HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-09-08, Page 4r.- 4' 1t 1 A t I flttet, • THE:LI$ TtTO.tiritI AXb To ARGUE. FBFFLY AccORr)n TO TnuDL 1'AT1:HOL'coh8el3Ei VE W8', PRIZE ABO,, E ALL GTHEIii IBERTXE5 L'ttl1now -Set 6, 1882 . . TH LOCAL` ELECTIONS. The erormers and Conservatives ' for have each nominated a candidate- ate the riding of South Bruce in the Local legislature rendered 'vacant by the ` election of the Hon. R. M. Wells to the Co mons, and in a few weeks the = electors will be called upon to ,: cast - their ballots, and make a choice. .. H: P. O'Connor; Esq., of Walkerton, the nominees of the Reformers, liar -been long an4 favorably known to many of the electors,.. and nothing we can say to those who know him can increase •his, reputation,but to those who are not already acquainted with the gentleman we would state that he is a fluent and skilful debator, well posted in all mat- ters;> that : have interested the people of Ontario for many years past, and no an -addition. a .to =the doubt Would ion. already strong; debating ranks .of the present Government. He takes his stand with. the Hon. Oliver Mowat, and believes that -the people ought ' to give that gent man an undivided: sup- • port in bis manly and patriotic efforts to protect the territorial and_ legislature rights of Ontario. Isir. Eckford, the Conservative-nomiiee,- is a gentleman against Whom, personally, nothing:can be said,-, but politically he is rather doubtful He has "declined to say what .his, pokey, is, or what his reasons are for. opposing_ Mr. Mowat, '•until >the Great Mogul of the Tories, at Toronto. «; on the ,13th instant, ; speaketh the might viboleth that shall pass the Conser€ vhives into power. In our opin- ion pinion any one who,atthis critical period' of Qntar_-io's history, cannot at once boldly iroclair that his opinions are - opposed !to the robbery' of our domain, and • the threatened attacks upon .. our legislative powers, guaranteed by'the British North American Act, is not . a- c u didat worthy the 'confidence of any person.. •; The fcllowin_g is a quotation .from the speech of the Hon Oliver Mowat, at Linden, and clearly defines- the p8sition:of the two parties Sir John -Macdonald said the award WAS . nit just,. that it was not according to the evidence.; These, as we all knowt were not criticismsfoundedd on.- the facts.' acts As soon a Sir John Macdonald- - was returned this year he commenced. to feel his way, and he took the sane position is before. The two: parties had therefor, a direct issue to try. -One: party was for _ Ontario, sant= .for the_. awarding of the territory to the. Pro- , • vince as the 'arbitrators: had said it ,Justly belonged to. us. Thisparty were for the jlkeeping of Provincial rights. The otht party was for the sacrifice of Ontario's rights and: the giving away of thousands of - miles-. of her territory.. - We felt the • Ontarioovernmett- had in its keep-.-� ng the'rights of the Province. That is properly -so ; and ..when we saw a: contest •in which two parties were hold • ing dif=ferent opinions on the subject,; we held itto be. requisite, : as far :as • honest men—tis true ' representatives:' r. of the people—as worthy Members of the Provincial Government—I say we were •botmd to do our best to- get those men into! who were in favor -of Ontario, Wand not those who were against her. It won't tis a great while b- fore we: have a general election for the Provincial. Legislature. It is an- nounced that we are to be met, not MR. MOTiWAVS. UUCE1v8E _ LA The Conservatives_ of Ontario, says the . Winnipeg Fee Pi ess,'are- sawing the .wind when -they attacck Mr Mowat on his license,' legislation. ` -When . the Toronto ' Seriously Mail: attempts ts. rx . .to prove that drunkeness . is increasing in. Ontario as coliseq uelce of -the Crooks Act, its- hypocrisy is -so manifest as only to evoke- lau ghter from ; sensible people :• - The fact is, there is -no part of Mr, Mowat's ,policy, -so impregnable - _as his` legislation' on =behalf of texnper_` ante. If it is true, as the Mail asserts, that the license law is used • as a pout= ieal:engine, that the Majority` of those who have received licenses afire -Reform- ers, whatcould- it hope to gain for the - Conservative cause : ndering to the liquor interesj? No, i e truth- is that ,more than three-fourthsof the liquor_ sellers in the. Province are Conserv- atives. The Mail knows this, and hence its out -cry but one would have thought it would have learned by this tune that,: however advantageous the adherence .of. -the liquor interest may have been in the old days when a grog- gery stood at almost every -corner and cross road, it is not so. now, thanks principally to Mr.- Mowat's.wise legis- lation. King Alcohol is • still * mighty in. Ontario, but the lovers of order and sobriety are mightier, and if the Con-, servatives have the former, Mr: Mowat certainly has the latter on- his side '-BORAT• 1 MACCal3Iplox. —In. Lucknow, on Thurs- . clay, August 31st, I-$8-2,the wife of Dr. D. ,A: MaoCrimmon, of a daugh ter.; am.offering--ever day Y sense PRINTS PROM 6 TO 15 CENT+ 1. FactoryCotton- 5 t h - -. o X2 cents: T a best assort 2 A fine.assortment of Boots and Shoes. uanfiiies::..of :freoh. r n. Goods.° R`ESS GOODS9 TO:25 CET` entof Tweeds in- tows -at: the low $.t r cm - -Just--o erred -TWO cases of Dead made othin� y. A NEW Lots of Straw Hats. Felt Hats from 50 cents u CLAN TARTANS, GLENGARY, MAI QUIS OF. LORNE `TAM. •O SHAN � R, AND. BELMORAL, ,Scotch-Ornareent to Suit.- - THE 11IARKE'TS. Fall Wheat ... • 90. Bpring Wheat Flour .. ... Parley ... Peas' ..: Potatoes-perbns. ;Hay -per-- ton ... :..10 00 Wool .. ,.. 95 .. 0 00 00 - 6 50 0 60 070 .. 0;40 040 O $0 065. 50 - 0 50 Pork—per cwt. E - Eggs . Dater Hides— ... Apples= -- Woad'-- Sheepskins— 10 00 .0-18 -'.0.20 7 00 7 00 .. 01s o 18 ... 0 14 0 15 5 00 s. oe 50- 0 75 :.. 2 00 ,50 60 7 to 7i-cts per lb. - CO N 0033- P UNEE • STORE 1 COMPLETE•ipTOC.KOF F N"DY..AND DRESS . . • . _GOODS,.:-�tN�.D0�3 T-Y®D �O�T:t I IIT POT? 111 F -i lex. Mac! nth Lone On Real Estate, a . reasonable;' rates, on terms of. p4yment to suit .Borrowers. • ELLI0T TRAVER OFFICE---Nxti to Post 01 c Luck n o w; ' March 1 7 SPAWN, GU AT -T. LAWRENCE'S -OLD STAND, LU To the farmers and the general public. It you to buy anything in the Hardware Line till yo New Hardware Store of T. Lawrence, Campbell s now, where a great variety of goods is now opene designs in 13mIderS Hardware, KNOW. 1 11 not pay call at the reet,Luck- out -New ?Iated re, Paints, Oils : !ass, Puly, ::Shovels,;: _ _ Manure -and Pito Forks, Hoes sakes and :everyth ngFfound Ii a 11,:ir.st - C100 I and ra a ,Store. • I will still continu lisual a fine lot of NO W YOU HAVE IT MRS: MOONEY - In stock and more arriving daily • - with therenquiry ' whether the merits ALL KIND OF • FRUIT,: of thelegislation passed by the Gav- • ernment:are such as wouldentitle us - to the cinficence of, the people r but the electors are to be asked to_oustthe Mowat Government because the N.'P: is in &tiger ! Nothin could. be:further from the truth ! The ' plea of the X,''ovine will 'not be `d tided by -this UUi. And I will all keep in stock all kmas of GASES, PISS, SIi010112S And everything kept in afirst-class Fruit Store. ive me a tall. MRS: MOONEY, Campbell=st; Luclytow. ranite Wares, lso All of which are mttrkeu down low. pairin OV e patrofiage • e.stow,edAtone ft -n.11; ° tst' als:asl-se ) th!ontinuilie of the same in e or Spavin The Must successfu remedy ever vered it is certain in its effects aud 'Noel _blister. Read proof below. URL • Mr. F. H. McCallum, dearsir,1--The-boztle of Dr. Kendall's Spavin Cure bought- of yon .last summer gave me the utmost satisfactiou and performed a wonderful cure 7on a mare nineteen years old belonging to In Wai badly iqiavined for ten years. She pas so 1one-* that Icoidd hardly. gtt ,her . rho lameneskis entirely gone after ulsing half a bOttle of the Mire," and shi is like' a young horse again. Yours truly, J. F.R0TH. KENDAI.VS__SPAVIII CURE ' We think gives _positive proqf of As with such unqualified suchess , to our knowledge,for,beast as well as man. I Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. .A druggists have it mean g t it • for you, or it will be sent a address on receipt of,price by the p - Wholesale Rata, Y08. reflyrii * Re 0; DTPITS.TEYri 1,-;! oil! TO 44°, rov-,=.00-11Aitistieiv'c'Eleftsir,p,,fx-dicsisear4.-Y4:$•:E- -1s-0.- 1st!