for the
higher e ca ion of women.-
Walt . .httinan,. the poet; is lying pso
seriously ill at .his residence at Camden;
ist J.,that few; if . any, hopes are entere
tallied- of -his• recovety! His illness' is the.
result of Bright's disease of the kidneys; .
Sir John- _Macdonald has purchased for
$10,000 Ernscliff, Ottawa, -formerly the
residence of the late Tnom_ase .ReynOlds:
Sir John: has occupied this resideeeefor-
some time, pending iteprovemea : -n
Stadacona Hall.
Saavancei Amer Marcareen.—Mr. Bran.
well Rooth, son of General Beoth; and chief
of the Salvtithin Army staff at home, was
married the other day in Clapton Congress
Hall, London, to Miss Florence Soper, chief
of theParisian Contingent. The hall sites
densely crowded, abdut 5,000 persons being
present, and the proceedings *ere• enlivened
by the singieg of hymnto the aecompane
merit of a brass bend. At. the conchision of
the ceremony a oolleCtion was made to
form p. wedding present to the bridegroom,
though General -Booth antiounced that the
proceeds would.be handed ever. towards the
payment of the :balance due oti the Grecian
- --ase-ase-aeserre"P'—'1
AN' .ENGLIOIIK -1111.1f/L4143M.
The Death of a Poor Man .Attribumbie
to. the- Centof. His Creditor. -
.The stoty told at an inquest held in Lens
don -recently on the body of Joseph'-james
Grafton shows,. says Truth,- that soine.
ohange in the leveof-distrees is:needed, for
never was there a clearer ' instance of
summum jus suntma injuria—in feet, there is.
no doubt that the pertains employed -by one
,Garrard, a money -lender, in- the exercise
his Strict legal rights, accelerated, if they
did not actuallycause, the death of Grafton.
The poor man. hal a knell shop. He
borrowed 220 Of Gerrard -on the Security;
Apparently, of his goods, for he eigneda
"paper "-agren'ng to repay 226. He had
already- repaid -X15, when • he fell ill.
Garrard, on this, alerted his goods. Iievain
the unfortunate hotrciwer asked -that his bed
should be left fothim to die on and his Wife's.-
sewing machine for her, to earn a artist at
breed with. Getrar&seepresentatiVes were
inexorable. They eonsOlect the wretched.
couple' with the observation that "he,
would not last long." When they had gone
this victiin of justice unto:riveted with
mercy lay down on A few rags; without -a
pillow under his head, and with Only a
piece .of old curtain _for a covering, whilst
his neighbors, Ponr almost as 146 was,
i)lubbed together to provide him and hiesuri-
happy wife with a little neurisliment, Thus
he remained for niiie-deys and nights', and -
then he died.- • Me. s Getratd,. the money-
lender, upon beirg called' as 1 it witness,
regtetted that the bed. Wee not left," and.
stated " that he had been businees for
twenty-five Years and never had any • COM
plaint .- made ,Itgainst The _inry
wished to add as arider lo their verdict
mix expression�f theiedisgusb at the iiihu7
man cOnduet Of:the philanthropist Gerrard,
but-thisthe coroner told theinthey could
not do.
. • . .
, .
. The Freaks .of Fortune.
- . ,
, • A familiar figute in Wall street, New
York, is thet Of John Tobin, now an old
man—prematurely Rid—with' bent form
andgrizzled beard, wrinkled face and. hard,
.steel -blue eyes. • Once one of the greet met
of the street, he is to -d' a peak man. He.
was. worth- 'it the height of his fortune
5about $3,000,000. Too great greed ruined
hinaHe was always waiting to hit the
bell's -eye, to sell out at the very top,- and
this -the speeulator. never attains except- by
accident After Tobin broke, Commodore
'Vanderbilt bpught 5,000 -shame of Central
for him', . They showed aprofit of 15000O;$
but. Tobin hung out for *more,and lost all.
A banker amice told hien, when he was
dealing homily in Harlem„ that if he
would :drive a gertaiia-,person out of the
managemeet he would make him' a present
of a -watch. Events turned.outas he had
desired, when Tobin, remembering • the
pearaiee, went to Tiffany's and 'ordered a
$1,250 wateh. The bill VOA sent to the
banker and 'promptly. paid, but he could
not . help thinking John Tobin's memory
both acute and costly: .
What is Ciaeliy to a Cat?
The trial of Hugh Devlin for citeltito a
cat called forth interesting medical testi-
mony at Providence on Tuesday. Deviin
had coefessed.that, having been anpoyed
by ealiuge twat eat, he had chucked it elite
undir the ground, not Wantonly, but because
he thought that the sureet andmost merci-
ful way to take the - Oldish.) nine lives.
The agent of the Humane Socistie Con.:
tended thatDevlirahad done a cruel, wanton
deed, but physicians tdstified :lot the
defence that death by suffocation Under
grOund was for any animal as easy and
painless as death by drowning.. The pop-.
War- horror of being bilried. alive had its
origin, not in experience, but intheimagia-
ation, which pictueed such' a fate- as terri-
ble. - -Whatever Devlin's intent, he had
caused the cat no more death agony than:
if he had followed' the orthedox-method and
drowned it. Possibly, Said one physician,
thee eat lived longer by three. respirations
than it would 'have. done • niidee water..
Devlin was found net :guilty of, cruelty to
-a cat•Sprinefield Republican.
It_is not tobe doubted that men and
women who are and have been exclusively
devoted to one Pursuit; or limited to a
-single line . of thought, :are narrower, in
mind and more circumscribed in powers
than .thosi`who have had a broader field
of vision add a larger cultare. They may.
be able to- do a single thing -perhaps betttr
thin it has ever beee done before ; but this
special excellent:1.e has been bought at a
heavy exlense of full, rich and. rounded
manhood or womanhood.
The two -brother& the -Barons Rothschild
of the- old ancestral house in Frankfort on -
the -Main, have made .the return of their
income for taxation. The younger brother,
'Wilhelm; or Willy, as hels called, 'appears
to be the rieher Amain of the two—at all
events for the pfesent taxable year. His
return is 4,783 000 Marks. The elder
brother, MeyerVarts on the other' hand,
only, retuins 4,560000 marks, According'
to the figures !rendered- by himself to the
Government, Baron Willy •- Rothschild
, enjoys a daily income of 13,120 marks, or
,oviir $3,250. An :anti-Bed:lido print detaile
the figures closely, and exclaims that this
Jew is receiving 564 'marks; of $140 -every
hour, $235 every minute, and -four cents
every second. Four .cents a second- does
not ,sound Much,- but there are 31,536,000
geconds in every year. 4
The emigrant, tourist or traveller bound.
for the •procluctivn mines and fertile prairies -
of the Great Southwest is unanimous in.
selecting the route _via Chicago. Implicit
confidence *is .laced ill, the Kansas -City
Pioneer Line, composed. of the C. 13. & Q.
and 'Old 'Reliable Dannibal '&- St. Joseph
Railroads. Through fast trains are rue by
this line and the equipment is masuipassed.
A. Co* thaiMilkig pooer.
Mri M. H. Boyer, -of oui—city, has S,
Jersey cow that gives- buttet and milk both:
She given such rich 'milk that in milking _it
tato the bucket itcliiirns it : Mr: B. tali)
:us that he gives her no extra; feed, only
-pule -her in a good pasture. This) is the
:kind. of a cow to have. .We 'eke:mined the
milk and butter_ after ihe me, Was milked
and found large particles of hater in the
milk.=Sanilersnille (Ga.) Mereury..
• 4
Your Teeth with pearls will Surely vie, •
• If " Teitherry " you only try ;. • .
Once uSed, yoit ne'er will be withoutit•
Justtry 'one bottle, ifs you &Wit it:
, Modern Advertising.
• It is often amusing but sometimes ann0y-
leg to read an interesting paragraph and -
find on coming near the close that it simply
leads up to a notice of some article for
. sale. This, some .would consider, a mild
kind- of fraud, but Certainly a justifiable
one if the articles advertised Are of value
and useful tothe zeider. Of this nature is
Dr. Dow's/Sturgeon Oil Liniment -of which
Mr.. J. Pa- Moffat of _Wellington, N. B.,
'writes as 'follows : "About, three years
since I became a•cripple from rheumatism.
My joints- And limbs were drawn out of
shape by the pain. Two bottles Of Dow's
Sturgeon Oil Linixnent Cured me _and my
dietorted-limbe are .even- getting straight"
This remedy is enabling cripples from this
terrible disease,- spinal complaints, weak
joints, contraction.of muscles, ete, to cast
away their crutches and rejoice.
He that waits for an opportunity to do
much at once may breathe out -his life in•
idle wishes,land regret, in the- last hour,
hiis useless intentions and barren zeal.
What has been Dope can be .Donew
I have used I)r. WilsOn's Pulmonary
elierry Balsamwith great advantage for
several years back: -Quite recently
caught easevere cough whichwas acgoin-
peeled by 'much srene* . of the lunge.
:Retherebering the 'great benefit I had -
derived from its use, I at once reeorteda to
it and was eared as isbefote."': :This goods
testirciony- to -the -Virtues Of Dt. Wilson's
Pulicionary- Chem .B.aleani. tie -fion-4-._ Xr.
H. W..Deffin, Dumfriese Ont.- He was not
eared by it once or twice only but often,
and Was so °owned& Of its Virtues that he:
kept it -by -him and tp his -great ad -vantage..
Thus whentheday of setae trial came he
had confidence in at and his confidenee was
not misplaced Mr Duffin'e experience 18
that ofthousands- of 'others.
1. Har,703.37 County, Kansas, many hun-
dred. buxom Meanonite) girls may now be
found in the extenidve brpone-corn fields.
They appear to like the work, and • present
splendid pictures•of good nature and robust
Thanksgiving pay:
It _
noir- seethe' the general rule to crowd
into one day the thankfulneesi of e. whole
year. The exeeption to this rule is in the
ease' of those who have used PITTNAlSi'S. PAIN-
LESS CORN EXTRACTOR., with: the. invariable
results attending its use for a.perfect cure.
They feel thankful always. Try Putnam's
'Paitilest Corn Eitractot. - Safe, tura, and.
painless Sold by druggists everyWhete.
Beware- of sabstitutes.
John Garfield, a cqusrn of the late Presi-
dent, died- at his daughter's home in
'Biddeford, Xe, last week, at the age of 82
.Our -Progress..
s As stages are quickly abandoned . with
the completion of railroads, so the huge,.
drastic, cathartic:pills; compated of crude
and bulky medicines, are quickly abandoned -
with . the introduction - of Dr: Pierce's
"Pleasant Purgekt.ive Pellete,". which are
eager -Coated, and little larger than must-
ard seeds, but composed of highly -00neell-
trated vegetableextracts. By druggists.
• Prince Henry; emend son of_ the_ Crown
Prince of rPrtieSile, has trabarked in the
imperial -frigate Nit for a long yoyage,.
during which he will cali at New York and.
the otherprineipai pert& ---
Tennyson's "May Queen."
Who knows that if the beautiful girl who
died so young had been blessed with Dr.
Pierce's _ "Favorite Preserirtion" she
might have reigned on many another bright
May day. The " Favorite Prescription"
is & certein cure for all those disorders to
which feniales are liable. By druggists `
• Slayhack, who was killed in St Louis
the other day, was an officer in the Con-
federate army during the war, and was
accounted one of the bravest men who
ever drew a sabre.-
. _
Peer, lc. Wigan's Btrie, Ma D., .New
. _
York, says of Wheeler's Elixir : "Alter
having limed your CoMpound Elixir of
Phosphates) and Calisaya for over twe
years in my daily practice, I Must give it
my Unqualified -'approbation .- During -it
practice o! --over twenty years I haVe used
many scientifically prepared coMpinriads;
:Made to fulfil. thee same : therapeutical
itidicatimis as Your „Elixir, but none of
them proved-with...Me as valuable as youre.
To the medal profession I would eepeeitilly
recommend it as thebeet remedy with
which I am acquainted for the successful
treatment'. of thatlarge and 1 constantly
Increasing claw) of over worked and -nerve
exhausted women:"
. --.t - a .
The Vicomte de la PatioUse; the husband
. of the well known 'entrees Madame Heil-
bron, who lost vast Fiume in :the.. Paris
financial panic Of 1881,18 now At Kimberly,
Africa, working hard in -a diamond mine
from sunrise to-sin:wet. -
A: dose of 'Dr. • Wilson's Anti bilious and
Preserving , Pills ' contains more life
preserving properties than any other
eathertiepille Made. They will adt quickly
on alUdiseapes of the stom-ach., bowels, and
kidneys, aad-- are especially -valuable to
those whe have to nee medicine frequently,.
. •
. „
. The late Sam Phillips .one day' met
Douglas Jerroldand told him he had seen,.
the -day - before, Pique Collier; looking
wonderfully gay and well—quite an ever-
green. ‘-‘ Ah," said Jerrold " he ,may be
evergteet, but he's never read." -
. .
Carboline, a natural hair restorer and
dressing, as now improved and perfected,.
is pronounced by competent authority to
be the best article ever invented to restore
the vitality of youth to diseased and faded
hair. Try it. Soldby all druggists.
. Chicago is,' Much exercised lover .the
mysteripue clisappeetanceof a - respectable
young lady named Mary Winchester, and
all sorts of tateorS are afloat AB to the
probable cause, including suicide, abduction
and Murder. The Police eke on the alert,.
and the lake shote is to he thoroughry
searened.for-aey Clue. • ' '
important to Travellers
Special inducement!' are offered -you by -
the Burlington route. It will pay you to
madi their advertisement to be found else-
where in this issue.
tile blood be impoverished,. is mani-
fested by pimples, eruptions, Ulcers,- or
running sores, serefulous temots, evaellings
Or general debility, take Dr.11. pieroe'er'.
"Golden Medical . Diseovery." Sold .by
- The lese. Men think, the more theytelke
. Y'e
It is vain • to be always Aooking. toward
thefutureand never acting towardit.
- Coneidetable damage has been dnries to
the Panama - Railway works - . by,tho
recent earthquakealwhich was the heaviest
that has visited -Columbia for thirty years..
General Wolseleyf writes from Cairo to
the brigade camp at RichmondaQ tie.. Ituit he
received their" congratulations :telegraphed.
Mithe-19th of September, and was thankful
to them for the kindrenienabrance
- An unhappy death occurred on -Wolfe „.
Wand a little over a week- ago. A young
Virgmall, married two days, was taken ill
and. forty eight hours later departed this .
life Of :congestien of the brain_ rentilting
.from a cold caught attheparty- in -celebra-
tion Other nuptials. .•
Hoe. Olivet Mowat, -AttOrriey-General,
has instructed the County CtovinAttorney -
of Middlesex to iiivestigate the system of .•
conducting *aunty magisterial busiiieek in
eeneection with detective bureaus, as -com-
plained of by. the Grand jury in their pre-
eeritnient at the late -assizes.
- The Ticheborne claimant and his friends
-having given out . that their cense ,.has a • -
supporter aix the r Earl of -Rosebeey, that •
nobleman has written_ a. 'curt npte contra-
dieting'the -assertion:
And. all
points in Iowa,
sas,New Mexico, -Arizona, Mon-
tanaand Texas. .
A The SHORTEST, quien.esa and .
tit BEST line: to St.: JosePh., -
A' Atchison, Topeka,- Dent---
- -son, Dallas, Gal- •
veston, • •
ly Conceded to'
be the best equipped
Railroad in the World for.
au -Classes or travel.
This Route has ,no -superior for Alberti
Lea,.Minneapolisand Bt. Paul.
- 'Nationally reputed as •
• being the Great
Tickets via this
Celebrated for
sala al all_oilices
thei S; and
.All conneetions lade
In Union
_ . and yea
lin- traveling a
linnify, instead
ef n
' Comfort
,inforroation .
about Rites of
Fare, ,Sleeping Cars,
ete...veheerfnily given by
3d 'Ice .Prgei Gen11 jf- ERCEVA
Manager, Gen, Pass..AW.,
Chicago, *Chicago, ni,
• J.ISA DIP.S4110N, -Agent,
28 Front Street East Toronte. .fint
_ _ . . . .
THE est se1Un E--fAT.CtIttNateTyFiv5itireiP, cRieLitt n4inicintedthe.onfatisnt. •
na. r .-i,.elegantlY illustrated and beant ully -hounds No -
:otherbOoks their equal. -All .new no -competition.
Territory elehr. 'They satisfy the Agent . - they.sell
-faq, the people -on account of their vain
_ _ _ of itillistory and
o'Ne" in"ents. America '" En6*e1614elim
111146,,,...raphy from the,hlelied 11eilldess, to:ji40.
ISt42. .The only be,okeoyering tlie subject. _
The-Lives-.0L:ths:Aamet .Beotherts
-The-only entnplete account of the Illiasciarl ..Ou'tlewe
. . . .•
The-.jeannettel'7he.'tinly:NarratIVe Eta°
exClopedis. of 'Ail' Arctic
_Explorations- ; including -
Juus.44:- and lantiortia.
tairiingeota-veriSions-cif the -New Ireeteiment• more
.reaturet,nnd Inustrationsthan any other edition. =
Tbentost-cinEoalt. TERais granted bynny - -
1:1$11ING11101LISIEe- DE5L4INGS. NO.
DEILAVS.— - • ..-
Wiitequieklkfor circalars-..and.ternia;• TerOtory is
rapidly being taken. - •
CoB.V.RN .8e COOK '
-119, '198,- 89 -421.1)0'rdetropolitan alba; GniGAGO- ThL. .
Thos E) desiring to makemoney
on sIntill=and
in :gr5in, provisions stock
speculation,. dun "do so by oper-
atingon tunr-plan. I'rom May 1st, ,-.
1881, tO the proseut slate, - on: in.. 1.= vestmdnts of.$10.00-€6$1,000, cash
Wit EAT profits hav'T.,.beca roalited and
paid to investorsafnounting• to
several tunes : toe cfrigpinl- an vest--
' merit; btjll 10.a ving tlin_ciriginal
vestineut Ina king mane,* Dap.'
able: demand. Expliniatory ch.,. •
. .culars and staterneuts of fund W "
STOCKS sent. free, t )0.0-onsible '
- agents; who ir;_portl.-on crops
and introduce the pion. :Liberal
onkin iSs ions pairl. Ackress, .
A: 145 -At M.. Coin,
klisrel;ant..E. ":01Oek..
• "
I have a positive remedy as the stove disease;.by its
tse',.thousands of eases of the -worst kind and of long
• griper witn a VALUABLE TREATISE on this, dismiss, to
.any sufferer- -Give Expressand -
•DR. T. A. ISLODUK, 1.81 NATI fit.) NewTorki
lirtilInv 4, in a few months, -and he certin-