HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-09-15, Page 5• o-;,-caz r�rvtv�s ��ag#aa*Tc•_a.- tl re . air W he . Y; per ' • t says; and •0021t infl¢ ere& genera gale` Sever ;area lalnes nd° c. �kecora iatepnt • tatnr'; fit244.' WESTERN • Fall Importation 188 • • intesuhstribern hereby. nottfy -the public general that they are prepared to execute BUILDING of mai KINDS tot and flashed in the la,test man- , • ner ankwith great satisfaction.' We keep .. kiind,ajarge stock of Seasoned • • ' guarantee good, wtirk we keep ynne .. but the best of workmen and material. Litektiww. March -22nd,, 1882'„ CALEDONIANS AT THE PIONEER STORE. First-Okiss Cate -Employed. Suits from $5.50 up to $135. , • cart Nett & Corrigan will ta BUTTER ID EG exchange for Boots and Shoes, Italies Team RarlleSS from 1S2Sup• And eVerytifing in, the line cheaper then the 'cheapest for cash, ci_otherwise. I am- bound neitto be undersold. All work warrinted,-as tiv6 merits of BritishAnd. Arnerioan. 3/Iusele is at hand, and- all true TW5 men of every -nationality are eagar to respond to the ameinities of o gloriou.s and Wallace,-iu the sacred cauSe of Liberty. 1. ciailization, by hedoring the day, and reCalling the iraniortalSeXploiti 'Bruce . And in order to show all, due respect to departed "might and livin wort the first thing yen require is a BOOTS AND SHOES. T MARKET received direct kern the, manufac- I wish to inform, the citizens of Lucknow and opened up a • Without this always and absolutely indespensible prerequsite, all yo attempts to hanOrthe day and the cause, the land and. the people, 'he sadly wanting in one great.syiabol of loyalty, .so dear -to the S-cottish heart. The •$COTQI-1 BON- ET !Expressly for tha grand gAtherin-. coTcps-NLA. - 'Wage of his natiortality. M. ONNELL Init. G. Greenwi:rs Old -Stand. :I will keep on hand at all ttmei. ALI. KINDS OF FRESH MEAT. Mee .Delivered- to all .Faili:_Of the. . What is it ? The best Maciline Cil in the' world ; manufactured by 21oColl Bros. es CO., 'Zorouto. This oiluch:lierptehtistr..verweasst at7earst, 4-esalid n./nae,:st -Four Medals and Three Diploinas at the Leading Exhibitions of the Dominion in -1881: Farmers and others will save money2 and machinery by usingtrkinINE. Ask. your local dealer_for itand take no other. l'or sale by D. D.11A0INitits. has seven primary USQS in the economy of Scottiah iiimsekeeping, an shall be happy to *explain. to la.on-Scotchnien. who May, WW1 to hon. 'And aro desirous of initiation intothe Occult, historic,.economic, and utility Of the Give -Ant n. cat JAMES LINDSAY. • • SCOT BoNNET D ou en uire 'where these " Bonnets': are to be obtainedi Permit nie to in form you that I have on hand a very nicer selectiOn of _Bonnets an Caps, for mer:r and boys. -111-ter these are all sold you will be at liberty to go elsewhere„ but in the montime remember the West `EAd Brick Store. tom and bring the measure with you. which practiCal Otte -Mrs: Pats begs leave to inform the public . of -1:4ucknow and. adjaeent-places,- --that she has now on hand a.Yurietiof new goode. - Childrens Fancy Thinly, Ladies' ilOserYi Ladies' 'Silk:Lisle,- and Net Glovcs,C.bildrens .Gloves,- Infants Lace Bonnets; Infants Silk -Lawn Ties,- Geats .Ladies -Lace:Collars India Braids in variety': All kinds:of Fancy! Card-. boards, liottoc7s, Canvas -and Wools in -0eat - Stamped Braiding Setts, LP MOW; - shams, Fancy Work Patterns. Pocket:Wand- -kerchiefs,- and other articles too numeroui mention.- Shirt 33redelb, SpooiSilk and 'Cotten and see for yOurselvei„ - NO trouble o shim. litarzumoth Wishes- to) inforia -his numerovi ' customers thst he,idas raoved One door west of T. Law-' -reaces, Tin Shop, where lie intends keep - Is now Repeiving Daily Supplies of DRY GOODS in connection with his large and fresh stocIrOf which he iniands • S. LITTLE. usaitity- of Dry Pgrk always on hand. Vicknow..A.ugust 3rd, 1882., • • henso ca .7itanufRutiret of all kindkif n the neatest stiles), and will be sold cheap_ in a ments. Comprising Oarless-. DRESS dOOPS,` ' Trunks. --IAND SO Hwang. purchased the stock of harness etc.,. belonging to Mr.. Wm. txrassielc, I am 'better preparedthan everto- supply the wants of rnY customers. and theprplie generally. Refaena- - ber the Place, Grassick's old stand; next to Tennant's drug stir -no.- , THITE COTTONS, IN ALL: PRICES,- FAVTORY COTTONS; TN. ALii. LApiEt? 1/14 AOKET CLOTH. Oar trade this iseason has fir exceeded our expectations, andwe dear cattle ' balance of our mmer MOVE 8, GBANAC constantly. ou hand a FIRSTuCLOS --STOCK: -0 At Greatly Redneed Prices. Tilt. goods. mustba so).d tti• soma for Misses' and Children's Boots.' EEL% That -cannot be excelled in Pattern Go and examine'. his' reany superici istook in each class, especially his -Before purchasing eiteNyhere. am -Wring 'a Specialty. .:Last. yea's' ettick .011 at and under rims, SMITH'S. Afox souds. In the beSt Colors, made expressly for my own and Boys.. Alma Cap in -every sh..4 stock and more arriving 'daily d I will all keep instock- all kinds CAZES, . 8, .33zOtlirs,.. MPS. MOONEY;1' 74) a wee 81 a day at borne ade fop Men dAf 'au:eiDp1;6611:ea. e 111:TMtauj kat: k giArnis reRl -T'eA4c8Sairastts a°111:nPleylvair. 12:Ba. ds:eoVeri iGabcini no. fiele'4:;111:1111 tar' rf6,1:111:twkij ill:efgleme6r€:Teall n. deED11 ;d:h;eaSCa:aiee nlYYle.lisseasi 117.8::Trianeu)°Re:Ist' sti t3eL4eNlozr -0' rfE' fiDM1 :RMes-11 °s'ste;e:clits: e. ERY ...FINE STOCK OF BOOT ND SHOES. No per4o4 can beat ine in Teas and Sugars. caignete,bisovsrmusiaxiipoanek,Freueip.t of the,iociNE Q. aud In 11 kaeFn e ort isie:unn da nfdre edae_ bY mu Id bY ea for InoneY fdrrl'asing !rag GRAY 7" for ti on.