HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-07-21, Page 5J- - I •-• • - -„ ..• • -.- • • • '• • _ • • . • • • • . . . ' - •••••.•••,,olf,4•161 • '4'4? •-•••s. MRSt RAD_CLIFFE'S Vramtle eihd. millinery Imporium. .. • SPECIAL BUCK SUSS FROM 81 UP. ,THE LATEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE DiEtESS TRIMMIllt, -OF THE SEASON. BLACK AND COLOR ED SATINS BLACK AND COLORED WATERED SATINS. - BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. STRIPE SILKS. FOR DRESSES,'CHEAP: BLACK SPANISH AND ChEAM LACES. REAL GITIPURE: in BLACK. • - GIMPS, BUTTONS,..BRAIDS, me. .• • ye,t • - ° 7.3.1=3,m,ss Goops.- • Tfiese iire better and cheaper than for sonie years, and -einbraee: an .i-icreasing. Variety :of color, make, ipialitY, -an& Price, I hare never -sliciwii-a larger range. Neweif designs,- ' latest pattern4,1att-coloringt; and kiweat prices.- Madam do ypn want to he net without beim( RAM, attractive: but not flashy, engaging, but :not gaudy. in _ : a word, natural aid:like your -years ? : Then; come and buy these Dress :Goods, these marvellous effecte Of skill, Money, and time., :Are you - - an industrious housewife; a kindanddutiful daughterr'or, a rezi- crab& and honored grandinother Then you have already • • earned the best the -country can afford.-; ff FE iMLIE ThTtE, 111.1A14 AND SPANISH I A 'IL. T C'KFT. OP.v AEAN ILb CA1-1/4.1,..11.1.)5, AND SILKS: • . - PARASOLS', GLOVES, TitS, RPRON. So FRILL'. NQS. &e, * fie largest and most select stock -of iflintr in Lucknow. -..L.A.DIES BONNETS, -PLAIN AND FANCY STRAWS, MINSES k TITITIA/REN'S IL .1."1.`8, in. endless variety. INF.A.N"r'S R0131' 5 AND ('1.0A KS, of the beat at Reformable Prices. CRIL1)REN'S LACE BONNETS, It I kiBONS, LACE, wooLs, and in factererythiw found In a first-dass MiIlluery Eatablishnatnt. ' Come early, you can always buy better than late, when the light is dirn,and your Mind haa been warped and cranked with the labors of the, forenoon. _ * a, fall steck of gaaraittg- Good,s. fNlantlea OrIerin the latest style and ante to' Et. Remember the -place, next door to ‘.-he PostOffice. . • l;:.S DOTIFp.M TREEMAN'S WORM- POWDERS.... r.Are pleasant to take.; Contain their own • Purgative. Ill a sec, ;tete, and effectual. iTeiirtroyer..of wo.ms in Children orAdult‘ , k • C)i firstrclass improved At Lo NV Rates ;by the . OF CANADA. 414 to. trAg.. SOITERVI.L.I.E) 4 /a Valuator: ' . Thesubscriber has afew good • OF THE LUCKNOW Harness Depot,, IsOfforing GreatBarn. pains in Harness; -14addigs, Trunks, • 'Waffles, nukes,' •Ulaitkr,ta • . Single itarnettsi-from-$11 np, - " - Ttant anrnes-tenna $28,104 And everythingin the line cheaper than.. the cheapest forca•di or otherwise. I - am bound not to be unders.:Id. All work warranted, as I keep nothinr but first-class dock, and first: 'cIaasworknien.. *. I defy competition. $ bon't forget. the place;, opposite • • br sale on easy terms, and. a- : ilitt 'number of. t from one to eight- acres, which can be had very cheap. -JAs. SOMER. VILLE. • „ of ill kind drawitneatbr. and • - .-cheaPly. • • •• - - -JAS 78C.ME RV 1 LLE. EST T AND GRAZING LANDS ARE 'MIND ON THE Northern Pacific R. it it, MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, • 3. H, IVIcHardfs Brick Block.. PROCTOR. LucknoW,Vanu'ary 13th,. 188.% • - • • - . iow- MONTANA. . -111C CROP , LOW ix.RICE;ift 1,044(1 TIME: REBATE FaR 104PROVfp, 1 i . POEMT; REDUCEDIkAnEAN6 FHEIGHT.T0' IBETTLERIk i -PHIIIFULLINPUMIT10141.AnDHEIMI ' r - ---R4A2 NEWPORT; OtH.LAND-A ...- ' lissToott itisst.,,ia .t.• 0 eft PRUI.44,01.- . . ' . • , "71.11WMMIIIMID • G.ktrEN-A. CHE Wishes to ihforrit 4.4 public -Olathe hab ioirstlinily on hand a FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF, Men's? . - 'Women's, Misses'. and. Children's Booth: erunihe' his really superici stocklo each class, especially his BnIrPebbte'& Whole -Stock BoOtt actpre Fire silig elgeWhare. • Nianufacturing _a.. Spec-ialty.- tt year's stock -said- ami tut 3(a cost; • • E!zgaiI4 Butti-r taken Li •inininp,e' Ras (mods. "------ - tat/AT' fq • CI rill 11:1001VINE . RAD— MARK.THEGicEAT EN- amDE MAF. • 4 .10 - EMEDY. -- An tv If Ailing core forSernin- al Weakness, Spe.rmatorrhea, m p , and 3110.iseasekt - - 'Taft .Afte 4tupienceofSelf s, use-; sslosA of Memory, Universal, Lawn- ttidgirainin the back, Dfinne.ss of Vision, .Prernatnre old age, and many other Diseases thaitlead to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. re -Full particulars in. aur peolphrt. Whichwe desire to send free by mail tflevery.one. sgr-The 5 pecifid Med- chit is4iold byi -1;11 “*ists $l per:peek- :we. or 4ix- iriekavs for $frr or will be flea fre,b-y mailon receipt of the money !Tad!. • dressing. - • -M •033EP3B OE •-•- 4-Oom_ ORAzol.,!ti: _ - 1 __ . -:- The •.eitc.-COmpound, -ts, tr•On- . .derful affinity .to . the. .Dige ,t;ve , - „Apparatus and the Litrej,.ind esS-:•• . " big -the - dissoly#g juices, _r ley-- :lug almost instantly the dre din!. - • - results- of pepsia,Zndige4 ion; and the 21:43EID L1V4R, nkes - ZopeSa.•:azt every day necesS yin :svery konse.- . .i- *- • ,- -• 1 .. : - ..it acts .g.e/itIk and: speed' • in -' '8 -•-• •lililiOnsneSS,-1" Costiveness, ead- - .-• Aole, Sib* Heada:olze, Distre s if-. ..- ter-Xating,ViTind,on the Mo. itaoh; Heart-burn.,Pains in the MO and - • ,,, - . Bak Want Want OfAppet..., •Vtra- .t oi,• ,..E.nerg: .L.o* 'Spirits; ronk_ item.-- -,aoh, ItinilgaratestheifiVe , cap: ' ries -Off all Surplus. Pile, re ates-- the Bowels, and gives tone A . -40-1- .wholeSyStem.,'•' • • . . -.- ' Cut this out and take It: --to Yo' I Druggist and -tet -a10 centBa ' plW.-: • - Ora' large _Pottle- for 75 -cent, ,:a.a. .-. it alitypsur..neighbor about• "to I . - . . _ - , • • . , . .-. ,::., _ , • s . • • ' . . . •- departments are yet very:-oottpleto: that cannot b6. beat in quality and 1111=11116. clieaianesp. • .. 0.. •••• . ••• • TINE GRIT mEptc*Nr. co.. lir; , tieR.Ift lit'Lticiinew by all fieticriat.4 knif Canada - 1* 7,1 1.7:tc;n$1:i a - . • . -114)104, coottr.,. tv me- whom eirlatt.dicaultito:TIAutri- Stater- - -1101-1 Ansi - - -41.-,wkolecoal•-amkortai -drowns . mot* •••• • - • • , .. . . -- ; -• XIATXPE2C. -- ' - -• -- • . . • _ • ...-. . .. . .., . _ , _ • -TO Disiasas; C..01KPLATS and. Acciiantris -which HAGYARted Yriii.Ow _On: is n - teed to. curt or rebeve either m MA1 or . -Dian.- - -- •- ' - . . 2 , . . TAKEN INTERRALLTFOR . ... Mt. Ot/1.1, _ - ' - • ' :COMM,- : - --- -.' 1 CR.41.111A ' Swot. THIroAz .• . AST.thit'A, " ., CO.T.Diii, . dec. ." .--- " "•: • . • " APPLIED EXTERNALLY. PDR -itarrIlI4TIO:71.4 ltrIffUltA.L. G.IA, - ' 054.nti1Ns,: .CA.LtOU$ LUMPS . - - PBOST BITE, ' . -' . .L4.100.0ffSlit ----.-':1i-At.17:141/7'37 7• -----:.;u7r4GQ, v-`•. si1lT-°•a :t: i- lAINlirif' 774ll. - ' - 4411:itNia8t%..-- Iiiieilbmt nteec"g"isii 4441rn°nYrefund. .,. :11T°N$VrriEA1111:14Pi'Io T*at4op:'ID" 1/011T0i,_ 11,12LISES, . e • What is it ? - Tlie best Machine v/orld ; . inanulai.ttired This Oil under the severe -it test. C .33 we:e au an e II :in the • -• ir1 • OrOtt$2,u Trlisseatf: • WourMedalsktind Ttrietqf DlothasT.- at th&Leading Yabibitioi•r -the I t, in 11481. raimers and (stile oitrel!! and machips•ry by using 1.m.Dras. Ask -pour local deal er.f.or it an dtvki: ethe r sale. • .1)1,i'D D. AlAbINTTRE: ' -nt-'1.11%-. • 1- -. • . .• • " • - • . • _