HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-11-10, Page 7ve a re ; tertine 'Church, Rev, Geo. O. Troop, tate of Hamilton, has: beauhad-meted into the. rectorship of Se. Jimmie' Episcopal Church, St John, N.13.• Mr, Bray, of Moutreel, who has. just- re•. - - tweed frita England,eook for the- subject • of his Berman on Sunday " The Egyptian •. Question.' Arabi Padha, was- extorted aa • patriot fighting. for freedom, -The diticeurse was, wotindep with a. eulegiare a the lete •Br. Pusey, • • • • Atthe it naeettegot the Barrie Prettily.' terY, Rev.. E.. W. Penton, of Bradford, was • celled to the. Superinten.clerdalaip o' the Muskolta-Miegion field, which position he has. since .declined. "The coegeegation, of St, Andrew's ChurcheStratherd, Mod,erated • in a, °all on the 23rdinst., which came out 'UnanirODUSly in favor of the Rev. P 'lent° which,in, ali probeleir he 'wilt -• tweet& • , • " • On. Sunday ev, , Connolly died at Catieraqiii, tOr th uperinte_ndendy cif which citeuit he- wit app inted at, the- last general ' meeting. o .the ntreal Conference.. tu 1857 he teied the ministry of the Wes ethodist Church, and in 1861 was • or med. He had labored' at Morris,- St. ery'se HowiCk, Stratford, Paislay,Kincer- diee, UOriginii„ Richmond, Sherbrooke, arid Newburg, . . The question of organ. or no organ, which has been agitating St.. Aridreves-Presby- teriari Church, London, for some tiine,•paet waa brought: to a. decision, last night. The matter has- been; voted- on during the past -two Sabbaths, and last evening the session met to °punt the hallote, with. the, following • result : Yeas-Churoh membership, -16& - • adherents, 11+; total, 282, Nays - Church membership., he& ; adherents, 6&; • tast,, va... Majority in- favor of the meta • be The vote Is. smell, .as the nacspleerehip "of St. -Andrew's es, abeut 76s...treed the' adhereate number far MOTO thahthe- bale - . totem would indicate, _ - . 0 y ear,"-exclairued Spoopendele, droppinghis razor and. examining his chin with startling. eyes, " my dear,, bring me some curt phisterequiee ! I've slowed off 'half my °hint " • . • "Let me see!" dernauded Mrs:Spoopen-• 'ciykeebobbing up and flattering ere -lumber husband, ." Great. gradious, what a cutl. Wait a minutel" and she shot into -the. closet and eutagein. • " Qin,* - roared M. Spoopendyke, "nil, bleeding to death 1 fetch nee that •pourt plaster 1". '4. • . " Oh, dear -1" incianedhdrs.S • hTPut it -oh, where did "Never mind the • Spoopeadyke, w imperfectly. pew:skein. no t : 1,10 dyke, uetyl " yelled Mr. had he'ard his'. wife with hisesurgeons the hat, dye thi•nk this 'a cirronplY'rietytioafittuesirs •metliode .and the truth wall? •Got scene sort •of • f results diet there is a, draught through o ; Dat 0 _ ere. ? Court plaster, 1 tell you.1 Bring • '"8 me borne mutt plaster before I pull out the side of this house and get- some fgom the neighbo'vrer- . Justethen it occurred to MM. Sphopen- dyke that she had put the 'plaster in the olook., Here it ise dear? and she snapped. off apiece and handed it to him:' . Mr. Spoopendyke put it on the end of. his tongue, holding -bis thumb over the wound. When it was thoroughly wetted, it steak fast. to his finger,while carnage •ran down hie chiu•. He -jabbed Away- at his Out, but. the theater hung to his digit until filially' hie patience -*as thoroughly exhausted.- . "r What's the matter witb the newly• . businesar Conic off, will ye?" and as. he • pleated -it ott his finger it grewtie his' thumb. “ Stick, will ye?" he squealed, tuggiree at the Out in, his chin. "Leve go • that thumb" and he :whirled around on his- heel aud -pegged at it agiin. “ Why don't- yeiebring me eogie court plaster ?" _he shrieked; turning on his trembling wife, "-Who asked ye ter. a -leech? Bring me •soreething that knows a_ theta, from a. 1" and he- plantedhis thumb on the ‘•-• • • 'A Boston telegram says : Rev. -Henry Ward Beecher, who. was. invited by the Traveller to express his views of phe criti- (items oi his recent withdrawal made by yeriout-minmters of Neve•England, says : - - BeeoeveN, N.Y., Oct. 26, 1882. • . - My DEAR Si, --T thank you lathe letter and papers. :I bee. read the .someivbat •large expressions of these many lenamen in regar ort fester:0 I 0 . e : ray, con- uence - and general • merit out , wishing • for e • moment to reply, as you kindly . request me. When a -deadmen is •lying- on the dig- eeeting table, under the hands of experts, it would be unbecoming in him to rise up aud- 30-.0.0.017 111.0.ifps, " Many people have doubted the accuracy of .the testof . Jerseye which have been from time to thew ,made, and the cliums put forth by their owners as to their extra- ordinary weeklytyields of butter. ,A- mem- ber of the Tines staff has been, slrvvn - letter from a very reliable, gource in New York. stating that on t Nr• an oiler of .r•r• was made by Mr: G. se, of Trenton, NJ., for the 3 -year-- old Jerseyheifer 13omba, and Was declined.. This summer Bombe Made 21 lbs. 1 oz. of batter in a week, and 89 lbs.. 14 Oz. in 81 days. This trial excited incredulity, balm o far in excess of any other yield for BO young an animal, and lier owner requested the directors. of , the: American -Jersey Cattle •Club tce appoint a -committee to. witness- . and . verify. another. ten that one can see himself as others- see him, and eepeeicelly as Boston sees -him, and more than all as Boston clergymen see him. I am reduced to pulp; but, thank heaven, net to ashes: When yeti. tiuggi3st a reply to these I am here you ceee have no- conceptioze of. the eulideed and enlighterierlatate o& hay mind. Tato bent on improvement. Laying aside all thy old notions ;of • iny beliefs end of my standing, I .ana cairikelly putting together the real man that I notv aen taught that lain, When I get my ;new personal identity 'together andin a v.rorking shape :I intend to study theology someshiere,though in my present confusion 1 eannot Yet see whether I' shell study at Andover �r Boston. New Haven ii - nearer, butDr. Smyth has been *settled i there and I fear la.xity of doettine in his- • neighhheho h. Princeton -ie not far to the south ot nee, but Dr. IlleCosh is a-Christien evolutionist, and it would be folly after what 1. have suffhred to core° ander the - malarial influenceof thee philosophy. :On the whole, I incline to study at 'Perk street. 'Thit wherever I May go - I .am determinedl before I hie to find a theology which wilt pass muster at- Bangor, at Andover, 't Cambridge,. at New-Rai/en, at - In a Thriniog Predicament. The, longeryoa live the more you find - . . outehreinarked Mr. Jo Weston, the steeple - re climber, to zu .couple_ et eiehrepaper- mita :" I. bad ea amoident reeently which aught the soinething." • "What was was the eimultarteous itc11.1;i4.. • • . iawaa a. curious en e. You see I Watson top °fgt. P.aults., spireonSpriog street. -We • had rigged ropes. to, feeneve. the planks of the seeffoidiiag.. • The way we de that is. to • • - faetea. e block to a post or. tree en theether - side of the street and another to the eteepie anchaplicethe endsof the rope together to Make an . endlese. rope. of it. If you faateu to -it anything you, want to, send below the • weight of- the -load takes t- down. I had tied thelast plank to the rope aud it wee gang down. I wore a handkerphief tied • • -. loosely around my threat. The wind.bleve . mit an end of it and.i.V.eughtion therernov- wound and screwed it weed vindictively. Princeten, at -Alleghauy; at Oberlin, at Chicago an. at Park street, then I shall Willingly dila-Yours, • •• ••• HEN= Wain Bxwaxii. This time the plaster -let go and slipped up to the center of his mouth.:- "No* it's all right dear,"- snailed. Mr*: Spoopendykei anxious to secure peaee in, the -family. " It's:ail right now 1" • • "'Think it is, do ye ?" raved Mr. Spoop- endyke,e With a fearful grin. "Maybe you've- got the same idea, thee the court • pla,ster heel- Peeps you think that mouth - was cut with a, razor! Maybe yoatre melee the unpresaion that this holein my visage was meant to succumb to the persuasion bit of plaster! • Come, off 1 Let go that mouth!" aud: as he gave it a wipe- it stuck to the palm of. his hand as though it had been been there. "Let me try.," suggested. -Mrs. Spoppee: -dyke ; I know how to di) it." • • "- Then why didn't ye do it. first ?" howled Mr. Spoopeedyke. "Whit did ye iiant to wait until f'd hist three gallons, of -,-gore for? Oh, ou know how to cloet , You only want alme_n_eback and a bottle Of arucilage up your side to- be a..courity hos- • pital. Seidel" and he clapped his wrong baud overbite jaw." " I'll hold, Ye *there till ye stick, if I hold ye till pay wife earns something!". and Mr, Spoopendykapraneed. up and down the mem with a face iedicee me of stern determination. . . • - Let irte see,- dear,' said his wife •epproaching hitn with a smile, and gently chewing away his hind he deftly adjusted another piece 'of plaster. ' "That was. my piece after -all," growled.` Mr: Spoopendyke, eyeing., he job and glanciug au the palm of his handto find' hie piece ef. plaster • gone. " Y.ott always amain, affet the funeral.' I guastyou'll -find your piece sticking ia the other -heed, dear," said Mrs. hpoopendyke pleasently. ' • Of course you cane -tell," snorted Mr. Spoopendyke, verifying his -wife's assertion with. a. gimlet-. If I had yew insight and -*pack at cards, I'd hire a shot tower and set up for the :astroamfier." Mr. Spotopen• dyke, who evidently meth* astrologer, Wore thatpiece of blood stamped court- plaster on'his head all day long- rather than ad- mit, by taking it off, that his wife had ever • been right in enythin* nag rope -end Wrapred datidit. I was Mime- - diately caught up, . first -the handkerohief • andthen my hand passing into the Mock. Now,if I had had an assisted)) in the street below he would have noticed- the.- plank atop ; when I was °alight, that way, and, • as he coal& reit see anythingwrong above, he -Would have. pulled oh eta rope. - 'Then I • should have been cheked to heath by OY handkerchief and my bead and, part of my face would have been toru off. Pereons • in the street belove week' have noticed, . • perhaps, that I wagvery quiet, but they waeld hot have. suspected that I was. hang- itigby the sleek, . . "That puli stretched meeighteeninehes. As seen as 1 realized the trouble I reached below, end, taking hold of ea rope, pi•dIed beck on it Math my handketchief• Came Out the sheave and 1 dropped on to the hooks below,. I could .barely touch thern. iwith my feet." • *. . v " Do you meete:te say that youh.01 • nothing but hooker to- stead on?" • - Yes, the hooks ot the scaffold. Yousee we. hadsent all the- planks below, I Was saved by theskin of my teeth."-Cncinnat - 47tquirerr. The Csattee 'Dangerous Caro. • A Kingston despatch says : On 'Saturday • night the propeller 'Celtics; of Hamilton, Mee- 'with dynamite and gunpowder,- - 'broke a eteircipipe on the way up the river and ran into the city slip for midis, Her • .cargo Was detected, and the captain ordered he take her off. . He . did, but had only teached Nine Mile Point when the severity • ofthegcle °stead him to return. -She lay opposite Kingston, at Garden Island; . all e -yesterday, but when the wind shifted and darkness set in she got in shelter of the harbor until an early hoar this morning, when she 'proceeded went. The exedosiVes are aehal.earg_o consigned teeDulatli. The. • Mate,_ second engineer and --deck hands. resigned befere the beat left Montreal. Her freight bill is • §4,000. Leh, -The Celtie left port witbont. * crew, but exPecta . to get one at the Canale The Dominion had else dynamite. . I! A ming term ten Allege . te he femme . .,.. . a Drag Mit- . - . .. • News luf iti Strange- ease of poisoning coulee" from oronto. -le-aheeereethat a • girl, whose in riled deter keep e a boarding- .- tames On Bay-- treet, wad seized with faint, - .. . . last night. : -4 . &pg. clerk, who - :hoarded le h., house, and 'with: whom she -- had- been ke: !big cerimany, .11iyhig present -steted that la e could bripg. her too, end took: her to abed4i oin du the nouec. . She did --. net reoever 'GI' iekly, howeyereand Dr: Zin2.- ., merman- waft sent *ler. On. arriving he examined thegiel, audesubseetiently eon - suited With Dr. Wagner. r Wally it was . ozi concluded th t the girt had been peieede The grit* t* ' brothers thereu oon charged - ‘ the drag der ' Withliming giVen 'ner meal-- ' cineferillig inaate -end, arvi. f9rthnith. Week's -toot .. of this hetfer: - They f3,3t upon him *ad punished_ b ,in severely,- appointed Mi.: .Edward .-Burnett, a well ' leaving himv1itha Wick- eye- f rtooksorne• - known expert in dairy matters, i'73-4 one of timetoreviv the girl, she .hiernig bezome ::' theie directors, 34110 witnessed and guarded tvey -seek and helpless from the effectof each connected .detail, -holding . the Milk- some . drug.. - A..•polikemary'a_q•ived on the. under leek and key. The yield ' for the scene alter he disturbance: f•Lad . abated • . . - seven .days was 21 •lbs, 11-i oz.., and Mr e , . somewhat,b 't no arrests - wei-3.-J Mede.. • " Burnett, who was sceptical as to these • Our .,1 °erre porident telegtit Lining thie reported yields, expressed Ink faith in the possibility e,nd probability of :other , yields not nearly se great it the same age being .accurate. There were certain hisitdiven- tages connected.: with -the test, as the cow was nearly; fonr months gone he 'intik.: The "above test would mein to indioateWAie(k ones iteva,s Under very. strict seeeethhon.;- thfe extraordinary vowel's of jerseys -to perform the - Wotle.claimed for -.them as butter makere.. B,onihe, ii et the Rioter .._ G- nee n llneelY• family, the 'aloud of which ie In many shione Hamilton boarhi,ng beide in Canada, there being many inbred . Scene :. .1' ':a, e .. .. . hot* recent V vacated by:a newly Married - Rioters in the - different Jersey berde in this cotintry. - - couple. wile Oh. it's jits perfectly splendid, this keep- ing house-!" Prosaic la dladY- " How- are yeti getting along;? -. Are •ou fully -settled ? "- - • . • New wife • e We're .getting ' on nicely.: - John has. goe the stove all up---exceptthe pipe...And « hat ele youthinh? " - . Landlady: "-Really I de:ma *New wife " Inevet thought, of anything -to eat, and • we got tip Sandey morning • - without e.mc uthf al iri the hoilecelio we had to. go to li keg aurant." .: . .. t ; - . . Landlady e€ Well, yen -are ; getting on. -.. nicely,:indee ." • afterneon ea s : The young woman who ;nape nearly; being 'Melly poisoned hut night lives wlii bereister, IYEcEaY, .on 339,y Street.- he man who is charged with giving her th poesenes. one Prout, a porter in a wholeial dreggisee. The girl refuses to,give hire way., The. poison used- was oil of tansy, - (v.isitreg former landlady) -. e A Man Without Frear. "Bravery" An Old British officer -a marines said lately, when talking over the newspaper reports aboutthe daring ofsome- of o r solders . in» Egypt, T" very . often )4 breve Only means the devil getting into you tar112 e time. You rose your head end your fears. Now, the brayee:, Men I ever - knew Was a cenvicted thief. He had sinlig-. gled himself intci the raarines semehow, without letting it be known that he was a' ticket -of -heave man. My, lieutenant had once to take' my men onshore to garrison, temporarily; a emalliort near Gargenti, in Sicily; and among them ' was the. ex -thief. Hardly were our men leaded :and in tem:i- nland Of the guns than twoof the enemy's ships hove . in sight am:1'8mM they were Winching a lending -party under cover -of the ships' guns. We were buts handfulend no matclefor the boatfals attacking us.. Our fire woe kept .up steadily but se weethe• fire from the ships.. :The-. men in the fort were dropping.fast.. The thief had a, leg measles& . At lest -el ani formate confess it -the two or three _marines who hed still whole skins. took to their heels fete the scrubwood behind. Poor chehs, there wee some excuse. Certain death eves orawlnig up the hill upon - them in that landing party, 'which nested the rampart: with rounds of . cheers; ', Shame ! ' • cried the thief after his pinning comrades, and up he got, loaded. a gun, endfired itoright into the enemy's face, juet two seconds beforeee sword theuet put -him ler ever out of Pain from bisbroken leg. The man h.9,d always been a sneaking feltoweon board, and we were eueprised enough at the heroism of his end: When his - los's was oreported -:hoine, it came_ out through some -relative that he was a- convict. 'Poor wretch'; he made a plucky ending at any -Tate -1" , A ritAttG,IIKki./EVAXtIlti,..1S'E.- Lite IE lopes! with 4110iktIr Male00 Wite-mliglit is now in Trouble: . A -St. John (N.B.) despatoh dated %tun day says e Pour weeks ago Edwin Et. d Ellis who has been travelling thrOugh the. State of. 9,ine as an evangelist, and Mrs. jno. E. Rip se, of Thernaston, Nte., • arrived • here eini registered • at - a hotel under assumed names as man and wife. Mrs. Rose's husband tracked the eloping Pair as fee West aP Chicago and then. beak to the east, and; finally traced theme to this city. aii0. prochred ThIllist arrest here under: an ole law on:a _charge of adultery. Ellis was charged toddy in the Comity. Court and was rfund guilty and fined 4i:l0 or twat year a' imprisonment in jaile-the full penalty of the law. • Mrs. Rose retureed • to her parents at Thomaston. She begone child. Ellis deserted hig wife, Who lives in Nepouaett, Mass., • and. has three chil- dren. Ellis telled . lass week of , givipg a coupe i of cheap leetureci here, expecting to be relefased, but a posteonement is now in order. , As Mrs. Rose mends by him hie fine mey be paid. Ellie became celebrated by his eireugelistic labors among the Baptists , in Nova Scotia. - variety of -trimming with a dull surface is in demand. • .--Cashniereturbans tcemateh the dress - are worn- by children. .-lowered salines are employed as linings -tot drester cloaks.' • . --The little .people Will display a great deal of red -this• season. -November 30th has been urocleimed Thanksgiving Day in the United States. • • t • Ada joiner, ce• young- girl, was found hying in 9, field on her father's farm in - SouthwoldonSundeY with her skull frac- tured. It is supposed ahe•was kicked by a . horse. . Henry Beaten, of Toronto., has • sue climbed to an injury received at the hart -- • of one Richard Jones, nearThibridge. • eircuttistanee8 of the case axe suspi ous. It ia said the couple quarrelled, - IttaPPincso in the Boyar Opera Hokum. What aT ree-Cent Stamp Will Do. - do i ore than any ether plece of paper' of its Size an value in the vvorld. It accom- plishes what vouldrafrfew years ago, have been - deemed hap° sible.-, That talismanic placar4 on • the corner of n envelope orpaCkage commands the use of c pacious encl. teautifUl buildings . wherein to r ceive your letters, orders trains of cars to carry ern,nnd starts an army ()linen to deliver them. It brings information fromevery section of the. ountry and tiflings of pleasure 815' well. But th crownnig ConsideratiOn is the fact - that a three -c .nt stamp sent to A. V000tEr..40;n - Baltimore, Nil, with thetipplicaot's name and address; will rocurea copy...of:Se. JAcosaCalen- • dar, replete w thintere,sting readingmatter,end. better than a I, containing; specific instrtictiOns for the treat' Ont and cure of rheumatism, neu- ralgia and all: ,painful diseases .by the use of • -Ia a 1 recent ,conversation With Mr. Conner, Royal Opera HOMO% (Toronte), he 'spokeea follows to a represeatative of a prominent journal in reply. to a question concerning his -health :" Dating the early part of list (hotelier I had a severe attail in my itght knee of Whit 'my physicians • pronounced acute eheumatisme .. I used many soiroalled rheumatic remedies, with- out recelvingeny.apparent benefit. Obsetv: _ingthateSt. Jacobs Oil Was beingeoncitantly recommended by many of the leading Mem- bers a i:iiir profession, I decided tie give it A • trial. Aecordingly 1 purchased a bottle of the article stud applied it as clireated._ From the first application I cornmeaced- te im- prove, and before I used two-thirds:of a 'bottle 1 was entirely Cured, and have experienced neretarn of my ailment." 1 • . . • Tehtraordinary Scene at a Blass. 4 • I r A Dungannon telegea,m states that at Coal Island Chapel, in the Couiaty Tyrone, a Man iiiamed Hamilton, Wile' is boycotted for haviiagtaken abeycettedfarin, attended 'mass cin Senday, aeCompailiede by two policemen. As soon . as he entered the .congregatiozi left, aud- one .of the police escort had to help the priest to celebrate mass. Three men have been pent to ili -prison under the Crimes Aet for- intimi- -dating Hamilton on 'a former occasion. He -eve hooted from anotherchapel- the previo s Sunday. -A week of prayer, 'beginning January `7thi' has been ordered by the EVangelical Alliance. - • • •• —When yoniret andlutee at the petty. ills of life -remember that the wheels- which go round ivithoutnreaking last longest. wire 6,000 feet long. over the ri Kistnah; in India, ia the longest in e world. It is stretched between two „hills. eao ,200 feet high. . A iigular and probably fatal accident ateSt. Thomas on Thursday. A young lecly named McKonkey fell aganiet.a wagg which striking her temple; she fel - enieless, and has reit:mined' so ever axwell, the novelist, better known as M . -Braddon, is just passing the prime of life and etioys the most vigorous, - robust health. She lives in a fine Muse nearLondon and is fond of driving a team - . of spirited chestnut horses. Mr. F. W. Fearmaii, a• -Suedessful And • Sheriff Glass and- Mr. It.-13ttyley, arris- . ter, tendon-, were passim on turda,y under the. seaffoldin g in front of Th ngsmilrs ne.w carpet warehouse oa'Cern r g street, -- when &pots& phut. fell down and the con- - tents were bespattere4:1 over their, thing.- Th.ey presented. It Dolly-Varderi ape: mice Ineonformity with the traditional one tom o!the hereditary; Prim:mead. Fru ia Priece.. William,. the; Emperor'a el st -grandson, is about eta enter the • Ci Service,, in order tie Obtain a praeti al knowledge of the working of the, vari branehes of the: executive and advainistr tive organization, •of the country. . At Kingston yesterday a rat pawed- a, bole. in the. gas pipe he the window of -Wade's drug store. The plumber struck a Matchte see where theleakwagandoeused an explosion which was heard blocks -away, and which- deraolished the plate glass and contents of the Witidow. The tat which :Whitt - Young . Men S-gotild Do: 1. Every young Man should make the most of himself, ihtelleethaily, Morally aud physically..............-rie.90111 1'•epenao 0his own - efforts to. accionaplish these teaulte. • - .3. Heehotild ;be willipg tci"ffti,ke radviee. from those coMpetent to give it, and to. follow, ouch adviiie, unless bit own judg- ment or conviction, properly fOunhed:, .clicateldesthetwise direr% , -• • • 4: If he is enifortunate enough to have a rich and indtilgerit father, he-hiust the best. he can wider the .clrounistances, which will be to conduct himself very mach as.though healed not these ohsteches to, oeireeide. - , _ • 5..He should payer be dietsouieged by: OMAR beginnings, but renfember that all great resells have been weenght out feom slight -causes. . - 6. He should never, under any cirinim- stenceet he idle.. If.. he.. canna fled :412k: en440Yment -prefers. let hli# come. es. near hie desires.. es possible -he will thee reach the obit* othig -; • • 7. .411 young men have "inalienable rights," among Which none is greater or.: more sacred then.the priyilege,to be Some - boder..!' - - • political economist sepal" the - best 0TACOBSCtil,. Concerning_the.efficacyof thiswoiv.: derful suba ce,:the. following must impresS the reader:-Ilon: Thomas L. James, .Postmaster-_ General of tile United States when Postmaster of the City of- w.York concurred in the following -testimonial roni Wm.. H. Wareing, Esq., Asst. General Sup rintendent Third Division Nailing - and Distrib ting Department,_ New 'York -Post- office: "Its. e pleasure in advisingthat the sato- pies of Sr..Ticoes Ortleft_ for distribution among - the clerks o this office, have, as far esthey have • • been tried, " 'rove& equal; to ell that :is claimed forthe ' The reports from the several super-:. intendente clerks who have used the OIL : agree p, • ing it highly. It has been found efficacious ilia- tuts, horn% soreness and stiffness. of thejointaland muscles, and affords a» ready re- - • lief fere thetimatic complain." Col..Satuuel H. - Taylor, Wallington, Ind., and ex -Postmaster bf • Cumberlan , Md.; Was cured, of -rheumatism- by • ST. TACOES ' Ocean Steamer- AccoinuindittiOnti. Frequent complaint has. of late been rnadelay-returned passengers from Europe as to ; the poor :_accorcanodations .on the vesicle. Many Ohlandexperieeced travel, Wives are cheapest" Yet every man who lers.saYthey never before had 34011 nneene- has a good wife leoks uPon--her asit ". a little: .fOrtable treatment ; that the state -rooms dear." - were uneatisfaciterv; that the table service Q.- R. Gardiner. manager Of "Only a was inadequate, and that has Fermata' Daughter," has just purchased a beepthe opposite of Oonyenieut or agreeable. 030,000 country .seat at Stamford, Conn. The objeetion.s Miele are not applicable to Ile Will. not ecoupY. it nutil seeing. • Sla.partustilia liatebtit to all Of die. dozen or John Leal:ley-and Loins PV9012 sentenced more lined -running. -TheComplainte have at Kingston last spring to ten years each continued -for weeks, and itre so uniform in -the Penitentary for an outrage dom. and .cohourrent as to leave no doubt of mitted on - Addie Wheeler at Gananochie their justification. In some instances, were releiSea On Thursday, having, been secoed-claep rooms were given to first-class pardoned by the Minister of Jugtice., passengers at first!claseerates; and fie - Stich circumstance' is in accordance with quently the bedding was in such. condition .• as to be ' positively diegusting. A large popular opinion. - returned pation of the passengerewho have active .pork packer et! Hamilton, Canada, behind wherethey go to Paris. • Bo Mr. Moody seed en his Lfirst sermon in: that city. Their desire to, see all the -sights, and these, he think4Christians should avoid.. - • • . Americans leave their goodness . . since the close of Angiest are lull of :indig- nation at mistepresentations made- and the treatment received; and . aver ihat.they Will epever -again patronize the lines that hates virtually .swindled . theni.toadee. Free Press. • - It was bOt - till 4866' that the Modern system of .fortifications was applied the, town of Metz, when the oonetteotion of the lour detached forte of .St. . Quentin, Plappeville, "Quelen and juli0 was begun: In 1870 only the. firsttwo of these were eompleted. • :The. other's- hve been finieleed under the German military ett- thoeitielawho haveltkiewige added one by one the POWerful tette of Manstein, Prince August von 'Wlirtembetg, and &MVO*. "The •Ki ye'll no `betthe jury were With him and he di.d otriatitht the series is the little fart of Hut.: . :derma • • - his parish!" , • -dare to lie about . was among the notable visitors at the yards. Mr. F. was under the guidance of Mr.-. M. Foster, spa made a -thorough Inspection of the Various external and, • interpaiPacking-house improvements whieh have been made here since his visit. four years "ago. It is needless to say he was surprised at the growth made here in that ir4e---Chicago Stock Journal. • 31.imdle (to aged parishioner) : "What think ye o' wir new minister, jeems ?"- Seeince: " Weel, john,. reckon he's -a guid eneuch preacher, buthehasa dreedfut- poor- appearance it• the. puipit." John.: It lathe sure badge of 9, clown not to mind What pleases or displeases those he is With. -J. Locke. • • The Many. friends of Hen. John htc, Marrich will be 'pleased to learn :.that he took a °bangs . for the better Yesterday very f Vorally: 'attending physiching aftern;one and hest -night was getting, on hold gut. good hopes of his ultimate re- " Toots, man, that's no oriteerien ; ye min'. coverg • . • - what Pope sayi, The mind's the standard I -At Eldorado Kan .a; wituesi said the • • of the man.' 'jeems : I diem, gie aedite the would . eonepelled lo tell wheie -he whet- the Pope ^ 1' - ' bo lit the whiskey for two 'or three of - caused all the mischief' was found dynig authori y o euhfociation. . • lima beacll • • - • .Peignmemmimmem.telifee Ie,TS $0 PLEASANT:—So certain . l and easy- in its action .1 It invig- . orat smerve,- brain and muscle. ZOP fa dews then, things tamely . by:g *int 'motive ....Digestion, and regiijatingthestomachand liver. „ ORMAN'S VTIfIC INB4TUTION Tsvgniminp 1874 evEz torgexiiir "mkt, TORDATT , :NER*OU DEBI-tithe Itheninatism, Lam Back Ne giti, paralysis and' celLiVer and °hes- Comet iMilieclititelY relieved and‘perma nently 11- by using these, BELTS; BAND, ApTD INS LES . Oren and coesultation.heieng, nal 4 1 44 Flan thane 'Ace zr.