HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-09-01, Page 5D BUSINESS Ou. firs -class. ii xproved At Ls* Rates by the 1. i4 F. CANADA.. rlAS4 ' SOMTRVILLE , ° ° :Vaill tor. Thes afew : s�bscl�ber has, good - or -sale n easy. terms, au 'a, number .of . L OF '`HE j.aucKiloW Harass Depot AIS EVENTFUL DAY, WHIOH IS> TO DECIDE. THE • - . tive merits of ' British and American Muscle is at hand, and men. of every nationality are ekgar to respond to the amenities of . of civilization, by,honormg the d.y, _and recalling the .immortal exploits and Wallace,in the scored ca}ise of Liberty. And in order to chew all {due respect to departed might and 'live the first thing you. require is iESPEC all true . , r glorious �f of Bruce g - worth, a Is offering rreatBargainsin- lisenesa, -Saddles, Trunks; • Tallies, Ribes, liianliets Single mrirnes%from. $14 nth Team 'Earnest from $2S'.nfl. And everythingin the lute cheaper than the cheapest- for cash or otherwise. I • in -bound not to be undersold. All work warranted, ai Ikeepnothithbut first-class stock,. and .first-' 4iaRs.workmen. - I defy zompetition. -Don't: forget the place, opposite - , I -Hi McHa dy's Brick Black, f .. PRO.-OTOR . from one to eight acres= Which_ can be had very cheap. • erAS SO fERVILLE.- of ati MEN TS :incl drawn i aitly: and cheaply.: • 6I:r1 ERV 1.LLE. Lnckitaw, January 13th,1882 , • E.AT -. '1ARK I weih to inform the citizens of Llcknow and :surrounding countr} , tuft: I have . opened up a Without.this . ys and absolutely lutely indespensible grerequsite, all yo alway , -to honor the day and the: cause, the land and the people, will be sad in one _great symbol of loyal,, so dear°to:the Scottish ;heart.. -. The ET�- I • • of Scottish Housekeeping, ai 'us in th -economy seven 'rimer.....: � has. y P . non-Scotchmen who may wish toh all 'be • ha �. : to egplam_ o ..... - .. shall' PPy - .. _ ---.. c •= ai O oml c economic, sto � � rI u lth c c theo _, 0 on into � - Iatl � It fm u o `fros are des o d., an utility of the - ..13 U T•QLIE SllcW..• In R. G. Greenwill's-OldStand. I. will keep on hand stall times .: - AL1 - t NDS' OF FRESH MEAT. • SCO _ - Do you enquire where these formyou" that . I have- on 3 men and boys. After these but . in the • meantime rein -the:measure with you.. Meat- Delivered to Parts of the Village, on Shortest Naticel. Give me a call: - JAMES LINDSAY: Lncknow, Sept:9th. • r; t riiS WpRM.. POWDERS pleasant:tO,tike. Contain theirOOD pu _ -.- t<sBative. is a: `sate, enae, and e8ectast:. f uer to wroraas in Ciuldrea iAdult& • jt QNEE ish4 to- hiform the: public thathe has . oonstaltlg on- band: a FIR T -CLASS STOCK. QF gents .-Wo'mens, Misses' and Children's Booth.: 1-. ' Go ala -exam %e hie 'really sulperitt stock in each; class, especially his fF e. big 4 Whoioesitooit $cote 13eforee. p,i rcltalling. "etaewligre. . ufacturing a- , Speity. Las year's, stock seat - atand tinder cost:, -4 oar sgs and. Batter taken it 3 ehange far foods. $5 Q $20per day at home.Samples Wort $,5 fre. Address STINao r -tri- Co., Portrraa : •-Mairec. F ALEX. . RC ittinufcturer of all 'kituls of . ' Harness, Saddles," 'franks,. . CH BOA" -NET. r attempts ' wanting d `which I or the day, d .praettcal "= tonnets" are to be obtained' - Permit me to in land a very nice selection of Bonnets a d. Caps, for are all sold you; will be at liberty to g elsewhere tuber the West -End Brick Store Co- a and bring CHard Is noW Receiving Daily Supplies -off trRCM BRAZILw 1'heY? Compouac;_ frgesei ill derful :affinity to the Dist ve dpparatas.and the :Lzve se- _ ing the dissolving juices, relies ilg almost instan•the dreadful results ofIlyspepeiaadigestioa, and the TORPID z, vzit, makes Zopesa an- every day necessryla gvery house. ii acts ge sriseat1 and speediF Cstiieness, a'a .Head- ache,<Sick Headache, Distress af- the Stomach` ter Eating,'��d-on Seartburn, Pains in the Side d a an ! Back, Want of Appetit.; Energy, Low Spirits, Foul -Staub `ach It invigoratesttheLiver can nes off all surplus bile,. rel1ates e Bowels, -and g7ives. tame to 'tie the { kwhole system. - Cut this out and take ft to:you2. -. Druggist and get $1O cent Sampl ora large -bottle' for 75 cuts,ligi� pnr neighbor about.1t In .ithe neatest' stylas, and will be sold cheap in all .depart- . , - - menta. Corhpr. isms_ • DRESS GooD*, WINCEY-S, CH MEto 'yalises,'•Et4,. Havinig purchased the stock of harness, etc., .belonging to Mr. W m• Gf 1 e t e wants of my prepared then ever to'supp Y is of in - customers and the jv hlic. generally. Remem- ber the place, Grassi c 's old stand, next to Tennant's d=ug -store._ . ALEX . Lncknow ,June 9th; 1482- - GitATt 0 COW IItE101CINE TRADE MARK.THIZCAREATEN-TRADE MARK aLiiSil REY1CDit. An ,'•unfailing : ^ cir�.�e��for Sewin- ' al -W e IOC TI SRS, .permatorrhea, ImIto t.ency, andall 1Mseases • thatfolow ass - BBf t , segaenceofS.elfa A tf{se •- as.loass::of 1<fe.mory ,°ITntversat, tussle tifd , batt} in the-bacic, Dimness of Vision. Pre ature old. age. and many other Diseases - t1i0 ea d to Insanity or Lontnita stion and a 1g!re natrre. Grave. * Full particulars -in spar pamphlet, which we desire to ,fend: free ia' mail v. every -one. ali'`pheSiiecifin Med- pite issold hy'all t ruu.,4$tas--at- $I per pack. see{ ortix packages_ far $5. or will be sent - .Tree by Landon receipt', of the money lip ad' dr4sing. { - TIM aRA:Y.Measessi co. f . - Taranto. Opti.., eanscis skr St,id In i,nclC ow byall 4suggistgrand every: wherein Canada and tbtl tined States. byallwholesale and r,taii drri¢Eist$.'- - _GO "M— A. FIN L1TER' —FOR ALL KINDS OF• • WATCHES, . C;LOGRS, AND - r JEWELEB.Y. PI'+AIIi, FLANNEL IN ALL .COLORS, Wgo SIIAtvLS,- W00L Y41014, WHHITE COTTONS, IN A-1`,IL PIRICES, FACTORY, _COTTONS, IN ALL: P •DIE ': jT T DIgS de=ar orri a1 5 Peart' & Corrigan will she u ' IiTTER• AND CCS', Ia exchange for Boots >3 'd Shoes, That cannot be excelled in Pattern, Quality, Repairing done promptly. ' AY.E:. FINDLATER, • - Catrophelilst, LtuknoW ITS Cheapness :In the best Colors„. made `:expressly for my own • ma •Capin everyshy alit Boys, ps Ro ,A - GRAZING LANDSAtitrouND Oi4 Northern PaCtf is Heti. fir MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, Atio MONTANA. - - - - BIG CROP AGAIN -111881. LCWPRICES; EO$QTIME: REBATE FOR IMpROVEt MENT; RED FARE AND F'REIONTTO SET71ERk awe E. $12 a day it bogie easily FOR FlILLiNrr-Tili10N.AccEW. t 'm,de. Costly outfit fres. Addreu► Hsf�Atlir-�Re�'f a!al. ,;.Alio ACT, IMinniorrosilistom_ ST. PAUL: MIND ", lams a UO., A+Raebit, . A VERY FINE STOCK OF !own N Q person can beat:me in Teas aid Sugars. GrEOGE Parties wishing close deals *lid tI'd we11- to:c 11 at MART &. CQRRI4l11.a as we 'intend'' -:giving . - ,gains = • im BOOTS AND SII ES E before receiving our fall sto k. - Harvest: Mite sold wholesale and retail at PEAILT & COIRhGAN!$s rade' for Men e. SES. hat is it t- The best Multiple 011 in the world ,is nx�nufac.tured bye McColl' Bros,. &.:Col, -pronto ••. This Oiluinderthe.se'ilereat. t Rt 'Land closest cs,mpet titikwas aw rded,_ t'o'ur edais`An"d Thr!e Diplomas st.the Leading l+:xhibitioIi' o tbi. - L . mint, in 1K81:. F aIiners-and others 'will saVe Tnoney . and wachian• ry by using 1.a1� Th E - Ask your, Ictal dealer for it acid take no ather. F.4r sale - by. D, D MACINTYRE. - . ®'' Toeatszeszs, CoMrttiar TS and ACCrnENTS which :HAGYARes Y LiAw OIL. is guarao -teed to cure or rehe7 BAST TAWi i CROP, CBAMPS, - Asnardl, APPLIED -El ItfErJMATIS41 e either in AN. or RNALLT jOR COtraiS'SI, SOBS T$'ItOAT, COLDS, &c. : ERNALLT EOR XEEMALGiIA, :: CALLOUS L1 MPH PWELLINQB, .. STIFF JOINT$, BALLS - LAS, CORTSACfle LU1pLnAG0• BRAES -BSA,. 6PRAII 8, Ever beide Mien or money OIRERIOXI MM11 FROST $ITN,.: .CORNS,_ BRUISES, 12,0x4.- ElftBACZto e� s • TOR