HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-07-14, Page 4• ,,efueltitxfiv #enti4tii, Teti tifIERTY To OTTER it.:Srt To AliC*?E FREELY A,f(4)rtli;t"0''to tlig DICTATES aAeCo.ia3QFE iCE WR ALI.r(;THIflIRi( Li 9• Zuc snow,• 3uiy 14,;1332.. 1 m;GAR1)i E Stazu err C . " 'WJanmes Sainerville> now finds he i clisquali:Iied but-- canny Scotehnnut— •ea1cu1rtesson takinghis seatirr spite of the tats because the. Conservatives have i . ianthin.g to grin by contesting the. erect; • ion unless the also is given to, Mr. -.S.ont. we shall see.' ea;. sonnyr-yuu shall see „fr. Fames Somerville sit as 1M P 'for the West, I',isrug of Bram in the . Dominion ?house of Cotitarms, for the. next five y:+ears,: and don't you forget it.. IT -is; hardly. fair for. the Tory news:. :_ . rn fot election Tapers;' to shift the islee 'i;rlegulazi•iue3. tipsy the deputy returning. crtftc,er>s . They water appointed by Tortest ani the. principal e respo, st.blVor the etrors of the agent There' 'Pas ns.stin 1•<:ir triable under'Ar. Dor-iou'slaw,which madesheriffs- and registrars this return: tug ttffire r.5 qtr John - Iifatiatonald ttar,. c,t tbe lav to secure the services :,ef patie tits, and the change has result; ed do a tuiscarriiige of i 1 ttce in. several., .etmnxt%taienc ' ies. IIs; is the: roanto be thawed AJi&IEl1r `' HBC ET-Mct.Earr.-AAt• the. residence . of .the bride's tither, --Mr. i'ehu , Mc Lean,; on the 6th inst, by the Rev. R G.. Hendee, -Mr. John Hackett, -of Asblield, to Miss Mary: J. McLean, of Huron. - DIEll GORRIOAY:=—In Luekuow, oa Fatty) July 7th, 1882, Francis; Silvester,. in- fant son of Mr. Michael Corrigan, aged`6 monthaand 7 days: - THE: IMPORTEI! JERSEY BULL. • RINCE BOULIVOT .WILL .SBRVE OOw a during the. season a Gilnocke Pari (onemile east of Lubgnow. Terme,$.Ou. i Perna n , — Prince-Borilivot,whole colOr-bull, calved May 15,1878' ; bred by 11Ir. E. Queree, Grouvil e, Jest +, imported, bought• by the:•. late Mr. S.: B. Booth 1 o'rstui, Rochester, Keut,_August 4,1879; Booth, Hied to Canada by Mr. Simon Beattie, Markhaic ,. Ont. Sire Goverirorr' (i9 • dam G4eaiupot, whole colon bred by 78,1r. E: Qaeree; out of a- cow bred by • Mr. T. Anlhoine., LanguevilIe,Jersey. Prince Bonlivot Wort second prize at the Essex Show at-Mauningtree; 1889, aid first at Toronto 'open show ,• firstdiploina, and at bead of herd •at London, for Province of Canada. The Thoroughbred Short Horn Bull, SIR COLIN, IS also- for service- at same :place. Terms,$1.4 •- • E 111[PBELL. Lid:110W, Jane -29411, 1882: '['gn..Lc iadoit, England 'Arai New, a,ya :—.Canada, by the. unwise course she is- now pursuing is doing Iter best *to retard her own progress, to obstruct the development of the great grain toowing district of Manitoba.. iltore- wt er,: t `a t tdittus are putting a stratin. tilm itt-tlrrir ecrnitection with thiscouritry • by: tieimitosit{on of preteitive duties. .I lily protest that these duties area not cr'rected against the United Kinndow, 1 cit they aro as a ratter of fact T«vied on *fish goods as well as -foreign . - =A. 1. a Irl biti ve tariff against folio w•subyeete is such an anomaly that sooner or latter i. may prB a. great strain upan the. t utrectioit'between the two 'countries. :.s There:isnis: more wholesome -or delicious fruit on Earth than the WildStrawberry, and there' iano more effectual reu,edyfor Cholera, Dy- sentery,' Cramps. and other Summer cora plaints of nfaxnts-rir adults. than Dr.- Fow- lers Extract of Wild. Strawberry. ItEWARD —Of one dozen " THABERRF" to any one-seiiding the best four line rhyme on TeAtct:xiY," the remarkable:little gem fcr the Teeth and Breath.+} Ask your druggist for •acidresa. TEABERRY whitens the teeth like chastened pearls.' .A 5 cent sample settles it.. 1AC)HL. J. Wishes to inform' the public thathe has eGnatantly. on hand a . • 2`izr Gri_tS• t�f Lucknow must be a -.t. cthle' > titsbear`.to the editor of the I tn•:ardine ,standard He is riot_ par - ocular in what light he places them be. f.t>•e the readers ext his p tperrd. an'the' blarit'�rt"� ciker. _he can paint the picture the gi tta over it., ;E EB' Bola tate a - o j-ot seerus - boat On bringing there ti-'wu tv %'asllow in the Battle mire with himself. • This last melee issue of his .ru ;ral contains the following E— • ver da .immense quern#ries of Fres1 ar�U o!fFertng e Y y - : � Spin: 15 CENTS. DRESS C:oo PRINTSFR.OM6TO.• Factory Cotton 5 to 122 • cents. A fine assortment of Boots and Shoes. oQds. The best assortment of Tweeds in town, at the log est TWO cases of Ready-made- ead made- elJust opened 3. A NEW..LQT ofStraw •Felt Hats from 50 cents up at Lots. :Hats. LASSWARE AND CROOK E: prices- tlin ES• AN D_ GA1TEI ,. apo 'PAIRS _ CI1 TSR RST -CLASS . STOCK :OF Wooten' s, . Misses' and. 'Children's Boot-,. Go and examine .his really super;c smock in each class, especially his • BnWPebbte SA Whole Mock Boots Before purchasing. elsewhere. ”The fervidness and zealwith which Upset's. M Campbell and. L Sower/Ile s recently dafro IIneed The monopolies:, o.i . the Northwest—that land cursed with land—sharks and speculators, sea t u rc and kept - there by the Govern notu:t. for the - purpose of robbing the .poot settler of what little: money ha t.,ok with hon will be remembered by the electors here.: To here those t atitle:. men talit tt was the, greatest puree of C . na tat.; ' Yet it.is quite truer we are 114M1-1:01, tirtit at least one of these tett: tlenten is deeply iuterostei in krorthzi west., lands: "-0:A1S►stency, thou art a '—uitkrt ka*u to the Grits.'• _J wE1' N inter Mr.. M ` Campbell • or :illr:; James 6on.etviikes 111. P.1, own a font of land in the. orthweat, n' have they onto cent inva3ted directly or indireeay- i , that I'rovitice. - NEW STRAW AND FELT' HA • TS I:ss 1Iar�ufacturing, • a .- -Specialty. E\T yABIETy, .AT'; - - - - A.__ 3VLA.cr. ITT V�I�T�R. ES IN ALL COLORS, -AT A MA . NEW SPANISH LAC ,- :, - ` _ - _ , .�. - ,.. 14IacInt�=1 e's. I'�1�A�lUs LT � brellas, . �• ss "Goods � :ln allshades wncT pl.iee�,: , t .A.� _ ;. �. _. . . :190 Pieces -Of ire variety of Fancy .Goods, at A. `Nadir yl e -s. • I a dies' and (a erns Collar ,_ Satchels,. end a great- �1,Q0. - • rhes' and Gents Ties: :Note this` .Brace tp,:: --pounds. of good Tea for:$1...00. La ._ ilex: Matimy i .SPAVIN COones to Loa 1 s List year -'s stock sold; at and nn.ler. enet. - 'T ge-and-Pnt,ter taken i i. 3mchange for "goods. - - " v'es, judge,' &Litt a prisoner, 1. ,lta nit thatthe bankcif my i,ir,iussrs ta,.;• le d i t the: does teettr and that 1 ttra:v,gedf the anima' away'. lout it Yon call that sC4atiiug. a dog no man on ti >ttilla: waft- ars on (:ouitn.tt.ring a clime --Says, the Hamilton Si/cadger ' Janiej flontei,v ilf e, Esta .1I. P .for West Brace, dropped in tt see James ume v[lfek 1 st1., A.i is .for North Brant,: at bandits, tlta oiher.day. Rett James. Sour eryillei, fy . X. Y, eould conscien- tiously; sly to the other Janies .Somer- t elle- Esq., 1; 1 thao itclr»ixrts:d � . m t h • James. S'otrt stride Ixsq., ]ti1a, i}t, above all tither mete — Pvta to Bugs ¥grssus Paris Green, ver$i t in favor of :I'axaai Green, Mrt Bug pilfering the penalty of tits tk• tit Sbep+►s.d'a' Drug Stone. • • oth.. Collar I. LEX 1tanufacturet of all •kinds of harness, - Saddlks, Trun_ ks,. - • Valise% Etc. Having purchased -the stook of harness, etc., .betonging-to Mr, Wm. Gfassick, I am better prepared than evert() supply the 'wants► of ray, customers and .the p'iblic generally.-. Remem- ber the place, Grassik's :old stand, next to Tennant's dl`•ug [?tore..- - - ALEX. ROSS; I.aicknow ,Sutra 9th,1882. 1-y • •/ - EAT MARKET t Weill to uiform. the citizens of T ucknaw and surrounding country, that I have opened up a - - UTGffER SHOP On Real Estate, at reasonable rates. -on terms of payment to suit Borrowers:• . -- ELLIOT TRAY OFFIO =-Tat tri Post OL e Lu:cknow, ?1latrch -1 l_ AT T. LAWRENCE'S OLD STAND, LLTCKN To tlie farmers and the general public, it Will not pay � thin in the' �H�rdware Eine till you call at `the you: to b-uy anything - ,- Luck=. New Hardware Stored -f T. Lawrence, Campbell sti eet, no, .: s. is new opened ened. out. New nu�,:Whee.a great variety of goods P designs in Builders Hardware, Cutlery, Tied Ware., Paints,011Q, Glass, Putty, Shovel; - oes Rakes, and-everyhing fund • i�:anu�e and PitchFati�l�s, H .. �t.. - *r*t.:1_1;- . �' : =:re: ..Part .- Isar . a�e Sto win still usual- a fine lot of Inn. G. Greenwill's Old Stand. I will keep on hand at all times • DF - FRESH MEAT. Meatt"..belivered to ail Parts of the 'V tta a OnShortest-t %to, Give ine a . call. JAMES LINDSAY Luckno*, Sept, 'granite W ares; also'Box Pic o and Gook Stoves,. All of which are:'narked•down low; �e�dall's SpaYin tura - The most successfu• reinedy ever_ vexed a. it -is certain in its effects and blister.. Read proof -bel' w. KENDALL'S SPAVItl E. • •New Hamburg, Ont ,De . 2Sth,1881.- Air. Y. HI._11IeCallum, deursir, -The Bottle- d-1)r. ottle• of Dr. Kendall's, Si yin,Cure bought of yimia last sutuzsrr'cave me the utmost .satisfactio7'_ and per€owned a wonderful curs iipvn a mare - nineteen •years- old belongingto mei-which_ was. . badiy_apaviued forten years: She was su.lan e that i.could hardly k&t her Lo Lnove. ' -Ch+ lameness is entirely gone .:after rising balf a .bottle of the cure, and she -is like a young: - horse:again, . 'Voirs truly, d P; Rom. - KENDALL'S :1- AVIN CURE o, ��avetro�u bin ' and - Repairing Prom tly Atte;,d.,d T . As ..none:but first-class w Ui kmen ate- . mpluj ed, P liay tie , fa _ thin', : us .with • their •NVol'K,•t.an rely uprill' ha low t g ;ud.,lo done,and at as roW- pncP- 4w -can -be clone iu .airy -first -1 lass. drop .'1' . While returning thy th Inks it:i the ubiic f �)i', in the coni1t �v a, p the Iilieral. r trona, ;'e besto8'ed .)1I n e, it tl oc' last, I hope for the continuance of the same in the -future: end-addzess°for Illustrated- Cireular which: ve think -gives. positive proof .of its - - •virtues. Ido-rem.:dyhas ever timet . .withsucb unqualified sra ass to' surknowledge,for>h ;Zit - as well as Irian - Price $1 per bottle, - or:six•bottles forl5. All druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any- - address on receipt caf price by the pro-;� :prieturs, Dr. B;.T. Kendall & Co., En-, osburgh SOLI -A D BLL I) UGC=ISI,4: I.Y111AN —SON A CO., . . •• Mot ersr , r•-: fj • ' ' - OS•halesa e -Agents: - continue: to keep . I • 'THOS. L.t ''i R 'Z'E WILL CURE OR RELIEVE - BILIOUSNESS; DIZZI.� ESS,• DYSPEPSIA, DROP Y; - - INDIGESTION, fLUTij RING E.. 0 .' THE -HEART; JAUNDICE.. - ERYSIPELAS, - ACIDI -Y_Of --- -- - ALT RHEUM - T i E' STOMACH, SALT (f HEARTS:URN, DRYN i SW ... s 0, THE 'SKIN,- • And every .speclesof- diseas -. arising/Tram SiuMA.,ro- OD, prletors, HEADACHE, ii itiru r. d LIVER, KIONE BOWEL8 OR ;aL .I t11ux1 60, P