HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-08-04, Page 6... . . ........ a kiesiij THAT lkissmGvAm with her., Tii; 'avtdance, WAS, vidducied -injary -it she' t6ld at�llt th r monfia4steilo pt. fte !T IF W GYP OV11 to 994i rhe'Engligh fdreele so *ask thmt�no r.! iho* Mai' lie o9pld mot Is� - fv' h ' '- , , ii IT -AR IN-; E -9 p b$A ow -Iuslilt'oli ttle. -aft ant can -take p "a wi m, wo �ReZuff a id-'ber 6116, Or- a With his -ward movain lloon of that� day. The second offeuc6 pYL, Was holdjnj� Willouglib he- - .While Zr weeks, meanwhile Arabi is work.ingon
by the: complainant was -revival--- Bar 'ALEXANDArA, Ji . fl'L U NiWand the canals to.Aciod. the co 0 placed r
VICIS Read 5,000 -Nabians eig it guil This' he sho Is Vo marched � to -as- on 'Nouday afternoon 12th July.: i3gainji .her W-11,: Thii � 1. .Is I Wrated Vatimony viaa: beought forward to. _by' Starr, ro h a can .accomplish when - tll'e,:::: w who ul &in-. Abould -Bay in thr�e weeksi:' rises sufficiently, that the. minister wa the company of taiiis -that -he X under, Abdellah Plislia and bega U BMW Willo :y, iaa -her -to co� Arnow has natru an ot, ear The troop-sbip Malsbaiwith 1,100 A CONGRE N-sof-his,family,ft4in lie, liss -blosing the 11 ATIONAL MUDDLE, e-ormem: ri - thwoiks re a utters; ning.�of Up_to th,- ti 2 - gi tery of artillery' dus mounted. on euthworki -bet 11L ia the_ Mdrjj�g until 8 i -I eve a L �uie- of the 11 and 6 bat arrived,to-day- saing-Vie; Grah bef r-ef-DwUr.. The Nimofidioll Canal: - continues -to that day ore which ti -me the Rov. U'r.L says that. Ila, *aa n with Wr-. IVO --has been -an pl'd - tribut used copital -rapidly. -hear The. now native tOL o good tern
61ranaechar4ea'attac -untet!� argeo.bi -Star liao coma -to -lady, -and wai; Willough p fall. y- and T the Pii.b n. esterda. Cb visit the After Mr. In- hezL company -during �he eeaing.,' Graham (I Of eentencies *e4terday for'tho first "time since -ioo in helk Wies. This the kissing he- wrote - to th u ge,ulin an g-,UPO n ih- o -all 'h' a strengthened by 'correS- Saying 'that mpii6-on d a mac, inery f e as Imour wa bi a The commfft�e, he -could - attpud L Mad ondencehich Christian eviddoo The Beaten Will"bo- dott6n presses to'be 'u�od -V.on offs ng to try the p was found previous to thi dI no. longer. Willoughby , th -ist' the Rev., lar -Willoughby, on 611sr-900,.agmi trial,-- sholw.r- Methodist 'min�ater -ag 'Mr. Willoughb�.Is w1fi6re- visited bi-& said �sssolted that' �hb whole- n of Rramptoa,L gaV The Khedive his ssued & -proolamst, eL L abouta during -the hours or that tow6m, July -2cLArmb story was a lie, 'The member 6f .,the' i Pasha wrote 0- Butliffe wag jntro7 gre&tiou who wa Jave h askifig the pbople to assist ibe-.tilglis
a the. iollowing eGladstone- & lew� days jaclgmen�t yest rd de6larind that the and. showing that -Mr. g amid to, h ,prompted st . E t a' barge, had not, eii Sustained; duciag Ina tom mbbra. of his ocin beford tha--lbombaidni-ent, 0-ladato are -promoting. the real lintere a of gr0gAtiOU the investigtition from animus a ingt- Mr.- ne did Tbi� f 11. !6- O'MS Addition, a ive iigned'the dismissal.of, O 0wIIIq ar The Khed* &I pai- during that. da.- -For the Willou M PrOspoution, M not receive -it and after the bombirdmeat:7 aal, He. will log denie g- -circulated not. I d -a 7. - conimiLndslist6tesi�i-ii.w'ar.is t tha- trial -9n .Wedueoday a The I'Loran ghby gae evideno rial,- and if th lauji,a- g.iv -Star teatified`tha�t mrs o an & and deelgred III rob The speddo 4h venIN arge laid against Mr., W Tine §ZQ y agal
urged 'against He- t.t.gLland' genera 'or- or forbidding the Egyptian 8;kr ly. 14th uly, 1880. he and, Miss. Graham- end Willoughby. T-he.'unkind towards us? ence in �Oughby'wig t�at,.. - haA been gull of Aft. Wfll�a my t616boy xabi's,odqrs i4nd-forbidainig"tie: �61ciiibg terly assured at the -Arst gun she fir -in ewerein the. room, together.--, Mr.,- 11hby- at the quar tv Willoughby 'th A he to closes the Shutt as improper 6011C L ard Miss Gec�r 0:0�t will- &bgolve the. Egyptiaifs 'f p sople to -him.taxles. gie th&tL went ere, and roin allu red . c6rtain that - A iii - ro-: ki A Cont cease, slid the. d6feated meet4ng of the*first year'consigte in rbsist�
M y 18- a her on several: occasions looking over� bi -shoulder b6. -.saw -Xr;, ing being. bullied'b�-`some mamb is of t easrot Will it is colulae
by .4iss Miss. iGrk am, and then r0y nd captur ftgainStL her will' �Ihe� chief witnesses' for- Will'04h h a�,erby'of the Europeans will be co�'flsq* dait -Cairo unl6ss Pronlamil aQuartaily-Board into .haudinjg 6VOr. to- 'Mr. ated. -in' reply. to * the h6dive's t. '098catiOlilw0to' Star, *form�jrly q f'k1' upstairs 'to retire ". for The ca als will. be de'4iioyed - ad Jehad' Y run Willoughby a surplus of .0200:on the year's U U - -tiad" of Arabi 6ppoin Ministr -bi own Georgia -6�raham, and, her husband -the nght. Kri. Willoughby- testified t-Umt sy s.ow �63eipts. This Wei believed to be illegal aiU aNkandInd* Cthe, ReV. J. E. tar, o -f Winnipeg eitlier on: W even Yiednesday- or Thursday also injudiolo nAl eriog'that.wo had. :The7first blow with Which-Englan as, Cc d d strik TOULO -Ail -adv�nb -gaardo a row St9i taJified. th Mr. Willoughby in Sh Egypt will 6 Q-6w1hicidgh tbg N July. 22 a 9 .. a -was in compiny'with-' these three suseblood to- already paid. Mr. Willoughby Bi go d salary ro -.he 'bras French a dit oil con I tiDg her" fathV8 hous bt, use-- .-siddAllocharchwas'in a .. and Africa i -he responsi. a oa� Sun- PQrgOns in, a- omiu ce. dth of Asia xpla ws -July, 1880,Viiad tm in, the Xr� Star was closing the Bhu 'Outi'L icy marines, are preI to. embark.. ai t a 11th Of bility for titers, wid Mr. to Mrs. Stwi'ia 0 lined t llich. WillL n: the head of wi 41tdracon. he took' her by.-th �wr to and Willoughby and Miss Graham we'reeligagod. Einglind. Bi gypt July -22.�Three b B Mr. Winoughby,'46 gave -a sufficie.it -reason Still ready to be- -fast 4issed her: forcibly a-gaihs ill,L wh friends with have arrived': at Toulon -for the I ii U t-hdr w ere� ILL 80me act of immiliaritY inh6r presencei- in that -7 Mr..'Will6Ughby Came tOL: h Eag-Und 'and keep her read to 'bUtL n6t, hissin r 'India, b of. a brigade of -infantry, Other data ihe fled from the room and would not g Mrs star. turned; round ut she must kee the -limito made An. humble spology, Bsyin -that he - � p yvithin a. intil th4 next day... OLuthe. follovv-, - and said, jocularly, Take your hands df -of liar jurisdicti merits, are-- arriving daily would never adL snything.-of the ki id agsinw on. Finally,-Englaad,m' BI, are P. m-L�-Ar4bl ig now ijiskiiig -onoLthir. aXt. Gralism,thinks -that the dio ernoon. wh, my
on the�- were, in -the- room - that or Something 'to that eff�ct rest assured'that we' deteri6ined, -to and the- Teconpaisganlbe, S' s-r6po t his caval together,- he ropeated- the offe4ce. The. conversation continued as, fr -a and Oth' )r our country-,-" e er minister oUthe 06ut i next day. shb, -telegraghed.. for, pmrsonaia,was* ahi� in U mleb. Me pleasant as beto - AL -E re. Itv�as further stated mated by a - spite. agaitit ", Mr - UNnRiA, - July 24. -The 60th 4 Rifleg a marched- to . ocou y- dnesday all. Starr, UltimStual p Raiuldh thi $tsrA-*who. ar 'ad -'-on the byMrs.Willouilibyand members of -her and ky s remark. of his left the impres. --On-We :was. 86 it An, as ing him- to Thi rki ' - day. it nig, sfi-e-r t1r. Willoagh Some-skirmishiha i the, Sult fAmilythat Mr.. Willoughby did. -not on . the M`iuds of -t 1a committee snow.proceedirig. The by- had retired,, 06 told - Mr. St Ira in. Mr. Grab 90. sion h twelvo'hours whether e -wag ar what -.be UPsta' house at all -t s� Starr endeavoreai -to.--ket .35th IMantr... L O�support hat. that ar' y his". beeii'odered-t WI: In g 0- d done. st d, -troops to. Egypt. -It was upoli.t e ar-Nas. vefy ancory, and �evenmg, -and . the-, 606h.. -f-- Ben-, did not remain . in th in The bulk receipt o a up a rtation with Mal' L So 6 ihembers ave pli -infantry �is-,% Arabi� f mil-evasi-ve --ror t him house, -but that. Mrs. Willoughby kud-her of -Mri, Willoughby'i,foriner con mie peentrati3d. - , at bat for her entr6atles. would h reported c ly DIM tfie- Go rw a, greg n "06 of' the hous -4 On the following e L eramint. decided eningw daughter Slept., together thre,-and Mr.. travelleli may mile hat Alclamiettais, the troopsat- Kafr.ef Dw -ar- that the thnalor.fiilrth a to sm . in y t a arsonage-with his �.delsy-had passed. mr-i Star *ai closing the abutters - lie i fouhby, slept -in the, h I y chiefly artillery. The'divalr� i would not believ'their' formar, paptOr. a ldokea round au4 saw -'Mr. Willoughby Again son. "HINOTON., July .23.�-The State De&i word. Mr. Graham also tasierts Ithat, Mir -of the Cmdastral Survey,. who arrived -from t Or, repor t a 'C a ap log onst tbeinleriI me th kfas the. �oung l4dy; B An ther'withes testified ths.t-..on th!a idii6tchallen ' he legrai 'the total for a fit is'.'advised by u t III in Egy t' Willoughbyd ge t -the' r of 0 � of -Getie al. 96 d-j$gidated thai ha�Said n thing. about4t. Saturd previo K to'' Miss abelS at L arly hundred thousafid. He t at ..the United.st&'6 Graham's books t6'bei brought. Mr. Orall m siso. a - i, . -- -he h -moved, from -C ---r illioug y to- told the -wit * so that 'Mr. olialliin'ge-S Mr.V utear i I h owed, r. marriage he - us a volu cava ry regiment -is orme as III 0 toAle go upstairs ill6ughby to pr !SYS . - . �- . f pr Ing. &I ii At aher. di, �ickl..- he also, 'testinea Star never- 'saw Anx,-Villoughby kiss. the above State mentsuntrue. any tack on . Alexandria. andria. ge reports th the.:Eligliabi expected- to-- -warch jgminst� Arabi - t - o c as ropeatpd.o tw.c her; but' that he id -see some,, act of -fell -back lid eveW 1 --'other Ing O.Ahe &Y6 -bi
-led bi bad It -ev' TgE AECENT AB. side Of RAUIlefi- thui'f6r6ing the.ab w At
SI terWarl fainiharity 'which is-. un�diirstood that r t. im. to make use. of o into ior-of Eg t Vvag:to,'the.'Iikd ationed o�erZion OAtbe British.: -,Ove'� Americaid e�njfiin.in th �ir`
ar's t ti such, -words as -those stated, by mare- dist that, Mr.'Willoughby left lough v.: - T he, defence alsd laid atrbss upon Uo- Little Arthur -14nflu. no r� some ance in rear of Arabi's -ar effect. Hue�amid, L.?rj)oN, July- 24 -LTh-e question of v occa4ion. when ter U r Join so�quiAiy discrepancies- in: the. complainsat's, tasti.. turued.�t6'11[1*- nom Turkish in van- ion is pra6vically deci slid it ji belle ed' -th q on: that at they
ded d. not ay. Three witneaKes. testified -that- she' the f red. 146 was prosefit. that he di by act that an�bx 'g Said bet ues my. wi The- - Acting -Consul-General in gy ,o Mr had �to.lcj thetathii-bffenbe was. comm thotit denuding dig -of him, au -d nOthiii speak to 1110� AMonteal paper. says On a edition cannot be ent I-. t an itted night, after all theiorieg, piobabl nd� -im-.. ibmt. his records taut provinces. tolegraphs W111oughby'and. �Ir. Stsi� abou� the.. I hoe, whereas n- her teatij#oay shei -and- evea-- reducing and peirson 1:
on yo rence to thia dav,4 probable, which human ingen could ISO' a effects at Cmi xo are lost. -constainthil Mr. Will.6dghby witli'lliving coin., javent,'had been exhausted, rill 4 Qple.--:. - !Evid obargde4 joyous nce -an -uly,-23.-Aribi P"hs"hI S- Sbgrega who-, it was testified tha' mounted"infAfitry occupit(a Italinleh .aa - ly agoiag n -Ale n r I asses * � d 4' once was,igiven t . stio-tr that one mitte it'five times. 'Three -witu relief -July 94. -The Rifles i&NDRTA; III taber of tha c' tion t she had told them -t1imf iias" ex�eri� the-' AtEnNDRIA, fio intention ofadir ka d noogo afflicted id, -was, takitia . . parents and the largqr ircle.of thi a tive lea-ving-the bi sa the Mr.. Willoughby Iing. They stAti6ned one Gatlinj The. k , Is are.
UP all, active part. im -a kiss her.: 'One a morn ty. it, a t, rie Osoom ion-, was proulpt-ed -by s's testified that uds who syrapatbized with the and. 13 brldO Over -the 0118; pr animus Witile more.than a -year ago o �6'fleld gun iikthe lance to I is summ, the anidauncement wa� made thI - . . .1'. child ad houses in- villaasg I "Mrs. Star, to occarreade, and canal. The* enemy"A - cmva tary fou againat-Mr. Will-bughby. - It wiks alleged Id her of the Tbaili
that� when- the 4mi ter' first. went gArid- illat she had at.�fio -time told. h' was found. 'Itappeared that just as.it was -and lry-. appeared to er f athe'r, gettiiig� dmi, the d' galloped boldJy alohg,--tbe railway-- ull f plander. Fort 6' -bell-oi ns� were -arrested. - 4 or F the� riisidouce who took Air.. Will,60ghby -severely to t at'- 300 yards': -jamg�, but -fled Geo6� Na']gam' was his frie a- PaTSQ jad*. ask of -.Mr." Shiw 'suctions' r bi--Bar er, corne, n- Do aull&his. familt p�'.eosed-Mr. Willoughby forJI wiftless affirmed that her father �Avolley bbing-fred. short tirne� Arabi has levied'a wa tax upon land to side and el street Af ter a,, , was rung,*and on the 'theyreappearedwitlitviog is)withwhich nominal a to, remain at, theU home, never. had heard of the occurrence till a few mount of' 250"00,0. while, hg- would door 'being opened a child, whio�Lpitived- 'they.. opened ur it Ar abou a in fire ineffecitually-,upon--th ive leurtis - ths Abi is we 1. a wa 't" "e to'be little"Atthur Smith, s'fduua stind upplied with --provisi d" -hava pieforred ing Aftef weekil'before the tr%L The Kh
fe British, -one a ammunitio w monthathe m"b6r of the.06.ngregi�- :Beftt.Mr;WiU6ughby the letter before men" lag on the ktep, with a tag,0onsistin, -who took to cover. -By 9' 0"C196k lioareferred'to jai -d M 'Graham tioned-.. The complainant stated'th two wl but- the elieim- but his -1 -tire not incroisingz '�"L t. had ceased, orces a of halfa.-Post-capd-, tied around his wrist. y was According to- the latest Mews from air to his, 'id6 and. ''at neBababeforethe.tkial 'that when-the-Rrst expected- to reap Y- quarterly as follows wi- ments' 8- 006 �stsiing, sard: 1ho pear riinforce both tkeata ineetiQg of the ey dthe offidinceI ctiven she- had t6le6rapbed -to Lr Aosmping.inthe Esben ga-id -personwAi 3 dly. At %the -d of k, rbor 'd� Pete -cut Thielii
miniiter 1U Uki o?-fOr Star to-c'bmeah -protectfi6r. ens. There 9 hat this t6l f9rivar egraul was Kent wo. Ge - wno -were-. greM-aiOrIality among them. ntle- Talkib, ent,of thi a ad- y6ar that. ig� -It was pfoved,t Please. T to Mr., Smith, tion- Was or. a' English Army officers geber'bily 661 -sheltered by thd stj -t til-, the maI differe t he. �kna U The V ople, tha -w of previous to the Sabbath on which he first offence,was said to have' been echo 283 Mountaiw train was - ready. to start; -were caught 'Sider he somiathina wron in a . Street. ante' - . 1. t , E wor, K mfiiBter� con- tted. -'-_0varnment undeirstes the ring the over d6fie .but wouk no. tell 'tbani what . it challenge air heads; held, in gyp.. -luct but- woul Mr.. Willoughby 4 the'complmin- train, h t6 be -the carriage door and :their. throats -6 t. .. Arabi: shot *as last now, bu. would tall them by -and- ant to bring. f6rwkid. the1eh- -books "'This -cool request -was I ' n Bodouins-jeste a e eve 'graph aOnce complied Another Chr raq. G r- -bypik This the defendant- believed to 846Y4119 they W�iild sabstantiste hstate'-'- ith, and tho joy ot the. grief -stricken par,,. istiatil we's Placed on the rails sh6whig dissatiefsetiob.-, mud the eDgine'ran to� mud , fro. over -him.. Geheial Alison- has been endeavorina ti- hive! -been held back to., ',the close, meO. t was d6olared by the def.eudaut ants may -possibly be -imagined. On th� the eu 11"d as a: e, dhild's- a in of 5 ear; o b4 th Arabi is floodingthia c antr infroit of his Aatsoh'�4h ad aul -eliOhment secure them a;s allies of, the Khedive. force'to thafth telegram *as as followW: door step, by the - the entr ouibi fro' Arabi 7
S. Sen miuig"'- -from the -circuit Pa - and- in& are away come dra*ers and nigh wora "I -the child - -wmoN tgown by d the. In quickly E T4e-Quee b ed-h�r wish thi li- March last Mr. Graham 'Sent Mi. W11- w�& will have. a heavenly timb." when -hi was abducted.,�4ad -insi id f rdly -:�The Arqops ip , a- n - as- xpress as 'O -laft'Portsmouih -6-day. She to" the'Du loughby W h 'ousing-him-of impr The d6ftince-argued.th-St thW sbowed th a ok keOf0On1daught.,&krtici f, Iittdr." oper athem-hew &clothed: with- a brownflsune Iphratei ips a In MD.. 6 -- * . "Egyptlin expedition.. QOud4ct.whilb stsXing in the wrfter�s h lie, the: lady's desire WAS' d 41. 98 zfieiI.. the captain received. Sealed y Oil to Uve Mr. Sislr% i0sa, a flannel petticostj "drsWe -a an -In d h - brown stockings, showing thst?ibei a I must orders. before Smiling. It. -is prestim" The London- t -equ. a yeare and eight r4'ontho befoi Ivany. escribing the -time' w ad her Globe i re, snU an alling Coin ..a rying -to III would �Stsr ws 9 an- -the occurrene e-, -hsve� been a woman, probably 'wit i -child- x -]act., company to -take -,be fie upon him to leave the eircult. or h' s: - aid to- have Be' deAtinm#on- wi be Ale andriar' and a Mrs- Star said that she was' MAlts hm -T41e minister ref of.'hbr ow a used to n, implicated in the pl r xpose, lounging,on.s ire tie M -The trdo d leave the, rallit under, those. cI aQffkL and Mr. Star -Yvas at -the. window,- And Smith,stafes that th pship. Orontes has arrive -at a -wr ting on� t a post A -'8140W, ELYING ATORV-.-. rose. rom Mr.. AVilloughb MSlt&i--Sh Will em.bark troops andietarn hall - 'd Mr., Graham, tOL : &UL f" ' a chair - -and .6g, Was the S me as a Stances, c engg y a the letters imther und liter Ch ��told 'himth4 and. kissed *her 4i1jokly; 6 -in the diamond- ro er negotim-' to Alexandria. A ft investigation, andl, means. by came a the other redeived in- tho Hoiise --w ;r66h,all Inve t -g tion, could e had, Tb hand, Mr.. Star ssid:- that. Mr. Willoughby flons." of Commons Robert Bourke nnd:: 8 aWas O the p ig t at Such - a eopla.4airair � I attempt wa Bofs, and Migs Grab& he would pioba., 111, in a. Melia, Baby bly -A esPatch from Cheboygan (Mich) give I being. Mader to. emove -him from the rocking - cI - -and Willoughby ask Gladstone, on x. nda�, when the- the followingfall�j, r ion the above
wil de and for the-;cre _pm M M.- B. Curtis and -big . I dit Omm6 'up, to -big -Th -1 dirduit, eirculatedis petition for his reten. rose from ih6g6famnd went to the rockilig fe -have- m pet' in Wils tion, Whicid was slNed byL'AlMoit h ch'air ki' -congent to. repoit on and one f -he t a entire good hen The.-digerb�%iQy paii progress in is-'thiiir constant two - ch Riau- who left Ah r wh.9 --after his o As . i - - I � ei. home neA congregation, although. -thy, goner ' -knew was.:pointed out f6r the:. d6fence. - There companion, and whi6hs - k the -J'Ki � � L statemebts; a -to Obtain furthe -Newberr ally pea ,a , ruStion as to the L 0 - Ing a infor oliey' ay, bh the 16th to 'Visit -4-argea that- r. Grs'ham'haa made had been a. coi -of"the Gove eaple .-of � Slight alienatiobs English with amazing fluency. The loqua.. rn nei bor�. have, been found. he In i9sGraholm oughby';' ci' meptim particularly in- regard -tor the Baez h , -w The. mot ad audr. Will ous bird cmiused clilite, a pal ith- -her a.child of 9 yeiirs a d Iwas affir lie- is"he an
deI during the --fe -one-i Itoo tha-VZ96.0-00o.- -bfL-; 1---"'----- - on er- 7i` A -boy -2 years old left t6-tak na-Decamber'i-1880,the--other �dght. It -See a s of ihe. Vot and 188 ujoed these q'harges -as-.&. th a Inpl ainant' :t a- Cd ws I., T&Bsa -Alienations ij�e h, rtis I" of CI -was- for the h . - .. h at, Cc sr' nd Y-1 An d- C&P of the 11 - sa, hb father -sing eig - te ence r; a4nily beoupy rooms 4!ireotly re OU
Attributed entirely stated -in adjoiningGove a miles am ende&voredto get-14t.wiliougbby to keo r ar Tabor's spartin at The -BrAish 'have - appolatidd Achalat 'day the 'boy came -to him-&nd said th ray working upon'the railwAY. -On
The-- lafter, howeter, said -he would not. the charge; For the -defendant witnesses the - hotel,-,,%nd., last -evening -the bo Ware' Oil ant'. RiiI -Governor ofAlexandrim. hm,�a weiet called w verpor was i is a _a His duties mother" and iother.4hildran ha d- been . removal and. -that go would prefer to c vers with the 'Go )ntering bi pa' r t in ts�hii will -b mainlymominaili'but big use:ais a 90 tha cba�rges III ted,ailld-hio: oharact those. alienations, -and b'--th-L a- Ong Igo er y,., ose heard what hp th -- h was & in le Ova days. Search. wag -.begun at one figurehead will' inable4uthdrity to.� -a a a -the Accusations to -whom. she. had. previousl�, rela ad, the voicev'saying "Hello, bm6y Th'': * -the � oloilred in the, Plac�%rrb a ov- U. -17th Of this *month-. after -,the 9 Uliout *on A' adta to 6how that fhis--, oI 'had not.h. .:6rnor was a eare had:beeu mad rifle startled. -He -is cised W1 agnative 8 -0 I1- . . - .1 useeptibili vO. ties. had been given. up a hunter found tha bo, a i Aidt1iiarm point �ressed.- by. the, 'd ing-wh&tevar.ta do with the slienitfoiis. a m could not for he OfLth mother and.one-bf the children I ;�but he Berlin despatch.,ton-the Tint w -it of.him imagine wbat be' had everd e8 Mite. Star's continued intimacy with It Mai alleged that she had told at lea t BAYO: behind the Mr..' Willoil 0 -Russia appears, -from. lartig rot 'of a - fallelf tra% butt hby after theL_ time., when. the two persons: previous tot.the. -trial that r. . WarAut an� lem dage Aceriait6d. other child -a - little � girl,was UtAtion mpgbmieil-tobe that-" emand by t -cdrpges. She says the- -othe 'Willoughby had n kissed' lm I to the organ of the Govetniiiint, to d &live. n
If I �:t �� r her at gle in addressing bi IV t Offence: W&BL gaid to i hive been committed, eve, 8.11. -fainilitirly. This sal his M England, befois acting on't] It 'wag Shown- thft Qn: the S &�t 6y and This closed the defiance, and this craSe was intendedforhim, and' it camefro G"Ssunip.' urds in -the - 11 mistook thepmth leading.to the nei tion that tha llort�L hag - virtually. -a ighbor ubse 116111 to then'couSider-ea b the ith-tLbe transo clivad: and - th fB in over the -door of the room directly -d- 'Egypt, shall a to. ey wa;fiddred dayso -liv.jug UPY b1batla -'the ' time wfi�u these to.i an troops to haybL been committo t a-halL :.Thb -come 'b --tilei-establishad' the offetices.Were said d. re8ul that r. Willou hby wit. acq itted &or Bar the - 6v an G . arnor . -was non rries, ete. � Later agreeme t - th- the other powers. baby ---pretty bab a el ve a at th a- pl tie a Wh ere f oun d, A' n d live 0 se'w,aa in -the parsnage and Ireii,te Mr on'the, chakp6. n wi plussed. Hello CONSTANTINOPLE,-- uly'- 22.-��The c6nfer-" t a rnor said- thro. V iMit0frieUd. Xh' agami an -W d th dd�e gfoeoi�nberr'ies frond An ac
cow,mitteekit Decision a-* MCI a- dj ant .- mars Isit on .'Monday, When r a will probably- BI 1_4' .AS, Sh6W]ft' by- ang ministe who blushed as he stroked hi's florce moustache Aggal .ps In. WABLan ininate of! t �Qua -finding'LLof the. e - an tried to b d� ook Sabjoined- is-. the- 'O d� hA willolaim the' -Presidency and A VU ted Xlex e Va pars g6 for: six race up an a 6- sittibgO in. future a RL SO 000 M We urrence, t inittee appointed investigat certain " -Won't you � Come L a;ad ro 0 b' hel& at bat puson .0 called the oice remembei ha again in ing'notioedi'id a u -Brampton. againsi 'the - Rev. - N. -. R. sort Dervis)i Pasha has%artiVed... n tabor of i.spapers, t. --ham. age between 20L Xr. Deorge Grab readers will , . er t M� kiss your P P
Gralism. charges preferred by baby 2 SiAmboul instead Of -At Sh�ajjpj ofi,e of ti i I weeks, that sub- -deliciously.. se4uct BERT;ni, ��Ju yj--2-2.�The Pi ussi -'adiarilSement ith the wor -willou&hbyld. A., thesame place ive of way. NOW, Cross poi GaZetti in ail article On the licy- of Gar. r lldughhy. a absenca he Governor Seldom mikes a' Aste' an_ tirlde, diagoas; ly� printe&. brav Grab i e4 -the par- The �hargesprefbried'mre't I L crogs- efac
sonage h6* following,: kind I To do him justice,,, he is ii 'a in y go, 4.th in_ bol& tynth 4th mmui And At a -mainteamn Qf� n- ashan -a mo . This 1. W. - having- been- gal _of improper .he, felt oe Of the former Won�qq -neN Iiinerti thli particidir momeat te of thi � - -k- conduct toward -Georgina Graham, b' big -enough to ti ligg is -impossible ala6d Egy 'or ceasq. To. any reader of w4s,ijoughitb to- be sq stained by. recaids.1n, pt -who -will ie and nirie-3 crept Paper, occas ons against-b.6ri s th- �d Of. one of 6 inmates .1a kissin- her on several i y ackl6L-sd:srmy. Hal -haa-practioily fallen- 'under a" ommio, -sexid �hit nari� n the, diary -oftly over to the- door and -asked . �,.Are P0st&g0A3t&mPE(, we will'send iml T, AL
-e new, line of E mpsleto keeper,iii- orejde.ckses, with ele'awpgl�i, been giAlty f I in ia ihe V-Oi the : voibe- a -id �rvlcea. subsequent d -h -a ngland Jt is fiel i th oldukoh, VOU talking to a'2" KNice baby,! 8 bate thb.work-in future 'as- no. Power hi PrOgnosti
2. With haing as i good working -ordeir ind.waxrauted. Thfi Miss- Grahald was -I of Aha miniatees. Y L ce, but no. sooner. bad denyini.thd same imprOper .,conduct, *on -n. air disclosed its lans.. Engl 016is -made simply to -introduce. 011j'watchol most -earnest helpef showed cut* spoke iziother v oilce fitim.-iiiiiia nd liss, not yet and, jewellery, and holds good.for. 60 days- orily firem 6 the reckoned -up Cie-6onsequend divers -occasions �e. o0alinu main-. room-m� big, burly iximuls-,voice dalle oat as of her,course. T 6 only -will bo� s -address for 50 cents, confIdenci- a him. ad a w ent to ont The committee'li-9ving- There U no,'necessity, 'therefore - -'for- . G A bar 6f. big class. ou -of 's 'friend -carefully weighs' -11-G-o sWiy' from that door, and e$ the I er- g6ld-plated chain for 20 ce'nts aaditiona the evidence in ass many prematurely to -take V oiders 'to, sanderson Co. :Aeadv !�r Willoughby- 6clared that ther _theLbABe, are uuanimou Sides - Bismarck e eL OfOpla,7, paiiat. go tolsledpl V, It waw lh-deOl Ing -upon V a - attitu ver een a proper. who Soke, but)ie -had �nll 'A subsciftrer- bi -minister in ion that the- char,gi Of . im "di' h' �de -. t6 be taken had!ue cond Goicirgiba. Gra 'am no idea it. -not.proveftlee to, tradition. Othiopm�Sr -.-is t whoin- she esteeme4- As ihe did Mr. Wil- act towards y ernor-Tabor-outsidei;,. Goverhoi Tabdr,slid 'requlf6d on ut h g.'her -on . -Feveril occasions. against - - f . - - � . m, and via ALEXANDRIA, July. recei awall -into.his room,,-lidt su I'under . slde� a kind Of a: -Wigrantec both. as maA mud a minister. quietly. -2, 250 In a thought t dial. That: is th Uo her w -ad.; -mua thei of the -60bh Rifles" u re. . test* waa.given in the Is not usta.ini uch it good joke h '-had' -to ta I the de-csmp f a -keeper, mad it is only iigh fi d' that M� was a 8 �r a 113 r., Willo .0 Gane -b ther part Of i ughby stands b- Alison, .pui t that thosi hed dt 'L the 9 th who don A%me.- dire 9equittea on this first. cbint of the indietw oys about it*.after suppfir, mud i , a bey,9114 the in h . ot wish that: kind should knom 11are' a wasAirect6d to -Showing th&tL Opera House lobby last u. t AS I the six - Ws- . ence Ight i wor -w�,&unreliale. t to -Now up m.rsilwsy They met, � me -Of Who, the- article. a6ert meU., 't lk��-Lbenvy*r. TrIbufte. YoUnglady"S: d nigalUoh as go 8 cavalry and save And the second charge, Arabi ral shots wore - ex;- E.j.iaL4Aceww,AS9,.v04 0 prove an alibl.. ML rdilah, the. Hand. open a.. gy two-- 'J ' ro. entirely'upon the* fir Th E -tians fled,- 16A -Nileil L jPh i do of, and this At -the Cabinet- naeot! g.on Bat u'rd y1he -wop.n4ed' oxitrii A16xandef StaristAted that, th*,Ifiestr oflance was cora-'. p first -had not'been-sustimined, the commitige �demd and 'several ed-orL S%bbab;. July, 1880 R. The RiAe- U4�ioh i
contract for. -the Murray t. �j L. d an�l w o- e a C ibifie� stor's W'heiisb` -Y find L that the Second C ... 0 Qrk end withdri a 4,
mount in the indiotw wag,, shed their.* - - . -1 " i
having beea�guilty.of lying -94; ment, namely, d wiff a a eam mail g-LinaChine which y 'awarded to Messrs. .-Vand I Cc Iof �British. t y -Aboukir" w The' man* wituesse the Iini oats -show, a- from hall . - a'alorn. an, 7_WmS -past 10. in'th Pyraouse. The Piesque Isirlate has 6ebn occu- I "R in denying the� id I I . . ! py minliall t&m d' &I - improper coduct �On rives a'o aster I untill 'balf-past. gW -an that selected- as the cheap t One -stroke-., sevral oce Tfie mail te 6 ile, achis bA to day,And-tbe Ofily'Op for- su�h an Among,". necessarily falls to the m Constantlilop ground. TheLDaici2m%n-of.*arAildeiw�oa�lo" Ich re this.morning, has,b if ifll,�VjQ offeaceL to have -been q ;m mird, Joseph gal wh aVriv6d John, P. L -S waffbetween d MR06hiaw , tarted un W. MOIDalluil, Gr�Qrge Coolirmlie, 'Xchu S. has bebu�*unou4oedi has been disc6v-6red. embargoe andA captain arrested on ^xpeotQdly d in the'ev�aing, in -hia hand A�dd _COMpletei W -Clarke -John:*-Hau - t, Committee. n -ps1z' -ad.' ewag-Loonvey nal , ., past 5 an ear' a in - letters: to riv which time he S.09id tRD baV keh o bf P ']I -9 -Aka 'Dated July as 8 Steamer is 0arded by �through- han& was pinned d and- another part h' 19th, -188a. The Iron-MouldeW Convention at t The been in the p5rSOP" fter S a L fooka certify the foregoing -to be a true copy lyn adjourned a. four Is no.'es fr .the Bridoh-fl t tho-b's f` 0 t ession'oft o r or s.gecdad, -the .hi� cupied in n rorm. the personage W -Is, but, aFf in _$Ol of- the fibilings: of the committee -in thebase; The'different The . ocu L an found - on -. Rmgheb -boy, can draw out =ohurch.. It W48 AIRO stited-t1hkat on of the thia"1366 lot of nails. as I secoad'o- cer'o,f the ombsI stear tb at toA'iio tem,; and. therefore. A., BUTIMBLAND, Chairman. Ate ropoxited-as-b6ingiw' 1i , ner sa prosperos; don - �Blf ' ' " ' ' V OV� a, Sime Sp6o V.0112119 he to -e Wo did, hot; rahuire, ein, M'r.L Graham", Wile wagger orth ung ILadir Lppenis -dition. that for he acted as'agent of Vagon Y or �A�sedobd, ias1he'boyhad thd Arabi Pail tiong - presence- of -niind -to . i -ii na in adistely T -b6 service, ,st 0, revers mmeneed ift printi. G-6orgq Legard, 8; WmUrlbo -veteran dt-104 between him and -the - palac And -the Pan hafor omiiyiug bommunics
6,3 a .-thii-acition. Thiii reons hirieI o sual at. ital close Nisedr L -min was declared- Grahsm,.the father:of tha'�dtitig years, walked to the. pension Offi n t yet de. ce in - Mon. J-8 mic - co" Ini mmittee -.at -Constantinople oled. it) Amputate r the. in'- later at lady alleged -to.h&ve been kissed by Mr. real the other d�y and drew Iiis mc- .,newspaper li%gheb,beini-i�roi�iised-l'e'n'-ie46yiconf6is p cbur( accompa in. a. lettit ci �-g Amog Whitmore, theiaV6nt6ri9i the OeI -afid'gave a complete list of --the' p - Ono t'Mor &. dor of tb 11137. him I-Willd ad
t laugh as at IS C - No Station (Delaware osep it Pe s�s She. was gaid deni hi ter said he was. pegging machine-,midd -of I aA 7 home, and to two; mprovomen 8 in. with whom Arabi_W'aBL oo nected, ..Thelijb Morris.6n - Thursdav evening assaul egre fied he �e h6i h�d kissed, Moro. than. three - timti- Mr. Wil.. I u to; h a�.ve testi Mr -i ted lgra� Mrs, t, that, the bibyele, died in'Osinbridge, �kss.,, last ln6luides the-:aamos,of Several influential Turner itb ae OfL logghby.,threatenLed to do- her husband ihomo w anot. family.fastemd-, Wednesday aged,6$ * The la�tter-reaisted, w"be.n Morris ontpersoni in Constant ino !a." Ragheb als Bhoth P o er dead I