HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-10-20, Page 4tons. ` Then the. Granit _,Jury had pro- tected persons .4• believed in the free discussion of everything that concerns �`"" them,. and stood bbetweenthem and the power of the Crown or the officers of ackitaiv *Owl; irK pf Lt ni i T ti. TrER AZT TO ARGnit.-FBItELT A000ains =1'0 TILE 'j'litir� tsaoTOOxifaverretws I'tirze ,i4o' g &,LL'Q!`41ER.Ltlizirrin&' - '; �a�o cnaars bet. 2*, 1882 OlTARJ0- ELECTIO11iS: The result : of the by-elections. in. Ontario Wednesday, mtzt , be ' very •st tis£actory to. the Hon. 0 Mowat, asin the. Reform constituencies heard from. Ie,has: been sustained; and some. of the strongholds of, the_ Conservatives' have • been taken, and others show. such signs of weaknes that a'hope may be enter- tained that at the e general olectionthey w ill fall. into line- and enable - Mr. Mowat to demand from the Dominion Government justice for Ontario,. which for some time hass been denied: `So far as: heard from the result is as follows; South Bruce,; OxOonnor, 'Reform. South Waterloo, Masters, Reform. - }South. Essex Balfour, Reform; East Simcoe, Drury, Reform. Glengary, •Bayside; Reform. ry ti:- West Hosting, Rose,;: Conse a . Bei . . Muskoka, not heard: from,: ' The .Mail will have to wait a: little be£re "Mowat least go," Thepeople of Ontario, are topatriotic to entrusstto the subservient followers -of .Sir John: • the - rfghth and privileges. which are guaranteed to: us by the Confederation Act, and Ontario willnot be alone in - making demands for strict adherence to Provincial Rights. Manitoba three. ugh the columns o4 both .Coiiseevative and Reform journals: state plainly that there will be. Ito stinneNDER.` • South Bruce-.has.•done-nobly and the ,Reformers feel satisfied that with uni ted_ efforts they can hold the fort.. Town . - . iitcarcltns�� "o rt throe ` lithe a>�er: felons ofa.few govcl and true hien has - again t' ie prix lege•of ranking as a Re= form M;unieipality: The able analogi- cal speech of the 'Hon. Blake /rk. had quite a clifferent.e_fect .than the Moil anticipated. Will it give hint any credit 1 , Huron has. added to its laurels-, and . the men who -halve so- diligently •looked- after the electors have now received. their reward. Nothing. likework arid; . care. - Teeswater has also testifieddto. the work and - the Hon: a : Mowatmay feel. satisfied that his labor has notbeen in ' vain. Kinloss -would also s1'ew an.increas- ed majority but the stypidity or per- haps worse=conrluct of one'of the Dep- uty - uty' Returning Officers; deprives one of - the ..wards of 37- votes, but lesson that the electors will no : doubt • remember and avoid in the future. OUR JURYSYSTEM the presen€t'Grand Jurysystem has been forcibly -assailed by some who oirti t that another, and cheaper substi- tute could be introduced.- The matter _ hasbeen brought before nearly every Grand: Jury in the Province, 1n order; to test popular feeling on the subject. ' I, has been almost, unanimously con- ceded that at present no better scheme can be devised by which criminals can obtain justiceand the dignity= ofthe lair maintained. Chief- Justice Ar- moue, in addressing the Grand Jury at `Poroi to the other day,... said. that; the present system Was a. dem. oeratie ad: ministration `of Justice a,1?P s opposed to an . � autocratic, as the men composing them were selected: as representatives of the people -There were some persons who, would do away with the system and substitute some autocratic board; but he- had never Seen- any feasible surges tion for a plan to take its place. As the Taw now stood a' man could , eat be at on his trial until, twelve of. his fel- lows>had unanimously agreed upon a true bill., iIn quiet times, when there were no prosecutions; for sedition and felony,; the Grand Jury was not quite so necessary as when people were put on trial for political: ' or religious: opin_ - the Crown. - Alluding -to the :-Petit. Airy., be said that a great many persons: were opposed to i but for his part he beiieved that they were more likely to come to a correct iverdict. quicker than persons higher up`•in: the scale of edu- cation and culture Doctors, clergy- men -and ,lawyerswere more apt to Ileal with subtile- distinnetions - rather than.' questions of fact,, and he was satisfied that in moat cases therm three classes of men would be.unable to agree upon a verdict.: ' In nine eases Out of , ten, theverdict of a comm on jury would be a correct one. As it , now,: there `must. ibe an unammo verdict of twenty-four. men before smaarreceived_ a sentence endangering his •life. rn .611.1, - ASKFIELD OOUNGFL, The Connell. met at Young's : hotel, Kintail. On the 5th of October. The members all present. The minutes of last Meeting were read and- signed.. Petition of Maurice Wallace- and others it eying the Council to.make_ a covered- dra n on. the IOth and llth concessioir• road near John Bowler's. Account of Mitchell & Carey for- printing.' , Moved by P Clare,- seconded by Joseph Griffin, -that William , Hardy, of Luck now,. be paid the sum :of forty tvo` dollars for board and lodging for John. Boyle,an indigent. Mr: 'Jas. Brown, - Collector, gave his - bond and received the roll. The: following aoeounts were= paid: Benjamin Augustine, 4 stringers and placing. plank, fixing butnient on' bridge on S.; L. • -6 and 7, con. T4, $2.5.; Abij ale.' Reed, ditching- and : covering crossivay'ort S. R.6 -and 7, con. 5 ,and 6, $S. 97:1; PeterBayne, fixing scraper, 60 cts. Samuel Phillips, . drawing plan of 'bridge, S. R. 940, eon. 7, E. D., 01. Kenneth Matheson, gravelling on S. R. 3 and 4, con. ' 12. W. D., $10 .: William McBride,, inspecting :gravel: ling south of: Port. Albert, $2.50;, Daniel Campbell,gravelling on, S. i:, 20g yds at 10 Its per yard ; certified by John McLennan, Inspector, $226: 72 Its. ; Mitce'l:I & Carey, for• printing, $60:70 cts: ; John•MoLennan, inspeet- ing gravel work on. S. R, -$14.; John .Matheson, ,art -€ivment for -ditchint, g P_P on con. 12, $35 ;. Henry McBride,- re- pairing Scrape?, 65 ets ; W. 4. ITall, repairing scraper hancle, 75:cts- _ .. - Tle Council adjournedto meet again on Wecinesclay,; the 15th Novem- ber, at Dungannon - • JOHN 000KE, Clerk, • s. ittit7 rR»FID. '. h B RBot tr—WEBSPEi . On the -- 4th inst,, in -West Wawanosh,; by the 'Rev. W. T: E. Barbour of the township of Erin,. in the Co. of WelIngtonto Miss -Mary Jane Webster; of 2_ -Webster; BORN. - McK�v.—In Laneside,- on Sunday,_ • Oct,- I5th,the wife. of; Wm: McKay, of a daughter. - McGaaRv: —In Lucknow,on. Saturday, Oct. 14th, the wife of Arthur Mc- Grory,' of a. daughter. - . die -its. Wealth TREATM ENT DR. E. (i. •WLST's NEIivF. ARS) 13ii:%I.t .Treattnent,a. guaranteed specific for. Hysteria,: Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, -Nervous. Neu rai_:ia,; H eadache,Nervous .Prostration caused- by the use of alcnholor tobacco,Wakefulness, Ment'. Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in int+an.i:ty and leading to. misery, (Imlay and death, Premature old age, Barren- ness; "OHS of Power in:either Rex,1nvoluntary' -tosses and: S'perniietnrrhtea, caused by over exert on'of the brain self-abuse or over indul- gence. One box will. cure recent cases.:Each • box contains one month's•treatment. One dollar -a box orisix boxes for five'dollars ; sunt by mail prepaid 'm receipt ofprice. We"guar- anteesix boxes to cure any case.-- With each order received by UR for boxes, accoaipsn- Teti with five rlollars,wewiil send the purchas- er.mr.-written guaranteeito refund the mono if the treatment sioees not effect a cure, - C. e1. Suer..ta , Serie Agent forl;ucknow. Joxx'C. \VEST d: Gu., Sae Proprietors, Toronto. Ott.,. Liver .Lomplaint, . Ie: rill her an indefinate term, as .eeinemonly understood it consists of a. torpid_ sluggish state of the '.iver,-a deficiency orasupeirabuin- dance :of bile, or an altef?ation from Its- proper Character. All disturbed' .action df the liver and billfary. organs, .giving . ris' to pilin in the side,: or under. the°sshoulder blade "head -1 ache, weariness., dizziness, sick stomach, lots of appetite, bail bowels &c._, are promptly cared by Burdock Blood Bitters:. - • dST RECEIVED: T O' rhich I am selling off at very low rices,; as wheat is Cheap I. reduced my goods accort ly to meet the Farmers. Dress Goode for tl cents per yard, worth 15 .cents. ! A ._..SE LLtNC:.. THE F- FOR So as - to give every one a chance to; see GROCERIES, 'BOOTS and SlidES HF D iA1E LLUT x1>� Dress and Mantle Making on the premises. Call andsee rely fine assortment Tw .Estmememostmeeis here. d :CROCKERY, TEAT CIIE lriy ds : ecialt��-- �P y CLAN TARTANS; SOOTC GLNGARY,:MARQUIS OF 'LORNE, TAM. O'SHANTER -AND 13AL ORAL,- Scotch- Ornaments to Suit. .COMPLETE sTOCKOFANCY �11- - DRES7 C40DS ,: C^�I=HT P OITN D8 Off' -Never be Without !t. Tourists- and all who are subjected to : a change of climate,; water, diet, kc., should never 'b, with ►sit- Dr. Yowier's Extract •.f #O DONT _YOU FO RCET $1_OO. Alex,- Ma t: tyre; PREMIUMS - `ORM P,OWDERS. _ Are pleasant to take, Contain their own! Pnrgatiro Is a safe, surd, :and` effectual '''estroyerof worms in Children or Adults; OnesQan. On Deal . Estate,: at reasonable rates . on terms of payment' to suit. BOrrotiel's. ELLIOT TRAVER-. OFFICE- N,Ixt to Post OL. e LuekIst w, :Marc , I > T- LAWRENCE'S OLD_ STAND, LUCKNOW.. To the farmers and the general:. iblic.. it.w li not. a .' .ou:.to buy •all thing rn-th -. -ar - r ll 'o call at pay the .Y :. � _ - Y . a e H clava e,Lnne tilt you u New Hardware Store of :T.. Lawrence,. Campbell:street,Luck- now, where a great -variety of goods is now opened out. New designsin Builders :Hardware, . Cutleryg Plated are PaintO0- Gass ?ulIy, Shae1s a --, Manure and Pitch Forks; Iloes, Rakes, and everything rating First .-Glass • B;Trarbrare . t. will still continue to =; keep usual a fine lot of • ranite Wares, also Box, Parlor, dk t C And f which are marked down -low, 8 EST AND 6RAZIN® NDS ARE irOUNbCN THE Northern Pacific R. R1 w MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, nio'MONTANA. BIC-CROP:-AGAIN-IN8-1 Law PRICES : Loma TIME; SERA.TE FOR !MPeaire HENT; REOUOEDFARE ANO FREIGHT To SETTLERS, FOR FULL INFORMATION,ADDRESS ' . HERMANN TROTT, GEN' LANs Aar. Morn=wii�i�esq 8T. PAUL. MINN. - NACAE Vishes to.inforni the -public tliathe iters A°nst#intly on -hand a IRST-CLASS STOCK en's: Women's, Misses! and Children's .Boot. o. and Nxami"ne his ,really. su ' y ..puna:: as ock in each: class, especially Buff Debbie: Wh 1e•Stoc4i- Before purchasing elsewhere Manufacturing a Specialty.. Last year's stock Bald at and undet mat 'Ergs and Butter - 0. g' taken ti .� for goads. A';L EAt ER Eavetrou. -hin and .Re�airin = Promptly Attended 1To, g g -,Repairing P As non - ebut first class vccrkmeu are employed,: .gid,; alines fav- oring, Y P orin ._. us - with their warir can rely upon having ,a, �. •.. _ ; . - .. Y P -having good job. done,and at as low ..rices as -can b done -iii:an; first-class shop P. .-:� Y the coul1try.. While::returnixi my thinks to the p lblic-fir. lin the liberal patronage bestowedn nie ; i tler Iasi, 1;Lo a tiir the tontinuauce of the:same in. the tut! e,:=. • _ - RN' 11- Teas and'Sug AGI- • Wild Ssrawiy,theinfalij,lle reedy for au' IUuiaurr cum aI t • solved: to be abreast of the l usines4 has just laid in a splendid assort- ed stock- of that he is noir in a Position to offe�t his customers better value: Iban. . eier :for their money and in determined not to:. undersold $x cv