HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-09-15, Page 22�
77- 77-- �2d, Se0orth Hiqh�
Ther 'Girls, sing incl., a fealit 1111 essflre:�of the -tallon; the -list Ba ' t4lidni 7 n
rat Syntl Ire -IsAddrs, now. oi a,! I :)ratty eom�
-14811ts� and has �esldea the. pu ire com- heartily V81661110.' save rbquie ' d doome a auei- Canal, S
�j a -would' we 3 the line of th
mistakingthiem I y cell or
g or o. ag= sm-�, r -w o—ould
a an iit fth- -I ent -i*hatl' --took
ime �th I mancloir,the Kbedive's cartridl d 4&iiet�,-W61sel Id
f actory. a are told of
plate Highland divIsibu. TCe Of- sit
Prettygirlst -He hati left tb hood, as for allies.
on's -brigade re
-A. 'Mat not yet za - neighborl rin:ce of, Wsibs -Archibald �Alili dudes'
Uncl- of Mortiffient- eachrubkli unturlit -h -t- that W611161dy -telegraphed Areportia ourrentAbat-tho-Ti
so !eeo 4yosterdaybythe desert- It is Stib Vif.
-goig t militarylbree at -Alekii2dria to abou�t 3,000
-cheittor, ehat;eri a after, ---a� horities that it was unnecessary 'Will after . 6,11 go to lqgy Wally no in a
Tri did balmy air -of night, I to t! .tj�jor.- His Bey 'but 'arrang6rdents- ha*e.--. 6 in
fio*they bi i�l -pt,
-ers, afdresaid.exguyi th b t
ping 1)!Jsl be ut military capacit id -no i1oubt, in ea-
ths�to loritio4l,eye an terations. . ere o I . army COrP99 Righnessluben,
MMI01 the at' -ver-4patter d a h- t prepare a third lie he on '�'J'idsy,-and perhaps.
ly %'to%'ke-ah I niv6,16ontin�eiit-of-250nion,-si
ar8- El to mafeA voya consid6rablY larger b6dy- of blue
e. to- the M diterranean, in emergen Y,
9 his
and'inflildelfght.- p- a suib I fof pull
-there'. -few reinf reements to Alt'la yal jackets and jriiie4,wo61d- be ipardd tronithe
�All the�heavoyishear their.clatter ana Keq rag. a
An. a J , aQft, ht,,'This is probably tb Sol withfdraft& -for:
b r.
'As soon ai. ever the old-rsilwayisopenied-, gap. - 'on its. Rest.- - laoriover -the mals a
'the at& ement, which bears probability
-the number
Reaping tiluei,tinie, timaj. goto the different i njj,t6 of -2,OW ynev�
-troops hew newspaper
which wilLbe -to-morrow., .4 nor la.ce-,,asit is-not'likely Pr
Jna sort -of -h, -Xill - The difflaculties which t 6 tice would
This odiresponde a W.- ith a 6at ofwar in .0 a
biandria, 130 that th& force left
i-' :is now dueat Al
.1TO.- the- tiMinhabuI&Eglingirbat. lincessing, ever �be moved lip by raik inti fiere hav tq� -jeoUte ;heteei Of Queen's prohib LIIA4 Sii �tTalyn W&OWS b0ir
road- to the front. tion� as to his -going th a -- - Imand 1411 -soon be'
combatant ofliedt.. u
Ig - being doh6, daily, and t e. 'trains are, any previous General Grahamls'a�ccqauV- of the. battle-lat resforad,:-if h6t7to aggressive formidability, at
purla-- 'are poasibly areatdr- thau in a a a
From.tho*girIS, gids, girlg� glrla�, . . . h - defensi�e strength. -
-with :camjQgu.; -They must elt'er ca - -shmm-tbatAbo-i entry,Anstead of U, a
rrY their. elyadequate
'Girls, girlsi,girls isifi � 1
continually running to the,frobt laden leastAd a niir
PrO131 the Wild, 6aprldjQtla� ii reported,, in --:great difficialtie --at the
tupyJaunti-gi; service of a
trovs. General -Wolseley' hopes to"-pusli own despatches or organize a bblng,� as
time 1�fida-the cava 40 need 'co�operatdd
See the flirting of th ' - - I
a girlsi 'Lakelsipailis, Whore g%I1Oping'6ourieis-. Vhe'preeg 1110865g#Bp
oij J'� Zagazig. through THE LAKE: NEPIGON.
Foadiant.1ftlat- vith1he latter. in the attack.
-19 revisio Times -66s- -not el" e� the story that
'the softened. hratn� or over het will halt �fevaiatofy, it ug�ht, to if er : w at 'Isitailiai
So The je
Ow wl aid.,
uudejo �:l rehig,at Port 6 Axe& -requested anz ar isti a.- ia--itny case he par . tJCUlSr4P th '47 udditbig the
Tbrough the, mazes-of-thia ball going., on to Cairo., - - , S
UP and down the btat It is ie to -d oil- y tast- got, it At Qairo'. t ere -are- 6nly 1,500
bly liall C will gohard With .9my Eg re good ilitliorit the has not Steainer---�Crew nqd Pasmeiat;e� Mate�:,.:
H4W'haskipsito, and fro liclijaed t troops, and tliey-e a', being on Axabi's
yptibfi whosd '1'
High, commander at Te -el-Kebir is i h atrefl.
lot it is to be- taken prisoner by the Bri P are he: deceives
Afic1perspireat , - ? Side. . Then -and The.Boat ]Little Ini
z -abandon the -cause of-,&�`b
4io k3a ing by lies. -, Three -ti publish6sreports-
WimIdzibutwecouldtell the i. tallwa ow Thai conduct of`ArabPs troops in DiUtildt
'01 the fires -more - is the 'English - soldiers of Engl.islidefeatli with immefso losses. A y6stercla i Liverpool despatch says.
a infi ad. them reported that y1i
theEnglielidadliii ' am
one huria" Ug fi�m -da and- -91�era ib nigil P- Y!0
Int6 whidly the ftlas me Vheh the �'Canaida, Shipping �e Om an
-a � against-, them' than after thOF at . k are st&bri rrhma The Nor
The fIayne�h0W1t.gw1rJeJ. -1�11 � moll ome are -steamer La
dysentery causo4-byy the- bad l4m df spi eaver Lino,
Sach naW, vlothn-a66 d
How it curls ma089L -at a�na- the boinbarament. -of water in the A as haunts th ocality. he �Nfipigoni
-6 vessel, ri A
ere -otbe*ip egistered A 1 at Lloyd'Bwhich,
t -of thdsalt
thirst- f6i retalia- 16A. n the pay of. Aroii, ta
sucl ia fierce t 0
a He*- it curls Alexandris� thers there is ear,.,, are- em-; rt for Q on-
nue. hair riery ..re�so aliafi ul cy from Por iie6c -and V
Better far thatthbv*ere churls, t 0 Sailed
fill . vietini to the girlg: tion has possessed them... This, they hope, -The Dedoitin coliti iloyed, by the; low Gr dl&`
Than, d 0 a ari
L - with 4hfe a - a a 166 11 1
%ila -Bevef2ty.-
-Tathap d will,bd gratiflod presently. &IltheBritiih positiongoq:theAbo irgi eofAle,xa.n 'whose. baseiness. an the"I etV bouid for,
�rattle an the rattle -pa
nothing of.tbeircomp
buried Uine a edrage
Ortho'girifi, girls, 1% -dosid II*4e,besik. and the siok and '61o0e to ther British outposts. I an t a t ossellgers, chi
-the aused themto bb.lii t thac*- iftyThe-Khe
bfthe-gfi Is gir Manitoba, sind:.a crew of .1
18,,gir diva has givell.,Ahe -British c
G* -10,1.9irlso-gr wounded - sent t�. is;V41% ta hospital. othefreftigeeszotibrile -d tan &ground,. a- U1
46 CIA at ar a
'To tho- Mokin and heart racking of the, &ls:t Thoge, -amounted- to, 80.0 in all. The Sick necessary. permission Two soldiers eri- found lirdered in the told, on bo
n at . abbed to the :an sued on board -,T-he'steerAge passengers
9, su Meks, -thus inundating Maie*otis Like and Street to-do, Eiwh� had be
re generally bases of dy8efitery and a. thestyle'di wo. lid and frbm.t4e- burried Up. -One. -O -top
heart. jFio di wo
in Of, the otherli,
Utr and g f h- . am fr in n the
oke. The onamy-coli e
inching- -.�reventing tbe I in 0
str igger4yllfe f6und Sticking 1 -thecorpse of one hitig ..dov
ide. Experts- -been- con. (if thd vicg,m6:tbe murdere'ra' mqst have been he stronger chis
81 w weaker
that ho�', h teult�a are satisfied t The bodies -had beeft stripped ft 7r09,ch ithe deck.
o heik-Ju, their eagernegs- to
V. -The English hoia xassassin. with four 9 hat the"operAtion. Will Greeks
THE V. -and- Mo
the unfortunkte� half drilssad stood'
of infantry, 700 cavalry, abd not interfere with. the Ia*n4B underA nion had - evid ale EWd
ultivaz thers t
lionAary mea thbir-brevAtst
basil robbed. As. a prodauti6 -.5 re a a-
inilitaryaut or�des Iffig, huggil
d.o a_ inf t to
�iiighteeegtma. ` Arabi's -m," fokcels'41011- fa
Newa has.-be-exx recei"a from pairo, 'that. Ik ig'reported - that lairge quzutit -of and lioloing their --elde d eU at by
r: chil. r
centrated in a very- strong position nine 1:60 districts Which at a ed by ele I . -
vit- a, me otsibits, on, August 29th il" �ff. jtidglngfrot 'thelookofthings- 6mmunitioh has been. found it! one of t a glicl they fool satisa(id enable t,, to� their ha;zids whethoir- husbAnds. were -
ating of N in
in eR 0 k quellianyunforseemou re
st whic12 the Gover ly win mosques here. slashing at the day. frJ%Ufic;eudea;i6r
nor of Ismailia, was. pre, it is fearecl. thilt Sir Garnit 'Wolse General Wolsele me u led.with- the 6oz-
ip a- crew
pe of Us. tro ers. He-declakes. to got th
sent,. speeches, *era made fe OP"Pre are- respondent's Of- t-1 ous. boats lowered. The'BhJ
cognizing'Af-abl need. large reinforcements torbe sent before' only 4 r eyl.- -and - at a knowledge th -disoiglinedi-
a -blow. He- S sick. hey did positl f wer6.fortuilately won
Of Egyptm 1110.2refOct of he can it thw-.-deci ive le
heaxing this, declared against tf6ularly weak in, artillery fall goitsi A slignue made to.day, gave tq'Aiab Obpw t: Once Wont to fibin roula
as: the 61a ruler, t 6 t es�-whose - " - " d hich---
-on -the boats,
par second recoymai iin, the same' da
tenor *ast(legra so
Plegv� Y. r ve
ater, as it appearedl 1 on on. 'terr� T
Arabi and, ordered tb of all. person south of the 'left bankof tho weetwa, is first cause of the ified crowd. ha,.
a. meeting. Hels organizing amor War Notak. -the hi
)y their al'inuess'
eneIny �k Strength- 6 ace was fooling the correg onddrits ovarhis a t i 0
present at; th anal ibow6d' at wol . . _ in an - of officers I
ly lint c Do ' Be speedily restor
ended adv 7
police for ther,protection bf th; Thd:FdoC Guards in, of ypt. ailing H&rtyiarro.w.
lowered, -eaofi with full"
li wvice 'hi )Rg .-their'Positio'.. - 1610i arice into ihe,-int' b Spreadi ad �drder and
eseaped.mp Abmkir was �hi objective point;
-Governor of -DI mets instead of theirboars
interests. The waar bel -To-day-abble Bedouins adv ced pretty close
of ona BoWlx.' Ilgerse H
nonce vi.W.. L-Christls -sbij of the Hon. Mr. JPlayinge! - IL to- - our - entTenchments [efoib Rinileh.- c a
we . on oth or ignorant
the Bedouins 'Christie, of Brook0i 4� Wb he
Arish hae fleclirec! for Aiab and-infl- d - D This mdryling heavy firing wa� heardbot li er"in'deflance of our.c#non mplemint.: of in n and p
two; tribes of. inhisfavor. �o has receutl�* OrL h Va- Of t' crew stuck bylthe 91
'Ratmehiind-Aboukir.- Aglass ibowfia that of its.rangei theyzamblo in- close- der, - 'r
water, -
or the W�lr whose. -seams were u4tadwittingbav
)oly- to�day�founa- half P. dozen beau. appointed stfrgoou of 11 UW i fit work. It appears L trot; - -TIfo bf
Kinotarr waE that - our' and- at &"quibl ur .40-poundbra
Still- thul
of -wax Bittern,. is'noW on, d ety . mounted'ififantry went out on 6 reconnaisqaj. Shot flow Mgh,l she afIdlyi-
wounded, Egyptiing-who- have bo, elX lying 'aloop uty Wi2a n6a opened-flfe L 6n the party.. - Rei) mped in thb r
C Xboukir. This the other.. ploughed clean thill ugh their ri ing'sea- WId i6lleifin an alarml-ngway-
f the enemy's lines -in front 0: 1 � - ranks,
unattended* slilce-Mona�vyla. fight. -Among' his ship at:Al-- 0 L' lit drew forth a large force of EgyptiatIL 'leaving a long - swathe -o;� dead and- dying- en-
moverne lie ftowedLoff4thd new--
It(see irioriti of -6abi` by oue.66-b its
them was� an officer of aitillary *hOj when ms tbat 'the supo VdIry- which salliqd out with the. and horses'ou the ground. -Th rest turn - - . Oa
infantry and ce; ed.Land
an ore.�-- other shot had born sun rose on, at. Ot p
tryie-due to ad of catting off our small force. gill6pedbff,'but )16t bef
discovered,. was: almoit insensible, but artifteryver hisinf the fact
evident.purpo w o thought
era are. Turks bY- They reckoned without- thoir' hod. Thek created confusion in theirra-P. and- timbrous ht 1114
upon'. restorativda, being given him he that'miuy of biev gunn. to n b
wed L napiracy he Greeks.
got Out Thermnorsofa.co the bo to'
a'or: extraction,. where JL
ZecoVered 9,0680 U - Bead the Wth itil his -intantry were' allo L last hour
fa body, Whehthe Xinotaur.� Vilurn-ped in this -city are gross y a a -or e& I The pluurur OL
athey'founcL on: GIs" arvll1g, an &TO
bad killed allthel WoUnCleL I -t- d -due north. n
t, Fellaheen, aladthere- o L separated, but all headed
are, for themost par a few Shells, fat their ranks. The range Greeks an(I Arabs are
at arkived'- th f Oflkei.AiId �Sev6ral
-d of battle who were. not Mussu- fo by a spirit perfect, -and the slaugh Suffering terribly from thirst. y one W-1
rej ' t aulma�ted 0 nkartial tar of ho0es th
here is oul ie hethe kel no
-their - ndefA; was'grest.. :half hqur service of-,viator dall and manyl."a,4 to, aayyd,�
of the saloon. engers- i
Wauff. The 4S%k of, the 6th causli& much ardo anti comrades. least, and &obably of
am are arrang- Arabi -upon likii their. 0 -t a- speedy retk6at Shortly a any supply. The imith -safely a n CkIOW.� U be% -fter obtain
Tel-el-Kebir,, but Lake Mareatis,. near the rat way junc- IOU The,eneniy and il in at Wi tberswith.
A hicourVa laiinch,..with bar crew. inizto-deport R
depression the Arabs to Res ii'znd Damietta
up a
there wards the . gi --Of_ Andthe Gre6ks to wo passengers ed
--U�sily- witb lidy -ihW -fiftY4 aboard tuth
ent, troopa-for- , i
Sri-iin-&there-pargonaily .5 - . . 11 - a- . coaSt-&-al6tig--the gh6je -thfiwint -the Leant. TI
all-�dried 16L ention - 0'#er arrlval� of, -Greyitones, a'-flbing village, o the -north
a. Thebluejacketscame- 61 - ad Albxandrii. ag�alnd auDy: f
atta ami . B.efbra d6ops
wai& to' ek-Kas n, itch -L leing no infiltr8tiOn. frOM the. cnal to econnoitering the' it 0
close in and Cied several shots: rom their long. the poorer- clasn -Wicklow. -At Fdtigstown the
his - gives a . . I .. L. I .. .. � f
.-ing them 'upon their missiort. he. made, a; oo act the evaporaLtioni T ttlieeneiny's efi'tionchments.. Thelatter War -is.- a. glorious but --&t tb time an -thirty
a�Ofricor, with -of Ir
- guil 917ort. speeoh,' sAying that- Ut movementi greater space- of lsil4�katween the -r *I y and opened a sbpxp and
10 9;1- Way were not-alow ;iu-repI expensivg'.gslae, --n bdern timea, I
_q�pdqla y in of passengers,
brought-Ahe d deal has ]been said of the I
-haXihkd00A lho :ffi - lake, enabllff�-people tid ga 10 and welf-diji)-cfeV. -flie-. -.- �Thlw agiiin goo i 1k6ic d6votion� in at-abdut-4b'dlook a.m.., -
in their rear- gyp all, I and a a d oxi theim r ied'their church k W
I fL de" iftto� doinplet , �fr L :iuotaur upon the scene. - She opene -while two otliers chedAr 10 . -Not one
a 06 _Confusion_, om. Kafri-el-Dwar-be o r ach of -the paopl6in IN3.61d. tLimes who tu, - --or lets,
p.anw 0 in. r6turo, and - sent two - -three wall aimed ter plateS-into Ie snd'bui life has been, lost, and as - -the Ship wall
bells and pew
And. -whea a. - ship,L Wthat -it alisolutely� necessary to guns: of th6 English, Out>i- their'midat and"quidlily
heavy shall right into armed ut no* -&-days probably -
'To a teract the evileffeetsofEgyptian caused them to -conse.firin. The Moks Ontreneh- -with S1000 g Bi a b cas'i on weight of --making Uo witer thl
-defeat, the a oUn
an oat me gunpowder, 'be recovered. The"boat acoominddation.was -
-Our outposteaptura& fiVegid-US"Jerk who. glare, ilf,bfficera have -taik -ntsr were. also reconnQitred,'and apparblitly, shell, with,& 6 a of a b of
San& and;
Lndonedb�tb.i3Egyptiins..Infact-a oadsides reprQ� athple.
ights in, our position blue Spectacles as p -were beibg abi go6a.intb battle; ead of,h
front. of art of their hit. Most of.
*ere ll%sKug II deserter said that durink the. night .6,0(k troops kts the'yes
ol: 6j,a, wages of the average:- citizon-
'to Arabf!$--Camp, "]�Ossibly. t a. including Sir Garnet, d taxed- to buil rag; -The news of the -disaster havi!ng reached
have been
M, had been wiflidraLwn an Ben y ira, d -find equip- her'- Theselidu
fil Lint'), th inition iverpool, the owners of Ahe Nbpigon im.-
ith a. couple Of -Pairs.-- One. interior. *hioh give the cost perroiindot the"amini
thlegraphists dieuisea'. Thqy wilLbe tried satiefted w.2 Ainguished jut tug, from. Holyhead -t'-
and Fehyny end Some other dit used -in the bombardment of AIOX yidrii;ar not medial
by a native court. A, sp a Arabi -has aug, soldier went tbEgypt Mahm Council of War, -withoutinidi .-a 0'
-y sa promising.. y- sent
Y61 prisoners ar6,ioba tried -by -a pick up the missng boas. Teae, how-.
of EgIptlans. Tw6
wdozen -oUsuoh signalleri in our camp., provided 'viit thikeeii psA his appointed-* by the Khedive and composed solely angunsats over all made
I not be a difficult Inflexible-Four6ol L17X0'j?4f the Shore, as -a y.
parent% wrote to
)mini, ta-Rsni consider the, Horse Their task will
lab, in. anxious rouud....
Q1 W.n
Arabs, are,. (x Ed the English do not wish ........... ............... $tlo,00
an able numbers,,, bringi6g, their effiots� with Guards- to know if that numbdr W&S, one. ir, known,thi GatkW40 &ISO seht from lieensto
dFallyny to-betpa dri&�Two 254on guns a i $35,.and
392 Ult -She
t to�deatb� The cou Alex gu as
P'taou ten 18 -ton g, S.At $26.25 to iotthe thip in her, dific ids.
thim, ther6fore,--.have nothing to fe-ar'-from San-- an .....
ene" syrin 'big him- to. 5-ton:guns,-tv 6 -1. -te`a- was.towed off at high -tide- by A Aug d
sentence Mduaieh-Four 2
The myare rap g their fOrtifica- &t Alexandri& One t ateiLmor after da96th,'knowing.thit the aa t gun at
guns at, 618, and one, Wto
mes a1gugaide the wharves to will.not be carried'out was found to be. but litti -tyred. �.She
auddveiything tc
another co ................... 18475
d iu Ir.1 Oil oprocee
. ...... ded to Liverp
'how 4 a- n. ..... i
The. uneaa� 6M A impartiality in meeting out to $8.75. - " t
in ihi, ancl We 58 . h tii � Cap Milk
ayy]�Qug the latiropeaust �Aigcharge her'livincr fi reap -the Temeraire-Four -26-ion bol wi a
�ecl g, part ad 4ggressiveAn
one who has act 24500, t Crew on:.
aguns ....... 6 ........ wo-.eng part of hot
oDlItitues unab%ted... Sensational rumors the full - beyiefit of the capital. and: labor orted that with a view -o impre
war.. It iti rep half -Sultan�Eight 18-t n gaps.
of every kibd ard circulating 043igllt- t beatowed... to - make the. city 9, first-class ing the KhediVe favorably iubis:bwn'be SUPOrb-SIXteen 18 -ton guns ... ... ........... 420 ()Olboaid-.7
matmoud.Felimy promised. on his arrest to far-
-General hsrboi. Iio� lihalter. is perfect, -and-the 9fi'aliduld-be takeiii -account the
ii reported] thatthe. Fteiioh Consul T sthe
him *ith a written report'on. the positions, B6ide
ha& uked. *for transports to remove ths. 'deptY*of'water very grest,ao that hugf? oce4pied by the. eneiny. Mahmoud -Pellmy'.49 eightL9_t6a gling onthe Penelop. vomiting death.
�ctly guarded., It Is and 013-15 at ovary disch the 6J-ton'gan
XWaah subiiebts,butitprove4tabe entirily� �craft like the� Ori6lit and -Orontes 'are kept iiiawret6liedrbom,stril 8.75 of the V4manig JR lginbbed.�
b6 a gpoundles& ThiBritiall.'r6ilitaryauthori-. igerg.byordinary- StiiWd his custodians gave him only sea wioter.td with which the -Bittern
!-to land their passex
onablec !is iniprisdame listimates, tit 6ach r n sa
drink on tb4 first day: of I at, S9.y naiVal -o y nothing 0 A, last night's Montreal desp4tch says---
Uss hsvama�pjj& the.L t4vin districts, gangway.s. Evin. th0s moderyl,'lloating ink sea water'by the four 64-pounders'sud. i 4. naers hurling
ihg, 1-Yoditrie(1to*mY&keusdr
-chaRge upon the fo in-- as of 18 find. ALSari6ug riffintown
whiiah- are; oonneota& by telephone,, and,thkv stepping the hweetwater Canal."
moote'd 0: the Alex, Small aiaty occurred barracks 0an be safely gthe l2abill"
The Khedive bas issued adecreeftbiddin- ings.,
feel s4tisfied this will euabI5 them t6 quell suarian wharfage. - -No s�rmy could M �Bhortly before 1 oclock this' mornilig.
Though all is. sald:� to go ---a that, a than named Dvdel, Ga ler
riportation of etroleum-Into Egy be g ag- oil Emoothly
betteibasisr-Of 6ppoiations.- -so -orderly 49 it was. hdiei Still the difficulties appoix �y
;any, ulifoiseely. ontlinaJ ana The state bflbo elty is not. s'N�hich E& Gar- - - t mAt. 5 O701061r, tbil% evening. the� English Tust as' -the Black. - WWtafi w a H�VjareLof iliesmallnessof, had b ut-late -and *as re urning bo
9, about to Tbe.ativbs we flillY at -have to dontend-"Ara very. n . The- an i Bbf' ificontent
keep no bravialy-wid-show no a to-hio-iegideul 161ingatreat' ToAo so
-hesyy--guns. in, -revz of.thet CM& 'ridlW&Y start fromi the Castle; Edinghurghi the the British garrl!qn,� and axe rip'a -for another oe on
-fare -a a Ele tior -Sfiieti w a
AsSacre if they Sn portunity.. Tom The erg _0 w
received. be -.ba;, -to bael, an
an all ng, Arabi's camp6 The. enemy other d Xsophir get. the 9P ddio ' fr6m Sir Oarbet a her
eg olli my. Colonel t' - icendiary - i t fnm r set a splon
sy there were WO, 3L, Was
zoplieci, their sheM folling with -hi ten yaXdB gift of 210 from an them being c astreet* example ofLpItlok S�Iid 4n
Ires--ndither of �6mmoyi soldier
of,'- rulhails, usually - congr
depot- an the 'Itamlah line.' there as-boen cons* n able to OW". 8:
e ,O�0,3,e A patty of English a6dlors
v be expen a Oil 'nearhe Cue, in U. Jn the my as� Ot tell th
i4tor to Eainbburgli, to A -
0 _& only with fair
TWO Moro: British, ganeL jobiedin: the fire, the i�gime t r a c 'Whether reinforcement& upom �by
eserfi Set upon -b affair'hap
orabie� stir o4y. ounedd.
in n er be' -thoug t: & in ii'm6n -arriving -or
in all- a; a crowd I bl d IfIght to Wera departmg f Oened, but Was p,
T natled. The prol'?er., -his
6nuivade: a' a WW the front we
00ne 2eagm kiiled,. another had i� a gang -and beaten -and , kicked moat un -
have not yet been able o -dis The Alino- alxcellont prae will pro] -vo them a salutO,-b't whM result i's 14, -ellemy aoutintl skull bably die, �while a erbifully. He defended limse &a W
W-oldeley sayi.- thit nearly every. one at -fractul tapr igs; 11L The. blue jaeketa,L . . . . .. - " . L I
-had big ar& broken able 'h o of the
na :unknown.
-010se, to h ilket,ill, thisir sh -tb those. who Xtualy ak to
canvas, and tt Looting is b6kF14 ensuedL
a. front are uyidef however, pUedAhelite 8"ds 604igo especially at
till a party'of Ardw a knife, Bud in- h ijouffle �.tfia�t
Wtish oawp% ard shelterea'by reed eassailants aV-.b9Y -not ia thii tentaL a k Bodoni wre caught at oyonet& mad fj�- Unge
theawmd Oka throu marines arrived. wiMli'rifles"and fixed ba the aot.' They, 6. been con d to death Y.
eig"'Plantiful at- Kas - a ibel-'rIASTI. a
The water in �9 -of indlau corii, whi6l.3
e4ioters, of whom., whibli, urned
Theoen#Aia sh6it Work of th and -will bi ed at bnce - bad not. w- -rib t
aid -,of som
to -day 444.ia �ak and half metora to..-* secure -the a- vdrl ekiU'ediwounded-i6uiluki3nprizoiii§rg -is d -y or near Ifor ar
Be er As the bed of'Lake--M ' iotis r
beel�, arregtOd the a,. would have, selif
edbuins, shortly *ith eaMeJS.-'-- Several Alustapbezeen have- -and thus affordathe enemy a I -passa.pto
h at kils of
Vhe Khedivo can co mence
The number of eng-mes. en r64ta from T he Ife Sion. the'bla4e through Gallery's he6 t., AS- it
'the total ta u1s, Ismailia, Special says that after having lilunderin their posses ' - and fro at will,pperations d'
from its course,. ---
',their first-ezpenou" ter mainy 'inteuds shortly tdr"rganize Pol gandsup, d ohanneil-b
Suerf6 Nrt in- Egypt, af -for.?pening the ol d, a was -knife, diveittil
Sai brings I I., . . � 9 . L , ' left -about,
tha.sea into 'th lake. OL ),InC
press. thp'Mustai�heeen. viell _. C. I n, _the br a4t;'
to, etting e- made aj:W
111 sea war jo three inch Gallery eia6 - a ith.-
V6 t as ape w
iffi _'__It
Thai -w-o IOU 0-7 An Alexandria despatobr. Says,: Wa -bo, usod o some d Lr'-ri - �d -it his home ii
nr -the -hot -70athb' becoming -more comfortable. troopw is. On ering rou -of- the -fJ )ode&the, entire an al bet ins6iigibIeL' -a was
Of *A� f ig. d
� 1, 6- ft
sunstrokest the' British- a iers, ave t is in or er' at
be iiiXoient for L old* Condition of the. Irr - of; L vs.
0w1hW-J 'abit' Whi
holding ewhat acclimated, and are tfi It lo
puosew The Englii hot as areL ecome 86m c on
a inipg
seems, td be.over. It -is- stated that- Wolse- Ths,TelegraiNs-Ismail��.de�patch aayw: heat and the vile, fewerage. A L noticed &.mail
C asaid, I., Say, ca .1
1*1 IP Ia- high, 'spirita. and confident' of er this partioul rl'y Jha case- Ther helped-in-Labd I5k. Miibonell him.
A fresh reconnaissance shows T01 -el -10b �wlaater in Ahe forts: - as., rdug ter found the wound to be of such
pegs. 0 11.
sm bad
mo. -a ia;rhcea -and dypentery�, T i -a ad -for a 41 bi 1
SI ' at mirlaOle --' 'I 'utrenched, the Fresh Water 0 T 11 indfit VUe ot- TheJ
It is considered is- strong y aayneroUS CaSea of a,,' ss� ` wh warn' Gallery Jhat Unless
il.&abiguaceed�s.�inhol�UiigTel-el-RebiI Canalfdr.ming.s.natural de _The -sunstrok a v not ereupon Ot at Inai i camle �Out 170 n - - -- - - - - 1, 1, , - 1, 'd fof it Was 21ikel� to PV048,
re proper y: care
to - AuppOS( ight
It is said that Arabi k6eps-up a COUS4t&Ut at Arabi forded- heartening effect upon the rest 't a,ford tbe�wooda, and:s Ang tepo
com uIliPatiou. - . with- -"I Via' th Means o: -ad he �po ice m,
I& to, greatly yol dangetoils, a Ii rere Apprised 6 many heal WO'd Give Ila- 0hat I ass,
of-libi tneu."to,40rk- -Oil-- the- trellb -14 his hin&A
founa of distracting- -them- under t air.. ei
6ird,�t-he--moutiv. of- the- Xile,-by 6 - tlu 6pliiadi- 1- iaiiiCdo Dfignetta Siaeles- :dIffieulti -the affair.. They--isoon L had bder arreW as. ize-
-of synall -Xite o ad -with blood-oxx 'the, field of -battle,' they -could make a. dash oii th �e i a, who the first �yu&yl L -the Thos' - Cannon, , -Mic, on. and"
means its 04 Greek cover- a dou n out
ng,f.hd positiiiS ab -,McMahon. L Patrick,
'Egy They thl
ina-dedd- ptiauli still remaiubn continue eareachi d -fir d -Thos. McCuri
ts�Rd the sedon inaA a
kir on the side neakeStL our outip6stEL will, doiedof doing- the outtin g., 9i6ped- at th
:2There4eke three thof Charge. biAtettokLffeet
issn�cl. rifles. and. six th-e:.Scen tho left ja;
re on have conaIiiefed trouble, _V4 Of! th and all-,
if 1 a, U was
Ove Monday _.�d�Spat L tb -left. &D 0 afterwardsarrested,
thousand bluageous ci�sc oti The 'Telegraph's Alexandds, Oh workS,Lwbiohmay`y6tgJVe as ther 1 8 amall,finger a -b
'a. mosque. Afiga Fbakar L held to await'the result, f Gallery&.
ifisie hlighwa�vynaii fired go.
The -finding, of,ther. weapons Says.- -Gee., tiirison in the,city. Is reduced:either. by . L I - b
�od has--contraote Ld hid- aliho
euing�.hja, menb9ing,seut to the front - or' being.- out down'
But if 6 --severs -a without
itcausinguneasinessi strength urn�Cl' -is made.ouil me
lines. at Ramleb, thua by disease. the, general attack� d t of,
s4rabi-tb-morrow; and helshoula be routed � onov-, I I. Jumps on
liasigbing of -the osition. - � . - - , - I -Apgo h�
An irA4e authorhimg� t ipparpnt effect. The - King ofkUyssin a.
- edfrom Caird -that -and for all, ws -16 ggy and handed tbe Man- who'--firea
'Jitoij conventiott has been sued.. -aw- a big been- isexpe W,I,,L -ad- at -the bu
_y X eted- be tl I
I", th be - Highland- brigitile - has 3, -i outs-ining 44ft -Ithough. there may be no riglit-or,reason
or &Aft of- tlie will -tuat t iv
publishes they front, eyacuation 'the slidta Me- pocket
!a --daily tepor 8 0 than -booki. ing n ------ d- tozniglit-oro-morrow.-i a I' sea. - goubral to the woods� to It Jolla` esofAbyealul.
May. Outlet to
'drove IS
he- was 6 �VjctiyyiL t6 Buigor,
English defeats with iimeng os and-Kafr-ol-Dar pbsitic)no.. 8, rTbe highwayman then took L;1r,
I Falymy dpilids tbat ilty Ow aging au ther�s
0� an& th
-Admir -he Su A c6neentratm, his a w
The English. as t ez unless Aral Ong
aWith n these linewand -one -1 5
r capt6red by. th&-'BiitiW- r- A his wounds", Ib is th h if bd: cl6arly. known what'
Canal-; COM 00 tr.ansit of �gurgepn dr6asi
0 parate stand b
ehind them.. xendered. -He, ae-Gas'69 many f those cbm. t, td date. -their f the bullet hasioa ain, big tace. is Abysgidlau �yUOnarc
rangportai�nd man otwar The Egyptians; noWithstagiling. e a, 'go
the, out , our a of the Zhedive,., 'tha in.69e': Gordon Fs�q6ted ��s the
ag :u euam-ear dffi6er, found after 'ence of yesierday,'aad the knowledge d'
An��Egyptia .1-1 - aY -..The ca a, of- -'Ssigtv -M sob, GuitesU'SL
jymoinentrake their p fbL Njityl
Vosmg ag; a - . U -S. -.OnL - subject L of. the
jecluang. Prime Minister, of Minotaur can at a] ad ;.woula-beasSe, re t the
48 hoursu the; assasin battle field,- in, is a
t eyb
inclined when th"L SS h but, ita� stratige. -
lying Arabi,. informed. the -are 8 ill pugnaciously ga�o ng- o anne
iiatdd that men who
sp 15LL
Yesterday shot FJIV it -OfWa
chance. her.alarmwa , ,a �oo'a'a'y �in ental. report,
rOmJudg9Ad4 The
sth should o.mit all;
zaaames made ataidto.day fght eremerO, VAn Allose who �'ynkke 'thia
tbat. the enemy was -ad oil, h; f
I Swin.
participated in -that f &i t that
-re ort
*otuthe,villages between Alexandria- wo, )oort is'in P
6nly t weak British regiments- &t.the Lake Maieotis. �and marin f 00 0 etition! filed h
_h Lf rc
-unable Ilibin. oxipport provedL fall P opinlon-�-
repel w esident b)f 19
all, persons f ancl tkeib*R-1 Is c y - IBparaglng
rout, qlenty of -time -to drive thri "the dJ
wl --went on a-boatibg -h -ounsel. for
PF hristiaris into t e. Be -Jan , - t -W % P bla.'jelei Be fra on orI ThIP ded,hear..Fdrt.. --- of Ki Johai -afte
a- good smuRk of themselves.", Thd Europeahs bree it r a -ing, kileg'Ll who,
Offic(ii- andee -3jaklibibb in. Albany
ell w6,6.,2�r
-h aa usurpe Me -�Mthorffies:-. are- taldng steps -to prevent -'an thinks AraliPs - unir.utterly demoralized. 6L -B.' L Three a s 'eve the ground thi�t!, e' &a L ftylla,*full
crew, -a,- ria ve after, fin d.
-fm&scri te ad'. and 0 mina lan&n tr pei-86US Wit ut result being that oneexcursio aJi to Atys4inla may
g Q. ho He 44s the Eg.y
ptiams generals invariabl
I ans: or employment. One hundred and place the, irregulars in -fr, neighb ibly-bii thaL I
Cde 0�tiu order that, the British, guat(bat-Bittarri,:' Gordo�i's op
rgonS landed -yeatordaf.and. *-them*1f th " derit a oit
re upo to be I
such' pe the regulars. May fi Py
j" - -W -9 quarrel ng,
healthier than solicitors, 'dI
eSeapQ oxn, we are no a- JS rapl
ran a -jail on
hwve-boen-si -- 'ndon World - b1i"raler's character- should be
mt to the arsenal pend' to �ether show. cowardice.. This pt6tement i
-compelled to firii1Sd-jy-w ��nd-by the
Ad b a -been ged in. -6hildreh more robust H
aware th their e du p oil- the noses of
turn on board thavossels frdia which th -that i er� t& -4w fir th.6, fit -but'tiike-� at
-.eY fact, -a
t -will recover- , an
Jd' (0), mol 10�4 ns than the offspring �of -less' cielitific .5111iff, id the, uth a-
150 'Jthy 'and belong the ar Ouse In
- hand df thi �=B*AA� not -Th t ad h pre
-D is- itum�recl� thlat Arabi has brought' Th 'B whom, wors
a ri.
L is. morning h 1 leg. P V� 0 0 in t a
air cc) lue ift- 6 u
infl oeme. eavy th - h- I
glins.fLoin Cairo tp Tel -el Rebir given, to th Belgravia was owned by emiu nt oailim h
thing nsed
ituh: 40-p.ounders on the a 'cull- -from his' sleeve h -youxig, farian; and to Witness.
the Bri .11 k -R4Y a -g alices
on, the *ornan With all: iar me at� 91 distre
0 jitall. children ckab and It it upon - the hideous re ic W wa ml six. medical club.. supping on vi 9011118 rains..*. eaS UrIDgL not evIdth ut it
L b
heels, appliediftt sewral lobster salad not �r Bpebt"le
lar witiv A� nu
a perations h&Vd.L been commenced for ring,� Miserable head,
gpatieut.�wh has been starv-
th -ld sod di'zigpl�,'obsof.businesoonDtindtLai roet" t6 the Uu6tin ohannal-boyoud, Nekss wit -T W -the a0fti'languid glancas- at
-.00mintoLauemarootio., tivata the- unwary? Where is' tha mdon, yeAterday solicitiyig moneyi She ind six 'months "on a ified dietary or
view of . e Tw 0S �i �- �', 11 "
a -of -in the I.; 7�� -, - . I
re rl.� sao that- she: Aild her,, husbatd,'- 4mbg gorp less cod, tor of me,cairb _tjtko- uwt, 144 &g p6 ach-wde '=61ith whioll'formeil. such fasdi "ilig himSolf With edil)Ut,e 61. ��!kyf
of rly Ope UL ROUK n with 11-phon- trit Oth ' t' arrived the ente orr b1V
a iles? here ari how the -pea have Jus h ighitig hik at h dnd t t
fta feet. 1
le compl6tely out of funW I " 01, WnIOE all theL fil3h in bie N�hlch'lhe iatter paper su
1 0: *0600dill� B'doo;4ly L at- ik i -the roug6, wUfire,the cosinetics from -Cork-, and are Jt07 ti
the face wag go ofteu paintedl -She I 'elebn children, four Wifingsgai b�ntains abou i as much &B- is' is-thb!"moth�r o wh6le office'Vas �kweked I
are the ST
eees. al
at 1,fia hotel.- and'the". -mat9h, PI - . if
4he larger' end of a luo fdr,�' CA WaSTIlerel 11
this atkiiin the. Captiollin eon; of dippe n in the� a Lim
a-11, the various-abilditiong other. ra -frdiA to 8�
10� v who i's low in Sooll le,
cident are a
the rs, follow her d'.- The wdynalland
alteriDg-Ahe position of in th, roun 9 of Ben. enjo S
old. i porary pulpi
�hildren are c6mfoitsbly,olad and, remarkL L .,
-is repoi
ra" ad. race popularlty- the or
lest 1*each I Xn - A"bids -in verv- n hia band, according on 1.6uis thv,5ltp
mal tig t6l:d el . th w-bich1e -had -to d Al.-
tb "QnP 04' �Wth 'he lawyli and -Vk�'Spurge n a
abb clean and health" loo Vag in I)x the lad
y king. ddrossed whifst' the ay � rhich
et"'%VIML a'pa]
ois- our.
ing. aft L�oW '- XIV., �asked -B ei3 9,Tly five'thous- LnIUL , ap, N
ip6n air c6ligi6gation performers. Ta h,
C quite CilSa�1eq -the us ers
_.Der' L The hero ot
cam 3rin lroivalltheco,114� to the cmergeniay, called out to 01161
the Th �iug,walked�,ov -the entire
&to. any PejSoIjS 1�0� oBs.
emith- a auth r of liotie 1) Lud peopl%vho
�--A Mbtl ere has been sin- ng an oto',XbTingappitle of.ST.JACC
present, I
Soto Sire,!' was d&W .1 ts, try side or.the' The tlmnae h- t
h 9
er tickles lildeed. the seriaug y aglAig miles exp
rink applause
]IJ mptly, Iollowt
-this a f --the fact
eop a re-:, It 18 State th -t,the oronation-of the _e1ustero pilrit gestlonow.0a,
the heart. ans 16f it of Scotland,
a Woula I hate
as the e,
-egard dri-Oftig On -that �.T.,
a -PUPeR t4aY Steal Oz6r will, notta 006ail 'place r t an nex
SIC ot"ud�exe, encedthe ben
of -til _Kpiession g
th -d-esecrati, oat
_As rM� g,#
-he efs: 4ein efits t1uswond0 charles A. 4.,,,orusing gent of.
walnut. Wings four- Tohn Dunn has -advised t -Zulu 16Y
1a r eumausmin-
a orde ed1he
I �had`
&UCI ond: thwa�y drs
Pafk'Gatdenj- P
nadiam togivaa,fxieridly Welcome t6 Obtawayo ad t
ed -
list vess 1 E ploy a iliahyli6
pQi*-his*etuiu- o Milulaild.
t a from, gypt! myright-hip.mid kneei.
physicialls; al n L offl6isl despatc
au�& rus
nry rvin -.4 y 68 and 1 ailment, puflound -notbipg to
wood ot this 'tree i
Sni 19, gtjttf�S .47 �nativ QB$ U
11, of better all Conway eir ir 3 Ire y
names r on V I
to th sons iii favo Sup, ay 4w1IlQW9y1
goiw Idd.d th used,the-Cireat uerman Rem
mat -of, per r of European. iedo&chole-a F
a 0
a van
mi h
through ]a
plied b
n L d th y
-10 p
and o
1had th