The Sentinel, 1882-09-01, Page 4L P, \ EEE LIBERTY' O VT'1�FiIi dN12'1'b LIIiQ'3 ' FI IELY' ACCORDING,t0 0 S'H'E DIUTATWOF coxiacirsca wit Parzz ABOitE: AVI. o!rREH_LIBERTIES. • latekoow, Sept.: 11 1.1362. ! T 27:I('T. tee::obs°$eve, says the 'Walkerton • • ete$cope, that in the protest entered, in `the Queein's bench, in the 'name °off' Mr. John. T;olton against 4 the election, •of Mr. Rup -Mearse Wells, -for East B`ruee in tit-. Dominion -House of Comte. Mons, that'�n -ease 'the charges are es tablished and the thaain of the:. member elect; to'the.. seat.. rendered; therefore, null and. void &t is not cla medfor• Mr. Alexander $haw, who, we hear,, has no further hankei'ineafter parlianientry honors. Perhaps under.- all the ciroure,. stances the concltmion thus arrived -at.. is. a wise onr, as the supporters, of Mr< Wells in, Est Brace are: riot destitute of proofs of counter charges. which if 'aa brought 1ionie, . would disfranchise -both Mr. Siaw, anal those of his, agents _ Who said to have been' guilty of ieertain illegal -practices.. It is said that Mr.-T'Filton will leave "no—stone unturned,' to unseat Mr. Wella ` for independent animus ,it is alleged that. a -he has, hiralielf, aspirations 'for wile- " mentary honors `in ease his «protest', w th - success. ente : rise is: crb fled wi . Doubtless tliisbontingency isthe motive power that is impelling the . ger atd in the Douse .it is taking. fiat; the- Ias"- - month. It is now rabic1 against lawyers •and hysteiicail. Brant e in.. its affect - .ions - for • 2arniers.• Mr. , Tolton.. is a fanner,' of 4'readers. caii therefore see the • conn tion. Only three -short months have transpired since it was. precisely an opposite frame, of mind But, Pope! says that '.----'" The rogyeand foot by fits are fair and wise, anche'•eii: the: best b fits what they despise' stta gut rind Just as _he got near - the. door the boy pointed to pa's hat .and said, "Fetch. it" The dog is a - big Newfoundland,; but he is a jumper •aind don't you forget it. • Pa is short and. thick, and *hen the dog struck him on.. the;shoulder and took his hat pa almost fell over and then hesaid get out,.and; he kicked arid backed up towaid the step, and then turned around and the boy pointed to the -handkerchief -and said, •" Fetch it," and the doggave one bark and' went.for `t and got liold of it and part of pa's duster; and pa; tried 'to climb -up the :steeps on his hands and. feet,and the dog pilled -the other way, and it's an old fast year's •duster any, way,, and the whole back breadth,come out, and when'I'opened the door there• pa. stood with the front of his coat and sleeoee;on, but the-baokwarigone and I took hole, of his arm,:and he said,,' Get out," and was. going to kiok me, think- ing I -wags dog,, and I. told hint. I. was: his rown little boy, -and asked him:- if anything was the matter, and ' he said, - f M (hie) atter enough. NTew` •(hic) land dog cha►ing me last hour.na half, Why didi 'tyou come. and k(hie)ill}em." I told pa there- was no -dog at all,* and he. must be careful—of his health or I woulcIWt have no.pa.at all. He looked: at me and asked Me as .he felt for the . place 'where his linen duster, was, what. had become of his coat tail - and hat if there Was no dog, and I told him :he had.: probably caught - his coat on that barbed: wire fend doh the street, and he said hesaw the dog_end a bey -just as plain as could be, and for me to help him: upstairs and go for .the- doctor. I_ got him in•bed and he said, c. this is a hellish elnuate my boy," and Iivent for the doctor. Fa„ sakt he wanted to be cauterized so he wouldn't go mad. I told the .doc. the joke and he said.he would keep it up,. and he gave pa some powders.; and told him if he drank ally more before Christreass -he. was a• dead man. ° Paa says it has leaned him- a -lesson =and-. they can °never get any more pzen down him, butdon't,you give me away-, willyou; cause he would. go and complain . to 'the police about• the dog and -they . would shoot it. Ma will be back as -soon asishe gets through,, sneezing,- and I will tell her and she. will give me a chr-omeo, cause she don't. like to have pa drink only • between meals. Well, good "day, •there's an Italian got a bear that performs in the street, -and I'rr-goiing to .find where he is: showing•and feedt_he bear a cayenne pepper lozenges, and. 'see him clean out :the Polack settlement; Good bye." And the bay went to look for the bear, HIS. PI AGAIN • "If'th dogs in. our neighborhood hold out ` 'gti ss = I can do something that all the temperance societies have failed to ?do," says the bad boy to the groceryman,; as he . cut 'Cif a piece of cheese an:took a. handful of crackers. out of a1 x.: . `?6- eili . for heaven's sake,what have youlbeen doing now, you little reprohatee" • asked the groceryman as he went to the desk and charged.the boy's father with a. pound and four - ounces of cheese and two. pouiidh of crackers„ } If you was- my boy and played any -of your tricks on me= I would m€.ul the everlasting life out of you.. Tour father is_'a cussed fool that he donr1send yos to the Reform school. The hired girl was, over this morning end says' your - father is sick, .and I should think he would. • What • have you 'done 1 Poisoned him, I suppose"' "No, I didn't poison hiM I • just 'seated the liver out of him, that's a1L'= an. offeringevery . day immense PRINTS FRI Tactory Cotton 5 to fine assortment 1104 was it," asked the groceryman as he charged up a pound. of prunes to - Cie boy's father. ','Wel,- I£11 tell you, but. if you_ ever tell' pa won't trade here -anymore.. You. •see, pa: belongs: to allthe secret societies, and when there is a, grand lodge clr anything here he drinks awful- ly., There was something, last week,_ some sett of a leathern apron affair, or a sash over the shoulder,and every night he was out till, the next day, and his breath singled all ;the tide like Vin- front of fa: vinegar 'store,; where they keep yeast. Ever since ma took her hay fev r with her up to Lake Superi- or, uperior, pa has been a terror, and l: thought something ought to be donne: Since. that variegated:dog trick -was played on . hiri he • has been pretty sober till .ma * ent away, and I happened to. think of a dog a boy in the third ward has got- that Kwill . do tricks: He will' • jump up and take a man's' hat offand bring , athandkerchief, andall that. So. I got tbie boy to come up on our street, and Monday night, about dark, I got into the house and told the,. boy when pa; canal:-, along to 4nake the dog,take A: N Lotsof Straw Hats. M 6 -TO 15 CENTS. DRI 2-- •cents. The _best assortmeu f�Boots Etna Sloes. Just open Felt Hats from 50 cents up al ntities of, Fresh_: Spring Gobds, SS GOODS 9TO 25 OENTS4 ef weeds`in town, at the lowest :rices. . T d T -made- Cloth ed TWO ca�.es of Itiea � • RE AND.: 0R0C • lil rn.4-.. LLA SHOES A, , 300 PAS -RS PRU X11 E. GAITERS from 50 to- 60 -cent g_ M ALOI TYRE NEW STRAW AND _FELT - = FELT TB>h MLRKETS. Fttll Wheat ,,.- ... 00' 90 Spring W beat "...000• • 00' Moir' . ....• • bo. b 00 6 50 Earley ... .. ;:; ;4'0 70 .• Oats - .. . Y.. ..! .i. 040' -Seas: :.. ...4 ...:... 0 72 • • Potatoes---perbus.: Dray=per tint • Wool ... ... ... cork per cwt .. i Lags ... ... .. :Butter .. Apples -- NEIN SPANISH 10.0 r eces of -Dress • BAR IETY, LACES 1N' ALL DOLOR; Goods in all shades and'pric� Satchels, and a.great variety of Fancy Goods,at A Ladesand Gents Ties. Note this. race up, S ��. IVIACJNTYRES s-, .t A. IacInt s.:Yarsic, �,.0 b elks,c , . '.:17acIntyr s. Ladies and, Gents Collars. - pounds .of good Tea for_ X1.0 . Alex. Mac I tyre's. a 70 0 40. 0.65 ..a ink .u. so e o W ...10001000; • .018 020 ... 7-O0 700 ... ... 0=i8; .018 .:. 014. 015- e. ▪ . .50 66 A furred tongue, bad taste in 'the mouthi nausea vomiting. variable appetite; alternate yellow cant of the eyes: and countenance, indi, cater setiotis biliary tronble. Jaundice 'a dang.erthii disease, it is an overflOW of bad. bile an the circuletiontany of these symetOms sbould be remedied without delay, and.Bur dock BIood.Bitters. is the remedy upon whieh you may surely rely. • • Money to On Real Estate; a rates, on terms of suit Borrowers: Loan. reasonable ayinent to SPAVIN ' CURE._ ELLIOT TRAVE Post 01-,ce D STAND, fariner and the general 'public. New hardware Store of T.' Lawrence, Campbell- ,deSigns in Builders -Hardware" Platealarc, Palk taignit KNO .:0011's - T/ae Moat suCceisfu remedy even Voted it is certain ilk its .effects and blister, Read proof below - • Oi nob pay. Shovels, Mr: F. h.. McCallum, dear sits,— le bottle li - and performed a wonderful cure upo a' mare: nineteen years old belongingto me,which was.. badly spavined for ten years. Siae wts so lathe -that 'could hardly get. ber to m- ye. 'rho, /saneness is entirely gone after, -Iasi ' g -1141f et ' bottle of the cure, and she „is like a youngz • horse again Yours truly J. F. T4. I31 st I will 00#114e- VO. ingloviut OT 1 KENDALL'S" SPAVIN t !!E. Sencl-addressfor Illustrated 074c1114, whiC42 nice $1 per bottle, " druggisti have it or can get its orsix bottles for $5. Al for you, orit will be sent to lay adiiiiest on receipt ,of price by the pro, osburgb -Falls, .Vt. The Wild- Strawberry phirl possesses rare - virtue as a denting. cooling astringnnt, ante - septic, and headiark medicine, and -when com-- hinei with other valuable vegetable extracts, -as in .Fowlees Extract of Wild.Strawber- ly, it is an unfailing remedy in- all 'Bowel •Davitt Olark,,,Druggists; Renfrew, writes -111i jtine 3rd. `,`Wn have sold„Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild- StraWherly for' a number Of purPose for Which it was designed.' Dr.. Fowler's. Extract, of Wild Strawberry- mires all' forms of Bowel complaints incld.erit to The firu of J.• if. Doughiss, • writeins June, 1st, taying " There Want an- other preParation we can recoaninend.with as - much confidence asBurdeck Blood Bitters,:, it hmariablY gives the best.. of satisfaction:" Burdock Blood Bitterit cures 'all diseasei -ef his hat! and to- pin a handkerchief- to Blood raver -and . . Ades co4t tail and make: the deg- take . -that and then.for him- and the-degte, lite -coal for Well, you'd did& wane up the street as dignified -and ;iniportant as- though-. hi, had.' gone any one sending the test f!*ur line itynie on 1$ Truman'," the remarkable little gem f"r the Teeth andBreath. Ask your druggni.t for ttr9484 btu-Iv:104, slut trio& to -mak chastaucd_pearbi, !A treent =sample settles it* ani also Box, arlor2 All of which are marked olvn low. .Repairing Promptly Eavetroughins- "th their work — done,and at as low prices as can be don e in any in the conntry; hileieturning my thanks to the liberal patron ge bestoWed on me in tbe 1 the continuance o the ,same in the future. VeS parties fay- ig a good job rst-class shop the public fpr st, I hope for WILL. CURE OR 'RELIE,VE. bILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS,, DYSPEPSIA, . DROPSY, .1 JAUNDICE. . OF THE HURT, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY -OF - SALT RHEUM- • THE 8TOMM14 HEARTBURN, pRIPIIESS. 1 And every- species of drew", ar#sin_g__ front, disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS.- STOISAOHt. LT!,FOURS: t‘; BOWELS OR- BLOOD+ -