HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-09-15, Page 7%I N 011 1" .'R4, 7�1%77-
e V r000se
d *een Blobon ArrAT*
"Plut --was ma'de--to eatab.
Proh has all admirabi posal
a assay 11 -On the. Recently a pro - At-
Th4i* vice-Begul' party At Nlagaro- H6vr.. the 114andoners -Beteived she: nW, ''myAh ngland-0-
-Adifte, to, Ourselves 11 li�-&-11 Grab' Riblid
.0t kinct ilt"laaft the mAnners by which we may. n � . I
Y, she Frincess_T��jy, l6ejave News'of Nelson's Y.Ittery-Exterpts I Pr"16 -antagolifilmi
Sketches- b 'th, nv
Dulowk Vis iti: -t, riovk, nwilix otit-ex6iting'o .othere, He.-seeziia t byally, means in a. apirit �df
to.r*nvftivh voiambin on- Toesday. i0ela" the At .*Imes 11 bf Octobeir ilrd Yin. - � - A _', -,but
vj�ftrgl, ` *6 MOU V0,14ok- wataners.., of illastri. th;"Blue ibbou"Army in-onev
to' asider golf praise as- a kind
xidly emulation --with it in, the causeof
Air Plablin, aablograux . says A A., Niagars, Fallg� despatch .-of last one impudence and donit
. - .- - . I I_ �_ ;;;; _P,
date- says More, - splendid We tire indobt6d -.(e�ys -the Cincinnati to famishqd persoua�.who finding 320.0iller" -color of green Was con
onday'B4 The
largw - number Of thor-_' . Metropolitan lot CemmercW) to a� friend for- a genuine- copy t at t a but-
eir-pi r -wear
food., in their rage have'eaten Ah re W
60nsia,ang,- of those, 'of -the Catholic Tem.
t ;weathor than- to -day hae� afforded could I vii d approppa. e,-� fo
The Imost of th6 London Tiritci, bear-hig -,dat of Oct.-
fleshAnd thas all In., ;hole by..
Who- 6 �.he me;,titig- 'hore :14st ba afske& morning opened o0kiligly nourished -the -member.
tober 8rd, 1798 wbidli -hPA long beenm ool t. ii� for the Inca
and hal -1 jjacb�
't - .- th Batik 8 _@ ies,-WhIch.ar,
101i tthe conduct of captitin, 81881310 t, coull
night alt wh cloudless,- scarcely any *ind stirring, n of his-lamily. 'It' is in an salves by air -.own ance. - But posbd of 1riah peopWof person
lu -erinten,4011-tv WdsTthe_apr%y.fr6M_th6 Rorss-shoa_-Fall was P013,
allows self-praisain several instances nd ug, a
tifulopiral rish a h
th P -of preservation,- yelldw-with- thi: ki it 'Caidina anu
1 !in ei beau allowable buc oper,,and Ch* f callent. state it
stronglydenoulu %seendec -not only at
dr woro d
light and a age, but still �aa legible as if printed year, in�gt the -num. d I W it undiii c6asideratioll, and
Tmhho djamise%l1w bar M.- On, heiring column. , ThAarquis of Lorno an Her -$MC bar May-be-classe , wi I the, subj6c
-eminence -bei
ess, `Lquise rose out fear -the praise -or rather a fair -a Ate- ug -of opinion that a gre
t 1. 1
of ilie-Aismitis a on, Royal Highness- thal Prind instea&, df- eighty-four- yeiia sjo. -he t
delit Y
some, of -the polic Times was- then Paper, as la,- hard y- �be a'- -su
duty t6re. -off' their bad'ges,. and. swore they sisrlyj and already-, -the Princess ebemed to niontof -the meriWof 15k. Dow's Sturgeon on won
neatly made.lipjand as ..perfectly-. printed. '011 Liniment d hi h' t jjjo -objects which have derived, now. vigor., and'stiength fro' nite indic nof
*auld not., M, a.rame y W, id � is so �s tong.
CIO: a ty-- until, -their colleagues dety'shoi
Ali Ilid police stations her stay. Herfirat-finpulse wag to ioe what' as ther London iv�es- of to-Asty. The first il&-hav6: in viewo
that1t can ofily be applied- externally,, -and: o10
o rtis 'bi ouies Rheumatioul-, f i fid 1 -off ittin the form pr
wed -with - adve ementA -h wouIdTbo
were rehiat4ted iZ f the prospeotfor sket6hind the rded, 'Page
morning w ck: _osea
occur, ers
s6aldi, harliia s neurs agla'B'Pidal, i pan -to
*era- iminedla )led. by strong orpiets lon,wiotoo-quart
announcement of- -the
the. gorgeous day she inft second with- he
an(l,upon, viewing
4pards of inift Tbe� dismissed oolista- glorious victory obtained by'Admiral Nelson
their uni.- s.toiitlyordexi�.&hir-l�ggageageutt.6-.hmve-.her I' jillubute to. has4tathorized its se as wdigtin6tivq, bad -
were, o to, take Off *ad [P-.7 guy, Simi ar I
bles' ELOsetts, fOI16 - OneL I w 0
large. Painting casi brought from the-d6pot. over thii French test, -near I )Pended. his
erous - o mention.- Any h fily, *iW a small
f6rm!k-Iwith! ait th
11, our after r oeiving the' by.theirather dTy official dispitalies.of a dollfit&i 0 h net with general b
This is of. rosev
-test thd -matter decision as E
L aisohdg;� 'On pitting - the ba vood,, with bronze, panels, a shiaply asked t y
L thQ--n-
rrsoks the- of Admiral giiin& defail ames bbr� ih -Catholio* P
Mew were chleor, by; the orowd. and heay enough- to tax,. the strength r himself. -the mem of a t6m erand
-two man t% -Iift� It
'Men �th6 are dischargoil- they, was plaobcl bli-the and number of the shipa engaged oil both !o .............
sid6s.--the number of the enemy!s ships -
contract for, oil '-I- eel - for the- fr
their offteers, per piazza, of the, Prospect- House, and r 6f The' . 1,
agon stud, d at taken or deitioyed,- and 'the. numVe PP Ving at a" -The Sending of medical women
L. tho alter-breakfast.,pW1216h was serve
ra r- the F-fith-of
ei ngland to India -is likely t swesta.
-workedat large-sketabes oOcors, seamen, and Marines .killed Or, now bridge -ove ScOt
ise I am memorials to the-40-30,theprillo a call
son -a-so
a� custom. T -a mer
t ding -aconery. She wounded-, on-- the. Britisli sidej sud'-some. -1 nd,'-6�118 41fOt4 -tong - This is he' Iudiau�. wo Ora Lieutenan asking to- be,- reinstated' Of tits F41% and envir ' oi brief loo - ralits, of haw.tbe'ne'vis was- one�f the largest order for steel for bridge t I
white milit - al, -a000=. -with an y. -p yamiansuoto
T, he- Lord Mgayor had, ain-interyiew with- WOral vy blue abige' rae to treatin -
-a she- air own sex a 0 -W6. Briti
36, 6f received in London. On the. tlaird'pageaie' building. -h, �9%tisti a. of
worked hundrei T
Ord te the subject. Whil. 01
an- aide came a -,allow.', haV-the
a ical service -in
the Ametio I I I I . I di -India
rom AL Bottle and a ja
kilea, t
0o# puyexarely�-6 hems'elves 61
EVEXI crowds aregathering.: at h
the L -Lioute on tourists dxtr cts froni letters fromIreland givibg an
_NG.k-7-4111 Be ace.ount'of the progress of the British troops
the.. atrebt%,., rtioularly ill, the vicinity over, and paused.'.to obtain , lid2ce: Ili i. th - - -Th
atting-do*n the reb6 On dre.: ter.. . The.. !-�sketohea 'In ID resoriptions or attendance., A staff of
Mr. W. B. Hodgson, Chaxlegton, -Ont.,"
Victories hich put, &'a ando, Of -Dublin., Ca And the exottem - dkugh i.; Princess . , I - d womel:
made, will, as baftle of the Mae of; the rains I- parCof the.
lib - tint �by th
lngr�) Earl- Spencer, out leav Napleon1s: dreams of conquest "thew service
souvenirs to intim fdo, in England. iz, --
car grin PrO-� in- u ia_-a.del5&rtmeYAco
of A -not gi�ibordinata7tio ing thavleo. of ludgaL under� was, -ate Map 9 wonderful curative powers -.of, t
Meanwhile, the, ibrilej laidies. ast, 'was fought. -on the -1st -u a asanloudly cha6r, A number of dismissed Marquis- of I a at ducts of the -fored, H.-
-aides 6mus of:- the Wil' 'and the which- in ica urbau.- WoAt. ohortly.'� -and ad, 4he 'sebres� off the mo weeks -1,1181A all., allaxming'cough'. a1 b
official dispatch of tbe Admiral, who about th:6- grounds, ..,clambering
at, t rwards, aw: ur-
-1 recelvecl a tremendon- strolling. -that, time bad so"pii1led me down, that I. was BliglItly- Wounded on -the411jd d"
IoOtpaths,, and liew- I* use
ovation. All phi Np�licie have now struck rugged 8 ing- the engagement and- 'in: *hIch - he 'grow alarmingly, weak.�
a. of observatio -difficulty -thk6b -t th Re PQial a. �Lunch wa ImigliqUod ha� Ill a- dra;dfally� and With, such
d inambers of.,the. vauts,
Zoughiog-mould lea,*eme w6a;ker than
m-er �2 0.' served at 2, dibri.er at k3ol. Hono,'Lionel announces that 11 A a sod
His X%jesty:s arms in the late bi
e d d have we to Wash- _kttld by predee ing,'
Fbu un to, men, are SadkVille at, British Minis r� at di
VPu greiit victory Over- the- Re' t 6f the eneiliy one. An.:bar y grave
ington :slid Niss. West, and'Mr. Tennant. 9;
&., �bl yawned in front.oUrne. -Bat I Was- qablea
guat 3rd. was.for-
art bears, date - of All res '1186'llt -P al-
-Duke of Manchestii d' -of Dri W
1 11 G'! divigioi - audp6esoape it. I
TUe, mounte& polica-anc relsidis 61 the ve 4
oga party warded- o r1and Oy Captain owo, and after
up to ths, guest have: tik6:a no P rt.. in a at dinner. m Tho� Vide -It 'let in
to.,morravr at 1100fl for r.
'tha West. eived at the AdiiRrdlvy Office 1h London MPuary 0 ry B a"
leavea Octobei? 2na and given to the Public. in bottle anda hilf tilt. completely recovered.,
LOB P. for Wags' d on in
hae been. Widely the Times on October 3rd, 'or quite. two - I cmu hardly explain its act'Oul 't� w
A procla sfi -urr; ild-
Mills Fjum16 were visitors. during the after- and 0
-of sp soothing, but ertidn 'in its reailti. I
declaring IllaCt e, alprVices, ecia cons 1 .1 - . i
months aftbr the great victory. � Now by it ne-ce sry, and, call all noon,, and Were cordially received. ..I will not casse to -r Mmend
ing Upon. the -aid of the telegraph, the'news of each. a
1. and under. i -.Avery pleasin—ludident occurred, before
th6 depirbure.7 of -the -partk from
arts of the barth before, the _Bwbkd.of of
"0 Me. forwarc here w ir.ma.,' the; -etori#a. of. victory ;would ba-fissbodtathei The liquor deal ropek
t �Yk
flo of -of own a
AD igrain A large4etach battle had cleared away
Inblit of- Rifles arrived t KingBton from, the P cose fondness- for. the or" the I w shav6d the tail afidinine horse 46
blood h4d: been stsunched. in the ids-6fx by. a, proadoutin 'at orne and made
o -day and -took poosession. little ones.", . It waw the presentation to. 9 t
Dablih. aViloom 0 Les of Nola
the � victims. : As the ae'spat on ling-wood:ot'his carriage
ice, �Msster Horace Issisiog. of a solid gold pin.
Of the Policobai radlis. Of the antiri-poli. cl. havepassed- into, -history, it is not necessarjr
Awaring-, Hot Royal HighnesWainblems-an.
numberin 1,175,140 licky-'a- bo#4 is- to- reproduce them. E ditorially the Times
force di
nograms. The. little -fellow was quite
ting- these -details of the tmisied an& 620 deolfiled7further, duty.. on found Words after recoull ge, has been &w. ad for -,all. instant,: -but so Cowe -has
11 pah.—A bayonet. ch iwtiou', saya: C%ptain Fa by- fail-
t�. expi'Oba: big thanks, and assured t
ilare is notalways. followed
in. Sackv ugh Y911 4ried.4em-
ilstfeet, wher6-the soldiers. 0 -
-be w6jild, We broiight. - over a, , varie y lliei�aud altho ave
-prea ad, The mob, bzdf� a Her, Royal Highness at -it,
-her when he grew r B e0tM edies
i hii kepbatedly- benefit Aon't
--wererbadli oned . t, , May
portant infortnat- thout
kys re W11, �0 -Wi
re- . meiijiber 6i P �t .1 .
-e Baink of- I and - 81*8 The Princess- shook. -.udjng ofthei French at: exandr%, - . ubt -that ypu-will find the right,phing yet. jgt4iou)d before th Is . I - aucl do rR. N0 A a
�p to be,&. man
their progread-towards r�o. It is kubwn� 'duty havdawil -thanked- her. host
liPles have returnedto.. bh and'. ess: very a T
that they landed -are rns�_sud once aged at he MRTEST, QUICKEST and
Any do -22,000 lufaxary dn'C -Svo_:
likindly for the kind attention-beatowed oil positiv inedyfor co
ear line to,- St. _Jose*
Revill, S QUice Barraok�. Nib ha0:h ;Ones
-cured. - � This-fact:7 has -been- - touche
'h ' clurind their visitiancl-6xpressecl-gre t- oavalri. at -A tchison Tope D621-
-p to a iate.� 1urtP_nichino-ovw"OtOfjA it stated fr'oixi' very --fesponsible author t
Y __u it. Sold
ted alth6uh the horrb.w st 1;a-vingto 16%va, aQ soon the pjace for by h6asandit -who, hR 'Be P nt iwa, son, Dallas, Gal-
which- sM had so wonderfully recuper- -that, not inoothau 11,000 mien have to Nlebras ;]Xdiss an
violence. had be n commit. %Aed
by druggists. veston
police: at kas _. -.1N e Ilexico
cro.aed, N
streems war that indepeaAmA of
-which Cairo. Certainit is,
were-vit Chios tana and Texas.'
160! Ta t ek illo party, -to 40 being , harassed by the Arabian'hapres, the
A b o, dy of of.tb% disch ad poll' 0 f 'b c4rainsl,'. atilling* strongly- dikapproves
stidxt Offibes' steamed out of the & Frdnoh,bave. lost a great number o men. y XK Z C� J!L C=**'- C>
Emigr the hearty and.6f,
W,eut to th - Q I'll, :disease, principally from the- badfidas of the of, the doings of the
)ple, who. gathered th
aeu cheers from - the ai,id., in ilifed if 500 r 'Water ibbon Army*,, and urges - poople 8 ute as no I
this after wish them s� th a. Oad. Buonsparte,.Wasou'voty bad
safe * - .
�Journey� -to a Pao'lfio e.% n SPolIs_and1St.FauL_-
ld W ts yes _iolls� 1
could bet O� eengland at once. Y to.bewareof.both these organiz
iterday ternis itli'llis-,pfficers, who Were� geperall at
Lily. reputed as
ded- Province.: Thep%rtywasjoluea dispirit . ad -and outrof hu"m'-
The-- subu Of Dublinwill ba guai or With the expa- ed, to b ng the Great
6j tZoliten C_- st equi h
Birfiev%, the Princess� special hroug Cai
ZOL of whom. have- beiii by Dr. bevictoiy-gained byAdmiralNel ieni Dim
by� c 1ist �hyaician, -w-ba only arrived On Sunday IMed overy"
In the for Une'
Ord'ered firo
Atpotfor the, purpose.
in hare be4n.ased with oigiial- success- in -con. auriasses of travel..
from England, and who ac'- - mpanied the I son is oils of th-ose even' ta'-whioh will
ablin Castler� Were looked- 00
�ith l6wect to- the glory which
considered i
ing.-b- -of thei-I _lj bight-
nbon and. "a doubly on their 'journey, and. 'this morni sumption angst Co. Sam
at 5, th a derive from it, than
11 e British to, spitting of blood, shortne
Da: wiiito, Isases Wi swei 813: of
-to forei givi
lut ' 1139 breath weak I
Orel gn politiog A�NS �C_I
Colo asand
compa;uy them as let as Chidag
--to,thoio *Ila are onAlid'point'of affections of throat and cheiL
1 D blin cablegram'�— dated: aqu Oluou
-The Varty-xiiachid London at kindred All connections made,
on ibw -*at- with the FielI6
sAlthoiagh.'66 aiditain I haying been- four hours ."and- -.fLv;e entering� -Sold'by Aruggistw. 01 InUnion-
du the.-pait. of he streeb� - mob still 0911- Republic. Already 'we know that &'con- Depot&
minutes on." the -Way from -the Bridge..
strike ig virtually ondb&
nd am& -is approachifig.
d the di Stolls were M -he.Auatnan territories -to give-c6nfidenow all
tinues,, thlo: I? - ade at - Hamilton, Paris a -aiderable srlay of Ru T
deatt has advise ljaw� on Heady, a Routucky blind in
t and -you WM
Ingersoll, but none of the party- left the
Iiijo of s fond 4513! He h a cl le i 19 In a n w i a
0 raw up a, me 9 a the
-undecided --p misse �norisl mkin was,resefied, to tlie,'we. fear, yet o a
cars. untra r fliet projecting. pointe, so that. he mi;y -digtint c te, d Line find traveling a
mawledging'they the Emperor of Germany -,'a Russian
the paity-t6k-&-shorb 6troll.wbile' m-, �11 flices a luxury InstoW
ted a. feadh of AlseiOhne. The ivod.st Con6tsuthiople, dnjtareaeag6 guish by the 'touch between- -the ethe'-train ma&� a tweniy minutii'lialt, and -is, of 'a dts-
arato be
o tbb Mediterranean through
memorial,will sid e.. ri- I art' Dar. athe U 8 aud'
arather�amuainglnoidout, tran crsfdr4.
ties MAO oveYlil) and there is littledoubt dnolles and'the grand sei f .guor rom.
-appears that- ille- Marquis; who� was.in'the information
instaed, with the,. an r- atof Wheele
do decision kad-vigor Which m
was not Swar that the gui6e hwcou'libile Thb-ze kable efficacy,
the me ill be out R
refreshment, carj' ahasten hiSL.' Wes of
lau&aad Z of Phosphates aud Calibsys id( qe
standiv preparations. by ILIV Sleepig ar
that �heir griby. coo.. be investi d Par
his party. had-16ft the train and Ali
giitedi -The oritleaL -to-InotroW Wfi: ne tinxioui to einul hiviiv -in vous debility and all used up condition -
for ie iruit rom th-J, Work; worr MWEVAL LOWEIX;I
iavd. ordem tothe conductor- to start 'the sea) seat 416to 1. - - -
a,. and It' s,ac, aud exertion." ki'the system, -Whether (rom'-
tion3 blook.TeforeB Willi Nanaer, - Gen.
care actually going slmq�it sb �Cepreec&wenIl -
an, pinidn that- the dismissed In 10ti all-Rdroie Was etting,reao for dissioatidu And deprairedlibits, is o
.some draw the mistake wai discovored.- There. Wj8L 6;
chicagoi Ill., -chicotioo
ed� by., large.sud. the d -el conva P.Y Suc t
awill�otbe :rciust ted.. Tho Govern- that-treinendotib Eitruggle, �wbicli Ised to: -its restoring -the.- balance vf sap- I
me j.*itapsor4i A�g-
aenergy e -M lft6ut 15treat East; Towouto On* d -Marquis -.and- the ade wast of- nervous- direcy
raeut offidles. ia. ho 0ity'sie still guar to -Who ficivilized World, upet thrones and 432 btroopa�,,. and. ay tho I ier lusty.. cheers the i7as only ended b 'nutrition ofthe ne I rvous-sys ' tem. - No met
Of nations, and.
nch be to, Princess. respon e*i i the
d I ij the train-- MO
gunboa,t Fore ater ved wreaks
--Kin wher Fro ter w BeL -of-'- naUST1101
arrived st. towu a. disorders are. firetrievabl. defeat. of the hat' may
At.. Kin slowly of Ont its way to the West.
s6rohanded.. %taL t6 -night the, St!reeta thra- Emperor the -field of Waterloo.- .of.the vital -forces, there is-fid-speoiAd-nits, INE. on, ET -In-. the samel-paper that donve much quieter a they hao-been.forhiglits. ya the leation . for nutrition the L
jeenng aneffa -tho-
��by food elements- being on J
t oxes,.zscapade F um- tissue
PAS great niwa from, jgypt, the editor a
ah took- ro, .9041o,recovery
yal AQE_- t o: the, day %ud-
During-th f Ifeciffillon'p, ildest Lieu, bd�srizes the news froo Ireland, whi r
'Of Were Some: aZ -the -hdroes. from -tho'
teuvt- -Patrick
iidug emulates s-28thof-September to tho_'2nd--6fr.
far noVelir.' his -Ootober to rQaohL L6ndon from, DabI in- so Lover In A hytallawhiallbso4ed-,two month
momen a. teen' persousi, 'it-Fglaise- with
'r t, si are J I thiff Santa
[a -the hospital Baia RAPI
ni 6
unded ini -6f all -the garrison from. sk Menagerie- at T R WOUIR regiment, and the ioul - utious manner
uLdred 'ikdiw id aiball*6 Ilse "Vo�ia the uej#Ilboj - _0�lpj'
fm Ih Ireland been. dol ag- In 111 .0
under ireatme and -five h.0 as iktor in Yesterds tL , '
'igh 6 position I& alga
it 8, -Weik miftwo
we're sworn- lu -imd'in dioti6n'to,�he'dflare�di��thii.�-hoo�d. tha�i -cij
fioual ustab as which contra of �Y'L it- toi Le;, I;s
ca steeplecha ati �, a8L a, hiitdioap, a �_:'.to Pipe Al
were imposed :On 4aa. attempted tOL Lossf wL voral chi ran. aniftial -Wdakn d'
throug'A the. d OwGe6ige street to4 takneek lespa" .0 given in-. a -allepherd and a 01711111 rr CB0111 .
three- br a Sweife, S hi 84
too no pap6is to the new Of repain
Lieutbtiant XseM 'General - US$' of'
IStestlis iTadbdIntelle08tre�
d constable -Who him ouly� 't abon is' tb_ of* :of the: -
the, mob at _fj6 - __ ' ' * . . waste, Itiquyel
tjibreupo:a. his f d -f Ireland -we have the,
gambler,'but is on o - winning eccentric rebels in the north of
in. t a� h Men must work audVOM811 weep, enithe Enfeebled Brain"And. Regt6res StirPrisin
eriously. The to to inseit o- sy -8 Paper t Ve
usan a proves
him,� and he to 'Sd,itius, the
revolver-jw0aw ng �ev M='iL b6ts. Afew*w'e' eks back amiIjtajy chum laid' plestiti away? kr-td Ithe shausted- Gihe-ruti
ok 3�_ Small WagerL tjj�j J�rad Woul aBh, bullel Castle resp6o - t. t d
mob eudQ6' 0
Remedy_ -Then
VON to. d not- m ublin world But �heY need not wedp'so much if the
P1 Slug ram�cwj 'L Z.doij*.ent WindoW
rafug6t in 0- r, which was in broad, daylight with�i ing. that affair. It'. appiari- that.- the few an
Favorite APresdriptions
to th&tastej and each bottle cox for
jImosi. doi;ple wreake(16 The special ga6rijagioids natuib ofthe pr -silk French offloers Who were' leff'M: X1711als, t��, -ass
Thej painful two weeks' 646spestand.
badegg. *hich cureg all the inedication'-' id ia:,the
d thiin
ida d handled go rbughly thait i- theraW Irish, reoruits, foun bog
was, capture, , ed t staggered- hJm4 jilevorthelese he resolved to -organ ze at
'Llos wo 12 'e in' our Ran 'Whiobt
ball Pee a to, me old by.�druggists..__
-thattheybac UH'
alidt expee, o recover. another ihe bet. lie was -t6 fling the- egg as he so savage an4untutoted Full parkulars'
h win
violent. that, it.. me air- ndesire to inail. free to any, b dress.
0461110 ling- b "the �o vit - with so' olat. t a. Ob was ril th . credit influence. wit imuck's''I"n�etib Medicine ls'�sold by,
7 - i brot - recourse A Get an'named fiaq� n on
the trooi4 and. several d to have M 'druggists st-50.6ts. pet box,'or 12boxea'
an the. foul missile at leju
her officers. - .'Nft
y recor I
defence- to protec n 9411180119L gailed- ftee. oV postage -baledelpt
t thernselives.
aded. Lieutenalit Patri6k self. 'We aii 6&4ratua for inata 9 Or win be
SOUR: rat .ent throo& t Me Money,Lby
mountedi. i the pleasure- to 'add tb&tL.by the �o - EL paper th6voidi uttered by a, per 1
apes. J ug.
-be- cess, of Geut.Tv ki This in whii lanck9s jMannetic, Medicine Ve
_ 7 is !arg the donvent,bell, asked to bave
W01N. ND. 19AIM41. kother, told her what moh!s 6peraflons a decisive Dfi is de i -
see, the reverend
had.- done, and bigg6d. her to., inflict -K blow has bi blilo ivdry root and fibre tined to replace the p witas
sell giv eL *,a of honograph, coneWs' or 9nt,.CanUw
d Irrig&# bvory.wber&
(on of t,,rAps, andL Shipp g ug- - a rle -by all
penance 3hb;Lrejogin
he took his watch. of rebellion in that quarter o
f the ki iliall love attached to
do alegram, h - ;n&- ri
asted, yeaej I N Q -Loud Ow.
A �day fingeri-and-ask-ed -h e ould - all Well.Might the'- Efigheli celebrate. air
Ian__ Z
Parts of Engla;na', Soot I idicate the er eepopr Whom shok triumphs. the baud-_pI%y1iig'6t. the thektrq,
-Says-.' -to bim, tq� de o Other., medicine of the kind 0,6eses a
'Remble was--sugaged- -is ch"
e U
-n4 T-- re orta -w Owing a., ieved. -all act- where Rul reatrain, t o8d inoidin' e
mud Irelan gh _�TR
erezL0V#bCj- a d*d notioj _fL -E, I C tBvitainnii all encesi joh
!kItfiom Wday till Sundai, jift offeredto her in[ trust f0r' them, she actorg'mid di 'ling'11 owi eidentg'.
continuous u I theL UUg&th- I to the g6jiO4 sei, and th L L =StITU
Ong an are. _ a Bad. esultoftervdas, T10X:(E8TABLI8,ED_jN4
me 60cepted the ep dd r debilit N
'fl, im ise- damagelL 01, atollement.- T13i iing wa df the singifigi- slid r eating-' the a
8;v -V
L impom at h- alth to
n sue -hbrj 4if Fema es:.Ow() a d
d- aff a heavy f 6-- the Times, W 6dote enthusiastio,cheering..
ered x 'tlye* Xu
a_1qERV0U9-,f DIM 11JI ops value-. __Trut lines," sav
on F-riasy howing
Dr, lson's Anti Ill ious' as
erat 'Y at i
I- off the i ior Baoh
for the 6
th- rom a, F WXj oessiot, Wereintroduced itteu Nautili Y
Yof Scotland L_ MO. I
a Pills.
Dignum and., Mr. Sedgewick: QMF aIn ghmedieitely� relieved
-in the AN
D_ 9
-a nen I by using- t ese BELTS,
vera g boate *ere caught 'DtiasintA Sold.
by Mi.
id4z4in thetributsfy strain
with a at tr Jiiseph' Cook.4aet ANDINSOLES
vaning f the he Ninaa�u 1W Uy�eUred h
and wrdc1v .the 1"Up-lu o I ndon it, ig. now pretty defi I /D prop C 13
gale, sprunj krateful Britons lot us -raise, 7 Sul
0 UY 16 0 ?accident on a -0irculitilLud _ndoii.
h teLcontrol Over the thb- Voyage roln to
aghoutthe night, tjirst- Mr. Saul D of t,
continued blow thra d the,
now _tyIubYj -beell thrown from an up or -F--.
ae;re. t -
Offl .-at :CL
tu rnmen U,�
a0 but -9 C -A -P, TTAL
-*)alch' fivould a orm g� fen aCeagantly the _18t op ompen, the-' cost _j3d
Intery t ".CORE;
ecotupfinle o - the: sbip
M Prot ile�l is ch
ope y or i rain
-which- per. museum pr it, f A62i-estates-- IhiAL is, to ON, f a S d having A by heavy show -ere als, until hasera�wi A into the I the by' a lui
ianda o, low � --,:.dedh f
�short- ties aua -to g_ -b
ind. of Q6, 2 00 ore broken,
.0 d
with. -a stroll owners will receivo* 0 5000, have �tj a
owily, 3 and nurner Thur6da-y -and 'gas
tre a
�_ , "_$
aid that -Bot6u,the -floater,
-Cearrea, -Too qq asP i o4 while new" cases 9 f tbat res oration: -to being reported.- 'On, big, to,,, the )regent, d War rem�
- op
to the- pooL - AE0 �10 0 1ju n -a lisease, &I'. OP ]ftfi a or died, of, I -, �anatry his clianctis at a`wiMMjjgLtbe*hirI-; -b3 far. )3etter for adgiy, A. iotenas to leap down the Falls of - Ni
_Sg i
1491003 at Oi - �hb� public lial 'be taii, -tiied of )Be 004W
.prout,97.� aVCk0qem 1Z
b 'AT 7
to-di6aud._tl WIR rhursday her two, Boost were' tv;ken, --;-t toit- is Ao -be _SdfA13(6fi%` 1B%teB,' eirli Mpt. -should go to piebet(
CalMe 'it -t�m-n ' : enIn (1he-Villbalike-thO atte a
A Ry Th., died. On: ' "' 'joh r-1641 ' 'L "
pranks-ga Lieu juvord'W61nii to- be
ferino Irom, typho�d_ a rOlt. jae I had, severe i
I TtLgAdw one thi4 w ii6litj still1eavi DELI
a can
in. 0
OadL some 9 -
of ow f *ban bfit the. -p rem L
eat relie V61 Min
I-Soidildry; wfiO �the W be ($taffbrdshirb) -there w a Big
The DovagerZkiltiis Of Rev. '1:. balulonj vicar of of yesterday the VIF:1 t
NO 'go
'dead in Lon� 'he arrogance shall.*6ve couie-to TIJAt
YoU ra Loa, was in the .86thyear._ lolled -btSie, t. n id
is c to the fouith New: Chapel, wn" 13`" ren .
She was Ce of assault' t pp-par4on
tra as end mud it would hot displease -bottles of M&
Magi t on a charj nieft" tWO
s;sdfather'o �Auer usirtgpne,or
'Uateverand no
eb _y the 9 .6i Ros if- b* -exib f (I was,_ hia.se&ild giil -b kiseigirlier.- Tha� rev, gentlomiaLL `6r, the cointryi A13 Will 0 felt 110.ps. ,,w bt all Of St. JAcbi
- : ee
two: od Y`034apa_4_�
yL- wu.— �don 806 ty-
a him4"tho'charge against J41M daugbtera� both having paid fiVOWnbas from the- ion firm belle'
Ible were expredited by v� Polite -hint
-was withdra al
a The- Bar, I
M, a: n0w (lea
of ho at Il- Malt Gazette.
diq& in 186&,'
V v
�n I
gave ch
adv C_
- e,�7