The Sentinel, 1882-10-27, Page 2. . . . . . . . . . . o'k black moire, and the ehtlb AX01Vq* black. tulle ov ca -SCOTCH, SOLDIERS OUFORTuNg. WOMAXss- diess,12cluding the long.lzain, is � studded di heIVILest Remar;hable Netve Late�st Jouings Vi an, �cqre vitir. Small dandelions about. an. inch. and 9, hristondolfto. d,n' itt C Court'ship, Nfatrimonyatict or"- -diameter. The aq�uare-eutbodic Lovej Stfirrofufnd. 4uart u. Ro=antia, Reaord o:f -the sooto iu- -Con r6gations;tChu r6h The people of a fiftI6 town ift. Murwic -b k IS -orderedmitli alrowi and ffie short-sleaves There is bnlyone ce. - - . I . . I -�er the tile - same manner.- A. County have been 0 Are �Wshedi.in In B�Qtimore. brink of a fragraut'dhu'r - sr- .1, , Wt her dress said n - L 'L - ch e- facetiousu admirer Who aaw anA. it The my holds in diffez ant. --wil -tb-ey- be. until TRY WAP RE Salvation An . are�of t4e.fact n AWA, parts f tfi ish Ilands. 6,200 sery 0�8 or it w ould, ba- a most heavenly RDE .0 e B UT CHI HOW,04MLAN this -copy o -d' jd�E Wilrno LDRENo, -; I f the 4rg.u� reacibes ea dra night when -she donned every week. -the c -f the ser -*- It was the- 61 the French- 66*i; over theta-. Just before '6W names of on ere are' The trousseau of. 9, belle of ew.-York re the foreigners richly ThL 'vices last- Su J1 6reign, wird ' 6 k 6 good -valked. this.month a their gall Oity.1 who.1a to be married Uto autry.:on 'at the r0la of Sabb Schools in New for*ard to. th6 -##I handed tNe minister - who b lyn azk4 Brook f peni�jccrq, Itce to, b cost, �125,00% was. all -battle, and whose fealty an dille.average.-altend ce, -tli, a It, it -asked River an anuouncelnen as he hundred fi= 331., i I , - . . - . . .. ".. . . - - "tion V f4ore fir. America. -One 01 er morning -hoiior a- congreg7a ME h' was-guganteedby their chivalrous him to read it to tEe Coin 1,,a by Aunt'Xate.), beautiful. It t- b ore mri. was gowns -m exceedingly Eiauce had its. n and. eqirit de c D the past century the.popul dismissedAheM. TJi a, 6� t --hite Chinese silk eup. 'nee -D6x6l6gy t&: -M; inaaa offmo w -n I sse. 6it - ­ r, Sal. use the latiguagG Of the f t a I 1A an dalled on the.. d:-' OV,. the q1testion. &bout­tbe­bO#OML And- up thesida dfihe.- -furniture, to : 0 1 h6 -U iied as: " . noi6ased his fold, -and, es have inarb od Brother Bramley has ban4ed inthe fdl.- 69,611 'private the all haPortant, subject of , when to trout eittianda'a-box -plaiting of paliest,blue poliol the Chuibb Jowl . pg'iiotei" audin &-clear -he r ad ing they - bad handsome Seven. foldq opersonal follo irty- lady correspondent is, -laid_L by lace Soft dreamy -kai fdllo-,a pop the-, 4%16atlb� Win,' over d liberAl.allow and the nateiL, ca,, when the which as 'The pay an The I teflan Foreign MisE ion to give sbacholois, the- thito match the kbite of the dress- by ar and MAted Frosty . . - . . i - . ­ t 'id enough aii 1ofied MY O*N-PIT Bn -.youn cheqtier was 9, -coming o- Ei I dr jued, asever Matti ex Board has Airectoditamissionari, -ever make, in mei loll- 4 sleeveal are: ma -in to England te'r6i 8 - my darling, o*Ing,* usehif hints. N de.a la Cidubise and trimmed 3'.4till-the Boats were.paid� 69aiu�'-! wit dying. to see propos'al, . in t4e morniz)g. Novelists fre-. in the same. w y, jurn of extravagom at onde; to their work Pee a While inside 'sleeves, bnea uiore-aiidgazdlnt6�b-is-bol6ve(I ' (3yes. Th -a Or ther­ 'The, lands- that were your wi e WflIL v- fall intoL 0 ! engagfiag.a tightly And at- one way muo were . ded _I - in Egypt-. -old-m!ammy that 6�lfs:hersd)f quon-t! error the:Chinese Bilk -fit the arm L forfeited -by rebellious . no never find t -out. Vow can you cpaure, hi &th - J�ames A Diolificu, of Galt; as er 'fiero, oi &- heroine before breakfast. 'When- embroidere&'ip 9, serpbntine- desig a. dij�ffvguiehed ose Come,.darlih&-to one Your -by the mor min 'on in d- hite silk., and lace many a ow7i an On y ever y d a situation lity the book gold- braid. A smal, 'w youth Buccessfully pasied his.�xa ali the: tinent or 3 in the Montreal-. ob c p, mercenaries and ; I isle for,, the author is at fault on: -the in 8; And daiuty. -blue Satin alip�ors, fro Leith first depai� nwho had sailed m The good broth,et wrong announcement I I human nature- complete the, toilet. At t.6 of tho-t fundamental riucip as 0 re teriin ego possession of P 6by Coll k- loan' purse.- -in t 'a 'in ors.� As-- At, Rheinfeldeiii Germany, the Cetholica- r'looked hbriro -iA ickeni thinferiority of -woman I Why owns, oastle and man evdu min w t e lov .8 OOD9 _egg ion stared at - ith 'no honors in h- ;o the Pro- e-makirig ii the, M orning.L The, opera- -aWO'zuAuwil1-'-run out f6r-'af!ye-MinuteW-' the laders, -the French realm dfferedbb,-use -their churc, - i ha ion itiou-ofoleeph the blood, from his who teetauts for the itistallab o a new PaAoi oldi-bat stiiies, ind his ilo Up in, call, and *hat she, comes --home she villbe "Wele',beyoXid their'reilch. 8tewArtE of th atteuid6d the Bervice -1;,brain said, Ins imaginatiou'ia'atagpaut At many am -o tell- you everything that's going on th, Scotl 4bod -royal, were and- er Kest An. glaneedLM-t1in, abi� t tame, of a Thero is a marked ificrease of atten& I He was equal to e, time hd is punctual. And not roman- in he - villigd-that'-that 'Irbokl -the ocaeii-j-6. bo,,tcver, and. e -faced repeatedly marshida of France ; those Of- ice yL the w 111. g -ad �D -in Edi -'With'a �ook of -perfect _Woman of or! sat, that -calmly and 1 4 wi tell -SL itif irl ha#'Oot 9, husband, st 1 ising �icr, andL an. ukes, of- 'at ioligious-s( the Lennox branch Veto oreit nburgh since nooks -drinks . � f Y" * . - - ;n his -covered be'said YOU that, however.. ardent er lover may they-. do, say that -Young 8 Ub gn and a Dougla,S) who had leading Presbyterian preaCher Indi resi "I g --of -give - mebha i6s -Sistera,--II, i app have been: thelevening. before, he. is. Au uu and that, Mfg. Bzownls baby's h MBelf glory, became Duke tr"ottibers at.id -I ear with eMployerg-bf labor to ange at.. To. accoat- Mrs. Robinlaon'S Tourainij, the faftewt Pro vdzice: of L France At., t a thalt abe romantic biped before. brewi tlewe'tVillif and all about a hanalyf�hiilida:V (in Saturday. 8� women & �Bi�ph t , timer is, siiieideo" fet itaL jo-Y&I chateitix 'And %ator -top raid Buoh a t6rrible thing now dress, Miss -PinktoWa b6nnot andthe and famous The yougg. people of tbeSouth Ch, loved pi But a mAn' Woro cc Wltet!j pto, the Browns, -" 'lege of the favoreA: the e, t way, '&test Spat tj the exttaordinary privi BL of :Spril�gflreld,* Mass turn. theirr. chi Lroh: - AS them from Mr., Ruskin gone all. day, and he"11 timeg. Con! to -fight the. devil is tofight'hi-f bolily face. tlWhat do. you think. the stupid l.win corps, continued, down tio, par& -f-rom 1 --to on, beautiful 'Wor&- Wffe, cc PipeL`&uU on.'Suisday *afterno 10.,;bote is mes from 7 come.h&m.e and. Bit down with his, lus. it is specified-, among a -readirig-rooin' of th"I", iyely-recout. T1 wo -1a whic4 the Engrish R, H., to face. Th, paper, an pliedwith ire�'giqus pap6i -:7.30'olclook, it f re d if ybu go -as MUP11 0A other."thins, -by an - 0 lot 0 SL the great t as enry-, Inckly. aout of him y a aul latin lankuSgeg.conquared' the French OUjr th&t-,the caitain of the Scos' ukicl. shall depraved child- of sin Who h an;dlettv4ing to: Woman has t6c shall., ain -beBruirch -my he title - of 1,6 -igh0h always bear - t '-long Ie,. Cl iris - I . been a- I iore Auld dreek� �-hope the, F the ifirat capt 1h�ltian ie - pu t, kiug banger-on�a use. every ei for. it. instead- r4 --that; of'' ananeai carnp4ollowe - r of ideavbr- -to ferret 6ut tho writer, co v ere during th -drk for at y pr9c a, m-. daoidi at hilt tiau (Jst,-. gays- Mrs A. Stanley,* -hat do . you thin omes� eiand-t and if diE get, a w ut. w 3m 1b deserted by hot husband, Kirs Msa coronation ceremonyt favors a- w e, V her n I her up to- ths, comtem- t� M who id x'field..-6f amd, -and holc fro The eat vatueof the-iSsixon words Isame Solomon f -K a to 0 o, w lie a he's -ill receive from -the-..r6yal hands the,L in joingtiiing.L Wife-mesna mer they.. ave: Box in -connection with the xch all-goodzOliristiat pgople." st of 8 so. - f , keys of th ' a town soon ae appro. -the The reviqed eaitiont Of L t1ior Bible, 41 weaver., -y4q. m:Uat: ei.ther �a housewives -Despondency from bein1fout of work drove been L -formally -delivered ovoe to He sat d6wn murm - in ny, bation. a] -moths, re ember th N&ile the, king .18 �vhid d iii Gei* or, house nat.. En ffie, W&,- to Further, that h us -t been complete. tid symp thy, -and his Wanted Edward Cody of WapollO) 10. a 'reign. I all, is h Self ova - t td. hug'him right before �tho obixgtegAtion. deepSonse,L YOU must.'either weave In residence- in imy bown' the Scots sh 0 be aubjpcted 'o public critii dam ah upon second revisimi will 1 I enote Xiirttiues Omit iambroider thwii,�,-or teed Union have the, keeping -of its- k6.s,,which are for years, then a bveuing-he -the W`.rl 7 er wife -of Adam, Elling, ttwo ­ I I - - � I ' ­' - anc t 1 ev, -o'dLeCay rue be made 1 an- horized version prit ad Wj I with.La. and bring- the�n t Wh - ora t Aut at had-obourrea' and r1q erov Jjouight to them b�.tbe ahers of the gates. Pa.; I# dow& beside her dead had-. I a6 i's always around hero� -emorable episodo'lu the anijals of the -Bi op of Br in it-w,as the be eve Am A.brother 0 the late Bh - Br Is cor4epj ho dhild:#,nd out her throat.. Tregby. in hii life. - v- believes -the t i&n Stara may be over her head, the glow- ce was the death - =E an T he Soots adventurers- inFaai , the Ba way be the: W. hin five )rm,ini the night's cold gral ii tg� f, tb�6 shivered. blished wit VC sel%orgee-_� � Poster, A printer, - Iled him- 'the a. 0 disdata . f h f of Henry Il. in. will be her lefiti-bui: . I The- unfortunate HIWOONAR11 Bhomez- iii-where.she jaiL E4 Syract - Be on ac lance (if Montgomery. 3 'And that the 6onnectioh beti veen JIAX AL. woman stretches. far shame at his-bicarwration.. State in ALPpoliatmel and for a noblo: -tilteras wtall and,h6uds6me youth, son Church and wift'hot c6ft-- -hot ttar�than int coiled with sedino.Mayerle.,61Dubuque, around her; lie 111health cati of -the Capten of -the*SCU'P tinue much ongqr�o Chnr�h C o2wArf., tee t 0011dar; or pSiMed-vith vermilliODY shedding, tor Shoot himself � through the heart. H and1dd'the�Kiu9r-du9hY ih their firs pas- 0 -When- Dr. TalinAge*. *'or t i 4,.Uiet light for those, who else -are- home:- t The Home- Misgi&t ;of.' -the young widow is insaner. sage -of arms) And. wae inost reluctant 0 Amoy' about 40years there. war,( but rreaby.ter!" -Clitirch 6ontint d sessions a -true H --agg. m Larardis Vity, committed run a'sedo_nd ur �ChristianBinthatgrdttcitY. �-W-hfrihii ioo se. enry, however, n This, �be woman Thursday in Bronco Sam two, i er., cl- aroxi Ifirci onhis. -d:)zfjn 9tricide: through jealousy of his Cherokee would:-take�no'denial., wero% over, a 16i - Jist * ­ . - The ttiuci iness of the &;,t re day ar there WLIthout Childvelm- brideif M -hoever;sbot-herd adfl:rst. : -all gince to remount. Both 1 labces. ere 'urblies with- inbersh 91 a a ish ch MA riter remarks AL home"how- nteied,but.Mou�goinery neglected Chri vas the ipp6inting of 00 A human a W To find rest," amid Berziard'Cream-dr'Of fairly spli - 1. 0 - eon. It A -all Othek I& a splinter 'Rev. Dn- Chimberlain 'says I he -g without -the song�,-or voice of, the broken -trunch d the North en, ev. -Baltimoreffli swallowed thii- Ounce, o to t-h-rO'W- away rat cb iplqte, and lta- Inmates 16aa 3iI the head, fil' important -fields Th-follmidr ppoint is a Were Montomery throuilif Mr. J.. He had -been in illhea;lth for struck -the King i -val -going 01 9,11' iiients-6 Manfto�.' S, of life. While, it la , j� , t-. . � . 1. �trom4ndoua Upham the long ime. entered, the brain. 11 onj Tbdd. bildren 6VOrL quite take the hi carelessness seems to a' i at the prospnt time, i rid 1 hsve�4in some through In ii end�ra - r. 6wat .1. true tha nap to escape _ B 6tng L to f a; I fear" -that Hin uism -is g JO The R B`A the, ff. Ellen Fxizei, of -Vledo-, d G&q.Ava6ej c�*r -St. Oat Bb. I and wife: -aur Bwerable. fbr' th.6- accident to, them, yek- in befor Anes, wag:L. placet in the fiearts of the hu anc mea a an --Chr: -is i take suicide -6 the Churdh.of ist r niniti.tilel the pain of neuralgia, committed Although disgracbdi was sufferod. t6 � 96fil kjaf4e *Lthe' fragments the -ruins on a -of -46 of Regiiia,. the new*.-e!q,-id,-.,6.-,of the ca. ili.oger'boin aoes� -chil'a a b3tilianging-h sol -I over tho table in the; a iftharew to his 6statek n . or- to e"Of th&Lord-" char I as homes have been of insta '�gtho.Wauing Years gf life .pea He N. diningwroom man tri�/ewng in England.; build up -templ ervision ri 4ddetocl da afterward. -that igiob; bro a -of - --the -Y;p by thi adopt . ion and, kindly' niirture of: Ratie-.Duftold, the 20-yeaiold daughterL and- finallyl- When the wars ofrol k Pastor-G4.aeri -of Elberfelil, a in of -missib.nary' rk. - in a champion 6 Vic Mr. rucia - VM _a I- HJLg�en&a. -great: I g.&U -the al - �- - ' , -: h. h the has : Of Henry Drifield-, df N6w.Orleans'L drowned out9 he -took�,.nlr ny, is deEi; -take -tbi L in theL minas and diBousBed -,hersellbeb" of her mothe sUrred ered - --*Ith. the -daBtle 61 Dozizr, in. Geirag ...So �to aus r insisted 'upon H doubtless bebn a Aerati to y a, h6me wh ere it 14 a a nevek -b ea n put hei washing. the* dishes Wore going to sit he bad bravely aefdnded, but great was hie interest in thoFree'Unive rAty P�&yeifiil, consi on 11 I 'front, which t )!a came 4 io Holland jbi 'a fear ageay. Ho� am . tha- t The gum In. man. of -ance'ard a sister�' his end, after - -+ie-,. Ut of -annoy in practice, age- iisioaary wor SpOnSibility., That, -it will - rebel and+ 'a heretid in the ei -n its opening and recited -k BaWs, a. farmer 55 years of excuted As a piesslyto atte cc I or -ybar6 -v Ill., could -not- IN 'rave' '11 -the 14 th* La1i .. i�§:t )ility, and -gi oftion tem- Palace de G n:�66m on ihat�' CaSion. a a i1ext crease. respic as Age, near -Decatur ..a hap- .. . : - . I McKeehnia, foynri6��' in' t ;doubtless- trmo; but -.ftev.- Do, L. y, annis er aigi;u� -divisic, issi' 6rs.� iu their 6thwell- poraaT. ann, yance, is pily. with bls�young wife. and so- h& haug6d 'With rE us. and the- convor-, The C ensuff- Comm On 0 t of _ at_ was iod, with. knowle.dgaof cotch nation t Pro estpintism, rocelit puW q I ­ wisel r seleel hims6ni . lie had twice before -tried po�son sionf the S I ation- of the, itatisticis- -Naturally alliance. dec me )ugh 61 Belfast, MISSIO ..�sliytery ench Auftim. hd �the bor( nary at Xataw4, In ud ontage, miLdh of 11i can baL and the raz"or;o7 blooil-a the T r" CQUntyL and Re w - at( �iher followdrg of Knox And Htnder'son'.-had hor asify the religious f Lmue6rk n1re -&n.dre* ay.eite& th.of Ireland thus cla 4 In drinking the heilth -of sverte 3hildren inherit the th6 ndMineea 'de'rioniinatimia: Pre6byteii L A Hudson Was appo th- eEHe And - f. little sym he p6raecutiing ans, 43-.6 E PA's parents,. and. often the- Minorvah. Craig., si Dempapi-tic: politician. o pathy a at'j her Pr denolnia and, for the. peace eway ev. . R. llr� bodil true,. Ill.; became- Aq intoxi- Valois, tlie'sa;uguiiiary GuiseE or the illus-. copaiiius, testant Ridg Jk Leod, of - Kings - Marshall Con 1 4- Qdo -w I e a,' a to Co- f d:r -of the future there Should. be I . . . I ous . pervert Heiiri'Qdartra ihot�h ' 'we , - olics, 221.V as called- by th ,winitte 14 k a faIal tri nations$ 10. -sad cated, that in his dilirium he too Roman Cafn But for such Cairolina -eldr h . Ma6ter, of Rothes, one of the important fieYds luskoke. find Noindan Lesley-, t. 0 A fam'oua Nort)i ic4.Presbyery of B isetimilammuo dose of Morphine urdlek gymau' ai to: the Jor! the in pA -ther need be no failure, to plan.ti in. expatriated d Agej -.ho had been. while'preaching a -fow Sun aya. ago Jrbm j'onary' W-ork fie life. in. every 'city of An -Oxford, Ind., bpy, 3 5L years' (if of - Archbishop Beatpril" serving With digr -supetintendentshIp d his'. clothes. a text, " Heii., giveth his -bel6vei was hoMe a� these. fell into.-&. creek-- and ruine tinction -ija the: French ranks tinder Ahez: h regidn.- iiaev. at, are multitudes of st6pped.,ju-the middle of the diso�ui-Re,-. n R o I an as. e.qe, in -the, His mother Said he ought to have stayed in F&UiDgln a'desperate. SIDPO t A -t W 1i the purely the creature$ of Admiral C(jliguy,..%ud I eriiig - congregation' helpless- wi -ifs, -gazed Upon, his �slumb Johnson WAS Because of this-remArk, he shot a on the . 'if Barrio. Rev..'!). . -int ally otl the creek. counter ith , the ''SpOkIliardi to roaliz lifa% misfoi tunes, without ta met an t andmid- 16� Brethren,* it is, -hard - - 8 appointed to-Manitoialin lsian­ ;EuLd-- Rev. without a, guide, a love or �himself through -the heart, "Ren Y -h-the:Lordap` rs physically eft _-.&t the siege of the uni;;�nde& love WLhic pea D. H. MeLenn to� the Brd-ce Alines.1tev. oearly be' trans- J6hn� � Dill, a, firm laborer at Qodar City, With thirtyr of�,his-.Qoqutrybaen. he...had it they could to'.b:&ve. for: A-laige portion -6f -audit 6- childlesa . with a upon being discharged B&nt a day in card' k and Mr. Keene w appointed to the Sarnia plinted'intb th charged. sity motinted mus ote-ers, �reeds iii*'iden- ..: 1; The -borderland o 1 1, L - -f ork.. - A' large cexe. to dir a !lie- lance being'then. TresbytOry -Mission 'I othef '1� p drigking, thbu went. th.-bif late mber' o at denta-and cat�chiq fatlieea ect laying, and un r9ed.five. Ve . I r -day,".- says-- the, Jewish, M, doubt but. that it would be employer's. residence- wqd.- in, sight of the I- teri�d, he r6de among themi zw6rd- ing. every , . - ngeF- nu f ts ere mn. sp in of big AdV iligLto be.underBtoodt the that -also appomted;Ao dekitute. fib!&, in -his d an we several at- bg&n the a mutual b easing 9 f amil"Yw -out brains, an. d Artue, , piR distant presbvte�ieB of the Church. AaZail Heining, a poor Jewe ero si vitliout heding.-In theleast'.the universals of 'honesty, i _rity, Mo" en mord-firmly.,and kin -t Siligle'"romen. He'fell covered with ceMeli in dl� . Van. Ef aime&-at him -refining §12-'worth.of goll dust at shot )UMaid once'said that.it wak yer, wai a litany - 'be laughQ V far.- be at me gl yi d died UtQr'- he' had the �artidulare,-- of- dootti a 'ter- Bit, beoausay stove - if was- lost I by. the breaking of the 46undwand Or Ali. n Win tt 0 q to Idiagh the hands of the- sui.- which.driye -in --garden the - "I refiningeassi. He instantly ishe been i fortnight in I .. . !� : To groW hyacinth 601 a-ra iiried than not ba titil d a cup. f iheetil) iie nil ez-� logic, in swallowed the g in6e 61 Conde. andthe Duk -e of nuMber-o gehousea fort must bre -enriched, by-- soi�e. -bocause-yomwere. Ther. -clean, filled it with, poisol eQiis, the rrj a- lul curaa "ine.11 oroug y in- corpoi for w rry if she dose' and fi� au� h awarded the pKIM. of valot. pretation-of4be Bible 'Manure; atig '-In a�qd th -hl' that. U is well .Oman to me our w Eng4ibn -being. he -Div -ated wfit� the -Another.atill more- distin.guished ScottiA Of t o. lqves.heri. And . One Of the most terrible and. determi Ustrue man,wh. ned 56g&diOUS -North d6ap, tulip thre6,L--.Croe captain, the gallant And- ridy Unitarianis," save, the four es a whom -She a as that of LolAs Rompf, ik, - . ­ . .. I ", -J, d -- - 1. . - 's- but if able be 'not. sujted�, of. nal ne oh -be C�l., of - Grange, bore arms in -'the- same C'am.! Review, .11 has mot is sing 0 gr at in and a -dro Wo -in esom A, ice ad Many� old now better that she remain � Sillgld.- . of Alameds''County, po-Wei miaker, gy., 'It- -found -a-; �,pr paign -1-th�ughi-fortunately.f6.kliib2s philosophy brAh6olo es-40sn - be-. made y, p s4iing.. a qrown im- lovable. aid sweet tem- with a-cirtri gq,- ut b2aids-are. I Apful, -blow himself up Q 'kdhool Of L literaturej hij in -the c ntre- 'surroti4id' that by was a�a Made fof sent on duty when his4rieud Lesley sion in a B1 -lotted A as sc*t� which -he. &nyL all ih, ir: &I -theL purpose.. He pro� ;no- never -shown 'at' -p6intj With two ---or t1ree -B.ut� when Louis �KIII- -F polyanthua, -n cleans, next marrie a they Was, Slain. ir d sistefs. Ar bably lai4 it uj�on. hif� . neck. amd thea fired S' a . 1. 1 - . the, V us y . a row. uOtL More �b till ipsi: then a honored the they w6tade it. Wear his remains was f6pnd t6rn cee,dad his ill' trious. fath6r,-,thd Scat na practical --interest io na Of'hya ii th followbd b of as -w -a Guard6vari -remonstrating- against the'loss f - humanity, double. t eurnesel I on -- row --of ligive boen� ad. -they married merely f 3 amelioration or, a, letter, WhioJI eteL w plainly- - rLitten 'by tile eligioug Strength. an n Ulij)a, and JIDE611Y &.row Of OXI?' OurLyou' O;L-"- Dear Papa,---�Wheik Are By home oj�,.' )f the religio 9alth froi:n -pli�tlng in this ng ladies hiia child. It read: -01privileges.. Thleir-privildgedcotps w d--� invincibIQ pur- Due Va leas Upon this� gdcd.�. have being- largely recruited.- from i ren'ehmQn pose,-( is ro-cua, and an dropso. subject. �Thfty �ybtl, COM113 back? I ani-VOty. n blodiii will show to erroneous 9 -,.the bulb heii i* and it is the.3 -rrivdd of. good blood'And mall. 13 hichit sprOug.171 way disgraeg& if L- Is there. Much fruit. ripe my, five 6ents, yet.- .1 _6LO . --- - a MA4� like the: beit adve6tage, liping not sight Write ifi6ant;- by, the wayi that What good:- does it do.* eig at 8, Me. age. 6nd are'not able to In tho'count.ry'? sg'ibe- Boots who'! had - -to. foin thdICrown, imperial. in, the 'Cenlre to� in ion I de their n%Wes- - Their (whole 6st ant" a DIA of ... Snote to go to church 1- slio-did �Jke tamest P19012 sits the -th - 0, Mrs." * b ore After takin -the moon, George filled the' fo i- at all th6 court-. said the I ocou. .1 Tli re crocus. -around a edge.. T* late ambitkin i Alto get a busbmid, by h OL , okor ga look at, Odq­� -.a S. all. varieties f -tuiipA had better be planted in I SOW0110w they must.' Farrant and BlIen Hiekina'stood. on the pageints--though- -DUMAS, being a-typioa �ffnowin'-)Ithe 'curner 'and n an nod mey­ AVOL At througlx the serv'ices,." Well a : a ; -M t oy -grow -Fren n"Crook, but get- hira auks- ot--the- ' -river in­�London ready ohlu&n h been . bomewh _b d'- h -who t, 1 a - drown thims6lves. Ralatives'haa-thwarted �ealous-ln the stirring L_ Series of the 9110� the parson 66- he. rflowor latero". P ant 4. what ConBi rd� he sits -a they ca6. be offers if, he really suits them un 'L d- Aheir proposed.. marriage,. and they deter. cessive historical -robiances, -in which reaches him in- an Oblique line andit ;shaded and protected, from' 6 5 an-, Or George tied -his- - anC IS CoMra as i grea not. girls, do not- marry in hast mined - to- die. together.. a" of -De Treville!s: em to. iff got hiiii much - but I 'have -Jidpq Get- theb6 t eaUCatiOUL possible, help about tagna�L Be awhen in L bloom, w, 1. - of wrist to�Elleu!s and they jumped in, They to thei front. -so, hard- Iw. -i ezteudingth6 period of bloomin, 06 Still,. 1 -pounded theitulpit rs, and 6iter some trade- or musketeers 6 6ke hin�# benefit U a' a' Aftei v- 8 Ofirst week Of -1)6camberyaftari- toued, though 0 Who 'loved qlliat6 and lav'sued AbolitL I -this rning.11, or which you have A, taste, and were- reE �b6iug restiscitited.th6y were'.imprisoned. xen-t;t-arm- prof -glightlrosts,-wheht a Well L money, main h k6tijia will -be 16 it. Skilled. labor X8L - jlWayS tained 'the is and ld.negro -professed to - bd indi ' #grant let 9 Master AtL the trip, . their r restored: -the -bodWith thrde Or A -olativeg relented, a mar deyill 6h- of a t Spend your time repining the guards, - aid �Awhg to �sve little hard_,, cover Aid,. Doi h ture state, bolieving-t at. gas) n 613 60 ME riman �ke uigg6rs we A becaus . a- You-. -0 if 'itablei manuie, raking a p -man. riage. was ariinged,. aiid the judge di .4' them the* bq did uot-weed as to a fU th AnnotL see the coming ir'privile gbo� ff - graim in the sprin when.all di er- liver: use their',ranks of- the Fr h an They still hsame 0 94 -9 11 charged the, pair with a f 60 d. It. you ne7v af L i RttraZ took precedence -of esvy rosm iw over. t- 6 -atifiy, in h there of -b. dnion by- repr senting t L it: Terrible Atesults a:' a ioh,. aWorld VirtUeLdf their seniori. y, orm -to do in OIL trixfghlo 6ny - oie -else- b y live 1111 YO Was r �r see. th2ra; clergyman tried to argiie.hiin out,of f thp :Drea&EA 01ph thiria. as we May well, believe, 0, ar ied -at 1 2. go. .1*8;y; Massa, smart girl- Who., M, -r' 15, heaveno Yoi i6w cawiet.. She was A Ofistlish �V&.)-ddspatch of -last (Thurs- -&MO: - - If. dere's no c3utent 96 to he her golden we nion!. Attributed to Prof: -Swiftithat aaing-- I know betterl f so OV The opi day) nighVs date -sayst, he ravages of at -thebowl. of tVdK`ma or bd ?k r1dre,dey t -di at I dni t, scovered I eW gL *bon, it r a, dn 'a ould do I r some, gOO1 diphtb is..dreadful- ikeit lattles 6 Niless Ji cr he n schmia, W1 oria in, this section and ad: its'. hundreds on- be 49 Sun ay is a. racrtridnt of t a Autumn lei,,Ves will be, Use& extensively b6boMLing note silii�hing- daily Message ...h at field �SUL .. n off..-'at:'its. perihe thig f All to - decorative purposes. A, bride of cases areL eatimidifil. There. wore 200 ead, ThRes. s it -same vages... prompt. -Stud -o b zn'onthsi 9 . out -of every 10 mini. k�dgms likely to caufee:- mis tbia mout' is to have the desthaL . in two d ster that 01 comet; althoti L on her wedding day entirely familioa, lost 1, to 5- children. Twbnty-bne­ pra,yers 0- gh L And bhure carries W"th_'h ..Ol to the: suni did daCor'a�ted Vitli- autumn leaves' and gpld60: deaths occurred :in fou"r families. Four A. Dallas (Texas) desplfc� d:' Mao�­ting.qppe Queen ga of Groace ars tbat 'rate brf­ 4 1. and if ani a will give color and back-grouftil i one meighborhood have 18 to -the eva uring-revivalat:Alexander) of. haa od. graveyards ii tigelist, d on -her. travail - Spoter Lely*iin bri( al il -so lo �t �'.0 --pjayea for diving. pgnithment ..on , the di Jourue t -repr -by' nuel --& s- ais �eus; ;*hereby parvy.-iii white, And, be 6� relief 20,n.ew graves. each, , 0 a hoot Ei 2 asetted- Court- '01 f "00 1. -lie oimiyd `it--ia not- tire-. pupils. on- Sunday three' persons we - re meatin immediately -a- If d41- the-- lidies from thei jr-,atty but monototiGus and iilrber of the , aid box I ­ '. : I w -house in dropped ampeso*j ith to'e- Btfuj ictures 0 a. N.eckl most of. those. who at MO-Stllil LX snc hite rose aces, lying ad in one dea& ssIde- M, M"Lug 6 Ous cea, o, atural moaa. rogebuds. small died b&va black vomit and- some are covered Penn made Ei-similar petitiofij and.'a young. missi S -G' tot t imijar 'flowers- will- acrain be with. running Soros 'The doctors %to unable ladyr-fil.once upset -a lam� and. Was burned, hat B in its rapid. Vi re. -1 fataity, and to death. Immediately afterwards a three other, -e of gravitei- f ashiolaab this: season. account for -the terrible kt agord to-- �O eqgre&t - conti. t ail -baia 'T� 'tera. hei, did -Four W. ite mice, ma. -y be. seen among the. soine thinkit ia scarlet fd-ver and diphtheriA tornado blew over he G -stice- -ig cap rip - an crime Iso. hurt m any .-T ior;e 0 ; mow tashioriable bonnet which combined. The systems of those who ifatally injured a young lady azid: -C -for without Dr- t b�g ugh. he oiltei t decoratiol 3� of U could only - others, causing a fearful panic.' he -teut' r tioill!l whi _.,�Oserviug -and ±6s or �aXew York -recover are badly. �44teredi ug� beauty t- that ie, on ekbi itian in & window of eA, f. - . eqerv.�a WOO aet has.- on -it was f1doded With watert the. A tA of I OVO, S h taOre,,heAJth,.pr Ot Shatter it, and itl ostiblis ant. � Another bon ' no ith.- -be 'Aade of,the, sun- w,fth.- three -new y-hatchec o -Francis d -aepgnda bul hda ffibusandi.of in 1 chickens another-tw And, George 'Darwin, Ahe sonar o feat. F blue birds. thb great naturliAt, areabout to mqVe from another two take the ise white bir 31Y On. the incre we -fo tise to, the vich -is i1ead guage, And -that is why e I C k-1 d I adornedwithsinglebir&of the 61d. Dowu Ad Aty -of Latin aX olid bodly, r the Many b6n etE, diffiouity is, &u f(t; writ. air, preAdrip- believe(! to,lie fai d, Tbq 00atOs' widdil ModatiOn. -Inthat rare ro al.-sPecPst Are . . . `Aill-. . 0 g.BqoO factory ---fiir B.-Nye!S Boomerang, -do fiddi;p We See. d i, wheri they --will establiah a- do6fiirs nod it ing O�t 6 -large maidng philosophiqat tion at Lou !0 son same win ow. experienO -h b the t ` �. - i -Lieut, Danenhowet',his recoyered ility Thd de, alion ia- aeatinea to become-& instruments- to i- VM a f a eaf, bit still wears- eSerious. -his Seautitut wome orita thig winter-- than. last. It -Aneasytime-6 don't Want any' sight � of one of ..Y Sold' -greater f -big blue glasses G corsage And drosi, Maws advice said the Mah'with a Orstori wAS Fie no d or the hair bV 0, tJu6ttitaictive Ot, -or ho -A debut mle b p of self-estdom. I do my own Daniel O'Connell,.. tb�a Irish. �se o the table tiog. e Um: causistry'.1 air h li in Lon - will -Should thinkyou. ea.er.1p IOXL d wherelie, of tho- cc? season, has arranged, sh, d `tlffnking.�i L-""ke murmured. r 0pp)J%d-to by a frie Autograph, to irregularities, w is t o- cc? ing loggi nd for.his P tional r with -.the f1ow.er%L she expects will -might and not b ' reatly *hich- he replied Sir.'I never send u 0 9- er of: t6stimo ial sauds griphgo-YOurs, DANiEL' XEiz 1th the poiied-of ;-6varwolie eit at, Thou d 6r i cure. sensaibu.. is com 1h , 0 an .or I u T -- us lb e it cin . tur a gags ,