HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1882-07-07, Page 5if rk RAD CLIP � u tie ar,d sT]a��ry' Emporium„ I BLACK SILKS FROM *1 . . RE, Al. A \ f • SPANISH LA CES7 .' CI TOR XAN `` .E CASIIMERES, ANL) SILKS. • Tlie largest and most select stock of ZSilli LADIES i%tx tlei•y ire 7 uckncs1v. iar.e t 'Y T P ',AI. X Alv r I~ _ A II..� ►`ti � \:( Y. 4`1'RA lY ` . ait l�e,rs,tnu. es. t.ariety. IXl+`c\X'1'( 5. MISSES ble Prices. t RourSAND C`LOARS & Lest l 'WOOLS,. and it fu . 0 El I`]. 1 1.: s'S t,Af; hn BONNETS, of the hest quality, y tharrg found in a i rot -class Millinery Establii'shm nt. f • E-• A. fall. gi,te;kaf 1it)trttrrr�,--!Mantles- . N fit. Remember fall. t ckof place, next doorto a; o fade to ()r- iheE. .Ier in thelatest. style and sore to Nip its P®`D.ES. P,�1lte.pleasant to tape:, Contain their own; nrgat<tive. IR a safe,: sure, and effectrrard sfedyer of worms. in Children or Adn1Er- .. 2 St -cla- S Irlipr av-ed At Low Rai os bv the OF CANADA. .rlppir o. - g -As. SO.11ERVIL E, Valtiatar: T.StYrstxb� hits <i#cwgocd. S eonda nt 1'S fro c e to, acres, *Well calx be -kW Very ekeap . tTsFs. Sc rElyrLLE dra* n cheaply. ES��.E•e� .a rte_ y n®rrnern ?act` THE i fl+t MINNESOTA, DAKOTA,. AND• MONTANA* fG CR AGAIN IN I Low Footces . LeaNcltiot= R t trENT; S)ECtdCEG FARE . Ot1m.TOrrIM�,',M% FnR' FULL, INFORiKATIt6 FRaFk>1MT t0.8 i!$a M.: N .twoo T Otw Lmat •Mosso ,ti,ri.. - ae,PA1JI a 0. JAIN O THE L,UCKNOVI +arness Depot, offmna Gkeat'Larga resin- "farness, Sad -did s,Trnrsltc,:. Values, ita4 s, Illaarl! ets (.: Single 'farness, from S14 up.. Tcant IIai;jess-fromi And everything in the line cheat fa_r� 51 u cheapest for cash or otherwise. I er than the not to be u'ulers.:Id, . All 'v''rk warrantedgon ,2 as I keep nothine• but first-class stock, . and first- class workmen- I deiy competition. Don't forget the place, opposite - IT. IL Pposite- J E.-Mcgardy's Brick Block. R. OCTOR Lncknow, 7aan:uary I tth I8 • •� in $ 9 0 pet slay at home. Sanrples worth • ;5 free Address SriXao:,r .St Co., Rortland Shaine. Oysters ! Oysters g —I.%rn Receivirrg— FREgE OYSTERS DAILY, Z:' ncic.Ii I rt+iIi serve either elw OR • COOKI - AT A.'V i:. FI t r IT [E, • FruItso el an IJ seri .. • ',niters will save rat) Hey by catllirtg• a .Iny - - EATING_ RDAs= • EALS AT ALL HOURS. c Cao iacrrcttk f °a.kec A d (Am fee tioiret,y atL I.tvir(.,r agar • r "RADE MARKTJEG.K.earEN--r:ADE Nt%t :----btraSitREMenv. . An uui4lllri Quare for �f<ItLTn' •aI Weak esti, Spermat<rrrhe;s,' Tml.rtr-uey, s • andalli)t,ieases dratftrlttrw ntea k3egtierrcenf Selft L Ude ,. ,r lo:r.6ettf lleaue avf Htrit erszl ti=de , Paan; in the Into:Oinint:ss' f vi Ton= Premafr:reoI(1 age. and.rnanv other r swot`, elthat lead to Insanity ty or-Consumption-7l=eases: rrr r na> Ltti`r. e r cv`e. • . rtl•tarll paiculaarsirt itv p ` la ret, wltu,li We desire to curd. free citttnaa{r. Jd !v t eitery ee. a rt•f `[`Ire Specific :Vied .+.?wta� at e °Ai 1,rp ��. six r,.rGkatt% f ark, Ire t ews or $a r or will be spit Far:ilEnr re na of .•itis money y bydT- t sling THE MAT MEDT E1RE1 COti • O "ails In Luaacn w rby all tut., tj a. a` rat wherein Canada and the United a d sll w ours ie: sr % rets sil rdr •.traits=• rwl��tt. THE LATEST AND MOST FASfIOT ABLE-�. and II OF THE SEASON. BLACK ANDCOLOIt PAD SATINS 111 ACK A. O • WATERED COLOREDSIKS.STRIPE SILKS.FP :DRESSES, CHEAP; AN -BLACK SPA\IH LACKS,.- REAL GIIIYURE inBI�cr. (..•411141S,PS, IIVTTONS; BRAIDS: ETC:. DRESS G—GO �1 'these ore better and cheaper -than for: same years .a• �Ss color, make` , and enarrace an i creasin •varie latest patterns',lifay,- colorings., and have etneve. �.r • .tet haloprices. s. i [dames range:. ant est a neat a word g prim,' attract ver but riot,flasby, engaging,du yctu ...Newest. 'ant gaudy. he neat' , natural and like your years ? bbt not e . "In Goods, these marvellous effects.ofskill moue °me_dni e. ' an industrious housewife a kind and dutiftil daI ht er these ljre$s erable and honored !r.'andmttther"* T Are vou.. ugFrter ora vett. • earued•the beet .the.countr.3 can afo lave already' PARASOLS, GLOVES, TIES, RIBBONS, _FRILLING& VEILING, .. EILlt1f , Vic, }.;Cor�iz early', you canalways r - - - •.. -• Y 3r alwa , ysbu b light s�ciiin,al�c1 = � , better than.late .� your mind. has beenP, when ile the labors of the forenoon. warped incl ci�� ti of moon. �nit,eci.with gM EA it, ROM BRAZIL. _I. The..w Compoazid ,.t derful affinity to- the Di .APParavas "and the Liver, izzg the- dissolving; juices, ing almost instantly-the:ct - results ofDysPepsie izdige and the TORPID LVE Zopesa an' everyce t>i 9ve day necess zY boos@ •' • - It acts gently and speee$j Biliousness; °Costriveness, ache, Sick Headache, Distre', ter Eating, Wind on th a ,3t • Heartburn; .Pains in the Sid Back Want O! 4PPetii ,Ens �, W'Y, Low Spirits, Foul ach. It invigorates tke Livez ries:offali surplus bile, regu the Bowels, and gives tone - t- - whole system.: Cut this out Ana take it to Drrzggist ants' get a 10 cent Sant -ora ;large_bott le for 75 cents,• ikkgnurne1ghboraboatit.. rson. Stirs re,as �eliew adfaf tion, ekes tyzt .7 ead: stalz aril,. and t;oi 0111+ Ca2t- - - atee the on., ?le, J. 11. ` 11/1 ILA IN7' Al epartrnets : � are .y..et corn le_very p t cannot b the knees - 1 ' I$ 7,2 4(w-erek,$12wday >. t home eail.$ly.` ele�. c' tl » Huai ti`► - v atm f11J .Atixu tor 8e, Athli taw • • Ct d,1 it • tip .In ore r to clear tent out bt fore -st take ri ii I1'"cit wail{ A-` .sap, C verc COME AND: GET IT.. OATS, PANTS, Z • :VESTS, jufJf fflu") d ifitti,te,A lot E0c _ r W. GONNEL. .. L. LARDINEit . . What is it ? . 1 bt-.best \ nelirne Oil -in the world, is Li. dnnfac:ttrored•by McCoy : 1ics.. :4...C.0,..,. - `crcrto; This Oiiiinil 'ertb 0. severest• test, and eslosest. c'•mpeoti,10.tL:t--awiirtied i etitEr Redd'xlc and Three Di•>itnins nit tho<1 titling I, • liihitrnns itf the ]),imitti<n it, 1- j linnets atilt, tnei•ti:t,illsai-d.:rtnn, v :+nci m..iclnn ry by t tieg LA .irk t c,i:r loud dealer for itnrld't Lr lit, thrr,.k 2,;,!•P. . I), D. N.tcl3i1.4,.. : To DISEASES Coster -Sam and Acb which'llsoyARD's Y !ulama. OIL is' §a' tend to cure_ or'relie a Leither- in . `rn o 1riAN Or: TAKEB•IIITEBIUIt,LY. FOg ILO S4, CktifiPs _ asrlrhra SoalT rslca 2 • - COLDS, .£a. APPLIED. EXTERIIALLY`FCa n i2141lf 2' (IR. LGLL, CIZIL7BLBZN,gr c.'dLLUUSLUhtrt • Ati�Lir. Pgr . .8rIFF•JOZNT,9, Gt4LL$, .. LA1fILr.'►*�$S PRO,ST- I3ITZ+'y OUXTR ' cwt.'s .,LU,?tlSAGO, 1'1' Attu/sirs, :Z?Ed�`XESB �� ' 1).1tO SPRAINS; , •pAINIXBACiir P r SIDL,' gte . Eve C UP, coca Every bottle guy tion or Mone, refataldj to D+re 'saws. DIRERIOEI$ WlTN EACH a -' T•20:118111 8s 0wpziftwil 0 8 tr ek- 5