The Wingham Times, 1908-01-16, Page 5Btieis from the Sanctum Miil
Interesting Pa,ragraphs trout our Exchanges.
Only tongue-tied womeu *tatter froth.
*rain. fag.
Souse ot our professore must be judged
by Oar potsetiaions.
roapves all barn, son or calloused lumps
std blemiebee from horses, blood apavin,
*orbs, apneas, ringbone, sw •euey, stifles,
ipridos time end ewollen throat, oonfthe,
Otto. Save $00 by nenof one bo t1e.
'tifiarranted the meet wonderful allemi-h
lure ever known. Sold by A. L. flamil-
I! we but see God in all Wage. to
:review lite is to renew faith.
Glengarry will remain in the united
tant•tiete ot Stormont, Dundee and
"Keep your Stomaeb in good
working Order ala i e our general
health wtli tate oars of itself " This
ss the advice of an eminent specialist on
stomach troubles, and he "olinehed"
the advice by prescribing Dr. on Stan'e
Pine pale Tablets as a wonder worker
in all phases of stomach disorders tram
little "ferment" after eating to the
ebronto dyspepsia. 35 Dente, Sold by
A. L. Hamilton.—lett
Mr. Edwitrd Farrow, of Elora, dropped.
dead at a prayer meeting. He was 76
year of age.
Mies Obiilman, lady superintendent
et the Stratford Hospital, is dead, after
a brief illness.
TUN WIZiGJUM Thin,%, JAT ITARY 16, 1•Jii8
Nerveless Women
Central prison is oroweed There are
Zit prieonere in it, of whom 2t era fe-
males There were 161 as this time last
year. Thera are 58 provolone. in Tweeze,
jail awattiag removal to the Neutral,
Unmeer adintr has atlnnt rho as course
in MI our:, Kanaas and Okl senna. In
the last three months only aborts fifteen
hundred persona made bemeetead. entries
on public land there.
T$E t.aotiear sAtrowarte.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the Indies' favorite
caedieine. They onre Constipation; Sink
hfere rache, Rilliousness, and Dyepnpsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
A Winnipeg daspatoh days President
William I4aokepzie of the Canadian
Northern secured sixteen million dol-
lars during hie recent visit to England,
which will be used in extenoing the
The Allan and O. P. R. steamship
lines both report that the number of
returning immigrants from Canada
do ing the last two months le far larger
than the number brought during ;he
same period;
When the Stomach, Heart, .or Kidney
nerves get weak, then these organs al-
ways fail, Don't drug the Stomach,
;nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys.
Thin is simply a makeshift. Got a pre&
rription known to druggists everywhere
as Dr Shoop's Restorative. The Re-
etoratipe ie prepared exeresely for these
weak imide nerves Strengthen these
nerves. build them up with Dr Shonp's
Restorative -tablets or ligntd—and see
how quickly help will coma. Free sam-
ple teat sent on request by Dr. Shoop,
Racine Wis. Your health is surely
worth this simple test.
Oar consecration almost always seems
to act as a provocation of the old
Italy produces some of the strongest
tobacco in the world, and she makes
se of the crop herself,
sent direct to the diseased
w parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppingsinthe
throat and permanenty cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Cr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo.
Detective Noble, one of the best-
known of the Toronto force, died very
suddenly of heart failure.
Listowel will ask the Legislature to
alive it leave to erect its own. power
,plant at the Doming session.
How Long have your Kidneys
been sick? -• Here's South American
Kidney Cure evidence that's convinoing :
••I axe a new man—three bottles cured
me." "Five bottles cured me of Dia-
betes." "I never expected to be oared
of Bright's Disease, bat half a dozen
bottles did it." "I thought my days
were numbered, but this great remedy
cared me." It never fails. Sold by A.
L. Hamilton —134.
No i niniiitiutl,
Lack ndorancc,
Weak, Unstrung, Tired.
For oleic wntnen no remedy made that
uplifts like Ferrozone.
No. remedy exerts an profound an in-
Beenee upon the mutation* that supply
clearness of skin, brightuees or el e, etas•
tions of i.piris, abundance of strength.,
Ferrozotte is a msrvelous former of
blood—nob, red nutritious blood, the
kiwi that otroulates life and activity to
every orgau In the 1 oily.BuBuoyantly, vigor and vim are restored,
—to the nerveb ie given vitality, to weak
planta is strength sent.
'Wonderful power in Ferrozone, and
any weak, pallid womai can be quickly
nourished back to j•,yons health tf Fer
rot021 the is nerd.
*Met you try FPr*ozone?
It watt our you just as it did Mrs
Abr..nt Carley, or btrange, P O , Oat,
-wh', says: "I consider that I should
recommend this preparation baoattse I
have proved it is simply wonderful in
but ding up. I was alt run dawn, suffer
ed from an extremely nervous anti un-
strung condition. My sleep was broken
and didn't rest me as it should. My
appetite was fickle and only certain food
appealed to. me. My oolor was dull and
I looked eiok. Ft rrozone gave me a
splendid appetite,—I grew stronger day
bt day My nervouenese and apprehen-
sions disappeared. Ferrozone has. given
ma ebsotnte, strong health. and I recent.
weed it highly."
No tonic is more, ffeotive. Absolutely
safe for women, gide and even ohildren,
good wherever there is weakness, de-
bility, nervousness or ill.hsalth. Try
Ferrozone, 50o, per box at all druggists.
Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid-
neys, bladder and nrinary organs only.
They care backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, infiamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder.
Disappearing paper ie a novelty for use
by those whose correspondents forget to
burn the letters after their utility has
ceased. It is steeped in sulphuric
acid, dried and glazed, the acid being
partly neutralized by ammonia vapor.
It falls to pieces after a given time.
Doctored nine years for Tetter.—
Mr. a am( a Gaston, merchant, of Wilkes -
bane, Pa., writes: "For nine years I
have been disfigured with Tetter on my
bands and face. At last I have found a
cure in Dr. Agnew's Ointment. It
helped me fr m the first application,
and now I am per[eotly cured." Sold
by A. L Hamilton. -135
Bill posting is not part of the Outgo
s►t aohools of mahouts), bat any man
with wife tent. brains to be a dootor
makes a good bill poster, ae the ratepay
ere of Brant know. Bract township
council appointed a Board of Health for.
1007 that for peuuriousneee could not be
excelled if they ago -used the whsle town-
ship over. They would not appoint a
wan whose duty IL was to post up pia -
ovate but made the medioal health
t filoer do the work. He did it, and meet
have done it well, because he charged
the township ten denten eaoh for putting
them up and ten each for taking them
down. Ooy cotton was made tO paying
the bill and legal advice taken. The
lawyer said they had to pay of course,
and the ratepayers of the township will
have to foot the bill.
The essential Mugug healing principal of
Me pine tree has Motile been successfully
a sparaced and retitled into a perfect
Dough medicine—Dr Wood's Norway
Pine byrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
Charles Hanson, one of the whiskey
detect.ves employed by the license de-
partment of the Whitney Government,
was committed for trial at Whitby for
perjury in connection with the ease
againet Donald Christie, a Sandfield
hotelkeeper, charged with selling liquor
without a license.
W. J. Paisley, of Clinton, who was
,defeated by Mr. B. J. Gibings, for the
xeeveship of that plane by two votes,
will demand a recount.
Ostrich leathers can be taken every
month. The plumes are not, as some
suppose, pulled, but are out with a sharp
knife. The stumps wither and fall out.
To cheek acold quickly, get from your
druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets
called Preventios. Druggists every-
where are now dispensing Preventios,
for they are not only safe, but decidedly
effective and prompt, Preventics con-
tain no quinine, no laxative, nothing
harsh nor sickening. Taken at the
"sneeze stage" Preventios will prevent
Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Le Grippe, eto.
genes the name. Good for feverish
children. 48 Prevention 25 cents. Trial
Boxes 5 ors, Sold by all dealers.
A Kneohtel, lately of New York for-
est, fish and game commission, has been
appointed inspector of the Oanadisu for-
est reserves. Mr. Koecbtel is a native
of Huron, where he helped to clear his
father's farm. He taught eobool for a
number of years iu Canada. and later in
the United States. He completed the
three years' agricultural course in the
Michigan Agricultural College, and grad•
nated with the degrees of baehelor of
science. His forestry course was taken
at Corneli University, where he received
the degree of forest engineer.
As a spring medioince Burdock Blood
Bittern has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
A one.armed man sat down to his
noon day luaoheon in a little retorter.
ant the other day, and seated ou the
lett of hfml was a. i.lg, sympathetio
individual from the rural district.
The big fellow noticed his neighbor's
leftsleeve and kept eyeing him in a
sort of a how•did it -happen way, The
one-armed man failed to break the ice,
bat continued to keep busy with his
one band supplying the inner man,
At last theinquisitive one on,. the
right • could stand it no longer. He
changed hie position a line, cleared
his throat and said, "I see, sir, you
bave lost an arm." Whereupon the
unfortunate man pinked up the empty
eleevo with his right hand, peering in-
to it, looked up with a surprised ex-
pression, and said, "By George, sir,
you're right."—Exobange.
ITCH, Marge, Prairie Soratabes, Bar
ber's Itch and every form of contagious
Itch on human or animals cured in 30
minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion.
It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
The Commeroial Hotel of Hensall,
whioh has been closed for some time,
thus leaving Hensallwithout hotel ao-
commodation of any kind, has 'been re-
opened as a temperance house, h'as been
renovated, and is now in a position to
afford goad accommodation to the tray el -
ling public. The commercial travellers,
especially will be pleased to learn this,
as for the past few months they have
had some difficulty in securing accom-
modation in the village.
The world is full of women who oan
amuse the ordinary man. They oan
sing, dance or recite to him; can paint,
write or decorate in a manner most
pleasing, but again the man often goes
begging for a woman who cansew on
buttons or mend his clothes; who can
cook his food with economy and flavor
it to his taste.
Couldn't Estimate its Valuel—Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the Heart never fails.
it relieves in +30 minutes, it nares. It
is a beacon -light to lead yon book to
health. W. H. Musselrean, of G. A. R ,
Weissport, Pa., says: "Two bottles of
Dr. Agnew's (lure for the Heart entirely
cured me of palpitation and smothering
spells. Its value cannot be estim-
ated." Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -139
At the special meeting of the share-
holders of the Hol mesville Cheese and
Batter Co. the majority were in favor of
accepting Mr, John eton's offer for the
purohase of the factory, it being under-
stood that the intention is to tontine to
run it either as a creamery or cheese
factory. The price is stated at about
John Boyd, a negro, was hanged in
Toronto for murder Wednesday
ing. Since Toronto was made a city
this is the twenty-seventh hanging that
has taken plane. The first was in 1798,
trhen an Irish immigrant boy was strung
up for forging a 75e note.
L Good brain food.
2. Excites the functions of the liver.
3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep.
4. Disinfects the mouth,
5. Neutralizes the surplus acids of the
6. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances.
secretion of the kidneys,
. Helps the
7 �'
ps .
8. Prevents calculus concretions,
t Obviates indigestion.
10, A preventative against diseases of
the throat.
I1. Restores all nervous energy and re.
vivo the natural forces.
42 fiar'boril Street, TOMO), Oftf.
:t9OI» BY ALL nutruotsra.
Trial Catarrh treatments are being mail-
ed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop,
Rachine, Wis. These tests are proving
to the people—without a penny's coat—
' prescrip-
great value of this scientific -
p e scri p
tion known to druggists everywhere as
Dr. Shoop's Catarrh. Remedy. Sold by
all dealers.
A young man by the name ot Die•
mert, whose home was near Deemer•
ton died of smallpox last week. He
appears to have exposed himself to
cold while the fever was on, and death
followed soon atter. Apart from this
case the disease appears to be subsiding,
most of the patients about Formosa
and Riveredale have recovered and the
families are being let out of quarantine.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Hate Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Tale a Cup
of "BOVRIL " at
Eleven WO oc1
a.m. or p.m. It does
not matter which.
it will give you vigor
and energy
see it is
on New Year's night the home of Mr.
and Mre. James Steele, Lyndaie farmi,
and concession heron, was the scene of
a happy gathering, when this highly re.
speoted cosi deeply beloved oo1p4e Cele-
brated the anniversary of their golden
wedding. Fifty years ago on the let of
January, Labelle Young, daugkter of
Wm. Young, who came to Canada from
Roxboroshire, Scotland, was led to the
alter by James Steele, at. Jarvis, Ont.,
and there they Were made man and wife
by the Rev, John MoRobbie who was
the first Presbyterian minisaer there and
this was bis firstmarriage ceremony,
Mr, MoRobbie now lives retired in Pe•
trolia. "Jimmie" Steele left West Lin-
ton, 1'eebleshire, and lauded itt Haldi-
mand oonnty in 1856. In a short time he
was married and started bleoksmithing
in the village of Balmoral where he en-
dured the usual ups and downs whioh
rho struggles of pioneer days meant. In
1867 he and his wife decided to come to
Huron whioh was then aparsley settled,
They settled on the farm they now live
out lot 24, son. 2, and here they have re-
mained ever sinoe. They have a family
of two eons and two daughters, James
who lives opposite the homestead and
William at home are the boys, The
daughters are Mrs. Thos. Scott. 2nd
Huron and Mrs. J. R. Mason, 2nd Huron.
For burns by acids apply alcohol (05
per Dent.), keep the cloths damp with it
and cover with a dry cloth to exclude
the air.
The Pastor's Pity.—A prominent.
pastor of a Durham Out., church writes:
"I suffered intensely from Imfiam-
oratory Rheumatism, Just one bottle
ot South American Rhenmatio Cure
healed me. I pity those who suffer so
moat apd do not know bow near they
are tocure. I feel like proolaiming It
Prow the housetops," Sold by A, L.
Hamilton. -188
For fainting lay the ptieut down,
even if on the floor, and let the blood
get bank to the brain, whioh restores
ooneoionsness immediately,
Chronic Bronchitis 15 Tears.
Mrs. Domes Burns, Sr., Waller, Ont.,
writes: , "My husband was 111 with
chronic brouobitis for fifteen years and
was attended by s, veral poysioians with-
out suotiess• By the use of Dr. Obee-e's
Syrup of Liuseed and Turpentine the
bronchitis has been entirely cured and
bis system has been built up by the use
of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.
Dr, Agnew's. Catarrhal Powder
bas proved a biesetng to many a "man
before the public" in oases of hoarse-
ness, bad throat, tonsilitis and catarrh.
Some of the most recent evidence of its
efficacy comes from a well• known
actor in New York City. lie says: "I
hove never found anything to equal this
remedy for quick relief." 50 oants
Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -137
The death 000nred on Thursday
morning of ex jailer William Dickson at
the age of eighty-nine years. Mr,
Dixon was an old resident of Goderioh
and for many years held the position of
keeper of the county jail, the present
jailer, Mr. Griffin, being appointed on
Mr. Diokson'e resignation a number of
years ago. Mr. Dickson was the father
of Mrs. Wm. Proudfoot and Miss Dick-
son, of Goderioh,and of Mrs. Oreesweller,
of Sarnia, and his sons are: Robert
Dickson, of St. Mary's, Wm, Dickson,
of Chicago, and Dr. John Dickson, of
California. Mr, Diokeon was possessed
of a rugged constitution and was .a
familiar figure on the streets. Of late
years he had been troubled with deaf-
ness, but retained his good health in
spite of his advanced years. He was a
well read gentleman and always took an
interest in what was going on. In
religion he was a member of the Pres
byterian Oburob.
A community torn by dissensions, rent
sounder by strife and contention—the
people ready always to fly at each other's
throat on account of rivalry and petty
jealousies—can never hope to succeed.
The universal brotherhood of xnan is
constantly deferred and the end of time
will appear before this great desideratura.
can be brought about, unless man ®hall
be brought to the realization of this, his
dominant weakness, Let him inquire,
"Who is my neighbor?"
tt, .A. !3 rZ"
tt:a IR.
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
' i; i'r�
The child who is threatened with spintrl
trouble or has bowed legs will be much
helped if the mother sees to it that the
spine and legs are robbed eaoh day with
salt water. Make a solution with sea
salt that oan be bongbt at any drug
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ss
Lucas County.
Frank 7. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doiug business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay.the sum of
one hnndred dollars for each and every
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1886.
A tickling cough, from any cause, is
quickly stopped by Dr..Shoop's Cough
Cure. And it is so thoroughly harmless
and safe, that Dr. Shoop tests mothers
everywhere to give it without hesitation
even to very young babes. The whole•
some green leaves and tender stems of a
lung -healing mountainous shrub, turn-
ieh the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and
heals the sore and sensitive bronchial
membranes. No opium, no chloroform,
nothing harsh used to 'Ohre or suppress.
Simply a resinous plant extract, that
helps to heal doting lungs. The Span-
iards pall this shrub whioh the Doctor
uses, "The Sacred Herb." Always de-
mand Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure.
The proposal to establish a joint
stook canning faotory in Brussels le
meeting with favor. The public meet-
ing was well attended, and seconded
the proposition. A live committee was
chosen to make a'efanvasa of the town
and locality for stook. It is estimated
Matt at least $25,000 would be required.
The farmers and gardeners appear quite
willing to bake hold of the Cultivation
of roots, vegetables, grain and fruit ro•
gnired to make it go well.
The affairs of the Walkerton Binder
Twins Co. are likely to be wound tip
in the near future. Notices Calling
the 8th annual meeting of the share-
holders were issued, the meeting to be
held on January 23rd. Along with the
notice of the meeting 18 sent a notice
that a special resolution Will be propos-
h be Wound
ed asking that the oompany
tip, tinder the provisions of a Joint
Stock Companies Aot, It is thought
by some present it is not a good time to
enter npon winding up proceedings, at
it is thought that the entrance of the
C. P. It. may make it more desirable
that the plant be put in operation. The
plant bow bean idle for nearly tour
Pain in the head—rain anywhere, has its cause
Pain isconrestion. patois blood nressnre--hotting
else usually. At least to. says 1)r. Shoop, and to
Prove it he has Pleated a little path tablet. That
tablet—called lir. Shoop's Headache Tablet-•
coaxes blood pressure away from pain cement
thought safe sit surely equalizesit the lblood circus
If you ]lave n hesdaehe, its blood pressures.
If it'll painful periods' with women, same causes
If you are aleepte: s. recti .s3, nervous, it's bleed enacted should be done away with, To
congestion—'blood pressure. That surely ie e n o of V►hich he
swear a ma upon e, Bibl
Certainty, for 1)r. Shoop'e Headache Tablets atop p
unnatural bloodPressure. ,
e �uener read word,
f which
he hasftin 20minutes, and the tablets simply distribute
heand bbl little and he our t<tttt�r, and dDasotItBrrd arab
swell, rod loin tool Of tour„rices acon.
giietion blood pressure. and Where t
rain believe or thinks he .does not, can gide
A. W. Gleason,
(Seal.) Notary otary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally,
and aots -dfreotly on the blood and mu -
cons surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials free.
F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, 75o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
Walk around the World,
In the faoe of a north-east wind a man
started Thursday morning from Tratal.
gar Sgcare, London, on a tour round
the etorld. The adventurer undertook
the task for a wager of $100,000, The
man was the object of much cariosity,
and was followed through the streets by
a large orowd. One of the conditions of
the wager is that he is not to reveal his
identity throughout the whole journey,
therefore he has concealed his visage in
a blaok mask.
When asked how he was going to sub-
sist, he replied:—
—."I ain starting penniless, and I shall
sell photographs and pamphlets while
on the journey. I am allowed to ex-
pend any sum not exceeding ;S1 for
photography and phamphlets for sale at
the start. This is how I shall subsist."
Avery difficult task is before the
Deep breathing exercises besides ton-
ing up the general health are the beet
possible means of speedily getting the
rounded slender waist line that is so
much to be desired.
For burns apply oarrom oil and cover
over with soft old cloths or cheesecloth.
Keep the burns damp with the oil, for,
as soon as it dries, and stinks on the
burnt place, it is painful.
Freckles on the hands are very hard
to get rid of. A highly -recommended
rdmedy is a paste made of finely -powder-
ed sulphur and white vaseline. Rub on
the freoklee at night and wear gloves.
"The growth of perjury is a terrible
thing, and there can be no doubt that it
is growing," says Bishop Worrell, of
Nova Scotia. "The other day Judge
Riddell, of Toronto, stated that it was
beooming a most serious problem in the
conduct of the courts, and I have heard
a well-known police magistrate of a
large city in Ontario deolare that it is
impossible to believe people oft thein,
oaths. The statement made by a witness
in a recent celebrated election trial that
he advised his agents, when sworn, to
kiss their thumbs instead of the Book,
and then they would not he guilty of
perjury, shows the utterly unworthy
idea shah a man has of Him who reads
the heart of man and judges not by the
Outside of the platter as to the cleanli-
nese of it. The wholesome dread whioh
the story of Ananias and Sapphire once
exerted seems to hare but little power
today—especially in a liquor trial or a
contested election. Affidavits are taken
and oaths administered often in such an
irreverent manner that the solemnity
which is attached to them is lacking and
the awfulnete of invoking the name of
God in attestation of man's word is but
little realized. There should either bo
special cfilcere for the administration of
Oaths or the farce that is now so often
ie - e se a. It's encs, So common sense no weight to his evidence. The apostolic
'p►. Boll at ".e Bente, and chec•iully reGNStrllneati
Dr. Shoop's
. "ablets
condeffinetion of perjured persons in the
same list as the moet abandoned and
wicked sionista has no effeot upon him,”
Sonde the kind Yss Hive Ahva Baa
>rtplatsre 4
The girl with a receding chin should
becareful to have her hair knotted on
a.level with her ohin or below it, well
down on the neck. Arranged in the
middle of the head, it accentuates her
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Whooping Cush
cough aroms f short,
rapidThe efforts to cicomesear fis1n pc nit xyspassageos, The
1 ace becomes red, the eyes swollen, the body
bending forward. and when the breadth be.
comes exhausted the:e is a deep loud drawing
in of breath—the whoop,
• The greatest care must be taken in order to,
prevent congestion of the lungs or pneumonia.
,kthreesuse oh and nutritious diet are important, and
air f
Dr. Chase's Syrup of
Linseed and Turpentine
affords almost immediate teliof from the hard
coughing, By, the continuation of this treat-
ment thorough cure will be brought about and
the tisk of complications avoided. 25 cents a.
bottle, at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates
Co., Toronto.
Mrs, Henry M, Edward., Allen Paris,
Ont„ writes:
Words cannot express my thankfulness
for Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur-
pentine as a cure for whooping cough. My
children were very bad with it and this treat-
ment brought relief and cure.n
Walker. Ia order to win the wager he,
has to tonoh every county in England,
t4 visit Scotland, Ireland and Wales,
and to oall at twenty countries, He es•
to buy a postage stamp at . every town
passed through on his journey, Among
the other conditions of this most re•
markable wager are that he is to find a
wife on the road, to forward an account
of the miles walked, and the towns visit-
ed and to obtain a signed document
from the Mayor or some other respon-
sible person in eaoh town, He is to be
allowed to "go as you please."
Orders for the insertion of advertisements'
snob as teachers wanted, business chances,
mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact
any kinds of an advt. in any of the Toronto or
other city papers, may be left at the TIMES
office. This work will receive prompt attention
and win save people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates will be quoted on application. Leave
or send your next work of this kind to the
TIMES OFFICE. wilitghavia
Mme. Vestris, the celebrated French
beauty, slept every night with her face
plastered in a paste made of milk, oxide
of zino and oorn starch, in order to drive
back the wrinkles and keep her com-
plexion fresh and fair.
,.mss® "mit.
Is Farming Your Business ?
If so, THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business
Paper, will each week be of Special Interest to you.
Subscribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUM •
to lst Jan., 1909,
•••••••••N••Nia •••••••••i
Dyspepsia, Boils,
Loss of Appetite,
Salt Rheum,
and all troubles
arising from the
Stomach, Liver,
Bowels or Blood.
of hall gi
o r tit; nut,
writes' "1 believe I
would hero been in
my grave e long
had it riot been
Burdock Mood Bit. •
tens. Iwasrun down
to Ana on extent
that I Could team).
1y snort about the
house. I Iwaw Subject
to sevefs lteaslae es,
backs ea end diesel.
nese.: y apppetite
tenable to do tdr
hence` !k. .After
rising 10 bottloe of
B. B. I found rat
health ,1i1, reetarcd
I w ; rcete ttteit
It to l tired
wa..i - -...w 'ii i. rr..l.................'i..
If a man oan write a better book, preach a better sermon
or make a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he
bui'd hie house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
path to his door.—Emerson.
Get on the path to the door of the
Times Printin
Where mouse traps are not made but
Good .Printing
I# turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printing is done cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the once of
or by calling up 'Phone 4.