The Sentinel, 1882-08-25, Page 2H",
i 11106
.4- U if% a I Zu 4# 41111WF�7vj
-7.1137- Wilt probably be held on Monday. 0 0. a good account ot tidemseives. "Ut, Quay
e ince rument.. Th_� Duke alao�brolight. a %� -have sc4 a 6tiongly.fortiflid. p6siti. -despatchi: dated ad;
Sheik-ul-Isl - --h h-bitea. Ulemas Will In A Halifax, NA.,
-friendship and sympathy from _fiesaydight,,,_sIhe schooner Tibe
message: of, am sj� pro �%
b beteen ri
d hich arrived - t
Capt. lease Townsen vu
-to atta one at -Gebel Atakah
neaching -in. favor.of Ara, ii
from E
the Queen. to the- ]�Eiidlve
I that�Arabi has executed the Suez and Calroi and iti6thet . korood his
tatec _milai,to' 7
Atow the Contending Foreiss Stand. -some tw6uty the nor. t of- the. �.i .�ad �oiira
Govardo -of I morning for Loahiburg, C.B
Arabi reI in big antirenchpienta, f the entren h
y' latter- cit to Bay nothing 0 two sick 4inic a. whom sg4 hid
.10.40 fwbfled WitIt 010, Vlorm—M-ore W Owing to the. withdrawal. of the -one. 7
open sea y
-efeuce�wag 'they belbr� th 'affair of I-Kiiibr.' At.�Dauisrihour -a - . . I set 3rday
hi6h,he, hag� J�A into Its POI state,of it part oi the 'Ments already aff ad to at illega. mud ibactied i a- terribly exhatistIeff condition
TroopI itt tot; the in fr6mear Ramleh the great( - In . - . , the only i a
6 hag-beenwitilarawn from the Tabs d' th
rom - a. - ory on
Pi fvel�Dwa-,, Arabi-- arabom: ! I I nse'.nam are
&,he Canliat navalbrigad h a
Satur In. addition, lie has -mounted. .. - I
vulnerable Dint froiu�Xa, if t e -mein _W
-At tl r's banquet this -is a . aid to wo beIa, L,4ra Mayo even' eleven mors. guns on— his. first line, of en, 7stbis there, have' thko up anothei lineof and The M-mbs Ernest, b ng�ed
in Gladstone said 4ad-, b6en, Aiabi is �onatruetingvithifi 5i60.0 J'ames, Venow e
fl�f ty treachmenta. Unless s7 good opening for.. -qutrenclim -qd to have gone thence by to the ach6oner-_'Lauiza. Mandl Of ian
ank. Onto, a
th -- country,. and ment -Within two . . m , I a a of I -i�ve Banks d leI th,6--aervice a. att, he iresented, or 4u -assault in fb.ree of Ramleb, a formidable redau and emb'
-9 ho"I that he. should Iiot fail -thirty feet-., higlf. The Superb- fired SvIng. gaibbi
ack rail on to, H
may be. the s'. hort -remainder- be: attempted by Aribi against our works, -time-- meanwhilii -it ig-rumoied, to. _their:v.esg 1 last,Ssfurdakafierdoon out 4
i.t -at - to;day, four of which -found noI --tenhah foi. fid
-1 be anythi 9 'burst ith.telfingeffifiot.-_ elitY o'clock't6attend-to their lrkwls.-
during, wh� is, not likely that there wil shells b6head'tha dover A -thick-
Qt U18. P74bi 144 W.- serve his, Q
-10 used and* w On.our side,dathing ha
of importance to-chrouicl6tiII thearrival to, the 11h .9 fog. settled d 'o t a- a, er. ter they
-reinforcements. and -,Sir GarnetWolsp- �d'of t -been, done :to interfbre" with the a :,to--.-return'to-the.
Athfully to- th6 -end, 1 &130� of Thd Council of War 6.-Uy.deci4ed.not to edive. h
ie said',- 'we h&I passed' the change the comman ha forces.' Alison,- neldy., left,: and on attem]
afro -m his - &si- -66u ind'her'.. In their,-
-ley; wheix it council of war will be held a4a Owing to wh6go withdraw
it 'therefore rei schoonef they � ld'not f
ant of: aanger, wid th4t there will!, be. I I his position... dl�ih,'the_greater th' 'amili -dory; wit but - fIboa
sAefinite line of action settled -dpon. The Duke of. Connaugl -near Ran -a or.. wste r, W* dom -&E & harmony in -i the, -work and it to -day visited tions - - part
0 n vessel in gight, and. closing around thent'
deliberatib�s net, improbable- that on - the �arrival of the la't Sjtujaay,' Nay. is- his bob ` withdrawn, � from
of. Parliaid6t, -for- &I the those who war wou
0. nded4d a
Indian.troops scoiabine& movementwill water aide. �. -'The -officorg of Engineer a f -dig� ros-
A th darkness. a t, which :gave J).
:F.emaindertof the piesentf�ear. Refeirin'
be mader in front and r'ear in order to turn. engsemenC
tandard'i; bsuied-bwthe Duke of Connaught, and -Star 17 One,
a9do pectis of beiadmiag. a. rough to. the� -.Rdyr. hi. iiaid it, ni add Prince Louis of Bitt6nburg, and 61 throughwhibb. it would be eicdediugl,� for-
)tiaii questI A-r-siI flank.* Tor -guard. against this- he, is Tlie'S special says Oaptain
iS' Of impor apce that the Ewart made a pluokyi rectinnsissailea,fior
massing his troops -at Teliwel-w ey tunate fo them to, oat in t ei
For 1010 r- h
;N' - I report -it ye stroi g And at present unas-:
gud - tit efiess, the point ter, n
Xn�!Zmd- hould -not- be. Mie0 I� a rai way moining, ac b( on o the two was al Ming.
r still -compinied by in interpre ry I to -day. Th )aii the positi'
Ile started at 1 o 6k 'in. the iiispeoted- -Aftbils pdaitidi
misi aooc t teos have gone' to
Iof junction of th, kud by da�break ]Ia had ridden- ten. miles Eiwery.aott- was- made by .them t And
Egypt in 4A cution of ths, gremi iii
prose -.-SAez, Ismailia- 'and, Cairo. -Fro, In Preachinw a U ly War
o - - - any oth qt P 11 in
o the country. a s at - Ve'ssel,-bqt p
-fisia, more ID
ebr to Ne Aug. a difecti d-: 6y would their xer;*
iT_eI 56rrectl� to t -Int6illikiincia -his. just w.hatev. r 0' th atereitg: of'lthei Empireb int cerisined beyond, heir own Or
. r
t6rests exig't'it Would not have -been. possible thci to.wn,6i the spei doubt- that there was no� truth in. the rep
Kelioub, which-foring a of. the.enemy reached lers that'a; -Holy, War for Ithe tiogs, proved fruitless.
for US tb f1d.d j ustification for 'the interven- of the presence of large bodie a -been �iaa
-of's triaugle some- ten, miles- northeast and� faith ch -4. in - Mo. _ Before midnig-ht'-avdrk,---heavyg&16'from�
be, know*. and pioclaimed In the direct,ion"in Which he rode.
J.- -of
from.'this 'apot, which a5prils the., channel The St. 0 t ro-eco, . and t aa -massacre . �.Of % -al 'the -9da,
.tion, but let It west of Gizeli and HelibI the- eountr-y �AiI's Ambulance Associia ion. h the ioutbwosi,set: in', the. strength 'iude of an,- eA-. - as Ohriatiaiii-in'that country 'Vane*. and his- ooinpmuioni- Ernest vere
1"'assurnsif the. appear tend ' to Kona � eibris-of trained -nurse- is Hkblyf to f617
in a 0 a
of' at with the world not iti
poi4i.44dic Ion, -. Even if he d6stroya the. -the - intimate - com mercial -the boat"i -head
tranchad camp Of Via- low. -wing tI taxed -t
_.King to - u6- 'prevent her from
-0 Senate i ta 'wi ,
ferior t olf, that these. to-Ale-kandria'under the direction ;a the utinost to -keep
r a march -.from -Suez through the ti -a
relations of §,paili'vil h - oorish
interests are dot7bura countess Strongford.- princ6 -dow this news . crestas� much, etoitembn filling and- go_iiig down fo: fiend --them to 9,
desert of abbI 170 miles - to. Daminhour,' - The, Duke of ' Co ndaught and we- common wi every State Ila
hthepoftit at which -� the'linos;M Kafr-el-� watery grove. requently -huge-yraves,
IQ] - Louis of tattenbe;g ingpeoted 'Arabi Wbe.British l[ndl
Europe. and with the, wl o'civilizeff world. Dwar 'can be: turned, . would be no great an Troops..; lashed in fury by the Btorm would send
!lReforring- to f he Suez Canal, Pasha's -position o' my.
A. Th6 suggestion
task for the India i troops. - Our preaent iIi'.tI that- there -will be trouble great quantitiao of &ter on board b thei
Arabi'Pash w
=e,ismid - It ii 88961 tio for mankind It. is. reported'th'st
position Under the guns of the fleet.1s, unas- b- the nitiv.6-Indfiln tioopio�part worked damiles from Ismailia. in- ringi
p 3n, and the coun- Qsb1a. . On. the othe 'ioipitd in the'Witr agains gyp., a tho, water;
thitt thd ` ahould be r..hitud, s- report is dh Od's'w!'N"ii f
gqtb ound them still abov
me' Theconduct: of De-Lessepsiscausin
try. in whi& it is. situated should to pe a- 9 the,
curkent in the city that Arabi intends to account of caste pirejudied, has waked UP. -a though 'tired almost. to exhaustion I
usto� the works! opposite orposition, who - vriibi There. a boaf was miles
iible,.o deilyand under' lagalgvernment. coniii1iostion.
T& Ooddent to night's labor., -The Bevis
The utindat we have� in View, though the enemy -is Working hard� on.& new CMOs]
befora Ramleh. -This. is notolieI H! from the uesirobt' and- - an theta 1peig
houbr- Ot petformink, it line of entrenchinents. iid�s and Hin, The kadrao Sop
burden and May that ease lie would hardly have gone to the -(who were bithful in, 1857 and4ere 0 no' sail in . sight, ib*arda thh if. tho
I -.:- MpmaDechair,
;H]A�Mki, Aug.
-ral Upon quraelvegi s a work which i is
tr9u_b1"f-_4txdngtb.eding,them and -MOI been repeat. I men now. heXa - The g6iter oU8 Who- was -cap
a- -the. task ofeverj-- in Euro t turedbythi )�gytisu"_rebels
Bi be t -reoor&-as.htLviiid-IiQprejudii3es a. part 0
t a ormance, o Ing moI guns on them.- -and pd on 4g,
perf6rm. and h Part E, *,hilebezring, despatI td-Ramleh,
will do sb in order to-plac U inerihithe.- is now . a C ioj ; lbrin firly J&ja - least a -I foreign service. The a i -in safety fell u
Which. -,e- &LI but 3eclound a is priso at ali 91pp Pon Venow &,a rong
Aboukir fbrt:g.. -,Most probably -the report DO d in*- tIrticular; -ver slid able r ME an', --Ernest, ;who uch
ba asso(q id-,' with 4-fgh and dism- juthiscity. :Hisfather,-Dadley. u were in pt y .-Is. In
b unable --to give' him' 'Ver
d abroad ib� some of. his. . was -engaged in- commission bdaines here- -Who, P.&3: -younger, el) _y was. sprea ab t big; strong fellows, and mond-tty both
o%�ctg, to'the -ho4-�r* o
t.dre f these upon. into evacuating our men by 91- much Sun a.,
cricie capitally, officered] - Royal En
Ong sples to-Aiceive- us -is and left in 187 16 t Itd
do not go; -to . I I -whox this-.bllrden is% castJ a -for some year -
deers, *ere-_ pionifilent in- AbygsJm9,,'auc.* Z-iu;Aqd ouVstormy days, -it
position. . . . - I .. . " i i . I iiieini Va Riau'
arSp - ecia Session of ParliSment.
With, the' Egyptia� le,'but' to. -larly rough at night time, *hen no he. dway
peo he;Ve formed 4
ter the: Turks, par , t of th-eguard'at the. con
"d men,
resciliel them fiom' � Opp military -A, London ablegmin' says That there ttla a d-; 4haitever -con. be i ade. I the. t
sBive, Viet at) In nt in, the- Andaman Islan J, 3i 4nd W(
ly _,zior ilo;.we. ma�e warupont�e� A.PoriSsiadbopstph.sayi: ument of Parlis a -.assassination of- Lord Mayo now -getting very. 'w ak for wantof f6od
is to be only a-Bhort'adjour ever ginc
'a dispatch. a :th� a
'Mohauimedaix religion. asiP a arme cruisers
of the usualproiogetion shows Ia-Ziirmah, and in China adias.-Sepo 'progread-to
madealow ward laud. a-
Fuglishmeit. -W boats'two. I and
ment instead
oat- are on'the. lookout for the'.Tuilaith y
-respect convictions 6f vers in -every b 9:i
were a laige..part` of the force., and Rangoo -ee -it_s� dine they
othiiirfaith.'. rfef period events dUabasider- iing have been garrii6fied b -the war th :th
the expectation of the Government. t
We.. o no'q -ant.torepress transports, with troops on board.,� Their
within that b and Pei a .becoming" so exhausted at
in,Egypt, but ifesire landing is o Va prevented. till Admiral-
wth of liberty ay. way -formaI ist, -regiment -.eye thought their'strength -.would soon fa
the- gto- ab a, be looked for, but 'Whether ri` The- fi. . . . . . . . . . . .
perish a h I Slue.
eans boa 'in the fo
that sheI prosperousi M�pgl��q goes to �Seymour has-been communicated - way 6f Euro . pe I an com I plicati6its. or ot the will of Ava'(iu .1837,- 1 think) was.t4 the
nth to secret Another plo.t. to niuider the Europ
the I
alga, to
-IIeafi� I folving of tb -a :Egyptian difficulty. Ei lto
Egyp wi _iands a' �34-th. m. 1 21 iad been'- ab
of i�l get litt,
on- c eAl fron), di T his time
biher been a town was, be -
coveried. -makes no sign.. In- the ifiesUp but Ven6w,* Who -apeni-all t
Other War Notes"
itionS. Therecla- a las�' of men besides fired.-an(i tha"wibrhs. to be, blown Up. h of difficulty at the -k t
time, whatever t qre is ars.- had not had a win 6 Fri III
aiah anthoriti 0 rqUita *.lie. require to W -overawed; whor said that some of the I ea -are
-�Ailatory sI -of the two was -in the
Conference: arises f zom.� the Prongunce Arabi mot: ws Ara i nor. and wokst-stste�
Mar op Ucated, in tha-desigu. On until Tuesday afl
-a -astrument of tU for -pres, ,XMP -as Arabi, With the acceit th
war i I of tha Forte, sn& the factiousness -Of Arabee but agged �er-
The timfi-dr
Sion, a The Portles Rugsia, whose -last cause of- - 6 . Once - is, 0 yllable. -Call. they"were - teir mailes lrom�.
to, the aff th -secoud B, -the X
hediv --th -noon-, when
who. wish weA
'tyranny,. bec'&use tbe'y -V.ot Briti occup U of 'Suez. This is KodeeI
ild, provide for
atio &at, of Halihiy, having b vered
f abuses auq, cruelty. alret A. London: dablegram says: In the House
the -revival o kdy nfer of Commons: to -d -Sir'- -Charles Dilke preted- as- a measure Implying* Sir Garnet Wolseley, who has 3, ixty Milos _. aince:71o6ing 'their Vaasa'
-se ooner now, ore,in sight,
extinguished, qr mitigated" Bilitiah o6cd�atiod of -ther dointr-y d -take co _( h si�ud_ -th
Bid out to Indian 1 in E t ve, r, r
$yp is- b
n' or
. � .. k stated, that the proclamation declarin"g on�Athino-m A than the mere policing 'of --nick and brisk- -in - his. 'ways, with a t
Murdit �of a It"la der. R q :endeavored t6 attract their attontij in by
a re not yet been issued by
Arabi bid had tbb USS Military appeari2be,. and, great rdadines -a
-canal. On the strength- of It sh o uting and w'avin--g '-their ears ijdf t �qrj
-te. The of ci
telegranx 'Theidseems the For
Fort Said as 1(s.' Porte mer,61 'submitted to
O"bjectiont'the' other PI represented at of ad
to -be no- trouble at Suez:- which is full' Of' Lord Differin -the. raft of sucli -a aptatiki to change ..but.the diatance and
the Conference hive issued a --proteat He pibsaiissei 'Napoleon a f lilty.of iaki. their oi0as bai
This draft w _Dgw. -from: the: t tribl
WhO mation. ask. fro . . w
, tha. face ..of afit'gWice the Me& r - -of
a a on' h 111- a a man, -had
areAeft are.- obsequiously civil. But that the Confaie 10i oriecti . rejection- o how By -been -put to, their* or, fix. y
troops- an blue. jckets� Tha natives as to be sub w rotocol' had worth Jqat What know.hig: how best to -.use' his abilitI
were unsucoes A coiiple--..of:- to-
'ent; them -fro ba. murdering olie approval. The Forte had given no assur- Bful.
did not, prdv
gclao�np is re facts wl tion im ic
p�ibtest a n genera -hassucceeded in -ovary posi
of! the -Sa4forth Highla�dois last night.. at the proclamation iii. -any form after, howeve.r, �auothb sohooner,- 0
-a has. beei lacedi, Like Sir' Frederic
sace th
.The uah
his Way I :L a
Ind woulcl be issued. Sir Charles Dilke added firovedtobe-the Tiber, came in Vi W, thii:
The man had apparently
wandered.. III ad- aff The. Porte's delay has recoiled'. on -itself. Roberts- 'England's other grdatGeneral, b B, time the making am.-
are- beI found
that the Porte:h�(Ieipress ts.-willingue
as heard and he bore-dowu upon
this'morning stiltugled., Thq to Sign -a and. -it has forced tlie English intervention and -is an Irishman from near Dublin selv a
Military - onvention with Engl-
ari - Al T14 troubles i I -timei The e6rts' of ow
'freshwater difficulty,,,miI be, looked the subordination,. of the Turkish troops to *.AP wq, egramsays:,
Axnibt and. the Highland Egy - fruit against th6,1?ke Mt-atte the .14t he oibuld
The. ppearance of the Highland regi- a dilen2nis. Either Eugun N -The; condition of. THpoll
I ever havii'made. -Three timeo'be-fell down
on as tidedover, er" :EnglaInd. It h also put- the --sultan in pt are bearing nc 2 -to &I utfou: were
Mor -he. must -to' d in Xorth-,Africs. I
-ryingt up. 9 iii the boat, he wag pick
a I& reports t(
meatiff �whi h England is,:now btally agaiiistArabi, alffohammedsa,-theire d 5 -be alarming a thaEurope and, twice
1000,600 th,siaes -of Egypt. at- ing himself tia the - danger of. orbiting th and simted-by --his comp&I _: The
to the, front fromo i'e_d' h, et "I u
there are tiboub 150 - or thir
it A ere. -El adji Ikh ,,w, xpos t on ele ii: On -
against III t to"- that city
one, and in- Otibs there, are. onds- will, doubtless be:s great a surihas to -a Mussultuaii - evolt -"in Arabi time he fell -to. - thifiI bottoin, a
from C6n inopI
istics there are England: to d uO=cefi a 8 -them III wso
_50,00joft Qf the Aiil 'a th V th Porto, 10ter. settli
the Beduids:'.Of Arabi PaI as W their- -or-he must &Blow 1. 9 the � schooner's reaching.
'IIpt,.1dtends to send an -ar
3649000 among the -When. the- tll b -d'- & f II
40,00U,00, -in China,- gh� affairs -in g3
i!randfathers in 1799,, as she pleases. in � Egypt, as: if she and not 11 y carried'On , oar -an oo and iti iiants.
Malays, 40,000-.010or in, and 7,000'00& fad 8 of Sir �Aal were' the . Khedivels; Suzerain. "This 'to drive the French out' of -Tunis. TI a wa 'eI �.Jbdh re he..
a. in der Oh. Abercromby' enativestl -given him,.but 1., .9
ia Afghanistan -and- Couttal Asi Jakdea.. at Alexandii! - in - that- year thd inactivity will bring doNvu Tarkishpreiti massacre of the Christigr 3!_ -recovered- his - senses. ., Had he. bee a out'
A, r of the. faith, , . . ... -. L _: 1 - -longer lie
the a after a wondering sur- in- the eyes .-of the Mohammedan world many 'hours w6ild; he,
Arabs ofthe tbwu Va
therar, Are not,. more. than. �12,OQO,000. Most he stalwart Celts,- rin. th announce This has. stirrad ll� the aof -the d Erues�, than bad,
Vey of IRWJRW. perished, an h not, so
zealbusuohammeilanearithose.oIN6.rthera -of �s ave ate
fri d i� the'arrivil "Memas, who hs�ya- all -a eng seen -
to, their a d host, of: an -coianot h uch more
Abraham Johns, w o 'was stabbe is day'. - I? thew
An'ax, Professor Williaia Wells-, of Union uts ad huge tha Y understood he diffibil h d. in I
rom appan wnsend
T- t
L ' , �werleiib ad to. treat it -as to BeI I tenti is dead
from _.oxistanti
�e, a gn t the clothes which th I y, but hava )a �C -he
Bay, a. th t wore -were all too shoft - for - them. , 1-u, ar could -give. them-,
a coulct make i'ese instantly rise the Sepqy '.mt of -1857 the� High- own advantage. The.First-Aimy-Ci6rpshal -boardingmhouge. licenses. - issued W: sudthey'bre now - better,,:'bati -still very,-- - -
Co . it- - the-iuv6deis of liggy bhe -The
le6eived &I the a a
n vbI 'k They will return to their' h a -in
ments did priceless service- both now left Ed ith the Indian Pon, I on a
land reg gland. W bagpi6sbave,bie re -we&
-the distribution''
Docambei kat, 18'7�, at Lucknow aw tingent e the inland:reyonue'-
Ck;inp.ore;: storming on a r�dte,� or about to embark, theta.
to-morr w
for JulyAt Emers
tho-p6pulation of Egy t was as _UOWB. will so 4 be close ullon 24,000 menin Egypt.
-one occasion a high -walled garden defended on so of is
-74,'000,.9,d increa _5151, 0.00., T
165,752-, Iva times; their - number -of'. Sepoys, and- with -a - aarve'6f 10,OW within dall, of 'Bit'
1. 4TgO 4.ft Alexan
327i aby f re uty colleated I* eirli 013,20G. $1100400, ow-INDLE.
-91 t q.
OA 3 2, Rose ta, 1 - Suez, 11327. . a u, 4
_730q , t .1 junihiliting'thO. V;hole g& qZriftit-Woleeley. Thi'eipense'
brtSaid, 3,8,54-; other pro- A Winnipeg I
s,11,747- despatIed IaI iliq a,
hib's soldiers first -caught expedition Will, be great, but. u- otgo greatlil A Montreal E694te witlit
Whewx*us Sm
YW Wv 4ig -total, 1707. 1010ta"ItIng. . - .. -1
49,512; have, night, says Sultry.and- ghdwbr
sight'of the plaids and Idlisthby exclaimed.. 'tlI6 end &I; stakving -the war - Would It
t -ripening- the, -harvest; wh' h
tigtk, of. �,h edition. yfully. that all the-Euglish soldiers -must been. The. Second Army coipa. win' � th6r -iis jus OIj.AUg_ -An 7agent, of 1, grea
. e 1�
ioadyin short-tinic ad*
have been. killed, sud.thit tjia -SirksI )i Ii is' 61 2dw promises'- an abundant..yield. Ba here had bec6me 'a default n. for
bia-speech estate
-of Com- Y_
asking i House Is. being. -but in mitay-plac d v00,000.- Wh -domes
tbere :' 'd.-. - - - & - the name. out.16
9a, 40d *hnt
arnment) haci had- ta-call.out, women. -,BUt` a rvices: will no a
inonw.tor s; --of ere i� ying quir
rote towards. ilefra
after their first take -of a Highland -bayonet The Enemy StrpnXly Entrench bats. WiU be ready. in another weak. Hay itiod9- ad 0
is about over, I*t thFard. was- not a he in
e. Oxpenseg connec
with the� V holds o' ppornment ion -thi
-that year -accou lato n Later.-r—After - 6onsiderable inquiry I fincl-
rces in the charge they abiudoded this belief once for An lexa;ndr E6 cablearam 1 01 nt of -th posi Her Majeity.'s fo crop tl*is
a tha - t. and fellbackupon. he theory -these h ' *ithdrkwtl his menfrom saeral point delinqui
e -n." Mr. Gladstone at ted, apt 7 thattho
had adopted at, Mg. OiA agent t6whavirel ere
the - vot terrible fighters deliberately - required -9,18trouge destatibb is nce
VA strength of the. for�a Which a Ramleh, which -has bsenrmade in a orm
ablei the Governinbat to, send there the female gatb, in, order to remind th6rib, of- near* Havesting has-commenleed in the son 01,
would an garrison th�an_ he could spare.. His whol J. go Hunt*I not'ar'y. He &I ointed
bethe Wrong which they came to revengei, f -better p6sition-no thati,eve in PRO of.Maul 0. 4,
the area is ifi a oviz.,'� 6� N- Ion SIX years 990, to. Manage thb esw .. ....... U00
-Railway Company have- received. late- Cliarles-1
Behind hifai is &,broad country -with ever It is said that the HdilsoI Xel %illipsi and[ fr�m the -develop
Tana igilway - fa-6ility, - add the Mahnibudiah.
....... ...... l3i400 N Rivei,
.............. where the Troops Are. 9's to his
....... ............ ... 1,700 400 a res of li�nd mints it'api6ars -has-.bee'n doing a
Canal at big side to: aI himwithwatei om 6 :Own"advantage. to' &a om
by par pffle along the' Ii " st 04 -six ire.'
The -narrow spit infront of
............ ...... 17�500, R&MIah ifi-almoBt entirely the creation of hiiii flauked' flLud:when awq;Kawination wag made it was there w91d, bel st force of. European merchants, and is described as 'takes Marebtis and Aboukir is too marah-k - -A-�iiviate.lettbr-*aitiede,
ter was
upon, or fo tleman -in Obtal at adef i Of
bifof'Euiope n Egypt." Those for 'cavalry,to operate. freely : disco , verbd that-thb Iacy
irtillegyt"onginsers, com- �,& little w from a friend at B I Le -
up by it, - whil -In which it . w . as- . a . tated the. cropi, of ove a
-spi t f or -iWay.from Alexan- to- be basily brought. r 100000.:. It -is: also fetdrec& h"
��irps- add 1, - corps. Of. who want toI ge, urth abstf0ted- largo sumq: entrusted. tI by
iel-Biri (the all. kinds 'in 'that - -and he. d asked 41400 000-�,'was in- c1ris in summer time: prefer Ras his lofty- position be - con sweep -the surroun ng
In -with - his- . art . I ery - locality. loo)k,exciaedingly well --Samp - Ia Of is n yet
othersi -The matter not - kno 7
290 -.a Of
a., far. ufiI purpqsea 04a, hea& of the land), a. a 'all sand_y peninusulO, whole of -the approaches ll
outaid be fainily he -has defrauded but
between, the Mediterranean and, the men d 61 well.filled barley --wore brought -from he. When: the act I -Cause-
th. while - all the .'ground - -roun blished -A
f a pu
admit, �Of any m ove.
le, Bev bdyoudD&mietta. firm. -enough- - to Indisd firm recently; and in --gome. fi
con ern as eI old ai--
ol' th --out. st ' lation, -th'-delinqu
hi!h goals
Ras irr.- People, Monte. Ila' -poii here.
AarI a �41usehold* Cavalry ofthe ekal miles
yprus, -to form .& . tat- is now ..utiliziug thl the.*heab wag heding 61 -and prc itio:L
TheTe, are no -house dessi6nal
A�dri#e of-lois belonging to J. R. Suth at; It is
i9ls, ta f(liwkid- men to the live ill na made of poles'addmatting, and'oo-Astirlidting, almofft:uninterrupted.Mll, fdired that', no part of- the mount
0 a thirty.fe6t hig� s-inill be riI d, as. -H
-be -and- & sy the a -formidable. redan, wi
f6=2 at ;during summer
Corps. wi. land, 09', sinouliting to 6,250,000 feet embezzled un 56r has
Ia degrefi of, a iinkmen.1,within.5,000yards of Rawl
adinef now in the -river a- little -above Wintilegi- no pr9perty-im his -own' - -name,
full, SIi, in rb: is to furnish-themwith BoU omfort, onabs
the visitors tiy. there -only two T�e. -Superb is -trying to- rake -the *ror �The_ drive of 'the Winnipeg L . umberi 1V
already -abroad if but most, of
orthree-weeka. -day- in tbeir.diie�`� :'COMPAUyi illSt'1061111116 -to d6me Ia. on- his--arm-parstIbe sr -
In winter the wsve"4ih on- She irod several shell to B.. doing
a; a of which burst in-, -and Ono just
tirely6verthis-lititle-peninsul What-ricon tiout'five.
Rosier has. initit I
hter"Goes On., uted -a it "of a- man in
Th who were before Plevna, -.General
thieroli , .. -
0 age
no7 say that Arab 00.
-its 0100ii)
i uff coolnes .-hers are. against. t a Cinadiau Pacific' Railway
. AAd W malicioug, Erafidsalfibrity.' T has ts* ken a- lesson from
iles pe6ple to all jhiosi of the place ovei them.
M -Says
4e again becom ng rititi a I prose a on. claiming'
11W atX ma te The sea breeze blows through-. entrenchments, with his lines so dist t ]E
jiot dighta.. The'suit arise9it of th� pr(ke-_ thaViii the intatidr 6go once genern as a -min -damages
I -A
AM tion 6f. Itooer -last winter! for tI ffie
'airo, and t the ellect of- artillory-ay. .6ul
bhe wigwsmai� People wh AINC AL
a bathing -is Perfect and Rig idea is apparently eitherto compel &I
had it: yotn AP
Thefor ter he
tal murders� -are said to have :.every, one bathes. Plenty i a siege.. mer would an'
Df fish is Olin lit asgsult or -Th6s
6 desirbi it
which he i ras, g �.9-1 !k
of the 9 Iloss thelatter, wit -their employment, and: for' ,�n.small 1me enta
Vbh0-41V@K of .2iropeans.'arol not -Th &I -the., comany
a nefg n nets, li'all: the coun
-tailli and-. eggs ay be got ifi the fearf anc
law hid is said, to have -honorabl ac itte'd.
tb neighborhoodand. other stores from Damf- -open- behind Arabi's --work, would. qu 41 grdiii - provisio:
�spectdattons, ca do so by oper-
a Station at a 6tte; the. fainous old 0 n, *itli the- adde
ityj once, of great Sebastopol over agal ating on rom. May
in Alexandri& and tan the Or t difficulties -of the climate -and thd fisa of th on ln�
Bn $20 1881, -to t1
impor as,, escen finally
vestments pfS10.00to$I,A60, cash
to have gsine& tbe�mebqry ovefthe Cross. -At Ra ; Nile. will - -turd What 118 *city it
are said 8 hich dr.. lit 0 enI si pkoftts have' -been, replizqd and 1:
ad Triple Drowning at- Grai, . HEAT-- 1)aid �o investors ;anl=nzing to
el-Birr, the wide river on, one side. and the front into, marshy' ground or - cover'
EOsturday,�* accord.: the Abpth. of . t A, Graivenhurat despatch daoted'IABi( d. several times tne origin invest-,
a -water tp We ment, sfill leaving the,o nalin-
Opell, sea on the other; with the con at, in with as inj vestment - makin money or. - Pay-
ax,&40 P8868CU- thrI curient,_ bqtwiian.� the throlifiet, in addition, to'mud w
d nesday) night iss- a: Mks6' G.
&atrongbreeze 'and and
144dW4 b� ealovel, -waters of the river., and the - sea is marsh y into a submerged swai -With three 11MMIL children- aadco suie b ble -on demand XPI
dularsandstate ehtsoffund
-The longer -the attack is delayed the great a girl named Bailayn *ant to isl -to
Btfiking and peculisieffeet.- jent.ire6. Wbwant-res onsible:,
n- being- r- 6' P Or n croPs
-in pic berries. The ahildre 111 .6 all
6nforence yesterday- the. Russian -will be the diffioulty irlaidg�from the ho WM
At the C TtskAduce. the an. be
Zd it
Duke- representative asked Zu.-explafiatipii dix-the Aitioii of the Nile, aud JfAxsbi ghoul I -Mr- estin provided s� blanket -or the..
nimissions idd: Addr ssi
-on n uez.J Suddenly retresi and out.he r#ilwelyp play- on sud N B il i
of th British. i Occui ying - S while she lintry behind him I 'the chWi n Ivagerin replied that the BI takerr wasin a 0s, -whoI
an ihe collecting barr-wo, bLLu. ope f ske, -and- as
hils the IiniJa he ]I managed -to. get- into the I
asity. and be- untrivIirgable, w
o6usequenceroInilitary nece,L
re Ni6sts, s, Bailey attempted to rescue the, child. :N
in. order to save: 06. town fro destruction' Or 6tedat Tel-eI will a -Ing all
d to -large. garrisons, who:. I Mrs. 4e. chi
and pillagei.. The knglisli_drift of the Able. %to hold tlie -inotliei of I
gnd'plu Y Ismailia, A' EC
u to Be, e
Turkii ion Anho r -sad -Cai , to - say n6thin �of t a plunged in -a tho 'lake, � and- all Abr
W_e Ua%Zij, Benhah, DA mo- 'that Iffiag,33 u'likely to sink
-der, militarycow
on ' t- do vention: shows that England, threaten BEL7
4h 6o.operat T
x4�eptihg 'the
Izidall ;Ahe while I is'pispI to do Aiabils tI ar drowned. The twd'survivin re.
0 fall'
fth Egypt, the -work danal itself Ono Own g bh ldrou
wi INST -TV -�0;4. (ESTABLISHED'I 74
&y a - .. , T _,T
of spr the island ab ut 11. b1clock at
n�'issiitea. The Turkish journals are to bumber atAeast 40,000 tialue, meli i found a. 0
able -to
water, ahoot -Qguming a frienc 'unglandi When the campaigittairlybIegin I -nightneavI XTILEIPTRA TO QNT
fly -tone -towards -1 a IrI a a listrIad
ange yet� wo
An-, BackNouralgiaiP&riaysis.ancdLalITAver
S12gle- Of 6greea to. aheiggo, definitely air ill probably. pour in. and - swell his, ar4 'tell the f6 -'aa- NEIENOUs- big8miTt - Rh6=at1
61"g fias bee Ji I
IL regolug a. story.,
-hundred* feet, !the. riish d�
f wa con to -90 0ofiipjaints --olately, relieved and
6 ter t1irbling the Anglo- —.lit 000 or 100,'000.. These lasti however
conveyff an 2CL. r conveys 0 -firm t -ou as usi --th B9 8,
to ill be. -badly -ar and not 'to -b —ATIttiburg is urning 14 d'by Ug ase LT.
ni. muoh
irresistabia force, one would, thi' tUe, Views of the Porte t1jereon dreadid, except -as oneTillas t�alslibil6r use, 06 fuirrifidie in -flixi of -in$ III n
-the narrow obannel'ab Afte said Pasha- d med MAO
a donsultationkiwK
ga thousind tons- of rack thr6wq
there Swept -over into ihis gta
before i uch bottorn
The t
or hunder
_falIin t and the whole