HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-10-06, Page 8-414 • ,r 91, • 450,44 11 wish to int, ate: the revile. ®f Luoltnow vid su rani* Otter sin now resri t', da a l laincia# a fiork an sap hue, at lowest, prigs , oonsietan with good worm ? !1. 8._O eying: and golarging, Eaa 8,:pec alfy Frames and $reams . • scopes always On Naltd. /t•.[� pyo •- �``�{ - E. L. JO gisex Piciino_.+.': Sept. cook; E' pr. . 71 TIME TABLE. OIYfk /1®1tT}L OOINtG=6O11Tlfi _50, 0, I1 12 N®. 3=- 1 t0` `to.2-344_. 11'o. 4=10 R. . No. 1— 4-53 NQ. 3-111? lea.:s; 224 No. -Tr b 0 0 fl1 oe . ana:,341101 �. Good .8als.. Messrs, Carerosh. & Campbell, bank- ers, ank ors, sold on, Tuesday last• one of their Manitoba lots for the magnificent sum of 0,500, • Thiaa lot was purchewsec 50111e thhu .age for $4,1Q00., Reform.Meetirsg. The.Befornciers of polling Sub-Divis- ipn CO. 6, Kinloss, ,aro requested to meet at the, Grey Ox -Hotel Monday - evening, Ootobear• -- formers- fora othersubdr-visK ar ecrdtallr invited te.n Sig Yiok#. kMr. Archibald Me than,' of 10.14 , 'West Wawaziosh,' threshed from. the product of eight acres 440 bushols of wheat, or an average of 55 bushelsper acre`, - This irk by far, the best *Id ,:stere of in, this aiectc Ira Po tirnaster$. Atli nuinher of 'poat�ters, or .. ' their assistants,- it seems,, basso nota paid attention: to the feceutrculaaiion+s.sent. tihem-regarding the stamping.of postal cords.- It is contrary to law to stamp cards on. the ‘.4 letter- sides" Au tho stamping must be clone . en the side on whish the direction. appears.. The Cornett- The ".early. bird.,' .that takes the: precaution to, secure its wort► by 4= 4.kiffick in thai as erring can have* capi= tth,view.of the comet, `whir h is very 1;;Illiant about that timet It 'stretches; from the -eastern lto zoi' -nearly- half Way up -to -the- zenith, It: is of grcat brilliancy end tato ,:adieus is phenoui cnally.large. . First Prizes.. The Bonnett- Brae., Oita vflatiage, lie exhibited their famous churn at: -the_Provincial Exhibition, held atF Kingston, made a clean sweep, taXixig. , liret and second prizm. These elnAllit o carried o& thio. first prizes ask: the Western Fair •ici London,: and at 'the - thtc Southern . Counties. Pair./ at a; ��, _�� Themes.- .. ....-.�,...,,,, ; led ors to a feet,: the knowledge of rliiah may not -be useless, _ and that is. most-po feet ob:yri d . �: tha,t`all th , nuineipa lii,ies, in this elect- A -Fraud. oral `district are not allowed: ta- use Farm Sold Mr. 'Tames tin bell, of $t se I2th- w b . Old his farm' con, `Of debt �5,��ai%� Y; �� � of one ltiindre q/ t�4 : r. W . Barg ber, =of tlieaaiae township- for t o iYeat little sum ofEi1Q0:� s Gold Bracelet Lest:/r, g: _ On; lou , r. l26t, 1882, a gold br.aceletd+oaf k etWehe�ii Luck now and Holyrsood. Any person find .sng •tbo: sagas will".be , suitably .*wird;-„ 'ed. by. leaving, it = at J - W.. fTallace's Jewellery. store, •Lucknow.4 3 . Discharging Firearms,-' i evenal parties'oompl sn o£ the care- less way -ins_, wbicb ; rms are. clic• charged within thetlimits of the village, Already a number of . narrow. escapes from-- accident' from this cainee lurve occurred,,,s d_ we are suprieediseaetion has been /taken by the village constable: 10 the parties to justice. Oorrection. - In our_repo t'of the'ltinloss Branch Agricultural Society'ar Falls Show held- thi a: vi gage on Thursdayand Friday, September • 2lst and 22nd„ ` Messrs. ifalgour do Sons`pf Mt. Forest;: were awarded :first -prize for their Mower instead of -second,. and Mr. James Mc- Kay, of this village, - received second instead of first.' Sneak* Thief. Thief, . '> Mr. Dougal& MoEinnon, of Kinloss, Monday evening last - puroha ed twenty pounds -of beef -and put -it into a bag, which he left together with his buggy in. Mr.: -Norman 711cMillaan's blacksmith Lop while_ he attended the Reform meetinng in 'the : Temperance hall, but during his absence Some sneak thief walked. off with the "bag and meat. .` Neck -tie_ 8_0011. A neck -tie 'social was held unher the auspiea of theBlile Ribbon Lodge, on Thuriday evening. of last week, which. was a . grand - success,',. :the hall being jammed to the doori and a. programme consisting of speeches, singing, reading, reeitatiens, 'dialogues; .ete., was, gone through in an excellent manner. The The Rev, 4ebti Fisher, Methodist Church. in'. this_ village,,,is resent visiting it the residence Of Mr., ont-banker, left -on Saturday -last, 'Air readers will regret to learn that Miss - ..TeUnie- liare, niece of Mr: Tho.s. Law- rence Who left here about% year ago for Englalid, died 'last menth, from the ea 6f -a severe cold.contriteted.while tireportant to. Electors,. • We.desire, says the Walkerton Tel-. call the .Bilionity, kho, t low who, pkese4 his year's voters'• list sit the coming ; Atha Xit.e aceount et, being-, too slow in otter :on- the . and .wn,;,4 filing the: list With the Sessions Clerk, eived to run in de- press race on. wig. have to use htst Year's list: Town- -erto Telpetim'i* _therefogiT no en. and the town' of Walkerton. - the titled to the sifver-' medal wbipb: by other municipalities in the Riding will this barefaced maricauvre Manama& :use the present voters' list. • year or the rape- will soon, be run Oben than,. bow .fiao journalists. Hine 00141W% -.1Vineet. of the villaga Council was lield in lerk's °thee on Mon. BJg. Price. 'At the Weitern Fair held inj.iondon- last Week, *Mr, Donald„ Cligke, of Luelfnow, exhibited, his ibie team 4 of light roan Sampsoen -;syhich,, though only two -,Years Old :;tverettMiniu- iy weir deyglepedt.wo'fIglitiiig,*,900 lbs The pair' sig. raeted the- 7:attention of 11_104110 BfccNYA. tth inulf c) yoUt own tiliit* Portliad,VYX Mau' a vest, and: ble with - doubtful set, that violently Aes,, causes cind ;5 outfit free. ;01 art, • Woman can tt of- the lungs In every: -therefore suffers Al(41,104' 'pretty:, evenly oeves, as .much 4-nhe mar er Sheila; nee L, not arc green- till they caretaker Sinticoei 135,000 to - Miss Groff, and the balance, 001326 I/14,000, to be .divided in three equal amounts between relatives. Thon3as MoOrae; of 'Guelph,- and air. Groff, of Sinicoe, were appointed. M3011tOrli ---Takendown—" I tell you what it is tenet's," yawned Adelphus.,:. an awful oeralnotion "-* -Wanted a little fun, ye: Ian if tb+y atinetalt falling in Ton honor, I believe I'm ge of the girl's who- chanced " well, perhaps it will havet uperlyou as it 1:130a upok turning about, " you're ger know, but blamect - you're driving at now< replied Martha, " on1 Parties having books bel 1CaledoniantSibrary will p s themtsnriit once as theliocietyy . P 'pi� . ,'additional $" u rcsipgv - 'e or at. Kincardine. - The non. =Edvrard Blake will addres`sL . the= electors Of"! z South' Bruce sn ;the: Hall, ' Kind ar ne ®sir ridgy evening next, at _eight 'o'elocka Runaway. .A. ,horse— belonging : -to Mrd Wm. Thom, ran avay fromin front of C.h . horn's butcher , sl op` on "Wednesday,,; and turning across the sidewalk near the baker`,tho i broke the buggy, box .to€ pieces. The --contents of:a:,;number-of „ greeery; parcela were scattered l along,° f Y Y the; street.- Oonse'rvatleefileetings. Mr. WR. Meredith, M. P. P' , of'. ndori, 'the leader of :the Op scion. n<thaOntario.Legislature, will dress the.Electors of youth Bruce, at thu Black erse,}to day- (Friday), October„ 6th at 2 p, m; `and atR_I incairdine own Hall at 7.30 p. •m. Imported Anirmak.. ` ,_ •Janiez Moffat, Newfield-; farm, l- ross, rhea,' jest arrived from Seotland and brought With biro a splendid heavy draught Clydesdale stallion, Baron Sol- way. This - horse: :will be:a great, Gold Brooch Lo. s t +ofni t l s't ewhere hind ;bet�3 *ends :Murray and the aBailway' Station, a :.ofold4brooch,l nterectivith enaa el ant .; .x.1 . spray of gold and`pe , le'; alb the—back. .' Any_, per8 eturi ul ¢same to thin ottice`orr Mrs, Murray will be suitably rewa deli• loss, on or abocittinmidil e of June,: a Red' Yearling Figifer: -Any p. nem giving stiCh'in- -..ty arid take the animal a - hat' is it Thebeat'Idachirce 'Oil in tha isniantifai,tund by 011under the Seiereat teat, closest at the Leading it xhibitions of the --Dominion in 1881. Farmers and °there *in save Money and 'inachintry•lv Ackk your focal dealer for it and taken° other. For sale. Mrs.-Pit.trbeg*Iiaye to -inform thepublio. 00 Y it A T• Gloyee, -Infants Lace Bonnets,. Infants Bibs; - die Co•-iity,,Court,:of the, nwnship tinplo,. Lace Cc4jars, Muslins, :014s, Laces, Ottlie Coure'Roota, Dun th., 16th '1,cirid Setts, Jet Ornaments, Sfiks - and other - daY -Of-li.etribet-, 1882;a 11 o'clock,,to :hear B.raids in. variety.. 'All hinds 1_,AjNAilo, Card- sig.:- osuii4ciionri -in the cit.era''• -Lid_ Of - the. Stauivedi. Braiding. .Settai. Pillow aecluisltiou.--0.-the- conniunity _Mutated tkattemi At th said and place:* rehtfori. Shirt Braid.; Speol Mit and 'Cali.' for his eUterivise through which. the !Clerk of th timid Municipality. ' farmers liave already been se largely -- Dated at St. Helena ,this day.of Sept. of eAraorclinaryintelligence,,and*which every; sheep' owner • kiawsliO*. .to prOspeas Of... having :-;:-.the ; rends cleaned out, and lie to. ivhoni the. proper personw are to ,do, :it. Sonie :-.parties oasis AfiFer- and... other- sickness: that eppOSite view -is held: 'Whether 'the. •, ci-e.rt4rot„ttoR- WT. Moll WitaAwYanoSolit7-114Z, Wh.4441twangemelits ,can be sitOsted.-.00tite -i2f;farto' lot -of *ale: Iliii.tifsiresaid pro, erty.-bellingi-'to._ the." Will be sold .,hy tiipu,:atilluevale 'Lictobernext,_ 18;2; Ter, •Of stile one - third dowii,,and balanue in a: ONEY T LOAN FARM FO made to hayefthem cleaned.- We eke not think there is a ratepayer in 'the EiNG CEN TRE P RT, LOT10,. CON. 'action og. the Council if -they= voted a good 8011, best of itate large °arc -hard of like_raf sum of money to be expended aPPle, Plum, nor and 'berrY useave frame oil the wemk, provided the owners of the proP?rty do the ;same. _We are not -in woo, jNo. 'N clioLis. favor, though-, the owners Were directly responsible, of compelling thera to do the work, for in the case Of of Messrs., Lees and Douglas it would be a great injustice to ask th(;se gentle- men to, bear.the entire burden, as their ` ownership only eaten& back for couple -4, monthe: SOUTH sauoE -On' Monday -.evening;,• according' to inee for, tl3e-Itocal „Legislature, :of .. Ailed ;and. those: .ivho-: attendetk--*rei, „,whiehithe speaker treated agitatin ;the ,public or 86,585 .—an inereejt) V7041,4411 -2nd,JOhn Fowler. 50 lbs packed srt John 1V1eLean: Jar of honey Leaf home made bread, 1st Jelin Me- • honey in oomb lit G. Harris t 5;lieeAs- cabbage, 1st,' George:H.01Q cord - Wars °TICE- IS Voters'List .Acti by- Hi of the Cotinty cant- of t. PoRT ,ALBERT,., 1r GIVEN' '1111AT ld puranant to the Honor, the Tudge e County of Huron. on Thursday, the" twelfth day- of October, a ten o'clock. a. ro,, to hear and determine th several complaints, of errors_ and oinissionsin the Voters' Lists of 1882. All persons havi ig busineie at the COUrt are required to att nd at the atiid time Clerk of the so' ,2;f1MicfRality, 1V100-, Pre tigiione-,, experience has -given .; the mid with no prome temp vi-prici:pule4doticearl7tlii::--,its:ei handi life may bee in ::::dan keep, Dr. FowleekEittr _ g at hand foryeat#Riit.g911,3 nu) to reporting A..? meeting and: selemnly- -siderale time in decidin knotty points or left Cheek, and. whetli risoap,shoui heap/Shed 'to 'the lace -0, 'die eiistemer: ione-*ereqiiit4lrleftriu to the .diSeretion' ustomero Itit1/810, toms the Tnams TO per tivarter,' :g. B.—Particular attention -` the Touch Fingerina and 'Time - Address, P. 0. Box • • Ili stock Mid -More' -arriving: L KIND you .auotees in Stock 'all It: rent igema at present. ettira--a-Tyltala4,15rIt s". :sp. a n e.