HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-08-25, Page 54 • :Ott fi rSt-Cl S la d f0•'* itittes.. by the (CANADA. J ts. SoStEit '1LI. y, e subscriber has tii0v go 3 LOTS for sale on easy terns,; and.; - . number Of t F THE UCKNQW. IR' ..mess : 1 :Depot Is offering Gxeat.Bargainsin• Names% Ariddle% Trunks, i`ullsos,. ItObes, Blankets l5itigte.mine**,atom-$.14np:_ Team;Harness' from $88 np. And•evttythingill the line cheaper than the lieapest for. cash or. otherwise. --I am bound not. to `Ere •nnderedld. All work warranted, as I keep nothir.IT hilt fiist-class stock, and first e ass:wo`rkmen:. I defy 2oropetitIon., Don't. forget the place,' opposite - S. B -McUardy'S Brick Block. ` .R, PROCTO R. Lucknaw, January l3th, 1882.. aoimmistalt 16 • - , �-ATEBT AND MOST FAS.HION�A OF TH-E: S > SO N BLACK AND COLORED .SATINS BLACK AND C °LOB ED WATE BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. - STRIPE SILKS FOR DRESSE BLACK SPANISH AND CItEAM. LACES. REAL GUIPURE i . CIIM S;_BUTTONS, BRAIDS, ETC. LOTS AT front c e to eight acre$, Iv -WO' ean. be -had very cheap,. •J s: So)d EitvL LE. DOCTIMEIT of all kind drawn neatly and ebeaply: { . JAS. MERVILLE. FREEMAN'S tOR.1'K POWDERS. Are pleasant to take. 6ctitain:-their O ptrgative Is a safe, sme; and effectual %` yer_ef warm* in Children or.Ldultfr ED SATINS. , CHEAP:, BI. 1lJL SS 0 • ..some y ears, and embrace .tl-.ivcrea=ing variety .of `L]ieBeare bettet-and cheaper than for years;- color, make; quality, and p;ice.'- I have never shown a -larger rattge, ou .Ne est designs.; latest patterns,_ fast colorings, andlowest prices Madaui.- b E not a an to .be -neat 1n a at without being prim►, attrtactive. but- not mashy; engaging,g 37.- . a word, natural and like your years? Then, come midi:My these ress Goods;'these marvellous .,fleets of skill, -money, and time. - Are : ou an industrious }housewife; a kind and dtitiful daughtet or a v erable and honored grandmother . Then youy - earned -the best the country can afford: .I welh to inform the citizens :of Lucknow and - surraundil.f country, that • I have ' ' opened up a ;SIIOP PARASOLS GLOVES, TIES. RIBBONS, ERILLINGN, V • Coma .on can .always buybetter than la early, y o light is dim,and your mind has been warped and c the labors of °the forenoon: BUTOItElt In R. G. Greenwill's, Old Stand. I will • keep on hand: at all times ALL; KINDS - OF FRESH .MEAT. GRENACHB Meat Delivered to all Parte of ;=the Village, on. Shortest Notice. Give alea call. 'rises to inform the public tbathe hats cons_ aptly on hand JAMES LINDSAY. Lucknow, Sept 9th.. T -GASH STOCK . OF: 1LI1�G. &o` when 'the• aiked.with 4' 1P -. trROM a t.. L. .- I - . - The aye * CompoufC. 4 ; mo* della/ affinity to i.the D estive .PPa ,`rates, and -ad, Zivez, 4 cre,as- tug the - dissolving eiees res t fag almost instantly the a . di- stip awaits , ,TDyaORY at ales and the ,TORPII3 ..� f opeaa as every day nece arkin very ,boas,. . I• t- acts. gentlyand spe• aid iliousaeSS,, Costiveness . ache, Sick Headache, Dia ress-af_ ter Eating,'Wind on the Stomach,: ,$eartburn, .Pains l the 4id od- ,▪ B ,ck, Want ofAppetivo. , ant Energy, Low Spirits, 7Fo Atom' itch. - - It invigorates the L ver, cart-. tied.offaii, surplus bile, tuiatee.: s t •e to -the; the Bowels, and gi�a - Who1esystem. f Cut thin out -and take f • to you Druggist and get -a IO-cen - Samp Iet ora Targe botile for 75"ti nts; aralghboiabout tw. - antraoth Collo; I: epartments are ye v r .e� e Oar' Peart & Corrigan will t� ke BUTTER AND 'EGGS n exehange fo Boots and Shoes: Partieswishing close deals will. do Ewe1i to call at PEA,RT .& COBB as we: intend . giving BOOTS AND S7 before receiving our fall -s 11+Iits sold- mitolesale. and:,ti PE4*T ;& C Women's, 1• - •i i$ses' ands • Children's Boots. Goma examine• his really/Bupetici ata l in each especially his Pebble -6z Whole -Stock Banta Before purchasing elsewhere. • nufacturinlg a Specialty Last: yew's stock Sold at and under "Eegs and, Butter taken it etchange for goods. - Diianufacturer of all kinds of Harness, Saddles, tto $20 per defy at: home.samples w ort. SOfree. Address Sdaate Et, Co.,, - Tertian Ti GRAY` R Carte AIEDICYm - ADE MA RK.TBBGRRiTEN-TRADE Nt RK. num, Ru ng. An unfailing mire :forSemin- a1Weakness, Spermatorrhea, Impotency.,. .and allDieeases. foto Talon that,follow seta - �isequeneeofSelf • use ; as loss of Memory, Universal, �TLaset . Ode, Pain in the back,. IDD1mnses of ==V iB1u11r Ilremature old age, and many other Disease* that lead -to' Insanity or Consumption and a 'Prematnre Grave. 45rFuli partienIarec in: 4 i�llr !ea.4phi:et, which wg desire to send`. free: by mail te; every one, . 6 -Lhe-Speeiia Med- que is;,okl by all t)rng sts at. 81 per pack-. ate, or Six packages for 85 or will be, sent f ree by m anon receipt of the money:. by ad resents uE: GRAY MElltl'iKE Co.. ;, Y. `i`oronto..Ultt., Canada: �So1d tn Lnclrnor by- all druggist* and everyy where 111 fitioada,and the Muted States Ea. ill ;tit leaale. end retail drurftiets. Trunks;' Valises; Etc. Having 'pure -based the stock of harness, etc., belonging to Mr. Win. Grassick,1 am_ better prepared than-ever.to supply the'\vants of my sRemem- ber and thepnbl�c generally. ber the piece, Grassick s old. stand, next t Tennant's-drug_ stere. . ALEX. ROSS.: Lucknow „June 9th. 1882, - a that cant b beat in qu ,lith az raj �ness. A G4141,3 rbains in 9. 1eL Harvest' t Whatle it =? TI.e:best 1411th-ne Oil in -the world; i manufl6turlIedby ThcCoU Bro .•> C J; . Torcato. is-Qilunder:tht severest e t, and closest _ compet tion -was a rded• -. Four lliedals and Th a Dipioma:g • at the Leading Exhibitions o the. Dominion in'188k. I�• arme4s and othe;sfwill save money and; machinery by:using l.Aunlit& A -k -your local dealer for it and take ' o other: rot s «le• • by Da 13. MacIxiTrits. GO: TO— A• F t N E} L T R'S- , —FOR-ALL•KINDS OF-- WATCIIFS dLOGKS, AND JEWELERY: Repairing done promptly..: ALEX. FINDL• ATKR,. Campbell-st, Lucknow- To Diseiwsas," which HAGYA teed to cure= or Beast, TAK MOM' CRAMPS, '. APPLIE iikaliW I CB1LBLA, G4LL$, LAME TERS, t40NTBA LU4i8Aao, DE.FNES$, BPBA.IN2, Every bottle tioa_or money AND GRAZING_ LANDS ARE FOUNDON • THE North ern, Pam is R. R. IN MINNESOTA, DAKO1A, ` • AND MONTANA. BIG CROP -AGAIN. IN 1881 LOW PRICES; LONGTIME; REBATE FORN ve morn REDUOED FARE AND FRlIONT TO $!TTI. .' FOR FULL. $NFORMATIOW, ADDRESS HERMANN THeri' API. LAN Atm -Niemen ne`. R _' , • ' ST. • PAUL MI[I11�• • 11/ a week: 112 i day at borne eneeily j • •-made..V Btiy outfit free. `Address ;uvs a UO., Aaflteta Miasma • omEsn*M$ T,TSZLB 'r .Aix s and.AccILurrrs s VKLi ow 0.1i, is: gnarib=; Bove either :in .+N or INTERNALLY FOR • coron S, BORE TSROd: , -. - COLDS, dic.' EXTEUTALLY EOii 114" /fiteR 1LGL4, ' , CALLOUS LUMPS STIFF JOINTS,. FROST BIT CORNS, . BRUISE'', P,uarzsBACS, ; ,wgi.e set sfac- - IA011 SOITLa PINE Sass 38 COL, PrOvitotat RON'tOr