HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-07-28, Page 2bkopde"t in the cour ye A. t -ig re- iustes -of id iound shot, 'Were scatteitOd A - by"many wri 461111 � - the ft rt,. w.ill d* the oalme At Mox dua if withEgyptian news. The oxoitbalezit Near intrancle'of the -gate- of Ifivinoible the'ship *6uld certainl1r,have Wen obliged the Agazino first a loded, we. fount! 071. theri is nol reply the vessels- will, anchor Bud �uot im obably whose, m, If, yquffoes torment and taunt you, to go that -of action, . pr Ity ind h�untyou, a night ind resumi i6na, to. A3:&XXJD1iU, July 13--�The. uropealue, n srmor wo, The flist battery tec. .ur fears sruga a bee iiinkil felt. her ul& th st� *ould hav cent -had -two 10-ijach � Mid .9. it Nvorld- �4ems dark and dreary- morrow., who fought, tb allot go, entered Ai d Chrio -ha�r*aly Vidst the,10-luoh Wait.& weaiad- dinns wear gaw hnuatade of Chrii, fAsho ALZXODBU last night they I., . If.. the '�EgYPV4 oppose our ated by our July 131 7.40 a. m. -At dak.' Eldro ged -through far. -us one of which wis dismoui half1f, Ui . ho-pesy.oa. forldly.c4erisli, mot I ning the flag -of truce .. undWastorn. up.i the waas:klfat o this pean masawred,drgg id gsusnliy with which light i, mutilated, .- stampled upon and troops with t a sarr ]Dashed- to: earth; seem ouro-to perish, flying at U&S-El-Tin Palace.. The Hall h- they fought their last four- 9. ins yesterday aiid tihki�t a' led. 'The - con, V '. lible plieb - ismani witli patienco for to -morrow- &thej thrown Into -the -butning,buildingA Wilt k nough. --been - hisinclunted, - -hid'- b a 'but ofit� which -bud $Q muws� life. is whoily, gorr6. with a flag- Of trued flying, an our soldiers wiU:ha;ve wor -made -m. Vorn to hands and -ward and they tilted bsck ble, konar�h and Penelope are now, steam- for them before If -your Vans don'. t work tdpldaae you,. A a Ir filling upon. and crushing - he ing, into the- ihne;! harbor; The remainder lexapdrin a Fl.o.. the tienitindous fire of -tout jronallado con-, somersau If ihe- 01 tea abdii1d. Vez, and teaard. yoa�- as and- who still %y.:ben9­4th it.; ' a VA lait iiight Ahe darlib 9 ----was, --ti orumbi: :gmiuerai I carn-b e bright and dhe of the squekdronou:Uide are steamliog abpu Late iwntrated u- eln, idth th4 for cry,, a -pan th Wilfism. - Armstrong's name. to up by 'a burit the gunners, yk the a wee and dinna; wery.­ The fire in th ling in'ruins among a town has greatly ek-teude dbnly lit of -A me frol bore Sir borhoo: of thii Khqdives p ace. it had struck - tjio gave $1 dift-ing the ifight. Vilikish. vessel is el -f -tor shat'back thiough the -storm. ght. It, God g.tye you joisure'Aako it Pe wassiou ad. Several ad r h otion showe[d ithat: it was the �tull -=Ubur. times before it, The 0'rer ins still lying tof!� Rmmleh. There is a eavy ne ets fo more than His gift -a blessing- make. it; bar : thst -was. burning Aerael� �ou all wAlig -tattery -close- d. no whit abating,. sea, on. Admir a sense Of ��eli am iif gm; Faith iii Him A ners lay traded.. gardens 86*etal huge pits bpd been dug. as gra as, The There 16n at last ut that-, the guns SerVe His Will by pm4eut W.4tins,, 20 -a.m, ii -no likelihood.of dog. The beautiful to j.it wis:evide _an_ -ut heroic -into theid rob stood out in:, -weird- - 161FOU110, :914 thO: Th' q, and of -the dead -had- ad da 6ntstleina -46-olclodk. own as Thq -out- AiUncod' -pne aml-N "r i`-" ox"' 0 a- renewal'of the bombardmertto-fty. refleetion'.of the flames* alohey' burst. . By�fdl -is estimated th -in &te ead weatiler is very rougli. birid -itri ow froin- tbavindows� now from the roo�, JoU6 !160 of 8 -0; PS, Ose forts a, hasbee'n airman mV6 be�n kill as. ne- i t r yo of Ot r ated n A correondet on the Ini u--cible tble th "e ur d shoiid -fat. out ver- the ad.- gra;phs-the-t the survivors .01 th mass"re h Nvait a and 0 ditaut materei. kter hi. lask �w telegraph -shig aiught hey a 9 - d bluej aaboke advanced MRS. W� H. PoTmas- -an(!* is. flames; The Presently.the rifle tower clogs by -c 1h ' to say the- partof tille.cityl marine . an -been, ordered to'take up, a that from Chiltern h6 ' ' d -to `w[Ijeeling their way dantiously-J. -a- stion. was, a.ded and a second. illunifti nding they .0ould1leir ShrielEg an& -the position near thi neutral fleets. kg 'to the, vast were- defo ey "the forme f -marauderg - as - t to r. Owir diids and -r* d guns., clearing the streets a -The -entire'garriecin. of, Alex- eports o istols an 9.25 am, [laings, . the inflima- size of'. the - bui lVes'l to cidt W11.0r.. WA I N E G sairia; withdraw mide Scoresoof the fugit" we- 40 advinced. of truce r a. flat, contentsi- and -the ble nature .-bf -their to diath in their.sight, All the �pub, Life whd r.ropefty. jus t i -re, &fig pillage Watell eavifigthe-Be4ou 0 the. 1 9 an -th' mpoojilbility -+of, obtiAnin the Her- destroyed d no ing io buildin 0 Vices'either of the - All sorts of reports were current a to'7 town.: The�I)i6cqV has gone to P rt Said t military- or the fire Uri- go ascertain the state of affairs. led. thd ra&e or s - killed.-- - P Dra 6 fled Tile, Forts Deluged With 8 ade--theL fija was. -not oextinguished, b t European Bee El-tolleve,ewip u I tile I . stics. Several. shoto-wor r 1he numb of :Chrigtim a' 200 to 2,00 Ao. have be"n 9.48 zi, m, -The Egyptian army is grea.ily 9 in 0 0 ware �asid continued raging -the. tion, of the oity'wbete Via. con- Stio into that pbr be demo,ranied ina in Ehretreat toward.- the. se�ciea, but there does not appear 4d[ She . It. same, scene 'the h6pea of, )ther quarterg-of illi city the flagrAidu had br6ken out, --in interior... The Europe%q garter - of - -the any�ielhtbld datia. -The faot_tl�&t the is w&grj3pdiited.' .0de-large building on the town'. includink 4he exchange- and the hoiis all, the. Bomiing off the pillagers. -Thst any pil- Atill a -of the city in Mehemet 'AlL, oats large -portion. ff atfrom -ihe 'fact it' �ation being. insi sq4aie) Ion ., 16 ut any-invips ig telegraph office, is utterly destroyed.- r .-hide- -lagerq yet remain is evic -out ' a LEXANDRIA W FLAMES. others,. and. showed .,.out im all thei that.- 6'everal resh I fires. lisve-bi6ken prevents . I. - Ther city'was fired by zelea;94 a nvicts, soity.- traitmerit Iroin the - Chiltern from whatl heaf-the number kill d 0 rks 6f the -juilt ousiless the ma returned wh-a'committea horrible atrocities. The ;which Fort eon had -.received at the An dfficer not exceed -.5.00. 11, ho w dver", -thb eatiiw ted Napol able reports the- scenes of eanW on a ore as. used the flag' . Another loss - -of. life ., should Use of False Flags :Egyptians of truce. to an hen do of out ships during -the di �,ppear in - t me our- )pmlling. : The town for Some h 8, after the -troopS _tO. withdraw. fr6iii the' town. oasesz oxt6ggerat d 1 -is imposs big' d:f Tvnxoe. d* ybt another -house- followed. Street eiiUble- pand leftWas Av to: -destruction of iro- The: telegrsph ihij Chiltein.-is browdod exaggerate -'the after,street-succumbea to thd A6ry lnvader, the trops -y - Oak, _7jsj as or, uut6iitihed. monium, - Ab .,with -.v rho, fought their. way to 'all before thoini From are: com rivors, v whose forces carried A thousand. know :to abo. par - ty. This plef a 'and 01 R., UNA D& CO PU-TESIRRE th' bia-6.1i,ftom. whence �the boats of the the karo�eau quirteri3very'llouie appe a to remov I them, They, report having deolm of the illiper and from the tope; of intiencheid-thero.- No reeonijAis&neos.hsve,. h - b an smoked before t was fired; the t ken fleet ec i'llair masto could be seeAlho 10-stric setts and - Dame- "0' a am- eople rushing wildly.. Plui t badn made. of thei Re leftloiaed With Eurol Ban -passed a drbmdful night,'defending th Orth . I the Ye ;&h Ia BOB to the unded-Adnorva selves deiparately. ne. hundred' Euro- to 'etite"forts. Fugitives BE61Y.1; a. goods. Fi6in fi�ioudly:u4tivies th6dn;ir9 ,rhe iqueen, and the we rat bljzin� bilildii9s, carrybig-thOir lives in billerymeu. diiiing- the f:L Egyptian arl -obtained -th igeyln SPICU41d. reanar and other Christiana -in -the Ottoman intdinia.tion at the maill their hands. Other birds, evidently- -bombar plant were a Mud ng buildinc, were mas- day?s- v ry. -Bar oneta-D&Man- bank and, Ank adjoin pf Arabils- army -has g )ur, Eaviou* F-oietgnere opinions ot, the ibilizing the 000"iOn to th0i did no I leaing for tobbers,were u- r _ t suffer. sacred. Partof the -fleet is. now ., The ififaIltry fifteen miles 7away, wbee strong w rks None hid .. any- thotight 1pyglish. Elect in Action., h own ad wapbd -with the-Khediv%� -considerable h, ce, reabotits -lot the- K a- i"at'lge Gen. Stone i have' been erected. A. QFr ALExi-�wnu, ATL Minsrouz.-the bar-- Port, Sad.. The who but for themseNds, and soon a large portion is-- unknown.. amel h -vin OweVerr, is i d' i, -4hich - atil but left hislazidly-at. Cmir ' h itated to -be* still on the ut- rackar,, houses and windmil-Is . around: Fort . ive- of Alexandria was id fl it; is amid tlidi _m� lighted -Bhell -.9 -pr agent all re eredto�-Iecet'. Xpor. COxSTu;T'jxorLz, July be -.Council 'threatened. -the whole city. At the Rms-eV X -ex, hver been sh-att U. -the T Alexan. fallen upon the: main deW 6 ag M, concernizig Ax�bi musii be, received - ith of Ris a! T in �Pal&ce, -until recV&ly -of-Min-isters. rose -last evening aer . sitti Tin Palace, besides. the. adjacent hare I 'and immersed ion, dra, a guianbi. 'picked it. ur -d decision th I Mhey are, most couflictiE arly tw6ut-four hours.. No 0on which 'had been assigned -to inhabitecl by Dervish ind. which ne a par the burning -fuse in &'bucket df,"t4. This i�riived at. The Council meet. -again. 'the -descriptions. when inv�stigat6d last formed as -more. gallant. than anythio a: separaita building from he Khe- as lbervish Pasha 0 hifixesidence also -caught de'sordbed' ve 0 Tb -b n eon ied a ground. Itwas I)% - 1. . - g- to; be simply, the. products o, riati di -V .1 a's residdnco', V&s been- burned t the. to-amy., fire and -was burned to tlh a . I the -soyt Over before chronielbil a f aa bee o efs is still stinding, PARg, j7ulyl 134 -It is announced thst separate building, and up t6. the present nation. Fort -Napoleoft. -gunner will be recomniended - for thq Vic. - ti� - be amid ths all by the-marikkes. may but a, i1mber Tholes el�re visible; in the Gambetta ill duri1og tile, debate: on. naval the P&IMO is - phuit., a of -the 'toris ord9s. T -Private. I Secrew he Khediia's the -defeuces:Of Alexandria are now In ur.-, -be, in� oredlit deliver & great speech upon iener&Y conflagration isu1aU on i=ies. -inasoury and tlie,light - appears to atary.informad. correspondent that the 'han p Dlitics, leaving' the past Out, Of the. ques. aftor the' bombardment "in Air ble Zite- he fis unerats at Idea Arab*. d.. The: Bittern, after takingt orniug A- Romance Lieutenant Lambtoa on. board, went. ticia. anti addressing him.0elf to the. Cham- This'morning was performed the. milau- Pasha ordered, a, detichnient of soldierW to w Europe to show the. to ther haxbor to learn -the objedt of 06 flag bar,, -to Franob and bodidsof t to the - A-lettiet w-- A16'andria"A -mBerkid for bholy'daty of burying th as 6 - surroand- the Rmlell lhumbe. - who riteiat. 1 Ray which:events' have wore- ion ofi, the "gives-&- highly amainiic at truce d to ihe PO *ho, fell in the! Ir y of �eitdrday. 'Each Xhidive and Dervish Paglia, Gf--thb- Bittern that Toulbs Fr ancti. Hei S..., is 1hat offin, covered ith: the Union Jack, was irig theissue of 'e'vdnts.- Arab! Egyptian. question. News a&y a *ship, Aabi. 6a Commander of Mexandria, Ld-mox'Xialy U.-T%e a th the boats in taken board, the . fle on Asrad that the'soldiers, were. -only mea uly'in his car ' eer- I ghtdr wished to, lc�aimuuicate with . Seymi,our. that itea * bj the h h1008 lo -r the pribitection of the Kbadvirej but''a lovewith an E' t 9 Thrliey be- iav ... w hich �bonveyed them displaying -tho a gyptian gir ;,a as h but; the uns Limbtou b f�d liminary crape.. The.c�ews of a Mon. to -kill the �&Iqllah, r pt that a a, pre aw ansign'draped wit the list mornetit he tolo th drs- to, rLi-esiiQsh � the crupul6as Ismail, - the -hearing that. condition to- f urther,nogotiations the, forts authority is, prtictically agreed upon. A, Were in 4tered. ondeck d; in -fath6r of the -present Khedive, -also to_k a each vessel Xhedive.- The sol iers, -- c an entrance to tile haroax:muat not 6 -t -hat c�tfect I ba.sein to the Porte and dressed iu� their White- duck the E ughill- appiro -&ell lig" -deserted fare -t :th�gid, and had ho r:osTried to a headed rem ying by: an sa witliout ev eveiijrwher.q. hia'hm _w di 1be blarities presented- arms; -the Toulbm.refizaed. to,ac.&ept in, the. courser of the wi3ek� It -is. regmrded�as guit.s our their post thq term%,. and the -'Bittern returne, d to ac- probable thaf Turk�y, while not pidlsiti�ely andap1gyod. the 4,Dead March in $a-aii`the '�Thi SF;�Ialofiorn Alexandria, asys. 1eaVe.11 'Re iried to -paciry�' the" I abi quaint the�, Adhiiral-w4h. -his- refusal. It declirling the call f Europe, wilttry to flags flew' at halfwmast, and- the - officers The refucreas -are.. chlafly Greiekai- and Arabi 'by making'.him: m. be but Y; but -Ia 'and ;hst ma'auderstood " ond the offioarsr that: gabl-time-lo saluted .-- The scene Was. hig h njury, from', y re,ope�iu, negotifations. impressive ' j I one . Englis man ver-loigot th "'Italians and..- on y a to'be resumed at 4 oVock thisL suoji ease Enalaud w-iUw juvite the &ard.of -honor Arrivedtst. the llag-ihip, -a Twenty-sev011 of -these %cauld from the. moment vowed �dire vengeance Japo, U: aduce, ta.r6gar composed of Sri gyp 196U - afternoon.. but. no oraori'to th effect Niss A this procedure s'equivalent In ` u6s lin-id the sides and. E - Tfie -soldiers' and M -0b' nd all his fami Y., Bh- side ot The, Egyptians. subsequent1k, hoist0d to refu will agk'its approval of stood with at' 9 r d b- 'hundre&W ensaake'd every Tkie Volce pt Rgyptk90 given on age joine y they ere &,.low wOM a Of -the Eur6-- 6-secland flaacil truce, and the H6.11conwent -some; other course. 4 the. coffins laid in hous shop and enteked..the &cimen of -Indi h of - Obtain itiforraivtiGn, -Th6 Bittern- de, A13 -the innates.: The in, to - : correspondent 6n' on the ok where were.. sembl6d, The followirig is a .,a the Invincible telegra h prose ---published in the.' peaus and murdered moertaiinea that ille, -Khedive'wa safe" ith, - till the -officeri of - the inh t� k ifit' atry. and _phad at 8. oelbek this th4 Adniiral W, &rinds w laddea do iona or -.one t a-- pol 112 11 The part r !epiking the. 0 tim, 'of having gone Dervish 11'ashai. to -aitgildd f6 Urlited Stat aat the with r'in� oThe whole of the �i�il po�pul�- ship and two-chaplidiks in their surplices- -day. ad' "!he' The: baud played n dirge; the .-Fort Kubb ]�Atalfl_i­ verdly.dealt'Wit!I6 -1 Ranaled Palao�. The store ship, Humber tion and -the troops have -withdm*n. The guns laxided at, ebe, and diamah course leaves, ta-U, the Charch -of of. large- a moot' h her piebd� b ad. The Bolanin burial service of New Vrk Suii pdblishes i4t with the wounded.. A largo. wholeof.fie Grand square -1,3 urn tlea a number to 1pi 110;V S a a thO-woidi, 1.1 aeto vi loldin-'file dir qtion.,of the ]Ielioou,_ *hkh -weat to discover the 'England was road, and a wi, sdyjjidui;,�rjsh4a. nd -warinesto- iaxk I isound bf awful import body -a di Cans of -thi - lasti. * flao- ot -truce, herefore,_con�wit hiii, of- lko,rt Naodeou'and marilf to preakitne silenco-of the, mid. - Bi meaning t to- th bep: to possession f 14a Egyptialasworked their --Unei until Could' dieldoVel: 'bob6dy be turned 'into corrripti�njlookiri fOf'ths Cuirieldik- -but learning thst Fort N-spolsoon. Wsks it fion� the sleep 0 last e.vening, ages, they were, fairly blown fre,. m- the batteries on the, Egyptian. veisel. Mahrousse, tea' rrection of the body (when the -gas ined'siad'th6t a -largo Echoes -from eacli storied pile; u was -111 body ofboldiers Sweeps across the breathless desert tbe, explosion of shells. The Monarch or in the', arsenst." The. c6rreepondent shall*give up. her dead);" were 'read over station d at Cgintlaik, opirations With.a. note -of by _000, Pound- ..pre a wild.slaxin, Rz:44 200: ll'ea: 11 . , � 9 tie shore-in'the oaphL body the 'port -b a and condor -9 Thunders- through th shells anc 6 old was. open d. e quit=11e*y$1 Y. accompanied th ofl:lcer to t ward.oldstpoued. The Ono to a 0 -houses in. 0 -pu a. heavy Port- aid --The -American Admiral SUihmonsEgypt1ii sons allt from machine guns. Some tosiner's pinna a. Thi. veyorof-tbe the hmmmook-to- which Fort of concrete, fibit, who as onit of the pal d --was slid into The do P. stemmed- aiound the'flbet Tuesdak, iudbii A�7m,'snd hastentq her,rescue, happarently of !ti andwell ball wat attache irheitauij filer Maimr-Ch's he& ' Vi ' a L St'OUng. A three -fol a 'y mbn -cheered each sh' thiabour of-soreavneed; w nded abd 6io. d v We Was fired, i0id the Bad 1pi acquadillied with the tio a, Is Y1U6ur" 0: Arn -tofight, and' did itibay be Ther -car- deeded 'cozisider�able dist. per- ceremony came t an eu those !he;�Qaeez auce. All is d at' I teilejj�iphed to. Se On th L O&L a - . , , - .-For a-eduntr and acrea illprobs. y respondent Alexandria wout-close alou fdatly silent but for a r r cf the flatneg. wimilded yesteidayi. one or two w. gratilsting him n hii'succes united,- DeVall Egypt be 'laud iX. an open' boat� An Ar4b in- Azi a. that bly*die., -T.heiestaroprogr,.6igOingiLefi�vor- abroad all is staited that I � : ; Let the world feel. with &'thrill' the July Ia.-It is, believe Lrolbi has formed him, that ihany hundre-CL person's Y so the climatic conditions d other 9-repoit-ihat:thaL British Gov- That the dead: Were not the braveit odeentra4ed his forces 'kbl L an over Egypt� ljVeL Heroes. in Egypt.pt were killed, between Adjemi and. Alaiaii-' Arabi.Pashm has a ne's U adjuit cold. that it is cirdumats a -0 -%..now so circumitsu beondAhe �ity -o oppose the, British ad de!Andria,ba eramenti ALL explosion ocaurred'in- a fort vance. The work of the -shipo-I'S'noW, over.. A damaged ironclad, the -A v� ato fighla -onlyuPon the Sea, 96lid'- that' -Egyptians only"V Egypt for 'ion6l troo ruM -Is the watchword of to -day. OS Cannot. -pOBjibjY killing evarybody insiao.- Thal Ara-ba-gailI Fully 6ne- ing� had two of h r guns, disabled, the inte Faktifieir motion must- be- aslior -being badly hurt, will probably,have to t - fighti . ug. upon ..th6- Qf I aLet Egyptians piov6 thailin them thatL the 'noiSe !a1lingL shells halt of the town. is burning. There, -and med thit L prepaxe or guy gram sLives the -will-to do away- thi of thunder. They deal bj&LLt&, to get new. guns. la -within--% year*. It reporied.- t44t Witlithe evil'th will.. be 'a, landing ricat th go at enslave them, people -of The. Admiralty in e--Prove'that-they are- really. merip were killed i1k,the distant-, streets� stru 3tea- neivai Arabi lti h -there the - bouditiori -things, a notiff6d - his. followeig t tit. no 6 no a great bat ft will they obt%iwtheijr freadomil, ble, rende Will be great war and that And deserve it. Not till then They stated tha, the, obstinacy of the jai .,There vjj�tk officer at S z that- ther it objections The -the. canal if clear� be fought - soon. -.It is sai defouce. was owing, t6 the. fact that theL fPo. r ;dd -going through he proba,bly be three or fo4r ho to'* suspension to ships would au Utterilis, were mar 0 -rearm a - y. - ined by- nogro Moham- 'in 'consequence ]Evacumc Aletandrim. ft b ''-thousands. 'It is Egypt is not:dead;� but sle6pirim of ' tilegraphin df the Preparing S, receiving -Egypt lives for E t' meaans; The estimated loss Of life among Chiltern's, 6angq of positiorl6 - The- Be' othing- r8PO I rtslk that- great oonstofistion prev.sils* gy I a sons; RSL It the, soldiers. aad. town folks. is,2,09.0. ALgm-VRA, July 12, 4.J the- expected arrival. of -'the Is the answer to thee allenge douins 'are. - looting by thoudanda,- 'The has been. the Inflexible- wont. r Thuridekildforffifrom. fbreignunff*- done to-da_v-, n -ed, firing 8 d fired one- TN the answer to this riddle,' Two-ir6nclads-ope ix rounds artq.y., of Arabi— and aniSaamere is a pre-;, Europeans Who - fought. their way,* to the tbel! effect. along shore an 'Grave�i diiep� on Sphinx's face. of shot. and--. shrapnel. All took beach-nuiabei 1'06.. Tey, r6rioit all'. the rare follo - wed with .-two shots,- but'without handed,.'. t at, Oncemore let -the oldes, n Ion -The troops inim6.distel,y--aband:ohed'their Other All the ships -,have Belit ashore evefy -man nflag of Europeans sua Christi&u9,'number;,. effect, - Admiral 'Saymourgont. arinea were "Lift her h6atlaud take her place w0k abd the. firing, deased. Tbe.L*bitd­ that could - be: spsked. olne'llundreas, massacred. -, - . . ­ _. a ing.s 'truce oil a* gunboat in the harbor ill,' answer flog was., n 16wicro and understood the to a flag -of trued kaised by . thel gyp - ow hoisted at thd� i lighthouse. hLude& tit the -rdquest Ithe Khdaive., in , o inquire th eL limmos, July 13.L -It is E tians. ud. " I The Bittern was sent i t Etway by iol th coliferelic& h&er decided that. tlie� Egyptiffin -Ever.y.bo.aLyou.-th.e.A*xctericaii -ships iwinuoh IWay . 01221111 a' 1 0 -Amother cablegrani r6m - j axon ria., into tjOL the� Government. Thellos­ and -ildrem All abletbodied man BXYg_: is- enoug - to- Wn1 say that nothi g- ointed at the inaction of the English ell replaced 'by disapp ei _t8L army shall be disbahlied and bThey Bay that the 8"' wore orde MYi be left to -those who-. forinorly. lived- in a.. p-�tml battery took ref ug a the 0%gj�rnea e _ imer. Am 60ane; red to join the ar S9&* about -160, InSit qlzo te. ships,to?day. -nine- of whom aria -British - dose It Forty refujgtes, -Europealn he'.rooters adclin a - L July. 13.�T116 TfteSL would hsvidoz''e.the work- half the time, O2PO-N loubidoti,% road I at1i eir, way -to- a -have - not withheld t. an 8 m'- arnleCwith rifles running towards, the: the fleet --this ste. Alexandri .19 understood that in the event -of hoBtili- -Arabi is p!epariug to �ova,cu -lbs -morning - in a b 16d hid. _t liglithoiise - fort.. They.carried- bago;,- . Sh It. is a pity we Xge in which they* anything hat seemed, to a a] h had an Zgyptian, goner y _ hpiparontl tie%iIL-.E*ypt_th-eDuke;Qf Counaught-mill and to.'resiat in the Aeu. prospect of plu nder. The stilt, Zo a,.w robably if kforce h hotiW or three.thousand troops at"Our h big volunteer his-gervices. sve 9 n Arabi P h t ' 'by - asha. surrdu Two ... -aut.ou_._ewiii be''-gLven conImand: of enough theUL to- barricaded them their housei. afid- it, -thong r"nv have- beau 6 0 Ow -,a t h dispoeiali for. itwould be easy 11�_Wlk guns 'on the Alexandra, were dig- Is have rived_.- iu6i I djd� Zot.L&... w itifrom. destrao.- escaped the massacre thd�mmi yesterday. N Occupy. the town inUselive: -attention- - -them, ey� ac ng tibled,,'L j�L6t having. passed throujh the� port our ilifilifty brigades ess:th' iquadron arrived. a Port- tion, which, judging by thi�: inii rioters paid no Lbodiesswa'.' -,3 oe1oc.ktbe_tttart:i steamp- The. reserve- i easing Uve'beenhung, whose Ae ad At \je -throng 4o and fr6- iii.t1jaZoorway's -of -the b4ild Ila laud At 4 o61ock this morningt conflagrations, the inch ire'preparing for. passed h- the streets, being too busily h ght looting tell' out and i;igaalle,ll - "'Niigotlations euggigedan- tha ivork of desUaction. -chartering A 4um, If theFloes.900 are ol -accordingly- informed tile -The �tithoihies a down rt'Marabout will in which t ey were can -b" t of uv . ey munitions to be cornplo A ustiflabje' apphcati6n- of: military f aildd: - I have correspondent on the Candor slayal oritida on,- a j- a 'V $aela to 'eb Btely - destroyed.th evp;iiag,- and. tile- houses with: o . I the-xablol of. t ir re engage rgr] fit' a in t -.-e6u.rse h.. Fort, Mom women. were. -seen Mary he :Alexaziaria.. Five:thousana mulds. 'U%ve this 'it 8'eamed as -aatrb party will be landed at at 3 From - the numerous-gt ying - there TOtrolg stampede plunged into --gmd staff a been purchasectin Spain. gyptian unified to burat ins carrying* whi a _�6�All Arabs are _tj.L 'Ifich - pieferrinig the'kisk of --be ro b -to if t4a OffiCarL _bsexvaa. in th' lios, EVgXrjjQ. eighbibring bal the Pita] 9took declined 3 ipet cent. towday. And-. the n OL mrie's w 'he baderyi handkOi6hiefi.on -aticks and- are sho, d' ill 8 11 at, ALEx&s-DRup, - July- -13- 2 p; m. -The L.amall -party wh landeayest6day had, not wIA9 being mangle . by t a gL and unable to escape,, 'to he ehief offeade C Th ete. If the -file% boutiflues too t are been a r B. position co in- orderL to, nt or. a great anxie y� They &VP a, Be hiter4hasmovedi o-tha_.ha;rb :time to. compl To h 'M a, Aug of tru _ friendly. - General Stone confirms the: r a.- W&BL-grea In' g- fiered the mur - o a ra. Elho is- reported AralbiPaghs ik-marohilig will be iakeu intid- ban& 'to -morrow morn? a, to murder- everyGimat' apoil a 'ug'alf-the to*n-1- eipressea 'that five. hou rd r of the X-hed Odds. xly hoisted is- siezaay- increasing. It high -citrying this 'intio- efftict.tho.work religious - sensibilitieR. hay. a "a d ge th There fire. in -the -for porti-that Arabi Pashi*_ o _t _� f, Are. di city tio. that airo. ing. The Moliamb, nvin an W 0 Arsbaol, hh: b%V een wa no. _oibli d Pere, eLb ated in- 4-bortive negotiations, 0 T diero�:hxve - &O�Beized.. wt -still re a lople, in,' th6 in swell _-Iffei.' The 8 rl 119. No Aim iophere In main atichorbdzeak *hile meanth a t 0 he TXXANimi, Jifly 13. -A corre other vessels of 'the .-fleet L� lie-so-me-distaill-ce plunderond Will :b Le hathibi.eexty this-worhil tMade- 7�*e increased so much athe fire from the; ho qjitered-tb & Several . Arabs have. 0 .4 readiness to completi the destrac. :-At a. recent -mie-ting Of the"Thotogra io ouads in the Arab away in vessels would be ineffedivei - Lambiton I (imid- ustiy h, h Aarge' quan-4 _�nd , abs bit. Vit 1' :Soeiit ofFriuce. M. T h iadly'injjjred -partly burned- by the tion of Fort Phmrcfj azi&`the other Wnt*addrejs oj -aussen an ad reported that when. -the Bittern ' L 'S � ­_ POOPeudYk, �O went in, I The their possessibu. � Thit _Y lairge; bodies -. of" troopet were evacuatin bombardment. he ii�eiidiary firids in th teries - whdn --thb- 10 maiinew -ander TA I �roand a manificeni proof of the-laiii jir ter 8� arriv sod " given her naerl and said & I a* 4otda' ur..oii the f ad European -4usr t 11.15 &�..ln Achilles %has ad -has ision sixty. the n ill ' -ba"ack4,1:-be - going centre. -Aill-some, I -Yon"the, 'rill ind rtsr,, Theia: 'are Ig station with the fleet. whow old qilestiou -of a luilar ii1rospi'll X large pmrt Of th covoredLA Mile square. .0 AP 17 -and Mr Order.- The.,Kiniatera duty. helping - to main ki L- 6.ut in full marchii l'k geror casl. New - has- just been- ree6ived ths the In �ApOao .. 119- thi d.: -It a it cQ - iw subj6ot ha� arj upon Larnbton -in- populatio' E 11 ad 0 9,.,grind liad no prop6sadw to make. diers Were first to -that the bulk of tilie Bjyptian Ar, Oronteg, mith the insirirrea, has krelved--at battles the -!'.Suppose f6r-.Eh moment the mod" is them� he. had not coule.ta offer stated Pesertioni -from Bud I _t� _H . eAdmiril his. iderid. h-er*to Malts..- inorthesati Th. me-oi.it-the surrounded bv�azx stmospherb,'whatl. Id to* ..reedive pirdpossis. a: "Ia. -Rosetta; forty miles ee SiAONJ lthey c naf aw �t onga or. br iho Euglish d' Alexan and - �at' I)amanhour, tlliity come. here ihgta;ntiv. Thd'., r luforcem h 'be, the, reiult if -we..t6ok_s.photd i7a r-med- .0i t pen. rr. - .. gra info, themolthat id not dri w�fjj ave;. been dered Poo -The'. obe.btings WI e;.they Ar'lvvith ypt, dight. Wilds solithdast 6f Atexaalaria. An"- vieW of -it- - during. �tn The- 1 or, [&at them's Vag' at w &,ad io. sh6cit' looters-' ng parties,- dt _L*,e . t To -or. p enoug cousl ex-occapie befori --an r: �: - . sh re d by the 0di-ii di 1 Oting th4 city 11 .. - t 'ru ye d a Ii! would- W -- being bnoollrage o -re 8 191110 In 10. and will:per'%po_OQ0UPY peraiiineutlkome ed tha B-tiat I kxrMan R�q nAeusir Y'i A 1,� Port hip hi Ad be t n. jvotiahl. troops alic raboaf Ve 1- ePenelope has :t0411 heedin destroye T -is exi6atly ead it was very'effe' .6f the pri on 1 .,9 iltt.,CA �djjjjjt -big -fired is oll d They -replied *-ih%Lt -Fort e1rb bf, ihe I via 12'tor fire'd tinues rs pisce, e -p ao � �.S- jn.��Tfie Invincible has -just- -._�perpe-_ cruated. but tivw against Ras' at Till Fo6. ' Two p. On- and' Which as-th �L-bddt had already, been'eva he- -he end OIL at,-Xex; 'The atmosphere 111f0st- -his' foot, 1114ti-that reared oil t in. con: -nine4nob. sh otta L -he-thow.­The uu:Wdiscia -very takh rp,- #jOy ColL give -guns w ere founaL a - do rite 'answer -as 'and tisn gunneM r -we had the exact large of his iat IfIik that no shells. -was � cle& and -.drew -which had b -he " negstive is- rather in en5i ed I i Wr Mak, -agreembilt sequ4ucot of bOitij atiuck by thi V, d light.-' X. - ly U.--seymour.tele he therefore, 'although a. k6fling -Vvas likeiy, and being unwilling -to fist,6 LO`,;,-D6X,, J11 Y lak1bg out..- f drawn - him L j pr6babl' from-rdt" * tell, - t - A) doubt th heavily, the Bh(ill struck in'the ouet' Bpot t' The . I . tary Gov- -at - 10.40, this morning- that- -the, terms werq 0 Your breast remedy k t ene!j of time lef%L ml,i In. thl -_R until- he tr- _kp appears-, o ied-ST.- -effebted�oic6-m.;Q trooB­ rerillere.- -the coners%tiolk. -a- Wag the surrender ' of tie forts as MV simed_-At. In, a short: tim6:f1a;mes.1j6keL ro. . poop 8craplitgj e conducted error nded. The _O Out Thiire.wss no - rep yj &:atron9109611" use msft *o the flag -o 4sodit . me Ina -of Ul has:provea 110 succeg 'idmitted,t-�thi is known' of the Rhe lbe. 61 endyke: et' t-spoop PdiW bltl�r-Oman- ciiao that arr'sugemen we in command, dairiiig- he action yestekd%y. demw the Eg� -in th j troops *aaffered heavy' trade, bv ptiano p. iconsidered'di nor was there anj sigii'of -life - a --forti who. -I is strange Ahik.P dielmi should- harbor, a' inj40- stra. Foun -iij feeling 11 inf6jmeid� him - that gracebil. Nothizij, -rnly refuse inior mid6for o the' tirma thi,� troops dive, but, it, is' he is still A Aam, so - abubboll to low, us Ad T t at the a agrea a T' - �,k: pa M I be o. *hero hi§ �yachtis gpp&teutly_ fot� the -plofk4l, a ? t I - material benefit to'. A hat cit e"ousto he drti�Vft1l -1611L j'alace, the.abmadondd fr 'OU ]at 411194 alone' will .6fbur oldeteitIzens Y spoil My itri , at wlilj- Gov'e' vat 'thstan _4_4WLkatUr6.q rnment igi Oran joll war, we grol�Ably r _of at. jiffliag waiting until -the Both -of 'his woulc b erwill allow -onors. -negg-t 1260-onXtiddy. rMew and all h yd aving sailed im verd bompliod with' setioll C knd'� Conu NoVedi er. 2 . * to . a �.nq embarkation ards-are remen freml On Just stabd back a -As 4a The ' t tand V let -mo After his - fo to rtv-si jjq�tiong would. 'be etered; i2nde uponi�. -6 k' mai ra. _irernni6fit-bu -baulba-.' abbird t1ii'resafti 6( failed h! rn- -stakmed. ali't jj�j, juadion�' The men- of work again, and.. ot: Yes, I Ditte 4, r in Marmara sit.. lt is very. fortunate :her*L Spobpen. h. -B, Carpenter, the English -0 rill eB -dyke, and -is the Go Orders �guv6 been. thk resetve 'take the dati f 'the.. col hunra meraire and! Superb fire. gusrdsonahcir�._ The- newspaper oflaceo-ift' milks B: 8 to W ell 0 _Visit this jeoUntr L Y. down -the flagbf tru9a - ad- the_ h _. 0 left -the roob is mornit .. I givell that the, Tei on w 1 9 swig at 6: 1 sabout t.. opq6iel edition 3 been Ptruc zlgstou� bottl _f n olloWing.jVrifte a Andi6fled-ted that -he ha n 'jnar� the utt -have be -rounds 6b at Fort'Pliarog. The Flettstre0taro-besieged f.6r ea, ack of cud]* that I* morbus, U y - j fy Ore ain na6, of :t -h naa. to he 'Said so T. -he had T all arange for AW gad much Pajineils appearsue awe e. am wil re area 1,ext7m6pth.