HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-08-04, Page 5• iae and, Millinuy Emporiums. BJAf1.S.IL}.s]ROM $1 UP. Cil 1 IILL;E .ERIN('ES, RE AL ANI)) SPANISH LACES, °4 .. t, , .. AC..ES, fA-CI%E.la OR1,I'AMEI\TTS, 11#.ANTLE. CASH TERES AND SILKS. - I £.I1`E: ._ The largest and most select stock of Millinery in Lucknow. ADIES'BONNETS, PLATY AND FANCY STRAWS, 14tISSES & .CHILDRENYS 'HATS, ti 1n endless variety. INFANT'S ANT'S ROBAND CLOAKS,. of the beet quality,_ :ct Reasonable Pricers,: CHILDREN'S LAOli BONNETSt RIBBONSt tA.OBs, WOOLS, endin fact ev-trytlting found in a first ,class l�lillruery Eatabliahmtnt. • A fiill stock of !]counting Goods. !Mantles Made to, Calor in the latest style anti sure - Remember the: place, next doer, to the Post Office. • •. . `REEMAN'S. rORIS POWDERSI k 4, Are pleasant to Contain theirosv Purgative: Is a safe; sure, and efectrua - - i esErnyerzat worms iu Children or -Adults- , 4 f•sit-class ilivroved Loiv Rates b -y the .0 CANADA. Apply to. JAS.. SmkrERti 1LLE, Val=uator. I' 1 e subscribers has a:lew good L€1 LOTS for sale on .easy terms, and a.: number of RK.LOT fi' `EJt"in. on e t(1 eight acres, Which can be had very cheap: .t AS, SOIIE.KVILLE, MNa o� allkind drawnn neatly and .-. cheaply. ,� lR St ERV iLL.F* GRAZING LANDS MUNSON! ��ItmE Northern Pacific R. N+IIrNNESOTA. DAKOTA, Ara MONTANA.. f�Dl1�D Af'A it lit 1441; • PFtoEsrtoltaTENE; REIIATEPOR� IMP• 6 •- ttEt T;'REDUCED FAREANDFR6R#ItTTO.�$ETit.ER* t'hR Ft1L4(NFORFMATION.ADDI1 * R._ M. NEWPQRT.. ®alt LAr6 Aar. Row n«s Rhea. a' * PAUL* PAM* - b INTO p iJSIVESS AGAIN t OF TSE LUCKNOW Harness Depot, Is. offering Great Bargains in- IIarness, A:ulh les. Values, ' RObett; - IUanlcets • • Single ltarneis,•feotri. Rld apo Tam Harness fnint $t8 ytp. And evhey'thing*in.the line -chew er than the c'h s`pest for cash or otherwise. I am bound not to beundersold. All work warranted; as I keep nothing but.iirrst-class stock, andfirst class workmen. T defy 3ompetition. Don't €orgetthe place, opposite J H. McHardy's Brick Block. - R PROCT-O:R. Lucknow, January 13th,; 1882.. GREIACHE Wishes to inform the public ,tlrathe'has constantly on hand • a • - • . , FIRST-CLASS. STOCK OF xteres Women's, Misses' and 'Children's Booth. Go and examine his really superkt wiuck in each clash, especially his (tuff Pebble & Whole -$tock BRote P fore pureh:tsing elsewhere. Nfarinfactu ing a Specialty. but year's stock sold at and under cost`,' ILWELfp anti Butter taken i1i sxchange for goods ' Gsiii►Y' s CIVIC IIEDICi�lilE _ "RADE MARK.THEGUEAT bill "..AG. M 41 41.511 REMEDY. Aa- nuf4iling cure for Semin- al W e u k,nes , Spermatorrliea, 1rnpotency,- °''. and 4I11)iNeases ' efQreTQ�,,,,,,th'atfollowava. '"bseguence of Self Altec £t nae_; as loss of ,Nleu ory, •Uuivereial, Las P Rude, Pain in the back, Dnnnees of. Vision, Premature old age; and many other 'D'is'eases that, lead to Insanity ttr : Consumption and a Premature Grave, 0 -Pull particulars in. our liaatphrtit, which we desire to send : free IT mail to every one, ere''The Specific Med,' tine issoid by all rug• ists •at $1 per Intek. nee, or fix ' oaeka x for 8.5 or will be sent .' free by w&ilon receipt -of she motley by ad• art ening • • THE GMAT- 11ED11IN0 Co.. 1'.ronto. t tnt.. Canada WS $olrl in tucKnow by all afrtiggiet,d And every -where in Canada Rad. the United t tates y all whoiesalr *nd retail :dinireiete.. ' • , s THE LATEST ND MOST FASHIONABLE and.�.:'�' °l'Z - • - � .� ; SOF- l■H:� � SEASON. �-'= BLACK 'ANTI! COLON T'1) SATINS BLACK AND COLO.RED WATERED SATINS. BLACK• AND' C.O PORED SILKS, STRIPE SILKS, FOR DRESSES -CHEAP:•= BLACK SPANISH AND CREAM LACES: REAL .GUIPURE_ in • BLACK: GIMPS; BUTTONS, BRAIDS, ETC. - ?IIR -SS- S . G -O_ :OD S_ These are better and cies er than`for Rome - • . dolor- make, p" years, and :embrace an arreasing variety of quality,: and price. I have never shown alarger range, - Newest desiei s,, r 'latest patterns, fast colorings;°and lowest prices. --Madamw., do.you ant�to he neat - without being prim,: attractive. but not flashy, engaging, but not gaudy, in a word; natural and like your -years? Then; come -and buy these I)-resa Goods - these- marvellous effects .Jof �' ektil, money; and�time.. Are you= an industrious -housewife, a kind end dutiful daughter, or a veil,. erable and 'hollered grandniother.f ' Then you. have alread y , - earned the best the country can afford:: YARASOLS, GLC S TIES! RIBBONS, FRILLINGS VEILING; :&c • Q Coma early, you can always bt y.better than late when the light isdim an your mind has been varped � and cranked with the labors of the forenoon. HARDY, 4 .: • tc ROM BRA The .trc v Cgmpot derfui affinity' to apparatus and the ng' the dissolving int • most instant?' les-ul s of'Dyspeppsi and the TORPID L Zopesa an every da every house. . It soft' _gently' an, Biliousness Cbsti ache, Sick'eadacha ter Eating; Wind `on Heartburn, Pains.ij -Back, Want otApp Energy, Low Spirit ach. It invigorates rias -off :all surplus :the Bowels, and gi $.'hole system. Cut this out and. Druggist and get al ora large bottle for t vnurneighbor • nd A's e Digestive ivex, iacreas= uices, reliev-_ the dreadful ndigestoa, R, makes . . necessity zt .speedily Ise: tress,. .Head Distress at be Stomach, the Side and •. tiio, Want of , Stour, oLiver, cal' - i1e, regulates stone -to -the. ke it to ytliul cent,Sanple,. 75 cents, and out it... { departments- are yet very complete that cannot be beat In quality an cheapness. ") rt- week.. $12 a day at home easily • .Std Made. Costly ontbtfree. Address 'I'nee & LU;, Augusta, Mania.. -To DtssAsss, t e raPLAItw'r5 And :Acctasrirs which iBAGvaafeS, YnLLOW On. is guaran– teed to cursor relieve_ either in,.IVIAx or TAREI1aNTERUALLY FOR 0444ff S BORE TaROAZ OUP, ebUGHs, ASTHMA) , COLDS, dgc. APPLIED EXTERNALLY FOS lt-EUMATIB• NEURALGIA; .OHILl3LAI11t8, CALLOUS LUMPS. SWELLINGS, e27/aPJOINI'S, . 6i ILLS FROST BITS LADIEITESS, - CORNS, -. -. CfliAcfloNs;BRUISES, LU GO, DEAFNESS, . .P4 INBACg, SPRAE2'H, PA 11Tia smmz, IM; Elm bottle ranteed to sive aatiltac: Aloe money undid. OIiE5 10Nt! NITN RADA trim *NUE isles TetZiatrIUT 7G - 3toioNTQ 1sT. • Peart & Corr-igat rigan' will take BUTTER _A '. EGGS in exchange for Po Its and- Shoes. Parties wishing close (i , Is will. do well to .call ;:t • . • PEART 84 CO RICAN'S BOOTS AND 8110t before rr:ceiving-our fal stock Harvest - .111.ita-sold wbalesale an retail"•at • P°EAItT & ORRIGANi'S% What -is it !: T'be beat bf tehine Oil ih: thn World.; i, ixiantirs titi�edby Thig-Oliind'ei the sevrsk' tegt, 'ane tlosbst ctfu.}rutyityton. wse.:Warevtl Fottr-Metals-and 11 reo.1)14)101nas. at the_T:t.e.ding I~ khlbitio cif fihP D.eniiieion - ln ix81. 1 aiiu.era attd- to rson-ey aid afl 4iriat.:ry-by using 1, id ix a --Ask mitt • local -dealer for it and.tek• do i,tlltr: koi• sale - ► y Il.:.l). MACI.NvrRE.•