HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-08-04, Page 3AY &'jDONJ5!1rA mi3c JR, Tho.childr- of..jujius ritrength Out of We"nosso tifte. Xew*-Serjoug Andrew Young,. a. 'Youth oe j pie on the, C. lRbot Bolan x0cution of Sim A11096d Fortunib.. any men, .0 trong, - sopin sudden Uee. a Lim Qtte Who�, were lost : fa - the woods, on Tented,. Like R,D to lose theirendtgy-ena. strength -and - grad.. -foun- Choy sub- Teller.. --YOhn' Albert Aistin Sunids;Y last, have been a. -1 ually sink lower azid -lower until they -Are A Win�ipeg.corrospon4oat writ uisheil Official An Ottawa di4patch of. �sistad om Id. a:011ree as Constable, -of -High --Park, Toronto, -data 84YO.-.'The-�Cess wre strawberrieband restarv- _ds,, The but's a wreck oftheirformerselviis- Some ascribe (in - f OM * Ing. They will iecover. ing -dead- a boy col6r'd 6k!gbd witii pre-t-en-dii-ig to- ea6illat and 0 reason or this pence �&te, lying be ba� j-'esteidwy morning- y shooti o Btickan, A,
a-tween Manito b a --women ohs of r tell Ch and -0 a oContain. named,- Androw, Yo '16 ye(ari. ell'-fortunei;: in fact, it -is vory-difficult to' The prospectus . haibeenlosue toni tipg; aged Ing abloutjWgood bail whi Was - adjourned- from tij a ermine -jus W at is the - Matter' ith Mew.,compa4yi hi h ptopiose -to-dsteb! the one -that is 'so far the clearest was told am;- - ut-in a I _ 1. - 'a t h - b leigO -proportion. of cases- it dilig lots, will' shortly There. -versions -of- the'affaij, but Thursday,- came up in the PACO Court, thi d t W Put o4i the market, 61d. Mr.. Spen6e liah'-dow cable.�6onnweetlicons tweO iCanadai r morin ThO_ first with ads - called -was a inthe. - Orkfiey, landso is an. to a. reporter -by one who was near- the sp is' sale to take it for granted -that the Most and the United old.-residet.who to6k_ no at Ot good lotin 9 damsel. of _b t States Ou. nineteen and Eai6p, PC at ille time' T_ d throi c anont of - the -whole tr6uble is e n -cold of tr.eal,,h k in: the b6ow., Oung an 6mp i summer Bad wopldt'not. 6, named Harrie ol ogleotod a, -a a now were , _ , , a 4�., do whose,fabe nereesed 8011 hi home. H -i out in a, boat on tie is Pond W 9 causing oiri.o-' - di Suffused With smiles 4na u � i orders f ' the - lunge. - us 9 - bl shm 4 A� -his re -01,000 f i *eisiPg P4tatoe's and cabbage On. ground which is'*th'e property of,Mr, Ellis ;1-.,P: she stepp9d,,j 9 simple -but a word th ti ii�leading Valued at 4 16Wgstimat atQ the Witness box - ure -remedy for' - dot � of '406 6 -the arrest aid conviction f 9 . Abduc-� * Shees.- -,b at- $15,000an eard. This gentlinxii warhed'theth'off setv' atifted as fbil U017 t .6. iBal mine via or OW4 I k h a Pulmonary Chdiri Mhen. a.-filand f itacl the old, g - times,- but the b tore of'his cjiila oys chaffed.him. and maae Who lives on Sam, which soOthos.- bbais- 'atim h Cumberland street; 0 a', tleman phd ot ar, day he Was, still living'in - denionstratt &ad MEN==" - OnsWith theirliandsi _09mPlOtolyrenews-thoi--i 'ad -organs. 7- his, log: cab�n. The daughter of -the: house Alberkwa, Constable the-olice three qr1our.4eiks Sg6; I ent njur to get -my fol oentfor and he alao"weradd them Mr. B.'Hadkett, 0 waa-d6wu bn her knees scrubbing-thd floor bff. He Itunal told; Mile. B6kan told entrevillei-- Oat-',-disireli added force to.his W arnitig by firing my fort us to 194Y that he'had a" -and to us�a I my Une with 'eards-.' most distressing paid; her- 45 only own words, cc the: a shot from a -ravol#6k over the heeds of the cents f6i it. doh . 0x y - remen or cough- for iii3; Montlis. d9__ civilO%doli was a Bell orga, boy I b' ig Which time -he a a a te - pe was under medical adyjcee_ Ra--grew,worso- do; shedidift worse , C, uc illi t the- 0 st4�,. pi a. Th I t r thens edilYlandedon- whait'sho, told. me off of, a. hi a belonging, to est. aid 01 and a Man V a of the - p6j2d and Albert ran: tell me - anythl aP. an as given u rht Without, ng, --very om may me ased two bottles of Wilson's -boat came i6sh6re, &lid hot remember what' they were-. .1monary be said, to towworth halt an &UyOxaggeratiou round to� Where they Were. - There is sha' told 'a urch
8, milliQnk Ot' Of,:- things,- but T ice-hoass where th6 Cherry -a and B Isain has reiti, rne 16 , Kingston some of the- lada Went into it� Albeit' -After she told ray fortuno I own living,- do I asked hot to earii my fkQm-thG4,Orthwest H approa;ohid'�,oung in an ang reports the lanci rymanuer, and. much- She -charged, and 'a Sei 1300M as aQ�aised. -Iii Winnipdg now hotel 48 Efald -to have- -sailed him b -t �the n' a d. teen -respecti.re.� -e . leetoral* di tricts of The b y he back' of dent ames 'of 86Eiie ozo�n 8 oard -oan- be, fio�dat_ �2per da the. nee 'and Mlf -d y with pldnty k- exclaimed, ccyou! ladiek, who ojita;A6 -I other yOung - sub Quebeco'- New' -Brunswick, an(!- Of 4CQOMIM)dat�ion at. that, The crusit, is.; will shoot)VOU-now-11 'or something.tq,that posuod. -were then.o Iled-. bu' ad'been NOva, Scotia- have -b" eon con4tiblite&health- Ver ;�i 0 effect. His'sik-sho lionef tl'eM districts oter was - lose the put in an appearance. - IN r.- Gibb, who. -tinder-'the -Act, �espa Otis A r3eribut wah 4 an4 one of the chambe 0 was ad Statistics; accidont tookPla jj appeaxed tor.. the defendant -argued that the Cmuad4 -Paqif ce Oir sudde -y aa- tering there for - a passage of. t j6 Railway east, on Fri. diabbargedo the V n was no authot easing out' at the ybetwe9n Xtl Mouth Mud Shelly,"where, above the. left eyk and p rtu 6 telln under whie :back of tile Thqy_ aie ia tuped the, ttack. The as and are Used for all &!,Construction: tru head. It was said bygome that the inf OrMation 1aktd 6 'I all Ida cabbos6,.w4b a'- the-pistolwent og,acejaentally, -The-un said -that- even if the- by'la* a onor sorti. of infirmitiesi Soiniiines -6 nuinber'oipassanjers in it, t - thax - ii -lad only. livea as not valid -a6d for th turned o , Ilia a, Man unate half - an lidur; after he. the. def am but-veiroft-en they might for named j andant could be pro 3ecuted under as we and -nju ing oth 11 be cast a r wa�ashot. Albertwas'fo the Statue f6r.:obtaining f oth a. TThe remains rmerly a constabld me )y tinder also W&Y" not.' -Ita.lnan -has crutolj ii.i or- ta' lanipeg. T of High,Phrk. -discharged t his le 1, 6k brokdn his k
to he coroner'9 f ReJaa man abodt-47 years pretences, He nee uffered. ijer on sim-i r 10 inquest. re ited a verdict of� aceidentj q ago,: and is- said,to obe bf-eacentrid habits. -conditions that She 11, necessity, uuu 10 ooalmit�l soffence 110. is: a. Shaine to' 45 yeara of ge.. H -has no% friends im.ilar chaorge-.-he, Would bommit-.Ii6 the' f t' a a in rom. rhou. a On �pbll6d, to use I me ism. a W
4sed-wag"an Irishman -about mbr butif she be. him again Abo- -tha;t-huadreds ofC
C, came �r aid Com- PAl0000 here, The of MUrnicie,",v at.19t -and, FRI 6.- ponpa- ot at- 0 4 the Rngiiih-- from' 11, Tile SHORTEST Ul bu-f a� savin sbaukbook- Shows him� to have under Act -a vauses who might - as a -lent a cured 'by D-i.'-Ddw1s StUrgOOnOil - An 2UO to7 his re n the Toronto bxanab. adian Ak - aga BEST line o a, e 4 dit i .c. rre ponc 'Writes,: I hive just tell1t1gof th6 Or un -as n6t'be
d ,seen an eye-wi a rec'eiit'miracle nsi.r9!,-; Lihiment points Iii -Iowa p1l. He was, a' t rakeman. on th& j' ain, at the. -under false br�tefices. tehison, To aka, Pent-, r these of- th -a remedy' 'lor at A time. of th , a Xnal de Baupr6. He *119 j'a jb6 lvl4g money Nega-ebraskOxissourl,11 0 -accident. tha� X an son%.' ilifas, Gal- front of the procession from tbd -Wharf �Kuro —p --e— aide or ba0k..'weakness - of to The atub., er of tents'used as r ThousundYc a Aad., contr as, Ne veston, -Winuipe In the -yearVb I ar muscles end , , . esiden.ces. the church, and a- *Oman who 'had- tion Of everything that Can -be', would, i placed ir't -one f gone after Ch#st'what was cured by a Linini t ield, down, wi th * the � pligrims.w" as.so. oripplea the state 'of -.E-uropd an - 't inuat be r Make, quit a teated city� Therd� aro thAt Sher h - Th' Gotba, the' - . emem- ad to be driven- to the chur bared, however,- that this remedy is beiween- Ph, Nandals,� the. Pranks, the Mus, vie to., be and. 400, tents, -repres itink. being unable toW "Th y O: k applied-out"waidl Is. Roub� has�no super or' VrAlbert". letwe 11:1-A Oand-2000i ex elksOfti- Inth8 build- Mina, the' Tur a, and otiier'- b . or" nhebitAnts� This ing she: walked up to the arbariau precludes it. frolij-into does. not iAclude the Canvas, h altar rails With hordes, bad -invadod 'p� use. ,.Min4eapoiii_� st. -Pini.
otels and great. - diffic'uhk ; she and QvjerthrowU the rn. Natio �piited lab ly. 4oneeded to was -bent 'nearly Romaj, Empire, eatilig-hOus8s, of which.there are double, end her.le and - had bsti he Weit go were istiffly - flexed at var bl'ahed,' re broke ou .1)6, thebeft 6?uippid- 'between tw uty iouo k.j.a.gdOMS Upon its. rains. as ay flight �j and thirty. -S knee so t] lhese kon Wadi! 'd -ughcar th we . wis so jrh bet. h,er�. itat a room,at Levis,
all hdrd'es of savage% bad destro� Qde. One useryl article for' -that the. cratch stick on which.- Bfib leaned all the w ., wherd the bot�y or a juj�,qjof tri ad not only is, lkrgely.' u -j quenching b young woman, recently deceased,, was.laid. Orks of Civilization, ut .017viliza., .erent -eating remained as't ey vVere.-of 6, end. th and -elevates 8 room had'to bd deluged. N SAS ad in Winnipeg- -milk. It was =t 'more that two. feet. jid itiqlf,.- I -out. The bad hang
ig. heavily sold 'at th diffi -houses. �9 . ud,:She unchanged'duiing the ser. everythiaethat distin -with water to. long� gnorant- �ngs � all. took fir'
es -at five dentEk � glass, slid vicein buttbw guishes All ;rooe a aide the -end she� suddedly -human 8ave the remains rom - de nature, they struad the-quanti Sol -daily, iK-veiklmrge -stdo -at broke UP the -ion, 0 -0- All co dections made -S`nddr9PP6d-hAr stick bhe s6hd- IS, rainea . the mo, ........... -they di-spose of fifteen eiid , was very, al b ad many, place4 d reiglit nume . A, aboliffbi no excited, ktid.wept and r OC . v4palloxi Gbue.?o, In'Willou. preVatI ted Marc'_ laughed elterhately. My inform askoa -and reduced the ure R* V P ncic, At b.; Depots. �W-OXXV galt�ns a, day and as the. bevers comf e, Ant loan, excelleat. substi.cutaic!rintoicicaiiits.;..:- nername,and-she repliadia.s loud voi, conquered natious.to thair was Th u, ce own condition, -inaugurating in -the com. atitacktNvrith. congestion of' the: lun 99, besides beink cheaper—(beer being fifteen, that she was the wife of Theophilq. 14eiker, pletest the reigu 6! brute'for vere- Pain -in- the, soreness over the liver, jo 41L yojl wiri nuts per f4eltebratpd. Linef"01 find. �i vellfig- a 0.0 Lee,. the orditiary. 'for of HuIL he gentlemen' to whom I'em and mental'darkne§s- If- 08 0, buraing fever, Price .1 - T drinkq)� all and general friends- of tempera - via indebtdd foi theag details says three otb�i esp� thOy- afterw glV1110 sai 7� ht all offic luxu Instead ard away of. the whole System, �_Failing t delighied used Christianity, they �mqlded it -to nd x. i -thd large. coxistimptiou of the mira�les were reported o same, o ca till 'relief in reinedies Prescribed a d U. S. and n the thair.o*u-s&vage superstition, _at last 1 -tried year f Is axon, but he did'not see. them, and"will not. naught we Golden * Medi covery.1.1 Ii -effected vouch for auythilig -o-left Of the - divine -di' . - -dal, Dis in re4ty wenitip t' h d wh . - op6naution. The ei , ich dia a my- entire or nformat.ton. O 90 in. the a hnhis P Ot come but its -name to Covei the ire. , Yout,me _ine&h&v"e onl b ab uit Rates -of oidolatry-and. demonism.- At* the time we f&milyPUlCLgj Fare a�t Winnipeg;oul the 7th ingti.. orsofial'o servation." ost a6gradilig to. be used -to be leeping.Cars, y -tenths The Drin4e in Winnipeg, latel begin, vd-thela-atrial aina. S
J31ock -our spocifie 6Xilninati _e Iy. An_xxnp��Yjtqr lorovId4pd-jor. I .. *a -find -that erfullv eiven bl 116 -0 ooto SWOa: a net .. . -.r Me- 6f,tb d -he o, find.th i re, j,Ob ilt im' n thO.' . -called Christ Ono : : - - - ERCEVAL to -WELL ft - - t -b [do like Ot
destroyed by is., _o a so Gibtalt rial who L There. eicis cien -.9 worth odoupation,gone. i Goi. P&, w�-40t The. judivid Yours-trilly, 3d Vicid y )eased hirdself Off.' dnager!
at -te&- no 8 y of A 4-sudon the prajrj6 is almost last winter�vw Sir W. 13g, B. Me REESPOlft beel the name, no MILLAN, M, round, ar or Cuff6i schools wha�ev ir. Reji r whomilt Aged r. Ii.pletely 1w.it now be entertained foi a eon- Wtiting and ciphe4- -and ON, 'eon cover6c h roses ofrie& color g were I operate 98.-Front-htreot East, Tokonib' and, fragran e� siderabla'peri6d at Her'Majosty's expense distinct tkades.-� -The 0"WadnesdaYnight.8 --stabbiag- ff has-bad-su maisses, ' Ze'nobility, -oadri red' -street, Otik By eventful - career. He belonged poor'sud the tic , f . on,'Besurei h w- ere h lly- 1111800_�' we. Two At Saiult: Sta� Marie - house, flieg, are 'to,a,highlk-!riapected northern.family, -and quainted with.- the . Mysteries! of the. alphs. . young. men word walking down 1-h6stide Swarming e� . . b t fkild thepen. A- few, - in . a t rywlii�re,, and e Z le ere: drivou. 'be hl� adviintu a by pretending o be Joisurely when-' a mail � named - Decou . to_ a t ra wild -known an, Hatt as hatiVO-of At nearly the. ferocity oftheir attacks. ings, Doyle. Subsequently he 018"JES, -Who generalli bel Inge -d ontreall, - W dUti any.. provooa- to the tion, rushed- at on TRADE A severe Pa. of, spizootic is -, Prevalent in - Canada;. as a - distressed -priasthoodlf-moniDpolized. theE f a of. -them.namid Grando MARK- rods in ilie vicinity ofpOitage Uploual -Graham, who�-'had, 9'erv' OYL hinit that Of A- &.8p6oial
I among. the aid litabhed ed in titie -class of artiatigi -Th tkught� their b ulder. Yeiter. eu numb6r of C&SOSL have proved Emperor Maxi'milislas - army. Then I only . to their oehiin day Daeour w a a -Pani lid nosE a .ent to tentiaty dogged, tile-, steps 6.f to&, Col t, 'for two . years the --p 0. [8R" AIN ERVET onel GkIaham, 1088; ad beyond..theindelves--an 't air Is surei pro 8 Offin6_g aiL i that gentleman, pro alore L ie, be 1 r at Lucerne W he to read -and t a neCIL roofing'slat its ata, rga, boc %ud,raa tx� to eP :a
A dim her -we e -a ite, nor - was it expdc eet., -Loss of BrAih- Power, S nal are acattere, over the L and elsewhe _' 4ilo no kne ake 6 the Woodar, reo, epne! erabTe, hotel bills Wrl W 0 0 wes- d- Goa ora- I Logs it would be a W I e as "d h will ihj time attrg, -M -Y.:, d of I Abe
ot tbQ attention ifter-thato he was very Wok, with' so -me' �generality,-.. Buffilo; N. _of, 4 any -more' L Dear Spermat6rihcea
-the builder. l-Floreace, but. ipe`oiared 11 - - Bit—! ixitist u you, -iae'a _I of, POW66. - it- repairs I rich peoile wadeys ihat everybody sh 'd to what yovir d be a'ahod- -h 10 tie- Wast% Rejuvenates t1le Jaded- before he' had done as , end : for I me. Before- t4kin ntelle6t, Blogth-L'. Aecording 1 to the, Bulletin -the diam much, damage. maker or a -lawyer. Kings did -not a g--. your ens the Enfe6biod Braju and tore ri nameso. I van a liforthoote iiabs about 5,000 yards of line a army 80 -that- Stand- -oil, 'My ebut, Unfortimately'fbi big success at Gibraltar, vorit �orqscriptiofi" 'I could hardl aeI M -Ow hpw� to-,- sign -their, Tbn6'-, and Vigor. to the'E an f L men.knew Sir Who er e . ws'Ated'to �atxbsoribe to a writ. 'b�y - following-. - your organi .The,experience of"- usau _ . a w el atoo h aria
ice,.L al all Invaluablel eniedy.- The.' jejnejg�L leagant, I Arping, up tie of the rapids near the Well,' and that- be.'Was Passing th tanconteryc esome I a'Perf6btly-oured-, - -:The,, 10 -the tast, Pouth . a wlaieuit* to law or. h ever oftholSaakatchewall. it6 P-joeeriptio'h- 11� ij7 a _w011 ' 9, and each bottle c clerk W drawn -d6rfULI Medici two: we t- A- Had eirai--London World. eks! me- ca ion -an liGw town site,. to be called Cypieser, upfor them,j they.4ould f9i-debilits ad md:narvouaf - .& - ec est and no -amoar th6ii -right hend. With ink, -ithd slep -a Pea. fi Full p -pamphlet, has just beeh�iurveyod'. at - the 'it not dxprdss he* the artiett are In- our junction of, u mt The Fcllaheielm in IBM -the' �paro to YOI the- Cypress 4'ad Assiniboine iy upon Ihments saying,- yeut-advi a -for: .-&kre to in - rivers,. at a 6 - on freStO-.gby, address. -'Witniss-- my.. h aas. Yurs rul d place� fdrni Says a- 66 At r . Y, Plague - tic �'ftedlclne aMFS��LCORIMKLiA��ISON, Peositi 'druggists at 30 eta. peilfio old- erl' wn ais- Little's Laadin r-respona6lit of- -the' L60ou some genius devis�d the sub L V 0 g' atit ati Of a x, .Or- 12;boxe: The Edm�uton. While goifig-toL Ras.eI.Tin to -day W.Uidh t 'sea or Will be mailed fre age on Bulletin is dias a -moneyj by add a of. post Mialled I sw a eight of Which I- hev Was Impresse" Instead of he hand the withthe liltal appoi Often heardow biAtOftda, - ' X -rosaing, . . utmens..to the North- but -which I�lj&ve- or besides the, espatch, fromi Yictoria (B. --C.): Says never yet witnessed,, and- adery, ge tie . He . dfcft IIt is. of the opinion that as West coun hsn& E'v_ n A:Chinebd- com PaUY is Preparing tozerect [it Ele 0 Wludo6r Ont.,�(& arves et victdiia to. thareou,' Hence the a - sital word M u in undred evLlCO_ workab4 thOC6 acil-9houldle...'represent trust I -never may- again. 0 h asesl with 6, Pec uliar d a- -and. -w,fi -ve 1 -17 . . I . Y�All ggists ever�whero: elective. fallabeeii,of, rem -to'40 scram n p d:b drn' years of age were a - anufacture. clothing, b.06ts:-and Shoes - tia., - ragaod through thi,sfrebio in- ch noW. ia use'- Witness my. hand aid so .11 W. .. - being d are, cigars, dba;i aind enter ii. , .. h a- a al Mr. Ayre, of Oak River Mku�i has some Vha o 6466d'to Modern ee a, isery ion ilito' -- : - CANA04- P E a f4cers were kicking these men 'and 4hite-'jarms- - hate 1 . - . � 'opting rye Irbady i he OnWit ! the The ANEK
A ear on his -farm. This striking the purpose of reminding, tie Pf..t --- &t L t at a Ignord, oe res as a soriot in with th backs pf their of 66 IS feeling Oi QM. labor:o charitably threw. to them' froth a harem Mont , hjjf ana too With Chjudge.L .:-!at 'the: first 4ttein�b to grow- rye in thait words 'a - which -a lad Callem, i''p .0 .14p deation, and it is - d6te WM416ii -D exp )(1tol, rove a. gfoat ind a foW piastres 71 ."Th ate*. LOAN 0 .0- y p I cor A ------- Carriage- wage anatchad-from, them by the- ugust."_ A 6orresp6p'dant-statdo that, it io, the- escort... . Uarr a coachm ed. PORATED. v -r - -_ - —_I - Nothi an and _A D 1`8
J'uni ,rathe Tbe,iPo*er ot -1magluatt lng-Bud like 'Success. vf)rsafoorn�.Iaint in, the Turtle, Noun- fanatical ear t boy wom unable' io --con. net, Pki no w. hy P urTmAws -pium, E as C 6RX qays.: The A has ....... ........... istricitt th" oon, and- calle . d out IS Power of imagi a -been wed trie ....... A- despateh
at� the. reejden.ts are intheir indig the I it not d >Oai.
Off So rapidly into public favor. jt wret -6od'by Lee _Do. a, shame in We to n tion has )OM". chedly s6 dot? oa here. Krai Egers6u,.�,who ceeds -in accomplishing 0,11 th�t ......... untry, Which is ill GoiS 10,OHM - partment. Thb-ails- are Olivered with country of one has lisen, -bad. _c ridden with Y d l&iinbd fo i ont� any kagard- to regularity. r i C are :as easil
a spin& isease � fox many orns HBAD eud invariably J Y and OAPETCB, years, deci thp. pr4yer'-cu I re . gain Y cured by iis: use behind time' dad., to '.try 6tnita Painjogi -Tion4s-motley up on R' n!Glrl.undn,c fneaeil against She' He rov
�he wi aIS a of'-fibr- M71'1hat- passed: just north of Ph Sidian. The stor Mark.th 41n - Inees of OntaAd and blanit h s one coal finally consented to.m4ke aria gements for a a. Sold by f - it at currdl t P who did Mau" d1i the, 30 .1& yeaterday -drugg4to h- Ult, we& the Q in ar6st, and on the most: faier6bi not cilr6 whether- th .simuln n. her 15,B 'a.-. repayment, rule Flevareat eer-dxperienced ilk that- pait- of United Sticide.-Can. - half at 8 o'clock. last. -FortUL in ahe Purchases uniclpal,Debo�tu res &lid- ngineer-- With, hikP6Uatjy. on.Real Estate.. *as, . uuroofe I d. L -but full'of - -the- YOuntbi
I A -log- or gtoe y ess- had -passed- ih6. etiti-Chineso Bill - _'hight. The let! .-the CO. tl� -gz Sunday AjSO L house belonging: to Mr. nokand that couple co tly.exdited,' When _au-,etepp6dup6_i fA usifted.of Willie Lo Gedrj Ode IOU12taill Chong, a. prosperous Chinese Merchant Of the Scrip yj T' ture-j sa, fig, he, preyek or fultber &ppl t coul Would take the- usual gAin crops re, not far ad aith shall sin -he Reid _h save. a from the ff'Would thing, gitiag -tiLs. engineQr,a peou isr- wi -J ItEMBER nA vanced-- or theMamac h AXguate, and -is- briae' Miss. Donnie Ful- of' f thhave been- eon chat, OfMbBeau-, - Th� inarriag Assembling her -relatives iik.- SON, Iffabiag, oAiderabfe-. a ceremony ur 149ads You--c6n b6i.the efigiLear-was dazed when' XO MEL was paitorthed by at: the - ho � namid -she bad'; hi 'TR -A --BE CO tter how.- Many China, 11 g&thor of the Rev. ps, olt am stand me :tbiaxityi Th4biidoi,-* ttersou, atill.an&behold tha:corintry girl'saiid Well -'that, ho is the Salva;tion- df, Go juta a h -6 dauglitdr 6. d- � At nough for. me I,11 tak sNVINCEIL few of Mr.,John, W. FOldher, is a* ma," and a.. r thdoss (ten t e4 j %IWAYS room for' a I .0 . past 8 all 9 ory-pretty &rose frOMfg&,jehtM_t 'Sam more. Wberx, #e- last cargo of 750 arrived n Ili, ekindLof a young. lady, The brid the bedi from, which Effid had 14 en wink. egroom has b ot ris Ry 3ftL U -ND at - Victoria Chine a housa ia, the Sea in. three. -years, -and walked.. RHASM COMPO Am ortunt to- -Irravener.".- -ariteed to rem America, ten years, atid-in August& two or in th, 1p p4ce, was: morg than full,. and yet every air Midst illatains loth- a Spedel indud6ineati ace to three. -He his a' well Woman. Two - Sceptical Wfrog f stbre on Broad street, and Ing, of.ther75awe�q.ae,43o.mtaodi�tect with. Sleep— is-& inimbdiately ao , ihia6d and tell 'a very worthy axidj av offered - industr ous Citizen-. th AjjX_TUd' .1 - It Will Pay ing-, room by- thei, it the Burlington -;P-ate. cure fbr ohol era. Some time a9d lie discarded. his Cue 'and. knees', asking forgiveness fo their Unbelief -thei", -d ou to RY CitdoxEjt,s pL read Ir a to be th' fipted Ametioan customs- alto.adther. H-6 liep�efied,-Wwevar,'tha b. t,h6ldoCtor's or foun& else. atterids -church regularlv angments. for thio. Prayers Miscarried and' where in s issue- APSCfOTT'S DOMINION RAM R hronic-l' -W-4, clip- the �Oljdwi 9froW the Parkhill 0 —Au9zist&.-(Ga.).Tno prayers. weia made. Tho-"d6re- of jh World, logo iiZ 'ottle as -and InVeliaL a? iattei, of F a -The "Worid,13 Dispensary TiPSCOTT'S IkPEATAL LIVEIC :Ry
4AY-and tbe-Leouversioiibf.herf-sisters.' eWL are Hotel, A sate And speady,cure for I at -Buffalo, -N. Laugt' 'by fire' in compositor . (ty"pe Setter) at, work,"for us ' rejoiced, in all the Same.' destroyed- to. ry Continues' to at -he P -oft -6 a a �r. ago,. id� kebtrilt'aha full P large -t we k -6ho, hi an L tour of E-ug1jud -patients.. Tile above articles -are th b ram leg In the marlidt 'and e est d only- -due -jurididucea, hertheatrica;1 Ne* and lUidque cajr.- For 't- Invalid's. duiae -Book 11 giving pax. on are . gRgrainteed- -to, glv-- entire na. thatltba left one. He Call, -great deajLQf Money thorig do: an and is maskidg-a h C. j0urne�.mau!o'dayii wor k eft case, a (3 The Ontatrio ar -We tioule'ro and termi Of satisfietio2- or no pay�. For Sale -by all * t- ;owddd house there -.yields.. only .'about rks are j at present Address-,:. druggists �and M mone . y as in - th L Ps, olati)'s Di4p.-jiNkARY Ridd-ifor sC, n of' a- imumber of tzoI6 agents for'Domin-ion of n' �440,very, muc ountry. L N box 465, l9is A . : engaged with'tWO --de6ilers- in niedicines." t* his: stick and -,does not -ace L_h&lf as much -in -the oomplatio, stath W MhD. dil-
l_dis�-bled by the, absence of his conductor's vaina or cabooses i= AssocuTio, Buffalo' utf6rd, Ont.. Agents for- H he: horses, are. frequelltlY unhitched f -use upon . . I __ . .T for hand. 0 -all emp rem -a H Ble4adell sirrison, 38 tt -loyniet; tb&t, Of,. Pang men, *lid draw, he -R.0Al*i&yy. T Be embrbdy: J r amiltoji, corner King a am . : 1. I - ad odexterity some very commendable -be -me as a oqrtire , her' carriage,:b�y y -the Canader ific All imPosing-presentation -is to, of the, to or frornthe theatre but these demon- ements, de at:- N , A, but thi , s, 4esigned,to. promote, the im roy ibo PVet6bei of- nt' [le, b6thplet,on young Man, an *str-,ations are prearranged by h comior to oha'Bright, EtIgtishman'. 14eeu a IL or manager,. eommemor - a ion of tj Mono 6n4L_areWOrthy bf'speci 1 -mo -of; hi -to excite and ntibil. 4 S A LE who has arning 2 who emoloys 9, fe 'follows R- OA year in- ament &.8 the -'W46k ill Vnglan&, &tic!, I -with -a cupoli-1roffa hillings. per whose 111rOct the Oi1thd3iesm. When she visits bay': are pr add _Aifth
can observe irmin eta.. Pat, h,A 'repre h laboir is worth- of $10 week here, AmdrjCjj,:'�. says- e correspondent o tor sentotivw6f B _b7 be, -done �by hopeful, phf[a phfa Ptegff, the Wbidh the conduci a owto—i6at..'aLLAY -na-other aihs as surroundings a, 9e _tr.. icortadii-his will bb: many urde ill perseve Outs go 'Will: the fact L that r ringL discussions: &a- th bar bes,uty� -"Oi:[,t think niimber, *fi the -inte _11P Ion an rir: I - turn,ishe& 0.4rbolih zed OC Petro .6, a.doodbri ex tact -1i t 'strionio ability. h91 side of the leurn,ttlenaturalbair-rene' there will be any as to her hi iding Seats placed aldngth werand restorer, "to is There !$..a genaral.Aemand. in, cities He -grants her no merit -W anactress, exc6Ft car, end in a Compartment -at t OPPOSI the.best pro t- iliventid.. and 103 throughout the! Pro�.in�e - that Givic.'H61i Pere ion - over -131q0VER ly athatof lady like drid h will bweitorod--a supp OrigWola Street, Petrq-t,- grace, but thinks she ly of nlii,ttke 1 other airdressingsesth Ix. ousan 'L like to -improve h a " 6 day"s. 9WI-be lid ot�e Monday., andLblanketa. At night these odats can be of genuin 'The: g. r ow in ourposse of - CaughnaWaga- are Rev. Fathe dikwu.P�0, the mattre a certificates n P oalserninary for '$4,000, u thti's made int y.pr ve. LADIESIOLL the Xe w Flannery had- been'prase ad �theal,,a d Sods -placed uponlabundantl WE EY -AN with a suitable addres4; 0 Comfort table -b' EGE occo lan rri�anied by* a --------- �o �y years ago, the. proceeds EKA-U%Tt)- t to theha -�c -There -ar':-abso closet One L� - I 01�TLTABJO -. - -' ' . 0 B.. slid drawe '' for� Gladst intends --to ask'thd handsome purse, frbm his congr6g&tion at rs .of the sale of lai ids ill Nelo House of Y6Lr.k -State be-- Carrying ClQtbiug and. other irti6las, besiaei C6 St. Thomas, �rior to -his departure foi 'the 60pen on soptem6ir 11it"j, mmons to increase thelinbome, is" WH x two. Xrt. at one, t*Me. -F 'it Madies, c a watei. . eta slid other cohvbnie 'on oUnid. The Pfhich' �61d- 'sod. - as. , The pen x Natiori Indiea',of.hich. ords long ad at hav6,. large ce -the PL..!L. ollege in tile io d m r eraftwe Sd a tn c �.Uppoii ted editor of the Ca dian 9i - _tty; _i4iisbble st Kingston bvdr the provi of Dr -Wilson's Aiiti� adOess the Princii3al - they PRdvnTCAL _Suow.e!-There. is ovens; an are thus Thoroughly -equipped in. Lit 00 pg pur A o casionai d6go lie Podi(h, of Stratbroy, haq bee'u. rendered availablO -f�r d X4`ugu4g�S, music and Axt- and the whole car,is welL-LadaFtod- for- itailbih US 8 tjjj q2tist. ion. -and Prager* cial-exhibift Thevrarden f Stimale;% The Ci'P.*R wels into Ilealt nu wath6 County Vurp()Se.�Londlm T! -n stomach and -b.0 -p Pres?4.
there are thremis'na to: withbold the county grant to 3001,000- acres- of [iind under cut �,�jp If YOU W tivatiOu in- the fair unless � he � be allowed to iriperin. a an iges ion, andjygl.�4V _61 tlie".body ane#trdpairs-to the buil nitba, and ffiat thaqrops. look a Roger i Brook& - Diekso.4,,74a7e - securgil by.s th leudid. tend the parm er
-,di]398,- t116 AOMaUY Ry or -A treng' n Merle the -the ,,,.an& blood events ack