The Sentinel, 1882-07-21, Page 2Ae- �-w 'IV 4- K� i, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to its -through. superstitious th an The C6untetalaw- *Ela -14 Mary.1, who his ezpMr'stions beyond the i- g d had no oau'seto bare tO7 extend .4- IL and, she �own insdiadt,, and watchd. wept bitterl . : - - . *Ord. Th b it so-. few garden -paths. it hevoi.' , !V Save that she, s, halrtn WAs"not so, rj:` th4- Was. near the bl!eak of day, but still Bald 6 out- pop I t - * away, f) ali itt The M00awas shining briWitl hadt gained Another. They *Ore. sitting -Under anacacis rise ell .be e S. Of -ii our eyes fri mudli-the pros t as the, fUture that, TU�west. wind as it, passed the aiewem stifled deep at Boras aistaia a from it. y yet. 'Be 0 the teirace; �a,na li, - . h w1n0eUS'rude- hs�djrude and iarsh by cret instinct, t dreadedo and .4resded in it no so -mug Aild maiden. Tut Un, 07-11 eyowu m, Wed.. to i:er'- Odt each onei swa�iing lightl -d -her-, h4rt, that. -forbdded and lier&ned that some th k epq- as -pure I of the bo sllu]fements ot a. womi,ih.. or I is -wealm -slow paced to and ever -gi in vain, . . a e ne tion.on,-p Dukoi toqubte -th must �p warnec w that,. had She oeto Is!- e well-. thewo Ism -to- U�.), bursts this ook- upon A faithful nigliVwatch. keepin manas. ikings*of.Fite. 9 xotohe 94 know.n.lines of'Ldivel&celt—linea. applicable he perilous . dericy to 'I let the- c ffill d, hilo-in. the tent&b6hindhim at d enetays; §48 had had Is His -'was I us W d gravell d"bidi day.ms a an h in some m, . of: b�s to hir - ageli -remember that it His.eonivad6s—all. were 91 boas I .. . lived.� for weepi*. ilif -W and MOW_ things drift,",not ouglI idleness Or., esk loviet.j. Slow t6s and- fro, the-agatry it, thst he -might have been' and ought to have. give fatal.. -� Or -else,- in- another nd a commons i form: a)r wt the - waves �realineakof more tend "and to ear'.h f weakness is 9 iD 1K ve tess, but thirdugh a. gloomyi pas, ]ERs-niusket on his shoulder rather,th n io the -self - he was­�- iiin, to- eIllo ble t f `6 t 0 U But not a; thought 61dea.th, oi war tnUNDERIN THE AIR. - lines wbich as be- spoke them I& d to whetever they would;. -.to fold -his hands and amiable h W veyoung, soldier. as with the bra 03ra shot, through . him,' with 5: painful t conab t. the fact that Love is dead, priaend -t�,., AOb, no I hls�beirt avatob. without- - stri-Vill dead in g%i 6uts was.1ax awaA CEUPTZR xvir., 'thrill, the sense, of contrast. bitweer g Where, on a western, efforts of never died' ..'.We eldthethe b bding'Storbi-, th lagh at: the A rose-twinea cott Bit l#ght be 7oiild�be and what Na or -Fate. had,, too t "I thdrdestba* -,of,.every ay, -w 6 k it ":Ili its di e. ­ eop I s I those. who 6trugg e - o -- avoll, Thercountorsign was -easil ings go wrong t yj and ignore its death. i -ne -made birat' t - dee:ni all sucii gtruigieB VS1114 and to lived, t6o , U 0 a kiss too o no ve he sawj ud t ere fell is i�constancy -is such Sul. n 'viliful-as those others. who igua a th t. sig long. ing ir r and Is- and sa4aigely qui And there his: owixtrile lo et-th yis Andthings are never the game again her blue eyes kihdly beaming, every dieters i t ever existed. --XA.- DoNALD. AsAhou too shalt,adore asic'euce to' A 1hitel. Above them, on her sum -kissed brow, Iveiuld itiot love, thed, dei�. go mueb,- -eqUab I in- his: moods CHA-PTER XVIIL R6 _-*its never Very Her curls likep sunshine, gleaming Loved I not; honor more! And he In This,, way &nd undor the -guise of d -than usual ard her singingi. as, she curiled and did notAppear move moo Y Tha,butter W, the dairy, undersWuding­ between loinotneut the.y' were both. silent 's .,felt Afi,takdAbes�ason- dbavedone friend,.thip, the or now. Zorai alway. his. ail songhe lovea the bestk. Tb�t night Duke.Mttyburn and ZoraiBrovia- began', an struck with th' same- thought, drisainin -Love welf the hourand let it.go The 9 preaende;,. and- 1. 6ing. - in -,self de eupb% com. NE.- w6sikelicyana. -both with a momentaiy Impulgie that they —9WN41 poilluep -d U, lerftatioling built polled to dgesivel as, she w'ssi.she c6ul , mis� Oh f or oue-igs f rom, hor t he sighed, :djglo�.aitv., 'and masking itself' -ill false-. could lie strong enough for hon.4r's-gake to' -CPU U-nd phrase fitlashbods - -The f our -younger. membersof . the party cea.1 When. up the lone: roaA glixii6i"Gi oo1rM -the da;v that i1a first Ltrose. shako liditids And part, and let this dell ih i 14ke, Xr# spied a, form, a. littla. furm. led, friewls us frieiidabip di tb all t4he world b - esidep inorg eas l ind axt ranibling alotig tbe� shokid -of Z r With faierilig ste They ce, friends ��qldangero' oV-fore*er*.:-Bdt Serenely than- aifi -Could 'Utter the mallet Duke and huli walking first, Rats an fiieir friend-. fro that pulse, the:.back. discredti, nd A d it lie ed, him siloutly -who, moment's im evasion- to Gleincairiav fOlIo*irig-.Z0hi finjerig He gazea at it iii.wonder -0-se every 'ititerview. wus'a stolen 'wave -of -strongdr reioitiqn- -darne Upon 611 -You dou't likb- Glell.calrn. Zor&� 1 sp�)" -enogiug Kate' -1n -conversa'tion. ships, wl.. a Theirdr-opped-his- to w On, Ve'S fullottact d e, wheAe, every looK or, sa word- together ncl 'e - ried Axid 64ftouged Wbo goes You him anvay. Said Kst confidently one d Ziora is go and. elicacy, lays snatchid.with I isk and. -danger, who trod zo oa lovely lips quiveiri and her dark eyes iNo 'I, do not care plueh* for him', dear' It third -oil- Gcoa-sibin so lieadtifully., E� - r ra e arogp;- he forgot all -.but- list, and spoka 'twa: Zm. says. Still onit came. oil tu po A'd in.0 Oiat Might 9R.plod sdmi Be yotrinan.ahit(I orfairys -of "friend- - juivatuouglyhis-firstw ds.of idpen,disloy- - i and.blow -their hollo�ir -pretence, or W 1, now, Llikehi- "Pho-dayd-s-,wea, e Unless!y0u, give the.countersign.. 'burns RaltV, Who goes. there shiply to, the skies -i 11. W� flitsh. sity �to his betrothed. upoum word, I am more -than half I the 6 the.guo. declining .. ro.m. ilith -4d poor as -0 twt I nor� swore t( 'larger,- bfig ter, 6 A sweet voice cried; and in, his, arm the rets6c ove Ild W ) tell me to ju '- h intenser ash sinki down Still,bollow 9, sZora, it is not true 11-d fraidof uni fb tap The -girl hed ieft bolitind him their bett -the la tteroas - I should n. li- the waster er tliau .0 Wa, and. consci you�l love �vou m6re than iut lie and swim n path its hollowni 11alf fai all. toiled to, ha- ahim, 4earts ware of honor. Why did we m like t6 refusi- hini.­Sdrai aslant You On the yellow. re -two or, i boat Bag, it yet Served set go: late tch the iu' C. ilot Ed much find the Tartair. That Ys rs denc Wliy d hIlow, and.you, iulled, up'- under t eir keels the water the,'purpose- of id' -w -e ever- meet at that, you w'6re Nvolludo4i, deaT-.�" nt rIpT Les on -we of Glencairn if you were to hear -d as, against: themselves. WoUS tones ..of.deeP, r mi di my - against tothers n%red Zors, in trem 6 n rauspare U Up;. You Wo She sobbe(t; iny heart was- broaking.; -of f riendship was kept. I culd not stvy a- moment, but, While th6 name up distress. scratch his a rfac6 civilizait. tbe-,roll BbiniDg p�ebb.16s, All other tie& forsitk wh -he never- wan 01 R lidtie hat iay:y' u t it row LuliT erves between ti.en2 it was -a certain safeguard. Air . e you sorry we have 'met ? h fina the savage. W, 0 0. un 11C 'th oait with th( flying Kai I ky oman-whib'd6ean't �Due; b- travellecl, by toy grief inade stron� They needed no othir rampart a inat. the A arryany e b pgred, with -a sort c deflaince 'of to m fl pausing - y: f-�ind. heaven. wtaching ia'or -their owii care 6nd f or I b6he�e if. lid fixed hi eyes,. yes'JaM, - 9pintolia of othe.ra than and :commau a 'heir to- xee�t —tillhlitt aud i which control, at dosperAe flinging away of all like --At last you stood before me. caution, Safely iptrienolied.: behind scruple as to fidelft and loyalty, although upon her d'" awoulclz be delightful!" she i pl�esi ot t -day to day. auu"nolor- b'h poor thing' w ild be boun t neverth'eless, deep down her - Ley eafried on froth ud- �thinkiii� it hi6 flung away- the-- itronger- an him, t e.1 g diinidat.heart, that it would be' av "They told Lt I CoWd not Fixts fe me thi u0cent enough irk itself, the-, -standing. yThich, 'in a nature with- In. Oe#ly Yes.'-.- T -k go dneiSI he'll fiever more-- The-hnes- to mmylovor beitter part Of hi delightful -ift -Before d &ral e. and wrong by its ily she, -want to ms�.rry- you -pr &6- Zora. But-.,.�hy hey. two were ayfairly Caine; blitI ibeckme a cow to ,yog—Jam sorry—i isoi Pressed owere'night was, over,* n on which se don 11 him?" saump4o _It you, ike secrec'Y'and the f a -Ise, a began falteringly, figitatedly, and pall a Miss*.Craven?­a And as I to 14 ii-ty nalue I found I )okin a could'- bear people With 6YO1316 g. it-watJounded. vith a -little sobbing breith,'ais if to rs t061v 1 never -collect' continues Duke Theivay free its lid said, d -When Mr. back to Kato u-nd Zorai *be were ol com- ­Becatise, thankGQ41 to�, ce iconscienoealike held Duk different color' Kai Pruden an �heivoice awti;y- a aing by'w, or light g e and: Ing Up with- t& rho, countersign iw MarY.,"s - d or; if you. are sorry-Lif it- is 6AI Glenbairit fixe s- ray e- Mayburroe buck from, betr y Vain,". he A hig one y look in -the presende of o-thers.his interest tf -I fi Yes, by-. a;ll- means cries Ka said repeal gioomily,'�- and big one BIT: her Woras di k brown eyeAipou. me'i Vr Y. seem ma, es r s the correct thing. hero -to go f a. r6,w in Zora. Prudence showe& him clearly as a drawing back the arm which he heA.1lubg k h.uddek ity. baot!s kilow"his admi - ffy 'bl rtun . that it wouldbe, madness to St. Zora's breas",esved; Oil I, You are - 9, Un . ..girl, ora I ot on, eveV- .-possi a oppo , 1�otj niRst doo I the �60(1-ot it; �W.e.don't r"' on it? round her. wai and1riterestwarm as--t;hey were, to ithed short And brokenly, and then dcLringtotouehapdorba;rp4leBs.�ho b she bre It to. shudder a -in and to find. anythin 6t in my Lot us go.'? t fisall of pass itttoL.any .tion ihatimio t ion lead him turning to him with ai t it is -a in er of e GlerIcairus; and -TiCrtar bb is Z -ora, -gives ne vo e, but'i 0 aL- aifficalty -with th her look and- tons- that. bi&6 startlingly dear -old Glencairn�, ause, 'hsmver, plea th� kest of ,e - 'Duke also expr 'his opini* n rs -that: w ossibly bring on a, breakage of. the- enga.,, haitual drd ft- pased. to Zors, 110 con e Con. through her timid' 13.0 L 1be party will pitease Zi[46. th boat v S er beitweep. himselt an ,all of ' le: G e. -lights as -a flue -main I prudence, told I gaid-- m is.aubiiaoued, aud the hireof tI is boat Om sciences Btr6ng6r mu- thar but is Stage of Q -1 -am not: sorry! I can viverbe sorry. - kei . . . e pro - :'him, in vory plain larguage, that he would of -the -Noble, Savage, e Said. I IS arranged -at th happy come what may I" specimen :I:have'been f civilized: 0 of but All. the" Qrdinary princip as '0. o�dings Kate Suddenly turns a 'I )ok Duke h-d*never-lugsed her hitherto , -It seemeato, hi t ce B of ii2od' n,: * o6iety, - do - 9arril 'on Luli!o attire, and excla, Post— hat it mus -facer to endingoir the pes ' .1 * o'code er a -0e 9A sinister 16ra.beautiful f ace *as upturned to. hi a morality, th fate, t4at, had Ann a- this girl acroa his. path� nd hapipinesg of the pure,. true-libarted now.horJovel: udi Alvely g so near to his"i ibt-eki�tfoir him. Other man h4ve'st , ed her tempting-, perfect lip doling -Mountfort., wa's -trust6d laimi Then his --and .'flung. them aside-- Wesh .*qU got into hot water f Lull L rg6t -such -,p'rincip Qr her. mother ait . this-. time a WI. sthe'lAe crirkwho loved and, at long uJ'was- fo less the woman who' had wrecked, the purest me to tbe a5SIA- in that fir. on reaaffection fiet Luli 086 1 the World. hiLve beeii 'once- bound: by orthodoX rules, at alles. of- prUdQuce -get, Zora, was &I and -broken. f ree trom- them' But' Gl6li-w out i6iy not fa 6 pos -f his -on Shawl. I would c irate n ion." it her eibilities and congeign , . I ' if we e, str Frie'd�hip was iftevOi more mentibrie life. as father on :c9ngider%t­ and -134sil Veflrev-la was. the injau lie could �othelp i; either. between Duke ile ciira has never broken 'free, for he and. Zora;' that frag --coupled,with 119aed by Zora; lid could not .-Whosenatue, the�world­had . bou d- he hag -looked on' at -do. it. barrierwiiis down f Dukewatf-faist never been 0 orever. ot delialited er -sta is impi -imp �ti ore Glen- nonce; but Us loved Lihi QW0 two or three- years bet -resiat, hat iufl iti the vets of - the enchan tresO now - Yetit 'dther mdn�s codes- abd. principles, has' seen ''Duke is li Lt thfa ter in'd in, Of the exis� 0 �ig love th�g dards of societybut h but'he disguipes, It alse -of cx1ra. had. faften . her vi was to.be his wit AS very dearly; and Luli -true to'Bay that wouiasearebly be., to' for Lull had giv ell,. p ace be tru id ecau evet.belopg4d admirably,. and it. -looks like only -ii loverss-. �te=4 of a child ... �w.liora Fenrevi flad. he; and he bouestly'raean, her to his love for them as e b se.he has n ed for.. but 'ith 'Zoka ty as'lle si ys= en w his -own, nataral anxi6 Id- to keep 'his :fri dship DfIrIchance- might fiave ear - tothein. Ho fives -In a world of Zora. Tbe'nevrlo've had nbt.slidn t& old of -you-- D come the old love strovib and and apart from the -pre- were, was probably left,. a a is too bad. ultrictly. within' f riendfy limits would -not yield; a world isr b6ltil�d pboo� little Unae 'gd but his he F es knowl thinly'dlad -th e autumn da L. -go-d' waf and stray d flldw.-in-some- *Oints, but 60 This. secret flirtatiou, miscailisairiend art was now a. b eld where sent 9. grand ol a an-- a civilized c- I 1�' repli or nfli let, is dly kiolitarily- free to drift W.her& -bec&wso h'Id in his n ense. nonselia- of. U qhlp, dang ous bat weaker- th zwaig all the more tW,,o oves Btroggle.d in perpetual 00 r the. waves - wicft�t ioss: it�—Glencairn-,. stran gly diffeient lightly-, aind hurtle lt&tii3g to Us made e Duke-pss, 'lot by hi�it -or nature due. of -rd by ranaom tala, but- until here -Ouao one love, purerp. triier, more I f o�er. �shan't be cold. liad- 6nee hea male: - flirts ; he dj4 -riv:sl passion, had iridm' -Uss- 77 -the- -c oud u --sliqhasten�S:to step Tto Uo.w-he haa-, noej known wa.et-her it had lthq wolves known as ennobling than this its ant all -not belong to the tribe- whose4ailly trans- Dukgb�roke offs. pon lived or die( ,rob lyforgo ten reigned alone.- d Dul-Da ap forrea atteat alw&ys renderilig some his fa;cig. He h6d, nover'mentione to in long are t be said,.not in Justification, but iVe risinute 61) out all Lnemor 11 -Will, I . . coricerniii it... mus -to'Z�bra,' and- felt horribly: guiltv" as You ies� h It ame one woman or another conspicuous, 0 ,1 excuse 6, that- ille -did not attempt n -6xqlaims Zora-eagerly, "Do �jplea�b 1,11-io And of Madeline, ouutf 6r.t. &drift �,-of Zors 'to &vail -herself of -h And :would- are- perpetually V*illg Ae. eula. of lover Duk'- that name had nearly f all n from is Iva fro m. I i I a R f a f 6 r ever ; It e r a o r raw a all a, go la e a iress tdaiy an d 9, d ar k er ibIluence over e )w - Zora, fie back --about five niltes.. oinduce biiA to spot -9, our you cavg., nothjui m6re tohita� news, U -11 plmsure it. avg -c6ld?-" dissolvop or to. prov6ke a Jac with eady- tact, b te d. mi =on,. from boyhood to di phe to chan the su sins,, were olio, to -Morrow-." All' if his epgageisht to-Lul ge runs up the Path. oward nfre ath had-, cost him all Vain. ssoluti6n 0 of her ol� dld-­age t agecially-, are flirts to -openly robbing . The-set.wovgr.e.no.t-'ilh.i�rd6n6d:sizine"ra", ould !live ihru Lull emo- H04 had done with that part, tra,.mpled it 's fair youn a face nk. from On the suifacii - -of their" thievilla, light4poted as a - door, the oxteirt. of preferring o. � the�.'preBenti and by,any means.*. dowu I and buried, it, deep under- thei du�t of Lull of her happiness. in stratiDg,and endeavoring -to' det n her,' he liking, to dance le . a to- a middle-aged.- plain- ol . her hopeA in tbd future,'although she daily. thoughts tbe�,-Inighf have �61 ge. to- thiem� g, s;�&6vi--Dgly after. Zfta bag K%te noddiii amd -the: lightest slept -a th h - the girl who Is -noi`to each o or, for to -each other' -heave and wit stole frGlm'' hot sorn'b. of .the love So e -portion 'in b6r -turn- detidning Luli, who seems des1w. B ow- the'gyave, eemedjo end talk to th.9 'who listens. with - - . I&N - I on Lull they �ijever spoke- directly of her ... �but in ut n girl.. a abet Her- ghost aro.sa, from the tomb, that slIould have se rous of giving chooi. the' most be, sponsive iyesi -'and - when n lindivided.' . Zora was' aloll the world,. Belf comialdniaris. tbey tniglif. have, allege& as fag a you &'U�C6 or for con- as a of her moth, att 'a her only. probable chkn6e- thattheir'lla-mless- flirtation -and romi%=6 Her daughter woA here under the same Zora.runs about a. ractive, partner for- the- d of- bservea,' . phil o&idalh ".-zhd f with him d petiniless, do Kate o 03' and the curse kind, being. ill no hurry to was -kg. to Lill. 'I the self- - ack before you h n.1 - h be b ad got antin versstionis fo; id.-indepondelice.'was' aiz no real wrQt e��El dangerb-asr beauty had -descended upon defeace�of es . 1eart s e wi to 6oh- quit her. side. Duke -wag no - 'no t4afi -Duke. Th9reF was -to its own conscience, exle6cairn Was. ni-isled in Lis.. eatimae riage -and! She l6ved to�irrac this, Ms. fati6y, though. it roved now'from- cir -have pleaded tbat wVai �o the UP t ersquietemptationinallibese - eumstanceB.1they,nifitht- each e, slntu�- by 'his memory, 'of her mother. Lull, aucessil)-nk v6ud..percei--A hia trite, lov"e, was not all errant. fafii6Y -as V� :she did: 't k' 'ndeavor to -Separate Duke no �pqw could be no*paiia nor grief e ings *as' to.,16aa her to e -gl d - III, all be saw - the t-hait! Something - Vas -vexe This waa- not andihi at wander would end soine.day.,! -s.,its fir aeek'to-become, his wife her- -to'her, and that ly -w -Tat r faide -f&ce, the similar#y and Lull, aii 1'�ivg knows not wha;t� Sine olild r But to -the d-opths-of.,their-.souls these light 9ad� accents, and did 4hus more. perilous. He - had hitherI,0 self the,'bitterest-hortheaster hate, -er W,..b;t of-softliluring -looks- played very lightly the gaime of flirtations. th 'thatr "'a nature hir ad not sssail�herxand hollow "Pleai - navek -sitrik. in ose -of -coughini.bersoilt into -a ed Isump: I -Z `6: real not see ora, 44(i had never burnt his, fingers.yei.- But But this tempts3iox * I i df self. the risk laim and a. -di was.* an- -ugly depths, below the 1rothy bUbblei - -theu'vex er -had little:part. She. was- ther true, . a Se-uponthe t stressio d flush mao-th the fire burning flow- was Zne ihat, Was strongly. - Thiirbl tliat ro ion, defence a;.n daughter of easy!0ing, good�nattired, soft- play with; and he rand- OiueltY in. the -idea -that her Who suffuses her;he"ek.- did: Basil Peureviw,. - Hers dangerous to ew ved :91irface they knew- -their -wronglo Bh*e;ll we,%ovalk Dtik on� a little hirtbe Lesirted,we in nearer al�d ropiellipd her. -She.kn -that Lull 10 and'ye'licivered- around it; I t Itiew it not. mader up e nd thit her _cleardiaty-was 0 would you like to f,hqp-uIseFi an& iihdraw himself Duke own take. our plae in the 9, elraracter nearer; and ould not t "to be- alone with Lull., or to -destine. acquam. &nee - Zora, hatea tione, �61%n . - quite free,frora crually, tre&� -d. bremh- off her boat She asks, -looking-up at. bim ightlyl ec Em(l only deceiving- from, the light'that, allured- &�nd.w-sne -steady look 6f Luli's trustful ery, or coarsene 6 -Avloill hiinat. once'snd leave him toteturn. �meet'the clear propitiatibg1k, With W balf-timid fat ie.. w to his o.rigi - ji allegiance, -left alone, con � -I geyes; and -Duke on's day. one aph- D t his ill f PT 41 or won r. iously whie timidity $no! selt-preaervation, impq R he wag: enthralled agai s n Idin of Id yp I it I Ua.jesty Zora, she was equally euthralledby 'not strong ed away in the mo9t out-olpthe-way corner 9 d- her to"deceive. be probably would do. She was please ba that.bank. be- smpossib,16 to"repiel his to. ropoise ght When iliej found it as -i r can ypur,hidnible. do, to apause On: thi' nig Gleuco6ira, Bat brood- and; thi - buishe could not coolly� his b%ggage,. in - haste and inger asif (I influence as he to resist hers. 'For he -etough f6r - is over his: own. morbid- m6mories ail coutemplato tobbih.g...L.uli - entirely, bso- way- scruples ut of* Lis CLO]i could -packs your Most Imperial Ri�liuess durit cir ihese -d me Jason. tedio &�vakeand reaming. perhaps- th6to was'mre'exciuse to be mitole of the lover-wbom she scWnce too, hia"fa. :Volu of us five ininateg -of fatieies,,. Zora too: 09-t lutelk &'lid for 64r, P e waafree, ana -he: wag h 6 n acros-a the moopift Wariforhim, for'sh )Vrottehful- psin, that Lull bebwgse ea6h`- time e - pe ed it the ages, Katb gaily, in -her- -tlear, high vibied �clagp- with, open ey es, gazing Sawith self-rc -she as if in Ialice -to- tha j.iirpla ghaAow'%Of thebills,. pli;ghtdd and whereas he Was disloyal,. I bli&d�y loved'. 9his -would pavirt"at h I humility- -terrace in p"siv ilustfully abi intended Inal hor.-hiwds'wit Ur esque ely qimutbinaticed u ad und an op-�Qrt lilty, 6 ne d y to part f6m him, - and theli his -the and anxietyi- U -t saying,, only permitted -9, creature of ordsi as, he: bade, her good niglit. his algloyalty. - �Zora wiLs- ullsatisfi d 1 whole, heart* would return....to his awful, 0 wavering traitor! still, -0 false betra or of:the love so -tried.1 (To lye- continued.). 11 Did not orcot 61ir compact of.fnen& impulsoi, not of ininciples. 'Her impulses u d be b -lonely-, anathe p%aso;ges. that follow Oesialed: full inerally- jobd ; but had- � all evil- 'Plialited love,'and1hey -two wouldmairy- ship,. 'We in A never be straingera again�s' �au d ?-she ;w were"gi -86'n ­ ould live h as- no prin� appyl 1t was but little of her ow'ji history, of impulse assailed. h 61 -Dukev'9!nd wheii he --Re4t!1a#.o !he me ' of - foreboding. and treasure mor Ajid, 00metimes ricairia, or his cipis in h6j' nature.. that- ould have. ap4 alluring �D maid,--iif- she.did not -looked in: Z French inestiga oi, an yi ors's enchant ng I her own -loneliness, of 010 probaNy die an old defy it. � She could Sort armed to. e- It ' heart before. This was-�Z ' .'a im that. the -fr6in-i6xperiments U on biras . singular conversa-tion, with. her, thilt she ri oraw , story of 'find If t br ak er it, -seemed to. It iyes, I Utu ga -9;nd t St it Wa''M dea. rejolutiofis, but. not. keep them; h cliaraefe' of his d ing in lig now. Duke, -wafi the hief make n idea; -heir plans for the.'f to -w t no-, Jason woos reversed, e r Z�y 8�� was dresini -1 he could see that Aertain f atilts, were black -W&Y'Arollod by'.atimlatizi9varibua 'po ance4tra-li, - Object. ot Iir reverie,- sit& a 8 further than p&kting-'f.r6m-- Duk# llont; the Sorceress who was luring im -a ionEi -of ed to. revolve round -him, ancl ugly, and certain. virtues.fair an4 ourning,:him 6,11, lid ii life. 1 A ot�her th-irigaeem m But fron! Glauce, the guile eBs an pure. the -brain by means of -heat. By vering. aatiflil, but She. was. very likely to mis. he� place in. her- mind now.monly in be that sione Asy"—whef, ould it -cOmO. Lull ad no'sual r'S. his. forehead'with a lsybr* of wit I ot hot -'love dressed and grac"6fully 'rotation ta fra.' She 'eqviecl Lull,; -not teme, a. p I a -the diiy i6turesquely H jar off iii the - future wai . at h Ow. inconst4ndy, no idebb tb' the. oft -tQld'.tale getssane-Jittelligeut dresim H ar as e a hadilo clo' Not -Yet. was being ena . ctei t ma 1, -,I!y,-f6r millce wi "no but draped f aultfbir a vir an Ilciou -t. fix, her, OIL jight or'� when they were to say good by?. I She *aamhsus- -exPerim n ed -on ibbdes of-'I-ying -Which Tron beyond the percep w 6f -blood to t* I t Etruen. -par 8, d discontentedly. Shoifniviedher sense —notjustyet. Day ­after day shewould picious, no :on 9.6co.u.itt either of thid.slug�' favor ihi6 --flo reaBin g 'h Zor&. did, not tion Not yeti, Undl it slioul. gishinesd of itstrzic rising- rom . lack of iheii-nUtird d lid too late Badly an of ugiindEfs'in 0. &ild Unveiled sins, eran.h f�thex -for althoug t Inc tioll I or., I . t a s6lf evident -like Glencolira, ye a t fail. to:hee-* and of beauty in virt 0 perhaps. eactivity. -He that thb� t She coul . U'o heart or - of dulifie .61. perception an -attirgetive kind.. There was. a.great -:I ind, ii ell' Springing. rom- llik-owarmlidge of love b t- hi a-ek- are s asbriaL that Lull waa the, apple of his, eye,, in Zora,. nothing that was. evil, Meanwhile thoir-mutuallove was Sow eliagwbilgl�iiigonhisb iis"Ouer creaturer Whom� he seemed deal of good" huta 118ture variQit6d,* luxurious. .. Those. eip. riencea- that to th Th . a all& much that was, We ov -fie. wag UU11 ad. ak. :, Her. -facile concealed that obly,-6ne person entertained because she had * not studi'd -an -de are bil 0 of to I o selfishly de*otp gh the Slightest Suspicion of it. If Liftli over enough-. to learn to' oubt it. 1n[ that -hard- -when: on thexight si WO fu gr� - Zbra� w as, raither- of. yielding,, sympathetic nature cmul - t- -the nt, or. -cold, school, w�ere, the later We - b e -gin, tol �IL. Ov their hiiroiams fancied tll�t Duke seemed %bae ear rMi6n, absurd, and refer t6 61d n the, aittractive.. kinds' and -tone.. -of those- she - loved, in -iligi fat from the more bitter' the fruit.. -of- -the ties of. th'6se produbed whe of,,.- tho- therrepellent tha moods, y interested in him- ailings, and had Duk( was a -beginner.. left sidd -are intolli f' d' n W, -and she ag Well as their I If Rho kri& -on as ig-afrhe was clear-sighted, an d attributiri Aha.r, -to it wliedgd tastes, tlilir -was although vaguel eal reasou 01, gen an reas6 be strol ersation of' that I d the r4aiments'. 6 -especially. since their coliv had Duke all to' -had barely learns - relat6.to recent matters;.Jil these dreams d- ever- *ished that she ft r 6 a draw :back from his hazar evening would, alw&Yg prefer his absence a es I t t herself -and -that Zora and.-Kiite* were not The fact that conitandy is not of necessity se.bbiervati rig ir�ay secret bond of -friendship a;s­be wFka one- often speaks:.. The r -nature P'assion d br eathed moria freely, ous i t -their grolip,. she anomponent part Of s A is, so frequently drawn n o &to be.,correct -so -far �s.M;-Delauna,3 is con - to ldi.7 Still Soloas of -risk and- ii -a wrong, i -but -radst -peop is '- o v0A -ai6lie­ not, laoking�at con crushed -the. down- &R -A piece of and 4&0 e, -nay even -of �-a natur,0 I �wh cened when, he �ot I;p d that Ait probable. that Zora-would have risen to the.. -d Sincere,' hac not.'been forced dersta L was possil lous-jealousy, alike Unw6ithY Of' t6fider an, on iti, are could r -him the Silly, frivio -their back eppipcialli iift0r'-ea ve % drawn from -in the r 9, casion, would ha; S as, f esh nd il�e ir dreams an�tl iri *Ut -nee which rapelledXei rhight oc It hio account upqn her.k6owlefte. - lid w tlia very iliftue m,,'aud would av�e her and bet iddl, *ho -must 0 70k, - - - m - t that d, so far, strength- to part from hi 'ill ell never doubtiAhi &tt others -,and without going Sweet be.suaV with� And' mornind fal racl: free from, the perilously' ected ox found. fault -that any -father was better thaii broken Duke, through this very self -to 'which is sinder.e must be enduringt that the us to hold TroAch, and njoke, ori;gihalln glia decidedly though.� Lull's rbich Vas winding them -6 --good. t1lat friendship v It genuiue at 'Christmas w4l still iougness thst.he wds wronging is passion ere the -oum 6stek -to uls- daughter, was a. hiipz meshes (U -y- by hm� more difficult to break. thb consc I ' ir 6onfiditig and unsuspicioui -betrothed, was exist. gonuing in Jaiae. deatiny G onea stati er own doubly orphaned "But- under its present poor pretence, -ell A`&abilify of. Some a&ed)- Ni ho hah� Notionite to her or irather 'Of he ifinatC- -pier one than h bi turns v6ry a ou ' EiVicious400kilrg lady Ing ';Boint. '--When b6 affgot!Gfiw� natureg II6,tx Yet' are ff6ctionate ifid ad -D Mayburin,ep, nsy veil so tbinly disguis' t- is' you T, hen- Luli h ukd nthe flil -al lo el wa !at- entered t d not last. It did- ilet-and 11 a..compar men ol f *de th, -tha' the ff-1- 't- -h a 16-alti.mkLtely-plihted; and opialy-l' its-truo a ' or$, 'it coul V. lent, 6 rE, of the sal -evi nt tru rs -class, aI er ow ale, she adored hi*. 'Whoube a si -.e Aged dj m dug of' him', nof.last. oia.haabeen in laver. And thial To October mao ail 1h w Oil, affialle. she imsgined he. was tired, or Unwell,. d secret offide ity, led ess in, eme, id -ate early" cieside 'loy with uncalled for tears,, -at �iheh . th&' c6rapact Of 4. rament of - fille �ettedhim unobtrusivefy-an -thd­be 'ed. thain in the-'�empe eesinto' the .41quietlyi and 'ther diet ea, of thethills, wavered so�called friendship was entered. tgdjoving,:sha that the w6kas of love which and OU0111 umore. adored hiti ev and misty- as she gazed on October --m And, grew -vague, mooit was ba;r6ly at,its full when wh6 suspected that Duke 'iangsatrue at first ome to fall -with- Theone perso ea- 6 other -a faN6 and �6116 -upon the. ear she'. 11 M -N r them. tho-veil. was'suddenly to a down Wia-Zorwfelt morb interest in w jar -frien ed last rbgs: an m a Lull' ts He saidd. w Abe do sha mur-- tatter, d. fragments of1b. , cast pitib1e, ith lo�slty to -Lull -was -ignorant a;s a, childsyet. oul s father. Ai L than was cota w d. 'Luli—ah 1; Lull is 6ikictod, it. she igtror�d- these kibings.-inaturally and C- TRI C - .to utf , then,, away. A te -g bappy that she- nee&not h h blind bahgf,.,andho" happy girl eywere in the: gaiaen together, t1key because. Zors `j1her's $imply throug twi or -V ff Id #V e o heIlnes grudge me big Woadshl'P- Ho-.�oaid we two ailone� d4ughtbiw�becauseL ft fiillyAhrough'-cowardicei be trangsrs agaiia. Nd ax er s -, in eblind 1hrough cowaidice:: I-NSTITUTION ,(HSTAIILISEIE must nev em. mothers becausqwraiiny - excellent 5 ' s.'ein.'& long r &-nible ths.t.da, and Were- -her -an hero it enjoyed excellent -SP-1d BOm8 0 - Us, P 4 19,U�EZ nTjaEiwr, 8 Stranger; he is not a Kate and. Lull hdd overwalked th - 6rbaps those most phyAicall'y he catinot be. d` I N . - .. . ' W-hom. hava I'ever -met h 'I, brave* even most it stranger to Vag, in thelhouse roating� Mrs. Cra;ven- bUiray, than, -river a Itollectually daring, are elv.e month, 9FR'V0U -DEBfL1TY - Rheumatisi Lame [Y. should I d AII& Zora �,wft A like, him Wh [eny myself at are not tired, had- on Mr and the e truth.: few We wi7l be and Glencairia, wlioj w -pital aider. Od N algi*Psfaly�i�-and aftLiver u&Ches, i- hava so. ne 61ban salmb 'We- date' no uncover the f ace 'of - Our 066l' eur, friend ?—I, whc gone out On- an evening stroill. Duke w6s nera, Ink -So.Aeei ft to iminiediately rellevoci -an orme, emp sin flections. W. cured -by- -tIsiu9-,tbose,­BE1iTf J;AND friends.!" An. Ing. ore -14 was not bk, dead e nod xepeat-i h6raelf softly, sujpo�ed- also- to be. out on a solitary pe nentl Uncalled. 11 Frisud%V Shia sighed, toino: the faiot,-tha: Love" is,,. c1gaid,.-mor face,the.death :AND NSOLES u ful but --uAquai aeort-iii-the en-virons of 'the Villa, -but, Glonesirn suneaudfurw4wen 61 r and fell, fast, her grIl with Iregret ling collar for tears! ea OV Z -the 'garden, be, d d not not through 91i .-of to�yg� 'with, while] -Or% was In %Ilid breaSt -lOVr an& atifled:oobs nd: hea- -fu arities, whigy". on!'- escrip, I ands 6f 4