The Wingham Times, 1908-01-09, Page 3es4 TO ADVERTISERS foaiea ob,angea mu. t be left at this o floe net hater than Saturday noon. die oopy for ahan ea must be left e". WO late than Monday even?ng. Gattual advertiaementa aocepted up to noon Wednesday Of each week, ItSstitIeLIartnta 1872 WINQ,1101 TINES. 11'10440m+ Baarzssaaawn Paorliiaxor+ r LMSDAX'. JAN, 9 '9u8 NOTES ANP COMMENTS The Department of the Interior at Ottawa is considering a new regulation to admit immigrants to Canada only when Doming dirept from the country of their birth. or of their adoption. Mr. Henry Horton has been nomin- ated by the Ooueervativea for South Huron for the Commpne and the bye- eleotiou caused uy the death of B. B. Gunn will take place on January 22nd. Mr. M Y. McLean is the Liberal candi- date and if the Liberals do their duty he will be the next member for South Huron. Mr. Gnnn'e majority in the election. of 1904 was 111. Speaking of the proposal to make vot- ing compulsory or pain of disfranohise- mcat, the Brantford Expositor points taut that it is one thing to compel people to go to the polis and another thing to compel them to vote. But why compel people to go to the polls? May not the 000asion ariee when the only way in which the conscientious elector can do justioe to his conscience is to remain at home? Under our present system the elector is limited in his organizations. He may be able to accept neither, and may consider it his duty to protest, If he is compelled to go to the polls then the effect of his protest is lost to the community, and he is deprived of the right of expressing himself in the oely way open to him without violating his conscience. The attempt to shackle the individual and to give legal sanction to the claims of the party organizations. Bat if our institutions are to be free in fact its well as in name the rights of the iadividnal must be respected, Govern- ments and party organiz•ttions are de- signed for the use and benefit of the people, not to relieve them of their responsibilities or deprive them of their privileges. A WORD TO MOTHERS. Baby's Own Tablets is the only meth - cine for children that gives the mother the guarantee of a Government analyst that it is absolutely soothing stuff. The Tablets oure all stomach and bowel troubles, destroy worms, break up colds and simple fevers, and bring teeth through painlessly, They give baby sound natural sleep because they re - sl c e of crossness ande move the DansP leesneas. Mrs Ralph Jndd, Jade Haven, Ont , says: "Baby's Own Tablets have given me great satisfaction both for teething troubles and constipation." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil hams' Medicine Co , Brockville, Ont WILLIAMS PINK PIAS CURE ANAEMIA Pale Faces, Dizzy Spells, Pal- pitating Heart, Headaches and Shortness of breath are Symptoms of Anaemia. Watery blood is an open invitation to dis.ase to take possession of your syn tem. Watery blood is responsible for nearly all the headaches and sideaches that affect womankind Watery blood is responsible for the dull eyes, sallow cheeks, and the listless dragged oat feel- ing that is found in so many growing girls. Good blood mer,ns good health. and good blood eternally Domes through the use of Dr. Williams Piak Pitts. Wealr,ailtng, despondent women who use this medio.ne are made active and strong; listless pale faced gtils are given new health, rosy cheeks, bright eyes and a new sense of happiness and security Mrs. E S. Nightiugale, Ohesley, Ont , says: --"My daughter was ill for a long time with anaemia and would often be confined to bed for three or four days at a time, aid we feared she was going In- to a decline. A lady friend advised the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills and I got a half dozen boxes. By the time these were used there was a marked improve- ment, and I got a farther supply for her. The change these pills have wrought in her condition is so great that you would not think that she was the same girl. I will always have a kindly feeling for Dr. Williams Pink Pills, You can get these pills f om any medicine dealer or by mail at 50o a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. MORRIS. Mr. S. Jordan was eleoted trustee in S S, No, 5 at the annual sohooI • meet- ing. Misses Snsie Beam, of Mount Pleas- ant, and. Miss Sara, of Toronto, have been holidaying ander the parental rouf, 7th line. Jas. A. Moore has leased his farm to his neighbor G. McCall for one year. Mr. Moore, in the Spring intends join- sng the great tide of immigrants that yearly leave as to seek their fortunes in the golden West. ^ John McCracken is spending the holi- day under the parental roof. He is at- tending college in Toronto and is a son of Wm. McCracken, 4th line. Owing io the removal of H. D. Ain - lay from, Sunshine where he was teach- ing, Thos. Pearce was appointed Sup- erintendent of the Methodist Sabbath School. - In S. 5; No. 6 Wro. Wilkinson, was re-elected to the School Board. Wm. Sellers supplies 10 cords of wood for the school at $2 18. Sobool opened Monday with Miss Carrie McCracken, of Brus- sels, as teacher. Mrs. Keys, 5th line, has disposed of her fine 100 acre farm, which she bought a few years ago from Henry Mooney, now of Weyburn, to her son, Wm., for the sum of $6,000. The farm is well located and we wish the purchaser euo• cess. My Hair is Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop failing, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's flair Vigor is the only genuine hair -food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair -bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. 'he'be,t kth d ut s testim t". -• "f=old far rWST ai:cty �eIXL ' ,.r».►� itShatal. .. Ii��KUL .Aint,A, The annual school meeting of S. S. No. 3, Morris, was held Thursday, Deo. 26th. Trustees all present. Robt. Ynill occupied the chair. Jas. B. Ker- ney was re-elected trustee for another term. Jas. Slieddan was awarded the contract of putting in 2 cords of cedar at 81.50 per cord and the contract of sup- plying 18 oords of wood at $2 00 per cord was awarded to Jas. B. Kerney on motion of the meeting. Alex Speir was awarded contract of caretaker of school at a salary of $27.50. Three young men caught in the act of robbing Horey's drug store in Hamilton were sentenced to terms in the peniten- tiary. Live Stock Markets. Toronto, Jany. 7. -Trade was active, and prices very firm at the City Cattle Market to day. The runs of cattle in the past two or three markets have been light, and stocks in the hands of the wholesale butohers are getting low. It is evident that the market is recovering sharply from the recent lower range of prices consequent on the rush of large quantities of inferior stook to market. That movement has now apparently stopped, and prospects seem to indicate a period of comparatively high prices for good butcher cattle. Everything offering in that class to -day was rapidly picked up at from $4.50 to $4.00, and choicest picked cattle are quoted as high as $5. Good export bulls are in good demand, and a load or two of this cattle sold to- dayat$4to$4 25. Export -Market firm at $4 50 to $4.75 for choice cattle; extra choice, well finished, $5; meditim, $4 to $4.25; bulls, $3.50 to $4,25; cows, 82.50 to $4. Butcher -Market firmer; choicest pinked butcher, $4,50 to $5; good, $4 to $4.25; common mixed cattle $3 to $3.50, Stockers -There is a demand for good stookere. Lambe --Market firmer. Hogs -Market firmer. Gonna quote select hogs at $5.65 at outside pointe.' Harris quotes $5.90, Toronto. The run was 80 loads, with 1,200 head of cattle, 1,200 sheep and lambs, 215 calves, 800 hogs. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle-- Per 100 lbs. Choice $4 50 $5 00 Medium • 4 25 4 35 Bails 8 50 4 25 Light . . ............. 3 A0 8 50 (Iowa .... 3 25 3 50 Feeders - beet 1000 pounds and up. Wards 4 25 4 50 Stockers choice 2 75 3 00 " bulls .., .... 1 50 2 00 Butchers'- Meedkiea 4 65 5 15 Gown.... ,,.r 860 8 75 tulle 200 2 00 Beet 590 Lights 5 65 Sheep --- Export ewes 8 75 400 Bneks..,...... 350 400 Cliilla.........' 250 4 25 Spring Latnba eah,. 450 5 Pio Ctdvela, bltClt..... 000 7 '00 ill? ; _: cl =I. CI :I THE WINGHA t TIMES. J'ANUAR'Y 9, 1.908 trill!""r ;.:1 "yrnirmramannimommiiiiiminililmonomiumoimumumnumporn Duman i lull rW"= The Biggest_Bargains of All 25%. OFF ALL OLJR • j Men's Furnishings, Tweeds, Worsteds Sailings, Overcoatings-- Every- thing iDOLIr store. Les GII that Cu G= .�: ;1h1 ll CI CI III _ IC EVERY $20.00 WORTH YOU BUY -sFR WE GIVE YOU $5.00 BACK And the same reduction all down the line. Our stock is all new and up - to - date, and comprises all lines of Men's Wear, with 'the exception of . Shoes and Rubbers. A Few Examples $2.25 Striped Pants, ready to wear.. $1.69 2.00 Pants, tweed 1.50 1,50 Pants, tweed 1.13 1,00 Boys' Pants . .. .75 3.00 Fancy Wool Vests with satin or wool knitted backs 2,25 2.25 Fancy Wool Vests with knitted backs 1.69 1.00 Fancy White Vests, in check and stripe .75 W. G. & R. Shirts, soft or hard front, ranging from $1 to $2, at. 75c to 1.50 American makes Neglige Shirts,cuffs attached or detached, reg. 50e to 1.25, at from 371-c to .94 Collars, regular 20c at .15 " " 15c at .11 A few left, at 4 for.. .25 House Coats, regular 7.00, " " 5.50, for .... 5.25 for .... 4.13 Fancy Eiderdown Lounging Robes. regular 5.00, for 3.75 Underwear, Sweaters, Hats, , Caps, Gloves, Mitts, Suspenders, Ties, Umbrellas, Scarfs, Hose, etc., etc, MERCHANT TAILORS UNTIL THE END OF JANUARY EVERYTHING GOBS AT 3 OFF. Maxwell & ®/®` m usunsHEERs mu. i2 LI ; 3 ▪ 3 11 II IC 11'I S 113 O 11..• : 11 11 CI; 11 IiI10 amu II :I :It :16,13 11 :11 "�911�'I 1VI3 "113 :1111 1111; CPI Ell •u. NEW TERM from Jan.2nd. Enter any day for long or short course, New Catalogue ready. Write for it if you have any idea of a college course. Address W. H. Shaw, Principal, Central 13uafueB8 College, Toronto. Lr) LEARN DRESSMAKING IN A WEEK. To enable all oto learn we are placing teachers in every six towns in Ontario. These lessons teach how to cut, fit, and put together, any•gar- ment from the plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elaborate dress, you don't pay until are through and perfectly satisfied. Thi • the only course in Canada that the whole ily can Learn, by one member taking it UT We have been in business forte• yea.• and have taught over 7,000, and'gu ran to give $500 to anyone between the aR•s o 14 and 40, who cannot learn. Beware of • tions as more than ane has been known to cop our advs. and even claimed, where they were not known, to be the inventor of this course. No adv. is genuine without our 5500.00 guarantee. • Head Office-Saaders' Dreascuttin0. School, Stratford, Ontario, Can. Mrs. Wm. Sanders Inventor and Prop. Oar teacher, Miss Keith, will bast Exchange hotel, Wingham, ou Saturday, Tanuary 18th from 10 a. m. until 8th p. m. showing how this course is taught and enrolbng pupils. Anyone wishing to learn, be sure to eee her at above date Class commencing in Wingham follow- ing Monday. WINGHAM MARKET REPORTS D Wingham, Jan. 8th, 1908. Flr,or per 100 lbs.... 2 65 to 3 15 Fall Wheat . .. ., 0 92 to 0 92 Oats, 0 40 to 0.40 Barley .... ...... 0 55 to 0'60 Peas 0 78 to 0 80 Butter ... ,•. .... 0 22 to 0 22 Eggs per doz 0 23 to 0 23 Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 00 Hay , per ton14 00 to 16 00 Potatoes, per bushel ...... 0 60 to 0 60 Lara .., 0 15 to 0 15 Live Hogs, per owt. 5 40 to 5 50 Dried Apples , 05 to 0 05 Turkeys, per lb 12 to 0 13 . 08 to 0 09 08 to 0 09 07 to 0 OE Geese, per.lb Daoks, per lb Chickens, per lb 4 coil ti=SS �I SSS' • b,S SIN >✓`j,S,S f ‘ISSSvS S EC,' v51� .v.. to C1 tr., When wanting a Stove, call at Young's Big Hardware and see what he can show you at very low prices. Oak Heaters, coal or wood, Cast Ranges, Steel Ranges, Base Burners, - Wood Cook Stoves, ei to from et 1 ee $ 8.00 to $18.00 20.00 to 45.00 25,00 to 45.00 15.00 to 45.00 7.00 to 29.00 Call and see for yourself that we have the right goods at right prices. DOHERTY'S Stoves and Ranges Are Unexcelled CASE CARVERS 1 PIE KNIVES IN CASE I , BERRY SPOONS IN CASE BUTTER KNIVES IN CASE f PICKLE KNIVES IN CASE CUTLERY OF ALL FINDS Young's far Christmas til► YOUNG'S BIG HARDWARE C'-, C (( i tri C'l CKJ') C1,,, C'3 L VI Fg+T. to t i �? Pr r ,' r<s n�, ri e✓�vSr� e%�e��`iri�ie.Y�u.�r���,�ai;r�u]uS�✓��JcS�i)'eY�t✓.t're r.itr.r�t.!�v�r�ycwtry�c �tt•>4��r°1,_ i✓l❑ ArproSirrArounardaWNIIMISTOtridkrinatlinangWaiNrOKICOMITOR ij Kerr's 'Big StoreI td `ttl tr id J fG s n 1 L CL rL LJi WINQUAM, - ONTARIO Low Prices for Quick Selling TO CLEAR OUT WINTER GOODS 4' Read this list of bargains offered to clear out certain lines of goods at once for cash or trade. W e 11 make the price sell the goods. BARGAINS IN FURS Ladies Fur, Scarfs, Stoles, eto. $18 fur for $12.00 $12 fur for $9.00 $15 " $10 00 $9 " $6.00 $13 " $8 67 $8 ',$5,34 $10 " $6 67 $5 " $3.34 $25,00 set, Scarf and Muff for $16 67 $55 Jacket for $37 $28 Cape for $19 $38 " $26 $27 " $12 $32 " $21 $12 '"$8 ; UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWEAR, r J - At prices that are badly shrunk. prices dropped away down to clear. Women's Warm Vests and Drawers, regular $1 00 Underwear for only .75 „ .75 " " .57 .50 " " ,38 14 .40 " " .80 ,c .25 " .r 20 Men's all -wool Shirt%, $1.00 for .75 11 " Drs .75 for .57 " Fleece lined shirts .60 for .45 Womens Wrappers. reg. $1,25 for .95 " " " $1 00 for .75 Oarl Cloth for coats, &o. in black, White, bine and red, 56 in, wide, reg. 51.75, now only - $1.25 Niger Head Mantle Cloth, black, 56 in., reg. prioe $3.00 yd, now $2.00 Fancy Stripe A11, Wool Flannel, reg. 45c for 32o, reg. 40o for - 30o Writing Pads, linen papa' 200 for 15o " " " 15o for 90 Fanny Box Paper and Envelopes it 20o for • - • 15o CFancy Box Paper and Envelopes r, 15c for - • - 103 BIG SALE OF CARPETS. SLASHING OF PRICES Slashing of prices in Ladies and Ohildrens Coats, all new goods. $12 Coat for 58.00 $9.00 Coat 56.00 $7.50 " $5.00 $6 00 " 54,00 $5.00 " $3 34 $1 25 " $2 86 $4,00 " $2.67 53 00 " 82,00 Tremendcns nutting in Men's and Boys' Clothing. $1.00 Pants .67 $1 85 Pants $1,25 $1.50 °" $1 00 $3,00 " $2 00 °$2.00 " $1.33 $5.00 " $3,33, $12 Suit for $8 00 $12 Overcoat $8 00 $10 " $6 67 $10 " $6 67 $9 " $6.00 $ $7 " $4 67 $7 1. $4 67 $5 " $3 33 $5 " $3 33 9 " $6 00 Men's Wool Sweaters, reg. $1,25 for - • - 950 Men's Wool Sweaters, reg. $1.00 for - - - 75o Men's Winter Caps Slaughter prices. $1.00 Caps for .67 ..85 85 67Oaps for .57 54 ,r " .75 Men's hard and soft felt hats at half price. Big Sale of Fancy Back Combs and Side Combs. $1.00 Combs for .75 .95 Combs .27 .75 " .55 ,25 " .20 ,50 " .38 .20 " .15 20o unbreakable combs for 13c. BIG RIBBON BARGAINS, A quantity of Silk Ribbons placed on the bargain counter at out prices. .15 Ribbon for .10I .10 Ribbon for .7 1i.5 3 .7 .5 206 and 250 Ribbon now at 15o MINN RED BELL TEA, reg. 50o for 35o BIC SALE OF CARPETS "' a-MV.H u ai'sr�ixnOSCR W. -4.1-u OR'L-nr. sr,. lSE -u"2 r ► ► s ► ► o• r D t It is always good policy to secure early your WINTER CLOTHING . IP. Here is a list in which you might find something to interest you : ► •MEN'S . FUR COATS. Is3 only Dog Coats, - worth $25.00, for $20.00 la 2 light-colored Calf, " 25.00, for 20.00 ► 1 Black Calf, - • " 28.50, for 22.50 ►. 1 Wombat, - - - " 33.00, for 25,00 Pt 8 Black Calf, - - '" 35.00, for 27.50 Canadian Coon, not dyed, and handsomely striped- ▪ 1, worth $65, for 550,00. li - 3, worth $75 each, for $65,00 la Men's heavy Cloth Overcoats, regular $8 line for $4.00 " 1 " " $9 " 4 50 i. " " " 510 " 5.00 it er .. " $12 " 6.00 IC " ,J " $14 " 7,00 Boys' Reefers, - worth 3 00, for 2.00 it- - " 3 50, for 2.50 25 Boys' Overcoats to be cleared at less than cost. A full line of Boys' heavy Honeycomb Sweaters just arrived. A few Ladies' Astrachan Coats -- Best Linings. 4 worth $60.00 each, for $37.50 1 worth $45.00, for $32.50 5 worth 37.60 each, for 27.50 1 worth 40.00, for 30.00 2 worth 30.00 each, for 22.50 4 e y 1 4 1 3 4 Wrapperette and Kimona Cloth -a good assortment, and prices not grade wool, Mitts, Gloves, Gauntlets, Sacks, Hose • we can keep yonr hands and 1 4 1 advanced. Blankets -11/4 and 12/4 both grey and white a kept in stock. Grey Flannel from 150 to 75e yd Wroxeter Yarn, made only from high. feet waren if you buy from us, Staniield's Unshrinkable Underwear for Mex, and Women. POR 1'RCJDUOE kvresh Groe cries arriving daily for Christmas trade ; prices very low Flour, Bran, Oil Cake, . Bibby's Cream Equivalent and Beet Moat always in stook. ilIGl31OST PRICES PAID s r MILLS.. 3 3