HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-10-20, Page 5L• al Iavingreceived mycomplete stock of * " MANTLES, BONNE 8 IIA► A.1?TES'- At"D° I cordially gm/Tomlin EV:@Ly Li MyY stoel Flnee: Co c Lacknow,,' RIBBONS, tii);Dotts arc AT. TUE .PWNEER. STORE. First -Class Cutter Employed _Suits from 5..50 up tie: 35..: FEATHERS LACES,. ' .''FLOWERS, rERS,. ETC. FANCY GOODS, WOOLS, C.HriDItEl5S Funs-. ENDLESS • VARIETY. 'DBE's IVIAIUNG A • SPE.CIALTY: • ,.. • invite the insp lionof the ladies of Lucknow and b Country. : IleC011lplefe�r�t. all the leading Styles and Shades. of Woollen Goods is unsurpassed*lit the _Pro- ne and see for yourselves.. ` MRS. RADCLIFFE. ext ro=ute Post Office: • - i;flVYa1 STOVES:. OU HAVE A -FEW • TUBS OF .BUTTE1 To SELL, -AND IT Both..S e et an Good _asciit May. be y on autend to. turn it in on sto� account," if such you have. Well, as you have obtained the goodstat su times and -in; such quantities as suited your'requiremen ,is it not reason 1e f r you to bring m your Butter, in good season before " the Buyers, :leave '.t markets i Every storekeeper consults: the interests nd convenience of Customers.' NOW if you keep your. Butter until :Nouenml er or :Dere nbe .t storekeeper may-have-to'keep it=over all :winter, or sellaat a,lose. I tiike it`th t you . do not ` wish anyone to lose on your ,btuttei . Tirel' "then- bring it along n • reasonably good time, say before the ::21stt.of this mont of - October .. No in chant wants more than his owin.money out of-your`batt r, Every Tub costa:t e merchant 50 eeuts'to: ship, .There are the TUB, TiNs,. CLOTH, SALT, TEA,i6TG• . AND TIME. Now if you get the Top of the: market, the merchant loses 50 c' Please remember,: that. all the'; hard veork-ii not in'lfakinitthe bntter. ' ents on each t ihardest thing_any one ever experienced to " Work and •Lose A(oney- ". To • idle and lose is tolerable,' but lo put in time 'thought, capital and wor`.lk,and 1 1 after all, is the. very consummation: of human misery. 1 But this is Wry oft n the experience. of the =merchant, and more; he has to swallow: it all in Shen e. It the farmer's crops fail there is universal sympathy,bnt•whereist%e sympat 4 for the merchant who fails, or loses his money 1 . Woulitl on help to prese :ave 1. the merchant from Toss .i Bring_iri your butter 'early. e se IV D. . Has pleasure n informing -the citizens of Lucknow -and sUrroundii g ,country,. that he h: s opened out in the shop formerly occupied by- 'onN :PEA$T, posite the th'}.itely Rouse, and ie prepared t to sell • a S rC% •! 4 - O .-.1107ff oAt - AND -Tram), Coal Oil_and.Lamp Goods, - .ATso -And everyth ngin his :lute; at bottoin:..prices Eavetroughing and Repairing promptly attended to ,An early call solicited. DAVID -SUTHERLAND - Lneknow, Se @ temT er 29th, I8x2. Takes this oI the people o country,;. th the Potf SPAVIN` portunity of informing Lucknow and adjacent t as she will.be lean -: village about the' She wi'i ell o as low as possible. until - then. Tha a king -them kindly for' their pas patronage -during- • the a ort time she has .. be among them, *11 be glad to ee them all. - • again Jackets - 1k oodt made to oOrda�r romptly.. ,s ' Spavin t Cr8 ! F.\ The most succesifu- remedy ever v. r itis certain in its effects and '-ot blister..; Read proof below, - - Kap-M.14 SPAVIN CURE-. (New Ha burg, Ont., -Dec 28th, 1881. Mr. F. H. Mc(allum, dear sir, The: bottle of Dr. Kendall's Spavin Cure bought: of - you" last sumnier.eaveame the. utmostaatisfactton Is now. Receiving D:ally Supplies of: Manufacturer of all kinds of farness, Saddlesi. 1. Trunks;: = Valises, Etc,.: Having:: purchased the stock of harness, etc.,. belonging to Mr. Wm. hrrassick, I ain' better prepared -_than ever to supply the wants of my customers- and:the.pnblic generally. .Remetn. ber the place,'Grassick'e old stand, 'next to Tenant's drug .store. 1 - . ALEXI ROSS: Lucknow ,June 9th,. 1882. WEST:N The subscribers. hereby notify the publicis general that they.are pr,rrepared to execute all Work in their line in a Superior style: • B—ILDING of iALL RINDS ;contracted for and finished in the latent ras- aner•and with great satisfaction. We keep on, hand a-largestock of .Seasoned • • Lumber. 11 sizes DOORS,: S.ASIs AN:D BLINDS On hatid, or in+ide : to rreer at short notice.: We guarantee good work as we keep notoe but the bestof workmenand material, .46. Jim :STE wAltr Luclktinw _ March 22nd, 1882. $400 REWARD i : We Will pay; the abs#ve reward for any case of Liver Oompliaint;:Dyspepe%ia, Sick' Head. ' *IP; I' ndigestu n.Cot{szipation or. Cushy enesa -we cannot cure withVest's- Vegetable Liver - 'Pills: when. the•directions are .trietly conipli>:` ed with.. ' They are ,;pnrely..Ye,etable, and_ ,never'#ail to sign satisfaction. rbugar Coat«d . Large,Brtxes, containing 30 : Pills,- 25 . cents.. - 'For sale by drgggiata: Beware of counterfeits and. itnitationst•.. The . -genuine manufactured only by JOHN;C. WEST & " The Pill .lidakers," 81 and 83.,King street East Toronto :out. ,1-'ree trial package sent by mail. prepaid (m re_ceipt-of a 3 cent 't -tamp C A. SHEPARD', -Sole Agent for. Luck'nnw, In. the `neatest stylas,:and, sold- chea menu. ,. Comprising MRS P4TTs: and performed a wonderful cure upon=amare M•0. nineteen years old belonging to'ute,wbich was; • badly spavi#ied for ten years. Slie'waa so lame -that badly_ hardly get her to move. rho lameness isentirely gone after using half a bottle otthe: mire,, • and :she is like a young horse again,. Yours truly, J. F. R o'x. ,.• • • KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE. Sendaddresa for• Illustrated Circular Which We think gives positive proof bf its virtues. No, rein dyhas•evertnet.'- with- such. ungualified-auccess • ter our-lrnowledgeifor-beasst .: as well as -man:: Price $1 per betty, or six bottles f or $55. AlI druggists bevy i fair gee it . - for you, oritactll-lPent:tsa.aby raddrese iii reci ipt ul`price bby thin pr. o. prietora, Dr. B, T; -Kendall_* Co., oesburgli Falls, Vt. . SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. • LYMAN SONS NoNITaaAS, P. Q., $ snip, D4EStil GOODS, 'WIXOBYS, CJIECSED AND.PI:AIX, WOoii- SHAwLs, ' Wool YAuzur, WHITS . OOTTONS,. IN ALL PSIc • •' PACTo8Y COTTONs II! ALL : P$w s, UI&TBItIN(15 • ;t .. ; • C • J., :±- cart sort- & 0 rrigan gill tike TES AN'D` EGGS .:exchange for. Boots - andel :r~hoes: `Parties *failing 'ciee:detifs w1do welt 110'gall tit AZT Rt CORRICLITZT we 4titl; ad gdY2lil;. _ hi`rizains iD'_• ' ` fi3OO, AND:- SHOES 1iefor•Pft•mei ittg out fall c ork F irveet: $fit �splcl ;t huie ie le and 461-1,ii At • i{T&`COM RIIV, A,P•- ;That e.aiinot -be excelled iu Pattern, beat:Colors, made expressly for my -min` trade fo and Boys. Alma` -CaPs in‘ every shadee. •A-• ' „ ! ; t VERY FINE STOC : person can beat me in Teas aild Pups% amoiliam WtLI:` CURE"OR'RELIEVE, 81LIOIISNE D.IZZfNESS,- DYSPEPSIA; DROPSY IN IGESTION}" FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. . OF THE HEART, • ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF 8ALT. RHEUM TIIt,STOMAPH, . HEARTBURN ; CiiITNESB - ' .HEADACHE, 'OF- tHE STEIN, . . An(# 4401 *Path* •raltieatw afising _front dliordend L VER MOONEYB, STO AGN, SO.WELa OR MOOD; .4•