The Wingham Times, 1908-01-09, Page 4honey, Found AS ADVERTISED • We hand, you back 20 cents on every dollar's worth of goods purchased here. WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU Suits Men's $15.00 Suits for !t $12.00 " " $8.00 " Youths' $10.00 Boys' $7.00 '< " $5.50 " •" $3,75 4. $12.00 $9,60 $6.40 •$8.00 $5.60 $4.40 $3.00 Overcoats Men's $12.00 Overcoats for " $9.50 Youths' $6.00 Boys' $4,50 •' $3.50 t, c, $9,60 $7.60 $4.80 $3,60 $2.80 0111100. SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON FURS Men's $65.00 Coon Coats for " $22.00 Dog Coats for " $70.00 Fur lined Coats for $50.00 $15.00 • $55'.00 20 PER CENT OFF Fur Caps and Collars, Shoes, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Hats and Caps, Underwear, Hose, Mitts, Gloves, Braces, Umbrellas, Overalls and Smocks, Trunks and Suit Cases. McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS. • ON ALL LINES OF d FURNITURE `4 during 4 4 Y January Reduced Prices i JAS. WALKER & FURNITURE DEALERS AND VNDERTANE1 . N 1;F:l J 3 4�N�N *♦1:t4�;t13 4.0.0.:ttft **+.+tl3.t'F .'t.1** t:uutoss. lilts, Margaret. Mapley, relict of the late Patrick Manley, of the 12th cone cession, West Oakesa, pawed away on Saturday, Deo. 213th. Mrs. Mauley was. aged atont 70 years and lead been a widow ail years. sit it.uanew. After a long illness from cancer, which he bore with strong Christian fortitude and resignation, Mr. SA. E Munro, •the well known merohant and postmaster at Auburn, died on New Year'e Day, He was one of the best known and most highly esteemed resi- dents of Huron, beloved by all who knew him and trusted by everyone for his unwavering and kindly character pad his strict integrity. The funeral took plane on Friday to Maitland cemetery at Goderioh. Going Into Consumption? When your throat rattles, your Tunes and chest are sore, your throat is stuff. ed with cold—don't fear consumption use Oatarrhozone and get well. It clears the throat, mires haoking, relieves tight chest and soreness in the bronchial tubes. To clear away Catarrh of the nose nothing could be better, Oatarrh- ozone—is Nature's own remedy,—it heals and'soothee—cures every form of throat, lung or bronchial trouble. Pres- cribed by many specialists and used by thousands every day. 25o. and $1,00 at all dealers. CIRANBRf1OR. Mr. Eli Smith, of Brussels conducted the services in the Methodist church on Sunday last. Jas. M. Knight was elected school trustee in the plane of F. Raddatz whose term of office had expired. School reopened on Monday with Harry D. Atulay, of Brussels in charge. Following are the new officers for 1908 in connection with Court Woodbine, 0. 0. F.-0. R., Jae, D. McNair; V. 0 R., Jas. A. McNair; F. S., A. Reymann; R. S., A. Cameron ; Treas., Jno. Forrest; Chap., Ed, Fulton; S. W., Wm. Ziegler; J. W., D. Johnston; S. B , not filled; J. B., 0, MoQuarrie; Court Physician, Dr. C. A. Toole. Defeated by Dr: Hamilton, In no way is health so menaced as by constipation, It leads to indigestion, insomnia, anaemia and a hundred ills, Ordinary remedies fail—they relieve— don't sure. The worst case is defeated and oared quickly by Dr. Hamilton's PAIS, which cleanse the entire intestinal traot, stimulate kidneys and liver, keeps the pores of the skin open. You'll never have stomach trouble, yellow complexion or headaches if you use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are a perfect system tonic. 25o at all dealers. .EAST WA,WArtose . Mr. Finlay Anderson, Township Treasurer by his financial statement issued recently shows that the total receipts up to Deo. 16th, were $21,980.- 19; of this $8,817.21 was taxes collected for 1907, and $3,621,81, balance from last year, The expenditure covers the usual township needs, among which the following are the chief items:— Salaries, etc., $659.50; road and bridges, $1,657.32; county rates, $2,888 64; bonus Guelph and Goderioh railway, $3,000; eohool taxes, $5,038.07. There remained a balance on hand of $4,170.78. The assets of the township are $4,731.41, and the liabilities, $3,266.41, \leaving a balance in favor the township of $1,465, Preyent•Taking Cold. Often you come home, cold and shiv- ering—feet are wet, throat is raw, chest a little sore. A bad cold is just begin - Wane. Pat a Nerviline Porous Plaster on your chest, rub your throat with Nerviline, and take a stiff dose of Nerv. iline in hot water. This prevents a chill, and checks the oold instantly. No remedies so useful in the home, so sure to prevent serious illness as Nerv- iline and Nerviline Plasters. Sold by all dealers, 25o. each, but be sure you get the genuine, and refuse any Sub- stitute. EELGRA.VE A very pretty home wedding was celebrated `at the home of Mr. and firs. Wm. Clark, Belgrave, on the evening of Thursday, Deo. 26th, when their eldest daughter, Sara E., was united in marriage with Mr. Alvin E. b3;eggison, of Waskada, Manitoba, Promptly at the appointed hour, 5 p. m., the bridal party entered the parlor where they were joined in wedlock by Rev. G. W. Rivers, B. A., B. D., under a beautiful arch bell, The bride, who wail given away by her father was at• tenjed bypreety little Isabelle Geddes, noting as flower girl The wedding ma oh Was played by the bride's sister,• Miss Rose Clark, and while congratula• dens were being offered, Miss .Testate Hall':day sang sweetly "Love me and the world is mine." Congratulations oder, about 50 invited guests sat down to bountiful wedding dinner, and their W td were supplied by young ladies an gentlemen, who acted as Waiters. r dinner, the evening After nt lx was apo ver` pleasantly in conversation, music and Aimee, until about 10 o'clock, when the ,l;tietts departed leaving with she bridal nonple many beautiful, usctnl and eo5tly presents, which testify to the esteept` in which they aro held. After a t O*bh's visit among friends in On. tarso, the happy couple will go West and 0 tip housekeeping at Waekadit, Um., Where the groom is a proaperons fa'm'e .And where the bride is well lino AIYr TIMES, JANUARY 9, 1908 Most people know that if they have been sick they need Scott's, Emul. ►.Fl®n to bring back health and strength. But the strongest point about Scott's' Emulsion is that you don't have to be sick to get results from it. It keeps up the athlete's strength, puts fat ' on thin people, makes, a fretful baby happy, brings color to a pale girl's cheeks, and pre. vents coughs, colds and consumption. Food in concentrated form for sick and well,, young and old, rich and poor.' And it contains no drugs and no alcohol. ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND $1.00. • a • 0a00414413100000041:40000441000000 stLMOlu;, Farmers Institute meetings tender the auspices of South Bruce Farmers' Iosti• Cute will be in the Foresters' Hal', Beimore, on Saturday, January 11, 1908, oommenoingat 2 p. m„ when the fol- lowing addresses will be given: 1—The Chairman's address 2—"Raising Feed for Live Stock" by Jahn Gardhouse of Higbfield. 3—'•Am I raising the most Profitable Horses" by W. F. Kydd of Simcoe, Ontario. All are invited to take part in the discussions. At the evening session, 7.30 p m., addresses will be given by W. V. Lydd on "Small Fruits and Oare of Grape vines" and J. Gard - house on "How to improve present Farm Conditions." All are invited to .attend these meetin,e, especially the ladies at the evening session, A pro- gram is beidg prepared for the occasion. Any farmers having choice roots, corn or grain of any kind bring a sample of it to the meeting and let ns know how you grow it. BLYTH Following are the officers installed at the last meeting of the Blyth Ledge, A F. & A. M..,—Wm. Watson, J. P. M ; R. Vint, W. M ; Dr. Hamilton, S. W. ; R, Brown, Tyler; J. G. Emigh, Treas.; J. M. Hamilton, Seo. After a lapse of two months Blyth Public Library is onoe more orened to the reading public. The Library is still in the old stand and will be under the direction of G. M; Chambers & Co Ie will be open every day, Saturday night inolnded, for the changing of books. On Monday evening, Deo. 30th, about eight o'clock a large nnmber of the young people of Trieity Church, who had previously organized' a surprise party, dropped into the Rectory. They had not arrived many minutes when the object of their visit became apparent and Stanley Bachauan stepped to ahe front and read an address, while Leon Scott presented Mrs. Hartley with a beautiful silver baker. Titin As A Rail, Are ' on? Every day spending as much energy as you make—If the balano s goes a little further, well, you get thinner. On the danger line to day,—tomorrow may be too late! Bettor nee Ferrozone, it builds up—A little gain the first week, but the gain keeps growing. Next week, not quite so thin. Keep right on, lots of fat won't hurt you at till, Your blood is, enriched, cheeks grow ropy, your heart and nerves grow strong and you don't tire so quickly. Joyous robust health, sturdy frame and a cheerful mind—all these come with Ferrozone. You'll try it, only 50o. at all dealers. GODERICH. The marriage of Mies Lilly May Webster, youngest daughter of • M:s. Webster, and Frederick Charles Shep- herd, only son of Captain A. M. Shepherd took plane on New Year's Day, at the residence of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Elijah Martin, Newgate street. The ceremony was performed at high noon in the presence of relatives of the contracting parties, the marriage service tieing conducted by Rev, Jas A. Ander- son, B. A , pastor of Knox church, the bride being given away by her uncle, J. O. Martin. The nuptial knot wag tied under a canopy of smilax, and the wed- a - .Established 1879 Whooping Co901, Crodp, Bronchitis tough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolente 3s a boon to Asthmatics 1.)oea it net seem mare ei ectivt to bi eatt;e in a remedy to care disease of the breathing organ.. than to take the remedy,, to th • sumach It curt, because the air rendered stronzzly septic is carved ovet the diseased sofa, e with every breath giving pranged andconstanttreat. rent. It is invatuabte to mathers with small ehiliren: These ofti consumptive to udeney find intinediatc relief Croat caugta or in- flamed conditions of the throat. Sala by druggists. Send postal for booklet. ]'.tttM1Nd, Mitts Co., Limited. Agents, Mont - teat, Canada. yo' ding march was played by Miss Grace Martin. The bride was assisted by Miss Helen Shepherd, sister of the groom, and the best man was Mr. H. Fralick, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. During the marriage ceremony afiea Laura Murray, of Detroit, sang a lovely solo. Mr. and Mrs Shepherd left ma a honeymoon trip and on their return will take up resi- dence on St. David street. Mr. and Mrs, S Curran were in attendance from Wingham, — T WHTTECRIIIi 13. The Epworth League will re -open the Mission Study class for the balance of the season with Miss Edna Onyler as leader, Rev. Mr. Finlay gave an address , on Local Option in the Methodiet church on Sunday evening last. He answered a number of questions usually put forth by those opposed to the measure. At. the close of the service he distributed copies of the Owen Sound Sun which states that Local Option has been a snooess in that place, Mr, Gavin Wilson, 'of Zetland school sent in his resignation as secretary - treasurer, a position he has held for some twenty years, except for a break of one or two years Mr. Wilson was tendered a hearty vote of thanks. He has always taken a great interest in the eohool and his many friends are sorry to hear of his leaving the neighborhood. We understand that Mr. Andrew Wil- son Rill return from the West and live on the homestead. A happy event took place here on New Year's day when Miss Lizzie Hutchison was joined in wedlock with Mr. Saml Leggatt, eldest son of Mr. John Leggatt, The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr, Finlay. After the ceremony the happy •company partook of a splendid dinner and the young couple left on the afternoon train to visit for a few days with friends in Peel county. Mr. and Mrs. Leggatt will reside on the homestead and they have the best wiehee of many friends. A very interesting event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James McGregor, 6th non. of Kinloss, when their eldest daughter, Mrs, Lexay Terrill was united in marriage to Mr. Malcolm Rose, 2nd con., Kinloss. Promptly at 5 o'clock to the strains of the melodious wedding march rendered by Miss Marjory Gordon, the groom took his plane beneath the arch of evergreen, holly and bells. The bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father, being beautifully dressed in in a becoming dress of blue Garde de cline and carried a baguet of carnations. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G. P. Duncan, of Whiteohuroh. After ceremony and congratulations to bride and groom, the guests to the nnmber of about thirty-five sat down to a sumptuous dinner. The tables were beautifully decorated with smilax, holly and boquets of carnations. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly gifts. The happy couple are followed to their home with the la st wishes of their many friends In their journey through life. (Intended for last week.) Mete Tena Clark, of London spltt Christmas at home. Mr. George E,rlostone, of Petralia is home with his parents. We are pleased to hoar that Mr. Beaty Patterson is improving, Mrs. Cuyler, of W hiteohurch is spend- ing the holidays with her brother in Toronto. 1ltisaes M. and E. A, Sharpe, of Chicago are spending the holidays under their parental roof in Whitechurch. At the annual trustee meeting of Zetland sohool, Mr, Henry Thompson was re•eleeted. Inspector's report very satisfactory. Miss Toll engaged for 1908, her work being satisfactory,. The annual meeting of Whiteohuroh Presbyterian Sunday School was held last Tuesday evening. It was decided to use all Canadian papers and helps in the coining year instead of the Amer. than. Employees of the Royal Bank are to receive a 10 per cent. 'salary lionize, 1 SELLING OUT H. E. isard & Co. have decided to sell out all good. on Second floor at COST PRICE Stupendous money -raising and stock reduction sale. Eight Thousand DollarsWorth Of noerohandise on eecond fluor to be sold oat quick at cost and be?oW. We don't want the goods. We want the money rhia great saeriflee sale is oertainly a Bargain Feast of —Men's and Boy's Overcoats, —Men's and Boy'e Suits —Fur -Lined Coats, —Ruffs. —Girls Coats, —Children's Coats, —Pants, —0 veralls, —Fur Coate, —Muffs, —0aperines, —Underskirts, —Reefers —All kinds of Pars, —Fur Caps, —Gauntlets, —Ladies Coats. —Waterproof Coats. Carpets and Curtains. Tapestry Carpet, Brussels Oarpet, Wool Carpet, Union Carpet, Hemp Oarpet, Stair Oarpet, Matti •g, Oilcloth, Linoleum, Stair Oilcloth, Art Sgnaree, Rugs. Mate, Leoe Oattains, Table Covera Positively everything on second floor going at wholesale prices. All must be Bold out by the end of January. Ground Floor Bargains. Big bargains in all departments on first floor during stock -taking. now going on Stock must trust be greatty reduced before inventory at the end of the. month. In justice to 'yourself, your family and your pocket book yen can't afford to overlook this great money saving opportunity. Don't fail to secure your share of the bargains. TERMS—Spot Cash or Trade. En !sant' :ra PHONE 68. WINGHAM. diinifacessuguemmaitaxamosir -_ HANNA & CO.'S IS THE PLACE TO GET Your New Fur Go They are going out of them, and will sell any Coat at COST PRIOE. NEAR SEAL, plain, and trimmed in Mink and Sable. klannASTRACHAN, plain and Sable trimmed. BE SURE AND CALL. _- First Dnor North of Queen's Hotel. acamitunweaumetessza=sumasentmoumminvinowsil C 1 r- 0 1 1 a®"Ice mminim® OF HAR For ash We will continue our Reduction Sale during January, then take stock and retire from business. Now is your ebance to make money. Parties who intend building or painting in the Spring will do well to get their supplies now. Come and loot: through oar stock. No trouble to show goads and give prices. We are giving tome wonderful bargains in the following lines AT y' NO "' ND C • ST 27 Silverware, a beautiful set of 5 piece tea set Niekel plated Tea Kettles, Nickel plated Tet. Pots, Copper Boilers, Graniteware, Tinware, Glass Lamps, Parlor and Hanging Lamps, Table and Pocket i ntt ery, Skates, Guns, Cross Cut Saws, Axes, Cow Chains and Stall fixtures, Tools of all kinds, Spades, Shovels, Forks, eta. Steel Ranges, Cast Ranges, Heating and Cooking Stoves. Builders' hardware, Mixed Pints, Paint Oil, Machine 011, White Lead, Window Glass, Barn Door Bangers, Screen Doors and Windows, Lawn Mowers, Ideal Woven fence, Carpet Sweepers, Meat Cutters. H, BISHOP CENTRAL HARDWARE i .. • WIt GlIl AM. i