HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-10-27, Page 8% V, `"j. -e~ 7 A BORNi u.ction -Sale, On the Jury. ere sers. Ire YRAVERi—In- Lu bio'w',- on Monday Th wift 'be sold._by-�pubfic aubtion -Mes 4 MacIAy timpeopleof Lucknoyr and---'- John �X-Willi­ of this ept. -1 8th, thef ife of Fr todo OR Mad* -kin, m lot, 4, cbn.', 2 -Huron oil Thursda -o F I D L --A--T ermixtry, that: I'hill, naw on -the 1"; of -D -ld-' kc-D6n Xr. ona ald C �l � , .0 T Va -11 IV t (if woi Y, tfit: 4 - t , diLughter. �oli November 2nd"1882, a-'quAntity' --of I' -Xurois at the.. As FOR: ALL KII�,D �iGF �r ri ast,to serve as sizes farm stock - Ili, -new", on sun ay 11-iapl6m�iIts. etc. Sale,td dourt. now being -held in1hat toww -Oct6ber 22nd 8 8 -9, ill '0" L Py b wife YIj I "'I ibk­ - - 'C * - - - . 4' . :. . . . � i49 ad -Ehlarging 061AMOne at 2 o c oc , nooM orrid!, HA Of LUC� M.A & -Purvis, -auctio]A6, QUr1li 9.010b Ofric.er% -F JEWEL ikYi St r A regular'medting oUilib Lpcki�6w7- -he -01 ]ROWN" By e Now Send th -Curlinj ub-'.,w�s held. oii -.the, 13th -Re% J.. RV jziwi S9001S t done acNabb 'of No -,W -and then a corre§pond6nt 90s ifiA.j 'the fo,jowmg cars - -were 4 1 M .011 :'Tu us Inv 0 whenwel �sk hi t "'iehd'us �the' elecied sday Oct.24t1i 1-88* b U now,011 -�6f the -bride'sfath tiews ii� no news in. m -j4s. 861dierviN Is pbtro* at -ilieresideno hy th06, q�, M. P.�% eo. dken G laoighbothood.," w6wlo is mist. Keir, piesi&vt. T h of xi I if Thomas -1a rpn P-huilli S lto,TNEss Charl. t there is- news everyw 1pre, you w oe, vice-president OT, e i6n i- ess, e.a§ure" _p- resexitatjv� niembers.' G k qp your ey -open. Arriv 4 ne. BTown.: -of Kinloss� oNAE TA D LE On bus al and de7 GeorgetDot1glas and ,..ie 0=G 80- T ff TwWre of fr as or. deaths; "births' �Diarxiages. Rev. J61i' McNabb -Ch ain. Pk-scon. In- DIC now.- On Su- �d�'Y:., t, '06t. 2.2nd W lapa,_ 1-1. Picod. aded - 'denti orl a fine field -of grain;. the.- 1Vm,, Melhi�i secretary.- acei year. s. a_.houa6 or bi buildin�, of- i -e me� Vleh- to -in form the eitizeili�F o Li� 'k- 'thin The PP6vinCji1-.w'Ahh. Esulletin mg o any, so.-iet ei7 9 c Y; in fact ev, The Weeklj H -h xi� on" 011fr! -d should be repoited land is'news. On o -alt Bulleti fr )m in- C luntgntl, tratt. I -:br ve is-surpm* to find ho.,v�- moy.,suoh- -of 116 _h the VioVin6al 'Boaid. ilt -af P it g! thing V to, make up Torontq�. divides -the Province of Ont - the ne�is of th t -week, a. 'paper tha jhehl ario into t6li: districts: each -of t 90 - se& aye. een �a is has -the -Six di ses which.. a iewsy qheet. Dril-in ed, is h -0 oor-. 0.0 B ITCHE at lDrevalent in it *arked-. -on e place that -some oth cnnot produce accept -our, seven ay go. - 5,50 -d --sloffluarghl'Ofth0c John J-,Nvitt wilL Item. of. news d o ore map, opposite4he wor. .5 the eek.' orresp-iondevts -distriet -dn the order Of their prbval- for the nice _:nt. of oo 5;-) gyapes w Y:e Y- sp exice- once'.. e -a is, on e or e -r vesday lost.. . e -%r k 15 �*nt usi T to se Io . interesting q4 ijorre ond ow '.1Iey- Can- s6nd us.. A Nos. Oland 9 dis ricts and include -the octo ... ... 0-30 o:-3-1:1 Lost counties of H� r -On Bruce4 Wellingt Weddink. Pa 0 to - 12. otwe Oxfota and Ltdu Gi&y- - 0--x aitd. Ln6knowr Dufferifi,_ Perth r1op, ivered". -a[ I" PA) t ty from 'ilesex. - - Th� W%ok- leghofti 1 Tile Slid N�l 4. -wec -most. preval- # A large ld�ng r -Mid -P Ash -art of �t' OeS �bU 1� l ite N" Village on Shorte ri -6nt-dise -irq thcr -Aeld, -hi -is. diarrhwa Vy. lea 'it gs, ases' are Tr eumatism. Y passod thriiugh the Wdnes- neura gia, rh as 4 hi ueniza.: '-.-In" dist-tict o. after- th' atri- --hifl 9 th Mon A�p le ature, fell -place and. il t _P -not WE t ty'retir6d, a e - dedl- Ite a� !0 rain all in the Provin eel has t Ox xe d, to hotel Atere * thqy intenddd taken bins in un'. 11falcoin, call jlo,.Nv, sl�pt' q0l.. IQ -,v: as -3.1 Wo,hav 119 0: .6, -iratim, the at by a &Twe. All a's 0 2 4. - e _111 #tdrellonse at the- station, e- wp; f.-Latoig. 6M e4lanationof the-faot* 9XV e went' merry- ar, a'- m&rriage beH ntil -th6s 6 16 'lien about-,, ei-ilt OC1OCk_ Ni- -a'- &%pute t4ti the diseases- bronchitis, neuralgia arose- =6n- the malc� portion (if AhEi 'and rhelvi-natism have arifin to �the -of- came to - for this district, - t e si ons to h -1,1'.-ind 3 --in th party'4s -to who --would dK-n' Aueh- i --bf e reva once. .40 SjZch. 0 oetingf the: Reforihers will- lo�a Uy finally E 7w JL eld- in. 0 'g=7sl ff-a�jl on" ues(l, -blo h 1L6 village'' dh stood at -,6 and 5 respectfiilly� f1wo V -0 -:04 S, t I'l alv -&ring, the' cene mardlied- weeks 'ai,6� Further'�. diarijitta t, L aei4 be a full 0 a 1 1, company -Oft xe in- e, a ihe Ist to 5th plab ()f th 0 th� cooler. i fialwi fi:o -7lk pere lb-:.. ree w' One wards libQr-� The fa�vorable_ j� _�._Of. a fallina of fhe� tit as. fter jguen6e othertwo.beinn, onfi temp ure this latter disease is '-I I-- erat upon nq -t-- '-The two, Josqph'- AicAdam gh here lowil. S. F lbrought be- a4en t.b. 'thelex H, Coa. of McGinnis' were tiall eeve --on. Thursday -morning of Of FeverInterinitte in A OP t fo e the R ely high dep QA t farm 0 districts 8. and. -1 1 0; thie, 1' wlr,�t waa, D- XcLe= on- "-when a 'fine of six- -dollar including 14 ' NC..R lit dX - RFI� - ZES attor tulung sca.&U and 3 -fron, n Yo SY t -mi Y, costs, was� imposed 6n;eadji, iii till the -countr -in' lacres clea�r�djWa�rej extropue mil�s. froth N� inghaw. ef o Wt. em, eninsulg, -includin -thp St. g4. _d dii-ags teded, Z) acres. fitil- �#&t 'h d d, ti�ier A'New'fif.�a. d orp llunk-a Uir flats' Iii that -,district tho 'pei - -f, 0ru� ih tage TH hcell Of � internfittent fever: Is 'Only OF E LU KX 2 _go that Ch t tIj6 ollLDT ei drunk and, Ai�ardorly on oif soef irs t ly to WIL I tA _al tt_,y,% -116 -AM 316DON -in - ad strict NO. 1 is -at;o , . �i - . &e streetg ':,DU, remixes or ad re k; last Miehael the, It -P' ss'Box -4 - tie leg- of all �&eab W --O r8tL Onfari- *d4w P4& six &,mars inio' Oi so far -q�, fever� are P. -O. in -458 3 arnes TAL the pace. is' done ocorned ujib by !,�rt P� rr r patr. T� 0 unen-, TZ - - , -- , - . . _4�1_ - cludes�itot ozeAy. the�iiarbes of tit o.un4.. Imxae_r,% WAS th anep in- i s SUPL ged t -ell 'that4h intending B edi%-can-teil itithe. villag oug;Iuds of ex &ted oritv over al ani, after -th .4 eak Thief' lluttwse-df the' engaged,. -'Considerabi . cit6ment -wa g cr( 0 so - th� -te-U iiiii9t rx Sa vet- h6l) t f verestxases it rd of' h. t Nreek as -Al-. e on.Ttidsclay t 0 t -AV bel e eel i,o Qniag o af-1he 129th- ix-hich-threction -to thata w f ars or Arid everythingin the line -EhtQ) I e on"'no' 0 ie forf�it -one Thans4and D I f anv da --,e ef -lie _I S Of 'the yoil ;ev,.'D. 19ameionhad b�enc$-'stoI6'ijfi tharf 4&, rf r turn. T am T,Ru L t nZa"hoarse of A& was drWing oat, Of ocft- e Gr r_ nell) ti, Vat an ea, roi. -hitis, -eo"t r0a so ie stah cc are not b dt 14� .16ar th b atie warrantv I _n4tto IdI -All Con, a� pa�,!Cej eoft�t to rvat u ral -- i tljr� - 01i wketheithis is 6will M-Ondiy evening Ali Cainer- d' keep pothiry bliti- -rst-C lid ior to a On dro_Ve h -to' ox6eptjAshiii t o SeX' r �lnlen. (ef ------- --- - urage smtorg. no ar-Hve hoble till late 'in- es0(`cu'gh-SyjrUp 'yv$ W C takeii --amording o42eetin 1,6�ur'e with 6IMS wa I t.ea Fordyce we�_onLy 61aimT-e iof, hNor is, tie 0 r. 6 el ard A mp other: places, not ci -0 is -ear.* I -theiglit -*hian th 1-5 c e. m0e was put into it cleE�r vOly'th M H ied young I IlgL d 11 -ek"BI k.. r� Patrick Kenney; df Kinfoss, e, enga�g adies. .i the stable' a� usu�D -61 Ji to thi., only in- blue. Stild.by eC; th their 'I 6 for -ld have d price. J OR' N am- ifalnog- set. dowii iii barn OR Tues ay- mornin&; 6 filigei of hisl k1t h qhou however -b on- receit)t o y e S'PROCTOR., �1 & 83-L St' E t; Tc� .% -.I -t6 -loss, it be. tit - t Re - the list, �rrl IRTSC V last.' R-r-Kenit un a geilt T lemf�h was urprisied' 'roll 0, Sn mn Solo 496 Ck out_. A. A D tend to. 164 -e thyle age� ap theirl- _,,ageweiit if. they find th inir6al missin&:, nj on a 61 sor Llic' 0im ry T caunotdo better, Of.coutsetleitle- ­.Inspeclionit'-wits learn6d th4t d- 1),y ea A werer alSOL take, a once he aWjjY: _M aity-'of room t �Iaced. TIT a oar L �a k. 0 -06 skin-roVe and 9, _b�idj-- is.only jyj lit. Mr4 AN- tt' e. A bach' -ef in the hands -,of Is elor' edit 1 ab! or ON, 71 iT e S It -lie en tlie electrf6 wi do f --r-, think tli. t J� e _xt_--j'st'_ b uld res were. r can - f inte Lr�_ st--PavLle Yeirl S 0 not _c orvie, wh. Ile, CAill-p- On Y oon --of th V_ery mo -d - y &N�ned �by 1 taiii -tile it of Qnkr -aa era e -operation and- despatches te, pply to R U' r 1j. descriptidn. :-of, each' (if sento-ailthe 'to-wIls an ZAY St H91 RS MOGN after a vety V walfe, Ilidie dit 'a r.0 ages in Secretary -of the.W th _eAt o, lth -see *n, with al% to: this ioil. giving a; ofthe Fire farm- vfilt of jh6. old 011, .. e - WUrArce- Q)Moar� Jie Goderich ha the finAllciatl properiisured. Palt'' -N- stock- and, rib arriviilo� an in A%ls in Mo daily sn101 g to, ins e kit this jiowilar furrfieo 6 npaTq,-lU t-be'­'t'owj)­-, sear6h- (if _Y -men- in are h of iief, but 110 - ship's of.Colborhe, Aahfie� d,.-EaA_-"d -Wea-t lielpmates would undentalid th t- - "I t missing.. aniMOL.1 Wa*iinosb, Kirilo.4 OF FnIt �fhief s, and H-tir n'bj_ will, be alled.oii and e 'a, rs, at. a glapee.'... C,)U-ld'.be' found I'' a olit'lel Post C�rd to me Position Of afrlA very. Sae'ramertfid, Seryke. u even . ' 4-1 - . . ion given. -in(s *hdn: the' 0- k on nial t w. 'And vll ll keep -in stockall informat* The th6 Bibfik-S-ocidty Meeting,. Q clock Tuesday ROBERr RA'_ St. 1�eldtv IF. . _. .. :, - _­ � - - . of tim s g-6 jiow- xwer a noigo'jil.-the r. n real nc pF r, iit� Of M Qldh6rb d D be dispen,�,ed it. fthe,.Luck -staled e b _23-_ .3 Y '3'ro U I T*S gC11 the cause 'And e verything :t innt, The -$6tv' heJd- 'In Met 'h the discovered the bat A E Fe -s. Chur& of, thisv'place, branch ofthe -U. 0. Bibli, ard, and on' io se6' L 'A RDINs� r :,w Sooiet tee- wi hdiac on- mare standina ugapth6 Whit" l5t4irl T CVe,�,ng j), the, 3 tha briale -0` a�jd th is it�.? The beit-b. bineL Oil kep in:a _cIA;j§. L back door wi e the re T is in, Ufi u to mee ing woAd, u, db e me a call. -beargkiri r6be *i6d o' n -heri- ba"ck.::- W -Jr� XON" WW Se 1 Fr it Stor .0jv wa�� oP6ned with ho atibath. A pre atbry. Ser devoti' paj Vice, Will - in, tile ".usual. 0 al exerciseS4 theparty,-ivas-an4 whato�jecthe.hadl MOONEY way, after -w-li So uto Gxi s ich ilie in -takin Io an* at awaY.as'yet'r48_ g Thi13 Oil it everesi 16sti and i) C"St main -one thin Canipbell-st., -of i pre nderthe -k lie vio meeting were t but Ya.er-Y, -i Isme a In g we are d' C 111knipetition. was' awarde read . d adopted R "abb certain if th,6 g4jitj party- is found out an ev. If C.N "Is aitd 11 irpp Op! tioltiR ISKdd, galt be c4red iil- 'd ��-and -we. ibelie�e StroAg o Weds IS SIMPI was appojnt�d. -rest ftt -for suspicion ad the r e einas- Oil Y alit e e -ext reme I or grat, 6r anti. -tary." P�y t by Ask -your village—Ite will ty Of te-laW. nd machin4y t 9 po t to.h . cortai. character' acconar--PIM l6he �`U'u year, ---and the a _jh L ading Exhibit ugar, w�wy t Bafid' tv taka- a. h' i6nab' in 0-11 'tit � imall �Out Tre ca ea t; er. 2 Ir. i -,H. I'd I eft for I an -di e n oth F &k. or sa e, �he�- mik if with Librarian. Th' bom e. by D. D. ee- c M-ouint mem, _u Clie P Uj4$ lay -&_tahtt_L_ and 'a axi i lain-1-4er it, ag are WS 'S.,* n -4rug N.- C, P61arm Of mkar� t- make it Of fieis., f - the. dffferent Pa. OIM e ,he well k"." cf E m, repre�entilrq' tti W. TurIc- J. Allatl 0 King8tioll, Writes t kt- Dr.- FOwlers -.and the i>r-- b-�L,6rjadj 0 lieson JL f ong e -n.. will, hurch aijA tile f Wild bas IL co4iSidired -the bq�4t,reln edv- for s -urn e -wke-t an mer. -C9111 - AT t J a.) ds that tliceir ed h Uethodist, Ghtirch, 6f )"Ciul d ran D.* Irencou. The-:Presid ent can �f wheit. IF te CUAI)rnorsfl)�ak in the b� 8 0 its era Y- ild Stiawb-rry is the best krr-own rsat -Toronto- Morbit-3 Dye beell con . io'addr up orxiey-�Goji Afr� 01- the tarls, th' 94 the- meeting i&ich at the Parlia% mn`ltlds� forhole)m ent ujid-hit ittery rid week dW- he d4d at, gr"et length -all Bowel com0filitb.. Aing formi oil, Ttiesd' aft 0 1 the - ay: erno, ii, Em( urged tile uly (Yf,evp __ry One ake r -Biblea8 tet.book" price,% this, hart in -tile thePliblic S mt, prevalent,- fatal hita gild Z ose incident F 11' -as in all to- the, :8wista.er and T T _%6 4pidly _1, Iq "he Aft -G i6pli4d are It great and -46d wo _k of t-110 ude'he(j forward qrnoy eneral at choera morib per -he regolutio 30419 00.10. di It r An. Old rmer', the' length., T S, US, cea i, ssed by the ell it t4e,fall; dresl the tfsuak.c' pro`ve fjtaj_�-in a few _11ould" 110 ja ]p - a -ri lip ve roliAllle retnis 7 -ud aamounted' W $4-40.. Th tri�r_t a V1,V J.X tf,'llit e De� o -for s iji Q XVhojej, 0 i� le' 't _jedej �d _th6 i ev P. r ry -doi* was tained b The resolutio' ldr-, e in It' as, ing ancl rea Msust ined. kr. ojill al a th ha% fit retLIj r olle6tors �og!��her Coinvi MO V- was re-elected Auditor. The c A of' he Roliscii,ptures, to -ti t resf-C. iVith the prayers authorized na e CHEAPE$T STORK_ . . .. equested to can- thvir I& vit her an-indei ere Y v e f inmon1v Understood - it .64 h f ire, C. T _.nSl8t8--_,q ia to gell,, tiv.q fit sfu - was� A-Ason usitall this Deportment, able re a Ato ofthelive fri- it.,deficiijAcy lot Ainperab -The Of thankib- ing 14so' poi dance-c;f bile Ulf. e Out -40 under the- or an a tekati6n f- t tLa doeg telidered to the A cr "haracter. All disturbed AetlojkLof the liver ction -mer deut, (Rev.- J.. 'T. gent, retiripg1i nsreligious instru ar s, itud bil ary. iciviBg -to Pain Ill Smith-) - 'tile. Chilir, could be, b"i -the- miIii rs of t given e: ea VIE te o-er the sh6vjd6j'bjad�, d -r, -th e, weari WeSS, -8i'ek stomach oss - ver in solve$ �cco�d*g We MootIng was -c ed, with -e,dox(� varous -de-Iomine;tions to the chil4ri-64 log log Y-, &4A. bene wtite -_b e.16 "khe ljckqQls after. aqjipiql ho ur& W, l Of Sf